Source: Walter Lindley Mower, Sesquicentennial history of the town of Greene, Androscoggin County, Maine: 1775 to 1900 with some matter extending to a later date (Auburn, Me.: Merrill & Webber, 1938).
[p. 71]Revolution. Several of the earlier settlers of Greene had served in the Revolutionary War and as far as is possible to determine, the following are given: Samuel Adams, Benjamin Alden, John Allen, George Berry, Capt. Jabez Bates, Solomon Bates, Isaac Beals, Abner Brown, William Coburn, Gershom Curtis, Capt. John Daggett, Ezekiel Hackett, James Lamb, John Mower, Samuel Mower, Jonathan Mower, Joseph McKenney, Thomas More, Capt. Benjamin Parker, Capt. Ichabod Phillips, Jairus Phillips, Benjamin Quimby, Abiatha Richmond, Luther Robbins, Col. William Sprague, James Sprague, Batchelor Stetson, 27 in all.
War of 1812. As fully as may be determined, the following served: Capt. Daniel Crossman, Capt. Aaron Mower, Luther Mower, Elisha Drake, Capt. Aaron Daggett, David Wilkins, Abner Merrill, Jacob St. Clair, Caleb Stetson, Ammi Larrabee, Thomas Graffam, Edward Parker, Gilbert Chamberlain, Benjamin Pratt, Isaiah Coburn, John Perham, Coulard Perham, Bemis Lamb, Joseph Clark, John Adams, Col. Moses Sprague, Capt. Jabez Pratt, Broderic Dillingham, John Pettengill, Philip Keenan, David Thompson. Aaron Mower served as clerk to Capt. Crossman; and most of the other men served in Capt. Oliver Herrick's Company from Lewiston. Most of these men were in the Lake Champlain expedition and engagement.
Madawaska Campaign. (1839) The bloodless war. The following men served from town of Greene: John E. Sawyer, Samuel Hackett, Joseph Hackett, Amos Hackett, Ezekiel Hackett, George Austin, Jesse Cummings, Leonard Griffin, Lora B. Stevens, Harrison Rose, Mark Caswell, John Pettengill, William M. Longley, Oliver P. Hooper, Edward Sedgley, Charles A. Additon, Amos Clark and Jacob Kimball. These men were members of a company of militia which was ordered to the seat of war, but arriving at Plantation No. 10 (Masardis) they were stopped by the news of peace. The Compact of agreement had been signed by Lord Ashburton for England and Daniel Web-
[p. 72]ster for the United States. The men returned home "laiden with honor", in at least having done their duty in behalf of their State.
Civil War. The town is credited with furnishing 159 men. The following list, while perhaps quite complete as to former citizens who enlisted from other places, has been exhaustively canvassed and presents a longer list than previously printed. Besides the volunteers, are given all substitutes in the draft and marked with an asterisk (*); as far as could be obtained, all who went from this town to other towns and states and from there enlisted are given and are marked with a dagger (†) and those who came to town after the war as soldier citizens, and are marked with a [double dagger (‡)].
Regimental standing given in each case.
Samuel W. Adams, First Maine heavy artillery.
Albert I. Additon, Co. I., 23rd Reg. Inf.
Charles H. Additon, Co. G., 9th Reg. Inf.
‡Andrew S. Ayer, Co. F., 7th Reg. Inf.
Moses G. Beal, Co. G., 23rd Reg. Inf.
Jarvis T. Beal, Co. G., 23rd and Co. I., 29th Reg. Inf.
William Beal, Co. G., 12th and Co. G., 23rd Reg. Inf.
Charles B. Beal, Co. G., 30th Reg. Inf.
†Calvin Beals, Co. C., 16th Reg. Inf.
Charles A. Bradbury, Co. G., 23rd Reg. Inf.
Russell S. Bradbury, Co. G., First Maine Cavalry.
Araunah H. Briggs, Co. I., 16th Reg. Inf. d. in Libby prison.
Stillman Bond, Co. K., 10th Reg. Inf., Co. C., 30th Reg. Inf.
George E. Bordwell, Co. F., l4th Reg. Inf.
John S. Brown, Co. F., 13th Reg. Inf.
Thomas L. Bubier, Co. F., 19th Reg. Inf. d. in service.
*Stephen Bailey, Co. F., 15th Reg. Inf.
*Thomas Bradley, 25th U. S. colored Reg. d. in service.
*Daniel Canlon, Navy. d. in service.
Luther C. Chadbourn, Navy.
Henry Harrison Coburn, 2nd D. C. Reg. Lincoln Guards.
Adelbert I. Clark, Co. G., 13th Reg. Inf.
*William Clark, Navy.
Silas R. Cummings, Co. E., 5th Reg. Inf.
†Rev. Silas S. Cummings, Chap. 4th R. I. Reg. Inf.
[p. 73]*Jeremiah Crowley, Co. C., First Maine Cavalry.
Brig. Gen. Aaron S. Daggett, Co. E., 5th Reg. Inf.
Rev. Converse R. Daggett, Co. G., 23rd Reg. Inf., Hosp. Chap.
Alvah N. Dexter, Co. G., 23rd Reg. Inf.
Virgil P. Dillingham, Co. G., First Maine Cavalry.
Elwood S. Daly, Co. G., 12th Reg. Inf.
*F. J. DeCamara, Co. A., 14th Reg. Inf.
Edward Paul Dyer, Co. I., 16th Reg. Inf.
‡Almon B. Donnell, Co. G., First Maine Cavalry.
William Donnell, Co. G., 23rd and Co. I. 29th Reg. Inf. d. in service.
‡Lieut. George A. Dickey, Co. A., 31 Reg. Inf.
†Eugene L. Dennen, Co. G., 23rd Reg. Inf.
Daniel P. Eaton, Co. F., 14th Reg. Inf.
Benjamin A. Eaton, Co. K., 1st and Co. K., 29th Reg. Inf.
*Francis Evans, Navy.
*James Ferguson, Navy.
Almon Fogg, Co. G., 30th Reg. Inf. d. in service.
Charles A. Fogg, Co. A., 30th Reg. Inf.
George W. Frost, Co. I., 16th Reg. Inf. d. in service.
Henry T. Frost, Co. K., 10th Reg. Inf.
Orrin Furbush, Co. G., 30th Reg. Inf.
Henry W. Furbush, Co. H., 1st Reg. Inf.
†Nehemiah T. Furbush, Co. I., 1st Reg. Inf.
Roscoe Gilbert, Co. I., 16th Reg. Inf.
‡James F. Goss, Co. B., 9th Reg. Inf.
‡David P. Graffam, Co. F., 11th Reg. Inf.
†William T. Graffam, Co. K., 29th Reg. Inf.
Christopher C. Gorman. Co. G., 23rd Reg. Inf.
Henry M. Gould, Co. E., 5th Reg. Inf.
Freeman J. Gurney, Co. G., First Maine Cavalry.
Dr. W. Scott Hill, Navy.
Byron G. Hill, 2nd D. C. Reg. Lincoln Guards.
Dennis K. Harris, Co. K., 7th Reg. Inf. d. in service.
Amos Hackett, Co. K., 7th Reg. Inf.
Joseph Hackett, Co. K., 7th Reg. Inf.
Ezekiel Hackett, Co. K., 7th Reg. Inf.
Orison W. Hackett, Co. I., 16th Reg. Inf.
*Daniel Healey, too late for service.
[p. 74]*Charles Hart, too late for service.
‡Calvin C. Hussey, Co. C., 8th Reg. Inf.
†George T. Hussey, Co. E., 16th Reg. Inf.
William Johnson, Co. I., 16th Reg. Inf. d. Oct. 23, l862.
†John Babson Jennings, Co. F., 7th Reg. Inf.
†Dr. Nathaniel M. Jennings, Surgeon, 31st N. J. Inf.
†Howard M. Kimball, Co. H., 4th Mass. Inf.
Jacob Kimball, Co. K., 7th Reg. Inf.
†Job Kimball, Co. I., 12th Mass. Inf.
John Knowles, Co. F., 1st Reg. Inf.
Sanford K. Knox, Co. K., 7th Reg. Inf.
George A. Knox, Co. K, 29th Reg. Inf.
*William Kelley, Co. B., First Veteran Reg.
Ruggles S. Keay, Co. K., 3rd Reg. Inf. d. in service.
‡George F. Keenan, Co. C., First Maine Cavalry.
William E. Longley, Co. G., 30th Reg. Inf.
Nathaniel Lovejoy, Co. H., 1st Reg. Inf.
*Charles W. Longfellow, Co. G., First Veteran Reg.
*Henry Lane, Co. C., 15th Reg. Inf.
Gideon P. Lowell, Co. H., 10th Reg. Inf.
Harrison D. Lowell, Co. F., 13th and Co. B., 30th Reg. Inf.
James R. Lowell, Co. C., 13th Reg. Inf. d. Sept. 12, 1863.
James M. Lowell, Co. G., 23rd Reg. Inf.
Charles H. Lowell, Co. G., 30th Reg. Inf.
Freeman H. Lander, Co. E., 23rd Reg. Inf.
†Charles H. Larrabee, Co. E., First N. H. Artillery.
†Capt. Frank Lindley Lamont, Co. E., 5th Reg. Inf., killed at Wilderness, May 12, 1864.
Charles H. Morse, Co. G., 23rd Reg. Inf.
Edwin Moulton, Co. C., 13th Reg. Inf.
Alden Moulton, Navy.
Arthur G. Moulton, Navy.
Charles E. Moulton, Co. I., First Maine Cavalry.
Lieut. Wilbur Fisk Mower, Co. I., 16th Reg. Inf.
Lowell Mason Mower, Co. G., 23rd Reg. Inf.
Josiah Haven Mower, Co. G., 23rd and Co. I., 29th Reg. Inf.
Thomas Henry Mower, Co. G., First Maine Cavalry.
Eugene Sumner Mower, Co. I., 16th Reg. Inf.
Albion Pierce Mower, Co. I., 29th Reg. Inf. d. at New Orleans.
Aaron Mower, Co. I., 29th Reg. Inf.
[p. 75]†Benjamin Franklin Mower, Co. C., 7th Reg. Inf. Killed at Gettysburg.
†Thomas Dailey Mower, Co. K., 1st Mich. Reg. Inf.
*John C. Moore, Co. C., 12th Reg. Inf. d. in service.
‡William K. Moore, Co. A., 12th Reg. Inf.
‡William H. Mace, Co. D., 32nd Reg. Inf. d. July 23, 1864.
†Hosea S. Mace, Co. F., 1st Reg. Inf.
Lewis McKenney, Co. B., 29th Reg. Inf.
George W. McKenney, Co. K., 7th Reg. Inf.
William H. Michaels, Co. I., 16th Reg. Inf. d. Feb. 18, 1863.
‡Loren Merrill, Co. C., 5th Penn. Reg. Inf.
*John McHugh, Co. C., 14th Reg. Inf.
Edwin H. Nason, Co. I., 16th Reg. Inf.
*William Needham, Navy.
*Thomas Olman, Navy.
*James O'Brian, Co. C., First Maine Cavalry.
Thatcher W. Parker, Co. G., 23rd Reg. Inf.
David Parker, Co. B., 29th Reg. Inf.
Lieut. Jabez Pratt Parker, Co. I., 16th Reg. Inf.
Frederick B. Pollard, Co. D., 16th Reg. Inf.
Lora Stevens Patten, Co. I., 16th Reg. Inf. d. Mar. 2, 1865.
Darius Peare, Co. G., 23rd Reg. Inf. d. Dec. 11, 1862.
Ellery Peare, Co. G., 23rd Reg. Inf.
†Dr. John F. Pratt, Surgeon, 2nd Reg. Inf.
Jabez Pratt, Co. H., 1st Reg. Inf.
Thomas Greene Pratt, Co. A, 30th Reg. Inf.
Charles Henry Pratt, Co. G., 23rd Reg. Inf.
*John Philpot, Navy.
*Harlan Page, Co. E., First Veteran Reg.
Charles Ector Piper, Co. B., 29th Reg. Inf. d. July 15, 1864.
*James Perryman, too late for service.
Melvin A. Perkins, Co. H., 17th Reg. Inf.
‡Fred E. Partridge, Co. A., 16th Reg. Inf.
*Thomas Quinn, Co. E., First Veteran Reg.
William F. Record, Co. K., 7th Reg. Inf. d. Dec. 10, 1861.
Elmer R. Record, Co. C., 8th Reg. Inf. d. in Sallsbury Prison.
Henry Ricker, Co. K., 7th Reg. Inf.
John Martin Robbins, Q. M. Sarg., 8th Reg. Inf.
Isaac G. Rackley, Co. G., 13th Reg. Inf. d. at New Orleans, Dec. 25, 1863.
[p. 76]Charles Richardson, Co. H., 10th Reg. Inf.
Alfred Richardson, Co. G., 30th Reg. Inf.
Thomas Stillman Rose, Co. F., 19th Reg. Inf.
*John Ready, Navy.
‡Joseph Small Rounds, Co. E., 20th Reg. Inf.
William H. Starbird, Co. G., 30th Reg. Inf.
H. Sylvanus Stewart, Co. F., 1st Reg. Inf.
Alpheus G. Stewart, Co. K., 29th Reg. Inf. d. May 1, 1864.
John H. Stevens, Co. C., 5th Reg. Inf.
Cyrenus P. Stevens, Co. E., 5th Reg. Inf.
William Stevens, Co. C., 8th Reg. Inf.
William C. Stevens, Co. G., 29th Reg. Inf. d. in service.
Henry A. Smith, Co. G., 23rd Reg. Inf.
Gardener Smith, Co. I., 29th Reg. Inf. d. in service.
Henry Sanborn, Co. I., 29th Reg. Inf.
*Henry R. Spaulding, Navy.
†William Henry Sawyer, Co. H., 12th Reg. Inf.
Edwin S. Tailor, Co. G., 23rd Reg. Inf.
†C. Eugene Thompson, Co. D., 32nd Reg. Inf.
†Hiram K. Thompson, Co. D., 32nd Reg. Inf.
‡Monroe Truesdell, Co. K., 4th Reg. N. Y. Cavalry.
Winfield Scott Wright, Co. H., 10th Reg. Inf.
‡Rufus Wright, Co. H., 14th Reg. Inf.
George W. Wentworth, Co. B., First Maine Cavalry.
Benjamin P. Winslow, Navy.
John U. Winslow, Navy.
Elbridge P. Wardwell, Co. K., 7th Reg. Inf.
I. Wesley Wardwell, Co. H., 11th Reg. Inf.
George E. Wardwell, Co. F., 14th Reg. Inf.
F. Alanson Wardwell, Navy.
*Timothy Tomay, too late for service.
†Dr. Henry L. K. Wiggin, Surgeon, 17th Reg. Inf.
†Nathan B. Jordan, Co. H., 19th Mass. Inf.
†Lewis Winslow, Co. G., 9th Ill. Cavalry.
†Dr. George S. Dearborn, Asst. Surg., 15 R. I. Inf.
†Frank P. Weymouth, Co. B., 31st N. J. Reg. Inf.
†Lorenzo P. Stetson, Co. E., 1st Minn. Reg. Inf.
†Capt. Alonzo P. Lamb, Co. G., 23rd Reg. Inf.
‡Thomas Alden Ray, Co. C., 5th Mass. Reg. Inf.
[p. 77]The above list contains 182 names, and is a much more comprehensive list than any heretofore given. By courtesy of the various adj. generals of the different states mentioned, a very complete list has been made possible. Draft substitutes are from the Adj. Generals' Report.
Sept. 28, 1861, the town voted that families left in indigent circumstances by those who had enlisted, be cared for. July 21, voted to pay $70. to each volunteer enlisting to fill up the town's quota of 13 men. Sept. 8, 1862, voted to pay each volunteer or drafted man, under the last call, $150. July 8, 1863, voted to pay each man enlisting in the army, $50; in the Navy, $100; and each drafted man $200. Nov. 19, voted to pay each volunteer under last call, $200; and Dec. 26, voted to pay an additional bounty of $150. June 25, 1864, the selectmen were authorized to pay a town bounty of $25. Aug. 27, voted to advance the state bounties and to pay a town bounty of $300. Aug. 30, it was reported that 12 men enlisted, and William M. Longley and John M. Robbins were chosen to recruit. Dec. 12, voted to pay volunteers or substitutes, $300. for three years, $200. for two years, and $100. for one year. Feb. 11, 1865, voted to increase the town bounty by $100. if necessary, to raise the quota. Apr. 1, the selectmen were authorized to fill the town's quota on the most reasonable terms. Sept. 25, voted to refund the money subscribed by the Soldiers Fund Society used in filling quota of August 1864.
The call for service brought to the front many of the best blood and citizenship in town. It is a matter of local pride that among the ranks was its native son, Brig. Gen. Aaron S. Daggett, the oldest officer in the U. S. Army, retired March 2, 1901; and who had seen service in the Civil War, Spanish War, Philippine insurrection and the Boxer uprising in China; and was hailed the "Hero of Peking", forcing his way through the gates into the Forbidden City with the 14th Inf. to whom was given the task; and supported by Regiments from Japanese, English, French, German, Russian and Italian Ranks, the entire force numbering some 16,000 men under command of the English General. Gen. Daggett observed his 100th birthday, June 14, 1937; d. May 14, 1938, at W. Roxbury, Mass.
[p. 78]The Draft List. Following are the names of those who were in the draft, or otherwise, and not finding it convenient to go to the front, hired substitutes. Name of substitute with service follows in each case:
Thomas F. Alexander—John C. Moore, Army.
Benjamin E. Allen—James O'Brian, Army.
Charles A. Bradbury—F. J. DeCamara, Army.
Cyrus W. Bates—Francis Evans, Navy.
Alfred Beals—Timothy Tomay, late call.
Augustus B. Caswell—John Ready, Navy.
Oliver Caswell—Charles Hart, late call.
Elijah S. Daly—Daniel Canlon, Navy.
David O. Libby—Charles H. Longfellow, Army.
Elbridge Larrabee—Jarvis T. Beal—(2nd service, Army).
Stephen L. Morse—James Perryman, late call.
John B. Murray—Thomas Quinn, Army.
Capt. Charles F. Nichols—Harland Page, Army.
Almeron B. Parker—Henry R. Spaulding, Navy.
Charles W. Parker—Jeremiah Crowley, Army.
Westbrook G. Rogers—William Kelley, Army.
Zebedee Shaw—Stephen Bailey, Army.
Roscoe V. Shaw, Thomas Olman, Navy.
James S. Sanborn—William Needham, Navy.
Virgil H. Sprague—James Ferguson, Navy.
William Sprague—Thomas Bradley, Army.
Madison Sprague—John McHugh, Army.
Jefferson Sprague—Henry Lane, Army.
Charles L. Thomas—William Clark, Navy.
Robert S. Thomas—Daniel Healey, late call.
Charles M. Washburn—John Philpot, Navy.
Virgil H. Sprague and Charles A. Bradbury, as volunteers for service at the front, were turned down; however, at a later call Mr. Bradbury was accepted; thus he has not onlv secured a man in his stead, but finally went to the front himself. It was Mr. Sprague's desire to enlist with the boys of the 23rd. but could not. Another volunteer who went to Augusta for examination and enlistment was "turned down and never knew why", he said. That was Josiah C. Hammond. The town may well be proud of its Civil War service.
[p. 79]World War. Dr. Loren S. Lombard, Capt. Guy F. Weymouth, Herbert Ellms, Wesley T. Bubier, William Nickerson, Jasper Nickerson, Orland S. Field, Fred B. Hobart.
Burial Place of Revolutionary Soldiers. Col. William Sprague, Capt. Jabez Bates, Benjamin Quimby, Batchelor Stetson and Gershom Curtis, are buried in the Morse yard; George Berry and Solomon Bates in the River road yard; Jairus Phillips and Isaac Beals in the Rose yard; Joseph McKenney, William Coburn and Ezekiel Hackett in the Peare yard; Capt. Ichabod Phillips in the Mann cemetery, So. Leeds; Benjamin Alden and Abiatha Richmond in the old Quaker Cemetery, So. Leeds; Capt. John Daggett, John Mower, John Allen, Luther Robbins, Samuel Adams, Samuel Mower and Jonathan Mower are buried in old Valley Cemetery; James Sprague removed to Bath, thence to Bethel; James Lamb removed to Leeds. Thomas More, may be buried in Valley Cemetery. It can never be known, for the chart of Old Valley Cemetery was burned in the Parker fire at Greene Corner. Abner Brown at West Leeds Cemetery; Capt. Benjamin Parker, North Yarmouth.
The following item may be of interest in that the names included are directly or indirectly connected with early settlers of the town, and came to hand some time after the above list had been finally prepared. There were 11 Massachusetts Regiments at Valley Forge and among the names of the Regimental Roster were:
George Berry*; Joseph McKenney*; Isaac McKenney, brother; David Pettengill, Lewiston; Jacob Royall, N. Yarmouth; Samuel Royall, N. Yarmouth; William Royall, N. Yarmouth; Winthrop Royall, N. Yarmouth.
The first two names were pioneer settlers of Greene. The fourth was a relative of Hart Pettengill, father of three of the town's early daughters. The last four names were connected back of Capt. Jacob Royal Parker in the family.
* See sketch in family data.
