Source: Charles F. Whitman, A history of Norway, Maine: from the earliest settlement to the close of the year 1922 (Norway, Me.: unknown, 1924).
[p. 81]REVOLUTIONARY SOLDIERS.Three of the Revolutionary soldiers who settled in Norway, Jacob Frost, Phinehas Whitney and Amos Upton, were in the battle of Bunker Hill. As that engagement had such an influence on the conduct of the war on both sides, it has been thought proper to place in Part II of this work, Captain Henry Dearborn's account of the battle and a criticism of Sir William Howe's conduct in prosecuting the war on the part of the British Government. Captain Dearborn settled in Maine after the war and was General-in-Chief of the army during the administration of President James Madison, and Secretary of War in Thomas Jefferson's cabinet. These two publications made in the early part of the last century are the best account of the battle of Bunker Hill and the explanation of Sir William Howe's prosecution of the war for the subjugation of the English colonies, which the writer has ever seen, and are worthy of preservation.
Lemuel Shedd, a "body guard" of General Washington, left a brief account of his carrying dispatches from the Commander-in-Chief to General Horatio Gates during the campaign ending in the surrender of General John Burgoyne and his British Army of Invasion on the 17th day of October, 1777. Joseph Gammon left a statement of his and John Lombard's experience in their tramp through the forest, home to Gorham from Castine, in the summer of 1779. No account of Amos Upton's experience at Bunker Hill or elsewhere has come down to us.
None of the other sixty Revolutionary soldiers who settled in Norway, have left anything so far as can now be ascertained, of their lives in the old Continental Army except the brief mention that Samuel Ames was one of the men who beat the drum at the Surrender of Burgoyne's army at Saratoga.
Jacob Frost's experience was the most thrilling of all. At Bunker Hill, he was wounded by a musket ball, in the hip, taken prisoner and with several others carried to Halifax, where he was kept in a dungeon for several months. While yet very lame he with three fellow-prisoners, planned a way to escape, by removing a stone and digging out under the wall of their prison. This they effected one night without discovery, but one of their number being too large to get through the opening, had to be left behind. Frost and the other two made their way into the woods and as soon as daylight began to appear, concealed themselves as best they could till darkness again came to cover their flight. Frost was still too lame to make much headway, but his companions proving true and faithful friends, helped him along, often carrying him on their backs. During the first day he lay concealed under a large tree, which the wind had blown down, being covered up in the leaves by his companions.
In the morning after their departure from the prison, they were missed, search was immediately made and some of those in pursuit of the fugitives, going along on their trail stopped to rest on the trunk of the very tree under which Frost was concealed, and he heard them talking over the manner of their escape and probable capture.
[p. 82]The relief he experienced on their departure can better be imagined than described. On the approach of night, the prisoners resumed their flight. They were not retaken and after many weary weeks of wandering, suffering from hunger and indescribable hardships, they reached their own country and homes. How they crossed the Bay of Fundy, or whether they made a detour of it has not come down to us. It seems on the whole a very remarkable escape. The British bullet Frost had in his hip, was extracted a few years before his death in 1839. It had been in his flesh for over 50 years.
Phinehas Whitney, just as the last of the American troops were leaving the redoubt on Bunker Hill, shot a British officer, who probably was Major John Pitcairn, who on the 19th of April, 1775, at Lexington, had ordered his men to fire on the Americans, thus beginning the war, which resulted in the Independence of the Colonies. Whitney, many times after settling in Norway, stated that the officer shouted to his men as they mounted the breastworks: "Pass on, my boys. The fort's our own." These are almost the same words said by British authorities that Major Pitcairn uttered, just as he fell. Whitney, "clubbing his musket," managed to escape.
The incident in Lemuel Shedd's carrying General Washington's message to General Gates, which is of sufficient interest to be mentioned here, is that he was pursued and would have been captured, and probably hung as a spy, had he not abandoned his jaded horse and hid himself under a shelving rock or ledge, over which a stream of water ran. He managed to reach the headquarters of General Gates and deliver his message before the battle took place.
Stephen Curtis was a private in Captain Thomas Grant's company of Colonel John Glover's regiment, from Marblehead, which took charge of the transportation of Washington's Army across the Delaware and from Long Island in the face of the enemy in 1776. No incident of his army life, however, has come down to us.
Joseph Gammon left an account of his and John Lombard's tramp home to Gorham through the woods, on the disastrous failure of the expedition against Castine (Bagaduce) in 1779. Seven others from Gorham and Gray, who were afterwards early settlers in Norway, were also in that expedition, but nothing relating to how these seven reached their homes has come down to us. On the breaking up of the expedition through the cowardice and incompetence of Commodore Saltonstall of Connecticut, and the destruction of the American fleet by the marines to prevent the vessels from falling into the hands of the enemy, the soldiers with the exception of four companies which were collected by General Peleg Wadsworth, and marched to Camden, were told by their officers to separate into small squads and make their way to their homes as best they could with Indians as guides. Gammon and Lombard chose to go by themselves. With others they had jumped from the transport they were on, the day before they began their long tramp, into the Penobscot, from fear of being captured by the British, and swam ashore without their guns or any rations. To travel from an hundred to an hundred and fifty miles, through a trackless forest, subsisting on berries and roots, with an occasional meal of raw flesh from small animals and birds, which they were fortunate enough to kill; wading and swimming streams,
[p. 83]plunging through swamps and miry places, in summer was a very serious undertaking even for old hunters, skilled in woodcraft. After a tramp of about three weeks they reached their homes in Gorham. Their clothes were in tatters; their feet nearly naked and covered with blisters; their flesh lacerated and bruised; but with a joy in their hearts that is indescribable.
(Service only in part in most cases.)Samuel Ames; Haverhill. 9th Mass. Served as Samuel Buck. Beat the drum at the Surrender of Gen. John Burgoyne's Army at Saratoga. Died March 19, 1852, aged 93. Buried in Rustfield Cemetery.
Ephraim Barrows; Plympton. Received a pension. Came here from Hebron about 1829. Died May 30, 1838, in his 77th year. Buried in Rustfield Cemetery.
Josiah Bartlett; Plymouth. Capt. Jesse Harlow's Co. Service 7 days. Afterwards a sea captain. Date of death unknown. Probably buried on Pike's Hill. Unmarked grave.
William Bartlett; Plymouth. Capt. Thomas Poor's Co. Lived near Norway Lake. Died December 4, 1814, aged 70. Buried in Norway Center Cemetery.
Daniel Beckler; German. Came here from Waldoboro. Served two years in Col. Hunt's Regiment. Removed to Greenwood and died there. U. S. government marker procured by author.
Asa Case; Middleton. Capt. Asa Prince's Co. Col. John Merrifield's Regiment. Service three months, four days. Died before direct tax of 1798 was assessed. Buried in Shedd burying ground.
Ebenezer Cobb; Middleboro. Pensioned under certificate No. 5611. Died May 9, 1826. Buried on Pike's Hill. Gravestone.
Isaac Cobb; Middleboro. In Rhode Island expedition of 1780. Removed to Abbot, Me., and died there.
William Churchill; came here from Buckfield, about 1817, to live in his daughter's (Mrs. Rebecca Churchill's) family. Date of death unknown. Buried on Elm Hill in Paris. Unmarked grave.
Elisha Cummings; Gray. Capt. Richard Maybury's Co., Col. Ebenezer Francis' Regiment. Siege of Boston 1775-6. Died in Greenwood, Oct. 18, 1827, aged 72. Buried in Richardson Hollow burying ground.
Isaac Cummings; Gray. Drummer, Capt. Nathan Merrill's Co. Col. Jonathan Mitchell's Regiment. Penobscot Expedition, 1779. Fifer in other companies. Died October 1, 1842. Buried at West Poland.
Noah Curtis; Pembroke. Service in 1775-6-7. Came to Norway about 1797. Lived on the Lee's Grant. He had died or removed before direct tax of 1816 was assessed. Place of burial unknown. (Woodstock or Paris.)
Stephen Curtis; Middleton. Served in Col. Glover's Regiment which manned the boats that carried Washington's Army across the Delaware. Also ferried the army across the river from Long Island. Pensioned under certificate No. 6761. Came to Norway about 1800 and lived in family of Mrs. Huldah (Curtis)
[p. 84]Case. Died April 2, 1830, aged 75. Buried in Shedd burying ground in unmarked grave.
Captain John Davis; served probably under Gen. John Stark in New Hampshire. Came to Norway about 1813. Died in 1818. Wife died in 1820. Buried in Rustfield Cemetery. On grave stone it states that he was characterized by patriotism, philanthropy and integrity.
Asa Dunham; Plympton. Capt. Jesse Harlow's Co. Service on the Hudson River, 1778. Also other service. In Captain Bailey Bodwell's Norway Company, War of 1812-15, and died at Burlington, Vt., Oct. 13, 1813, and buried there.
Nathan Foster; Tewksbury. Captain Caleb Town's Co. Service 6 months; 6 days. Died February 5, 1836. Buried in Norway Center Cemetery.
Enoch Frost; Gorham. Sergeant Major, Col. Jonathan Mitchell's Regiment. Penobscot Expedition, 1779. Also Corporal, Captain Hart Williams' Company, Col. E. Phinney's 31st Regiment of Foot. Was also member of Gorham Committee of Safety. Came to Norway in 1812, to live in family of daughter, Mrs. Samuel Lord. Died June, 1813. Buried on Frost Hill. Grave marked by government stone procured by author.
William Frost; Gorham. Commissary for troops in defense of Falmouth, now Portland, when the place was burnt by the British in October, 1775. Born in 1744. Died March 12, 1826, aged 83. Buried on Frost Hill.
Jacob Frost; Tewksbury. Wounded and taken prisoner at Bunker Hill. Carried to Halifax, N. S. Escaped from prison. Died June 28, 1839. Buried at Norway Center.
David Gorham; Plymouth or Middleboro. Corporal, Captain John Russell's Co., one month, three days. Died May 29, 1834. Buried on Pike's Hill.
Joseph Gammon; Gorham. Captain Alexander McLellan's Company. Colonel Jonathan Mitchell's Regiment. Penobscot Expedition, 1779. Died December 28, 1852, aged 94 years, 5 months. Buried on Pike's Hill. Gravestone, error on same as to his age.
Moses Gammon; Gorham. Sergeant in Captain Joseph Brown's Company. Colonel Timothy Bigelow's Regiment at Valley Forge. Pensioner under certificate No. 7989. Died on Allen Hill, Oxford, May 16, 1835, aged about 85.
Samuel Godding; Captain Moses Dunston's Company. Colonel George Reed's Regiment. New Hampshire Line on the Continental Establishment. Pensioned, certificate No. 5753. Came to Norway about 1798, and lived near the Hobbs Pond. Joined the Shakers at Sabbathday Pond, New Gloucester, and died there.
John Greeley; Gorham. Captain Wentworth Stuart's Company. Colonel Edmund Phinney's 31st Regiment of Foot, Siege of Boston, 1775. Lived near Frost Hill. Name perpetuated in Greeley Brook. Died in Oxford, May 1, 1817, aged 65.
John Henley; Reading. Captain Philip Thomas' Company, 10th Regiment Massachusetts Line on the Continental Establishment; Enlisted December 27, 1776; discharged. December 23, 1779. Died in Portland about 1836, aged 77.
[p. 85]Benjamin Herring; Cape Ann. Captain Isaac Parsons' Company. Col. Prince's Regiment. Died February 3, 1843, aged 81. Buried on Pike's Hill.
Amos Hobbs; Hopkinton. Enlisted from Gray in Captain Nathan Merrill's Company. Colonel Jonathan Mitchell's Regiment. Penobscot Expedition, 1779. Died June 5, 1839, aged 78. Buried at Norway Center.
Darius Holt; Andover. Captain White's Company. Colonel Rufus Putnam's Regiment at Valley Forge, and was at the Storming of Stony Point. Pensioned, certificate No. 9997. He died in August, 1854, aged 89. Last of the Norway Revolutionary Soldiers. Buried at Norway Center.
Jacob Howe; Rowley. Captain Turner's Company. Colonel Henry Jackson's Regiment. Pensioned, certificate No. 5617. Died in Paris, January 30, 1830. Buried in Pine Grove Cemetery.
Daniel Knight; Gray. Served several enlistments during latter part of the war. Pensioned, certificate No. 7889. Lived on Crockett Ridge. Died January 31, 1853, aged 93. Buried on Pike's Hill in unmarked grave.
George Lessley; Gray. Captain Richard Maybury's Co., Colonel Ebenezer Francis' Regiment. Siege of Boston, 1775-6. Died about 1800. Probably buried on Pike's Hill in unmarked grave.
John Lombard; Gorham. Captain Alex. McLellan's Company. Penobscot Expedition, 1779. Died in Norway, July 31, 1853, aged 89. Buried at Otisfield Gore. Gravestone.
Asa Lovejoy; Andover. Minute Man. Marched on Lexington and Concord alarm. Died in Bethel, 1835, aged about 85.
Isaac Lovejoy; Andover. Served three years. Date of death unknown. Probably buried in Shedd burying ground, in vicinity where he lived.
Enoch Merrill; Andover. Capt. Abijah Brown's Company. Colonel Josiah Whitney's Regiment. Born May, 1750, died August 9, 1823. Buried on Merrill Hill.
John Needham; Tewksbury. "Served nearly four years." Pensioned. Died April 24, 1840, aged 81. Buried at Norway Center. Granite monument.
Nathan Noble; Stroudwater and Gray. Captain Nathan Merrill's Co. Penobscot Expedition, 1779. Killed by falling tree, January 13, 1827. Buried on Pike's Hill. Gravestone.
Bela Noyes; Bridgewater. Captain Jacob Allen's Co. Colonel John Bailey's Regiment. At Valley Forge. Pensioned, certificate No. 11466. Died, August 21, 1833. Buried at Norway Center.
James Packard; Bridgewater. Pensioned, certificate No. 5615. Died in Norway, February 21, 1849, aged 89. Buried at Richardson Hollow, Greenwood. Gravestone.
William Parsons; Gloucester. Corporal, Captain Joseph Robie's Co. Moses Little's Regiment. Buried on Pike's Hill. Gravestone.
Samuel Perkins; Bridgewater. Served three and one-half years in Eighth Massachusetts Regiment. Lived on east side of the pond south of Anthony Bennett's. Removed to Paris and died there, January 8, 1809. Buried in old Shurtleff burying ground. Unmarked grave.
[p. 86]Zebedee Perry; Middleboro. Captain Joseph Parker's Company. Colonel John Cushing's Regiment in Rhode Island expedition, 1776, 59 days. Died about 1815. Buried on Pike's Hill. Gravestone.
Dudley Pike; Exeter, N. H. Served in the New Hampshire Line. Died July 30, 1838, aged 78. Buried on Pike's Hill. Gravestone.
Stephen Pingree; Methuen. Served in Washington's Army. Pensioned. Died April 30, 1840, "aged 87." Buried on Merrill Hill.
Joshua Pool; Bridgewater. Pensioned. Removed to Greenwood and died there, August 23, 1844, "aged 82."
Simeon Sanborn; Standish. Captain Silas Burbank's Company. Colonel Samuel Brewer's Regiment. At Valley Forge. Pensioned, certificate No. 9769. Removed to Greenwood. Died in Bethel.
Captain Jonathan Sawyer; Falmouth or Gorham. First Lieutenant, Captain Wentworth Stuart's Company, 18th Massachusetts, 1776-7. On Captain Stuart's death promoted to Captain. Lived a period on Phillips' Gore (Frost Hill section). Died on visit to Gorham in 1789. Family lot on Otisfield Gore. Perhaps buried there.
Lemuel Shedd; Lunenburg. Member of Washington's Body Guard. Carried dispatches to General Gates before battle of Saratoga. Accidentally killed June 23, 1818. Buried in Shedd burying ground. Gravestone.
Lieutenant Simeon Shurtleff; Middleboro. Removed to Paris before 1816, and died there. Buried in old Shurtleff burying ground. Unmarked grave.
Joel Stevens; Townsend. Served in Colonel Crane's 15th Massachusetts Regiment. At Valley Forge. Died May 18, 1850, "aged 95." Buried at Norway Center. Gravestone.
Sergeant Jonas Stevens; Townsend, Gray. Captain Paul Ellis' Company. Colonel Timothy Bigelow's Regiment. At Valley Forge. Pensioned, certificate No. 5604. Died February 9, 1833, "aged 84." Buried at Norway Center, in unmarked grave.
Corporal Joseph Stevens; Townsend, Gray. Captain Moses Merrill's Company. Colonel E. Phinney's 31st Massachusetts Regiment of Foot, 1775; Died August 14, 1830, "aged 77." Buried at Norway Center.
Nathaniel Stevens; Townsend, Gray. Captain Nathan Merrill's Company in Penobscot Expedition, 1779, age 18. Died June 30, 1816. Buried at Norway Center in unmarked grave.
Moses Twitchell; Gray. Captain Samuel Noyes' Company. Colonel Edmund Phinney's 31st Massachusetts Regiment of Foot. Came to Rustfield from Paris in 1790. Sold his farm to Ephraim Briggs and went away—perhaps to Oxford. Date of death and place of burial unknown.
Jacob Tubbs; Pembroke. Colonel Thomas' Regiment of the Massachusetts Line. Settled on the Lee's Grant about 1795. Removed late in life to Abbot, Maine, with youngest son, Samuel, and died there.
Amos Upton; North Reading. At Bunker Hill. Long service in the war. Pensioned. Died April 3, 1838, "aged 96." Buried in field
[p. 87]on road to the Chapel. Grave marked by government stone, procured by the author.
David Upton; North Reading. A relative of Amos. Brother-in-law of John Henley. Served a period in the Revolutionary War. Came to Norway about 1797—had removed or died before 1816.
John Upton; Reading. Brother of Amos. Served a period in the Revolution. Came to Norway in 1798. Returned to Reading and died there February 28, 1813. Two children born in Norway.
Nathaniel Upton; North Reading. Served a period in the War of the Revolution. Lived in Norway several years with brother Amos. Returned to Reading, on being made his Uncle Nathaniel's heir. Died in Stockbridge.
Eliphalet Watson; Gorham. Captain Richard Maybury's Company in Siege of Boston, 1775-6. Came to Norway about 1805, and died in family of his son, Daniel, March 14, 1812, "aged 94 years, 8 months." Buried at Norway Center. Grave marked by government stone.
Zachariah Weston; Gorham. Captain Alex. McLellan's Company, Colonel Jonathan Mitchell's Regiment. Penobscot Expedition of 1779. Settled on Phillips Gore. Died March 19, 1836, aged "83 years, 9 months." Buried on Frost Hill.
Ebenezer Whitmarsh; Bridgewater. Served a period in the Revolutionary War. Came to Rustfield about 1792. Lived in southern part of town. Died June 6, 1827, "aged 70," and was buried on Pike's Hill. Gravestone.
Phineas Whitney; Harvard. Captain Benjamin Brown's Company. Colonel Micah Jackson's Regiment. At Bunker Hill where he shot a British officer supposed to be Major Pitcairn. At Valley Forge. Pensioned, certificate No. 13335. Buried on Merrill Hill. Grave marked by government stone, procured by the author.
Nathaniel Young; Gray. Captain Paul Ellis' Company. Colonel Timothy Bigelow's regiment. At Valley Forge. In Penobscot Expedition of 1779. First enlistment from Dedham. Pensioned. Certificate No. 7603. Died in Greenwood, 1838, "aged 78."
John Bancroft; Lynnfield, Mass. Born April 14, 1740; probably Revolutionary Soldier. Came to Norway about 1800. He died in 1820, and was buried on Merrill Hill.
Joseph Jordan was a private in Captain Thomas Barnes' Company of Colonel Thomas Nixon's Regiment. He may be the Joseph Jordan who came to Norway and settled late in life, near his sons, in the vicinity of Frost Hill.
David Woodman; Falmouth. Was one of Sergeant John Bagley's detachment to guard the fort and magazines. The David Woodman who settled in Norway may have been this soldier. Our settler died here November 6, 1840, aged 93. Buried in Rustfield. The law of the Revolutionary period required all male persons between the ages of 16 and 45, unless incapacitated, to serve in the militia, and as men were required to fill quotas or calls for troops, where volunteers hadn't been furnished, the number needed was
[p. 88]selected by lot. It may be fairly presumed that where one was of the right military age, unless disabled by disease, crippled, or otherwise incapacitated, that he served a longer or shorter time during the period of eight years that the war lasted.
Many persons living in Norway are descended from Revolutionary ancestors, who never resided here. For the benefit of such the author has subjoined the following names:
Sergeant Nathaniel Bennett, Sen.; born in Gloucester, Mass., removed to New Gloucester. He served as Sergeant in Captain Moses Merrill's Company of Colonel Edmund Phinney's 31st Regiment of Foot in 1775, and marched to Boston. Died in New Gloucester.
Ephraim Crockett, Sen.; Cape Elizabeth. Born July 12, 1755; married Rebecca Stanford, born July 20, 1760. He served in Captain Samuel Deering's Company of Colonel Edmund Phinney's 31st Regiment of Foot, in 1775. Removed to Danville, now Auburn, and probably died there.
Jonathan Cummings; Andover. Born Topsfield, October 14, 1743; married Mary Eastman of Pembroke. She died December 30, 1802. Second, Mary (Lovejoy) Parker. He died in 1805. Widow died April 5, 1826, aged 80. Eleven children by first wife. He was a Revolutionary Soldier, Cummings' Genealogy states. He was the proprietor of the Cummings Purchase. His name appears in the printed volumes of Massachusetts Revolutionary Soldiers, as a Minute Man during Lexington and Concord alarm, April 19, 1775.
Lieutenant Joshua Crockett; Gorham. Born about 1735; married, 1757, Hannah Babb. Served several enlistments. He was Ensign in Captain Samuel Whitmore's Company of Colonel Reuben Fogg's Regiment, 1776. Commissioned Second Lieutenant, May 10, 1776. Was First Lieutenant in Captain Roger Libby's Company in 1779. He died January 6, 1809. His wife had died May 5, 1805.
David Dinsmore; New Gloucester; born about 1752, in Londonderry, New Hampshire; married Sarah Bradbury. Removed to Minot, and died there. Served on the ship Vengeance, in Penobscot Expedition of 1779—two months' service.
Job Holmes; Plympton; born, ____; married, 1788, Judith Tucker of New Gloucester. Served in the Massachusetts Line on the Continental Establishment; several enlistments.
John Millett; with brother, Solomon, from New Gloucester, served in Captain Moses Merrill's Company of Colonel Edmund Phinney's 31st Regiment of Foot in 1775, in Siege of Boston. They could not be the John and Solomon Millett who settled in Norway unless the dates of their birth given in Centennial History genealogies are incorrect.
Nathan Morse, Sen.; Dedham; born June 28, 1741; married, 1763, Sarah Bacon. He served several enlistments in the Revolutionary War. In one he was a Sergeant.
[p. 89]Benjamin Flint, Sen.; Reading. Captain Riley's Company, Colonel Fox's Regiment. Service nine months. He was 21 years old and of light complexion.
Nathan Noble, Sen.; Connecticut; born February 3, 1722. Three times married. Emigrated to Maine, near Portland. Killed at the Battle of Saratoga, October 17, 1777.
Reuben Packard; Bridgewater; born 1737; married 1759, Anne Perkins. He, with his two sons, Ichabod, born 1760, and Nehemiah, born 1762, served in the Revolutionary War. They all emigrated to Hebron. Ichabod married about 1785, Rachel Cole. Nehemiah married October, 1785, Betty B. Bray of Minot. Reuben lived awhile in Buckfield. He died, December 6, 1820, "aged 83." Captain Ichabod died April 8, 1814, "aged 54." Both are buried in the cemetery, near Hebron town house. Nehemiah died in Auburn.
John Rowe; Gloucester; born December 16, 1757; married 1791, Mary Gardner. He served in the Massachusetts Line on the Continental Establishment and was pensioned under Act of March 18, 1818, certificate No. 15,755; His wife died in Oxford, August 20, 1832, "aged 74." He died in Paris, at his daughter's, Mary Sturtevant's, June 28, 1845.
All the sons of Eliphalet Watson, except the youngest, Daniel, are said to have served in the Revolutionary War. They were, John, born in 1741; Ebenezer, born in 1748; Colman P., born 1751; Eliphalet Jr., born 1759, and James, born 1761. It is not quite certain, however, about Ebenezer. He came to Norway with his father about 1804, and lived here a number of years. John remained in Gorham and died there; Colman P. and Eliphalet Jr., settled in Waterford.
Eli Longley; Bolton; born 1762; married 1789, Mary Whitcomb, born 1767. Settled in Waterford in 1789, and afterwards owned the place at the Flat which is known as the Dr. Shattuck establishment. He was inn-keeper, merchant and first postmaster there. The date on his sign was 1797. In 1817 he removed to Raymond and died there.
Samuel Verrill, Sen.; Gloucester; born May 14, 1733; married about 1756, Eunice Bray, born 1735. He was a matross or gunner's mate in the Artillery, Massachusetts Line. He had red hair and a fiery temper. Died at Minot Center, May 20, 1821, "aged 88." She died July 27, 1797, "aged 62."
Samuel Verrill, Jr.; Gloucester; born August 8, 1757; married April 24, 1780, Sarah Prince of New Gloucester, born February 17, 1762. Enlisted five times in the War for American Independence. Was fifer in same command in which his father served. Was two and one-half years in the service. Was pensioned in 1832. Town clerk and treasurer of Minot for 22 years. He died there December 15, 1838, "aged 81 years, 4 months." His widow died December 19, 1854, "aged 92." They had a large family of children. Their daughter Betsey, born February 27, 1791, married James Dinsmore, son of David of the ship Vengeance, before mentioned.
[p. 90]Henry Rust; Salem. Proprietor of Rustfield. Captain Abram Dodge's Company in 1775. Also Captain Robert Dodge's Company. Service, two months, eight days.
Joseph Shackley; Wells. Captain Ebenezer Smith's Company, 1782. Muster roll for April, 1783. Balance of enlistment, 21 months, 27 days.
David Reed; Danvers. Service in 1775, 1777, 1778-9.
John Holden; Norton. Captain Samuel Sprague's Company, Colonel Samuel Gerrish's Regiment.