Source: Henry D. Kingsbury and Simeon L. Deyo, eds., Illustrated history of Kennebec County, Maine, 1625-1799-1892 (New York, N. Y.: H.W. Blake & Co., 1892).
[p. 122]At the close of the year 1861 Maine had enlisted fifteen regiments of infantry, one regiment of cavalry, six batteries of light artillery, one company of sharpshooters and four companies of coast guards. For these various[p. 123]companies, Kennebec county furnished 1,535 enlisted men*, credited to the towns as follows:
Albion.—James Austin, Albert Bessee, Atwood Crosby p at Richmond July 21 61, Augustine Crosby p at Richmond July 21 61, Rodney Crosby, Albert D. Foss p at Richmond, Martin Foss p at New Orleans July 21 61, Lieut. John S. French k at Rappahannock Station Nov. 7 63, William H. Gifford, Henry S. F. Gerald, Erastus H. Hamilton d at Ship Island Mar. 23 62, Amaziah F. T. Hussey, Timan N. Hamilton, James Jameson, Marshall Lawrence, Rufus F. Lancaster, Morrison Leonard w at Baton Rouge d Aug. 62, William Mayberry, Walter H. Morrison, James Murdough d at Yorktown 62, John Nade, Gilman S. Quinn d Jan. 12 62, James A. Ridlon, John W. Ridlon, Rodolphus Rider, Daniel Rollins, William B. Robinson, William A. Stackpole, Warren B. Stinson, Charles Seekins w July 10 63 and May 20 64, Lieut. Joseph H. Spencer w at Baton Rouge, William H. Tabor, C. B. Taber, Atwell M. Wixon w at Chantilly.
Augusta.—Cyrus D. Albee, Lieut. James H. Albee, George Allen d in 63, James M. Allen, Judson Ames, George W. Annable, Lieut. Holman M. Anderson p at Gum Springs June 20 63, William R. Anderson, Edward H. Austin, Riley B. Avery, George F. Bachelder w June 1 64, George E. Bartlett, George M. Bean, Josiah W. Bangs, Algernon S. Bangs, Capt. Edwin A. Bachelder, C. M. Bachelder, Lieut. Silas C. Barker, Musician Fenelon G. Barker, Charles Berry, Chap. George W. Bartlett, Josiah L. Bennett w June 16 64 d May 10 65, Samuel Bennett, Gardiner Beal, C. F. Beal d Feb. 8 63, Homer S. Bean d Nov. 4 62, Samuel Berry, Charles S. Beverley, Sherebiah H. Billington w July 2 64, Thomas G. Billington, Josiah B. Blackman, Wingate W. Bradbury, Sumner S. Brick, William H. Brooks, Jeremiah Buckley, George H. Brick, Eli A. Black d at Fernandina Aug. 14 63, Isaac P. Billington, William Bushea, John W. Boynton, John H. Breen w and p May 5 64, Samuel F. Bennett, George W. Bowman k May 12 64, William Brennan, Jacob Bolton, Sumner L. Brick, Isaac C. Brick, William H. Brick, William H. Brock d April 20 64, Adjt. Edwin Burt, George F. Burgess d at Fernandina Sept. 21 62, B. C. Bickford, W. A. Brown, Calvin H. Burden p at Bull Run k July 2 63, William Bolton, Byron Branch, Nathan H. Call w July 2 63, Francis M. Caswell, Horace Church, George L. Cromett w March 10 64, Charles Clark, John A. Clark, Augustus Chadwick, Edgar M. Churchill, Warren B. Chapman w and p April 8 64, Samuel Cunningham, John F. Chase w July 3 63, Henry A. Cummmgs, Lemuel A. Cummings, William Campbell, Lieut. George Cony, George Cowell, William Cahoon, Charles Cunningham, Surg. Albert S. Clark, Capt. Nathaniel W. Cole, John Code d 63, Henry*Names transcribed by Captain Thomas Clark, adjutant general's office. The following abbreviations are used in these lists: k killed, w wounded, d died, p prisoner.[p. 124]Clark w July 18 63, Daniel H. Cunningham, L. M. Conway, I. H. Cook, Charles Clark, Chap. Andrew J. Church, Daniel Chadwick, George H. Chadwick, Nathaniel G. Church, Leander M. Clark, Amasa L. Cook, William Clark, Richard Cunningham, Lieut. Rufus T. Crockett, Lieut. Warren Cox p at Manassas k May 3 63, George Cunningham, Capt. Robert F. Dyer, David Day, Sylvester Davis, John J. Delmage, Milton Dellings, Charles S. Delano, Joseph Devine, Henry Day, Caleb Dennison, Thomas Dougherty, Sewell Dickinson, Adj. Charles C. Drew p at Bull Run, William H. Dunn, Alden S. Dudley, Reuel W. Dutton, Charles F. Emerson, Elisha S. Fargo w at Antietam, Edmond Fay, Charles A. Farnham w Aug. 9 64, Samuel S. Farnham, George L. Fellows p at Bull Run k at Gettysburg July 2 63, George H. Fisher, Roland R. Fletcher, Elias W. Folsom, John Fox, Andrew J. Getchell, Edwin A. Getchell, William T. Getchell, H. A. Griffith, G. H. Gordon d from wounds, Samuel Gowell, Edward Gilley, Serg. Frederick Gannett w July 2 63, Leonard J. Grant, Daniel W. Gage, Samuel H. Gage, Com. Serg. Lorenzo D. Grafton, William Gordon, Solomon Gordon, Dennis Getchell, Alonzo H. Getchell, Henry W. Getchell, George W. Gould d at Carrollton La. Sept. 4 62, Daniel Gordon, Robert Gilley, Marcellus Gale, Hartwell Hatch w, Elijah S. Horn k Dec. 13 63, Reuel Haskell, Samuel Hall, Andrew Herrin p at Gettysburg, Richard B. Hussey, Henry Hutcherson, John Hayes, Otis Haskell, Lieut. Lucius M. S. Haynes, Albert B. Hall, Hadley O. Hawes w, George Hawes, Elijah K. Hill, William H. Hersum, Isaac C. Hovey, Henry Hodsdon, George Ingraham, Horace Ingraham, Thomas F. Ingraham, Henry W. Jones, John W. Jones p at Bull Run June 1 62 k July 2 63, Thomas C. Jones, William H. Jones, John A. Keating, Edwin A. Keay, George A. Kimball, Levi W. Keen, Miles H. Keene, Orrin Keene w May 16 64, George H. Kimball, Capt. William H. Kimball, John H. Larrabee, Aaron Leighton, L. H. Livermore, William Leighton, Lyman E. Leach, Edwin Ladd, Col. M. B. Lakeman, John Leighton w at Cold Harbor June 3 64, Ira B. Lyon, Harvey N. Leighton w at Fair Oaks, William F. Locke k at Chancellorsville May 3 63, Martin Lord, Abijah S. Lord, Ira Lovejoy, Otis Ludwick, John McMaster, John McMaster jun. w July 8 63, Alexander McDavitt, Reuel Merrill, William McDavitt jun., William McDonald p at Bull Run, Hos. St. Joseph D. Moore, Ambrose Marriner, Lieut. Joseph H. Metcalf, J. A. Mann, Edward Murphy, Joseph W. Merchant, Horace A. Manley, Bradford McFarland, John Mahoney, Jeremiah Murphy, John M. Mosher d Oct. 19 63, William C. Moore, Lieut. Fred A. Morton, Daniel B. Morey, Peter B. Merry, William E. Mariner d at Yorktown May 13 62, Henry C. Marston, Henry McMaster, John Morphy, Thomas Murphy d Dec. 13 62, John W. Murphy, James W. McGregor d in service, Charles P. Morton, William N. Murray, John B. Murray, R. S. McCurdy, F. S. Morton, Edward E. Myrick, William H. Nason w May 4 63, William[p. 125]Nason d in Maine, Capt. Joseph Noble, Frank Nutting, Amos B. Nichols, Andrew Nicholas, Augustus Nichols, Lyman C. Neal w July 2 63, James Orick, James M. Porter, John Parker w July 30 64, Henry Parker, John H. Packard, John O. Perry, Frank Perry, Eben Packard d Mar. 17 63, Allen Partridge, Thomas O. Pease, Henry E. Patterson d at Carrollton La. Aug. 17 62, Augustus Plummer, Lieut. Frank C. Peirce, George E. Pond, Horace P. Pike, Mansfield H. Pettingill, Capt. Edward C. Pierce, Daniel Pease jun., William Place, Stephen H. Prescott, Asa Piper, N. Byron Phillips, John W. Phinney, Asbury Pottle, Lieut. A. R. Quinby, Silas Reed, Peter Russell, John P. Ryan, William Ryan, Charles L. Ray, James Rideout, Serg. Asa C. Rowe k July 2 63, Emerson Remick d at Yorktown May 4 62, Capt. Thomas L. Reed, Benjamin A. Ray, Lieut. H. M. Rines, George N. Rice, Luther A. Robbins, Q. M. Ivory J Robinson, G. L. Russell, Alfred Savage p July 8 63 and July 18 64, Charles Stilkey, W. M. Sabin, William Stover, Charles O. Stone, William H. Spofford, George W. Stone, Edward A. Smart, George E. Stickney, Stephen M. Scales, Lewis Selbing w and p at Manassas, J. H. Spaulding, E. A. Stewart, Thomas Sawtelle, James Sullivan, Thomas Stevens, Nathan W. Savage, James F. Snow, William A. Swan, William H. Stacey, Col. Henry G. Staples, Lieut. William T. Smith, Cyrus A. Sturdy, Major Greenlief T. Stevens w May 3 and July 2 63, Lieut. Henry Sewall, Jason Spear, John N. Scott d Nov. 25 63 in New Orleans, Capt. Samuel G. Sewall, Enoch Sampson d in rebel prison Aug. 12 64, James Scott, Greenleaf Smart, Harrison R. Stone, Charles E. Smith, Charles A. Thoms, George H. Thompson p at Manassas w Aug. 81 62, Actor P. Thompson, W. S. Thoms, Caleb Trask, Alfred Trask, John A. Trufant w at Slaughter Mountain, Arnold P. Thompson, Lieut. James L. Thompson, Alanson G. Taylor d at Carrollton La. Oct. 30 62, George Taylor, William H. Taylor, Aaron C. Varney w Aug. 2 and d Aug. 22 63, Peleg O. Vickery, Thomas H. Welch p at Bull Run d Dec. 23 62 from wounds received at Fair Oaks, Nathaniel Wentworth, Frank White, Edwin S. Witherell, Frank Whitney, Lewis Widge, Elbridge Warren, Randall S. Webb, G. P. Wentworth, C. H. Wagg, Charles Whittemore, Daniel Williams, Asa Wing, Charles H. White, Serg. Charles B. Whittemore, John O. Webster, Thaddeus S. Wmg, George Woods, Orison Wood k at Manassas Aug. 30 62, True Whittier, Capt. Edward P. Wyman, George M. Wyman, Charles O. Wyman, William A. Young.
Belgrade.—James M. Rockwood, Charles M. Stevens, Albert Austin, Samuel E. Frost w at Gettysburg July 2 63, Lieut. George S. Blake p June 20 63, Henry C. Kennison, Roscoe S. Farnham d at Hilton Head June 18 62, John M. Rockwood, Lorenzo H. Wallace, William H. Lord, Charles L. Damrem, Sanford Bartlett k in R.R. collision June 1 62, Henry Frost, Henry Richardson p at Cedar Mountain.[p. 126]Benton.—Reuel W. Brown, Rufus F. Brown, W. Scott Brown d Mar. 1 64, Sumner Emery, William H. Goodale, Lieut. Nathaniel Hanscom d at Fair Oaks June 16 62, Asher C. Hinds, Nathaniel P. Hudson, Charles H. Pratt, Charles H. Preston p at Bull Run July 21 61, Chandler Reynolds, George H. Robinson, Joel C. Smiley, John McClusky, Erastus McKenney, John A. McKinney, Alonzo Wyman, Lorenzo Wyman, Bowman Wood, Luke B. Williams.
China.—John H. Babcock, Asst. Surg. George E. Brickett, William V. Cook, Jacob Emery, John Farris, Augustus P. Jackson, Charles H. Johnson, Ira S. Jones, Capt. James P. Jones, Daniel B. Hanson w May 6 64, Edward P. Hanscom p, Sylvester L. Hatch, Roscoe G. Hamlin, Western Hallowell, William Holmes d at Columbian Hospital Dec. 29 61, Samuel W. Howes p Mar. 2 d in prison 65, John M. Hussey, Alvanah Libby, Augustus Libbey, Samuel R. McCurdy, Isaac Morrill w Aug. 30 62, Charles H. Plummer, George W. Rogers, Charles L. Robbins d at New Orleans May 26 62, G. L. Robinson, George Stewart, George L. Spaulding p, Charles G. Thwing, Edmund Thombs, Chap. James A. Varney, Francis P. Ward, Daniel Ward, Joseph F. Winslow p at Bull Run, George N. Wiggin p at Winchester, Capt. Everett M. Whitehouse, Capt. Eli H. Webber, George Weymouth, Ora C. Wyman.
Chelsea.—Andrew J. Bailey w July 2 63, James W. Bailey, Robert Brawn, William H. Booker, Rinaldo Brown, John H. Cappers, Henry Cappers w Oct. 19 64, Charles H. Caniston, Charles J. Dalton p, John F. Davis d at Baltimore May 26 62, Nathan Durgin, James S. Emerson, Joseph Irwin, G. H. Kimball, C. M. Kimball w, George W. Kenniston w at Fair Oaks, Benjamin F. Merrill, Daniel Moulton, John McPike, Franklin B. Neal, James Robbins, Henry Stevens, Harrison B. Sanborn, Joseph H. Stone d of wounds received May 12, Laratius Stevens d at Newport News Apr. 62, Austin Yelden.
Clinton.—Franklin Bagley, Jonathan Bagley, Oliver Bagley, William Bagley, Justin E. Brown, William Chandler, David Cole, Asbury Cole, Horace Cole, Patrick Connor, Gardiner L. Eastman, Alpheus R. Eastman, Sumner Flood, Almason Fly, Adam C. Goodwin w June 27 62, James Gerald, Increase F. Goodwin, John C. Flail, Harrison D. Hobbs d from wounds July 1 62, Lieut. Alvin S. Hall d of wounds received May 6, Philander Hunter p May 2 63, Albert M. Harriman, Cyrus Hunter, Horace Hunter w and p at Richmond July 21 61 d in prison from wounds, William Hunter, Melvin Hunter, John Kelley, Orren Kendall, Augustus Knox, Jesse Kimball w at Drury's Bluff May 16 64, John F. Lamb, Henry W. Livingston, George A. Lewis, Arthur F. Malcom, Ora M. Nason p at Gettysburg, Horatio N. Reed, Charles M. Reed, George Ricker, A. Riley Spaulding, James P. Spaulding, George Sargent, David Spearin, Dustan Smith, Charles S. Thompson,[p. 127]James Thurston, John Winn, Warren Weymouth, Alonzo Weymouth, John Weymouth.
Farmingdale.—Alvin Brann, Eugene D. Burns, Charles E. Carter, Eugene B. Carter, Joseph L. Colcord, Joseph B. Cannon, Albert J. Colcord, Edwin A. Colcord k Aug. 30 62, Henry C. Carter w at Manassas, Benjamin F. Grover k at Chancellorsville May 3 63, Charles J. Higgins w at Middleburgh Va. June 19 61, Alvin M. Johnson w at Middleburgh Va. June 19 61, Franklin Lowell, Henry M. Neal, Reuben S. Neal p, George W. Rice, William J. Seavey d at Washington, Seth Sweetland p at Annapolis w at Chantilly, Frank Sweetland, Alonzo Sweetland, Frank W. Whitney, William A. Winter.
Fayette.—Capt. John E. Bryant, Charles E. Clough d July 14, 62, Edwin R. Crane d at Baton Rouge July 25 62, Otis Conant, Charles L. Crane w at Chancellorsville May 3 63, Capt. Lewis Chase, Arthur D. Chase, Stephen Fellows, Stephen H. French, Allen Fisk, Charles H. K. French, Henry H. Folsom, Lewis C. Gordon, De Forrest M. Gille, Calvin S. Gordon, William H. Irish, Sylvester Jones, Daniel H. Morrill, Charles F. Palmer p at Winchester, James G. Palmer, George H. Palmer, Thaxter B. Safford, G. B. Sanborn, ______ Sturdevant, Freeman C. Thurston d June 2 62, Calvin C. Woodworth.
Gardiner.— William A. Abbott, Peter Adlay, Lieut. George E. Atwood w, Lieut. George S. Andrews, Eben Andrews, Francis Anne, Ellis W. Ayer, Thomas O. Brian, Lieut. Thomas A. Brann, Daniel H. Backus, William C. A. Brown, Michael Burns, Roscoe G. Buck, Joshua H. Crane, John F. Crawford, Capt. James M. Colson, Lieut. Parlin Crawford w July 2 63, George B. Douglass, Roswell Dunton, Capt. Augustus P. Davis, Frederick W. Dahlman, Westbrook Deane, Horace W. Dale k July 2 63, John C. Dalton p at Fair Oaks w May 3 63, John S. Dennis w July 2 63, Alexander Fuller, Joseph M. Fuller, Sewell F. Frost p, Hamden A. Fall, Sylvester S. Fall w Aug. 30 62, Charles H. Foy w July 2 63, Lincoln Grover, William Garland, J. B. Grover, Lincoln Grover, John H. Howe, Horace W. Hildreth, Charles A. Hildreth, Charles Hodges p, Osgood Hildreth d at Gaines Hill, Phineas B. Hammond, Lieut. Melvin S. Hutchinson, Leander C. Hinckley d at Alexandria Apr. 12 61, William Horn, George M. Houghton w, Albion T. Hutchinson, George H. Hutchinson, Horatio N. Jarvis k in action Aug. 30 62, Capt. William E. Jarvis, Orison D. Jaquith, Charles H. Jaquith, Augustus Jack, William Jordan, John S. Kelley, Capt. George S. Kimball k June 19 63, James W. Kimball, Samuel W. Kimball, Meltiah W. Lawrence, James M. Larrabee, William Libby, Lieut. Horatio S. Libby, Hiram L. Lawrence, Charles F. McLoud, Joseph Lunt p June 9 63, Parker G. Lunt, Thomas Lunt, James W. McDonald, John C. Meader, Charles H. Merrill, William Maher, Capt. John S. Moore, Lieut. Gustavus Moore, Joseph C. Morrison p May 2 63, Michael Murray, Bargill S. Newell, Ingraham Nickerson, Lieut. Thomas L Noyes, Thaddeus[p. 128]Page, Surg. Gideon S. Palmer, Sidney Patten, James H. Pope, Benjamin F. Pincin, Almon J. Packard, Nathan E. Quint, Peter Reaves p May 3 63, John Redman, Luther Ridley, Edwin M. Reed d of wounds received at Manassas, Hiram H. Ricker, Mellen Ring, Ira Rollins, Thomas J. Robinson, William H. Robinson, Osgood M. Sampson, William C. Stewart, David Stevens, David M. Stevens, George H. Smith d Feb. 13 63, John Sawyer, George F. Spear k July 2 63, Charles H. Spear, Hiram B. Stevens, George W. Stevens, William H. Sturtevant, Eugene A. Smith, Robert A. Stinchfield p at Fair Oaks, Robert Strickland, William M. Stone, David Strong, Dexter Taylor, William F. Taylor, Abijah W. Tripp, H. D. Tarbox, Emerson Turner jun., Col. Isaac N. Tucker, A. B. Wakefield, George Ware, Hiram Wakefield d Jan. 11 62, William H. Wakefield, James Witham, John Webber, Frank Williams, Moses S. Wadsworth, Fife Maj. Moses M. Wadsworth, Lieut. Denola Witham k May 3 63, G. C. Wentworth, James F. Williams, Nathan Willard, Charles B. Winslow, Capt. Henry P. Worcester, Stephen D. Wakefield, Nathan N. Walker k May 23 64, George M. Washburn, Orrin H. Weeks, Charles H. Welch, William Wight.
Hallowell.—Horatio N. Atherton, Henry A. Albee, Henry A. Arthur, Jesse Austin, Elijah Bartes, Plummer Butler, Charles H. Bubier, Charles M. Bursley p at Manassas May 10 64, Ammi A. Burgess, Martin V. B. Benman, Sumner H. Bryant d Jan. 8 63, Charles Bancroft w July 2 63 k July 2 63, Albert S. Buswell, William F. Bragg, Hugh Burns, Erastus B. Burgess, John W. Bryant, Lorenzo Chamberlain, Horace E. Choate w Aug. 16 64, Daniel Calaghan, James S. Choate, George F. Chamberlain d Aug 21 63, Joseph D. Carr d at Harrison Landing July 4 62, Henry S. Currier, Joshua Cunningham, Sewell S. Douglass, Augustus L. Dunn, John Dunn, George F. Douglass, George H. Dearborn, Charles M. Dodge, Hazen H. Emerson p May 5 64, William J. Emerson, Nathaniel Ellery, David H. Ellery, Albert Fly, David Flavin, James Frank, George A. Francis, Lieut. George S. Fuller, John P. Greeley, Lieut. Franklin Glazier, Capt. George O. Getchell d May 30 64, William B. Gilman, Capt. C. W. Gardner, Harry W. Gardner, Edwin S. Goodwin p May 3 63 d at Annapolis 64, Charles C. Gilman k May 1 64, Orlando Gould, George W. Gilman, Sherburne E. George, Weston Gilman, James H. Haskell, Joseph S. Haskell, Frank B. Howe, William W. Heath, William H. Hodges, Reuel M. Heath, James T. Howard, George W. Hubbard, Joseph E. Howe jun., Frank B. Howe, John F. Hobbs, Lieut. John B. Hubbard, Lieut. Hannibal A. Johnson p July 2, Capt. Gorham S. Johnson, Thomas Keenan, Major Kelley, James Leighton, William E. Laughton, John H. Lowell, Q. M. Charles H. Lincoln, Jackson M. Libbey, Byron Lowell, William E. Mathews, George O. Morrill w at Chantilly, Charles C. Morrill, Capt. John M. Nash, George E. Nason, J. Edwin Nye, Capt. George A. Nye, Alonzo D. Pottle, John A. Paine w July 1 63, George W. Piper w Oct. 19 64,[p. 129]Charles B. Rogers k July 2 63, Sanford E. Runnells d June 16 62, George S. Ricker, George O. Russell w at Manassas, Joshua Robinson, Frank B. Runnells, William F. Richards, Ferdinand S. Richards p Oct. 62, Lieut. John S. Snow, Joseph W. Swain, Frank E. Sager, Benjamin A. Smith, Lieut. John W. Sanborn, Charles Smith p, Spooner Simmons, Stephen Simmons, William B. Smith, Richard D. Smith, Henry A. Swanton, Stephen H. Simmons p at Richmond, Eben S. Stevens w at Malvern Hill, Charles Tobey, John Tommony, John Tomony, Thomas E. Wagoner, William White, Reuben A. Wentworth, Francis H. Weymouth, Noah F. Weeks, George S. Woodbridge, William Wiley, Albert T. Wharton, Amos Webber jun. d at Georgetown Jan. 14 62, William Willis, Horace F. Woods, Charles H. Watson, George Webber w at Chancellorsville, Samuel Wannofsky p June 30 62, Edward Willis.
Litchfield.—Surg. Enoch Adams, George Allen, George A. W. Bliss, William H. Bosworth, Lieut. James S. Burke, George S. Buker, R. Franklin Chase, Charles F. Campbell, Charles H. Chick, George H. Douglass, Edward H. Dunn w at Gaines Hill d Apr. 16 64, Watson Foster, Alphonso C. Gowell, Emery Gilbert, Frank Gilbert, Lewis E. Grant, Levi Gordon w at Manassas, Page F. Grover, John C. Grover d at New Orleans Nov. 12 63, Charles M. Hattin, John H. Hayden, George A. Howard, Joseph E. Howard, Bradford T. Howard, William K. Huntington, G. H. Huntington, Edward L. Knowlton w at Chancellorsville May 3 63, Lieut. J. Edwin Libby d Sept. 16 63, Lieut. Joseph E. Latham, Benjamin Landers, Thomas H. Lombard p July 23 63, George M. Maxwell k at Fredericksburg May 4 63, Darius Meader, George Meader, Joseph Meader, John W. Neal k in action June 19 63, John Potter w May 5 64, Joseph E. Perry, John Perry d Jan. 15 64, Joseph J. Perry, Cyrus Perry, Warren D. Stuart, Orrin A. True, H. S. Vining, Jones M. Waire, Hutchinson E. Williams, Thomas S. Wedgewood.
Manchester.—Isaac L. Brainard d June 29 62 at New Orleans, Herbert T. N. Brainard d Mar. 22 62 at Ship Island, Xerxes O. Campbell, James G. Cummings, Augustus A. Caswell, Greenleaf D. Greely, Seth D. Gordon, John L. Hatch, Joseph T. Hewins, Elias Howard, Silas F. Leighton w July 2 63, William H. Lyon w at Manassas, Henry F. Lyon k at Shepherdstown July 16 62, L. W. Merrill d Nov. 6 62, Wellington Murray d at Fernandina Aug. 22 62, Wellington Murney, Ira Mason, George B. Safford, Joseph H. Spencer, Thomas Sun, Alton M. Stackpole, George E. Tums, John H. Varney.
Monmouth.—Nathaniel Billington d at Point Lookout Sept 18 62, William A. Bowers d Dec. 25 62, Nathaniel Boynton, Lieut. William H. Briggs k May 30 64, William H. H. Brown, John Chick, Capt. Granville P. Cochrane, Lewis H. Cushman, Asa W. Cummings d at Wash-[p. 130]ington, Warren S. Folsom d 62, Andrew J. Fogg w May 4 63, Frank M. Follynsbee, Horace C. Frost, Adj. Henry O. Fox w at Fair Oaks, Otis H. Getchell, Charles F. Gilman, John O. A. Gilson, Nathaniel G. Gilson, Joshua Gray, Valentine R. Grey, George B. Hall p at Antietam, Francis Hall, Silas E. Hinkley d Oct. 30 63, Charles H. Hinkley, John B. Hodsdon, George H. Hutchins, John Ingersoll, William H. Jones, Thompson S. Keenan, Charles K. Keenan, Henry F. Leach, Harlow Z. Murch, W. Scott Norcross w June 27 62, Capt. Greenleaf K. Norris, John B. Parsons, Shepard Pease d Aug. 6 62, S. B. Plummet, Solomon O. Prescott, Josiah T. Smith, George Small, Nathaniel M. Smith, Joseph S. Taylor, Emeelus S. Tozier, Milburn S. Tozier, Frank Wardsworth, Edward P. White, Lieut. Spencer F. Wadsworth, Lieut. John F. Witherell, Elias H. Wadsworth.
Mt. Vernon.—Ansel H. Cram, Roscoe G. Cram, Capt. John P. Carson, Samuel Davis, Benjamin F. Griffin, Calvin C. Griffin, George W. Griffin, F. M. Gilman, John H. Gordon w at Slaughter Mountain, Delano Leighton, Otis McGaffey d at Fredericksburg Nov. 30 62, George McGaffey, William B. Morse, Daniel S. Norris, George G. Potter, Josiah F. Pearl d July 6 63, George M. Rollins, Edwin L. Robinson d at New Orleans June 23 62, Wesley Storer d Jan. 29 62, C. E. Scofield, Henry Sargent, Leroy H. Tuttle, John R. Teague, Oliver Trask d in hospital May 10 62, Everard Thing p at Winchester w, O. J. Wells, Parker Wyman, Coolidge Whitney, Verona Whittier, T. J. Woods p at Bull Run, George Whittier, James M. Wright, Charles B. Williams, George W. Woods, Lorenzo Weston, Cyrus M. Williams.
Pittston.—Walter N. Boynton, Daniel Brookings, John G. Boynton, Harrison H. Blair d Oct. 16 62, Kendall Bickford, Hiram W. Colburn, William Connor, Levi Connor, William Denene, Lewis Gray d Feb. 20 63, Seth Hunt, Capt. Eben D. Haley w Oct. 19 64, Simeon F. Hunt d June 3 62, Rodney C. Harriman, Alexander T. Katon d July 8 62, Robert A. Morton, Daniel M. Moody w July 2 63, Andrew Nelson, John L. Newhall, George W. Nichols, Alvin A. Potter, David Potter, Daniel Plummer, Millen Potter, Thomas A. Richardson, Joseph A. Shea, Joseph W. Stewart, Calvin R. Sears, Joseph A. Spea, George W. Thompson, Franklin Trask, Charles L. Ware, C. L. C. Wease.
Readfield.—John F. Brown d at Hilton Head Dec. 5 61, Charles C. Brown w July 18 63, Henry G. Blake, Lewis F. Brown d at Little Washington Va. Aug. 4 62, Lemuel S. Brown, William P. Caldwell k July 4 62, Benjamin J. Cram, James L. Craig, Lieut. Hamlin F. Eaton, Elias H. Gove, Robert Gordon, Lieut. Dudley L. Haines, John M. Howes, William H. Howard, Abner Haskell d Jan. 2 63, Lieut. Charles B. Haskell w at Fair Oaks d June 12 62, Herbert Hunton, Emory L. Hunton, Samuel Hunton, George W. Handy, George H. Holden, Dennis B. Jewett, Lieut. Noah Jewett, Charles R. Kitteridge, Franklin M. La Croix, George Lyons, Capt. Melville C. Linscott, William H.[p. 131]Linscott, Joseph S. Merrill, David V. Merrill, Elijah A. Mace, Joseph S. Morrill, Auburn Merrill, Charles S. Morse, Jacob P. Morrill w at Fair Oaks, Michael Moran, Hugh S. Newall, Anson B. Perkins, Christopher C. Putnam, Thomas H. B. Pierce, Thomas A. Packard, Oscar E. Robbins, Bradbury N. Thomas, Zadoc H. Thomas, Henry C. Thomas, Alvaro S. Whittier, Charles H. Williams, Elbridge G. Wright, George W. Wright, Hebron M. Wentworth, Cyrus B. Whittier.
Rome.—Arthur McIntire, Wheelock Moshier, William H. Charles, Russell Clement, Lafayette Clement, Abram S. Brooks.
Sidney.—Charles H. Arnold p at Gettysburg July 2 63, Perry Arnold, Calvin Bacon, William E. Brown w at Gettysburg, Joseph A. Clark d in prison June 22 64, Francis O. Dealing, Allen H. Drummond w Dec. 13 63, William Ellis, Charles T. Ellis, George A. Ellis k at Chantilly, Henry Field, Ausburn Hutchins, James H. Mathews, George W. Nason p May 2 63, Hiram G. Robinson, Greenleaf W. Robinson p May 2 63, Joel F. Richardson, Charles H. Robinson, John E. Shaw d at New Orleans Aug. 17 62, Augustus M. Sawtelle, Augustine P. Smiley w at Bull Run, Henry W. Sawtelle, John R. Sawtelle, Charles W. Smiley, Charles Snell, Allen Smith, James A. Thomas, George F. Wixen, William Henry Young.
Unity Plantation.—George Davis, Samuel A. Myrick.
Vassalboro.—Charles F. Austin, Albert C. Ballard p at Richmond July 21 61, Llewellyn Ballard w and p at Richmond July 21 61, Leander Bean, Joab D. Bragg, Lewis Bragg, George E. Burgess, Jefferson Bragg, William H. Brown d Oct. 24 62, Daniel W. Buzzell, Edmund P. Buck, Frederick O. Chick, Eugene W. Cross, Antone Cady, Benjamin B. Coombs, Alonzo P. Cortland, Daniel Eaton, Jeremiah A. Estes k Aug. 25 64, James R. Eaton, William Elliott, Lorenzo Farmington, George R. Freeman, George L. Freeman d at Washington Dec. 19 61, James Farrell, H. P. Fairfield, Frank Forbes p at Bull Run July 21 61 k May 5 64, John E. Fossett w at Chantilly and Gettysburg July 2 63, Edwin P. Getchell, Edwin F. Getchell, Van T. Gilbert, Alonzo Hinckley d Sept. 20 62, Thomas E. Home d Apr. 25 62, Orrick H. Hopkins, James W. Irving, William H. Irving, Asa W. Jaqueth, Benjamin Lamson, John W. Livermore, William W. Livermore w July 2 63, Samuel Lisherness, Henry Lyon k in action, Timothy Merrow, Horace S. Mills w in action, John McCommic, Capt. Richard W. Mullen w at Baton Rouge, George C. Morrow, William A. Merrill d Feb. 6 62, Cyrus M. Major d Dec. 9 63, Nathaniel Meigs d Nov. 13 62, John M. Mower, Allen W. Mills, John Morrow, Alamber H. Pray, Isaac C. Pratt, Benjamin Parker, Nathaniel P. Randall, George S. Rollins d of wounds received at Fredericksburg, William A. Robinson d Oct. 8 62, W. J. Rowe, William B. Shaw d Nov. 1862, George W. Sabins, Timothy Small jun., Edwin Small, Alonzo Stillings, George A. Stillings, Charles A. Smart w July 2 63, Lieut. Bradford W. Smart p at Manas-[p. 132]sas, Charles H. Stone, G. W. Seward, Cyrus Southards, James H. Taylor, Nathan P. Taber p at Bull Run July 21 61, Albert Varney k in action, Orrison Warren, Hermon S. Webber w at Fair Oaks June 4 62 d Aug. 10 62, Elisha T. Weymouth, William Wentworth, Daniel Weeks, George A. Wills, James W. White, William Weiler, Charles H. Whitehouse, Eben W. Young p at Richmond.
Vienna.— H. G. Colby, Charles D. Hall, Daniel A. Lord, Jethro Brown, Marcellus Wells, Thomas Penn Rice, Warren Ladd d Dec. 24 61, Stephen P. Evans, Francis W. Ladd p at Annapolis, Orren B. Whittier d at New Orleans Nov. 20 62, Henry W. King, George Lord, Emulus F. Whittier.
Wayne.—Stephen Allen, William H. Bean, Rufus N. Burgess, Francis Burgoine, James W. Boyle, Franklin Burrell, David Berry, Charles D. Crosby, Lieut. Archibald Clark w May 17 64, Hermon N. Dexter, Samuel T. Foss d at Ship Island 62, Darius Harriman, Lieut. Nelson H. Norris w, Greenwood Norris d July 30 62, William H. Prince d at Baton Rouge July 30 62, William R. Raymond w July 2 63, Ephraim D. Raymond d in New Orleans 62, George W. Raymond, Lyman E. Richardson w at Bull Run d at Manassas, Capt. Winfield Smith, John O. Sullivan, William Stevens.
Waterville.—George T. Benson, George W. Bowman d May 13 62, James K. Bacon, George Bacon, David Bates w p at Richmond July 21 61 d of wounds, Charles Bacon d Nov. 3 of wounds received Oct. 27 64, Henry W. Barney, Levi Bushier, Thomas Butler, Daniel Blackstone, Horace Bow, John H. Bacon w July 2 63, William K. Barrett d at Richmond 62, William H. Bacon, Charles I. Corson, Andrew J. Cushman, Robert Cochran, Albert Corson d of wounds July 2 63, James M. Curtis, William H. Clapp, Henry Crowell, Baxter Crowell, George W. Davis w at Gettysburg, Henry Derocher p June 24 62, Charles W. Derocher, Lieut. John R. Day p June 20 63, James Dusty, Hadley P. Dyer, Luther N. Eames, Shepherd Eldridge w at Fredericksburg, Charles A. Fenno, Henry N. Fairbanks, Hiram Fish d at Culpepper Oct. 4 63, Asst. Surg. Frank H. Getchell, John F. Goodwin, George Geyrough, Serg. Maj. Marshall P. Getchell, Cyrus C. Galusha, Henry Goulding p May 2 63, David B. Gibbs, David B. Gibbs jun. d Apr. 1 63, Lieut. Samuel Hamblen, Col. William S. Heath k at Gaines Hill June 27 62, Lieut. Col. Francis E. Heath, Lieut. Col. Frank S. Hesseltine, Capt. William A. Hatch, Charles A. Henrickson p at Richmond July 21 61, Adj. Frank W. Haskell, Algernon P. Herrick w at Chantilly, John S. Hodgdon, Albro Hubbard p, Isaiah H. James, Charles R. Kendall, George Lashers, George Littlefield, Albert G. Libbey, Solomon B. Lewis, Edward C. Low, Lieut. Charles W. Lowe, Lieut. Edwin C. Lowe, Gott Lubier, Michael McFadden, Capt. George A. McIntire, Watson Marston, John N. Messer, George M. Maxham, Hezekiah O. Nickerson, Sylvanus Nook, Paul Oeward, Lafayette Oli[p. 133]ver, William Penney, Capt. James H. Plaisted, John H. Plummer, Nathaniel Parley, Henry P. Perley, Gott Pooler, George Perry w May 20 64, William D. Peavey, Joseph M. Penney d at Waterville Nov. 19 62, Joseph Perry k Aug. 80 62, Peltiah Penney, Peter Preo, Charles Perry, Edw. S. Percival, Frank D. Pullen, James Perry w at Gettysburg July 2 63, Abram Ranco, Moses Renco, Lucius Rankins, James F. Ricker, Elisha M. Rowe, William Rowe, David Seavey, Charles R. Shorey, Jacob Shurburne, Major Abner R. Small, Jason K. Stevens, Frank O. Smiley, Charles W. Thing, Henry A. Thing, John Tallus, Welcome Thayer, Lieut. Henry E. Tozier w May 20 64, Albert Tozier d in Waterville, Asa L. Thompson d Dec. 26 62, Levi Vique, Hos. St. W. W. West, George L. Wheeler k at Chantilly, William W. Wyman w at Bull Run, Henry White d at Fredericksburg Oct. 20 62, Alvin B. Woodman, Eugene H. Young.
West Gardiner.—Joseph Edwin Babb, Jeremiah C. Bailey, Amos J. Bachelder, George W. Bailey w July 2 63, Hiram Babb, Lieut. Alfred G. Brann, Lieut. Cyrus W. Brann, James S. Burns, Charles A. Cooke, William O. Davis, Stephen S. Emerson, Henry Fairbanks, George E. Grover, William F. Haines, Adams Johnston p at Bull Run July 21 61, William H. Jewett, Seward Merrill, Charles J. McCausland, L. D. McKinney, Horace Morrill, Ferdinand A. Nudd, Dexter W. Page, William H. Peacock, Cyrus S. Peacock, Hubbard C. Smith, Daniel S. Smith, Ari Thompson, Ebenezer Whitney.
Windsor.—Samuel R. Cottle d in service 64, James O. Carroll p at Manassas, E. B. F. Colby, Albert A. Craig, Francisco Colburn, William Dockendorff, Byron H. Farrington d at Washington Aug. 22 62, Capt. John Goldthwait, George Gray, William H. Hewitt, Daniel Hallowell, S. C. Huntley, Francis J. Lacey, William Lisherness, William B. Marson, George L. Marson, Melmouth M. Marson d Jan. 22 64, Oakman W. Marson, Daniel Melvin d at New Orleans Sept. 30 62, George A. Pollard, Nathan Peva, George H. Pevea, Freeman C. Pera, Harrison Reed, Seth Rhines, Edward W. Sanborn, Wentworth L. Sampson, Lucius S. Starkey, David Stevens, Reuel W. Trask, Lieut. Marcellus Vining w May 12 64.
Winslow.—J. Holman Abbott, George A. Baker, Elisha S. Baker, Daniel Burgess, George H. Bassett, Rial M. Bryant w at Fair Oaks d June 7 62, George W. Boulter, Charles H. Burgess k June 20 64, Francis E. Chadwick, Simon McCausland, George C. Drummond, Daniel H. Elliott, Serg. Maj. Andrew W. Fuller, James E. Fox, Edward F. Garland, Martin V. Guptill, John L. Hale, Llewellyn E. Hodges, Maxcey Hamlin, Charles W. Jackins, Assenius Littlefield, George L. Morrill, Isaac Morrill, George P. Morrell, Addison Morrill, Edward B. Merrill, Frank E. Nelson, Albion Osborn, Asa Pollard d at Yorktown June 62, Homer Proctor, Henry Pollard, Otis Pollard w July 22 63, Charles Pillsbury, William Pollard d Dec. 4 62, Hiram S. Pollard,[p. 134]Rufus Preble k at Antietam, George A. Pollard, George W. Pillsbury p at New Orleans July 21 61, William T. Prebble, Harris C. Quinby, Amasa Spaulding, Henry Spaulding, Charles E. Smiley, Sharon C. Taylor, William H. Taylor, Seward A. Wood, Hiram C. Webber d of wounds Aug. 18 63, Oliver W. Wilson d July 27 62.
Winthrop.—Andrew P. Bachelder d at Andersonville, Orrin G. Babb, William H. Burgess k July 2 63, John W. Bussell, George A. Butler p July 2 63 d Andersonville, Andrew C. Butler, William P. Bailey, Samuel Ballantine, Weston Burgess, John Bessee, Frank Beal w May 16 64, Rishworth A. Burgess, Franklin S. Briggs, George W. Chandler, Franklin Duyer, Thomas M. Daniels, Charles H. Dearborn p Andersonville, Stephen H. Day mortally w Sept. 20 63, John Dealy jun. k June 9 63, William Durham mortally w Sept. 62, Lieut. William Elder, James M. Forsaith, Melville N. Freeman, Thomas R. Forsaith, David P. Freeman w at Fair Oaks, Warren A. Friend p near Richmond June 29 62, Albert H. Frost k at Gettysburg July 2 63, Calvin B. Green, David Grant d at New York June 13 62, Edwin Goldthwait, John F. Gaslin w at Fair Oaks, Christopher Hammond, James M. Holmes, Ivory C. Hanson, Capt. Thomas S. Hutchins, Elijah T. Jacobs, Henry Judkins, Lieut. Bimsley S. Kelley, Lieut. Daniel Lothrop, Solomon A. Nelke, George Perkins, Daniel W. Philbrook p at Chancellorsville, Lieut. Henry Penniman w July 2 63, Elias Pullen, Orrin Quint, Capt. William L. Richmond, James C. Ricker p July 2 63, Sumner H. Stanley, Charles H. Smiley, Joseph H. Sterns, Charles J. Sterns, Patrick H. Snell, Charles D. Sleeper, Edward F. Towns, Edward K. Thomas k May 6 64, Stephen A. Thurston, George W. Upton d at Yorktown May 19 62, George W. Williams, A. G. H. Wood w at Gettysburg July 2 63, William G. Wilson k in action, Andrew Woodbury.