Source: The Bangor Historical Magazine, vol. 7 (Bangor, Me.: J. W. Porter, 1892).
(Contributed by William D. Patterson, Esq., of Wiscasset.)Thomas Williamson and Sarah Blackledge was marryed* on the 26th of Jan'y, 1760, per John Stinson, Justice Peace.
By Joseph Patten, Justice of the Peace :
March 5, 1761, Henry Griffis and Abygal Knights.
June 17, 1761, Moses Tomson and Bettey Taylor.
By John Stinson, Justice of the Peace :
Oct. 21, 1761, Joshua Young and Elenor Whittam.
Oct. 17, 1761, Solomon Backer and Ruth Pike.
Aug. 4, 1762, John Gray and Betty Boynton.
Nov. ye 4, 1762, John Decker and Anna Bradbury.
Sept. ye 13, 1763, Benjamin Pumroy and Hanah Perce.
Oct. 24, 1765, John McKenny and Sarah Kenny of Georgetown.
By Samuel Denny, Justice of the Peace :
August, 1761, Abraham Nason and Anna Errils.
By Thomas Rice, Justice of the Peace :
[no date given] Abijah Dickeson and Hannah Sevey.
Feb. ye 3, 1765, John Backer Jun'r, and Elizabeth Pottle.
July 23rd 1765, Roger Smith and Martha Spofford.
By John Kingsbury, Justice of the Peace :
Oct. 25, 1763, John Hues and Elizabeth Kingsbury.
Dec. ye 8, 1763, Thomas Jackson and Elizabeth Kincaid.
Dec. ye 8. 1763, Israell Averill and Mary Hilton of Broad Cove.
Jan. ye 12, 1764, Alexander Gray and Abitial Young.
Jan. 19, 1764, John Honewel and Jane Jeleson.
By Jacob Bayley, Church Minister :
Nov. 3, 1764, Capt. Robert Twycross and Miss Lidia Goodwin.
By Thomas Rice, Justice of the Peace :
Sept. ye 23, 1765, Joseph Rines of Jeremysquam Island and Abigal Ricker.
Sept. ye 23, 1765, Benjamin Honewel and Abigal Rines of Jeremysquam Island.
Oct. ye 9, 1765, Asa Gove and Abigal Trask both of a place called Freetown (now Edgecomb).
Jan. ye 28, 1766, William Cunningham and Dorothy Colby both of Freetown.
Feb. ye 6, 1766, Samuel Williamson and Lydia Pike.
Feb. ye 13, 1766, Nemiah Herendon and Martha Smith both of Jeremysquam Island.
*When no town is named the parties belong to Pownalborough.
[p. 82]Feb. ye 27, 1766, James Richards and Elizabeth Hasson both of a place called Freetown (now Edgecomb).
April ye 3, 1766, Asa Smith and Ruth Averell.
April 24, 1766, Samuel Silvester and Mary Horney.
April 29, 1766, John Sevey and Marriah Bradbury.
By Joseph Winship :
Nov. 6, 1766, William Slowman and Lyda Gray.
Jan. 15, 1767, Thomas Rice, Esq., and Rebecka Kingsbury.
By Thomas Rice, Justice of the Peace :
May 1, 1766, Abraham Preble, Jun'r, and Mary Gray.
June 10, 1766, Jonathan Spofford and Mary Cochran of a place called Freetown.
Jan. 15, 1767, Solomon Gove and Joanna Moore, both of a place called Freetown.
Jan. 15, 1767, Timothy Smellage and Jemina Black, both of Jeremysquam Island.
Jan. 29, 1767, Enoch Averill and Ruth Hilton.
May 29, 1767, John Gray and Mary Gove, both of a place called [Fr]eetown.
Sept. 24, 1767, Samuel Webber and Meriam Crocker, both of a place [ca]lled Freetown.
Sept. 28, 1767, John Curier and Judith Presey.
Dec. 16, 1767, Caleb Cresay and Meribah Hutchins.
Dec. 31, 1767, Hollis Hutchins and Elizabeth Boynton.
April 21, 1768, Joseph Richards and Sarah Pearl, both of a place called Freetown.
June 17, 1768, Timo. Brown and Mary Lamberth.
[no date given] John Kingsbury and Miriam Place.
Sept. 12, 1768, David Averill and Elizabeth Hilton.
Oct. 24, 1768, John Boynton and Hannah Taylor.
Feb. 11, 1769, Lemuel Norton and Mary ______, both of Jeremysquam Island.
Feb. 16, 1769, Eben'r Greenleaf of Woolwich, and Mary Preble.
Aug. 28, 1769, Zebulon Baker and Susanna Rundlet.
Aug. 31, 1769, John Pumroy and Jane Chapman.
Oct. 14, 1769, Jacob Chase and Mary Rundlet.
Sept. 21, 1769, Henry Rundlet and Mary Chapman.
Sept. 21, 1769, Thomas Stewart and Sarah Averill.
Sept. 5, 1769, John Dearing and Barsheba Webber, both of place called Freetown.
Oct. 11, 1769, Zenas Stetson and Molly Perkins.
Nov. 29, 1769, Stephen Sevey and Mary More.
Dec. 28, 1769, John Chapman, Jun'r, and Hannah Blackledge.
Dec. 28, 1769, Oliver Peasely and Sarah Preble.
Feb. 12, 1770, David Domford and Mary Young.
June 28, 1770, Joseph Taylor, Jun'r, and Esther Chapman.
Oct. 4, 1770, John Laiten and Rebecca Worster.
Oct. 18, 1770, John Call and Sarah Lewis of Boothbay.
Nov. 8, 1770, Benja. Colby and Elizabeth Foy.
[p. 83]Dec. 4, 1770, John Hutchins and Molly Allbee.
Dec. 25, 1770, James More and Mary Eastman, both of a place called Freetown.
Jan. 18, 1771, John Hilton and Hannah Ball at the Head of the Tide.
Feb. 7, 1771, John Bryant and Lucy Stevens of a place called Freetown.
April 10, 1771, Benja. Glidden of Newcastle, and Eunice Averill.
April 18, 1771, Nathan Peaselee and Lydia Bartlett, both at the Head of the Tide.
April 18, 1771, Jona. Bartlett and Mary Peaslee, both at the Head of the Tide.
June 3, 1771, Abraham Lord and Mary Low.
July 11, 1771, John Smithson Laiton and Sarah Berry, both of a place called Freetown.
Aug. 15, 1771, Joseph Rogers and Lydia Hodgdon, both of Dyers River.
Aug. 19, 1771, Ezekiel Sterns and Sarah Doge of a place called Freetown.
Sept. 2, 1771, Thomas Cuningham of a place called Freetown, and Rhoda Rogers of Sheepscot River.
Sept. 12, 1771, John Patrick and Mary Colby, both of a place called Freetown.
Oct. 12, 1771, John Collior of Whitehaven, and Kathrine Hungerford.
Oct. 21, [1771], Westbrook Knights of Jeremysquam Island, and Dorothy Eastman of Freetown.
Nov. 26, [1771], Elkanah Elms and Betty Tomson.
Jan'y 1, 1772, Wm. Averll and Abigail Gray.
Feb. 6, 1772, Benj. Tomson and Sarah Eastman of a place called Freetown.
March 3, 1772, Isaac Clifford and Rachel Decker, both of a place called Freetown.
April 2, 1772, Solomon Hearsay and Betty Preble.
April 8, 1772, Benja. King and Ruth Bartlet of the Head of the Tide.
April 30, 1772, Azariah Pottle and Lucy Silvester.
May 7, 1772, Timothy Parsons and Elizabeth Silvester.
June 1, 1772, Thos. Rines of Jeremysquam Island, and Mary Danford.
[no date given], John Wilson of Workinton, England, and Mary Smith.
July 13, 1772, Eben'r Silvester and Ann Hutchins.
July 15, 1772, Jona. Heath and Ann Glidden, both of the Head of the Tide.
Aug. 27, [1772], William Foy and Ann Sutton.
Oct. 29, 1772, William Hanson and Phebe Gray.
Oct. 29, 1772, Stephen Merrill and Phebe Clifford, both of a place called Freetown.
Nov. 26, 1772, Timo. Ferren and Abigail Dow.
Dec. 6, 1772, Chas. Rundlet and Ann Chase of a place called Freetown.
[p. 84]Dec. 17, 1772, Paul Nute and Margaret Munsey.
Dec. 31, 1772, Nath'l Leeman and Elizabeth Blackledge.
Feb. 2, 1773, Amos Pearson and Mercy Sevey.
Feb. 4, 1773, James Ayer and Mary Woodbridge of Newcastle.
Feb. 11, 1773, William Decker and Joanna Marshal.
April 25, 1773, George Lewis of Boothbay, and Dorcas Lambert.
April 26, 1773, Samuel Johnson and Lydia Remmicks.
July 6, 1773, John Kelliher and Jane Silvester.
By Thomas Moore, "Minister of ye Gospel :"
Aug. 28, 1773, Bartholomew Fowles and Hannah Bryant.
Nov. 4, 1773, Rolins Blagdon and Martha Leighton.
Nov. 12, 1773, Naphtali Munsey and Christian Kincaid.
Nov. 18, 1773, Joseph Lowell and Abigail Danford.
Nov. 25, 1773, Joseph Tomson and Elizabeth Arnold.
Feb. 10, 1774, Oliver Bointon and Sarah Hutchins.
April 14, 1774, Job Averill and Mary Tuckerman.
April 26, 1774, Dennis Linch and Abigale Chaples.
April 28, 1774, John Averill and Mary Stewart.
June 14, 1774, George Earskins and Elinor McNear of Newcastle.
June 30, 1774, Joseph Gray and Elinor Gray.
June 30, 1774, James Savage and Annah Young.
Aug. 4, 1774, Samuel Averill and Jane Foy.
By Jonathan Bowman, Justice of the Peace.
April 24, 1774, Nimphas Bodfish and Mercy Goodwin.
May 16, 1776, Capt. Jethro Delano and Miss Abigail Eldred.
Dec. 31, 1776, Mr. Samuel Emerson and Miss Mary Dudley.
By Rev. Thomas Moore, M. G. :
Oct. 6, 1774, Robert Foye and Beersheba Hutchins.
Nov. 29, 1774, John Barber and Mary Whittier.
Oct. 20, 1774, Benjamin Young and Mary Hambleton.
Dec. 2, 1774, Jonathan Munsay and Elizabeth Winslow.
Dec. 14, [1774], Moses Gray and Hannah Gray.
April 30, 1775, John Molloy and Hannah Hutchins.
May 4, 1775, Benjamin Tomson and Mary Fletcher.
May 25, 1775, John Chatman and Rachel Boyanton.
July 6, 1775, Ebenezer Greenleaf and Elizabeth Chatman.
July 20, 1775, David Plumer and Sarah Hutchins.
By Thomas Rice, Justice of the Peace :
March 8, 1774, John Lake and Mary Colby of a place called Freetown.
July 23, 1774, Nath'l Stevens and Lowis Rundlet.
Sept. 22, 1774, Aaron Thompson and Joan Beal.
July 1, 1776, the Rev. Thomas Mr. Moore and Anna Kingsbury.
April 17, 1777, David Kincaid and Mary Brown.
[p. 85]By Rev. Mr. William McClenacan :Jan. 13, 1757, Elias Chancy and Sibbil Marson. Recorded March 6, 1777.
By Rev. Thomas Moore :
Sept. 21, 1775, Asa Heath and Rebecca Fulbrook, of an Incorporated Place.
Sept. 28, 1775, Antony Nutter and Betty Holbrook.
Oct. 5, 1775, Benj. Gray and Catharine Bradbury.
Oct. 10, 1775, Samuel Gray and Susana Cooper of Newcastle.
Oct. 12, 1775, Jonathan Arad Powers and Abigal Buckmaster.
Nov. 13, 1775, John Quint and Lydia Young.
Nov. 16, 1775, Jacob Woodman and Betty Rundlet.
Jan. 3, 1776, Benj. Stahancy and Jane Grover of an Incorporated Place.
Jan. 6, 1776, Silvester Murphy and Jane Murphy.
May 2, 1776, Henry Leeman and Sarah Chapman.
May 23, 1776, Joseph Stevens and Jane Murphy.
Nov. 20, 1776, James Turner of an Incorporated Place, and Rachel Silvester.
Dec. 5, 1776, Israel Averill and Jane Clerk.
Dec. 12, 1776, David Boynton and Hannah Holbrook.
Jan. 1, 1776, Daniel Lambert and Elizabeth Tarr.
April 28, 1777, Lemuel Williams of Woolwich, and Anna Hilton.
April 29, 1777, Sam'l Groves and Marry Trow.
July 3, 1777, Jacob Randle and Nancy Harford of Georgetown.
By Jona. Bowman, Just. Pacis :
Dec. 20, 1779, Stephen Marson and Jane McGown.
Feb. 13, 1781, John Turner of Winthrop, and Rachel Goud.
Feb. 22, 1781, Dr. Ernest Phillip Theobald and Sarah Rittal.
March 1, 1781, Peter Fisher and Thankfull Carlow.
May 31, 1781, Paul Bickford and Elizabeth Kendall.
By Rev. Thomas Moore :
Feb. 10, 1780, Abraham Walker and Sarah Gray.
March 2, 1780, Morrell Hilton and Anna Williams of Woolwich.
Aug. 24, 1780, Pelitiael Boynton and Lydia Blackledge.
April 20, 1780, Sam'l Jackson of Newcastle, and Euinece Rundlet.
March 24, 1780, Sam'l Kincid, Jun'r, and Sarah Hutchings.
Sept. 15, 1780, William Clerk and Sarah Forester.
Sept. 5, 1780, Benja. Winselow and Mary Kincaid.
Sept. 10, 1781, Malichi Dodge and Dorcas Hambleton.
By Rev. Jacob Bailey, "according to the Rites of the Church of England :"
Jan. 2, 1777, John Johnson and Rebecca Goodwin.
[p. 86]By Rev. Thomas Moore :March 25, 1781, Ruben Kincade and Elizabeth Munsey.
March 22, 1781, Lieut. Moses Hilton and Dorcas Greenleaf.
June 17, 1781, James Chase and Elizabeth Greenleaf.
May 12, 1781, Jacob Savage of Woolwich, and Hannah Gray.
Aug. 31, 1781, Thos. Honowell and Molley Dean.
May 11, 1781, Nathan Fish and Betty Kenney of a place called Balltown.
Oct. 12, 1781, Isaac Heath of Sheepscot River, and Rabecy Baley.
Nov. 6, 1781, Martin Carlow and Margaret Turner of a place called Balltown.
Nov. 8, 1781, Jedediah Preable and Isebela Clarck.
Nov. 24, 1781, Sam'l Kincade and Margaret Barter.
Feb. 18, 1782, Benja. Coffen and Rachel Jackson.
Feb. 21, 1782, Sylvanus Mathewson and Rachel Kincade.
March 7, 1782, Wm. Hilton and Kathrine McKenney.
April 2, 1782, Daniel Webster of Edgecomb, and Molley Barber.
April 18, 1782, Jacob Pressey and Elizabeth Jackson.
July 25, 1782, William Bryant and Mary Turner of a place called Balltown.
June 2, 1782, Thos. Churchel and Sunnah Baker.
Sept. 25, 1782, Joseph Ross and Sarah Smith.
Oct. 28, 1782, Orchard Cook and Mary Hodge.
Oct. 8, 1782, Alexander Davidson and Elizabeth Clerk.
Oct. 25, 1782, John Hilton and Rachel Gray.
Nov. 5, 1782, Joseph Greenleaf and Margaret Nason.
June 24, 1782, Sam'l Place and Elizabeth Rogers.
Feb. 9, 1783, Arnold Glidden and Anna Soward, both of a place called Balltown.
Dec. 17, 1783, Benja. Delano of Vasselboro, and Elis Groves.
Dec. 11, 1783, Abraham Savage of Woolwich, and Patience Young.
Dec. 13, 1783, Joshua Fuller and Mary Molloy.
Dec. 14, 1783, Jno. Williams and Anna Bennet.
Nov. 11, 1783, John Kean and Margaret Forester.
Dec. 16, 1783, Thaddeus Baley and Polley Knowlton.
Aug. 14, 1783, Ezekiel Averel and Presella Tuckerman.
Jan. 7, 1784, Benja. Greenleaf and Rachel Arnold.
Jan. 24, 1784, Timothy Williams of Woolwich, and Margaret Hamelton.
Aug. 24, 1784, Luke Sawyer of Norridgewalk, and Rachel Greenleaf.
Oct. 23, 1784, Jno. Groves and Olive Young.
Dec. 15, 1784, Jno. Ball of Balltown, and Rachel Chamberlin of Sandy River.
[p. 87]Dec. 17, 1784, Jno. O'Neal a[n]d Polley Hammon.
Dec. 27, 1784, Rufus Sanderson and Mercy Nason.
By Nathaniel Thwing, Justice of the Peace :July 23, 1780, Peter Allen and Olive Call.
June 1, 1783, Amos Holland and Mary Pray.
Oct. 7, 1783, Mr. William Patterson and Miss Elizabeth Call.
By Thomas Rice, Justice of the Peace :Nov. 4, 1777, William Young and Margret Pomeroy.
Nov. 14, 1777, Ebenezer Hilton and Abigail Arnold.
Jan. 1, 1778, Peter Holbrook and Martha Greenleaf.
Nov. 3, 1778, Ezekiel Peaslee of the Head of the Tide, and Ann Preble.
Nov. 12, 1778, Benjamin Arnold and Sarah Greenleaf.
Oct. 20, 1780, Nathaniel Taylor and Mary Blackledge.
June 17, 1781, John Harley of Newcastle, and Rachel Williamson.
Oct. 11, 1781, Azariah Pottle and Abigail Sevey.
Dec. 24, 1781, John Greenleaf and Hannah Roberts.
Jan. 21, 1783, Nicholas Turner of Balltown, and Elizabeth Grey.
Oct. 30, 1783, John White and Mary Gray.
Jan. 22, 1784, Richard Holbrook, Jun'r, and Annah Decker.
Feb. 22, 1784, Reuben Young and Hannah Groves.
July 23, 1784, John Irving of Whitehaven in the Kingdom of Great Britain, and Mary Chace.
Sept. 2, 1784, William Morland and Hannah Boynton.
Oct. 11, 1784, John Kincaid and Susana Dracutt.
June 30, 1785, John Langdon and Martha Forester.
July 30, 1785, Gabriel Wilson and Nanney White.
Aug. 13, 1786, Nathaniel Austin and Polly Seabring.
Nov. 16, 1786, John Decker and Annah Smith.
March 25, 1787, Michal Sevey and Hannah Kick.
By Moses Davis, Justice of the Peace :April 12, 1787, Simeon Cary and Sarah Henderson.
By Rev. Thomas Moore, M. G. :May 29, 1777, Henry Abbot and Kezia White, both of Woolwich.
June 2, 1779, Israel Honowell and Molley McKenney.
Aug. 18, 1780, Nicholess Webber and Rachel Love, both of Boothbay.
May 1, 1784, Charles Grandey and Phebe Nelson, both of Boothbay.
[p. 88]Aug. 4, 1784, Benjamin Henry and Susanna Lewis, both of Boothbay.
Oct. 15, 1784, David Astins and Sarah Sarote, both of Boothbay.
May 24, 1785, Froward Cowley and Nansey Waters.
March 28, 1785, Benj. Ballard and Sarah Oliver.
May 24, 1785, Seth Tinkham and Polley Huse.
April 2, 1785, Jonathan Blackledge and Elenor Gray.
July 6, 1785, Lieut. Gabriel Hamilton and Polly Williamson.
Aug. 2, 1785, Ralph Cheney and Anna Jarvis Oliver.
Oct. 25, 1785, Thomas Dorral and Bettey Smith.
Nov. 17, 1785, Col. James Cargill of Newcastle, and Miss Margaret Hatch.
Nov. 23, 1785, John Brigs and Mary Boyinton.
May 19, 1785, Obed Ware and Polley Norriss of a place called Balltown.
Nov. 26, 1785, Daniel Clary and Bettey Weeks of a place called Balltown.
Dec. 1, 1785, Jonathan Munsey and Lydia Blagdon.
Dec. 13, 1785, Sam'l Parmer and Mary Lovering, and Levi Lufkins and Elizabeth Row.
Dec. 15, 1785, Jerdiah Brand and Abigal Chapman.
Dec. 25, 1785, Stephen Williamson and Sarah Young.
March 23, 1786, Moses Rollins and Margrate Clark.
March 31, 1786, Benjamin Bessey and Sarah Jackson.
April 4, 1786, William Thaxter and Nansy Hues.
April 20, 1786, Nathan Parkherst and Martha Partrick.
May 20, 1786, Seth Tinkham and Cathrine Woodman.
May 26, 1786, William Presey and Hannah Boyinton.
May 29, 1786, Denise Canadey and Sarah Rundlet.
June 15, 1786, John Clerk and Lydia Bareto, or Barets.
Sept. 21, 1786, Nicholess Kimble and Bettey Williamson.
Oct. 19, 1786, James Carr and Rachel Decker.
Oct. 19, 1786, Abraham Tarr and Susanna Askins.
Nov. 6, 1786, Ignatus Heriden and Lucy Foye.
Nov. 26, 1786, James Lambert and Sarah Coffin.
Nov. 26, 1786, David Emery and Hannah Plats.
Nov. 26, 1786, Joshua Young and Ruth Gray.
Dec. 23, 1786, John Roe and Hannah Pribble.
Dec. 31, 1786, John Sutton Foye and Bettey Parker.