Source: William Berry Lapham, History of Rumford, Oxford County, Maine: from its first settlement in 1779 to the present time (Augusta Me.: Press of the Maine Farmer, 1890).
[p. 198]
DEATHS IN RUMFORDTHE following deaths of Rumford people are from the records of the Congregational Church, and down to eighteen hundred and fifty-two, and in the handwriting of Rev. Eliphalet S. Hopkins.
1840.Aug. 17, Mrs. Dolly Bolster; Sept. 9, Asa Farnum; Oct. 9, Mrs. Asa Howard; Mrs. Aaron Stevens; Abiel Stevens; Nov. 9, Mr. Wakefield; Asa Howard; Dec. 28, Nathan Adams; Oct., two children of David Abbott; Cyrus Small's child; Mrs. Chew; Mrs. Ackley; Mrs. Robert Hinkson; Mr. Richardson; S. Hall; Mrs. Hoyt; Mrs. Kyle; Mrs. Richard Caldwell; child of Otis Howe; Mrs. Robinson; Mr. Chapman.
1841.Oct. 6, Mrs. Treadwell; Mrs. Burgess and sister; Nov. 2, Eldad Howard; Nov. 29, Dr. Simeon Fuller.
1842.January 18, Mrs. Greenleaf; Feb. 6, child of Otis C. Bolster; old Mrs. Ackley; Apr. 6, child of Gardiner Hoyt; May 14, Mrs. Otis Howe; children of John Graham, Wheeler Farnum, Melancthon Wheeler; Eben Virgin; July 1, Mr. F. Putnam, Mrs. Osgood Eaton; Mr. Rice Morse; children of Jeremiah Wadwell and Isaac
[p. 199]Hall; Sept. 10, child of Anson Farnum; Sept. 2, Thatcher Goddard; Oct. 15, Almira Green.
1843.Mrs. Joshua Graham; Sarah Virgin; Miss Harris; June, Mrs. Thomas; child of J. Kennison; Aug., Mrs. J. Thompson, Greenleaf Stevens; Nov. 17, Henrietta L. Bolster; Mrs. Morse; Dec. 9, child of Francis Cushman; Dec. 28, Francis Cushman.
1844.Apr. 3, Mrs. Trumbull; Apr. 9, Mrs. Richardson; May 27, child of Timothy Holt; child of Hazen Keach; Aug. 8, child of Esther Wood; Aug. 17, Nancy Kimball; child of Wheeler Farnum; Nov., wife of Wheeler Farnum; Dec. 1, child of Hiram Abbot.
1845.March, Nancy Howe; Solomon Martin; April, Samuel Lufkin; Mrs. Kimball Martin; Phineas Wood; Calista Green; Sept. 9, Cornford Cushman; Jeremiah Virgin; child of A. K. Knapp; Oct. 24, Richard Dolloff, aged 91; Mr. Israel Putnam; child of E. Hinkson; Nov. 14, Charles Adams; child of Cyrus Elliot.
1846.Ezra Smith, Esq.; March 24, child of Joseph Moody; May 1, child of Gardiner Hoyt; June 9, Moses Wardwell; Mrs. Knight; child of Mr. Parker and one of Mr. McCrillis; Sept. 16, M. Wheeler; Sept. 25, Mrs. Howard; Nov. 16, child of Carter Elliot; Dec. 8, Mrs. Carr; children of Aaron Elliot; Nathan Abbot; Mr. Richardson; Mr. Wood and Monroe Morse.
1847.May 9, Mrs. Brown; Sept., Mrs. Lane; child of Dr. Bartlett; Oct. 18, child of Loammi B. Peabody; Dec., Angelia Elliot.
1848.Phineas Howe; son of Jeremiah Farnum; child of Wheeler Farnum; Mrs. Isaac Whittemore; May 2, Mrs. Cyrus Small; child of Mr. Richardson; May 6, Daniel Glines; child of William Martin; July 4, Marshall Hinkson; George Hinkson and Charles Wood were drowned, near Rumford Point; Aug. 2, child of O. H. Lufkin.
[p. 200]March 1, Mrs. Josiah Keyes; March 2, Joseph H. Wardwell; March 5, Capt. Joseph Wardwell, father of the last named; Feb. 24, Charles Virgin; March 3, Miriam Stevens; Apr. 27, Mrs. J. Abbot; May 4, Benj. Morse; May 14, child of Cotton Elliot; June 21, Mrs. Cyrus Small; July 2, Mrs. Holt; Mrs. Deacon Hutchins; children of Mr. Elkins, Warren Adams.
1850.Child of Charles Virgin; child of Mr. Jones; child of James M. Dolloff; March, Mr. Nathan Silver; Apr., child of Benj. Putnam; child of Osgood Eaton; child of H. Richardson; Mr. Benj. Farnum, aged 82; Mrs. Chandler Abbot; Nov. 25., Samuel Putnam; H. Virgin; John Hinkson; wife of Dr. Small.
1851.May, son of Jacob Abbot; June, Porter Kimball; July, Mrs. John Howe; Van Rensalier Abbot, at sea; Aug., Mrs. Ackley; Mr. Kimball Martin; Oct. 22, Mrs. Ray; Sept., Mary Lane; Salome Howe.
1852.Feb. 13, Mary E. Dearborn; child of Manley Farnum; June 11, Jane Moody; Aug. 24, Colman Godwin; Mr. Abel Wheeler; Mrs. Richard Dolloff, aged 87.
The following deaths are recorded in the handwriting of Rev. John Elliot:
Feb. 1859, David Holt, aged 86; March following Mrs. David Holt, aged 88; Feb., Elizabeth Wood; April 27, Marcia Smith, aged 87; May 16, Mr. Poland; March 20, 1861, Dolly Morse, aged 86; April 5, Dolly Farnum; April 8, David Abbot; Apr. 11, Mrs. Susannah Hoyt, aged 86; June 15, Daniel Martin, aged 89 years, 11 month, one of the first settlers; Jane Martin, aged 16½ years; July 6, Mary A. Colby; March 3, 1862, Betsey, wife of Deacon Jacob Elliot, aged 68; Dec. 10, the embalmed remains of Nahum Perkins Moody who died in the army, were brought to Rumford for interment. He died in East Baltimore Nov. 28. He was the only son of Hezikiah Moody of Bethel; Dec. 15, Deacon Daniel Hall at East Rumford; Dec. 20, at East Rumford, Mrs.[p. 201]Sarah Farnum, aged 93; she was one of the five original members of the Congregational church; May 26, 1863, Dolly Frost; Aug. 6, of diphtheria, Sarah Augusta Elliot; June 27, 1864, Lieut. Joseph E. Colby, died at City Point, Va., and his remains were brought to Rumford for interment; July 29, Judith Colby, aged 72; Sept. 21, of diphtheria, Sarah C. Bartlett, aged 19; Jan. 19, 1865, widow Hannah Carter, a member of the church for more than fifty years; July 28, Lyman Martin; Feb. 9, Sally Morse, in consequence of her clothes taking fire, aged 84; Jan. 7, 1866, Aaron Graham; May 28, 1867, Mary Trumbull; July 21, Sally Hall; Oct. 3, David Elliot; Jan. 13, 1869, Dea. Jacob Elliot, aged 84 years; August 27, Polly Elliot; Oct. 6, Gratia, Widow of Cotton Elliot, aged 85 years; Oct. 24, Mrs. Enoch Knapp; Feb. 23, 1870, Miss Mary H. Rawson; Oct. 20, Hazen F. Abbot; Nov. 9, Mary Howard; April 8, 1871, Peter C. Virgin, Esq., the first lawyer in Rumford, aged 88 years; Sept. 6, Timothy Holt; April 8, 1872, Mary Ann, wife of Henry Abbot; Oct. 2, David Colby, aged 83; Nov. 15, Deacon Henry Martin, aged 74; May 12, 1873, William Moody, aged 74; Oct. 13, Phebe Jackson; Nov. 29, Keziah Goddard in 81st year; May 13, 1875, Mrs. Euthalia W. Goddard, aged 31; Sept. 9, Aaron Graham, aged 87½ years; Feb. 19, 1876, Miss Virtue Howard, daughter of Asa Howard, and a well known teacher of youth; she taught seventy-five different terms of school; March 3, R. L. B. Elliot, youngest son of the pastor; Dec. 29, Isaac Walker Cleasby, aged 89 years; July 7, 1878, Mrs. Sarah S. Howe died; her death was caused by the upsetting of her carriage while on her way to church; Oct. 11, Mr. Bradbury Richardson of Milton Plantation, aged 83; Jan. 21, 1879, Mrs. Sally B. Peabody, aged 66; Aug. 29, Mrs. Julia Smith; March 15, Rev. John Elliot, acting pastor of the church, aged 78 years, 5 months and 10 days; a faithful minister of the Gospel of Christ; Feb. 8, 1880, Nancy, widow of Timothy Holt, aged 71.