Source: History of the town of Wayne, Kennebec County, Maine: from its settlement to 1898 (Augusta Me.: Maine Farmer Pub. Co., 1898).
1798, '99, 1800, no record.
1801, Ebenezer Besse.
[18]02, Capt. Thos. Atkinson.
[18]03, Isaac Dexter.
[18]04, Allen Wing.
[18]05, Ellis Sweet.
[18]06 & 07, Ebenezer Besse.
[18]08 Jos. Lampson.
[18]09 & 10, Ebenezer Besse.
[18]11, Jos. Lampson.
[18]12, Wm. Wing, Jr.
[18]13, Ebenezer Besse.
[18]14, Wm. Wing, Jr.
[18]15 & 16, Ebenezer Besse.
[18]17, 18 & 19, Lemuel Bryant.
[18]20, Ebenezer Besse.
[18]21, Nathaniel Fairbanks.
[18]22 & 23, Lemuel Bryant.
[18]24, Nathaniel Fairbanks.
[18]25, Lemuel Bryant.
[18]26, Nathaniel Fairbanks.
[18]27, 28, 29, 30, Lemuel Bryant.
[18]31, Seth May.
[18]32, Lemuel Bryant.
[18]33, Capt. James Wing.
[18]34 & 35, Lemuel Bryant.
[18]36 & 37, Jesse Stevens.
[18]38, Lemuel Bryant.
[18]39, Nelson H. Carey.1840, 1, 2, 3-4, Nelson H. Carey.
[18]45-6, Capt. Hubbard Lovejoy.
[18]47, N. H. Carey.
[18]48, 9, 50, Caleb Fuller.
[18]51, J. E. F. Dunn.
[18]52, Geo. A. Wright.
[18]53, Caleb Fuller.
[18]54, C. H. Barker.
[18]55, J. F. Jennings.
[18]56-7, A. S. Butterfield.
[18]58-9, J. F. Jennings.
[18]60, C. C. Whitney.
[18]61, B. Sylvester.
[18]62, J. F. Jennings.
[18]63, J. H. Thorne.
[18]64, B. Sylvester.
[18]65, Emery Foss.
[18]66, T. B. Reed.
[18]67, 8, 9, 70, B. Sylvester.
[18]71, H. J. Ridley.
[18]72, Sears Frost.
[18]73, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, H. J. Ridley.
[18]80, J. S. Berry.
[18]81, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, H. J. Ridley.
[18]90, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, C. E. Wing.
[18]96, B. F. Bradford.
[18]97, C. E. Wing.
[18]98, M. G. Besse.[p. 169]Clerks.
1798, 99, 1800, no record.
1801 to 18, Moses Wing.
[18]19, Joshua Bowles.
[18]20-21, Asa Foss.
[18]22 to 28, Joshua Bowles.
[18]29, 30, 31, Zac P. Wing.
[18]32-3, Francis J. Bowles.
[18]34 to 40, Geo. Smith.
[18]41 to 51, W. Hunton.
[18]52, B. W. Varnum.
[18]53-54, T. B. Read.1855 to 60, J. H. Thorne.
[18]61 to 4, C. B. Swift.
[18]65, 6, 7, C. H. Barker.
[18]68-9, C. B. Swift.
[18]69, L. G. Brown vice C. B. Swift deceased.
[18]70 to 77, J. S. Berry.
[18]78 to 91, W. C. Tribou.
[18]92, 3, 4, W. A. Burgess.
[18]95, C. H. Barker.
[18]96, 7, 8, W. C. Tribou.Selectmen.1798, 99, 1800, no record.
1801, Isaac Dexter, Moses Wing, William Wing.
1802, Ellis Sweet, Moses Wing, William Wing.
1803, Moses Wing, Ellis Sweet, William Wing.
1804 & 5, Moses Wing, Braddock Weeks, Ephraim Norris.
1806, Moses Wing, Braddock Weeks, David Smith.
1807 & 8, Moses Wing, Braddock Weeks, Daniel Smith.
1809, Jos. Lampson, Braddock Weeks, Job Fuller.
1810, Moses Wing, Job Fuller, Benjamin Burgess.
1811, Joseph Lampson, Moses Wing, Jr., Cyrus Foss.
1812, Joseph Lampson, Aaron Wing, Moses Wing, Jr.
1813, Joseph Lampson, Joshua Bowles, Ebenezer Besse.
1814, Joseph Lampson, Joshua Bowles, Moses Wing, Jr.
1815, Joseph Lampson, Moses Wing, Jr., Joshua Bowles.
1816, Moses Wing, Nathaniel Fairbanks, Joshua Bowles.
1817, Joseph Lampson, Joshua Bowles, Lemuel Bryant.
1818, Lemuel Bryant, Allen Wing, Cyrus Foss.
1819, Joseph Lampson, Cyrus Foss, John Morrison.
1820-1, Aaron Wing, William Burgess, Ephraim Norris.
1822, Lemuel Bryant, Nathaniel Fairbanks, Moses Bean.
1823, Joseph Lampson, William Burgess, John Morrison.
1824, 5, 6, William Burgess, John Morrison, Asa Foss.
1827, Asa Foss, Hamilton Jenkins, Amasa Dexter.
1828, Asa Foss, Francis J. Bowles, Amasa Dexter.
1829-30, Asa Foss, Abijah Crane, James Wing.
1831, Francis J. Bowles, John Morrison, Jesse Stevens.[p. 170]1832, Jesse Stevens, Asa Foss, George Gordon.
1833, Jesse Stevens, Noah Chandler, George Gordon.
1834, Jesse Stevens, Noah Chandler, Leonard Wing.
1835, Lemuel Bryant, Leonard Wing, Asa Foss.
1836, George Smith, Leonard Wing, Uriah H. Virgin.
1837, George Smith, Asa Foss, Jesse Stevens.
1838, George Smith, Sewall Frost, Leonard Wing.
1839, George Smith, Sewall Frost, Nelson H. Carey.
1840, N. H. Carey, G. W. Fairbanks, Samuel W. Frost.
1841, George Smith, Charles Graves, William Lewis.
1842-3, Josiah Norris, Jr., William Lewis, Sewall Frost.
1844, N. H. Carey, Sewall Frost, Joshua Burgess.
1845, N. H. Carey, J. S. Frost, Joshua Burgess.
1846, N. H. Carey, Sewall Frost, Joshua Burgess.
1847, N. H. Carey, Joshua Burgess, Tillotson Lovejoy.
1848, N. H. Carey, Joshua Burgess, B. R. Frohock.
1849, N. H. Carey, Joshua Burgess, David Stevens.
1850, Josiah Norris, Jr., S. S. Brown, David Stevens.
1851, Josiah Norris, Jr., S. S. Brown, Benjamin Ridley.
1852, Josiah Norris, Jr., Ephraim Hall, Gilman Buswell.
1853, Josiah Norris, Jr., Tillotson Lovejoy, William G. Besse.
1854, Josiah Norris, Jr., William G. Besse, T. B. Read.
1855-6, William G. Besse, S. W. Frost, Emery Foss.
1857, Joshua Burgess, S. S. Brown, A. K. P. Burgess.
1858, S. S. Brown, A. K. P. Burgess, H. J. Ridley.
1859, S. S. Brown, S. W. Frost, H. J. Ridley.
1860, Josiah Norris, Daniel True, Squire Bishop.
1861-2, A. K. P. Burgess, Daniel True, Squire Bishop.
1863, Squire Bishop, Daniel True, T. B. Read.
1864, Squire Bishop, T. B. Read, Richard Berry.
1865, T. B. Read, Richard Berry, H. J. Ridley.
1866, Richard Berry, H. J. Ridley, Llewellyn Wing.
1867, H. J. Ridley, Llewellyn Wing, W. L. G. Clark.
1868-9, Josiah Norris, G. W. Fairbanks, Sewall Pettingill.
1870-1, G. W. Fairbanks, Sewall Pettingill, J. P. Carson.
1872, G. W. Fairbanks, J. P. Carson, J. C. Stinchfield.
1873, J. P. Carson, J. C. Stinchfield, H. J. Ridley.
1874, 5, 6, J. C. Stinchfield, H. J. Ridley, Sears Frost.
1877, J. C. Stinchfield, H. J. Ridley, Sewall Pettingill.
1878, S. L. Howard, Sears Frost, G. M. True.[p. 171]1879, S. L. Howard, Melvin Norris, J. M. Wing.
1880, J. S. Berry, J. P. Stevens, William G. Besse.
1881, J. S. Berry, J. P. Stevens, B. F. Maxim.
1882, 3, 4, 5, J. C. Stinchfield, B. F. Maxim, J. M. Wing.
1886, N. B. Frost, P. F. Pike, J. M. Weeks.
1887, 8, 9, N. B. Frost, P. F. Pike, Sewall Pettingill.
1890, P. F. Pike, Sewall Pettingill, A. W. Riggs.
1891, B. F. Bradford, W. B. Frost, G. H. Lord.
1892-3, B. F. Bradford, A. W. Riggs, G. H. Lord.
1894, Sewall Pettingill, A. W. Riggs, C. W. Crosby.
1895, Sewall Pettingill, A. W. Riggs, A. N. Manter.
1896, A. W. Riggs, A. N. Manter, C. W. Norris.
1897, B. F. Bradford, C. W. Norris, C. M. Stevens.
1898, A. N. Manter, C. W. Norris, C. M. Stevens.Treasurers.The successive treasurers have been:
Ebenezer Mason, 1801; Thomas Atkinson, 1802; Joseph Lampson, 1804; John Bowles, 1809; Moses Wing, 1810; Allen Wing, 1811; Isaac Dexter, 1813; Ebenezer Besse, 1815; Joshua Bowles, 1819; Allen Wing, 1820; Joshua Bowles, 1823; Allen Wing, 1829; Humphrey Hight, 1830; Zachariah Wing, 1831; Francis Bowles, 1832; George Smith, 1834; Sumner C. Moulton, 1841; Wellington Hunton, 1847; J. F. Jennings, 1854; Cyrus B. Swift, 1856; Leonard L. Wing, 1857; E. H. Libby, 1858; N. B. Frost, 1859; C. H. Barker, 1860; Squire Bishop, 1862; W. H. Rollins, 1864; C. H. Barker, 1865; W. H. Rollins, 1866; Josiah Norris, 1868; J. S. Berry, 1874; Alfred Johnson, 1877; J. S. Berry, 1882; Stillman Howard, 1883; C. E. Wing, 1886; P. F. Pike, 1887; Stillman Howard, 1883; C. E. Wing, 1886; P. F. Pike, 1887; Sewall Pettingill, 1896; J. M. Moulton, 1897; E. L. Lincoln, 1898.School Committee.Of the first three years following the town's incorporation we have no record.
1801 Ellis Sweet, Isaac Billington, Zalmuna Washburn, Elliot Berry, Silas Fearing, John Frost, William Atkinson. It is probable their duties were simply those of agents, as a member of this committee was chosen for each school district.[p. 172]1802 1st District, Job Fuller, Reuben Besse, Ellis Sweet.
[1802] 2nd District, Josiah Norris, Lieut. Eph. Norris, Isaac Billington.
[1802] 3rd District, Jonathan Norcross, Nath'l Jennings, Wm. Atkinson.
[1802] 4th District, Thos. Atkinson, Silas Fearing, Gamaliel Sturtevant.
[1802] 5th District, Zalmuna Washburn, Japheth Washburn, Jos. Cole.
[1802] 6th District, Wm. Wing, Aaron Wing, Allen Wing.
[1802] 7th District, Zachariah Perry, Noah Frost, John Frost.
1803 Joseph Lamson, Moses Wing, Ebenezer Besse. "A select committee to visit the schools and license school masters and school mistresses."
1804 Joseph Lamson, John Bowles, Moses Wing.
1805 Joseph Lamson, Moses Wing, Ellis Sweet.
1806 Moses Wing, Braddock Weeks, Daniel Smith.
1807 Joseph Lamson, Moses Wing, John Bowles.
1808 Moses Wing, Braddock Weeks, Daniel Smith.
1809 Moses Wing, Jr., Woodin Norris, William Bowles, Thos. Atkinson, John Walton, David Manter.
1810 Moses Wing, Mark P. Stinchfield, Daniel Smith.
1811 Joseph Lamson, Moses Wing, Jr., Cyrus Foss.
1812 Joseph Lamson, Aaron Wing, Moses Wing, Jr.
1813 Joseph Lamson, John Bowles, Ebenezer Besse.
1814 Joseph Lamson, Joshua Bowles, Moses Wing, Jr.
1815 Joseph Lamson, Moses Wing, Jr., Joshua Bowles.
1816 Joseph Lamson, Moses Wing, Nathaniel Fairbanks.
1817 Joseph Lamson, Joshua Bowles, Lemuel Bryant.
1818 Joseph Lamson, Enoch Farnham, Ellis Sweet.
1819 Joseph Lamson, Cyrus Foss, John Morrison.
1820 Aaron Wing, Wm. Burgess, Ephraim Norris.
1821 Moses Wing, Joseph Lamson, A. G. Chandler.
1822 Joseph Lamson, Robert Low, Asa Foss.
1823 Joseph Lamson, Asa Foss, James Wing.
1824 Seth Bartlett, Asa Foss, James Wing.
1825-6 Asa Foss, James Wing, Francis Bowles.
1827 Asa Foss, James Wing, Zachariah Wing.
1828 Asa Foss, Zachariah Wing, George W. Fairbanks.
1829 Thomas Brigham, Zachariah Wing, Francis J. Bowles.
1830 Asa Foss, Zachariah Wing, Francis J. Bowles.
1831 Zachariah Wing, Asa Foss, George W. Fairbanks.
1832 Asa Foss, George W. Fairbanks, Alonzo Wing.
1833 Thomas B. Robinson, Geo. Smith, Alonzo Wing.[p. 173]1834 Greenleaf Wing, Thomas B. Robinson, George W. Fairbanks.
1835 G. W. Fairbanks, Horatio Allen, Geo. Smith.
1836 George Smith, Thos. S. Brigham, Tillotson Lovejoy.
1837 Dudley Bailey, G. W. Fairbanks, Moses Wing, Jr.
1838 Geo. Smith, Thomas S. Brigham, Wellington Hunton.
1839 Wellington Hunton, N. H. Carey, G. W. Fairbanks.
1840 N. H. Carey, N. B. Frost, Wellington Hunton.
1841 N. H. Carey, G. W. Fairbanks, Wellington Hunton.
1842-3 Wellington Hunton, Tillotson Lovejoy, N. B. Frost.
1844 Tillotson Lovejoy, W. G. Besse, Dana M. C. Dunn.
1845 Rev. J. M. Millet, N. B. Frost, A. K. P. Burgess.
1846 Rev. Caleb Fuller, H. J. Ridley, William Lewis.
1847 Rev. Caleb Fuller, N. B. Hunton, W. G. Besse.
1848 Rev. Caleb Fuller, W. G. Besse, N. B. Hunton.
1849 Rev. Caleb Fuller, N. B. Hunton, Josiah Dunn, Jr.
1850 Rev. Caleb Fuller, N. B. Hunton, J. H. Thorne.
1851 Rev. Caleb Fuller, N. B. Hunton, T. B. Read.
1852 Rev. Caleb Fuller, T. B. Read, J. H. Thorne.
1853 Rev. Carlton Parker, J. H. Thorne, B. F. Smith.
1854 Rev. Carlton Parker, E. H. Libby, J. H. Thorne.
1855 Rev. Carlton Parker, E. H. Libby, A. K. P. Burgess.
1856 E. H. Libby, A. K. P. Burgess, T. B. Read.
1857 A. K. P. Burgess, T. B. Read, C. H. Barker.
1858 T. B. Read, C. H. Barker, G. W. Walton.
1859 C. H. Barker, G. W. Walton, T. B. Read.
1860 "Voted to choose a Supervisor of Schools. Chose G. W. Walton, declined serving. Chose J. H. Thorne, declined serving. Reconsidered vote to chose [sic] a Supervisor." G. W. Walton, T. B. Read, C. H. Barker.
1861 T. B. Read, C. H. Barker, G. W. Walton.
1862 C. H. Barker, G. W. Walton, Grafton Norris.
1863 G. W. Walton, Grafton Norris, W. E. True.
1864 Grafton Norris, W. E. True, G. W. Walton.
1865 W. E. True, G. W. Walton, C. H. Barker.
1866 G. W. Walton, C. H. Barker, W. E. True.
1867 C. H. Barker, W. E. True, S. H. J. Berry.
1868 W. E. True, S. H. J. Berry, B. Sylvester.
1869 L. F. Teague, B. Sylvester, Sewall Pettingill.
1870 L. F. Teague, Supervisor.
1871-2 G. W. Walton, Supervisor. In October Mr. Walton resigned,[p. 174]business calling from town and C. K. Stinchfield was elected to fill vacancy.
1873 C. K. Stinchfield, Supervisor.
1874, 5, 6, 7 G. W. Walton, Supervisor.
1878 G. W. Walton, Supervisor, who resigned. Rev. A. Snyder, Supervisor.
1879-80 A. R. Dickinson, Supervisor.
1881 A. R. Dickinson, Supervisor, who resigned. G. W. Walton, Supervisor.
1882 G. W. Walton, Supervisor.
1883 G. W. Walton, J. P. Stevens, J. S. Berry, S. S. Com. J. S. Berry resigned and Dr. F. L. Dixon elected to fill vacancy.
1884 G. W. Walton, C. H. Barker, Jr., Sewall Pettingill.
1885 C. H. Barker, Jr., Sewall Pettingill, G. W. Watson.
1886 Sewall Pettingill, G. W. Walton, C. H. Barker, Jr.
1887 G. W. Walton, C. H. Barker, Jr., C. W. Crosby.
1888 C. H. Barker, C. W. Crosby, G. W. Walton.
1889 C. W. Crosby, G. W. Walton, C. H. Barker.
1890 G. W. Walton, C. H. Barker, C. W. Crosby.
1891 C. H. Barker, C. W. Crosby, G. W. Walton.
1892 C. W. Crosby, G. W. Walton, C. F. Leadbetter.
1893 G. W. Walton, C. W. Crosby, Dr. F. L. Chenery.
1894 C. W. Crosby, Dr. F. L. Chenery, G. W. Walton, B. F. Bradford, C. H. Barker. G. W. Walton, Superintendent.
1895 Dr. F. L. Chenery, G. W. Walton, B. F. Bradford, C. H. Barker, C. W. Crosby. G. W. Walton, Superintendent.
1896 G. W. Walton, B. F. Bradford, Mrs. F. L. Chenery, Mrs. A. F. Johnson, Mrs. J. C. Stinchfield. Mrs. F. L. Chenery, Superintendent.
1897 Mrs. F. L. Chenery, Mrs. A. F. Johnson, Mrs. J. C. Stinchfield, G. W. Walton, C. H. Barker. Mrs. F. L. Chenery, Superintendent.
1898 G. W. Walton, F. W. Small, C. H. Barker. Rev. J. B. Bryant, Superintendent.Constables and Collectors.
1798, 1800, no record.
1799, Ebenezer Besse.
1801, Japheth C. Washburn.
[18]02, Constant Dexter.
[18]03, Japheth C. Washburn.1804, Josiah Brown.
[18]05, Abisha Washburn.
[18]06, Ephraim Norris.
[18]07-8. Alpheus Wing.
[18]09, Jos. Lamson.[p. 175]
1810, Richard Gower.
[18]11, Cyrus Foss.
[18]12-13, Richard Gower.
[18]14, Hamilton Jenkins.
[18]15, Samuel Buswell, Coll.
Richard Gower, Con.
[18]16, Ephraim Norris, Coll.
Richard Gower, Con.
[18]17-18, Lemuel Bryant.
[18]19, Henry Bishop.
[18]20, Hamilton Jenkins.
[18]21, Lemuel Bryant.
[18]22-23, Woodin Norris.
[18]24, Samuel Brown.
[18]25, Hamilton Jenkins.
[18]26, Samuel Brown.
[18]27, 28, 29, Lemuel Bryant.
[18]30, Leonard Wing.
[18]31, Lemuel Bryant.
[18]32, Nathan Burgess.
[18]33, Lemuel Bryant.
[18]34, J. F. Jennings.
[18]35, Lemuel Bryant, Coll.
J. F. Jennings, Con.
[18]36-37, Sewall Frost.
[18]38, Benj. B. Bourne.
[18]39, G. W. Fairbanks.
[18]40, Oliver A. Lawrence.1841-42, J. F. Jennings.
[18]43, Benj. B. Bourne.
[18]44, Oliver A. Lawrence.
[18]45-46, S. C. Moulton.
[18]47, N. B. Frost.
[18]48-49, S. S. Brown.
[18]50, Sewall Frost.
[18]51, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, J. F. Jennings.
[18]57, L. L. Wing.
[18]58, E. H. Libby.
[18]59, N. B. Frost.
[18]60, 1, 2, 3, Squire Bishop.
[18]64, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, W. H. Rollins.
[18]70-71, W. L. G. Clark.
[18]72, P. B. Haskell.
[18]73, 4, 5, 6, Richard Berry.
[18]77-78, K. B. Pullen.
[18]79, Squire Bishop.
[18]80, 1, 2, T. G. Jennings.
[18]83-4, W. O. Day.
[18]85-6, P. B. Haskell.
[18]87, 8, 9, G. H. Lord.
[18]90, J. M. Gott.
[18]91-2, H. H. Pulsifer.
[18]93, William Folsom.
[18]94, 5, 6, 7, M. G. Besse.
[18]98, J. M. Moulton.Representatives to the General Court of Massachusetts.
1812, Moses Wing, Jr. 1813, 14, 20, Joseph Lampson. Representatives to Maine Legislature.
1825, Moses Wing.
[18]28-30, Thos. S. Brigham.
[18]33, Moses Wing, Jr.
[18]35, John Morrison.
[18]37, Francis J. Bowles.
[18]39, Uriah H. Virgin.
[18]41, James Wing.
[18]42, Hamilton Jenkins.
[18]46, Benj. Ridley.
[18]48, Caleb Fuller.
[18]50, N. B. Hunton.1853, Thos. Wilson.
[18]56, Josiah Norris, Jr.
[18]58, Arcadius Pettingill.
[18]60, Josiah Norris.
[18]62, James H. Thorne.
[18]67, G. W. Walton.
[18]72, Matthias Smith.
[18]77, J. S. Berry.
[18]83-4, Alfred Johnson.
[18]89-90, Benj. Maxim.
[18]95-6, Williston Jennings.Senators.
1866-7, Thomas B. Read. 1880-1, J. S. Berry.