Source: Nathan Goold, Windham, Maine, in the War of the Revolution, 1775-1783 (Portland, Me.: H. W. Bryant, 1900).
Forenames and surnames have been switched to facilitate searching, and the format of the list has been altered.
[p. 5]The following is a list of the tax payers of Windham for the year 1776, as given for a county tax. Timothy Pike, David Barker and Ichabod Hanson were the assessors and Daniel Pettingall the collector.Tax Payers of 1776[p. 6]Edward Anderson
Peltiah Allen
John Bodge
William Boulton
David Barker
Ezra Brown
Amos Brown
Ebenezer Barton
Eleazer Chase
Joseph Chesley
Hugh Crague
George Crocket
Daniel Crocket
Daniel Cook
Widow Joanna Frost
Enoch Graffam
Richard Hutchinson
Stephen Hutchinson
Stephen Hutchinson Jr.
Daniel Hall
Andrew Hall
Hateevil Hall
Elijah Hanson
Ichabod Hanson
Samuel Hanson
Jonathan Hanson
Isaac Hardy
Stephen Harris
Ebenezer Hawkes
Amos Hawkes
James Hawkes
Nathaniel Hawkes
Zerrubbabel Hunnerwell
Elijah Hunnerwell
Samuel Hutchinson
James Jonson
William Knight
Jonathan Lovett
Joseph Legro
Elias Legro
Paul Little
Margaret Mabery
Richard Mabery
John Mabery
William Mabery
William Mabery Jr.
Thomas Mabery
Robert Millins
Stephen Manchester Jr.
John Mathews
Robert Martin
William McKeney
Robert Muckford
Nathaniel Muckford
Abraham Osgood
Daniel Pettingall
Timothy Pike
James Pray
William Proctor
David Purinton
John Rand
John Robinson
Joseph Roberts
Jonathan Roberts
Gershom Rogers
Joseph Sweat
John Sweat
Widow Lucy Smith
Chase Stevens
Jonathan Stevens
James Thurrell
Thomas Trott
Stephen Woodman
Gershom Winship
Eli Webb
David Woodman
Benja. Waite
Enoch Waite
John Loring
The following were taxed for their ownership of mills in the town:
Margaret Mabery,
Richard Mabery,
Samuel Eastys,
Stephen Morril,
Benja. Winslow, Jr.,
William Hall,
Isaac Allen, Jr.,
Benja. Winslow.
The above tax list gives us the names of the citizens of Windham in that interesting year of the war, 1776. It is of considerable historical value. Those men serving in the army were probably exempted from taxation.