Source: Cyrus Eaton, Annals of the town of Warren; with the early history of St. George's, Broad Bay, and the neighboring settlements on the Waldo patent (Hallowell, Me.: Masters, Smith & co., 1851).
Forenames and surnames have been switched to facilitate searching.
Lore Alford, Ensign, Aug. 25, 1827, Capt. Aug. 7, 1830, of the Eastern Company.
[p. 366]Lemuel Andrews, Lieut. ____ Capt. about 1813, E. Co.
Benjamin Andrews, Lieut. about 1813, E. Co.
Alexander Anderson, Lieut. July 10, 1822, of the Western Co. A
Dr. Benjamin Ayer, Surgeon's Mate, April 24, 1828, of the Artillery Company.
Willing Blake, Capt. of W. Co. about 1798.
Benjamin Bracket, Major, about 1800.
Nathan Buckland, Capt. about 1807, of W. Co.
Stephen C. Burgess, Capt. May 21, 1821, E. Co.
Thomas P. Burgess, Ensign, April 28, 1836, Lieut. May 2, 1840, of Rifle Co.
Wm. C. Burgess, Capt. Aug. 12, 1837, of Artillery.
Benjamin Burton, Lieut. in Revolutionary Army, Lt. Col. 1785 or 6, Col. 1796.
Dr. Edmund Buxton, Surgeon, about 1800.
Dr. Benjamin F. Buxton, Paymaster, Sept. 20, 1827.
Lovel P. Chadbourne, Ensign, Aug. 17, 1839, W. Co.
Lewis V. Cobb, Ensign, May 15, 1841, Lieut. April 23, 1842, of Rifle Co.
Joseph Copeland, 1st, Lieut. of Guards sent to Machias in 1776.
Moses Copeland, Adjutant, about 1770.
Rufus B. Copeland, Quartermaster, about 1803 or 4.
David Copeland, Lieut. about 1804, of E. Co.
Joseph Copeland, 2d, Lieut. Oct. 13, 1817, of Artillery.
John Copeland, Ensign about 1813, Capt. July 10, 1822, W. Co.
Oliver Copeland, Ensign, about 1813, Capt. about 1818, E. Co.
John Copeland, 2d, Ensign, May 2, 1840, E. Co.
Oliver W. Counce, Lieut. May 23, 1828, W. Co.
Rufus Crane, Ensign, about 1788, Capt. about 1798, of E. Co.
William Crane, Quartermaster, Sept. 25, 1817.
Charles Crawford, Ensign, May 21, 1821, Capt. April 16, 1824, E. Company.
James Creighton, Ensign, May 2, 1840, Lieut. May 15, 1841, Capt. April 23, 1842, Rifle Co.
George Y. Creighton, Ensign, Aug. 7, 1830, Lieut. June 25, 1831, Capt. March 29, 1834, E. Co.
Aaron Davis, Lieut. about 1798, Capt. about 1804, of E. Co.
Jacob P. Davis, Lieut. about 1798, of W. Co.
Richard Dunbar, Ensign, April 16, 1824, Lieut. Aug. 25, 1827, E. Company.
Oscar Eaton, Capt. April 28, 1836, Rifle Co.
Jonathan Fuller, Lieut. about 1807, Capt. about 1811, W. Co.
Peter Fuller, Lieut. May 21, 1821, E. Co.
Job Frye, Lieut. May 6, 1837, E. Co.
Reuben Hall, 1st, Lieut. in 1785.
Reuben Hall, 4th, Ensign, July 10, 1822, W. Co.
James W. Head, Major, 1796, Col. about 1798.
Samuel Hinkley, Lieut. April 16, 1824, Capt. Aug. 25, 1827, E. Co.
Amos H. Hodgman, Col. July 16, 1.827, afterwards Brig. Gen.
Thomas Hoffsis, Capt. Oct. 12, 1833, of W. Co.
Jonathan Huse, Chaplain, June 1, 1806.
William James, Lieut. in 1770.
[p. 367]David P. Jameson, Lieut. Sept. 18, 1828, Capt. June 29, 1833, Rifle Company.
Alexander Kelloch, 1st, Ensign, 1775.
Thomas Kilpatrick, Capt. about 1749.
George Kilpatrick, Ensign, March 16, 1829, Lieut. May 4, 1839, Capt. May 2, 1840, E. Co.
Thomas Kilpatrick, Jr., Lieut. May 1. 1840, E. Co.
Ambrose Leach, Ensign, June 25, 1831, Lieut. March 29, 1834, E. Company.
Sumner Leach, Ensign, March 29, 1834, Capt. May 6, 1837, of E. Co., afterwards Col.
Alexander Lermond, Lieut. of Rangers, 1755, of militia in 1758.
Alexander Lermond, 2d, Ensign, Aug. 4, 1785.
Alexander Lermond, 3d, Lieut. in Artillery, about 1812.
Hatevil Libbey, 1st, Lieut. 1775, Major, 1785 or 6.
Edward G. Libbey, Ensign, Oct. 17, 1840, W. Co.
Alexander Libbey, 2d, Lieut. Sept. 9, 1843, Artillery.
George W. Lawrence, Capt. Sept. 9, 1843, of Artillery.
John McIntyre, Capt. about 1770, and again 1785 or 6.
John McIntyre, 2nd, Ensign, 1798, W. Co.
Robert McIntyre, 4th, Ensign, April 23, 1842, Rifle Co.
Wm. H. P. McLellan, Ensign, March 29, 1834, Lieut. April 28, 1836, Rifle Co.
John L. Mallett, Lieut. Aug. 18, 1827, Capt. Aug. 11, 1828, W. Co.
Alden Miller, Lieut. about 1828, Capt. ____ Major, ____ of Artillery.
Daniel Newcomb, Lieut. Sept. 12, 1815, of Artillery.
Jesse Page, 1st, Adjutant, about 1803.
David Patterson, 3d, Lieut. 1806, Capt. about 1812, Artillery.
Joshua L. Patterson, Lieut. May 18, 1825, Capt. about 1828, Artillery.
David Patterson, 4th, Capt. about 1833 or 4, Artillery.
Samuel Payson, Lieut. 1788.
John Payson, Ensign, 1798, of E. Co.
Patrick Porterfield, Lieut. about 1749.
Robert Porterfield, Adjutant, about 1786.
Ebenezer Prior, Ensign, Oct. 12, 1833, Lieut. March 29, 1836, W. Co.
John Proctor, Capt. March 23, 1839, W. Co.
Fisher Rawson, Paymaster, Aug. 15, 1828.
John W. Richmond, Capt. Rifle Co. Sept. 18, 1828, Major, Oct. 1, 1832, Lieut. Col. May 24, 1834.
Robert Robinson, Lieut. June 29, 1833, Capt. March 29, 1834, Rifle Company.
Patrick Simonton, Ensign, June 29, 1833, Lieut. March 29, 1834, Rifle Co.
Philip Smith, Ensign, April 16, 1824, W. Co.
John Spear, 1st, Capt. about 1788.
Andrew Spear, Ensign, March 29, 1834, W. Co.
George Spear, Ensign, July 9, 1836, W. Co.
William Spear, 3d, Lieut. March 23. 1839, W. Co.
Thomas Starrett, 1st, Capt. 1775, Col. about 1785 or 6.
William Starrett, Ensign, about 1804, Capt. about 1810, E. Co.
Benjamin Starrett, Ensign, June 3, 1837, Capt. March 16, 1839, E. Company.
Samuel Starrett, Lieut. June 3, 1837, E. Co.
[p. 368]John Starrett, Jr., Lieut. Aug. 12, 1837, Artillery.
James Stevens, Ensign, Sept. 18, 1828, Rifle Co.
Samuel Thatcher, Adjutant, about 1800, Col. 1803 or 4.
Ebenezer Thatcher, Capt. about 1805 of Artillery, subsequently Major, Col., Brig. Gen.
William H. Webb, Ensign, about 1807, W. Co.
Marshal Wilbur, Lieut. about 1811, Capt. about 1816, W. Co.
Nathan Williams, Capt. of Union Light Infantry, May 22, 1806.
William Wyllie, Lieutenant, Sept. 12, 1815, Major, Sept. 27, 1828, Artillery.
John Wyllie, 3d, Lieut. Sept. 9, 1843, Artillery.