Source: W. M. Haulsee, F. G. Howe, A. C. Doyle, comp., Soldiers of the Great War, vol. 1 (Washington, D. C.: Soldiers Record Publishing Assoc., 1920).
Note that a few of the residences mentioned are not located in Maine, but perhaps in Missouri, Maryland, Massachusetts or other states. Men from these places were evidently included on this list by mistake.
Note also that this volume contains photographs of 160 of the men listed below, beginning on page 423.
Surnames and forenames have been switched to facilitate searching.
[p. 431]KILLED IN ACTION.Harry Woodford Hayward, Presque Isle.
Frank W. Hulett, Lewiston.
Lieutenants.George N. Bourque, Waterville.
Herbert G. Cobb, Woodfords.
Charles W. W. Field, North Windham.
Frank D. Hazeltine, Belfast.
Edward H. Locke, Madison.
Donald W. Norton, Kingfield.
Sergeants.Elwood D. Allen, North Dexter.
Arthur V. Chadbourn, Dover.
George E. Cilley, Harmony.
Robert E. Conway, Portland.
Miles H. Dodge, Isle au Haut.
Willard B. Manley, Bangor.
Linward A. Mann, Dexter.
Harold McElhiney, Skowhegan.
Archie McKenzie, Fairfield Center.
Fred Mitchell, Eastport.
Irving S. Nelson, Lisbon.
Herbert A. Paine, Bangor.
Thomas Gunnard, Damariscotta.
Carrol S. West, Kezar Falls.
Corporals.Leroy A. Allen, Bridgeton [sic].
Stanley A. Beane, Bingham.
Thomas W. Brittain, Island Falls.
John Joseph Burns, Bath.
Millard W. Corson, Madison.
Arvard W. De Witt, Ellsworth.
Chester A. Evans, Monroe.
Allen J. Fitzmorris, Skowhegan.
Fred S. Freeman, Jr., Augusta.
Albert L. Glidden, Willimantic.
George O. Grover, Fairfield.
Joseph N. Hails, Fredericktown.
Linwood W. Hopkins, Argyle.
Ralph S. Hosmer, East Wilton.
Luvelle E. McAlister, Norway.
Albert W. Mercier, Princeton.
Oscar R. Nichols, South Chesterville.
Earl S. Parkinson, Belfast.
George W. Perkins, Stockholm.
Simon Peters, Skowhegan.
Guy W. Plummer, Brooks.
Ralph L. Ramsdell, South Waterboro.
Harry D. St. Ledger, Skowhegan.
Cook.Henry A. Lord, Milo.
Edward E. Ramsdell, York Corner.
Mechanic.Napoleon Morin, Biddeford.
Privates.Ralph E. Allen, North Berwick.
Harold T. Andrews, Portland.
Austin J. Appleton, Carmel.
Lucien L. Arsenault, Mexico.
Fred B. Ashley, Seal Cove.
Dominique J. Babineau, Foxcroft.
Viateur Beaudoin, Augusta.
Walter O. Bennett, East Auburn.
Henry Bloomer, Portland.
Placide L. Bolduc, Skowhegan.
Robert Maxwell Borland, Stockholm.
Ralph Henry Bowden, East Lowell.
Alton A. Boynton, North Whitefield.
Harry V. Bradbury, North Waterford.
Chester L. Briggs, Houlton.
John E. Brown, Pembrooke [sic].
Israel B. Bryant, Sherman Mills.
Stanley L. Buck, Strong.
Fred A. Burnham, Wilton.
Pearley Butler, Waterville.
Perley O. Butler, Waterville.
Roy W. Carter, McKinley.
Dewey G. Clark, Cape Neddick.
Phillip Clukey, Dexter.
Antimo Colantoni, Mexico.
Andrew A. Collins, West Appleton.
Frank R. Conner, Guilford.
Harry James Conway, Sabbattus.
William H. Cousins, Blaine.
Ernest Couture, Augusta.
Charles H. Crocker, Hartland.
Alfred J. Curtis, Lewiston.
Clarence W. Curtis, Belfast.
Thomas O. Cyr, St. David.
Bert W. Dean, Milo.
Harry G. Decker, Oakland.
John F. Derouche, Bangor.
Henry W. De Rusha, Newton Heights.
Clarence L. Doble, Farmington.
Arthur E. Donahue, Fairfield.
Frank G. Doucette, Bangor.
Walter S. Douglas, Unity.
Oliver H. Downs, Searsport.
Frank F. Dubord, Chisholm.
Adelard C. Dupuis, Sanford.
Frederick P. Eaton, Portland.
John Elliot, Bangor.
Lewis C. Farrell, Fairview.
John Feeney, East Millinocket.
Carl E. Folsom, Washington.
Charles W. Foote, Farmington.
E. R. Foster, Gardiner.
John R. Foster, Gardiner.
Willis Foster, Houlton.
Sidney F. Foye, Augusta.
Ralph B. Frost, North Bethel.
Arthur N. Gauthier, Salmon Falls.
Isaac M. Giles, Boothbay.
Howard Goodall, Oakfield.
Herbert Gowen, Wells.
Frederick Hamel, Lewiston.
Wilmer W. Hanscom, Carthage.
Elbridge Hanson, Wells Beach.
Leroy Hanson, Wells Beach.
Harold W. Heal, Camden.
Robert E. Hooper, Readfield.
Lewis F. Hoskins, Milo.
Willard C. Houghton, Lee.
Sylvanus Hoxie, Nicolin.
Howard M. Huff, Dover.
Oramel E. Hunton, Portland.
Ephraim H. Johnson, Portland.
William J. A. Johnson, Portland.
Forest S. Knowlton, Bradley.
Edmond J. La Bonte, York Beach.
Alfred Emery Ladd, Cranberry Isles.
Henry A. Lait, Oldtown.
Guy L. Lancaster, Kingman.
Albert H. Larry, Bradford.
Arthur J. Lavigne, Sanford.
John L. Levine, Mexico.
Peter Libby, Plaisted.
Charles C. Lilley, Waldoboro.
Charles Lola, Pleasant Point.
Conrad Long, Fort Kent.
Edward Lopeman, Bridgeton [sic].
Walter W. Lovely, Fort Fairfield.
Lester J. Lurvey, East Harbor.
William G. MacDonald, Portland.
George F. Martin, Fort Kent.
Edward W. Matthew, Waterville.
Afanas Matveiezuk, Bath.
Charles A. McKenney, Bangor.
Frederick A. McMaster, Gardiner.
Aubrey M. Medervey, Lincolnville.
Alve Miller, Harvey.
Edgar G. Miller, Portland.
Arthur Moreau, Brunswick.
Frederick Morris, Portland.
John S. Murad, Portland.
Nicola Mutalipassi, Jonesport.
Matthew K. Myshrall, Rangeley.
Moses Neptune, Pleasant Point.
Millard Eugene Norwood, Atlantic.
Carleton D. Nowell, South Berwick.
Hjalmar Nylund, Millinocket.
Stephen J. Obar, Limestone.
Gordon Sidney O'Donnell, East Holden.
John Osier, Orono.
Richard C. Owen, Saco.
Perley C. Palmer, Caribou.
Forest J. Pare, Waterville.
Veto Parise, Rumford.
Pauline Pellaccia, Portland.
Clyde C. Perry, Albion.
Edward J. Pouilliot, Dexter.
Joseph I. Poulin, Augusta.
Henry B. Pratt, Jr., Caribou.
Beryl L. Prosser, Monticello.
Martin F. Randall, Belfast.
Harold C. Robinson, Princeton.
Thomas A. Rossi, Rumford.
Ludger I. Rouillard, Biddeford.
Edmond B. Rowe, Berwick.
George E. Ryder, Livermore Falls.
John Sabol, Anson.
John Sedlowski, Rumpell.
Earl L. Severance, Topsfield.
Charles E. Sherman, Boothbay Harbor.
Fred Sherman, Calais.
Ralph W. Shirley, Fryeburg.
Charles Simpson, Bangor.
Roland Smith, Saco.
Frank R. Snow, Brewer.
James G. Somers, Bangor.
Ralph R. Spaulding, Madison.
Chester D. Stone, Pleasant Point.
Charles H. Storer, Union.
Walter M. Stratton, Fairfield.
Alfie St. Peter, Anson.
Patrick Sullivan, South Brook.
Roger Sullivan, Perry.
Joseph P. Tankovich, Portland.
David Thibodeau, Fairfield.
Charles R. Thompson, Kingman.
Philip P. Tighe, Biddeford.
Oral A. Towne, Monson.
Colie B. Tracey, Amity.
Walter P. Tracy, Sangerville.
Victor Tuttle, Newport.
Oscar Valley, South Paris.
Samuel Valley, Sanford.
Raymond L. Walker, Patten.
William Whitney, Skowhegan.
George N. Whitzell, Westbrook.
James W. Williams, Bangor.
Theodore Colley Williams, Thomaston.
Thomas F. Worcester, Jonesport.
Lester H. Wormlight, Skowhegan.
Walter Zewark, Rumford Falls.
George Edwin Kirk, Bar Harbor.
Lester H. Wills, Livermore Falls.
Lieutenant.Clifford G. Park, Dexter.
Corporals.Leslie E. Drinkwater, Sabattus.
Herbert S. Lunt, Cherryfield.
Winfred R. Morrill, Newport.
Thomas D. O'Leary, Bangor.
Warren S. Percival, Augusta.
Chauffeur.Arthur B. Manning, North Waterford.
Cooks.Henry Butler, Waterville.
John A. Merchant, Winter Harbor.
Irving C. Wallace, Portland.
Mechanic.Ernest Hilton, Wells Beach.
[p. 432]Musicians.Everitt W. Dunton, Whitefield.
Nurse.Frances E. Bartlett, Andover.
Wagoners.Cyr D. Michaud, Eagle Lake.
Ralph C. Rogers, Jonesport.
Franklin O. Smith, Fairfield.
Carrol H. Wilson, Deblois.
Privates.Earl L. Ackley, Farmington.
Frank Louis Allen, Lewiston.
Hughie Allen, Columbia Falls.
Burt C. Arbo, Oxbow.
Antony Audey, Westbrook.
Albert Ayotte, Lille.
Willie J. Bacon, Rumney.
Ernest L. Barlow, Rockland.
John M. Black, Lewisburg.
Rex E. Blackwood, West Pembrooke [sic].
Perry S. Bosworth, Machias.
Ernest L. Brewer, Houlton.
Harry L. Brooks, Temple.
Napoleon Buotte, Westbrook.
Leonce C. Burke, Bangor.
Robert L. Candage, Surry.
Robert Cassie, Vinal Haven.
Forest L. Catlin, Winterport.
Timothy W. Cavin, Lewiston.
John E. Coote, Patten.
Alfred D. Crosby, Bath.
Robert S. Cross, Bridgton.
Raymond T. Curtis, Denysville [sic].
John Daley, Patten.
Daniel F. Davis, Lewiston.
William Delile, Anson.
Leslie P. Demeritt, Sanford.
Charles L. Demmons, Detroit.
William C. Dodge, Ellsworth.
Fred Dunn, Ashland.
Martin A. Ellis, Alton.
Carl E. Erickson, New Sweden.
Josiah M. Estes, West Sumner.
William O. Estill, Glasgow.
Joseph Fowler, Cardville.
Howard Alvie Frye, Brockton.
Stanislas Gagnon, Hebron.
Victorie Gendreault, Madawaska.
Hugh L. Gibson, York Beach.
Millard L. Gower, South Portland.
Alden B. Green, Winterville.
Marshall Haley, Bath.
Harry W. Hammond, South Gouldsboro.
Edmund M. Harlow, Norway.
Erald Harmon, Westbrook.
Myrle M. Haskell, Palermo.
Charles Hiram Hicks, Wells.
James Hirst, Biddeford.
Chester Manson Holbrook, Newport.
Ernest N. Holmquist, Rumford.
Halver W. Hoyt, Newport.
Clarence B. Huntley, Rockland.
Tracy W. Jaques, Westbrook.
Otis W. Judkins, Orris Island [sic].
Richard B. Jones, Dennysville.
Enoch Eugene Ladd, Westbrook.
Roy B. Lewis, Canaan.
Earl E. Locke, Portland.
Frank Lovett, Brunswick.
Norman N. MacCrillis, Winslow.
Claude R. Macomber, Dover.
Winfield Maddock, Brewer.
Earl L. Maxim, Locke Mills.
John W. McCleary, Rumford.
William E. McGee, Osgood.
Everett N. McKenney, Gorham.
Rex L. McKenney, Springfield.
John Joseph McNamara, Bangor.
Henry Mercier, Houlton.
Scott B. Merrill, Anson.
Ralph O. Millett, Norway.
James R. Morris, The Forks.
Charles I. Morton, Oakfield.
Harold P. Nelson, Springvale.
Dennis F. O'Connell, Caribou.
Italo Partigliani, Biddeford.
Fred A. Pearson, Buckfield.
Harry R. Perkins, Limerick.
Ralph E. Perkins, York Beach.
Willis S. Phillips, North Leeds.
Fred O. Randall, South Portland.
Herbert Scott Reed, West Tremont.
Alfred P. Rock, South Paris.
Harold B. Rogers, Richmond.
Eugene S. Russell, Bangor.
Ernest A. Ryan, Liberty.
Roland W. Seavey, West Scarboro.
Chester H. Shapleigh, Eliot.
Robert C. Shaw, Portland.
Daniel J. Shay, Mattawamkeag.
Irving Sherman, Edgecomb.
Harold E. Smith, Pittsfield.
Norman C. Stetson, Freeport.
Lymon K. Swasey, Ridlonville.
Perley E. Tapley, Fort Fairfield.
Blair Frazier Thomas, Milo.
Rex L. Tobin, Dryden.
Paul E. Virgie, Bangor.
Eugene Martin Vose, Lubec.
Harold M. Ward, Brunswick.
William E. Welch, South Berwick.
Henry Woodard, Stillwater.
Howard W. Beal, Lewiston.
Lieutenants.Frank Holden, Oakfield.
Arthur E. McDonald, Thomaston.
Thaddeus L. Roderick, Farmington.
Sergeants.George T. Bunton, Livermore Falls.
Arthur Castonguay, Waterville.
Arthur S. Foster, South Paris.
Raymond E. Nason, Auburn.
William Nicholas, Machias.
Lester E. Tupper, Oldtown.
Napoleon Willette, Rumford.
Corporals.Benjamin Berry, Unity.
Edward R. Blaisdell, Oakland.
Lawrence J. Bradley, Millinocket.
Alvan N. Bucknam, Skowhegan.
Albert Clark, Smyrna Mills.
Mahlon W. Dennett, Westbrook.
Clarence S. Dunlap, Skowhegan.
Daniel B. Gould, New Vineyard.
Harold A. Jackson, Bryant's Pond.
Albert J. Jenness, Waterville.
Henry L. Kelley, Brighton.
Berdan J. Kenison, Sebago Lake.
Lucian T. Libby, Scarboro.
Edmund J. Michaud, Fort Kent.
Harry M. Nightingale, Rumford.
Harry H. Sherman, Calais.
Charles Willett, Clinton.
Mechanics.Llewellyn R. Decker, Bangor.
Musician.Arthur J. Stowell, Freeport.
Privates.Wilfred Albert, Augusta.
Arthur F. Alden, Livermore Falls.
Hughie Allen, Columbia Falls.
James J. Bartley, Bar Harbor.
Frank Beuttler, Hannibal.
Ovila Binette, Lisbon.
Leslie E. Bradbury, Auburn.
Carl S. Brown, Milo.
Harry T. Bryant, Indian Pond.
Harry I. Buzzell, Caribou.
David I. Chase, Rumford Falls.
George Clukey, Skowhegan.
Thomas W. Cole, Springvale.
Austin W. Collins, Winterport.
Laurie L. Crowe, Madison.
Wells B. Cummings, York Harbor.
Isaac W. Curtis, Bangor.
Donald Keith Delaite, Portage.
Fred Dube, Biddeford.
Louis Dubreuil, Biddeford.
Horace K. Duffy, Rockland.
Ralph H. Dunham, Mariaville.
Harold H. Emerson, Richmond.
Joseph J. Farrell, Rumford.
Richard S. Fletcher, Fairfield.
Almon N. Fowler, Greenbrush [sic].
John B. Gauvin, Oldtown.
Alden M. Gayton, Auburn.
Ralph Gilkey, Searsport.
Harry P. Gipson, Newport.
John Harvey, Garhom [sic].
Donald A. Henry, Millinocket.
Carroll G. Herrick, Norway.
Charles H. Hicks, Wells.
Harold F. Hutchinson, Buxton.
Joseph Jordan, Bangor.
Joseph Kain, Johnville.
Sylvester M. Kelley, Lewiston.
Oscar Lawyerson, Caratunk.
Edmond Leblond, Auburn.
Wilbur B. Leighton, Augusta.
Harold P. Lessard, Waterville.
Stephen W. Manchester, Westbrook.
Ralph D. Manwaring, Brunswick.
Wilder E. Marston, Canton.
Charles H. Merrill, Hebron.
Eddie Michaud, Houlton.
Louis F. Nadeau, Great Works.
Harold P. Nelson, Springvale.
Elmer Pero, Waterville.
Fred Picard, Winslow.
Beryl L. Prosser, Monticello.
Alfred P. Rock, South Paris.
Arthur Saindon, Topsham.
Samuel Joel Shuman, Portland.
William S. Silver, Woodstock.
Arthur M. Smith, Rockland.
Benjamin E. Smith, Gardiner.
James H. Smith, Saugus.
Donald W. Spaulding, Gardiner.
John C. Spooner, Sherman Mills.
Leslie Nathan Stairs, Stillwater.
Luther Steevs, Thorndike.
Guy Stewart, Wilton.
Rodney Stinson, Stonington.
William H. Stone, Norway.
Emile Tardiff, Madison.
Florian Turcott, Augusta.
Henry E. Ware, Gardiner.
Harold A. Webber, Kennebunk.
Ralph R. White, Houlton.
Ermund C. Williams, Auburn.
Mahlon J. Wilson, Sanford.
Arthur E. Winslow, Rockland.
Harvey K. Erskine, Bath.
Lieutenants.Albert D. Holbrook, Rockland.
Stephen T. Webster, Augusta.
Sergeant.Arthur S. Elwell, Portland.
Corporals.Percy Jordan, Auburn.
Clifford J. Stevens, Brooks.
Earl C. Withee, Skowhegan.
Arthur L. Woodcock, Vinal Haven.
Privates.Elmer D. Anderson, Oxford.
Russel G. Arey, Camden.
Herbert S. Bean, East Wilton.
John Bernard, Mexico.
Ivan E. Bicknell, Augusta.
Ovila Blouin, Augusta.
Lester A. Burbank, South Waterboro.
Carl E. Burrill, Lincoln Center.
Thomas E. Conwell, Lewiston.
Harold F. Damon, Winterport.
Stephen R. Dresser, Westbrook.
Morris B. Eugley, North Waldoboro.
[p. 433]John J. Flaherty, Bath.
Arthur Giraud, Lewiston.
Arno E. Hughey, Jackman.
Romeo Levasseur, Van Buren.
Harry F. Marshall, South Brewer.
Frank L. Mitchell, Livermore Falls.
William O'Toole, Bangor.
Jedeiah R. Simmons, Rockport.
Alfred Ames Trafton, Machias Port.
Alfred Wiers, Haynesville.