Source: Everett S. Stackpole, Old Kittery and Her Families (Lewiston, Me.: Press of the Lewiston Journal, 1903).
[p. 156]The Maine Historical Society has a valuation list of the upper part of Kittery (now the upper part of Eliot) in 1776. It contains the following names here arranged alphabetically. Those preceded by Qr. belonged to the Society of Friends.
Qr. Elizabeth Allen and Ephraim Allen, Qr. Ezekiel Allen, Capt. John Bartlett and son, Capt. Moffat's estate, Widow Shuah Bartlett, Joseph Johnson for part of Widow Sarah Bartlett's estate, John Bartlett, Jera. Bartlett, Jacob Brewer, Henry Black, Widow Anna Beal, Dr. Edmund Coffin, Lieut. Nathaniel Coffin, Nathan Coffin, Richard Chick, John Chick, Thomas Chick, Amos Chick, Lieut. Nathaniel Clark, Nathaniel Clark, Jr., John Cator, Cotton Cator, John Davis, Qr. Bryant Davis, Elder Daniel Emery and his son Daniel, Noah Emery, Widow Anna Emery, Lieut. Japhet Emery, Mr. Caleb Emery, Mr. Caleb Emery for B. Chadbourn, Esq.'s estate, Zachr.[p. 157]Emery, Samuel Emery, Samuel Emery, Jr., James Emery, James Emery, Jr., Widow Patience Ferguson and son, Reuben Ferguson, Daniel Ferguson, Dennis Ferguson, Stephen Ferguson, Timothy Ferguson, William Ferguson, Qr. William Fry and son, Ebenezer Fry, Qr. Widow Sarah Fry, Qr. Rowland Fry, Qr. Silas F[r]y, Qr. Joseph Fry, Qr. William Fry, Jr., Daniel Ferbish, Joseph Ferbish, Joseph Ferbish, Jr., David Ferbish, John Ferbish, Capt. Charles Frost, Charles Frost, Jr., Nathaniel Frost, Widow Sarah Frost, Simon Frost, Widow Mary Frost, John Frost, Esq., Samuel Fernald and two sons, Samuel and Noah, Widow Eliza Ferguson, William Ferguson, Jr., John Foster, Alexander Goold, Benjamin Goold, Benjamin Goold, Jr., Daniel Goold, James Gowen, Esq., John Gowen, Lemuel Gowen, Capt. Ichabod Goodwin, Joseph Goodwin, William Goodwin, Joseph Goold, Jr., John Goold, Qr. Isaac Hill, Benjamin Hill and son Andrew, John Hill, Ebenezer Heard, Jonathan Hamilton, William Hight, Samuel Hodge, Benjamin Hodsdon, Stephen Hodsdon, Thomas Hodsdon, Joshua Hubbard, Capt. Philip Hubbard of Berwick, Qr. Reynold Jenkins, Dennis Johnson, Daniel Johnson, James Johnson, Capt. James McIntire of York, Hugh Keniston, Widow Mary Keniston, John Kingsbury of York, Joseph Kingsbury, Paul Lord of Berwick, Mark Lord of Berwick, Simon Lord, Simon Lord, Jr., Daniel Lord, Capt. Nathan Lord, Capt. Samuel Leighton, Tobias Leighton, Qr. John Morrell, Robert Morrell, Joel Morrell, John Moffatt, Esq., Nicholas Morrell, Andrew Mace, Azariah Nason, John Nason, Nathaniel Nason, Qr. Widow Patience Neal, Qr. John Neal, Qr. James Neal, Daniel Odion, Paul Patch, John Patch, Robert Patch, John Pilsberry, Capt. Alexander Raitt, John Raitt, William Raitt, Samuel Roberts of Somersworth, Mr. Nathaniel Rogers, Nathaniel Sparhawk, Esq., Jacob Shorey, Joseph Shorey of Berwick, James Smith, Widow Mary Stacey, John Stacey, William Stacey, Capt. Elisha Shapleigh, Ebenezer and Joshua Simpson of York, Widow Jane Tucker, Joseph Thompson of York, Robert Tidey, William Tetherly, 3d, Qr. Moses Wittum, Qr. Gatensby Wittum, Pelatiah Wittum, Gatensby Wittum for part of Capt. Moffatt's estate.