Maine Genealogy Archives

Members of Second Church of Kittery, 1746

Source: Everett S. Stackpole, Old Kittery and Her Families (Lewiston, Me.: Press of the Lewiston Journal, 1903).

The church in the North Parish of Kittery—now Eliot—was organized June 22, 1721.

[p. 201]
A list of members, written by Rev. John Rogers apparently in 1746, includes the following persons.

Joseph Hammond
Nicholas Shapleigh
Samuel Hill
Daniel Fogg
James Staples
Stephen Tobey
William Tetherly
Andrew Brown
Thomas Hanscom
John Rogers
Daniel Fogg, Jr.
William Brooks
Daniel Paul
Thomas Knight
Thomas Fernald
David Sayer
Tobias Leighton
Capt. John Leighton
Jacob Remick, Sen.
John Leighton
Matthew Libby, Sen.
Nathaniel Chapman
Samuel Libby, David's son
David Libby, Sen.
Edward Chapman
Christopher Sargent
Robert Staple
James Staple, Jr.
Philip Cooms
Josiah Paul
Jeremiah Paul
Gideon Lydston, moved
George Hammond
Dr. Edmund Coffin
John Nason
James Chadbourne
John Rogers
John Remick
John Hammond
Henry Snow
Humphrey Scammon
Eliot Frost
Robert Morrell
John Shapleigh
Benjamin Hill
Zachariah Emery
Joseph Earl
Solomon Libby
Daniel Brown
John Pugsley, Sen.

Mrs. Hammond
Mrs. Leighton
Mrs. Shapleigh
Mrs. Rogers
Mrs. Tobey
Mrs. King
Mrs. Tetherly
Mrs. Rogers
Mary Staple, wife of William, moved
Mercy Clark, wife of David
Sarah Furbush
Sarah Leighton
Dorcas Staple
Elizabeth Tompson
Susanna Staple
Betty Gowell

[p. 202]
Mrs. Libby
Mrs. Libbey
Mrs. Hanscom
Mrs. Brooks
Rebecca Fogg
Mrs. March
Mrs. Sayer
Mrs. Dixon
Mrs. Richardson
Mrs. King
Mrs. Libby
Mrs. Lydston
Mary Hill
Mary Staple
Mary Stacy
Sarah Paul
Anna Tobey
Mary Staple (widow)
Grace Leighton
Lydia Paul, moved
Abigail Dixon
Hannah Staple (now Whitehouse)
Mrs. Hammond (wife of George)
Mary Leighton
Shuah Coffin
Mrs. Nason, wife of John
Katherine Hammond
Mary Frost
Margery Tetherly
Susannah Knight
Sarah Brown
Elizabeth Spinney, wife of Nathaniel
Mary Paul, wife of Stephen
Abigail Staple, wife of Josiah
Dorcas Brooks, single woman
Dorcas Shapleigh
Elizabeth Ambler
Mrs. Fernald, wife of Thomas
Mary Earl, wife of Joseph
Grace Remick
Jane Frost
Mary Small, wife of Joseph
Hannah Remick
Abigail Spinney, wife of Andrew
Mrs. Moor, wife of Samuel, Jr.
Hannah, negro woman