Source: Maine Historical and Genealogical Recorder, vol. 3 (Portland, Me.: S.M. Watson, 1886).
[p. 33]EXTRACTS FROM RECORDS OF ST. PAUL'S CHURCH IN PORTLAND, 1766-1829.James Alden to Pamelia P. Shirley, March 13, 1825.
Wm. Arnold to Mary Ann Wood, September 14, 1826.
James Adams jr., to Caroline Brooks, November 18, 1827.
Nathl Boynton to Martha Dyer (C. E.), Sept. 27, 1829.
John Barton to Mary Leggett, Nov. 21, 1829.
Horatio G. Balch (of E. Machias), to Mrs. Harriet McLellan, Feb. 25, 1827.
Rev. Caleb Bradley (of Westbrook), to Sally Crocker, Nov., 1801.
Alex. Barr to Mehitable Peabody, Nov. 22, 1786.
Samuel Berry to Abigail Burdit, Feb. 6, 1766.
Henry Bailey to Harriet I. Davis, Oct. 6, 1825.
George Brooks to Henrietta L. Tracey, Nov. 16, 1825.
Wm. C. Bradley to Mary Alden, Sept. 14, 1826.
Patrick Cunningham to Mary Eldridge, May 25, 1765.
Dominicus Caveno to Mrs. Hannah Knight, April 1, 1766.
Thomas Cook to Eliza Forbes, Nov., 1766.
Lyman Cooper to Betsey Gooding, Dec. 1767.
Watson Crosby to Abigal Bradbury, March 23, 1768.
Thomas Coulson of Bristol (England), to Dorcas Coffin, Nov. 27, 1769.
Samuel Coleman of Salem, Mass., to Pamela Chandler, dau. of Joel C., Sept. 2, 1824.
John C. Colby to Frances C. Drinkwater, July 26, 1825.
Benj. P. Chamberlin of Salem, to Eliza Smith, Aug. 2, 1826.
Levi Castle to Eliza Griffin, April 2, 1828.
Wm. Cutter to Margaret Dicks, May 29, 1828.
Bezaleel Cushman to Emma Motley, Sept. 30, 1830.
Nathl F. Deering to Nancy Waite, Sept. 15, 1824.
Braxton Driver to Margaret Acro, Sept. 21, 1826.
Wm. Earlye to Isabella McCroghan, April 28, 1825.
Thomas Tuckfield to Mary Larrabee, Jan. 23, 1767.
John Taylor to Mrs. Mary Robinson, Oct. 11, 1830.
[p. 34]Peletiah Fernald to Mrs. Abigail Eldridge, June 4, 1768.
Stephen Finney to Lucy Wilson, Dec. 27, 1829.
Rev. Samuel Fuller of Providence, to Charlotte Kinsman Greenleaf, July 13, 1830.
Wm. Goulding to Nancy Loring, March 14, 1827.
George P. Giddinge of Germantown, Penn., to Penelope M. Hayes of North Yarmouth, March 15, 1828.
Charles Green to Elizabeth Battiest, June 22, 1830.
John Hull to Deborah Cushing Francis, Nov. 26, 1821.
Wm. Hennessy of Cape Elizabeth, to Margt. McLellan, Oct. 2, 1826.
Dr. Daniel Harwood to Rebecca Elvira Dana, Oct. 20, 1828.
John Harvey to Mrs. Mary Lewis, March 4, 1831.
David W. Jack, Esq., to Mary Wyer, Sept. 21, 1829.
Joseph W. Kittredge to Sarah E. Upham, Nov. 22, 1824.
Charles F. Kimball to Betsey Waite, Oct. 9, 1823.
Dr. John Lowther to Rebecca Bradbury, Aug. 28, 1765.
John Lloyd to Jane Carey, Dec. 6, 1830.
Timothy McDaniel to Lydia Prout, both of Scarboro, May 22, 1766.
John Merrill, m. d., to Mary Southgate Boyd, Sept. 26, 1820.
Wm. Moody to Desire Humphrey, July 1, 1821.
James Mountfort to Mary Shattuck, Nov. 6, 1825.
James McCarter to Mary Pike, Feb. 18, 1821.
Ivory McKenney to Eliza Ann McLellan, Nov. 24, 1825.
Charles Osborne to Susan Leavis, May 9, 1827.
James Poland to Mary Forster, March 12, 1767.
Moses Plumer to Anna Ring, Nov. 9, 1767, both of Scarboro.
Jere Plumer to Sarah Eldridge, Nov. 9, 1767, same.
Wm. Pointer to Lydia Eldridge, Nov. 16, 1767.
Isaiah Phillips to Jane Johnson, May 19, 1827.
Samuel Polleys to Sarah B. Deane, Oct. 7, 1827.
John Peters to Anna Lambert, Mar. 19, 1828.
John A. Parker of New York, to Catherine Jackson, Sept. 6, 1824.
Daniel Poor to Miriam Fullerton, June 14, 1795.
Samuel Stowell to Patience Buteman, Aug. 17, 1767.
Moses Shattuck to Mrs. Hannah Goodwin, Nov. 8, 1767.
Henry Smith to Jane Eliz. Waite, eldest child of Jona Waite, March 8, 1821.
Elias Shaw to Eliza Phillips, May 7, 1822.
[p. 35]Alex. Stephenson to Louisa Jones, Sept. 28, 1823.
Joseph Sheppard to Sally Powers, July 29, 1824.
Thomas C. Stevens to Mary Ann Bryant, Sept. 26, 1824.
Martin Snell to Jane Cutter, March 9, 1825.
David Smith of Bath, N. H., to Mrs. Nancy Mussey, Feb. 26, 1826.
John A. Smith to Harriet M. Tracy, Jan. 5, 1827.
George Smith to Jane Earlye, Oct. 10, 1827.
Lorenzo Sabine of Eastport, to Abby R. Deering, July 13, 1829.
Joseph Riggs jr., to Abigal Westcoat, March 13, 1768.
Samuel Robbins to Bethiah Robbins, Feb. 2, 1769.
James Rodick to Anna Newcomb, May 30, 1770.
Charles Robinson to Mary Johnson, Aug. 23, 1827.
Philip Wright to Margaret Francis, Aug. 11, 1825.
James P. Vance to Harriet Beckford, June 20, 1825.