Source: Allen Goodwin, A history of the early settlement of Palermo, Me. (Belfast, Me.: Age Publ. Co., 1896).
Punctuation has been standardized.
[p. 29]The First Baptist Church.About 1779 brother Stephen Belden came to Great Pond Settlement, bringing his Bible under his arm. As the settlers increased in numbers and a Baptist Church being formed at Fairfax (now Albion) many of this vicinity united with that body.
In 1804 a reformation swept this township. Those of our members withdrew from that Fairfax church and organized the First Baptist Church established 1804. Election of officers July 20th, 1805.
Meetings were held at Josiah Perkins' house and John Marden's barn, on Marden Hill.
Chose John Robinson of Freedom, first clerk; John Sinclaire of Knox, first deacon; Nathaniel Robinson, first pastor, ordained June 26, [sic]
Members were received from Freedom, Montville and Knox. Thus it became necessary to build a meeting house and a plan for the structure was drawn by Daniel Sylvester, Senior, showing the design and location of the pews. These pews were sold from the plan at value, which sold for 25 and 50 dollars each, according to choice. Thus about 1200 dollars was secured. 1826 the contract was made with Spencer Arnold to construct the building for 1100 dollars and completed in 1827 and dedicated on New Years day, 1828, which was thronged with people each Sabbath.A List of Membership from 1804 to the Present Time, 1896.
James Sinclaire,
William White,
Nathaniel Robinson,
Josiah Perkins,
John Robinson,
Mr. Whitten,
Stephen Marden, 1st,Joseph Gowen,
Benjamin Black, 1st,
John Marden, 1st,
Betsey Black, 1st,
Abagail Worthing,
John Clay,
Ruth Rider,[p. 30]
A. Somes,
Henry Whittier,
John Johnson,
Abagail Marden,
Edmund Black, 2nd,
Hannah Soule,
John Sinclaire,
Thaddeus Bailey, Jr.,
Betsey Somes,
Lydia Wiggin,
Benjamin Marden,
Abagail Perkins,
Polly Bailey,
Joseph Robinson,
Betsey Arnold,
Susanna Cunningham,
Polly Davis,
Ann Davis,
Betsey Davis,
William Davis,
Levi Davis,
Thomas Sinclaire,
Nancy Davis,
Samuel Henry,
Mrs. Huntoon,
Polly Black,
Hannah Cunningham,
Betsey Weeks,
John Brown,
Joseph Bowler,
Grace Cook,
John Erskine, 1st,
Mrs. Campbell,Asa Gowen,
Stephen Belden, 1st,
Abagail Belden,
Aaron Belden,
Charity Belden,
Eunice Marden,
Mrs. Whitehouse,
John Brown,
Jacob Greeley, 1st,
Hannah Greeley,
Joseph Arnold,
George Robinson,
Mrs. George Robinson,
Simeon Magridge,
Mrs. Simeon Magridge,
Mrs. Sanford,
Wiggins Perkins,
Mrs. Sylvester,
Hannah Robinson,
Eunice Brown,
Polly Robinson,
Hannah Sanders,
Lucy Rider,
Elizabeth Rider,
Asa Robinson,
William M. Robinson,
Gideon Robinson,
Smith Gilman,
Jonathan Clay,
John White,
George Smith,
Joseph Sylvester,
Susanna Sylvester,[p. 31]
Molly Black,
Abagail Young,
Stephen Longfellow,
Samuel Leadbetter,
James Black,
Nathan Bachelder,
Mrs. Nathan Bachelder,
Hannah Nelson,
Sister Wood,
Betsey Arnold,
S. Bailey,
Lucretia White,
Ruth Cummings,
Sister Wilton,
Betsey Leadbetters,
Sister Ford,
Nathan Bailey,
Nathaniel Stanley,
Mrs. Nathaniel Stanley,
Amos Dennis,
Amasa Soule,
Sister Martin,
Asa Crowell,
William Tucker,
Samuel C. Wight,
Elder Jesse Martin,
Abagail Pullen,
Alley Marden,
Eliza Marden, 1st,
Miss Eastman,
Mrs. John Rigby,
Hannah Cummings,
Sally Frye,Sally Sinclair,
Aaron Rollins,
John Perkins, 1st,
Knowlton Bailey,
Mrs. Williams,
Lucy Soule,
Polly Spiller,
Spencer Arnold,
Susanna Hill,
Sister Tuck,
Sally Tuck,
James Clark,
Charity Marden,
Nancy Arnold,
Molly Somes,
Hannah Somes,
Jeremiah Tuck,
Elder Dexter,
Brother Weymouth,
Sister Weymouth,
Betsey Strong,
John Rigby,
Benjamin Marden, 2d,
Betsey Bryant,
John Spiller,
Hannah Marden,
Eliza Sanders,
James Sanders,
Elder William Bowler,
Lydia Sanders,
Eliza Soule,
Gilbert Pullen,
Mrs. Gilbert Pullen,[p. 32]
Pamelia Arnold,
Maria Marden, 1st,
Patty Perkins,
Eliza Marden, 2nd,
Betsey Smith,
Sally Black,
Reuben Whittier,
John Bailey, 1st,
Comfort Black,
Edmund Black, 3d,
Rachel Cummings,
Patty Black,
Mary Andros,
Thaddeous Bailey,
Charity Barlow,
John Rollins,
George Waters,
Prissilla Robinson,
James Sanders, Jr.,
Mrs. James Sanders,
Franklin Foye,
Samuel Waters,
Oren Nelson,
Asa Cowen,
James Sanders, Senior,
Charlotte Pullen,
Hazen Nelson,
Mary Parkhurst,
S. L. Marden,
John A. Marden, Jr.,
Abagail Snell,
Sewall L. Black,
Silas Tabor,Anna Marden,
Eliza Davis,
Elmira Arnold,
Mrs. Bowler,
Mrs. Davis,
Lydia Rowe,
Nancy Pullen,
Mary Arnold,
William Waters,
Rufus Rowe, Senior,
James Marden, Senior,
David Spratt, 1st,
Josiah Carr,
Mrs. James Marden,
Eliza Bradstreet,
Mary Spratt,
Sister Worthing,
John W. Bailey,
Nathaniel B. Robinson,
Rachel Arnold,
Sally Balcom,
Jonathan Sylvester,
Louis Bryant,
James Rowe,
Sarah Hamilton,
Mr. Hathorn,
Mrs. Hathorn,
Louis Davis,
Elder E. H. Emery, Jr.,
Benjamin Young, Jr.,
Elder Smith,
Jacob Sanders,
Mrs. Jacob Sanders,[p. 33]
Martha J. Hathorn,
Nancy Seavey,
Clifford Worthing,
Mrs. Clifford Worthing,
William Carr,
L. Sabin,
Sarah Marden,
Laban Spratt,
Jane Wood,
Nathan Wood,
Adaline Marden,
Pamelia Wood,
Melissa Soule,
Mary Thurston,
Clarasa Black,
Mary F. Carr,
H. Sanford,
D. M. Black,
Betsey Carr,
Charles Carr,
Mrs. S. Bailey,
Abagail Whittier,
Axa Noyes,
Sumner Handy,
Joanna Handy,
Wesley Bailey,
Betsey Bailey,
Clarendon Black,
Melvina Rowe,
Mrs. Luke Jaquith,
Kesiah Hallowell,
Addie White,
Samuel B. Soule,Hiram T. Black,
Lovica Black,
Eliza Black,
Marcus Ricker,
Merrill Black,
Mercy Spratt,
Mary A. White,
Elvira Mores,
Elisha Wood,
Eliza Wood,
Lydia Bailey,
Mahala Carr,
Jonathan Ward,
Polly Bailey,
Miss Maria Perkins,
Prissilla Waters,
Nehemiah Bryant,
Eunice Dean,
Caroline Drake,
Mary Black,
Mrs. William Worthing,
Mrs. E. Parmeter,
Mrs. S. Bailey,
Mrs. M. Marden,
Catherine Marden,
Mary Spiller,
Alice Soule,
Olive Black,
Luke Jaquith,
Josiah Hallowell,
George White,
Joseph Perkins,
Mrs. Alexander Worth,[p. 34]
Alexander Worth,
Mary Jaquith,
William Balcom,
Henry More,
Josiah Norton,
Alley Curtis,
Martha Plummer,Erastus Nelson,
Nellie Black,
Gustavus Burgis,
Alley Clifford,
Hattie Norton,
Llewellyn Coffin,
Elder S. O. Whitten,Jesse M. Jaquith. Present Membership.
Eli Carr,
Eliza Nelson,
Nancy Black,
John S. A. Rowe,
Emma S. Carr,
Etta Soule,
Mary Wood,
Allen Goodwin,
C. E. Carr,
George V. Black,
George F. Rowe,George M. Rowe,
Winfield Jaquith,
Ellen Rowe,
Henry Carr,
D. A. Whittier,
Anna Drake,
Alice Spratt,
Cora A. Goodwin,
Etta A. Carr,
Hattie Chadwick,
Earl Nelson.
On the first Wednesday of February, 1809, the 2nd Baptist Church, near Longfellow's Corner, was organized, having withdrawn from the 1st Baptist Church. In 1827 they took the plan of the first meeting-house and began the erection of the old church now removed. The 2nd Baptist Church records were destroyed by fire many years ago.