Source: Harry Edward Mitchell, comp., The town register, 1903: Solon & Bingham ([Kent's Hill, Me., 1903]).
Punctuation has been standardized in some cases.
[p. 85]Town OfficersEphraim Wood, 1812, '13, '14, '15, '16, '17, '18, '19, '20, '21, '22, '23, '25.
With years of service following names.
Levi G. Fletcher, 1824.
Obed Wilson, 1826, '27, '28, '29, '30, '31.
William Rowell, 1832, '33, '34, 35, '36, '37, '38, '44.
James Heald, 1839.
Washington McIntire, 1840, '41, '42, '43, '53.
Simon Goodrich, 1845, '46, '52, '54, '55, '58, '59, '60, '62, '65, '66, '67, '68, '69, '70, '80.
Chandler Baker, 1847, '48, '50, '51, '61, '63, '64, '79.
Calvin B. Goodrich, 1849, '56, '57.
T. F. Houghton, 1871, '72, '73, '74, '75, '76, '78.
Milford A. Goodrich, 1877, '86.
E. S. Baker, 1881, '82, '83, '84, '85, '88, '89, '90, '91, '92, '93, '94, '95, '96, '97, '98 '99.
S. S. Gray, 1887.
W. B. Goodrich, 1899, 1900, '01, '02, '03.Selectmen.Ephraim Wood, 1812, '13, '14, '15, '16, '17, '18, '19, '20, '21, '22, '23.
Chairman of the Board with Dates of Service.
Levi G. Fletcher, 1824.
Oliver C. Blunt, 1825.[p. 86]Obed Wilson, 1826, '27, '28, '29, '30, '31.
Washington McIntire, 1832, '23, '34, '35, '36, '37, '40, '41 '42, '43.
Charles Baker, 1838.
James Heald, 1839.
Simon Goodrich, 1844, '45, '46, '52, '54, '55, '58, '59, '60, '62, '65, '66, '67, '68, '69, '70, '80.
Chandler Baker, 1847, '48, '50, '51, 61, '63, '64, '79.
Calvin B. Goodrich, 1849, '56, '57.
T. F. Houghton, 1871, '72, '73, '74, '75, '76, '78.
Milford A. Goodrich, 1877.
E. S. Baker, 1881, '82, '83, '84, '85, '88 '89, '90, '91, '92, '93, '94, '96.
S. S. Gray, 1886, '87.
John Cummings, 1895.
E. S. Baker, 1895.
S. A. Smith, 1897, '98, '99, 1900, '01, '02, '03.Second Selectmen with Dates of Service.Abner Baker, 1812.
Obed Wilson, 1813, '14, '18, '20, '21, '22, '24.
Calvin Russell, 1815, '16, '17, '26.
Joshua Johnson, 1819, '23, '25.
O. C. Blunt, 1827, '30, '33, '34, '35, '36, '41.
Levi G. Fletcher, 1828.
James T. Young, 1829.
S. Tibbetts, 1831.
Lot Shorey, 1832.
Charles Baker, 1837.
William Rowell, 1838.
Chandler Baker, 1839, '45, '46, '55, '58, '59.
Joshua Wilson, 1840, '44.
Nicholas Smith, 1842, '43.
Simon Goodrich, 1847, '48, '51, '53, '57, '72.
Pickard Goodrich, 1849.[p. 87]Calvin B. Goodrich, 1850.
N. Baker, 1852.
Washington McIntire, 1854.
Jonah S. McIntire, 1856.
William H. Russell, 1860.
Nathaniel Withee, 1861, '63, '64.
John Wiley, 1862.
Jotham S. Goodrich, 1865, '66, '67, '68, '69.
D. R. McIntire, 1870, '71.
E. S. Baker, 1873, '74, '75, '76, '77, '79.
J. D. Merrill, 1878.
Elias Smith, 1880.
M. A. Goodrich, 1881, '82, '83, '84, '85.
Isaac Adams, 1886.
John Cummings, 1887, '90, '91.
C. Colby, 1888, '89.
Isaac Holway, 1892, '93, '94.
George W. Smith, 1895, '96.
G. Goodrich, 1897, '98.
W. B. Goodrich, 1899, 1900, '01, '02, '03.Third Selectmen with Dates of Service.Obed Wilson, 1812, '17.
Abraham Bigelow, 1813
John Goodrich, 1814.
Stephen Parlin, 1815.
Edward Howes, 1816.
Calvin Russell, 1818, '21, '22, '24.
Levi G. Fletcher, 1819, '20.
William Willey, 1823.
Silas Tibbets, 1825, '30, '34.
Oliver C. Blunt, 1826, '31.
Calvin Russell, Jr., 1827, '28, '36, '45, '46.
Joshua Johnson, 1829.[p. 88]Darenus Johnson, 1832, '42.
Lot Shory, 1833, '39, '40, '41, '43, '44.
Jeremiah Tuck, 1835.
William Rowell, 1837.
Chandler Baker, 1838, '53, '54, '73.
Nathan Baker, 1847.
Calvin B. Goodrich, 1848, '55, '59, '67.
Seth Robinson, 1849.
Benjamin Cleveland, 1850, '51.
W. H. Russell, 1852.
Nathan F. Blunt, 1856.
Nathaniel Withee, 1857, '58.
John Willey, 1860, '61.
Samuel W. Baker, 1862, '70.
B. Smith, 2d, 1863, '64.
David R. McIntire, 1865, '66, '69.
Thomas F. Houghton, 1868.
A. P. Tobey, 1871, '72.
Elias Smith, 1874, '79, '87.
J. B. Merrill, 1875, '77.
E. P. Cooley, 1876
Amherst Spofford, 1878,
Stephen Jones, 1880.
John Commings, 1881, '82.
Isaac Holway, 1883, '84, '85.
S. P. Tinkham, 1886, '88.
L. G. Brown, 1889, '90.
George W. Smith, 1891, '92.
S. A. Smith, 1893, '94.
Granville Goodrich, 1895, '96, '99, 1900.
W. B. Goodrich, 1897, '98.
F. H. Colby, 1901, '02.
Henry Cooley, 1903.[p. 89]Treasurers.Joshua Goodrich, 1812, '13.
With the Dates of Service.
Daniel Foster, 1814, '15, '16.
Levi Goodrich, 1817.
Calvin Russell, 1818, '19, '20, '21, '32, '23.
James T. Young, 1824, '25.
Levi G. Fletcher, 1826, '27, '30, '31, '32, '33, '34, 35, '36.
Oliver C. Blunt, 1828, '29, '40.
Pickard Goodrich, 1837, '38.
Davis Baker, 1839.
Daniel Wilson, 1841, '42, ' 43, '44, '45, '46, '47, '48, '49, '50.
J. T. Young, 1851, '52, '53.
Abner Dinsmore, 1854, '55, '56, '57, '58, '59, '60 '61, '63, '64, '65, '66, '67, '68, '69, '70, '71, '72, '73, '74, '75, '76.
Nathan Baker, 1862.
Calvin Colby, 1877, '78, '79, '80, '81, '82, '83 '84, '85, '86,
S. W. Baker, 1887, '88, '89, '90, '91, '92, '93.
E. W. Moore, 1895, '96, '97, '98, '99, 1900, '01, '02, '03.