Source: Reports of the Railroad Commissioners of the State of Maine for the Year 1887 (Augusta, Me.: Burleigh & Flynt, printers, 1888).
[p. 50]ACCIDENTS.July 5, 1886. G. H. Inman, a passenger, fell off train at Yarmouth and had his head injured.
Atlantic and St. Lawrence Railroad.
August 12. C. F. Hayden, a brakeman, falling between cars at South Paris, was killed.
September 3. H. E. Eastman, a brakeman, while coupling cars at South Paris had his hip injured.
October 8. T. Moreau, a passenger, jumped off train at Lewiston Junction and broke his leg.
October 28. J. Lock, a laborer, while crossing on track at Yarmouth had his arm bruised.
November 2. C. Gardiner, a passenger, had his elbow bruised in a collision at Lewiston Junction.
November 2. Unknown, a passenger, was injured in a collision at Lewiston Junction.
November 22. G. B. Bearse, a passenger, had his head injured at South Paris, broken journal.
November 22. J. A. Hooper, conductor, had hip injured at South Paris, broken journal.
[No date given] D. A. Wiley, a brakeman, had hip and face injured at South Paris, broken journal.
December 11. C. B. Partridge, a brakeman, had fingers injured at South Paris while coupling.[p. 51]March 26, 1887. Scott Bryant, a brakeman, was struck by overhead bridge at Falmouth and killed.
May 25. M. Buckley, a shop hand, was caught between cars at Portland and killed.
June 22. D. Goodnow, a laborer, jumped off train at Gilead and was killed.Boston & Maine.October 13, 1886. Charles H. Collin, a brakeman, walking on the tracks near the car house in Portland, was struck by a shifting engine and killed.
November 26. Daniel O. S. Hooper and William R. Benjamin, driving in a team, attempting to cross the tracks in Biddeford in front of an approaching train, were struck, receiving injuries from which they both soon afterward died.
January 8, 1887. George L. Welch, a brakeman, caught his foot in a guard rail at Portland, was run over and killed.
January 15. Rob't B. Williams, a passenger, jumped or fell from a train approaching Wells before it had come to a stop, receiving injuries from which he soon afterward died.
March 8. Coleman Flaherty, an employe, walking on the tracks in the freight yard in Portland, was struck by cars that were being shifted, thrown down, run over and killed.
July 7. Thomas Moore, a trespasser, sitting on the track near Kittery, was struck by a passing train and killed.
September 1. Michael McHugh, a trespasser, lying on the track near Scarboro Crossing station, was struck by a passing train and killed.Maine Central.October 2, 1886. William Mahoney, 12 years of age, playing on a flat car while cars were being shifted at Lewiston, fell off, was run over and killed.
March 29, 1887. Honoire Bergeron (?), a boy about 6 years of age, while attempting to cross the track near Lewiston lower station, in front of engine, was run over and killed.[p. 52]April 1. True Carr, 52 years of age, was found dead on track about one mile west of Hampden Road, having probably been struck by train 37.
April 7. Chester Stearns, a deaf and dumb man 60 years of age, while walking on track, was struck and killed by train 37.
May 1. John O. Laughlin of Bangor was struck in back by hand car near Mt. Hope bridge, and died from his injuries.
June 5. Walter Cobb was found dead by side of track at New Gloucester station, probably killed while trying to get on night freight train.
June 9. Geo. B. Robertson, a brakeman on special coal train, fell between cars while approaching Brunswick station and was instantly killed.
July 20. An unknown man 18 or 20 years of age was found dead on track one and one-half miles west of Cumberland Junction, having been run over by train 21.
August 17. Jerry True, 84 years of age, drove onto the crossing near Richmond station in front of train 102 and was so badly injured that he died Sunday, September 4th.
September 7. M. L Davis, brakeman, stepped off rear of engine while it was backing onto a train, and was run over and killed.
September 26. Mrs. Samuel Brown, 60 years of age, attempting to cross the track near Richmond station in front of train 64, was struck and killed.Portland & Ogdensburg.October 3, 1886. Chas. J. Staples, freight brakeman, stepped into manhole of tender at West Baldwin, receiving internal injuries.
October 6. Geo. A. Richardson, freight brakeman, was killed by overhead bridge at Stroudwater.[p. 53]November 24. J. F. Manning, yard brakeman, caught his foot in a guard rail and was run over and killed at Portland yard.
December 20. Jas. E. Mair, freight brakeman, had his hand badly jammed coupling cars at Sebago Lake.
March 10, 1887. Chas. F. Emery, freight brakeman, fell from his train at Brownfield and was killed.Portland & Rochester.December 27, 1886. L. D. Cummings, employe, had his hand injured while coupling cars at Westbrook.
August 9, 1887. Train No. 2 struck a team on Highway Crossing near Hollis Center, containing William Waterhouse and wife and killed Mr. Waterhouse and injured Mrs. Waterhouse.