Source: William Hutchinson Rowe, Ancient North Yarmouth and Yarmouth, Maine, 1636-1936: a history (Yarmouth, Me.: unknown, 1937).
Forenames and surnames have been switched to facilitate searching.
[p. 401]ARMY AND NAVY RECORD, WAR OF 1861-1865
Thomas L. Adams, Pvt., Co. K, 30 Inf., died Sept. 1, 1864.
Stephen Anderson, Pvt., substitute for Jeremiah Buxton.
Thomas J. Andrews, Pvt., Co. D, 20 Inf.
Albert O. Baker, Pvt., Co. E, 17 Inf.; Corp. wounded at Gettysburg, transferred to Veterans Reserve Corps.
Albert T. Baker, U. S. Navy.
Charles H. Baker, U. S. Navy.
Charles W. Baker, Pvt., Co. E, 17 Inf.; Corp. wounded at Gettysburg.
George O. Baker, Pvt., 1st Bn., 1st Mounted Art.; died May 3, 1863.
Sylvanus Baker, U. S. Navy.
George P. Barrows, Pvt., Co. A, 30 Inf.
James M. Bates, Surgeon, 13 Inf.
Alvin M. Brackett, Pvt., Co. F, lst Cav.; killed in action Mar. 1, 1864.
Orrin W. Brackett, Pvt., Co. G, 25 Inf.
John E. Brooks, Pvt., Co. H, 25 Inf.; transferred to band.
Edwin F. Brown, U. S. Navy.
George W. Brown, Jr., Pvt., Co. H, 20 Inf.
John F. Brown, U. S. Navy.
Rufus S. Bruce, Pvt., Co. E, 17 Inf.
Alvan E. Bucknam, 2nd Lieut., Co. G, 25 Inf., Asst. Surgeon, Mass. Cavalry.
William E. Bucknam, Corp., Co. G, 25 Inf.
John Candroff, U. S. Navy.
John Carroll, Pvt., Co. B, 9 Inf.
Henry E. Challis, Pvt., 1st D. C. Cavalry.
James Chambers, Pvt., Co. K, 17 Inf.
George H. Chase, Pvt., Corp., Serg., Co. F, 1 Cav.
Joseph W. Church, Pvt., Co. G, 30 Inf.
Patrick Clark, Pvt., Co. B, 9 Inf.Edward Cobb, Pvt., Corp., Co. G, 7 Inf.
Edward Collier, U. S. Navy.
James Coombs, U. S. Navy.
Amos Corliss, Jr., Pvt., Co. C, Bat. 17, U. S. Inf.; died in Confederate prison, Salisbury, North Carolina, Nov. 20, 1864.
Augustus W. Corliss, 1st Lieut., and Major, 7 Sqd., Rhode Island Cav.; Major and Lieut.—Col., 2 R. I. Cav.; 2nd and 1st Lieut., 15 U. S. Inf.
George F. Corliss, 1st Serg., Co. D, 7 Inf.; enlisted in regular army.
James H. Corliss, Pvt., Co. H, 25 Inf.
Albert Cotton, Pvt., Co. G, 25 Inf.
Calvin Cummings, Pvt., Co. K, 30 Inf.; died Sept. 1, 1864.
William H. Cushman, Serg., Co. L, 1 Cav.
Levi Doe, U. S. Navy.
Nathan D. Dolly, Pvt., 1st D. C. Cavalry.
James Doughty, Serg., Co. E, 17 Inf.
Julius H. Doughty, Pvt., Co. H, 25 Inf.
Charles Dow, Pvt., Corp., Serg., Co. H, 5 Inf.
Watson Drinkwater, U. S. Navy, Quartermaster.
Charles A. Dunbar, Pvt., Co. G, 25 Inf.
Albion K. P. Dunning, Pvt., Co. H, 5 Inf.; transferred to field music.
Ambrose S. Dyer, 1st Lieut., Co. H, 5 Inf.
Michael Fanning, Pvt., Co. —, 15 Inf.
Horace A. Farwell, Pvt., Co. B, 25 Inf.
John A. Fountain, Pvt., Co. 29, Unassigned Inf.
Thomas Frazer, Pvt., Co. —, 30 Inf.
Isaac A. Gooch, Pvt., Co. C, 17 Inf.
Albert Gooding, Serg., Co. G, 25 Inf.
Edward S. Gooding, Pvt., Co. G, 25 Inf.[p. 402]
Thomas B. Gordon, Pvt., Co. A, 20 Inf.
Gustavus Grant, Pvt., Co. F, 1 Cav.; died in Confederate prison, July, 1864.
Herbert Grant, Pvt., Co. G, 25 Inf.
John W. Grant, Pvt., Co. H, 5 Inf.
Orrin L. Grant, Corp., 2nd Serg., Co. H, 5 Inf.; died at Mechanicsville, June 4, 1862.
Roswell P. Greely, Pvt., Co. C, 30 Inf.
Mellen Green, Musician, Co. H, 12 Inf.
James H. Hall, Pvt., Co. E, 17 Inf.
Winfield S. Hall, Pvt., 28 Co., Unassigned Inf.
Freeman Ham, Pvt., 28 Co., Unassigned Inf.
Andrew J. Hamilton, Pvt., Co. G, 25 Inf.
William D. Hancock, Pvt., Co. D, 20 Inf.
Charles E. Hayes, U. S. Navy.
Francis W. Hickey, U. S. Navy.
Frank Hilton, Pvt., Co. D, 20 Inf.
Stacy Hodgkins, Pvt., 18 Co., Unassigned Inf.
Charles G. Holyoke, Pvt., Serg.-Major, Co. E, 17 Inf.
Horace P. Holyoke, Corp., Serg., Co. F, 1 Cav.
Henry H. Humphrey, Pvt., Co. C, 5 Inf.
William F. Humphrey, U. S. Navy.
Darius W. Jackson, 14 R. I. Heavy Art. (colored).
Charles Johnson, U. S. Navy.
Henry Johnson, U. S. Navy.
Peter Johnson, U. S. Navy.
Charles W. Jones, Pvt., Co. G, 7 Inf., Corp., Co. F, 1 Inf., U. S. Navy.
Henry H. Jones, Pvt., Co. F, 10 Inf.
Thomas Jones, Pvt., 1st Bat. Mounted Art.
Joseph Jordan, Pvt., Co. H, 25 Inf.
Franklin Kilburn, Pvt., Co. B, 29 Inf.
Alfred E. Lane, Pvt., Co. M, 2 Cav.; died Apr. 10, 1864.
Sidney H. Lane, Pvt., Co. H, 25 Inf.
Andrew Leighton, Pvt., Co. E, 17 Inf.; trans. to Vet. Res. Corps.Charles H. Livingston, Pvt., Co. B, 9 Inf.
Albert H. Loring, Pvt., Co. H, 25 Inf.
Joseph H. Loring, Pvt., Co. E, 17 Inf.
William M. Loring, Pvt., Corp., Co. E, 17 Inf.
Edward H. Lufkin, Pvt., Co. H, 25 Inf.
Timothy Mahoney, Corp., Co. A, 25 Inf.
David Marshall, Pvt., Co. I, 16 Inf.; died Jan. 7, 1864.
Greely E. Marston, Pvt., Co. E, 17 Inf.; killed in action June 16, 1864.
Melvin S. Marston, Pvt., Co. G, 25 Inf.
John Mason, U. S. Navy.
Thomas L. Maybury, Pvt., Co. B, 1st Bat. Inf.
James McCue, U. S. Navy.
William McClanning, Pvt., Co. G, 1 Cav.; killed at Malvern Hill, July 1, 1862.
James McGlinch, Pvt., Co. F, 29 Inf.
Alfred Mitchell, Asst. Surgeon, 9 Inf.
James F. Mitchell, Pvt., Co. C, 10 Inf.
Orrin H. Mitchell, Pvt., Co. E, 17 Inf.; trans. to Vet. Res. Corps.
Tristram P. Mitchell, Pvt., Co. E, 17 Inf.
Sylvanus S. Mitchell, Corp., Co. E, 17 Inf.; died at Fort Carroll, Md., Oct. 1, 1862.
John Monaghan, Pvt., 4th Bat. Mtd. Art.
Benjamin Moody, Pvt., Co. B, 7 Inf.; re-enlisted in 3 U. S. Inf.
George P. Moore, Pvt., Co. A, 16 Inf.; missing in action at Fredericksburg.
John Mullen, Pvt., Co. B, 9 Inf.
Peter Nelson, U. S. Navy.
Antonio Nicholas, U. S. Navy.
George P. Oakes, Pvt., Co. E, 17 Inf.
Samuel Parker, Pvt., Co. E, 17 Inf.
George H. Pendleton, U. S. Navy.
Ralph J. Pendleton, U. S. Navy.
Frank Perry, Pvt., Co. E, 13 Inf.; trans. Vet. Res. Corps.
Edward C. Pratt, U. S. Navy.
Freeman Pratt, Pvt., Co. G, 25 Inf.[p. 403]
Henry Pratt, U. S. Navy.
Albert F. Prince, Pvt., Co. B, 1 Cav.; died in service.
Samuel Quimby, U. S. Navy.
Joseph Raynes, U. S. Navy.
Standish Reed, Pvt., Co. E, 17 Inf.; detached with 3 R. I. Bat.
Michael Riordon, Pvt., Co. G, 9 Inf.
Benjamin B. Robbins, Pvt., Co. D, 20 Inf.
William Roberts, 2nd Lieut., 1st Lieut., Co. E, 17 Inf.
George C. Sabine, Pvt., 1 D. C. Cav.; trans. to Co. M, 1 Me. Cav.
Robert Scott, U. S. Navy.
Levi J. Shapleigh, Pvt., Co. G, 12 Inf.
Ammi D. Seabury, Pvt., Co. E, 17 Inf.
Frank Seabury, Pvt., Co. E, 17 Inf.
William A. Seabury, Pvt., Co. G, 25 Inf.
Daniel Small, Pvt., Co. G, 25 Reg.
Nathaniel P. Small, Pvt., Co. E, 13 Inf.
Isaac H. Small, Pvt., Co. G, 25 Inf.
Arthur W. Smith, Pvt., Co. E, 29 Inf.
George O. D. Soule, Pvt., Co. E, 17 Inf.
Herbert Soule, Corp., Co. E, 17 Inf.
Horatio B. Soule, Pvt., Co. F, 1 Cav.
James E. Sparks, Pvt., Co. E, 17 Inf.; trans. to Vet. Res. Corps.
Edward F. Stackpole, Pvt., Co. D, 16 Inf.
Isaiah S. Stevens, Serg., Co. F, 10 Inf.
James Stevens, Pvt., Co. I, 9 Inf.
William Steward, U. S. Navy.
Gardiner L. Stowe, Pvt., 1 D. C. Cav.Hartwell E. Stowe, Pvt., 1 D. C. Cav.
Nathan C. Stowe, Pvt., 1 D. C. Cav.
James Thompson, Pvt., Co. I, 20 Inf.
Charles H. True, Pvt., Co. H, 5 Inf.
Frank W. True, Pvt., Co. F, 1 Cav.
William W. True, Serg., Co. H, 5 Inf.
Daniel Turner, Pvt., 1st Bat. Mtd. Art.; died New Orleans, Aug. 6, 1862.
Rufus P. Twombley, Pvt., Co. H, 5 Inf.; killed in action May 3, 1863.
Stephen Twombley, Pvt., Co. F, 1 Cav.; missing in battle Oct. 12, 1863.
Abraham Verrill, Pvt., Co. D, 20 Inf.
Anson Verrill, Pvt., Co. D, 20 Inf.
William Verrill, Pvt., Co. D, 20 Inf.
Charles Walker, Corp., Co. F, 1 Cav.
John Walker, Pvt., Co. G, 20 Inf.
Chauncey B. Webster, Pvt., Co. E., 1 Inf.
George White, Pvt., Co. I, 9 Inf.
Henry C. Williamson, Pvt., Co. —, 20 Inf.
Charles Wilmoor, Pvt., Co. I, 1 Cav.
Frank S. Winslow, Serg., Co. F, 25 Inf.
Frederick D. Winslow, Pvt., Co. H, 25 Inf.
William A. Woods, Pvt., Corp., Co. E, 30 Inf.
Asa F. York, Corp., Co. G, 25 Inf.
Addin Young, Pvt., Co. G, 25 Inf.
Charles Young, Pvt., Co. G, 25 Inf., Corp., Co. E, 30 Inf.
Eleazer K. Young, Pvt., Co. F, 10 Inf.
Enoch Young, Serg., Co. G, 12 Inf.; died at Baton Rouge, Feb. 7, 1863.