Source: The Bangor Historical Magazine, vol. 2 (Bangor, Me.: J. W. Porter, 1887).
[p. 102]MARRIAGES SOLEMNIZED IN BELFAST, 1799 TO 1809,1799, Jan. 10, Capt. John Limeburner and Miss Jennie Miller, both of Belfast.
[Communicated by Dr. Edward M. Field.]
[1799,] Jan. 10, Samuel Prescott, Jr., and Miss Mary Burkmar, both of Northport.
[1799,] Jan. 22, Joshua Marshall and Miss Rachel Chaples, both of Islesborough.
[1799,] March 7, Samuel Phillips, of Quantabacook, and Mary Crooks, of Northport.
[1799,] Nov. 20, Reuben Knowlton, of Northport, and Mrs. Sally French, of Belfast.
[1799,] Nov. 28, Benjamin Stevenson and Miss Nabby Sayward, both of Northport.
[1799,] Nov. 28, Joseph Curtis and Miss Jenny Knowlton, both of Belfast.
Dec. 24, 1799, Robert White and Miss Susanna Patterson, both of Belfast.
1800, Feb. 20, William Kidder and Miss Acsa Decrow, both of Ducktrap Plantation.
[1800,] March 9, William Patterson and Miss Jennie Clary, both of Belfast.
[1800,] Sept. 1, William Cunningham, of Quantabacook, and Miss Susanna Carter, of Northport.
[1800,] Oct. 30, Isaac Senter and Miss Hannah Patterson, both of Belfast.
[1800,] Dec. 31, Nathaniel Hartford and Miss Abigail Fowler, both of Belfast.
1801, July 12, Stephen Hadley and Miss Lydia Clark, both of Belfast.
[1801,] July 19, Capt. Starrett Patterson and Miss Elizabeth Reed, both of Belfast.
[1801,] July 19, George Burkmar and Miss Patty Brown, both of Northport.
1802, March 25, Walter McFarland and Miss Phœbe Newton, both of Northport.
[1802,] May 25, William Bryant, of Sunnebec,† and Miss Hannah Johnson, of Quantabacook.*A most worthy citizen of Belfast, who died March 4, 1811, aged 47.
†Now Appleton.[p. 103][1802,] May 27, Robert Beattie and Miss Polly Browns, (?) both of Northport.
[1802,] June 27, Abiezer Trask and Miss Polly Johnson, the former of Sidney, and the latter of Greene Plantation.*
1803, March 9, Ezra Woodman and Miss Betsey Dolloff, both of Greene.
[1803,] June 27, Joseph Mason, of Belfast, and Miss Nancy Gilman, of Davistown.
[1803,] Aug. 80, John Campbell and Miss Rhoda Evans, both of Quantabacook.
Dec. 29, Silas Bennett and Miss Polly Maddocks, both of Belfast.
1804, Jan. 1, William Doble and Miss Frances Powers, both of Belfast.
[1804,] Feb. 6, Benjamin Johnson and Miss Priscilla Robinson, both of Greene Plantation.
[1804,] June 10, Joel Prescott and Miss Mary Grant, both of Northport.
[1804,] Aug. 29, John Fish, of Davistown,† and Miss Susannah Cunningham, of Ballstown.‡
[1804,] Sept. 15, Moses Kinney and Jennie Knowlton, both of Northport.
[1804,] Oct. 18, Joseph Cross and Miss Lucy Jackson, both of Quantabacook.
1807, March 5, Isaac Jackson, of Greene, and Betsey Bessey, of Paris.
[1807,] July 2, Moses Hewes, of Greene, and Lydia Veazie, of Greene.
[1807,] July 21, Jacob White and Miss Sally Weeks, both of Belfast.
[1807,] Sept. 20, William Rice and Sally White, both of Greene Plantatation.
1808, Feb. 21, Daniel Boyington and Betsey Patterson, both of Greene Plantation
1808, July 30, Lemuel Gubtail and Nancy French, both of Belfast.
1809, April 19, Abraham French and Miss Susanna Thomas, both of Belfast.*Now Searmont, or Belmont.
‡Whitefield, or Jefferson.[p. 195]MARRIAGES IN BELFAST, FROM 1774 TO 1814, INCLUSIVE.Belfast was settled in 1770, and incorporated three years later. The following list comprises all the marriages which appear in the first volume of town records. Such others as took place before 1797, were probably solemnized by itinerant ministers, or by magistrates who made no returns.
Communicated by Joseph Williamson, Esq.
Mr. John Bennett and Mrs. Issabel Durham, both of Belfast were joined in marriage Sept. 27, 1774, by me, Daniel Little.
Hancock, ss., August the 11th, 1796, then Aron Colby Hadly and Mary Patterson was married by me, Benjamin Shut, Justice of the Peace.
These may certify that Mr. Benjamin Nesmith and Miss Marthew Houston, both of this town were married on the 29th of December, 1796, by me, Ebenezer Price, minister.
April 18th, 1797. Mr. William Lunt, of Camden, married to Miss Elizabeth Reed, of this town.
May 8th, 1797. Mr. Benjamin Bachelder, Jr., married to Miss Olieve Latten, both of this town.
June 15th, 1797. Mr. William Patterson 3d, married to Miss Jane Cochran, both of this town.
July 6th, 1797. Mr. Thomas Kenaid married to Miss Elizabeth Todd, both of this town.
Dec. 6th, 1797. Mr. Enos West married to Miss Ann Patterson, both of this town.
Dec. 19th, 1797. Mr. Henry Lord, of Prospect, married to Miss Abigail Spenser, of this town.
The above couples were married by Ebenezer Price, minister.
A. D. 1798. January 9th. Mr. Isaac McKeen married to Miss Martha Drew Buffet, both of this town, by Mr. Ebenz’r Price, minister.
1799, Jan. 10th. Mr. William Tufts married to Miss Mealle West, both of this town, by Robert Houston, Justice of the Peace.
1799, Feb. 19th. Mr. Ammiel Robens in the vicinity of Prospect to Hannah Weekson, of Belfast, by Robert Houston, Justice of the Peace.
Dec. 31st, 1799. Mr. Isaac Thompson, of Belfast, to Miss Priscilla Rogers Smith, of Newmarket in the State of Newhampshire was married by the Rev. Samuel Shipard, of Brentwood.
Dec. 30th, 1798. Mr. Robert Patterson the 4th, to Miss Margaret Mitchell, both of this town, by Rev. Ebenr. Price.
1799, April 18. Mr. Robert Cochran to Miss Elizabeth Patterson, both of this town, by the Rev. Ebenr. Price.
1799, June 13th. Mr. Nathaniel Muncy to Miss Margaret Cochran, both of this town by the Rev. Ebenr. Price.
1799, Sept. 15th. Mr. Edward Fox to Miss Jane Lord, both of this town, by the Rev. Ebenr. Price.[p. 196]Dec. 23d, 1799. Mr. James Gray to Miss Martha Cochran, by the Rev. Ebenr. Price.
May 2d, 1799. Mr. James Barry to Miss Nancy Nickels, both of the town of Prospect, by Robert Houston, Esq.
Sept. 26, 1799. Mr. Joseph Hinkson to Miss Polly Astin, both of this town, by Robert Houston, Esq.
1800, Nov. 27. Mr. Elijah Morrill of Portland, to Miss Pricilla Stephenson of this town, married by Robert Houston, Esq.
[1800,] Dec. 7. Mr. Martin Patterson to Miss Alice Wilson, both of this town, by Robert Houston Esq.
[1800,] Dec. 11. Mr. William Morrill of Portland to Miss Susanna Stephenson of this town, by Robert Houston, Esq.
[1800,] Dec. 30. Mr. Joseph Harris of Prospect to Miss Jerusha Nickerson, of Goospond settlement, by Robert Houston, Esq.
[1800,] April 12th. Mr. Samuel Curtis in the vicinity of Prospect to Miss Elizabeth Stimson of this town. by Rev. Ebenezer Price.
[1800,] June 15. Mr. Benjamin Bachelder to Mrs. Thankful Weeks, both of Goospond settlement, by Rev. Ebenezer Price.
1801, April 12. Mr. John Haskell to Miss Sally Merriam, both of this town, by Rev. Ebenezer Price.
[1801,] May 3. Mr. Ruben Kimball to Miss Deborah Spring, both of this town, by Rev. Ebenezer Price.
[1801,] May 31. Mr. Samuel Phillips of a plantation near Belfast, to Miss Hannah Bolton of Frankfort, by Rev. Ebenezer Price.
[1801,] Jan. 15. Mr. Benjamin Colcord to Miss Abigail Parks, both of the town of Prospect, by Robert Houston, Esq.
1801, March 16. Mr. Charles Kelso of Great Meadows, so called, to Miss Sally Staples of the town of Prospect, by Robert Houston, Esq.
[1801,] July 15. Mr. Ebenezer Whitney to Miss Elizabeth Wetham, both of the town of Castine, by Robert Houston, Esq.
1802. March 18. Mr. Elias Wilkins of Sandy Stream Settlement, to Miss Jenny Alexander of Great Meadows, so called, by Rev. Ebenezer Price.
A return of marriages from James Nesmith, Justice of the Peace.
1799, Jan. 10. Capt. John Lymeburner to Miss Jenny Miller, both of Belfast.
Mr. Samuel Prescott to Miss Nancy Buckmer, both of Northport.
[1799, Jan.] 22nd. Mr. Joshua Marshall to Miss Rachel Chapels, both of Isle Borough.
[1799,] March 7. Mr. Samuel Phillips of Quantabaycook, to Miss Mary Crooks of Northport.
[1799,] Nov. 20. Mr. Ruben Knowlton, Northport, to widow Sally French, Belfast.
[1799,] Nov. 28. Mr. Benjamin Stevens to Miss Abigail Sayward, both of Northport.
[1799,] Nov. 28. Mr. Joseph Curtis to Miss Jenny Knowlton, both of Belfast.
[1799,] Dec. 24. Mr. Robert White to Miss Susanna Patterson, both of Belfast.[p. 197]1800, Feb. 20th. Mr. William Kidder to Miss Exce Dicrow, both of Ducktrap.
[1800,] March 9th. Mr. William Patterson, 3d, to Miss Jenny Clary, both of Belfast.
[1800,] July 3d. Mr. Solomon Hamilton to Miss Elizabeth Knowlton, both of Belfast.
[1800,] Sept. 1st. Mr. William Cunningham, of Quantabaycook to Miss Susanna Carter, of Northport.
[1800,] Oct. 30th. Mr. Isaac Senter to Miss Hannah Patterson, both of Belfast.
[1800,] Dec. 31st. Mr. Nathaniel Hartford to Miss Abigail Fowler, both of Belfast.
1801, July 12th. Mr. Stephen Hadley to Miss Lydia Clark, both of Belfast.
[1801,] 19th. Mr. Starret Patterson to Miss Elizabeth Reed, both of Belfast.
[1801,] 19th. Mr. George Buckmer to Miss Martha Brown, both of Northport.
1802, March 25th. Mr. Walter McFarland to Miss Phebee Newton, both of Northport, by James Nesmith, Esq.
[1802,] April 4th. Mr. Ebenezar Cunningham to Miss Abigal Ames, both of this town.
[1802,] June 16th. Mr. Paul Giles to Miss Elizabeth Webster, both of this town.
[1802,] Sept. 30th. Mr. Daniel Hibbard to Miss Keziah Basse, both of this town.
[1802,] Nov. 25th. Mr. Baptist Gilmore, of this town to Miss Sally Moore, of the Plantation of Davistown.
[1802,] Dec. 30th. Mr. Samuel Brown to Miss Jane Cochran, both of this town.
1803, Feb. 20th. Mr. John Thurston to Miss Betsey French, both of this town, by Rev. Ebenezer Price.
[1803,] July 14th. Mr. Henry True to Miss Sally Hadley, both of this town, by Rev. Ebenr. Price.
[1803, July 14th.] Eliphelet French to Miss Abigel Eelels, both of this town.
Sept. 26th, 1802. Shedrick Hall to Miss Sally Robberts, of the Plantation of Washington.
April 14th, 1803. Robert Patterson 3d, this town to Joanna Smith, of Prospect.
Sept. 4th, 1803. Thomas Perce to Miss Oliva Rich, both of this town.
Dec. 31, 1803. John Gilmore to Miss Sally Patterson, both of this town.
March 29th, 1804. Samuel Ford, of Lincolnville to Miss Polly Parks, of Prospect, by Robert Houston, Justice of the Peace.
1804, June 14. Ely Luce to Miss Lovey Daggett, both of Vinalhaven.
1805, Jan. 18. Alden Chandler to Miss Prisilla Cushman.
[1805,] March 12th. Elisha Brown to Miss Louis Cushman, both of Davistown, by William Crosby, Justice Peace.[p. 198]
1805, Jan. 20th. Mr. Benjamin Monroe to Miss Polly Lowley, both of this town, by Bohan P. Field, Justice Peace.
1805. Mr. Luther Gray to Miss Jane White, both of Green Plantation.
[1805,] January. Mr. Robert Cross to Miss Oliva Neal, of Green plantation, by John Drew, Baptist preacher.
[1805,] June 2. Mr. John Taggart to Miss Hannah Patterson.
[1805,] July 16. Mr. John G. Brown to Miss Betsey Miller of this town.
[1805,] July 18. Mr. John Ames to Miss Anna Cochran of this town.
[1805,] Sept. 15. Mr. Lemuel Cooper to Miss Peggy McDonnel of this town.
[1805,] Oct. 10. Mr. Daniel Field of Prospect to Miss Abigail True of this town.
[1805,] Dec. 26. Mr. Benjamin Ellinwood to Miss Nancy Ayer of this town.
Dec. 31. Mr. Samuel Jackson to Miss Polly Cunningham of this town.
The above persons was joined in marriage during the year 1805, by Jona. Wilson, Justice of the Peace and Clerk of the town of Belfast.
May 1, 1804. William Collens with Sarah Dickey, both of Prospect.
May 2, 1804. David Taggart with Anna Patterson, both of Belfast.
May 28, 1804. John Hartshorn with Sarah Sturtevant, both of Belfast.
Sept. 23, 1804. Andrew Patterson with Polly Stephenson, both of Belfast.
Oct. 11, 1804. John Patterson with Hannah Lankester, both of Belfast
Nov. 4, 1804. John Holmes with Judith Merrill, both of Belfast.
Feb. 20, 1805. Capt. Samuel Park with Peggy Nickels, both of Prospect.
Feb. 21, 1805. John Dickro of Lincolnville, with Katy K. Park of Prospect, by Robert Houston, Justice of the peace.
Apr. 7, 1805. James Mansur with Polly Peirce, both of Belfast.
June 2. 1805. Adam Templeton with Barbry Templeton, both of Belfast.
July 14, 1805. Robert Thompson with Eliza Stowers, both of Prospect, by Robert Houston, Justice of the Peace.
Aug. 31, 1806. Henry A. Lord of Goose pond Settlement, with Anna Hatch of the Plantation Washington.
Dec. 25, 1806. Philemon Pattee with Relief Curtis, both of Lee Plantation, by Robert Houston, Justice of the Peace.
June 25, 1807. Chansey Holmes with Hannah Crockett, both of Prospect.
Nov. 26, [1807]. Joshua Nickerson with Thankful Eldrege, both of Goose pond Settlement.
March 17, 1808. Hugh Ross with Betsey Clifford, both of Prospect, by Robert Houston, Justice of Peace.
1806, Jan. 1. Mr. John Cates of the Plantation of Jackson to Miss Elizabeth Roberts of the Plantation of Washington.
[1806, Jan.] 7th, Mr. William Presby to Miss Elizabeth Patterson, both of this town.[p. 199][1806,] Sept. 20. Mr. William Nickerson to Miss Polly Rogers, both of Goose pond Settlement, by Jona. Wilson, Justice of the Peace.
1807, Jan. 11. Mr. Benjamin Sekins to Miss Abigail Tyler, both in the vicinity of Belfast.
[1807,] Sept 20. Mr. Thomas Cunningham 2d, of this town to Miss Abigal Elwell of Northport.
[1807,] Nov. 2. Mr. Appolos Alden to Miss Priscilla Grinnel, both of this town, by Jona. Wilson, Justice of the Peace.
1809. Mr. Nathaniel Tyler to Miss Barsheba Trask, both in the vicinity of Belfast, by Jona. Wilson, Justice of the Peace.
30th April, 1811. George Watson Esq., a Justice of the Peace returned the following persons by him joined in marriage on the 4th of November, 1810. (to wit)Moses Brier with Susanna Pierce.
Solomon Cunningham with Abigal Ellenwood.
Nathaniel Patterson with Sally Cunningham.
All of Belfast, on the same day.
June 20, 1811. Samuel Patterson with Betsey West, both of Belfast were joined in marriage by me, Jona. Wilson, J. P. and Clerk of the Town of Belfast.
1811, July 18th. Mr. Elijah Bragdon with Miss Sally Sekens were joined in marriage by me, Jona. Wilson, J. P.
Jan. 16th, 1812. Mr. Martin Rogers and Miss Sally Grinnel, both of Belfast were joined in marriage by me, Jona. Wilson, Justice of the Peace.
Feb. 9th, 1812. Mr. John Wales and Miss Sally Quimby, of Belfast were joined in marriage, by me Jona. Wilson, Justice of the Peace.
April 30th, 1812. George Watson, Esq., a Justice of the Peace in the County of Hancock, returned the following persons by him joined in marriage, viz:
Nov. 27th, 1811. Lewis Ryan, of Belfast with Jane Clarry, of Washington plantation.
Jan. 30th, 1812. George Trundy with Theodate Smith, both of plantation Knox.
March 2d, 1812. Hubbard Nickerson with Betsey Crosby, both of Goospond Plantation.
Apr. 5, 1812. Natham Tilden with Narrassa Hatch.
July 27, 1812. The persons hereafter named were joined in marriage by Jona. Wilson, a Justice of the Peace.
Mr. Salathiel Nickerson of Belfast, with Miss Martha M'Cluer, of plantation Washington.
July 28, 1812. Mr. James Whitten with Miss Jane Tarr, both of Castine.
Dec. 6, 1812. Mr. Ezekiel Tarbot and Miss Eliza Coe, both of the vicinity of Belfast, by Manasah Sleeper, Justice of the Peace.
1809, Sept. 3. Nathaniel Woodbury to Grizel Patterson.
1812, July 12. Josiah Palmer to Rachel Wales. The above were joined in marriage by Wm. Moody Justice of the Peace.
Aug. 28, 1808. Robert Pike with Hannah Smith, both of Prospect.[p. 200]Oct. 6, [1808]. Alexander Thompson with Hannah Layton, both of Goose pond settlement.
Oct. 20, [1808]. Chandlor Moodey with Susanna Field, both of Prospect.
Oct. 23, [1808]. Daniel Ridley with Polly Basset, both of Prospect.
Oct. 31, [1808]. Benja. Park with Amy Crary, both of Prospect.
Apr. 6, 1809. John George with Phebe Nickerson, both of Prospect.
Jan. 3, 1810. William Colcord with Sally Ames, both of Prospect.
Jan. 13, [1810]. Samuel Cunningham with Hannah Jorden, both of Prospect.
Apr. 8, [1810]. Benjamin Nickerson with Mehitable Ames, both of Frankfort.
Dec. 2, 1810. Jacob Hoplund with Polly Carter, both of Prospect.
Nov. 6, [1810]. Henry George with Sally Fowler, both of Prospect.
Jan. 10, 1811. William Curtis, of Frankfort with Deborah Dwelly, of Prospect.
Aug. 29, 1811. Thomas Jordon with Betsey Peirce both of Prospect.
Oct. 17, [1811]. John Lords with Wealthy Spencer, both of Goose Pond Settlement.
Nov. 7, [1811]. Isaac Bridge with Mehetable Evens, both of Prospect.
May 31, 1812. Jerome Stephenson Jr., with Mary McDonald, both of Belfast.
June 8, [1812]. Jonathan Savery with Polly Piper, both of Prospect.
Sept. 29, [1812]. Peter Cochran, of Belfast with Peggy Hains, of Prospect.
Sept. 30, [1812]. Simeon Haines, of Prospect with Sarah Cochran, of Belfast.
Nov. 5, [1812]. Stacy Towle with Isabel Burdick Lanpher, both of Frankfort.
Dec. 24, [1812]. Josiah Towle with Polly Colcord, both of Prospect, by Robert Houston, Justice of the Peace.
1812-13. Thomas Chase and Keziah Ellis, both of the Plantation of Jackson.
[1812-1813.] William Cilly, of Washington Plantation and Love Moreton, of Jackson Plantation, by the Rev. Silas Warren, minister of said Plantation.MARRIAGES SOLEMNIZED BY REV. ALFRED JOHNSON1805, Oct. 17. Jerome Stephenson to Temperance Williams.
[1805,] Nov. 29. Ansel Lathrop to Lois Whittier.
[1805,] December. Seth Elliot to Betsey Furber.
1806, March 6. Daniel Gilbert to Sally Reed.
[1806], March 6. Phineas Pendleton to Nancy Gilmore.
[1806], May 8. Alexander Black to Patty Ames.
[1806], Sept. 14. Alexander Clark Todd to Olive Hill.
[1806], Oct. 4. John McDonald to Polly Webster.
[1806], Oct. 5. Ebenezer B. Greeley to Suky Davis.
[1806], Oct. 7. Joseph Drinkwater to Elizabeth McKinley.
[1806], Nov. 6. Alvan Edmunds to Betsey Durham.
[1806], Nov. 20. John Brown 3d, to Sally McClure.
[1806], Nov. 27. Jonathan Pitcher to Eliza Stevenson.
[1806], Dec. 4. William Furber to Polly Patterson.[p. 201]1806, Dec. 16. William R. Lowney to Charity Ellis.
1807, March 1. James Walls to Polly Covel.
[1807,] March 5. Rufus Henry to Hannah Churchill.
[1807,] May 21. Samuel Hardy to Keziah Waterhouse.
[1807,] May 21. William Jackson to Sylvia Jackson.
[1807,] Nov. 26. John Wilson to Hannah Leach.
[1807,] Nov. 26. Richard Lean or Lear to Judith Pinkham.
[1807,] Dec. 13. John Haraden to Hannah Brown.
[1807,] Dec. 23. James Morgan to Polly Knights.
1808, Jan. 21. Manasseh Sleeper to Hannah Whittier.
[1808,] March. Thomas Russell to Mary Patterson.
[1808,] April. Joseph Cates to Polly Skillings.
[1808,] July 7. James Butler to Polly Gray.
[1808,] Sept. 22. James McCrillis to Jane Durham.
[1808,] Dec 25. Thomas Nesmith to Susannah Davidson.
1809, March 8. Silvanus Irish to Mehitable Haskell.
[1809,] Apr. 16. William Greely to Mary Davis.
[1809,] Apr. 17. Benjamin Ward Jr. to Elizabeth Jordan.
[1809,] Apr. 23. Samuel M. Miller to Nancy Brown.
[1809,] May 28. Nathan McDonald to Clarissa Reed.
[1809,] May 28. James Patterson Jr. to Nancy Furber.
[1809,] Aug. 27. William Allen Jr. to Charlotte Elwell.
[1809,] Aug. 27. Jeremiah Walker to Sally Hartshorn.
[1809,] Nov. 14. Mathew White to Margarett White.
[1809,] Nov. 30. Samuel Ames to Abigail Nickerson.
1810, Jan. 1. Nathan Lanpher to Hannah Griffin.
[1810,] Jan. 7 Enoch Perkins to Nancy Hopkins.
[1810,] Mar. 31. John Ward to Sally Jordan.
[1810,] Mar. 31. Gilbert Roberts to Anna P. Leathers.
[1810,] Apr. 26. Jonathan Williston to Nancy Cochran.
[1810,] Apr. 26. William Durham to Selena Hatch.
[1810,] May 13. Timothy Tibbetts to Betsey Yeaton.
[1810,] Sept. 17. Benjamin Eells to Jane Wilson.
[1810,] Oct. 3. James Mosman to Mary Ford.
[1810,] Oct. 14. Thomas D. Liscomb to Deborah A. Lowder.
[1810,] Dec. 20. William Davis to Betsey Marble.
1811, March 3. John Houston to Susannah M. Fletcher.
[1811,] April 7. John H. Conner to Lidia Watson.
[1811,] April 10. Chandler Peavy to Betsey Mathews.
[1811,] Sept. 5. James Leach to Anna Black.
[1811,] Sept. 8. William Salmond to Mary Jane Ladd.
[1811,] Sept. 8. William W. Cross to Lois Smith.
[1811,] Sept. 29. Benjamin Cunningham to Betsey Stevenson.
[1811,] October. William Warding to Sarah True.
1812, Jan. George Hall to Susannah Lords.
[1812,] Feb. 12. John Greely to Mary Black.
[1812,] March 5. William Lords to Mary B. Spencer.
[1812,] March 5. John Trefeatheren to Meriam Batchelder.
[1812,] March 19. John McKeon to Fanny True.
[1812,] July 16. Andrew Leach, Jr., to Sally Black.[p. 202]1812, Sept. 21. Aaron Hobart, Jr., to Maria Leach.
[1812,] Oct. 24. Samuel Gilmore to Mary Brown.
[1812,] Feb. 1. Thomas Hill to Martha Spring.
1813, May, John Huse to Hannah Witherell.
[1813,] May. Miles Fowler to Jane True.(Signed,) Attest, Alfred Johnson, Minister.Hancock, ss., April 1, 1814.I hereby certify that Archibald York and Fanny Merrill, both of Belfast, in said County, were joined in marriage on the 16th of Jan'y, 1814, and no other persons have been joined in marriage the year last past before me.(Signed,) Wm. Crosby, Just. Peace.
1813, Oct. 28. Samuel Cunningham and Elizabeth Batchelder, both of the plantation of Greene, in the County of Hancock, were joined in marriage; also 1814, Jan'y 6, Samuel Dillaway and Nancy Hall, both of Belfast, and all before me.(Signed,) Wm. Moody, Justice of ye Peace.
Jackson, 25th April, 1814. I hereby certify that on the 16th of January, 1814, I married William White, of Belfast, and Maria A. Ashmun, of Washington Plantation.Silas Warren
On 23d March, 1814, I married Isaac Skillings and Hannah Merrill, of Jackson Plantation.MARRIAGES SOLEMNIZED BY ASA EDMUNDS, JUS. PEACE1812, July 16, Jonathan Ordway to Clarissa Cross, both of the Plantation of Green, County Hancock.
1812, May 3, Abner W. Bradbury to Eunice Hall, both of Belfast.
1814, July 7, Uzziah Kendall to Abigail Wilson; Mr. Kendall of Brewer, Miss Wilson, of Belfast.
March 19, Solomon Kimball to Mrs. Polly Taylor, both of Belfast.
1814, May 16, Simon Coombs and Polly McDonald, joined in marriage by me.(Signed,) Attest, Benj. Whittier, Justice Peace.