Source: Timothy W. Robinson (Theoda Mears Morse, editor), History of the town of Morrill in the county of Waldo and state of Maine (Belfast, Me.: City Job Print, 1944).
Some punctuation has been standardized.
[p. 182]Necrology. Deaths of Citizens, and others that have been citizens, and have died in other places. Records obtained from gravestones in the burying-yards; from the memory of the oldest inhabitants; from private records, and newspapers.1796Mr. Braddock. He must have died in the early part of this year. He came here with his son in 1795. He claimed to be a relative of Col. Braddock, and served with him in the French and Indian War. He also served in the Revolutionary War.
1801Nathaniel Cross, in Exeter, N. H. Mr. Cross, with his two sons, came here in 1800 and settled; built a cabin, and went back to N. H., and died.
1806June. George Waterhouse died suddenly. His wife was a daughter of Levi Jackson.
1808John Robinson, an Irishman. He claimed to have been a soldier under Gen. Wolfe. He also served in the Revolutionary War.
1810Levi Jackson. He came originally from Paris, Me. He represented this District at the General Court of Mass., at Boston in 1808.
1813Jan. 28th, John Alexander, Sen. He came from Londonderry, N. H., to Belfast with the Londonderry Colony. In 1799, with his family, he moved into this town, and died of cancer. Aged 59.
1819Aug. 20th, David, son of Dea. David Randall. AE. 14. (Note by TMM: Should this be Dea. Thomas or David?)
1819Dec. 6th, Susan, dau. of Robt. and Mary Alexander. 3 years.
1822Nov. 9th, Sally, dau. of Luke and Elizabeth Staples. AE. 22 yrs.
[p. 183]1823Feb. 8th, Betsey, wife of Ezra Woodman, aged 41 years.
1824In Mirimichi, N. B., Thomas, son of James Greer, Sen.
1824Feb. 4th, Jane, wife of Capt. Benjamin Smith, Jr. Her grave in the cemetery is marked by a stone dedicated to my mother. Aged 26 years.
1824May 21, Phebe, wife of Joshua S. Cross, aged 26 years.
1825May 7, in Waldo, Susan R., wife of Alex Greenlaw, aged 23.
1826Dec. 18, Esther, wife of Noah Dollif, aged 70 years. She emigrated from Brentwood, N. H., to Belfast in 1790, and settled in this town in 1798.
1827July 23, Jane, dau. of Dea. Randall, aged 24 years.
1828July 31, Betsey, dau. of Ezra and Betsey Woodman, aged 20.
1828Aug., Jacob Dolloff, aged 48 years.
1831May 25, Hiram, son of Isaac and Eunice Toothaker, aged 1 year.
[1831]Aug., Betsey, wife of Silas Neal, aged 45 years.
[1831]Dec. 14th, Lucy, dau. of John and Susan Alexander, aged 1 year.
1832Jan. 7, William R., son of Wm. and Martha Alexander, aged 2 yrs.
[1832]Mar. 7, Thos. W. Dollif. Mr. Dollif was born in Belfast, June 26th, 1793, and came with his father into this town in 1798. He was a man of feeble health. He was a shoemaker, then doctor. He served in the militia in the War of 1812.
[p. 184][1832]Mar. 29. Noah Dollif emigrated from Brentwood, N. H., to Belfast in 1790. In 1798, with his family, he moved into the woods onto the Kelsey place and lived there until 1799 when he settled on the Robie Mears place, and lived there until his death, aged 81 years.
[1832]May 21st, Ursula, dau. of Samuel and Martha Jackson, aged 21 yrs.
[1832]June 30th, John Neal, who came from Berwick, Me., to this town in 1801, and died aged 56 years.
[1832]Sept. 30, Sally, wife of John Greer, Jr., aged 38 years.
1836Feb. 4th, James Greer, Jr., aged 43 years.
[1836]Feb. 19, Benjamin Smith, aged 70 years. Mr. Smith settled here in 1801, and built the saw and grist mills, and the place has been known as "Smith's Mills," for many years. He was Deacon of the Baptist Church, and sometimes preached.
[1836]Thomas Jackson, aged about 40 years.
1837May 16, John Cotton, son of Cotton and Mary Ward, aged 15 yrs.
[1837]Aug. 4th, Ursula, dau. of Joshua S. and Nancy Cross, aged 2 years.
[1837]Oct. 5, Sarah, wife of Samuel Jackson, Jr., aged 22 years.
[1837]Nov., John, son of Silas and Betsey Neal, aged 19 years.
1838Mar. 25, Samuel Jackson, Jr., aged 31 years.
[1838]Apr. 8th, Miles, son of Elisha and Martha Merriam, aged 1 year.
[1838]Dec. 12, Isaac, son of Samuel and Martha Jackson, aged 24 years.
[1838]Samuel Boynton, aged about 55 years. Forty years after, his remains were taken up from the burying-yard and moved to Liberty.
[p. 185]1840Jan. 6, in Bellville, Ohio, Walden Cross, son of Robt. and Olive Cross, aged 30 years.
[1840]May 18, Orrin, infant son of J. H. and Lydia Cross.
[1840]April 18, Daniel Robinson, formerly of Waterboro, Me., aged 78 years.
[1840]July 10, Betsey, wife of Moses Poland.
[1840]Aug., Jane, wife of Jedediah Higgins, ae. 22 years.
[1840]July 17, Mary, wife of Chas. Meservey, Sen., ae. 70 years.
[1840]Sept. 18th, Ellen, dau. of R. L. and Adeline Daggett.
[1840]Sept. 28, Caroline, dau. of Geo. and Mary Weymouth, aged 3 years.
[1840]Oct. 9th, Martha, widow of Nathaniel Cross, ae. 89 yrs. In 1801, Mrs. Cross emigrated from Exeter, N. H., with a large family of boys and girls. Four of the boys settled here and became prominent citizens.
[1840]Oct. 14th, Louisa, dau. of Eleazer and Mitty Whitcomb.
[1840]Nov. 10, Mary, wife of John Corson, Sen.
1841Mar. 6th, Rosanna, wife of Calvin Blodgett, aged 24 years.
[1841]April 2nd, William, son of John and Esther Annis, aged 10 yrs.
[1841]Oct. 9th, Mary, wife of Cotton Ward, aged 51 years.
1843Apr. 3rd, Ignatius Cushman, aged 77 years. Mr. Cushman was originally a native of Poland, Me., and settled here in 1801.
[1843]Aug. 5th, Hosea, son of James and Sally Greer, aged 21 years.
[1843]Oct. 14th, Alonzo, son of Augustus and Mary Daggett, aged 7 months.
[p. 186][1843]Nov. 5, Viola, dau. of J. H. and Lydia Cross, age 1 year.
1844Jan. 17, John Corson, Sen., aged 71 years. He was formerly of Saco, Me., and settled here in 1814.
[1844]Feb. 14, Damon, son of John and Susan Alexander, aged 1 year.
[1844]Feb. 28th, Allaanna, dau. of Shadrach and Elizabeth Weymouth, aged 15 months.
[1844]Apr. 13th, James Greer, a soldier of the Revolution, aged 83 years.
1845Jan. 21, Jesse, son of Luke and Elizabeth Staples, aged 28 years.
[1845]Feb. 15, Affa, wife of Noah Eaton, aged 52 years.
[1845]April 6, Abigail, widow of Daniel Robinson, aged 78 years.
[1845]Aug. 2nd, Geo. S. Mixer, aged 74 years.
[1845]Oct. 5, Daniel E., son of R. L. and Adeline Daggett.
1846Jan. 19th, Sally, wife of Luther Blodgett, aged 74 years.
[1846]June 13, Rachael, wife of Ignatius Cushman, Jr., aged 40 years.
[1846]Oct. 4th, Ezra Woodman, formerly of Sanbornton, N. H., aged 75 years.
[1846]Oct. 24th, Margaret, widow of John Alexander, Sen., aged 92 years. Mrs. Alexander's maiden name was Boise. (Note by TMM: Name is also spelled Boyse.) She came from Londonderry, N. H., to Belfast in early times, and settled with her husband in this town in 1799.
[1846]Nov. 28th, Tyler Webber, aged 37 years.
[1846]Dec. 31, in Belmont, Nathaniel Jackson, formerly of Paris, Me., aged 76 years.
[1846]In Liberty, Olive, wife of Abram Woodsome, aged 40 years.
[p. 187]1847Nov. 17, Elizabeth, wife of Luke Staples, aged 75 years.
1848David, son of Isaac and Eunice Toothaker, aged 23 years.
[1848]Apr. 7, Barber Weymouth, aged 42 years.
[1848]July 2nd, Minora, day. of Samuel and Cassa Cammett, aged 5 yrs.
[1848]Sept. 3, in Ill., Alfred, son of Geo. and Mary Weymouth, aged 24 years.
[1848]Sept. 19th, Joan, dau. of John and Eliza Pearson, aged 2 years.
[1848]Sept. 28th, Wilton E., son of Parker and Ann Mears.
[1848]Nov. 9, Woodbridge Pearson, formerly of Montville, aged 76 years.
1849Charlottee A., dau. of Jas. and Harriet Neal, aged 7 years.
[1849]May 14th, in Waldo, Alexander Greenlaw, aged 80 years.
[1849]June 11, Mrs. Kiff, wife of John Kiff, aged 80 years.
[1849]Sept. 23, Mary Amelia, dau. of Shadrach and Elizabeth Weymouth, aged 23 years.
[1849]Oct. 22, Mary J., dau. of John and Susan Alexander, aged 28 years.
[1849]Dec. 28th, Joshua H., son of Geo. and Mary Achorn, aged 9 years.
1850Jan. 10, William Cross, formerly of Exeter, N. H., aged 62 years.
[1850]Feb. 3rd, old Mr. Parker, aged 88 years.
[1850]June 17th, Annis Merrithew, formerly of Vinalhaven, aged 95 years.
[1850]June 18th, Mrs. Elsey, widow of Benj. Smith, aged 87 years. Mrs. Smith came here when this was a howling wilderness; raised a large family, and lived to see the 4th generation,
[p. 188]and could say to her daughter, "Arise, and go to thy daughter, for they [sic] daughter's daughter hath a daughter."
1850Mar. 12th, Vietta, dau. of Jas. H. and Eunice Woodbury, aged 2 years.
1851In Belmont, Bartholomew Goodwin, formerly of Vermont, aged 102 years.
[1851]Aug. 22, Hannah, wife of Levi Rowe.
[1851]Sept. 8th, in Belmont, Elizabeth, widow of Nathaniel Jackson.
[1851]Oct. 9th, in Waldo, William Dolloff, aged 38 years.
[1851]Oct. 20th, in Rome, Iowa, James, son of John and Esther Annis, aged 20 years.
[1851]Oct. 18th, Wm. Ammi, son of Barak and Louisa J. Hatch, aged 6 years.
Nov. 4, in Rome, Iowa, Benj., son of John and Esther Annis.
Nov. 6, Jane, dau. of Isaiah C. and Ardora Neal.
[1851]Dec. 3, in Rome, Iowa, Benj., son of John and Esther Annis.
[1851]Dec. 30th, in Rome, Iowa, John Annis, aged 48 years.
[1851]Nov. 27th, Daniel Johnson, a Revolutionary soldier, aged 87 years.
[1851]Dec. 14, Wilberta, son of Barak and Louisa Hatch, aged 6 years.
1852Feb. 8th, Elmira, dau. of Samuel and Martha Whitaker, aged 22 years.
[1852]Feb. 16, Capt. James Weymouth, aged 93 years. Capt. Weymouth was a native of Rye, N. H., and when a young man he enlisted in the United States service in 1777, and belonged to that part of the northern army commanded by Gen. Gates. Among other places, the Fortress of Ticonderoga was
[p. 189]abandoned to the enemy. Mr. Weymouth belonged to the retreating army. His term of enlistment having expired, he was compelled to return home, a distance of two hundred miles through an unbroken wilderness, destitute of money or clothing. In 1779 he shipped on board the constitutional frigate "Ranger," mounting 18 guns, then lying at Portsmouth, N. H., commanded by Thos. Simpson. They sailed from Boston in June, and after a successful voyage she was captured off Charleston, S. C., and her men made prisoners. Mr. Weymouth, with others, was confined for a long time in a loathsome prison ship lying off N. Y. harbor, where he was kept until 1783. He then settled in Cornish, N. H., where he was chosen Military Captain. In 1800 he removed to Belfast, at Little River, and in 1803 he settled in this town and lived here about 50 years.
He was a member of the Convention that formed the Convention that formed the Constitution of this state in 1821, and was literally a pioneer in the wilderness, the county at that time being without roads or other improvements. By his untiring industry he contributed largely towards bringing it into a state of cultivation, and introducing domestic comforts which distinguish the people of New England. His labors secured to him a competency, and rendered his pecuniary circumstances independent.
1852Charles W., son of Jas. and Harriet Neal, aged 2 years.
[1852]In Appleton, John Kiff, Sen.
[1852]Feb. 24th, Hannah, wife of John Morey, aged 67 years.
[1852]Mar. 30th, Marcia, dau. of Isaiah C. Neal.
[1852]Apr. 12th, Alzira, dau. of Thos. and Elmira Storer, aged 12 years.
[1852]Apr. 22, Caroline O., dau. of Daniel Weymouth, aged 3 years.
[1852]May 4th, Laura, dau. of J. M. and Catherine Bailey.
[1852]July 27, Roscoe, son of John and Nancy Kiff, aged 1 year.
[p. 190][1852]Sept. 22, Elizabeth, dau. of Elisha and Lydia Thomas, aged 4 years.
[1852]Nov. 24, Francis, son of Robt. and Judith Erskine, aged 25 years.
1853Feb. 12, Hannah J., dau. of Geo. and Mary Weymouth, aged 21 years.
[1853]July 21, Hannah, dau. of Samuel and Cassa Cammett.
[1853]Sept. 1, Elmira, wife of Thomas Storer, aged 29 years.
[1853]Oct. 6, Ruth, dau. of Charles Higgins.
[1853]Oct. 11th, Luke Staples, aged 76 years, formerly of Poland, Me.
1853Nov. 2, Louis U., dau. of Jere. and Mary Pearson, aged 6 years.
[1853]Nov. 13th, John Higgins, Jr., aged 33 years.
[1853]Nov. 15, Hannah, wife of Robt. Cushman, aged 42 years.
[1853]Nov. 22nd, Dea. Jonathan Hatch, aged 39 years. He came here with his brother Daniel in 1839, from Wells, Me.
[1853]In Belleville, Ohio, Louis W. Cross, widow of William W. Cross, aged 62 years.
1854Feb. 2, John Mears, formerly of Roxbury, Mass., later a resident of Bristol, Me., and who came here about 1840; aged about 85 years.
[1854]Feb. 15th, Robert Erskine, aged 59 years.
[1854]Feb. 28th, Lucy E., dau. of Thos. and Melinda Pearson, aged 3 years.
[1854]Mar. 12, Fuller, son of Parker and Ann Mears, aged 4 months.
[p. 191][1854]May 17, Ann, dau. of Jas. and Martha Rowe.
[1854]June 10, Sally, wife of Hiram Kelley, aged 55 years.
[1854]June 25, Mayo, son of Calvin and Sally Blodgett, aged 2 years.
[1854]Aug. 3, Olive, wife of David Nash, aged 32 years.
[1854]Aug. 22, Elizabeth, wife of Uriah Alstine, and dau. of Amos and Betsey Knowlton, of Belmont.
[1854]Sept. 8th, Lydia, wife of Nathaniel Cushman, aged 77 years.
[1854]Dec. 4, Geo. L., son of Geo. and Mary Weymouth, aged 27 years.
1855Mar. 6th, in Montville, Belinda, wife of Saml. Berry, and dau. of Isaac and Eunice Toothaker, aged 20 years.
[1855]Apr. 9, Mary, widow of John Neal, aged 77 years.
[1855]Apr. 10, Eunice, wife of Benj. Cooper, Jr., aged 22 years.
[1855]Apr. 23th [sic], Mary L., wife of Jere. Pearson, aged 29 years.
[1855]May 25, Ruby A., wife of David Morey, and dau. of Elisha Carter of Montville, aged 24 years.
[1855]Aug. 19, Mary, widow of John Mears, aged 86 years.
[1855]Sept. 12, in Searsmont, Jona. Daggett.
[1855]Oct. 8, wife of Robert Young.
[1855]Nov. 12th, Louis, wife of John Weymouth, aged 61 years.
1856May 4th, Lydia, wife of Elisha Thomas, aged 39 years.
[1856]June 25, Rev. Doty L. Whitney. He commenced preaching about 1840, and preached here often during the remainder of his life, for the love of the cause to which he was devoted. He died suddenly, aged 44 years.
[1856]Aug. 14, Alice, wife of John O. Ginn, and dau. of Stephen and Esther Robinson, aged 31 years.
[1856]Aug. 31, Hubbard, son of Chandler Noyes, aged 31 years.
[p. 192]1857Jan. 29, Mrs. Wealthy Wheeler, aged 77 years.
[1857]Feb. 15, infant son of David Nash.
[1857]Mar. 20, Elzira, wife of Thomas Storer.
[1857]Mar. 21, Matthew T. Merriam, formerly of Sanbornton, N. H., aged 75 years.
[1857]Jan. 15, Jane, widow of Daniel Johnson, aged 94 years.
[1857]Mar. 24, Esther W., wife of Stephen Robinson, aged 65 years.
[1857]Apr. 5, Mary, wife of Daniel Robinson, aged 62.
[1857]Apr. 14, James Rowe, formerly of Palermo, aged 66 years.
[1857]Apr. 15, Daniel Robinson, formerly of Waldoboro, aged 62 years.
[1857]Apr. 19, Mary, widow of Jona. Daggett, aged 69 years.
[1857]May 21, in Lowell, Mass., Elizabeth, dau. of Hosea B. and Caroline Thomas, aged 18 years.
[1857]July 9th, in Waldo, Emily, wife of Henry Whitney, and dau. of Geo. Z. and Jane Mears, aged 28 years.
[1857]Nov. 16th, Eben, son of Enoch and Sarah Rowe, aged 25 years.
1858May 2, Harriet, widow of Charles Wetherbee, and dau. of Nathaniel Jackson, aged 27 years.
[1858]Oct. 1, Emery H., and Emerson N., twin children of Chas. and Harriet Wetherbee.
[1858]Dec. 7, in Palermo, Mary, wife of Chandler Noyes, aged 58 years.
[1858]Dec. 27, in Waldo, Silas Neal, aged about 75 years.
1859Jan. 2, in Waldo, Sarah, wife of Henry Whitney, and dau. of Benj. and Prudence Thomas, aged 27 years.
[1859]Jan. 2, Mary Jane, dau. of Augustus and Mary Daggett.
[p. 193][1859]May 21, Cordelia, wife of Daniel Weymouth, and dau. of Lewis and Sarah Pitcher of Belmont.
[1859]July 3, Maria F., wife of Freeman Hall, aged 21 years.
[1859]Sept. 30, in Santa Rosa, Cal., Richard Dixon, aged 43 years.
[1859]Oct. 22, in Santa Rosa, Cal., Martha A., wife of Richard Dixon, dau. of Samuel and Margaret Whitney, aged 30 years.
[1859]Nov. 20, in Santa Maria, Cal., Ann Maria, dau. of Richard and Martha Dixon, aged 11 years.
[1859]Nov. 31 (Note by TMM: Date as given in History.), Hudson Higgins, son of Reuben Higgins, aged 28.
1860Jan., Sarah, wife of Eben Cookson.
[1860]Feb. 18., Lydia, wife of Lorenzo F. Robinson, and daughter of James and Martha Rowe, aged 26 years.
[1860]Mar. 9, Orlando, son of Uriah and Elizabeth Alstine, aged 20 years.
[1860]May 1, in Charlestown, Mass., Bianca M., wife of George Wood, and dau. of John Morey, aged 36 years.
[1860]Sept. 6, Granville, son of Benj. and Prudence Thomas, aged 20 years.
[1860]Dec., in Searsmont, Abby Jane, wife of Benj. Higgins, aged 47.
1861In Ill., Blake Cushman, son of Ignatius Cushman.
[1861]Jan., Charles Meservey, Sen., aged 75 years.
[1861]Jan. 8th, John Q. A., son of John Corson, aged 19 years.
[1861]Feb. 14, Uriah T. Alstine, formerly of Waldoboro, aged 48 years.
[1861]Mrs. Betsey Whitaker, formerly of Knox, aged 96 years.
[1861]Mar. 24th, Nancy, wife of Joshua S. Cross, aged 59 years.
[p. 194][1861]Apr. 12th, Marcia N., dau. of Willard and Sophia Merriam, aged 6 mos.
[1861]June 22, Eliza Annett, dau. of Sam. and Jane Ordway, aged 17 years.
[1861]June 22, in Belfast, Lizzie E., dau. of Ralph and Betsey Cross, aged 1 year.
[1861]Aug. 14th, Sarah, wife of Cyrus Achorn, and dau. of James H. and Eunice Woodbury, aged 28 years.
[1861]Aug. 20, Margaret, dau. of Robt. and Hannah Cushman, aged 20 years.
[1861]Aug. 29, Oscar M., son of Geo. O. and Vietta Bailey, aged 3 mos.
[1861]Sept. 20, Albee J., son of Shadrach and Betsey Weymouth, aged 13 years.
[1861]Oct. 9, Carrie Adelaide, dau. of Job and Mary Cushman, aged 17 years.
[1861]Nov. 29, Mary, widow of Woodbridge Pearson, aged 81 years.
1862Jan. 4th, Nancy, wife of Rev. Daniel Whitehouse, aged 75 years.
[1862]Mar. 5th, in Belmont, Dea. Ephraim S. Chaney, aged 72 years.
[1862]Mar. 10th, Sarah, wife of Enoch S. Rowe, aged 51 years.
[1862]Mar. 12th, Jas. E., son of Israel and Deborah Woodbury, aged 5 years.
[1862]Mar. 12, Lydia J., dau. of Israel and Deborah Woodbury, aged 3 years.
[1862]Mar. 17th, Elisha L., son of Israel and Deborah Woodbury, aged 1 year.
[1862]June 16th, Eliza, dau. of Saml. and Sarah J. Ordway, aged 16 years.
[p. 195][1862]Aug., Polly Bucklin, aged 92 years.
[1862]Aug. 2, Ida, dau. of E. A. and Susan Calderwood, aged 11 months.
[1862]Aug. 5, Martha J., widow of Waterman Kendall, aged 53 years.
[1862]Aug. 24, Margaret, wife of Levi Merrithew, and dau. of Roger and Hannah Merrithew, aged 36 years.
1862Aug. 26, Dea. Joseph W. Cross, aged 80 years. Dea. Cross emigrated here from N. H., in 1800 with his father, and they commenced to clear their farm, built a cabin, and went back. His father died the next spring, and he, with his mother, fitted up an ox team, took the smaller children, and came to their home in the woods. Joseph first settled by himself on the Wm. Cooper place. About 1811 he moved onto the Thos. Jordan place where he lived until his death. He was Deacon of the Baptist Church in this town and Waldo for many years and was a constant attendant at meetings of all denominations, where he generally took part in the singing.
[1862]Sept. 2, Joshua S. Cross, youngest brother of Joseph W. Cross, who emigrated here with his mother in 1801. He was aged 67 years.
[1862]Sept. 6, R(blotted) Riley Greer, wounded at the Battle of Bull Run, Aug. 29, 1862, aged 37. (Note by TMM: The word "in" is written on the first "R", and the blotted word looks something like "Alexandria, Va." Not sure.)
[1862]Oct. 26, Lucinda, wife of Daniel Patch, and dau. of Stephen and Esther Robinson, aged 40 years.
[1862]Oct. 9, in Camden, Mrs. Lovina A. Turner, dau. of Joseph and Lucy Cross, aged 37 years.
[1862]Dec., in Swanville, Mrs. Mary Ellis, dau. of Joseph and Lucy Cross, aged 50 years.
1863Lottie A., dau. of James and Harriet Neal, aged 10 years.
[1863]Jan. 1st, Hattie, dau. of John and Hannah Merriam, aged 2 years.
[p. 196][1863]Jan. 10th, Leroy, son of John and Hannah Merriam, aged 4 years.
[1863]May 9th, William H., son of John and Eunice Merriam, aged 6 years. (Note by TMM: Name here given as Eunice.)
[1863]May 21, in Searsmont, Joseph Dollif, aged 73 years.
[1863]July 20th, Minnie B., dau. of Willard and Sophia Merriam, aged 2 years.
[1863]Aug. 6, Waterman, son of Cyrus and Sarah Achorn, aged 10 years.
[1863]Dec. 2, Katie, dau. of Ephraim and Helen Rowe, aged 2 mos.
[1863]Dec. 21, Ethelbert, son of V. B. and Ann E. Paul, aged 9 years.
[1863]Dec. 24, Emmagine, dau. of Robt. and Hannah Cushman, aged 13 years.
1864June 15th, John W. Fenwick, born in Winchester, Va., aged 67 years.
[1864]Sept. 18, in Chelsea, Mass., Sabina M., wife of Wm. Ormsbee, aged 40.
[1864]Sept. 24th, Capt. Geo. A. Tucker, aged 31 years.
[1864]Oct. 23, Carrie C., dau. of Isaac and Sarah Hatch, aged 18 months.
[1864]Oct. 29th, Ida E., dau. of Llewellyn and Laura Wing.
[1864]Oct. 31st, Sarah E., wife of Isaac E. Hatch, aged 25 years.
[1864]Nov. 2, Leslie A., son of I. E. and Sarah Hatch, aged 3 years.
[1864]Nov. 18th, Andrew, son of Alfred and Lucy Jackson.
[1864]Nov. 23, in Milford, Mass., Anson D., son of the late Dr. Thos W. and Sally Dollif, formerly of Belmont,
[p. 197]aged 55 (Note by TMM: or 75. The 7 is written on the first 5.).
[1864]Apr. 5, in Waltham, Mass., Sylvanus, son of Samuel and Susan Boynton, aged 31 years.
[1864]Dec. 26, Ruby Ann, dau. of D. W. and L. L. Morey, aged 3 years.
1865Jan. 29th, James W. Boynton, son of Samuel and Susan Boynton, aged 31 years.
1865Mar. 19th, Capt. Nathaniel Cushman, born in Plympton, Mass., Mar. 22, 1779, and moved to Montville with his father about 1800. He settled in this town in 182- (Note by TMM: Date not finished, and the following name Harriet crossed out as shown.), married Harriet Lydia Smith and raised a large family. Aged 86.
[1865]Sept. 11th, in Boston, Mass., Ellen V., dau. of Daniel Weymouth, and adopted daughter of Geo. Weymouth of N. Y. She was one of the triplets whose grave is marked by a tablet in our cemetery.
1865Sept. 23, in Montville, Wm. H. M. Alexander, son of William and Martha Alexander, member of Co. B, 1st Maine Battery, aged 23 years.
Note by TMM: The following names will be found on page 262 [of Robinson's original manuscript], they were out of place in the original:
Lucinda and Daniel Patch (see pg. 262).
Stephen and Esther Robinson.
Mrs. Lovina A. Turner.
Mrs. Mary Ellis.
Joseph and Lucy Cross.1866Feb. 7, in Knox, Eliza, wife of Rev. Geo. Z. Mears, aged 57 years.
[1866]Mar. 16th, Jenette, dau. of Wm. T. and Delia Creasey, aged 2 mos.
[p. 198][1866]May 2, David Crockett. Mr. Crockett settled in this town about 1806, and served in the militia from Belmont in the War of 1812. He was aged about 86 years.
[1866]Sept. 10, in Belfast, Bartholomew G. Greer. He emigrated from Vermont with his father and settled in this town in 1801, where he lived until the later part of his life when he lived at the "Head of the Tide." Aged 76.
[1866]Oct. 15th, in Oroville, Cal., Chandler C. Adams, aged 36 years.
[1866]Oct. 17, in Freedom, Amanda M., wife of Geo. Herrick, and dau. of Daniel and Mary Dow, formerly of Morrill, aged 21 years.
[1866]Charles Higgins, aged about 75 years.
1867Jan. 17, in Portland, Emily Heald, dau. of John M. and Catherine Bailey, aged about 32 years.
[1867]Mar. 23rd, Theoda, dau. of James and Sarah Mears, aged 30 years.
[1867]Apr. 1st, Ruth, widow of Ignatius Cushman, Sen., aged 95 years.
[1867]Apr. 15th, Submittance, wife of Eleazer Whitcomb, aged 62 years.
[1867]June 13th, Lorenzo D. Robinson, son of Daniel and Mary Robinson, aged 40 years.
[1867]June 25th, John Higgins, aged 71 years.
[1867]Nov. 7th, Shadrach Weymouth, youngest son of Jas. Weymouth, aged 60 years.
1868Jan. 13th, in Waldo, Henry Whitney, aged 43 years.
[1868]Feb. 26th, Judson, son of Elisha and Caroline Merriam.
[1868]Mar. 15, in Lowell, Mass., Abbie J., dau. of Tolman and Charlottee Bowen, aged 24 years.
[1868]Apr. 23, Mrs. Lucy Cross, widow of Jos. W. Cross, aged 83 years.
[p. 199][1868]Apr. 29, in Belfast, Sophronia, widow of B. G. Greer, aged 71 years.
[1868]May 28, John C., son of John and Margaret Alstine, aged 41 years.
[1868]June 8th, in Northport, Capt. Reuben Merrithew, AE. 57 years.
[1868]Aug. 23, Sarah M., wife of William C. Crockett, AE. 39 years.
[1868]Oct. 1, in Northport, Betsey L., widow of Capt. Reuben Merrithew, aged 51.
[1868]Sept. 8, Eleazer Whitcomb, aged 59 years.
[1868]Dec. 18, Mary Ann, dau. of L. H. and Sarah Jackson, aged 14 years.
[1868]July 4th, Benjamin Cooper, aged 76 years.
1869Jan. 2, Mary, widow of Geo. S. Mixer, aged 81 years.
[1869]Feb. 2nd, Josephine E., dau. of John Corson, aged 19 years.
[1869]Mar. 10, in Searsmont, Abby, wife of Daniel Murch, and dau. of Wm. and Lucinda Cammett, AE. 43 years.
[1869]Apr. 17, in Belfast, Eunice, wife of Isaac Toothaker, aged 65 years.
[1869]May 26, George Weymouth, son of Capt. James Weymouth, born in Belfast in 1798, and came here with his father in 1803. In 1816 he took charge of, and drove a horse team for Jas. (Jos. TMM) Dow and family from here to Ohio, the road leading through the White Mountains and through Pennsylvania over the Allegheny Mountains. He was Selectman of the town several years, and in 1836 he represented this district in the Legislature. He was aged 71 years.
[1869]Aug. 9, Dea. Benjamin Thomas, formerly of Lincolnville, deacon of the Free Will Baptist Church here several years. Aged 69 years.
[p. 200][1869]Feb. (or Dec., not quite legible. (TMM.)) 23, John Cushman, son of Nathaniel Cushman.
[1869]Aug. 12, Eliza, wife of Reuben Higgins, aged 61 years.
[1869]Sept. 2, infant son of A. E. and Acelia E. Payson.
[1869]Sept. 16, Lucy, wife of Isaac T. Bowen, aged 29 years.
[1869]Oct. 3, in Montville, Lucy W., wife of Sumner Poland, and dau. of Elisha and Lydia Thomas, AE. 26 years.
[1869]Dec. 27, Samuel Whitney, formerly of Castine, AE. 80 years.
[1869]Dec., John Alstine, formerly of Waldoboro, aged 88 years.
1870Jan., Abijah Gray, formerly of Sedgewick [sic], Me., AE. 79 years.
[1870]Mar. 2nd, in Belfast, Hollis M. Higgins, AE. 38 years.
[1870]Apr. 3rd, Persia Weymouth, aged 78 years.
[1870]Apr. 11th, Hannah, widow of Benj. Cooper, Sen., AE. 71 years.
[1870]June 6th, in Waldo, Catherine, wife of Alex. Greenlaw, AE. 72 yrs.
[1870]July 5th, Charlottee, wife of Tolman Bowen, and dau. of Ezra and Betsey Woodman, aged 60 years.
[1870]Aug. 25, Nellie, dau. of Alfred and Sarah Cushman, aged 6 years.
[1870]In Liberty, Harriet, wife of Hiram C. Chaplin, aged 50 years.
[1870]Jan. 12, Betsey, widow of Reuben Higgins, Sen., aged 99 yrs., and 11 mos.
[1870]Aug. 23, in South Boston, Lydia, wife of Benj. Thomas, Jr., and dau. of Amos and Betsey Knowlton of Bel.
[p. 201][1870]Oct. 6th, in Palermo, Ebenezer Michaels, aged about 70 years, formerly of Monroe, and who came here about 1830 as a religious exhorter. He peddled essence and Preparations, and preached sometimes. He was pleasant and good-natured, and met people with a smile and a "How-do-you-do," and "folks all well?" and "That is clever." About 1860 he went to Palermo and married and lived there.
[1870]Oct. 14, Mrs. Anna Gray, widow of Abijah Gray, aged 78 years.
[1870]Dec. 13, Hannah Shaw, wife of William Shaw of Winterport, aged 70.
1871Feb. 17th, T. C. Erskine, aged 37 years.
[1871]Mar. 30th, in Montville, Sarah F., wife of James M. Colson of Morrill, AE. 29 years.
[1871]May 15th, Laura A., wife of Llewellyn Wing, AE. 33 years.
[1871]May 26, in Searsmont, William S. Cammett, AE. 76 years.
[1871]June 29, Samuel Alexander, aged 78 years.
[1871]July 11th, Maria, wife of Barak A. Hatch, and daughter of Samuel and Syrena Kingsbury of Waldo.
[1871]Sept. 11th, Maria, wife of Joseph Burgess, AE. 63 years.
1872Ashby W., son of James and Harriet Neal, AE. 29 years.
[1872]Jan. 17th, John Morey, formerly of Cape Rosier, AE. 88 years.
[1872]Feb. 26, Joshua Lewis, son of Joshua E. and Phebe Cross, AE. 25 years.
[1872]Mar. 15th, James Leonard, aged 65 years.
[1872]Mar. 17th, Ava M., dau. of Wm. C. Crockett.
[1872]Oct. 26th, Louisa, wife of Fred F. Davis.
[p. 202][1872]Nov. 14, William W. West, formerly of Belfast, AE. 65 years.
[1872]Aug. 21, in Eau Claire, Wisc., Ellen E., wife of Frank M. Adams, and dau. of Daniel and Cordelia Weymouth.
[1872]Apr. 14th, Stephen Robinson, aged 82 years. He immigrated here in 1812 from Waldoboro, and started his farm in the woods and lived here 60 years. He was a member of the Military Company in the War of 1812.
1872Nov. 22, Barak B. Shibles, aged 75 years.
1873Jan. 29, Elizabeth, widow of Ebenezer Newell of Montville, aged 89 years.
[1873]Apr. 1, in Waldo, Henry W. Kingsbury, adopted son of Samuel Kingsbury of Waldo, aged 14 years.
[1873]Apr. 8th, in Iowa, Margaret, wife of Abial Morey, and dau. of William and Louis Cross, AE. 45 years.
[1873]Apr. 16th, Mary A., wife of Job Cushman, and dau. of John and Hannah Morey, aged 61 years.
[1873]Apr. 18, Martha, widow of John Higgins, AE. 74 years.
[1873]June 25, in Searsmont, Elisha Ward Wiley, son of Elisha and Priscilla Wiley, aged 38 years.
[1873]Aug. 5th, in Belfast, Isaac Toothaker, aged 72 years. For several years Mr. Toothaker was entirely blind.
[1873]Sept. 4th, in Belmont, George Alexander, son of John and Susan Alexander, aged 53 years.
[1873]Sept. 5, in Montville, Polly, widow of David Nash, and sister of John Alexander, aged 87 years.
[1873]Oct. 12th, Dannie Willie, son of Wm. T. and Delia Creasey, AE. 6 wks.
[1873]Nov. 14, Samuel Jackson, formerly of Paris, Me., aged 89 years.
[1873]Dec. 4th, in Bristol, Alfred Cushman, aged 54 years.
[p. 203][1873]Dec. 28th, in Belfast, Phebe Creasey.
1874Jan. 11th, in Islesboro, Harriet, wife of Ezra C. Merrithew, and dau. of Amos and Betsey Knowlton of Belmont, aged 37 years.
[1874]Jan. 12, Ruth, wife of Tolman Bowen.
[1874]May 31st, in Belfast, John Alexander. He came here with his father in 1799 and lived on the home place 60 years. Aged 77 yrs.
[1874]June 7th, in Rockland, David Cross, son of Joseph and Lucy Cross, aged 54 years.
[1874]Aug. 26th, Jonathan Hatch, formerly of Montville, AE. 82.
[1874]Oct. 5, L. Ann, dau. of Job and Mary A. Cushman.
[1874]Oct. 12th, on Hurricane Island, Theresa E., dau. of Ralph and Betsey Cross, aged 23 years.
[1874]Nov. 9th, Jennie, dau. of A. W. and Mary A. Greer, AE. 20 years.
[1874]Nov. 27, in Belfast, Edward Hilton, aged 62 years.
[1874]Dec. 10, Richard Bailey, aged 53 years.
1875Jan. 12th, Abby, wife of Isaiah W. Cross, aged 34 years.
[1875]May 2, in Belfast, Lucy A., dau. of Ralph and Betsey Cross, aged 19 yrs.
[1875]May 9th, in South Newbury, Mrs. Sally Grant, widow of Thos. W. Dollif, aged 77 years.
[1875]June 2, in Belfast, John P. Dollif, aged 87 years. Mr. Dollif immigrated here with his father in 1798. In 1830 he moved to Penobscot County. He served in the War of 1812, and was in the Battle at the Stone Mills, and in the Shatagee Woods.
[1875]June 26, in Belfast, John Weymouth, aged 80 years.
[p. 204][1875]Aug. 2nd, Rev. Daniel Whitehouse, aged 87 years. Elder Whitehouse lived here, and preached for the Baptist Church several years after 1852.
[1875]Aug. 12, Reuben Higgins, 3rd, aged 48 years.
[1875]Oct. 4th, in Bristol, Daniel Patch, aged 62 years.
[1875]Oct. 6, Martha, dau. of Levi and Hannah Rowe.
1876Orrin P., son of A. W. and Sarah F. Gray, aged 24 years.
[1876]Jan. 3, in Waldo, Vietta A., wife of Noah S. Twiss, and dau. of Elisha and Martha Merriam, aged 28 years.
[1876]Also little Noah and little Vietta, children of Noah S. and Vietta Twiss, formerly of Vinalhaven.
1876Jan. 14th, Mary Jane, wife of N. S. Greer, AE. 69 years.
[1876]Jan. 18th, Lovina, widow of Chas. Higgins.
[1876]Jan. 27, Martha, widow of Samuel Jackson, aged 92 years. Mrs. Jackson was daughter of Nathaniel Cross, and moved here with her mother in 1801.
[1876]June 30th, John Adams, formerly of Union, AE. 57 years.
[1876]July 15th, Elbridge Thomas, son of Elisha Thomas, AE. 32 years.
[1876]Aug. 10th, in Greenfield, Harriet, widow of John P. Dollif, aged 84 years.
[1876]Aug. 21st, Charles Meservey, Jr., aged 70 years.
[1876]Aug. 26th, in Searsmont, Elvira, wife of Ambrose Hall, aged 39.
[1876]Sept. 18, Rosa, dau. of Jere. and Mary A. Martin, AE. 27 years.
[1876]Dec. 17th, Mary, wife of F. Douglass.
[1876]Dec. 18, Rebecca, widow of Richard Bailey, AE. 48 years.
[p. 205][1876]Dec. 29, in Searsmont, Elisha Wiley, aged 79 years.
1877Feb. 5th, Hannah, wife of William Creasey, AE. 79 years.
[1877]Apr. 15, in Cambridge, Mass., Alma C., wife of Willie Robinson, and dau. of John O. and Alice M. Ginn. Her remains repose in Mt. Auburn Cemetary [sic].
[1877]June, in Burnham, Chandler Noyes. He lived here for several years, and preached occasionally. His remains were taken to Jefferson for burial. He was aged 70 years.
[1877]Sept. 29th, in Lawrence, Mass., Abigail, widow of Matt. T. Merriam, aged 88 years. Mrs. Merriam was the daughter of Benjamin Smith, and came here with her father in 1801, and lived in town until 1876. She endured all of the privation of a life in the wilderness, and has seen the gloomy forest give way to the cultivated fields and thriving village.
[1877]Nov. 16, in Belfast, Alice R., wife of J. K. Dickey, and dau. of T. W. and Louisiana Robinson, AE. 22 years.
[1877]Dec. 4th, Sarah L., wife of Alfred Cushman, aged 37 years.
1878Apr. 2, Flora, wife of Geo. Collins, and daughter of Randall and (Note by TMM: A space left here but no name given.) Ellis, of Belfast, AE. 25 years.
[1878]June, in Placerville, Cal., Horatio Alexander, AE. 45 years.
1879Mar. 29th, Nathaniel Nichols, formerly of Islesboro, AE. 76 years.
[1879]Apr. 29th, Mrs. Margaret Alstine, aged 99 years, 9 months. Mrs. Alstine was born in Waldoboro in 1779 of Dutch parentage; her maiden name was Benner. She married John Alstine in 1805, and in 1835 they settled in this town.
[1879]June 26, Silvina A., wife of Ivory D. White, and dau. of Stephen and Esther Robinson, aged 45 years.
[p. 206][1879]July 10, in Liberty, Susan Boynton, widow of Samuel Boynton, aged 83.
[1879]July, Thomas M. Wing, aged 46 years.
[1879]Sept. 18, Samuel Ordway, aged 62 years.
[1879]Nov., Mrs. Margaret, wife of Benj. Wellman, AE. 67 years.
1880Jan. 10th, Albra, son of J. L. and Alvesta Hatch, AE. 5 years.
[1880]Feb. 24th, in Lowell, Mass., Martha, dau. of Ansel and Nancy Wing, aged (Note by TMM: No age given.) years.
[1880]Feb. 29th, Mary A., wife of Alonson W. Greer, aged 47 years.
[1880]Feb., in Belmont, Susan, widow of Dea. Ephraim Chaney.
[1880]Apr. 14th, Albion L. Sheldon, aged 43 years.
[1880]Apr. 4th, John N. Wing, member of the 8th Me. regt., AE. 79 years.
[1880]Apr. 20th, in Newton, Iowa, Joseph Drew, son of Jonathan Drew, aged 62 years.
[1880]Apr. 26th, in Plymouth, Sarah A. Ryder, dau. of William and Louis Cross, aged 66 years.
1880Aug. 8th, in Rockland, Alexander Kiff, aged 82 years. He peddled tin ware, Yankee notions, and medicine from 1820 for 40 years, and moved with his family to Rockland.
[1880]Aug. 27th, Lydia, wife of Chas. Brown, AE. 63 years.
[1880]Oct. 19th, Louisa A., wife of John Morey.
[1880]Nov. 20th, Samuel Berry, formerly of Montville, AE. 78 years.
[1880]Nov. 27th, in Belfast, John M. Bailey, aged 76 years.
[p. 207][1880]Dec. 2nd, in Boston, Prudence, widow of Benj. Thomas, aged 83 years.
[1880]Dec. 26th, in Washington, Me., Rev. Geo. Z. Mears. He preached here after 1837 as a Freewill Baptist minister, and was active and energetic, and gave his time to the cause in which he was engaged.
1881Jan. 22, John Brown, aged 82 years.
[1881]June 4th, Abigail, widow of Robt. Campbell, AE. 78 years.
[1881]Sept. 1, in Belmont, Cassa, widow of Samuel Cammett, aged 84 years.
[1881]Nov., in Rockland, Emeline, widow of David Cross, and dau. of David and Martha Crockett, AE. 58 years.
1882Jan. 16th, Lydia M., dau. of Chas. and Lydia Brown, AE. 30 years.
[1882]Jan. 17th, Eben M. Sanborn, aged 43 years.
[1882]Jan. 31st, Ellen, wife of Wm. Sanborn, and dau. of Wm. S. and Lucinda Cammett, aged 46 years.
[1882]Apr. 16th, Sarah F., wife of A. W. Gay, aged 53 years.
[1882]Apr. 18th, Caroline, wife of Hosea B. Thomas, age 65 years.
[1882]Apr. 26, in Colfax, Iowa, Ammi W. Cross, aged 62 years.
[1882]May 3rd, Venie, dau. of Mr. and Mrs. John Vickery, AE. 2 yrs.
[1882]July 9th, Nancy Chapman, widow of Francis Chapman, formerly landlord of the Traveler's Home, Liberty.
[1882]Sept. 9th, in Freedom, Nathaniel S. Greer, aged 78 years.
[1882]Oct. 1st, in Belfast, Albion K. Jackson, aged 58 years.
[1882]Oct. 9th, in Rockland, Joseph Jackson, aged 69 years.
1883Feb. 5th, in Islesboro, Lucretia, widow of John Fenwick, aged 68 years.
[p. 208][1883]Margaret, widow of Samuel Whiting, aged 90 years.
[1883]Mar. 3rd, Elisha Merriam, Sen., aged 68 years.
[1883]Mar. 29th, Josiah H. Cross, aged 68 years.
[1883]May 18, in Freedom, Jas., son of Hosea and Mary Robinson, aged 33 years.
[1883]June 3, Calvin Blodgett, aged 66 years.
[1883]July 29, in Monroe, Elder Simon Staples, aged 69 years.
[1883]Sept., in Appleton, Parker Mears, AE. 50 years.
[1883]Oct. 24th, in Appleton, John Towle, aged about 80 years.
[1883]Nov. 5, Hattie H., wife of Frank A. Grey, and dau. of Nathaniel and Harriet Cushman, AE. 52 years.
[1883]Nov. 24th, Esther O., widow of Amos Knowlton, and dau. of Stephen and Esther Robinson, aged 53 years.
[1883]Nov. 25th, in Knox, Lucy, widow of John Towle, AE. 78 years.
[1883]Dec. 20th, in Liberty, Martha, widow of David Crockett, aged 100 years, 7 months, and 7 days.
1884Feb. 7th, in Belfast, Susan, widow of John Alexander, aged 86 years.
[1884]Feb. 12th, Deborah, wife of Ignatius Cushman, AE. 66 years.
[1884]June 7, Sarah, wife of Calvin Blodgett, AE. 67 years.
[1884]Aug. 22, Henry Clay, aged 84 years, a colored man. He came originally from Mass. to Warren, Me., and c[a]me here about 55 years ago, then a man apparently past middle age; some think him as much as a hundred years old, some even more. Since coming here he has lived in this town, Belfast, and Waldo. He was married to a mulatto woman from China and she lived with him a few years; since then he lived in a cabin by himself. Of late years he has been supported by the town, and lived at
[p. 209]H. D. Shaw's, A. Wing's, and other places, and died suddenly at Robie Mears's.
[1884]Sept. 2nd, in Sacramento, Cal., Ralph E., son of Ralph and Betsey Cross of Belfast, AE. 22 years.
[1884]Oct. 3, Roger Merrithew, aged 89 years. Mr. Merrithew was born in North Haven, and when a boy he enlisted in the War of 1812 and served about two years. He followed fishing and coasting until 1843 when he moved to this town, and lived a thriving and industrious farmer.
[1884]Mar. 14, in Jefferson, Harriet, wife of James Burgess, dau. of Matt. T. and Abby Merriam, aged 63 years.
[1884]In Jefferson, James Burgess, aged 66 years.
1885Jan. 27, in Fairfield, Ebenezer Cookson, AE. 79 years.
[1885]Jan. 29th, in Belfast, Isaac T. Bowen, son of Tolman and Charlottee Bowen, aged 49 years.
[1885]Feb. 27th, in Rockland, Elder C. M. Rhodes. Elder Rhodes was a man of poor health, but has preached here the past 30 years at the meeting house and at funerals. He was liked by everybody and by all denominations, and will be missed by all.
[1885]Apr. 16th, in St. Elmo, Colorado, Eben P. Rowe, son of Eben P. and Harriet Rowe, aged 27 years.
[1885]June 8, in Palmyra, John Cushman, brother of Ignatius and Robert Cushman, AE. 86 years.
[1885]June 26th, in Montville, William Alexander, aged 86 years. "Mr. Alexander was a brother of John Alexander, and cousin of John A. Logan, late Republican candidate for vice-president. Logan's mother was a sister to John Alexander, Sen., father of John, Jr., and William Alexander." (Republican Journal.)
[1885]July 16th, Job Cushman, aged 73 years.
[1885]Oct. 7th, Edmond Benner, formerly of Waldoboro.
[1885]Oct. 12th, Hannah, widow of the late Roger Merrithew.
[p. 210][1885]Mar. 15, in Newton, Iowa, David Drew, son of Jona. Drew, formerly of North Belmont.
1886Feb. 3rd, in Jefferson, Me., Betsey, widow of the late Stephen Robinson, aged 89 years.
[1886]Feb. 18, in Belfast, at Poor's Mills, Benj. Banks, aged 79 years.
[1886]Feb. 24, Augustus Daggett, aged 69 years.
[1886]Mar. 8th, Enoch S. Rowe, aged 80 years.
[1886]Mar. 31st, John L. Mayhew of Mass.
[1886]Apr. 3, in Belmont, Tillie M., wife of Geo. Staples, and dau. of Sumner and Julia Pearson, aged 33.
[1886]May 11th, Olive E., wife of Wm. Blodgett, Ae. 33 years.
[1886]May 12th, James Mears, aged 77 years.
[1886]June 24th, Reuben Higgins, aged 82 years.
[1886]July 16th, in Montville, Ashby, son of William C. Crockett, aged 26 years.
[1886]July 23rd, in Lincolnville, Samuel Rackliff, Ae. 82 years.
[1886]July 26th, John Pearson, aged 69 years.
[1886]Sept. 11th, Virgil H., son of Jas. H. and Maggie Whitcomb, aged 3 years.
[1886]Oct. 4, in Searsmont, Nancy, widow of the late Dr. George Holmes of Belmont, and dau. of John and Martha Higgins, aged 63 years.
[1886]Oct. 5, in Searsmont, Christiana, wife of Elisha Cushman, aged 68 years.
[1886]Oct. 6, in Montville, Hushai Thomas, aged 69 years.
[1886]Dec. 3, in Belfast, Mrs. Priscilla Wiley, widow of Elisha Wiley, formerly of Morrill, late of Searsmont, aged 93 years.
[1886]Oct. 8th, James H. Woodbury, aged 78 years.
1887Feb. 16th, Benjamin Cushman, aged 77 years.
[1887]Feb. 28th, Nellie, dau. of Alonson W. and the late Mary A. Greer, aged 24 years.
[p. 211][1887]Apr. 16th, Celia J., widow of Hushai Thomas, Ae. 68 years.
[1887]Apr. 30th, Jos. W., son of Joshua E. and Phebe A. Cross, aged 38 yrs.
[1887]Apr. 30th, in Rockland, Mrs. Bradbury I. Kiff, widow of Alex. Kiff of Rockland, formerly of Morrill, aged 82 years.
[1887]May 5, Eliza, wife of John Pearson, aged 64 years.
[1887]May 16, in Belfast, Tolman Bowen, aged 84 years.
[1887]June 19th, in Lawrence, Mass., Thatcher Merriam, aged 68 years.
[1887]July 20th, in Taunton, Mass., Betsey Weymouth, widow of Shadrach Weymouth, aged 78 years.
[1887]July 17, Hosea B. Thomas, aged 83 years.
[1887]Sept. 30, Mrs. Polly Weymouth, widow of the late Geo. Weymouth, aged 91 years.
1888Feb. 1st, Ansel O. Wing, aged 61 years.
[1888]April, in Searsmont, Eliza, widow of Joseph Dollif, formerly of Morrill.
[1888]Mrs. Sarah M., wife of B. C. Daggett, and dau. of Alfred S. and Lucy S. Jackson. (In April.)
[1888]April, in Brooks, Dorcas Leathers, dau. of Tyral and Martha Pearson.
[1888]April, in Rockland, Mrs. Benner, widow of Edmond Benner, formerly of Morrill.
[1888]June 30, in Belfast, Joseph H. Adams, AE. 67 years.
[1888]July 28, Granville L., son of Delwin and Hattie Paul, aged 7 months.
[1888]July 31st, Moses T. Poland, aged 72 years.
[1888]Aug. 28, child of John Fenwick, aged 7 mos.
[1888]Oct., in Montville, Marcia, wife of Jason Wiers, and dau. of Hosea and Mary Robinson.
[p. 212][1888]Oct. 12, Timothy Heath, aged 73 years.
[1888]Oct. 13, Louisa J., wife of Barak Hatch, aged 63 years.
[1888]Nov. 5, in Montville, Tryal Pearson, aged 78 years.
[1888]Nov. 6, James Townsend, formerly of Belmont, AE. 73 years.
[1888]Dec. 13th, in Montville, Ruth, wife of Thomas Leonard, and dau. of Robert and Hannah Cushman.
[1888]Dec. 15, in Liberty, Mary, wife of Hosea Robinson, aged 68.
1889Feb. 21, a child of Freeman Creasey died aged 10 mos.
[1889]Mar. 12, in Montville, Mrs. Judith Erskine, aged 85 years. Mrs. Erskine was born in Poland and came to Waldo with her parents, Luke Staples and wife. She married Robert Erskine and lived in this town until a few years ago.
[1889]Mar. 26, in Waldoboro, Joseph Burgess. He came to this town when a young man and lived here until a few years ago.
[1889]Apr. 1, Elizabeth Shaw, aged 40 years. She lived with H. D. Shaw's family the last 18 years.
[1889]Apr. 19, Hanson D. Shaw, aged 62 years. He came here and bought his farm in 1858.
[1889]Apr. 27, in Boston, Laura, widow of James A. Rust, and dau. of John and Louis Weymouth.
[1889]July 2nd, Thomas Barlow, aged 95 years. He served as a drummer boy in the War of 1812, and was the oldest man in town.
[1889]Sept., in Washington, Ann, aged 62 years, widow of Parker Mears, formerly of this town.
[1889]Oct. 4th, Ignatius Cushman, aged 90 years. He was born in Poland, Me., and came here with his father in 1801, and has always lived on a part of the old farm.