Source: Reports of the Railroad Commissioners of the State of Maine for the Year 1883 (Augusta, Me.: Sprague & Son, printers, 1884).
[p. 37]Accidents in Maine, Year Ending June 30, 1883.M. McHenry, teamster, Portland, driving across track, leg broken.
G. Fisher, unknown, Portland, laid down on track, suicide.
W. D. Ladd, brakeman, Mechanic Falls, coupling cars, badly crushed.
N. L. Fitzgerald, sea captain, Portland, run over by train, killed.
J. B. Dyer, brakeman, Danville Junction, fell under train, killed.
J. F. Ladd, brakeman, Danville Junction, slipped off car, foot injured.
Walter Perkins, boy of 9 years, Mechanic Falls, driving across track, killed.
Ed. Duddy, guardman, Portland, coupling cars, thumb crushed.
D. A. Willey, brakeman, Yarmouth Junction, coupling cars, finger crushed.[p. 38]P. Welch, teamster, Portland, driving across track, wrist injured.
T. Lee, coupler, Portland, coupling cars, finger crushed.
L. A. Needham, brakeman, Danville Junction, coupling cars, finger crushed.
R. F. Lowell, coupler, Portland, shunting, foot crushed.
S. F. Merrill, passenger, Portland, trying to get on moving train, leg crushed.
M. Franklin, trackman, Portland, standing on track, killed.
C. L. Thomas, brakeman, Gilead, coupling cars, killed.
W. W. Stowell, brakeman, Bryant's Pond, fell between cars, ankle sprained.
J. E. Lamson, coupler, Portland, jumping from engine, leg crushed.BOSTON & MAINE RAILROAD.October 14, 1882. Unknown man, run over and killed near Biddeford, Me.
November 15. Charles E. Deering, thrown from his buggy by engine striking it, at Portland. He was slightly injured.
March 13, 1883. L. W. Foster, employe, run over and injured, in Portland yard.
March 24th. E. H. Cressey, employe, injured by getting caught between freight cars.
April 28th. D. McDonald, employe, killed by frozen earth from steam shovel, at Pine Point.
June 23d. George Sullivan, trespasser, ran across track, struck and injured by train, near Biddeford.
July 6th. Walter Small, employe, attempting to get on train at Maryland Ridge, had one leg cut off.
August 1st. M. Holland, employe, coupling cars at Portland, had one hand jammed.
August 29th. Charles Connean, walking on track near Saco, struck and injured by train.
September 6th. James Falvey, trying to get on a train at Biddeford, was killed.
September 26th. J. H. Shackley, employe, run over in Portland yard, and killed.MAINE CENTRAL RAILROAD.November 8, 1882. At Lincoln a special train ran into rear of passenger train and although none were killed, five passengers were[p. 39]seriously and thirty slightly injured. The accident was caused by the neglect of the engine driver of the special train to look seasonably for the train in advance of his.
December 8th. A special train ran into the rear of freight train 34, at Danville Junction, and one passenger was slightly injured.
May 18, 1883. Wild engine collided with freight train 28, at Dirigo Gravel Pit. The engine drivers, A. L. Kilgore and Charles Small, and fireman George Easterbrook, were killed. The collision was caused by the negligence of engine driver Kilgore.
June. A laborer on construction train at Bangor fell under car and was killed.
September 10th. John E. McDonald, brakeman, while coupling cars on Stillwater branch, fell under car and was killed.PORTLAND & OGDENSBURG.February 14th, 1883. Amos Thurlow, conductor of log train, fell off at Bartlett, N. H., was run over and killed.
March 26. Frank Luce of Bridgton, attempting to board a freight train at Bridgton Junction, fell under train, was run over and killed.
April 13. L. Conly, cleaner, was caught between cars while coupling at Portland; and had his collar bone broken.
June 2. John Grancy, laborer, attempting to board a moving gravel train at Sebago lake, fell under the cars and had his left leg and part of his right foot cut off.
September 20th. J. C. Nugent, brakeman, had his left arm broken and badly crushed while coupling cars at Sebago lake.