Source: The Bangor Historical Magazine, vol. 5 (Bangor, Me.: J.W. Porter, 1890).
(Communicated by his son, Rev. Jonathan E. Adams, D.D., of Bangor.)1832.Nov. 1, Thomas Verrell, Jr., of Searsmont, and Harriet Noyes, of Deer Isle.
Nov. 11, Samuel Jordan, of Sedgwick, and Elizabeth Stimson, of this town.
Dec. 25, Washington Haskell and Susan Bray.
Dec. 25, Michael H. Pressey and Abigail C. Howard, all of this town.1833.Jan. 1, Aaron D. Pickering and Nancy Jordan, of this town.
Oct. 29, Joseph W. Small and Eliza C. Crockett, both of this town.1834.Jan. 2, Ignatius H. Small and Sarah Thurston, both of this town.
Jan. 2, John Turner and Lucretia C. Haskell, both of this town.
Feb. 4, Charles Walton, of Spruce Head Island, and Lucy Small, of this town.
Feb. 20, Sylvanus G. Pressey and Harriet L. Gross, both of this town.
March 6, David Torrey and Eliza Pickering, both of this town.
April 24, Samuel Eaton and Olive J. Weed, both of this town.
May 1, Frederic A. S. Colby and Elcy Haskell, both of this town.
May 8, Jonathan Hardy, Jr., and Susan Haskell, both of this town.
May 18, George C. Hardy and Susan Torrey, both of this town.
July 1, Mark H. Sawyer and Susan C. Bray, both of this town.
July 10, George Barbour and Nancy Ann S. Greenlaw, both of this town.
Nov. 24, Joseph Hardy and Polly Haskell, both of this town.
Dec. 1, Leonard Scott and Jane Dow, both of this town.
Dec. 19, Samuel Stinson and Mrs. Sarah Knight, both of this town.1835.Jan. 1, Timothy B. Pickering and Susan N. Haskell, both of this town.
Jan. 12, Benjamin Cole and Sibilli C. Small, both of this town.
Jan. 13, Sullivan Green and Drusilla Eaton, both of this town.
Jan. 20, Nathan E. Weed and Rebecca L. Haskell, both of this town.
Feb. 10, Magnus Ventress, of Boston, Mass., and Phebe Niles, of this town.*Minister of Deer Isle from May 1, 1832 to Sept. 1, 1852.[p. 157]March 2, Stephen Babbidge and Mrs. Sarah Dow, both of this town.
March 9, William Low and Mary Eaton, both of this town.
March 24, William Greenlaw and Elcy Small, both of this town.
May 5, Henry P. Pressey and Susan P. Howard, both of this town.
May 21, George C. Closson and Sarah P. Howard, both of this town.
May 28, Jonathan H. Dow and Sarah Haskell, both of this town.
Sept. 13, Levi B. Morey and Mary Ann Barbour, both of this town.
Nov. 1, Paul T. Lane and Mary Smith, both of this town.
Nov. 19, Dea. William Stinson and Sarah Webb, both of this town.
Nov. 26, Henry A. Noyes and Lydia Smith, both of this town.1836.Jan. 12, William Eaton, Jr., and Susan N. Webster, both of this town.
Jan. 24, John C. Bray and Margery Ann Closson, both of this town.
Jan. 28, Jonathan Webster and Mrs. Lydia Howard, both of this town.
March 14, James Cook, of Boston, Mass., and Edna H. Niles, of this town.
April 12, Henry Weed and Lucy Powers, both of this town.
July 4, Samuel Smith and Susan Pressey, both of this town.
Sept. 15, Jeremiah Eaton and Adaline Blaster, both of this town.
Sept. 28, Christopher Hendrick and Charlotte Morey, both of this town.
Oct. 9, Jonathan Bray, Jr., and Elizabeth P. Howard, both of this town.
Dec. 1, Amos Torrey and Sarah M. Cole.
Dec. 1, James Duncan and Lucretia Lane, all of this town.
Dec. 11, Jesse Niles and Edna H. Small, both of this town.
Dec. 22, Henry Parker, of Harrington, and Susan H. Foster, of this town.1837.Jan. 19, Chester Ball and Nancy Hutchinson, both of this town.
Jan. 30, Maj. Nathan Low and Hannah Hardy, both of this town.
Feb. 13, Samuel Obear, of Sedgwick, Me., and Mrs. Mary Kidder, of this town.
Feb. 26, Stillman Hendrick and Eliza Bray, both of this town.
June 1, David Hutchinson and Eunice B. Blaster, both of this town.
July 17, John Emerson and Rosella C. Crockett, both of this town.
Aug. 13, Stephen Kidder Howard and Charlotte Holden, both of this town.
Aug. 15, Aaron S. Haskell and Margaret M. Daniels, both of this town.
Aug. 20, Daniel Bray and Mary Marshall, both of this town.
Aug. 27, Daniel Ingalls, of Carmel, Me., and Abigail Eaton, of this town.[p. 158]Oct. 5, Edmund S. Raynes and Mary Ann Howard, both of this town.
Dec. 7, Frederic S. Pressey and Susan Haskell, both of this town.
Dec. 10, Elias Davis Marshall and Mary Haskell, both of this town.
Dec. 25, Franklin Closson and Harriet N. Torrey, both of this town.1838.Feb. 1, Robert Carter, of Sedgwick, Me., and Abigail Haskell, of this town.
April 5, Stephen Babbidge, of Vinalhaven, and Betsey Raynes, of this town.
April 29, John Weed, Jr., and Esther Eaton, 2nd, of this town.
May 24, Joel Small and Sarah Harvey, both of this town.
May 29, Samuel G. Barbour and Rebecca N. Sawyer, both of this town.
May 31, Jesse Stinson, Jr., and Elizabeth Hamlin, both of this town.
June 19, John Thompson and Mary P. C. Hardy, both of this town.
July 1, Alfred Bray and Mary Haskell, both of this town.
Aug. 12, Michael Small and Susan I. Foster, both of this town.
Sept. 25, Rufus H. Moulton, of Bucksport, and Susan Howard, of this town.1839.Feb. 3, Joseph W. Pressey and Salina Gordon, both of this town.
July 23, George W. Torrey and Jane Thompson, both of this town.
Sept. 5, George L. Hosmer and Susan Raynes, both of this town.
Oct. 3, Tristram Haskell and Ruth Gray, both of this town.
Oct. 8, Ezekiel Marshall and Mary W. Sawyer, both of this town.
Nov. 5, John H. Parker, of Mount Desert, and Sarah H. Powers, of this town.
Oct. 29, Dudley Pressey and Sophonia W. Pickering, both of this town.
Nov. 17, Daniel S. Torrey and Abigail Eaton, both of this town.
Nov. 30, Charles Balch, of Steuben, and Susan Richardson, of this town.1840.Jan. 27, Calvin Small and Ann Greenlaw, both of this town.
July 23, Hezikiah R. Haskell and Lucy Maria Noyes, both of this town.
Aug. 2, Asa Saunders and Mary Adams, both of this town.
Aug. 9, Ebenezer Beardsley and Mrs. Elizabeth Lampson, both of this town.
Aug. 16, John Robbins and Elizabeth Ann Pressey, both of this town.
Sept. 13, Henry E. Colby and Mary L. Haskell, both of this town.
Oct. 12, Isaac B. Gray and Martha Haskell, both of this town.
Oct. 18, Joshua E. Haskell and Olivia Noyes, both of this town.
Nov. 24, Solomon Cavis, of Bristol, Me., and Rachel Crockett, of this town.[p. 159]Nov. 26, Thomas D. Toothaker and Abigail T. Sellars, both of this town.
Nov. 26, Benjamin S. Smith and Eliza S. Kimball, both of this town.
Dec. 8, Hiram Haskell and Susan Mary Crockett, both of this town.1841.Jan. 10, Frederic Eaton and Barbary G. Haskell, both of this town.
Aug. 3, Frederic A. Gross and Harriet C. Small, both of this town.
Sept. 17, John W. Staples, of Swan's Island, and Maria Barbour, of this town.1842.Jan. 25, Peter Hardy, 3rd, and Sally C. Haskell, both of this town.
May 20, Ambrose C. Gordon and Susannah Haskell, both of this town.
May 25, John Adams, of Beverly, Mass., and Lucy B. Hardy, of this town.
Sept. 21, Enos Cole and Susan Gray, both of this town.
Sept. 26, Mark Haskell, 2nd, and Martha P. Bray, both of this town.
Oct. 11, Francis H. Torrey and Hannah Eaton, both of this town.
Oct. 16, Samuel Torrey and Mary Torrey, both of this town.
Dec. 25, Thomas Greenlaw and Lucy Ann Saunders, both of this town.1843.March 2, Abiel S. Raynes and Susan Lufkin, both of this town.
March 12, Samuel Greenlaw and Lydia F. Howard, both of this town.
Aug. 27, Asa Torrey, of Penobscot, and Damaris Torrey, of Deer Isle.
Oct. 1, Daniel D. Haskell and Dorothy Saunders.
Dec. 13, Joseph Small and Margarett Staples.1844.[no date given] Francis A. Abbot and Ann S. Haskell.
Jan. 18, Edward Haskell and Mrs. Eliza C. Lane.
July 18, Johnson Raynes and Sarah Lufkin.
July 23, John Smith and Hannah J. Saunders.
July 28, William H. Goldthwait, of Danvers, Mass., and Almira F. Haskell, of Deer Isle.
Aug. 17, Henry P. Howard and Sylva S. Haskell.
Oct. 6, Asa Joice and Isabella S. Staples.
Oct. 10, Dr. Amos A. Herrick and Sarah Hellen Spofford.
Nov. 15, John B. Richardson and Eliza C. Haskell.
Nov. 19, Samuel E. Holden and Abigail F. Crockett.[p. 160]1845.Jan. 5, Thomas S. Fuller and Elizabeth R. Lufkin.
Jan. 9, William D. Haskell and Louisa G. Haskell.
May 4, Capt. Frederic P. Spofford and Caroline E. Haskell.
Aug. 7, Jonathan Pressey and Hannah Butler.
Oct. 26, George Washington Staples, of Swan's Island, and Elizabeth Staples, of Deer Isle.1846.Jan. 13, Elisha H. Dunham and Ann Emerson.
Jan. 29, David E. Adams and Martha D. Haskell.
April 14, Charles S. Torrey and Elizabeth Raynes.
Aug. 9, Solomon Gray and Lydia Hutchinson.1847.Feb. 3, Benjamin Lufkin and Abigail Saunders.
March 11, Oliver Howard, of Gloucester, Mass., and Elizabeth Haskell, of Deer Isle.
April 22, Charles Pressey, of this town, and Sarah Boynton, of Bradley.
May 6, George C. Closson and Sarah Elizabeth Gray.
June 6, Joseph Saunders and Harriet C. Haskell.
June 14, John Stinson and Mrs. Olive S. Trundy.
Dec. 30, Albion K. Stinson and Clarissa Robbins.1848.Jan. 6, Jason Webb and Caroline S. Raynes.
Jan. 20, Henry Torrey and Phebe T. Tyler.
Jan. 20, Sylvanus G. Haskell and Dorathy D. Haskell.
March 23, Hezekiah T. Lufkin and Hannah Lufkin.
July 13, Winthrop B. Haskell and Elizabeth L. Saunders.
July 18, Albert Haskell and Irene Haskell.
Dec. 19, Tristam Haskell Jr. and Elizabeth Judkins.1849.Jan. 1, Joseph Curtis of Frankfort, and Charlotte H. Eaton of Deer Isle.
Jan. 8, Timothy M. Pickering and Lydia M. Gray.
March 29, Samuel E. Powers and Harriet W. Haskell.
April 8, Richard Greenlaw and Mehetabel Jordan.
June 21, George C. Hardy and Louisa G. Haskell.
July 21, Ezekiel Marshall and Elizabeth Davis.
Nov. 8, John W. Redman of Boston, Mass., and Sarah McRoy of Prince Edward Island.
Nov. 16, Benjamin Gray and Julia Staples.
Dec. 9, Levi Marshall Jr. and Jane Reed.
Dec. 16, Moody P. Gray and Mary Sawyer.1850.Feb. 7, Davis Torrey and Sabrina Lufkin.[p. 161]April 3, Hiram Thompson and Emiline Gray.
May 20, Stephen Babbidge and Mary Thompson.
July 14, Henry Jarvis and Sarah Perry.
Aug. 18, Henry Lufkin and Francis A. Raynes.
Sept. 1, Thomas Saunders Jr. and Lydia S. Saunders.
Nov. 11, John B. Carlton of Newbury, Vt. and Mrs. Betsy P. Tyler of Deer Isle.1851.March 6, Isaiah Eaton and Susan Haskell.
May 25, William R. Foster, of Deer Isle, and Martha A. Grindal, of Sedgwick.
June 10, Thomas Gitchel, of Camden, and Clarissa Stinson, of Deer Isle.
Aug. 5, Eben Saunders and Mary Dow.
Aug. 27, Samuel Candage of Bluehill, and Mrs. Margery Ann Bray of Deer Isle.
Nov. 3, Jonathan Greenlaw and Catharine Hanson.
Nov. 7, Andrew M. Small and Betsey H. Green.
Dec. 9, William E. Webb and Charlotte Stinson.
Dec. 18, James Jarvis, Jr., and Mary G. Howard.1852.Jan. 1, John J. Hardy and Lucy D. Hardy.
Jan. 8, William H. Reed and Lucy E. Thompson.
Jan. 28, Belcher T. Torrey and Sarah E. Howard.
Jan. 29, Ebenezer Greenlaw and Sarah Jane Greenlaw.
March 24, Daniel T. Eaton and Mary Ann Thompson.
March 31, Samuel Torrey and Sarah G. Weed.
July 1, Hezekiah T. Carman and Henrietta L. Haskell.Here ends the record for Deer Isle.Mr. Adams went to Boothbay in September 1852.