Source: Collections and proceedings of the Maine Historical Society, Third Series, Vol. II (Portland, Me.: Maine Historical Society, 1906).
A modern transcription of headstones in this cemetery may be found here.
[p. 245]AN OLD-TIME BURIAL GROUNDAt what time a public cemetery was laid out in Windham, I have not been able to ascertain. The late Thomas L. Smith, in his town history, says: "The first persons buried in Windham were buried on home lot No. 32, about twenty rods from Presumpscot River, they are the first wife of Stephen Manchester, a brother of hers and a child." Mrs. Manchester was Grace Farrow, and there is undisputed documentary evidence to prove that her father, John Farrow, and his wife, Bethia, are also buried on the same lot. Mr. Smith says: "The Smith Cemetery in District, No. 1 contains the remains of nearly all the first settlers in the town," and he goes on to say that the Rev. John Wight, first settled minister, was the first person there interred. This cemetery is on the lot that belonged to Mr. Wight, and is near the site of his ancient sanctuary and the old Province fort. It may be true that he was the first person buried there, but it does not seem at all probable that such is the case. Mr. Wight was settled as pastor on December 14, 1743, and from that time until his death, which occurred May 8, 1753, he kept a record of the births, deaths and baptisms that took place among his little flock. The
by samuel t. dole
Read before the Maine Historical Society, March 31, 1899[p. 246]first death entered on the church book is as follows: "Elijah, the son of John and Deliverance Wight, died October 24, 1745, aged about two months and nineteen days." This entry is in Mr. Wight's hand-writing and is doubtless correct. Now it is more than probable that this child was buried on his father's own land and that ten years later the father was laid to rest beside the remains of his beloved son. The church records contain the names of sixteen additional persons who died previous to Mr. Wight's decease, all of whom were probably here interred, as no record or even tradition points to any other burial ground then existing in the settlement. So it is probable that with the interment of this infant the real history of this old-time "God's acre" in Windham, begins. Indeed an old tradition is to this effect, and is believed to be true. The names of these sixteen persons were as follows: "Othniel, the son of Othniel and Hannah Tripp, died Nov. 20, 1744. William, the son of Thomas and Bethia Mayberry, died Apr. 26, 1745. Bathshua, daughter of Abraham and Bathshua Anderson, died Nov. 13, 1745, aged 13. Hannah, the wife of William Knights, died Mar. 2, 1746-7, aged 36. Isaac, son of Abraham and Bathshua Anderson, died Mar. 7, 1746-7. Roger, the son of Zerubbael and Hannah Hunnewell, died Nov. 12, 1747, aged 7. John, son of Thos. and Bethia Mayberry, died Aug. 27, 1748, aged 5 months. Abraham, the son of Abraham and Bathshua Anderson, died Oct. 22, 1748, aged 1 year 11 months. Elizabeth, the daughter of Nathaniel and[p. 247]Elizabeth Starbird, died May 17, 1749. Josiah, the son of Samll. and Bethia Webb, died Nov. 3, 1749, aged 5. Gershom Manchester, died Mar. 15, 1749-50, aged 62. Abigail, the daughter of John and Hannah Farrow, died 1753. Bathshua, the wife of Abraham Anderson, died July 4, 1751. Ephraim, the son of Ephraim and Mehitable Winship, died Aug. 27, 1751. Miriam, the daughter of Joseph and Mary Starling, died Sept. 4, 1751, aged 7 months 12 days. Mehitable, the wife of Ephraim Winship, died Apr. 17, 1750, aged 44."
None of these persons have headstones, and the pastor's record is their only memorial. The remaining entries in the old book are in the handwriting of Deacon Thomas Chute, by which it appears that from the last entry made by Mr. Wight in 1750 to 1762, but seven persons died in the settlement; they were as follows: "Ye Rev. Mr. John Wight, died May ye 8, 1753. Seafair, ye wife of Stephen Manchester, died Dec. 12, 1753. bulah, ye wife of Micah Walker, died May 29, 1755. John and Comfort Manchester had a son died about a fourtnit oald," but no date of the event is anywhere given. "Perses Farrow, wife to Mr. John Farrow, died May 12, 1758. Rebecca Dennis, died 1758. Mary, ye wife of Thos Chute, died July 30, 1762 in ye 70th year of her age, and is greatly lamented not only in her own family but by all who had any acquaintance with her." These persons were all doubtless buried in the same cemetery with the first mentioned seventeen. None, however, have headstones with the one exception of Mr. Wight.[p. 248]From 1758 to 1762, if any record of deaths was kept, it is lost to our knowledge, but in the last named year the Rev. Peter T. Smith was settled pastor of the church and to him we are indebted for a continuance of the records begun by his predecessor, which he kept carefully until his dismissal in 1790, a period of more than twenty-eight years. Since that time it has been customary for the pastors of the Congregational Church to keep a record of the funerals attended by them and it has been frequently the case that the historian has been compelled to rely on them for data that it was found impossible to obtain elsewhere. The town historian is correct in saying that this cemetery "contains the remains of nearly all the early settlers of the town," as it is by far the oldest public burial ground in Windham, but why it is called "The Smith Cemetery" seems to us somewhat singular. It is located on home lot No. 33, which was set apart for the first settled minister, and, in virtue of the grant, became the private property of Mr. Wight. He laid out the original plot as a burial place for himself and the people of the settlement, and it would seem proper that it should bear his name rather than that of the second minister, but the wisdom of our ancestors gave the name, and so let it remain.
As first laid out, the yard was quite limited in size; but, as the population increased, it was enlarged at the public expense at different times; also, in 1854, the Hon. John Anderson purchased a valuable addition of land on which he erected a massive[p. 249]granite tomb and generously donated the remainder of the land to his native town.
The additions made at different times have been so arranged that the original plot laid out by Mr. Wight now occupies the central part of the yard and is in a neglected condition comparing unfavorably with the surrounding lots, almost all of which are kept, tended by loving hands and provided with suitable headstones. Still, in this neglected spot moulders the dust of the founders of this town, and it is a reproach to their descendants that some measures are not taken to properly grade the lot, erect thereon a suitable monument inscribed with the names of as many of these old worthies as can with certainty be ascertained, so that they may be known to future generations. Most surely it is a debt we owe to the memory of those sturdy men and women, who, leaving well ordered homes in the older settled parts of New England came to this wilderness, and by stubborn and persistent courage subdued the wild beasts, cleared the primeval forest, taught the savage red-man to respect their prowess and by a bloody sacrifice left for us a goodly heritage.
Hardly any of these graves have any headstones save that here and there one may be seen with rough field stones at the head and foot, while the mounds reared by affectionate hands have in most cases sunk below the surrounding surface, and the whole is overrun by weeds and trailing wild vines. But tradition and family records give us many names, among whom are William Mayberry, the second settler of[p. 250]Windham, and his wife Bathsheba Dennis; Nathaniel Evans, one of the few grantees who settled here; Ezra Brown, who was slain by Chief Polin on that eventful May morning 1756. Ephraim Winship, a native of Lexington, Mass., who was so roughly handled in the same fight, being twice wounded and twice scalped, yet lived to die quietly in his bed several years afterwards, and his wife, Mehitable, are here interred; also, William Bolton, who was captured by the Indians, August 27, 1747; while near him sleeps Lieutenant Wallace, to whom Bolton after his capture was for some time a servant, and who was found by him several years afterwards wandering aimlessly about the streets of Portland, old, poor and friendless. Bolton took him home, cared for him tenderly, and, when he died, gave him a Christian burial. Here, too, lies Capt. Thomas Trott, a brave officer of the Revolution, and near him John Mayberry, who enlisted when only sixteen years of age and served in the Bagaduce Campaign; Capt. Caleb Graffam, a noted citizen of the town, and his wife, Lois Bennett; Abraham Anderson, 2d, second of the name, also a soldier of the War of Independence; William Elder, Benjamin Bodge, John Mugford, Richard Hunnewell, Samuel Tobin, with many others whose names are not known, who served their country in its hour of peril. There are several soldiers of the War of 1812 interred in this cemetery, among them Josiah Freeman, Stephen Webb, William Ingersoll and Ephraim Winship, Jr.[p. 251]Several soldiers of the Rebellion have here found a resting-place, mostly sons of Windham citizens, and their graves are each year decorated by the hands of their surviving companions in arms.
During the latter years of his life, after he had laid aside the cares of his pastorate, the Rev. Peter T. Smith erected a family tomb, in which he and his family are interred. The following names are inscribed on the tablet, but it is believed that there are others who have no mention: "Rev. Peter T. Smith, died Oct. 24, 1826, aged 95 yrs. Mrs. Elizabeth Wendell, wife of Rev. Peter T. Smith, died Oct. 16, 1799, aged 57. Thomas Smith, died — 27, 1802, aged 33 yrs. Rebecca Smith, died Oct. 31, 1808, aged 25 years. Ann W., wife of Charles Barker, died Mar. 21, 1832, aged 50 years. Hezekiah Smith, died July 15, 1824, aged 70 years. Sally, wife of Hezekiah Smith, died Jan. 3, 1854, agd 88 years. Abraham Anderson, died Sept. 3, 1844, aged 86 years, his wife, Lucy Smith, died Apr. 14, 1844, aged 74 years. Mary Cloutman, died Dec. 2, 1821, aged 77 years. She was the daughter of Edward Cloutman who was captured by the Indians on their attack on Gorham, Apr. 19, 1746. Jane Hunt, second wife of Rev. Peter T. Smith, died Apr. 20, 1824, aged 70 years. Olive A. Anderson, died Oct. 22, 1843, aged 19 years. Susan M. Anderson, died Aug. 14, 1849, aged 18 years. Peter S. Anderson, born in 1789, died in 1867. Susan Bodge, wife of Peter Anderson, died Mar., 1876. Elizabeth Anderson, born 1811, died in 1893." I have[p. 252]previously alluded to the family tomb of the Hon. John Anderson in this yard; it is a strongly built and capacious vault and contains only the family of the builder. On the tablets appear the following inscriptions: "Hon. John Anderson, son of Abraham and Lucy Smith Anderson, born on the home farm, July 29, 1792, died in Portland, Aug. 21, 1853. Mrs. Ann Williams Jameson, wife of John Anderson, born Oct. 14, 1804, died May 13, 1879. Edward Anderson, M. D., son of John and Ann Williams Jameson Anderson, born Dec. 9, 1829, died Sept. 5, 1861. Frances A., wife of Edward Anderson, M. D., died —, 1870. John Farwell Anderson, son of John and Ann Williams Jameson Anderson, died Dec. 25, 1887, aged 63 years."
In 1872, an organization known as the "Union Circle," composed of ladies living in the south part of Windham, erected in this cemetery a receiving tomb, which they donated to the town; but as it has been but rarely used, it is now rapidly falling to decay, and if some means are not taken for its preservation, it will soon be a complete ruin. To most of the people of Windham this old burial place is rendered sacred by many sad recollections, yet it is one of the most interesting spots in the town, and almost every old family among us is here represented. Here sleep the ancestors of whose memory we have a right to be proud and whom we have been taught to reverence; here are our fathers and mothers, our brothers and sisters; and here we of recent years have brought our children for burial, that their dust might mingle[p. 253]with those gone before. Here sleep, side by side, all that is mortal of those whose toils and sacrifices in the dark period of the first settlement of this town, rendered smooth and easy the pathway of their descendants. May we then strive to emulate their virtues and keep green the memory of their heroic deeds.
In addition to the names mentioned in this paper, I have carefully copied the inscriptions on all the headstones in this cemetery.Inscriptions in "Smith Cemetery," collected by Samuel T. Dole: "Beneath those rugged elms that yew trees shade,
Where heaves the turf in many a mouldering heap,
Each in his narrow cell forever laid,
The rude forefathers of the hamlet sleep."
In memory of ye Rev. John Wight, who departed this life May ye 8, 1753 in the 55th year of his age.
Robert Weir, died Aug. 30, 1835 aged 60 years.
Polly, wife of Robert Weir, died Jan. 12, 1846, aged 75 years.
Mrs. Hannah Graffam, died Sept. 11, 1764, aged 43 years.
Sarah, wife of Ezra Brown, died Dec. 2, 1798, aged 41 years, 9 months.
Mr. Ezra Brown, died Mar. 21, 1826, aged 76 years.
Mrs. Lois Graffam, died Jan. 12, 1804, aged 48 years — Sub terra quies in cello vita.
Capt. Caleb Graffam, died Nov. 11, 1784, aged 73 years —Departe dear friends dry up your tears,
My dust lies here till Christ appears.
John Elder, died May 15, 1828, aged 76 years.
Dorcas Elder, died Nov. 20, 1833, aged 30 years.
Silas Elder, died Sept. 16, 1841, aged 72 years, 6 months.[p. 254]Lois Graffam, daughter of Capt. Peter Graffam of New Gloucester, died May 21, 1798, aged 19 years.
Charity Mayberry, died Apr. 23, 1855, aged 75 years, 10 months.
Jane Mayberry, died Nov. 25, 1851, aged 82 years.
Francis Cobby, died Sept. 3, 1849, aged 32 years.
Joseph Cobby, died Apr. 21, 1837, aged 55 years.
Rebecca, wife of Joseph Cobby, died Aug. 30, 1863, aged 80 years.
Mrs. Eleanor Cobby, died Mar. 31, 1810, aged 101 years.
Mr. John Cobby, died July 14, 1821, aged 72 years.
Mrs. Abigail, wife of John Cobby, died Feb. 1, 1812, aged 64 years.
Mr. Samuel Mayberry, died Nov. 16, 1811, aged 37.
Charlotte J., wife of Daniel Mayberry, died Dec. 4, 1850, aged 37 years, 9 months.
James Mayberry, died Oct. 3, 1856, aged 67 years.
Sally, wife of James Mayberry, died Mar. 21, 1864, aged 73 years.
Mr. William Elder, died Aug. 8, 1767, aged 58 years.
Mr. William Elder, Jun., died Oct. 20, 1799, aged 74 years.
Rebecca Elder, widow of John Elder, died Oct. 5, 1829, aged 70 years.
Abigail, wife of Silas Elder, died June 3, 1853, aged 82 years, 5 months.
Lois Elder, died June 10, 1874, aged 73 years.
Caleb Elder, died Jan. 22, 1885, aged 72 years.
Sally, wife of John Mayberry, died July 22, 1869, aged 86 years.
Caroline B. Mayberry, died Aug. 5, 1843, aged 21 years.
Alvin Mayberry, died Aug. 22, 1883, aged 76 years.
Rebecca, wife of Alvin Mayberry, died Aug. 11, 1888, aged 80 years.
Rebecca, wife of Simeon Quimby, died Jan. 9, 1850, aged 47 years.
Samuel Walker, died Feb. 26, 1841, aged 22 years.
James Mayberry, died Apr. 17, 1840, aged 73 years.
Bathsheba Graffam, died Dec. 30, 1837, aged 63 years.
Capt. Thomas Trott, born 1730, died 1821.[p. 255]Sarah, wife of Capt. Thomas Trott, born 1740, died 1837.
John Trott, born 1786, died 1832.
Martha, wife of John Trott, died 1791, died 1881.
John Trott, Jun., born 1826, died 1828.
William Trott, born 1831, died 1832.
Jane Trott Foss, born 1811, died 1876.
Sarah Trott, born 1814, died 1887.
John Mayberry, born June 3, 1876, aged 91 years.
Richard Dole, Jun., died Aug. 9, 1864, aged 35 years.
Jennie Dole, died Oct. 11, 1863, aged 7 years, 2 months.
Freddie Dole, died Mar. 28, 1856, aged 10 days.
Samuel Dole, died Oct. 18, 1844, aged 79 years.
Mehitable, wife of Samuel Dole, died July 11, 1843, aged 77 years.
Apphia Dole, died June 2, 1815, aged 22 years.
Oliver Dole, died Mar. 1, 1838, aged 40 years.
Elizabeth, wife of Oliver Dole, died Aug. 24, 1833, aged 32 years.
Daniel W. Dole, died July 4, 1876, aged 69 years.
Eliza, wife of Daniel W. Dole, died Mar. 18, 1832, aged 24 years.
Mary W., second wife of Daniel W. Dole, died May 14, 1872, aged 57 years.
Sally Winship, died —— 1840.
Peter Elder, born Dec. 12, 1794, died Sept. 2, 1859.
Lewis Cobb, born Oct. 9, 1808, died Mar. 4, 1887.
Harriet H., wife of Lewis Cobb, died Jan. 1886, aged 69 years.
Jeannette Cobb, died Sept. 1, 1875, aged 25 years.
Edward Elder, died Mar. 22, 1855, aged 35 years.
Levi Harris, died Aug. 28, 1871, aged 81 years.
Betsey, wife of Levi Harris, died Aug. 12, 1853, aged 63 years.
Francis Harris, born 1819, died 1888.
Mary, wife of Francis Harris, born 1815, died 1879.
Alfreda Harris, born 1857, died 1857.
Peter Ingersoll, died May 27, 1846, aged 51 years.
Martha, wife of Peter Ingersoll, died Jan. 6, 1860, aged 63 years, 4 months, 10 days.
Isabel McCollough, died Nov. 6, 1867, aged 23 years.[p. 256]Susan J. T., wife of John McCullough, died Sept. 9, 1865, aged 44 years.
Nathan Cloudman, died June 17, 1869, aged 63 years, 10 months.
Elizabeth, wife of Nathan Cloudman, died June 8, 1877, aged 75 years, 4 months.
Jason Miller, born Aug., 1833, died Oct., 1882.
Angie M., wife of Frank Elliott, born Oct. 30, 1855, died May —, 1892.
Philip S. Bragdon, died Feb. 14, 1890, aged 21 yrs., 1 month.
James Grant, died June 3, 1874, aged 66 years, 15 days.
Hannah, wife of James Grant, died Sept. 9, 1873, aged 56 years, 11 months, 9 days.
Adaline Smith, died May 24, 1845, aged 1 year.
Martha E. Smith, died May 4, 1865, aged 6 years.
Arvilla A. Smith, died Apr. 25, 1865, aged 18 years.
Elizabeth, wife of Lewis Smith, died July 9, 1865, aged 47 years, 6 months.
Elias M. Babb, died Dec. 7, 1855, aged 50 years.
Sarah L., wife of Elias M. Babb, died Nov. 21, 1854, aged 49 years.
Irene Babb, died Dec. 12, 1856, aged 16 years, 10 months.
Frank L. Shaw, died Oct. 7, 1860, aged 3 years.
Reuben Shaw, died June 11, 1860, aged 7 years, 6 months.
John A. Shaw, died June 13, 1863.
Clara L. Shaw, died Mar. 13, 1885, born Mar. 21, 1881.
Daniel Shaw, died Mar. 19, 1878, aged 82 years, 3 mos.
Lavina, wife of Daniel Shaw, died May 4, 1870, aged 70 years, 6 months.
Zelia F. Sawyer, died Sept. 2, 1860, aged 8 years, 6 months.
Eunice E. Sawyer, died Oct. 18, 1849, aged 1 year, 11 months.
Edgar F. Sawyer, born 1858, died 1885.
Col. Edward Anderson, born Oct. 30, 1801, died 1867.
Louisa, wife of Col. Edward Anderson, born Nov. 7, 1804, died July, 1881.
Henry Berry, died Mar. 14, 1846, aged 44 years.
Joshua Berry, died Oct. 13, 1847, aged 80 years.
Olive Wilson, wife of Joshua Berry, died May 6, 1815, aged 46 years.[p. 257]Thomas L. Smith, died Jan. 3, 1882, aged 84 years, 2 months — the town historian.
Eliza, wife of Thomas L. Smith, died July 22, 1888, aged 86 years, 11 months.
Mary Ann Smith, died Oct. 26, 1867, aged 43 yrs., 10 ms.
Wendell T. Smith, died July 21, 1864, aged 29 yrs., 4 ds.
Eliza W. Pride, died June 22, 1866, aged 65 years.
Ann M. Freeman, died Mar. 25, 1847, aged 3 years.
Rose Elva Freeman, died July 4, 1852, aged 14 ms., 10 ds.
Martha A., wife of Benjamin Freeman, died Mar. 18, 1863, aged 40 years.
Benjamin Freeman, born Oct. 8, 1818, died Mar. 5, 1890.
Josiah Freeman, born Oct. 10, 1791, died Mar. 28, 1868.
Stephen W. Freeman, died Aug. 26, 1897, aged 80 yrs., 7 ms.
Charity A., first wife of Stephen W. Freeman, died Apr. 22, 1842.
Jeremiah Riggs, died Sept. 10, 1869, aged 74 years.
Hannah, wife of Rufus Mitchel, died Apr. 11, 1890, aged 60 years, 10 months.
Ebenezer Hawkes, born 1726, died 1805.
Sarah, wife of Ebenezer Hawkes, born 1730, died 1805.
Joseph Hawkes, born 1768, died 1837.
Rebecca, wife of Joseph Hawkes, born 1780, died 1837.
Joseph Hawkes, Jun., born 1812, died Jan. 19, 1844, aged 32 yrs.
Ebenezer Hawkes, born May 14, 1817, died July 1, 1882.
Abner L. Hawkes, born 1820, died 1841.
Betsey Hawkes, wife of Lewis Hardy, born 1809, died 1863.
Ellen, wife of Ebenezer Hawkes, born 1824, died 1881.
Mary, wife of W. L. Hawkes, born 1850, died 1880.
Loyd, son of Wesley and Sadie W. Hawkes, born 1880, died 1881.
Frederick Smith, born Oct. 27, 1796, died May 27, 1877.
Martha, wife of Frederick Smith, born Jan. 24, 1798, died May 1, 1881.
Harriet W. Smith, died Feb. 16, 1863.
Hannah B., wife of J. F. Merrill, died May 27, 1865, aged 30 years, 3 months.
James W. Swett, died Oct. 20, 1883, aged 43 years.[p. 258]Edward Stevens, died Apr. 19, 1870, aged 25 years.
Freddie H. Stevens, died Mar. 15, 1870, aged 4 months.
Stephen Webb, died May 13, 1868, aged 76 years.
Mary, wife of Stephen Webb, died July 13, 1889, aged 92 years, 6 months.
Betsey, wife of John Paddon, died Mar. 15, 1870, aged 94 years.
Mark H. Stevens, died Sept. 11, 1879, aged 64 years, 10 months.
John Webb, died Nov. 30, 1896, aged 78 years.
Lucy A., wife of John Webb, died Apr. 16, 1886, aged 64 years.
Hannahette Webb, died Aug. 2, 1840, aged 16 years.
Edward H. Davis, died Apr. 30, 1871, aged 32 years.
Joseph T. Hawkes, died Nov. 10, 1847, aged 10 years.
J. Baxter Smith, died Aug. 11, 1865, aged 28 years, 6 months.
Willie H. Smith, died Sept. 25, 1864, aged 1 year, 9 months.
Lorenzo D. Knight, born 1833, died 1893.
John Bacon, born 1809, died 1892.
Eunice, wife of John Bacon, born 1809, died 1892.
John A. Bacon, born 1834, died 1843.
Mary Ette Knight, died June 26, 1854, aged 1 year, 3 months.
Albert Bacon, born 1844, died 1847.
Mary J., wife of Stephen A. Cordwell, born 1832, died 1856.
Alfreda Knight, died Oct. 29, 1876, aged 20 years, 9 months.
Orinda Knight, died Feb. 8, 1879, aged 11 years, 10 months.
Edmund Douglass, died Aug. 8, 1892, aged 73 years.
Eunice, first wife of Edmund Douglass, died May 30, 1851, aged 41 years.
Eliza, second wife of Edmund Douglass, died July 2, 1886, aged 67 years, 7 months.
Reuben Elder, died Dec. 16, 1839, aged 47 years.
Caroline Elder, died July 31, 1845, aged 21 years.
Lydia M., wife of Albert L. Elder, died Jan. 31, 1866, aged 29 years, 3 months.
Jeremiah Brackett, died Dec. 27, 1869, aged 74 years.
Elizabeth, wife of Jeremiah Brackett, died Sept. 18, 1881, aged 81 years.
John Mayberry, died Apr. 1, 1841, agd 78 years.[p. 259]Lucy A. H., wife of William Bickford, died July 17, 1880, aged 57 years, 6 months, 17 days.
Abby Bickford, died Apr. 20, 1856, aged 11 years, 4 months, 20 days.
An infant daughter of William and Lucy A. H. Bickford died Sept. 2, 1850.
William Bickford, died Apr. 25, 1893, aged 76 years.
J. Porter Hall, died Feb. 17, 1881, aged 63 years, 10 months.
Sarah J., wife of J. Porter Hall, died Nov. 11, 1861, aged 42 years, 4 months.
Hattie McCollough, died May 19, 1884, aged 21 years.
Andrew R. Smith, born 1831, died 1885.
Charles J. Hawkes, died Mar. 11, 1864, aged 15 yrs., 7 months.
Charles H. Stevens, died Feb. 3, 1892, aged 27 years.
Thomas Brackett, born July 26, 1816, died Dec. 24, 1885.
Thomas F. Brackett, born May 23, 1841, died May 14, 1852.
Ann Maria, wife of George Bachelder, died Apr. 20, 1880, aged 42 years.
Eva Bachelder, died July 2, 1880, aged 13 years.
George Bachelder, died Dec. 11, 1895, aged 78 yrs., 11 ms., 19 days.
Mary Cloutman, died Dec. 2, 1821, aged 77 years.
John Burnham, died Mar. 17, 1796, agd 27 years.
Mrs. Hannah Paine, died Nov. 24, 1806, aged 76 years.
Mary, wife of James P. Cash, died Nov. 15, 1849, aged 29 years.
James R. Cash, died Mar. 27, 1865, aged 18 years.
Edward S. True, died Dec. 21, 1891, aged 70 years.
Alice B., wife of Edward S. True, died Apr. 7, 1897, aged 74 years, 4 months, 25 days.
Abraham A. Cloudman, died Oct. 11, 1897.
John Bickford, died Dec. 31, 1891, aged 17 years.
Harry Hayes Bickford, died Jan. 5, 1892, aged 14 years, 11 months.
Samuel Bragdon, died Jan. 8, 1895, aged 76 years.
John A. Freeman, died Jan. 28, 1890, aged 66 years, 8 months.
Minerva, wife of John A. Freeman, died Mar. 23, 1889, aged —.
Darius Bryant, died Feb. 12, 1889, agd 53 yrs., 8 months.[p. 260]Louisa, wife of Daniel M. Wescott, died Nov. 16, 1894, aged 63 years.
Edgar H. Caswell, died June 24, 1895, aged 13 years, 10 months, 5 days.
Marjorie A. Jordan, died Feb. 17, 1898, aged 15 years, 7 months.
Vera Seamans, died May 10, 1898, aged 6 yrs., 3 ms., 9 days.
Fredrick A. Webber, died May 2, 1898, aged 5 months.
Fredrick Montgomery, died May 7, 1898, aged 1 year, 9 months, 17 days.
Henry W. Caswell, died July 2, 1898, aged 28 days.
Anna M. Wark, died July 21, 1898, aged 2 years, 9 months, 18 days.
Eunice R., wife of William F. Sawyer, died Nov. 28, 1898, aged 70 years, 8 months, 20 days.