Source: Reports of the Railroad Commissioners of the State of Maine for the Year 1882 (Augusta, Me.: Sprague & Son, printers, 1883).
[p. 54]ACCIDENTS.Thomas King, Jr., laborer, Portland, slipped, leg injured.
Atlantic and St. Lawrence Railroad.
John Corridon, laborer, Portland, fell between cars, leg and side injured.
Mrs. Banscomb, passenger, Yarmouth, getting off car while moving, injured internally.
B. A. Hazeltine, engineman, Portland, standing near track, head injured.
L. Lovejoy, baggage master, Lewiston Junction, handling baggage, hand injured.
J. Hanley, brakeman, North Yarmouth, slipped, ankle injured.
L. Irving, laborer, Portland, loading freight, foot injured.
N. McDonald, laborer, Portland, loading freight, hand injured.
J. Owens, laborer, Portland, case fell on, leg injured.
D. McBride, laborer, Portland, iron fell on, foot injured.
C. W. Ross, brakeman, West Bethel, coupling cars, finger injured.
J. Dennison, laborer, Portland, loading iron, foot injured.
L. H. Barrett, brakeman, West Paris, struck by over-head bridge, head and knee injured.
J. E. Lawrence, coupler, Portland, jumping off engine, ankle injured.
P. Stone, laborer, Portland, loading machinery, back injured.
J. Cooper, sailor, Portland, falling against train intoxicated, head injured, arm amputated.
D. Murphy, cleaner, Portland, crossing in front of engine, arm amputated.
A. Mallison, brakeman, Danville Junction, caught between cars, two ribs fractured.
T. Kaley, deaf and dumb pauper, West Paris, on track, killed.[p. 55]Boston and Maine Railroad.October 15, 1881, E. Smith, struck by construction train near Old Orchard, died that day.
December 3, 1881, Ezra Russell, employe, struck by train on Fore River bridge, slightly injured.
January 2, 1882, as the 8.30 a. m. train from Boston was passing over the bridge across the highway near Cole's Corner, Me., between Wells and Kennebunk stations, the bridge broke down and precipitated the smoking and two passenger cars to the highway below. One passenger, James G. Hodgdon, of Haverhill, Mass., was killed, and fifty-three others and three employes injured.
January 7, Timothy Sullivan, employe, struck by freight train at Biddeford and killed.
January 30, Peter Conner, walking on track near Biddeford, was struck by train and killed.
August 4, Henry Carl, employe, fell from freight train at Biddeford and broke several ribs.European and North American Railroad.July 21, 1882, Thomas Tripp, killed by night train near Danforth station; supposed to have been asleep on track.
August 12, Miss Grant, daughter of section man at Costigan, seriously injured by moving train.
John Coleman, foot crushed; in jumping from train, fell between that and platform at Exchange Street station, Bangor.Maine Central Railroad.January 20, 1882, H. L. Williams, station agent at Leeds Junction, slipped while shackling cars and fell under the car, and died
from his injuries January 24.
February 21, 1882, E. F. Chase, while crossing the track at Iceboro with a horse and sleigh, was thrown from the sleigh, struck the train, and was killed.
May 3, 1882, Thomas Ryan, section man, was killed by the train.Portland and Rochester Railroad.Mr. Geo. W. Patterson, Cornish, struck by passenger train at crossing near Hollis Centre station; arm broken.[p. 56]May 4, while making up a train at Morrill's Corner, Conductor Cornelius O'Brion fell under the wheels of a moving train and was instantly killed. He had been in the employ of the corporation many years, and was highly esteemed by the patrons of the road and its officers.
June 14, eight freight and a baggage car of the mixed train left the rails near Buxton Centre station, and Mr. W. F. Redlon claims to have been ruptured and permanently injured from being thrown violently across the car.Somerset Railroad.January 9, 1882, John Greeley, baggage master and brakeman, killed while shifting in West Waterville yard.
September 20, 1882, L. W. White, brakeman, band crushed while coupling cars in West Waterville yard.Sandy River Railroad.March 28, Fred Farmer, of Phillips, train man, thrown and skull fractured, occasioned by the insecure loading of logs on a car; recovered.Rumford Falls and Buckfield Railroad.March 13, 1882, Arthur Allen lost two fingers while shackling cars at Hartford.