Source: The Maine Historical Magazine, vol. 1 (Bangor, Me.: J. W. Porter, 1886).
[p. 56]MARRIAGES BY COL. JONA. EDDY, OF EDDINGTON.The dates and names I have copied from Col. Eddy's own list; the places of residence from the clerk's certificates. The town clerks of Bangor, for several years after its incorporation, persisted in calling it Condeeskeag Plantation.
1791, April 21, John Rowell to Molly Harthorn, both of Penobscot River.
1791, Sept. 8, John Mansel to Jenny Mahaney.
1791, August, Jacob Cook to Molly Hathorn, both of Orrington.
1792, April 30, Levi Lancaster to Rebecca Mann, both of Eddington Pl.
1793, Dec. 25, Wm. Tibbetts, of Kenduskeag Pl., to Mrs. Sarah Thombs, of Orrington.
1793, Dec. 27, Joseph Clark Jr., to Mrs. Jane Potter, both of Condeskeag Pl.
1793, Dec. 27, Arad Mayhew to Elizabeth Clark, both of Condeskeag Pl.
1794, Aug. 31, Robert Hichborn Jr., of Bangor, to Miss Jean Thoms, of Orrington.
1794, Sept. 4, Enoch Eayres to widow Lydia Lovitt, both of Cobenton Pl.
1795, July 16, Ben Spencer to Hannah Stanley, both of Eddington Pl.
1795, August 19, Robert Campbell to Betsy Knapp, both of Orrington.
1796, Jan. 26, Edward Garland to Abigail Freeze, both of Cobentown Pl.
1796, Jan. 28, James Campbell, of Orrington, to Peggy Boyd, of Bangor.
1796, Oct. 11, Wm. Spencer to Huldah Page, both of Cobentown Pl.
1796, Oct. 18, Joseph Potter to Rhoda Man.
1796, Nov. 2, Stephen Page to Anna Eayres, both of Cobentown Pl.
1797, Francis Robishaw to Phebe Eayres, both of Cobentown Pl.
1798, June 11, Joseph Inman Jr., to Lettice Holmes, both of Cobentown Pl.
1798, August 2, Theodore Trafton to Margaret Dennet, both of Bangor.
1798, Oct. 27, Jonathan Snow to Mary Tebbetts, both of Kenduskeag Pl.
1798, Aug. 16, Edmund Hartford to Hannah Oliver, both of Eddinton Pl.
1798, Oct. 31, Wm. Reed, of Cobentown Pl., to Jenny Orcutt, of Orrington.Note Cobentown Plantation, now Orono, was "Colburnton Plantation," of which Jeremiah Colburn was "Clark." Mr. Colburn in his certificates, invariably spelled it "Cobentown." No mention is made in the printed account of the Orono Centennial Celebration, March 3, 1874, of this Plantation.[p. 57]1798, David Rowell to Nancy Grant.
1799, John Brooks, of Cobenton Pl., to Hannah Buzzell, of Sunkhaze.
1799, Wm. Cook, of Orrington, to Nancy Cogswell, of Eddington Pl.
1799, July 6, Gates Harthorn to Hannah Man, both of Sunkhaze.
1799, Richard Lancaster to Thankful Clark, of Bangor; pub. Oct. 5.
1799, John Brown Jr. of Belfast to widow Sarah Nesmith of Bangor.
1800, March 20, Nath. McMahon to widow Nancy Clapp, both of Eddington Pl.
1800, Oct. 27, Moses Spencer, of Plantation No. 4, to Sarah Grant, of Eddington Pl.
1800, Dec. 25, Gideon Horton to Miss Temperance Kenney, both of Orrington.
1800, Dec. 26, Joseph Eddy to Elizabeth Rowe, both of Eddington Pl.
1800, John Minot of Canaan to Elizabeth Palmer of Bangor.
1800, David Burton to Elizabeth McMahan, both of Eddington Pl.
1800, Dec., William Costigan to Rebecca Eayres, both of Sunkhaze.
1801, Gideon Knap to Sarah Mann, both of Orrington.
1801, Isaac Freeze Jr., of Stillwater, to Rebecca Harthorn, of Bangor.
1803, Dec. 11, Elisha Row to Leonah Mann.
1802, Nov. 20, Samuel Bailey Jr. to Katy Dudley, both of Sunkhaze.