Source: Sprague's Journal of Maine History, vol. 3 (Dover, Me., 1915).
[p. 106]Alphabetical List of the Members of the First Congregational Church of Bangor, Maine, 1811-1856
Contributed by Fannie Hardy Eckstorm.
Eliashib Adams,
Mrs. Anna Adams,
George E. Adams,
Eliza L. Adams,
Mary A. Adams,
Mrs. Malinda S. Adams,
Charlotte M. Adams,
Henry M. Adams,
Mary E. Adams,
Mrs. Mary Allen,
Martha Allen,
John Allen,
James Allen,
Mrs. Naomi E. Allen,
Margaret Allen,
Mrs. Sarah E. Allen,
Mary Allen,
Charlotte S. Allen,
Mrs. Elizabeth F. Allen,
Sarah C. Ally,
Mrs. Lydia Ayer,
Mrs. Sabra Bailey,
Uriah Bailey,
Mrs. Julia Bailey,
Rebecca Baddershall,
John Barker,
Mrs. Sophia Barker,
Mrs. Abigail Barker,
George Barker,
Elizabeth C. Barker,
Ruth Bartlett,
Ruth M. Bartlett,
Martha W. Bartlett,
Mrs. Rebecca Bartlett,
Thomas Bartlett,
Mrs. Elizabeth Bartlett,
Mary Bartlett,Daniel Bartlett,
Mrs. Elizabeth Y. Bartlett,
Mrs. Martha Bartlett,
Abby H. Bartlett,
Ann M. Bartlett,
Harriett Bartlett,
Eliza A. Bartlett,
Thomas Beacroft,
Mrs. Jane Beacroft,
Mary A. Beacroft,
David I. Bent,
Mrs. Rebecca Bent,
Mrs. Lorena Bent,
Mrs. Caroline P. Bement,
Caleb C. Billings,
Mrs. Catherine R. Blunt,
Mrs. Abigail Blake,
Horatio W. Blood,
Wm. H. Boardman,
Mrs. Roxa V. Boardman,
Mrs. Mary I. S. Boardman,
Jonathan Boardman,
Philinda Bond,
Wm. Bourne,
Mrs. Velnora Bourne,
Benjamin Bourne,
Mrs. Clarissa Bourne,
Mrs. Narcissa Bourne,
George F. Bourne,
Isaac H. Bowker,
Mrs. Eliza Bowker,
Mrs. Huldah Bowen,
Mrs. Sarah H. Bowler,
Charles Bowler,
1Wm. Boyd,
James Boyd,
Mrs. Sally Boyd,1William Boyd, one of the first Deacons of this church.[p. 107]
Mrs. Hannah Boyd,
Mrs. Edna Boyd,
Wm. Boyd,
John Boyd,
Robert Boyd,
George Bradford,
Mrs. Mary Bradford,
Horace B. Brastow,
Mary A. Bright,
Margaret Britton,
Mary Britton,
Mrs. Sophia H. Brown,
Joseph Brown,
Priscilla Brown,
Sophia Brown,
Mrs. Elizabeth Brown,
Harriet F. Brown,
George M. Brown,
Lewis A. Brown,
George W. Brown,
Theo. S. Brown,
Mrs. Sarah S. Brown,
Albert G. Brown,
Mrs. Mary A. Brown,
2Wm. H. Brown,
Mrs. Susan Bruce,
Eliza Bryant,
George A. Buck,
Joseph Budson,
John Burke,
Mrs. Charlotte Burnham,
Harriet P. Butrick,
Henry Call,
Henry E. Call,
Hannah E. Call,
Mrs. Martha Call,
Martha C. Call,
Mary A. Call,
Mrs. Betsy Carle,
Sarah Carey,
Mrs. Almira Carr,
Mrs. Mary Carr,
3J. Wingate Carr,
Joseph Carr,Sarah F. Carr,
Henry Cargil,
Mrs. Sarah D. Cargill,
Mrs. Eliza E. Carter,
Sumner Chalmers,
Sarah W. Chalmers,
Henry L. Chamberlain,
Sarah M. W. Chandler,
Hannah A. Chandler,
Mrs. Sarah Chick,
Hannah Clark,
Mrs. Ann Clark,
Mrs. Sarah D. Clark,
Allen Clark,
Huldah Clark,
Thomas W. Clark,
Otis Cobb,
Rebecca A. Cook,
Philip Cook,
Mrs. Elizabeth Coombs,
Philip H. Coombs,
Mrs. Eliza W. Coombs,
Mrs. Eliza A. B. Coombs,
Philip Coombs,
Philomela H. Converse,
Mrs. Sarah B. Copeland,
Jesse E. Cornelius,
Mrs. Mary A. Cox,
Mrs. Lydia Cram,
Mrs. Mary L. Cram,
Levi Cram,
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Cram,
Mrs. Condance Crocker,
Stephen S. Crosby,
Mrs. Hannah Crosby,
Mrs. Crosby,
John Crosby,
Margaret Crosby,
Sarah Crosby,
Harriet Crosby,
John Crosby,
Olive Crosby,
Mrs. Ann Crosby,
Mrs. Lucy Crosby,2Honorable William H. Brown, Mayor of Bangor, 1880-81.
3Honorable J. Wingate Carr, once Sheriff of Penobscot County and Mayor of Bangor 1840-41.[p. 108]
Timothy Crosby,
Charlotte C. Crosby,
Sarah H. Crosby,
John L. Crosby,
James H. Crosby,
Thomas Daggatt,
Mrs. Salome Daggatt,
Wm. Davenport,
Mrs. Elizabeth Davenport,
Zadock Davis,
Mrs. Betsey Davis,
Asa Davis,
Mrs. Elizabeth Davis,
Sally Davis,
Josiah Beane,
Mrs. Betsey P. Beane,
Esther Beane,
Mrs. Sarah Dearbon,
Noah Dearbon,
Wm. S. Dennett,
Lucy A. Dickey,
Mrs. Martha Dickinson,
Joshua P. Dickinson,
Samuel H. Dickinson,
Albert A. Dillingham,
Mrs. Elizabeth Dillingham,
Mrs. Caroline Dillingham,
Samuel Doe,
Mrs. Abigail Doe,
Nancy Doe,
Elizabeth Doe,
Mrs. Judith Dole,
Edmund Dole,
Daniel Dole,
Nathan Dole,
George S. C. Dow,
Wm. H. Dow,
Mrs. Delia L. Dow,
Mrs. Hannah Dow,
Mrs. Hannah Downing,
Mrs. Eunice Dresser,
Daniel Dresser,
Mrs. Elcy C. Dresser,
Mrs. Rachel Drummond,
Alexander Drummond,
Mrs. Margaret Drummond,Mrs. Lydia G. Drummond,
Mrs. Sarah W. Drummond,
Maria L. Drummond,
Mary Dunham,
E. Freeman Duren,
Mrs. Mary C. Duren,
4Samuel E. Dutton,
Mrs. Marcia Dutton,
Ruth Dutton,
Abigai [sic] Dutton,
Mrs. Lydia Eastman,
Jacob Eastman,
Mrs. Abigail S. Eastman,
Joshua Eaton,
Sarah Edes,
Mary P. Egery,
Mrs. Betsey Ellis,
John Ellis,
Wm. Emerson,
Mrs. Lois Emerson,
Eleanor Emerson,
Lorena Emerson,
Mrs. Tryphosia Eustis,
Charles O. Fanning,
Mrs. Fidelia Fanning,
Mary E. Fanning,
Mrs. Harriet Farnham,
Mrs. Comfort Farrington,
Mrs. Ruth Fisher,
Mrs. Rebecca M. Fiske,
James B. Fiske,
John C. Fiske,
Rebecca M. Fiske,
Mrs. Abigail Fiske,
Frances Fitts,
Betsey A. Fitts,
Lury Fitts,
Joseph Fogg,
Mrs. Esther Fogg,
Mrs. Rebecca Fogg,
Mrs. Sarah Fogg,
Nathan B. Folsom, Jr.,
Mrs. Margaret Folsom,
Sarah Forbes,
Lucy G. Forbes,
Mrs. Sarah Forbes,4Samuel E. Dutton of Bangor, Judge of Probate for Penobscot County, 1816-19.[p. 109]
Wm. G. Forbes,
Mrs. Ann M. Forbes,
Joseph Forbes,
Mrs. Sarah A. Forbes,
John M. Foster,
Mrs. Mary W. Foster,
Mary O. Foster,
Mrs. Julia Foster,
Mrs. Cynthia Foster,
Mrs. Lucia Fowler,
Elizabeth H. Frances,
Mrs. Beulah French,
Mrs. Sophia B. French,
Charles A. French,
Mrs. Sarah C. French,
Caroline French,
J. H. P. Frost,
Elizabeth Furber,
Thomas L. Furber,
Joseph S. Gallagher,
Susan S. Gallagher,
Charlotte A. Gallison,
Mrs. Mary Gallison,
Mrs. Betsey Garland,
Sophronia Garland,
Eizabeth [sic] Garland,
Eliza M. Garland,
Sophia Garland,
Mrs. Zervia Garland,
Joseph Garland,
Joseph H. Garmon,
Mary Gatchel,
Mary Gatchel,
Elizabeth M. Gatchel,
Benj. D. Gay,
Mrs. Sophia Godfrey,
Mary Godfrey,
Mrs. Ruth Gooch,
Stephen Goodhue,
Mary W. Goodhue,
Sarah E. Goodhue,
Mrs. Mary Gould,
Horace Gould,
Perez Graves,
Mrs. Eunice Graves,
Mrs. Persis Greenleaf,
Clara P. Greenleaf,Wm. C. Greenleaf,
Emeline P. Greenleaf,
Richard W. Griffin,
Mrs. Matilda J. Griffin,
Margaret Griffin,
Mrs. Ruth Gurney,
Abby B. Gurney,
Sarah D. Gurney,
Nathan Hadlock,
Mrs. Ann Hadlock,
Zaccheus Hall,
Mrs. Sally Hall,
William Hall,
Mrs. Judith E. Hall,
Mrs. Laura Hall,
Sarah L. Hall,
Ellen Hall,
Elisha Hammond,
Mrs. Relief Hammond,
Mary Hammond,
Mrs. Betsey Hammond,
Harriet H. Hammond,
Moses P. Hanson,
Mrs. Experience Harlow,
5Bradford Harlow,
Mrs. Nancy Harlow,
Nancy S. Harlow,
Nathaniel Harlow,
Mrs. Mary Harlow,
Mrs. Sarah Harlow,
Mrs. Mary Harlow,
Sarah P. Harlow,
Samuel C. Harlow,
Jere P. Hardy,
Mrs. Catharine Hardy,
Wm. G. Hardy,
Mrs. Judith P. Hardy,
Mary A. Hardy,
Francis W. Hardy,
Leonard W. Harris,
Sarah Harrod,
Silas Harthorne, 3d,
Mrs. Margaret Harthorne,
Washington Hartshorn,
William Hasey,
Mrs. Abigail Hasey,5Honorable Bradford Harlow, Mayor of Bangor, 1842-43.[p. 158]
Samuel D. Hasey,
Moses Haskell,
Mrs. Anna Haskell,
Benjamin Haskell,
Mary F. Haskell,
Micajah Haskell,
Martha Haskell,
Mary F. Haskell,
Hannah B. Haskell,
Susan A. Haskell,
Mrs. Anna D. Haskell,
Elizabeth D. Haskell,
John Haskell,
Emeline P. Haskins,
Romulus Haskins,
Robert R. Haskins,
Nathaniel Hatch, Jr.,
Mrs. Meriam Haynes,
Mrs. Martha C. Hellenbrand,
George R. Herrick,
Mrs. Mary Herrick,
Mrs. Catherine L. Higgins,
David Hill,
Mrs. Phebe Hill,
Charlotte Hill,
Thomas A. Hill,
Hannah A. Hill,
Mrs. Elizabeth Hill,
Catherine Hill,
Jane S. Hill,
Elizabeth A. Hill,
Mrs. Catharine J. Hilliard,
Stephen Holland,
Sarah Holland,
Prescott P. Holden,
Mrs. Roxana D. Holden,Jane E. Hodgdon,
Mrs. Lucy Holmes,
Bradley Hosford,
Mrs. Hannah Hosford,
Mrs. Cornelia Hoyt,
Eunice K. Hoyt,
Lacy V. Howard,
Wm. P. Hubbard,
Mrs. Hutchings,
Wm. S. Hyde.
Mrs. Ruth Ingraham.
Alexander H. Janes,
George W. Jackson,
William Jewell,
Nathan Jewell,
Mrs. Elizabeth Jewell,
Mrs. Emily B. Jewell,
Harriet Jewett,
Mrs. Eliza C. Jewett,
Mrs. Ann Jellison,
Ann Jones,
Preston Jones,
Mrs. Mary Jones,
Hellen M. Jones,
Frances A. Jones,
Mrs. Roxana Jordon,
Mrs. Cordelia Jordon,
Mary E. Jordon.
Mrs. Eliza Kendrick,
Joseph Kendrick,
Harriet B. Kendrick,
Clara A. Kendrick,
Allen M. Kendrick,[p. 159]
Mrs. Nancy M. Kendrick,
Mrs. Sarah I. Kent,
Mrs. Lucilla S. Kelley,
Stephen Kimball,
Mrs. Rebecca Kimball,
Daniel Kimball,
Mrs. Lydia Kimball,
Mrs. Lydia F. Kimball,
Mrs. Mary C. D. Kimball,
John Kimball,
Mrs. Jane Kimball,
Osgood Kimball,
Rebecca H. Kimball,
Mrs. Sarah S. Kimball,
Huldah Kingsley,
Mrs. Mary E. Kittredge,
Mrs. Mary Knight,
Robert Knowles,
Mrs. Maria Knowles.
Daniel Lambert,
Mrs. Betsey Lambert,
Mrs. Electa B. Lancy,
Paschal P. Learned,
Mrs. Ann R. Learned,
Joseph Leavitt,
Edwin Leonard,
Mrs. Mary B. Leonard,
Isaac Lincoln,
Mrs. Emeline B. Lincoln,
Mrs. Elizabeth Little,
Ellen Little,
Mark Little,
George B. Little,
Mrs. Sarah E. Little,
Mrs. Nancy Loomis,
Jane Longstaff,
Jeremiah Lord,
Samuel B. Loud,
Mrs. Sarah M. Lovejoy,
Joseph C. Lovejoy,
Mrs. Betsey Low,
Mrs. Lucy E. Low,
Mrs. Mary F. Lowell,
Mrs. Elizabeth Lumbert,Mrs. Sarah Lumbert,
Davis Lumbert,
Samuel E. Lunt,
Eliza Mahan,
Mrs. Sophia Mann,
William Mann,
Thomas N. Mansfield,
Mrs. Rebecca Mansfield,
Daniel R. Mansfield,
Maria I. Mason,
Dorcas Mason,
Joseph W. Mason,
Mrs. Elizabeth T. Mason,
Mrs. Margaret Martyn,
Jennette S. Martyn,
Mary D. Marston,
John A. Mayhew,
Mrs. Mary Mayhew,
Fanny Mayhew,
Mrs. Sarah Mayhew,
Mrs. Lucy Mayhew,
Hannah Mathews,
Mrs. Phebe McGaw,
6Jacob McGaw,
Catharine McGaw,
Mary McDaniel,
David C. McDougall,
Mrs. Minerva McDougall,
Elizabeth McCobb,
Sarah McCobb,
Mary McDougall,
Daniel P. McQuestion,
Mrs. Mary A. B. McQuestion,
Mrs. Mary A. McRuer,
Mrs. Margaret Merryman,
Mrs. Sarah Merrill,
Eudora A. I. Merrill,
Hannah Middleton,
Mrs. Myra C. Mills,
Mrs. Hannah S. Milliken,
Joseph Milliken,
Lydia H. Milliken,
Mrs. Mary Moody,
Abby M. Moody,
Caroline S. Moore,(6) Jacob McGaw a prominent lawyer of Eastern Maine, and once County Attorney of Penobscot County.[p. 160]
Elvira Moore,
Marion Moore,
Benjamin Morrill,
Mrs. Caroline L. Morrill,
Daniel W. Morrill,
Benj. H. Morrill,
Mrs. Joana Morse,
Mrs. Lucy M. Morse,
Mrs. Maria Morse,
Jonathan Morse,
Mrs. Prudence Morse,
Timothy H. Morse,
Leonard L. Morse.
Olive H. Nason,
Mrs. Mary J. Nay,
Emery M. Newhall,
Mrs. Mary Nourse,
Sarah Nourse,
Simon Nowell,
Mrs. Mary Nowell,
Robert Nowell,
George W. Nowell,
Henry Nowell,
Mary E. Nowell,
Mrs. Sarah Nowell,
Mrs. Charlotte C. Nye,
Elisha Nye.
Mrs. Clarissa Osgood,
Hannah H. Osgood.
Harriet Page,
Mrs. Prudence Page,
Mrs. Nancy Palmer,
Mrs. Ann M. Palmer,
Mrs. Mary Parker,
Mrs. Priscilla G. Parker,
Emily Parker,
Mrs. Susannah Parker,
Mary Parker,
Mrs. Susan Parsons,
Elijah G. Parsons,
Jotham S. Parsons,Eben G. Parsons,
Pamelia Parsons,
Mrs. Hannah H. Parsons,
Samuel M. Parsons,
Benj. F. Parsons,
Pliny D. Parsons,
Fidelio Parsons,
Mrs. Rachel A. Parsons,
Electa L. Parsons,
Mary V. Parsons,
Park H. Parsons,
Catherine T. Parsons,
Amy Parsons,
James B. Parsons,
7Moses Patten,
Mrs. Sarah Patten,
Cyril Pearl,
Mrs. Sarah H. Pearson,
Mrs. Sophia S. Pearson,
John Pearson,
Mary Pearson,
Simon T. Pearson,
Sarah M. Pearson,
John S. Pearson,
Mrs. Ann M. Pearson,
Mrs. Mary K. Pearson,
Mary C. Pearson,
Wm. H. Pearson,
Mrs. Elizabeth P. Pearson,
Mrs. Rosana M. Pearson,
Mrs. Hannah T. Pearson,
Mrs. Mary W. Pendleton,
Joshua C. Plummer,
Mary Philips,
Sarah Philips,
Calvin Phelps,
Mrs. Mary A. G. Pierce,
8George W. Pickering,
Daniel Pike,
Nancy Plummer,
Dorcas Plummer,
Charles Plummer,
Mrs. Sarah M. Plummer,
Elizabeth D. Plummer,(7) Honorable Moses Patten of Bangor, member of the Court of Common Pleas for the third Eastern District established July 2, 1816, and sitting as a Court of Sessions held their first session in Bangor on that day.
(8) Honorable George W. Pickering, Mayor of Bangor 1853-54.[p. 161]
Sophia D. Plummer,
Mary Plummer,
Louisa Plummer,
Lucretia A. Plummer,
George D. Plummer,
Jerusha Polly,
Swan L. Pomroy,
Rebecca M. Poor,
Mrs. Frances M. Pomroy,
Antoinette Poyen,
Mrs. Ann Q. Pomroy,
John M. Prince,
Mary B. Pomroy,
Mrs. Eleanor C. Prince,
Charles H. Pond,
Aaron Prouty,
Mrs. Hannah Pond,
Mrs. Hepzibah Prouty,
Catherine Porter,
Emerson D. Porter,
Mrs. Nancy B. Porter,
Mrs. Caroline T. Porter.
Susan Quimby.
Mrs. Harriet H. Ray,
Fanny Randall,
Harvey Reed,
Mrs. Jane Reed,
Mrs. Sophia Reed,
Anna F. Reed,
Mrs. Hannah Remick,
Nancy Reynolds,
Mrs. Martha F. Reynolds,
Mrs. Miranda Rice,
Charles Rice,
Mrs. Fanny Rich,
Elizabeth A. Rich,
Esther Richards,
Mrs. Julia A. Ricker,
Mrs. Ruth Roberts,
Francis Roberts,
Elmina Robinson,
James Robinson,
Margaret Robinson,
Mrs. Hannah B. Robinson,
Mrs. Charlotte B. Robinson,
Mary O. Robinson,Mrs. Hannah S. Rogers,
Mrs. Mary H. Rogers,
Philinda Ross,
Lorinda C. Ross,
Thomas H. Sandford,
Mrs. Caro. M. B. Sanford,
William Sandford,
Mrs. Charlotte M. Sandford,
Hiram Sands,
Mrs. Sarah S. Sands,
Mrs. Priscilla Savage,
Alexander Savage,
Wm. T. Savage,
Charles A. Savage,
Mary G. Savage,
John Sargent,
Mrs. Ann Sargent,
Mrs. Betsey H. Savary,
Hepzibah Sawyer,
Cynthia Sawyer,
Mrs. Rebecca Sawyer,
Mrs. Elizabeth H. Sayward,
Mrs. Sarah J. Sayward,
Lyman Sewall,
William Sewall,
J. Addison Sewall,
Michael Schwartz,
John Schwartz,
Mrs. Jane M. Schwartz,
Mrs. Jane Scott,
Mrs. Nancy H. Sellers,
Henry E. Sellers,
Mrs. Eliza Shaw,
Eudoxia Shaw,
Mrs. Maria Shepard,
Samuel Shepard,
Mrs. Betsey D. Shepard,
Mrs. Martha Shepard,
Mrs. Hannah Silsbee,
Benjamin Silsbee,
Mary Silsbee,
Hannah Silsbee,
Mrs. Ellen M. Silsbee,
Elcy P. Simpson,
Emma R. Skinner,
Mrs. Rachel Smith,
Mrs. Hannah W. Smith,
Mrs. Hannah Smith,[p. 162]
Susan S. Smith,
Emeline Smith,
Mrs. Sarah H. Smith,
Mrs. Martha Smith,
Sylvina L. Smith,
Mrs. Hannah Snow,
Hannah B. Snow,
Sophia M. Snow,
Susan H. Snow,
Israel Snow,
John Sprowle,
Jane B. Soule,
William Stacey,
Mrs. Mary A. Stacey,
Sarah A. Stacey,
George Starrett,
Mrs. Martha B. Starrett,
Sophia Stackpole,
Mary G. Stackpole,
Charles A. Stackpole,
Mrs. Mary M. Stackpole,
Mrs. Judith A. Stackpole,
Isaac S. Stackpole,
Wilder B. Start,
Laura A. Stebbins,
Mary Stevenson,
Mrs. Elizabeth Stimpson,
Samuel B. Stone,
Mrs. Sarah J. Stone,
Robert Stuart,
Samuel Sylvester,
Mrs. Charlotte Sylvester.
Mrs. Elizabeth Tasker,
Sarah B. Tappan,
Mrs. Ann Taylor,
Abner Taylor,
Nancy Taylor,
Charles C. Taylor,
Charles Temple,
Jane Tenney,
Albert Titcomb,
Philip Titcomb,
Emily Titcomb,
Albert P. Titcomb,
Mary Thayer,
Abner Thayer,
Wm. W. Thayer,Joseph H. Thayer,
Mrs. Susan H. Thayer,
Harriet H. Thatcher,
George A. Thatcher,
Mrs. Rebecca J. Thatcher,
Mary A. Thaxter,
Benj. B. Thatcher,
David Thomas,
Sarah Thomas,
Mrs. Mary W. Thomas,
Mrs. Sally M. Thomas,
Mrs. Olive Thomas,
Artemas Thomas,
Moses S. Thomas,
Sarah Thoreau,
John Thurston,
William Thurston,
Richard Thurston,
Mrs. Ann B. Thurston,
Richard B. Thurston,
Samuel D. Thurston,
Ann C. P. Thurston,
Elizabeth Todd,
Elizabeth Treat,
Mrs. Mary Treat,
Benjamin Treadwell,
Mrs. Sophronia Treadwell,
Thomas Trickey,
Mrs. Elizabeth Trickey,
Mary E. Trickey,
Cordelia Tupper,
Mrs. Mary Tupper,
Allen Tupper,
Margaret Tupper,
Mrs. Rebecca Upton.
Samuel L. Valentine,
Mrs. Elizabeth Valentine,
Mrs. Sarah G. Valentine,
Wm. J. Valentine,
Mrs. Ann J. Valentine,
Mary J. Valentine,
Mrs. Susan Veazie,
John W. Veazie.
Asa Walker,
Wm. S. Warren,[p. 163]
Mrs. Mary Warren,
Daniel Webster,
Mrs. Elizabeth Webster,
Jonathan Webster,
Mrs. Mary P. Webster,
Martha Webster,
Jane Webster,
Caroline Webster,
Porter Webster,
Abigail Webster,
John Webster,
Sarah Webster,
Mrs. Louisa F. Webster,
Elias Webber,
Jabez Weston, Jr.,
Mrs. Jane Weston,
Mrs. Rebecca Wheeler,
Mrs. Hannah E. A. Wheeler,
Mrs. Esther White,
Elias White,
Mrs. Louisa B. White,
Cornelia F. White,
Mrs. Hannah M. Whittier,
Edward Wiggin,
Mrs. L. Wiggin,
Ellen B. Wiggin,Mrs. Susan Wilder,
9Wm. D. Williamson,
Mrs. Jemima M. Williamson,
Mrs. Mary Williamson,
Mrs. Susan E. Williamson,
Mrs. Clarissa Williamson,
Samuel Wiley,
Mrs. Sarah C. Wingate,
Wm. A. Wingate,
Eliza W. Wingate,
Mrs. Phebe Wingate,
John J. Wingate,
Sarah T. Winslow,
Matilda M. Winslow,
Priscilla S. Winslow,
Mrs. Mary Winslow,
Mrs. Sarah F. Winn,
Sarah C. Winn,
Mary P. Winn,
Sarah Witherel,
Isaac Witherel,
Mrs. Rachel Woodbridge,
Benjamin Wyatt,
Robert Wyman,
Mrs. Dolly Young.(9) Honorable William D. Williamson, the first member of Congress from the Bangor District, and author of Williamson's History of Maine.