Source: Genealogical Advertiser: A Quarterly Magazine of Family History, Vols. 1 and 2 (Cambridge, Mass., 1898, 1899).
Notes in brackets are original to the text.
[1:9]BRISTOL MARRIAGES.From the manuscripts of Prof. John Johnston, LL.D., Author of the "History of the Towns of Bristol and Bremen in the State of Maine, including the Pemaquid Settlement."COMMUNICATED BY ALBERT W. JOHNSTON OF PRINCE'S BAY, N. Y.Married By Alex. Nickels, Esq.,Feb. 28, 1769, Joseph Eaton and Jane McGlathery.
Nov. 1766, George Rodgers and Hannah Nickels.
May 2, 1758, John Randall and Jane Clark.
Jan. 20, 1763, Thomas Clark and Rebecca Burns.
Aug. 27, 1770, Oliver Nash and Margaret Yates.Married By Alex. Nickels, Esq.,Oct. 4, 1768, James Stinson and Margaret ______.
Oct. 5, 1768, John McIntosh and Abigail Baker.
Dec. 1, 1768, Nathaniel Chapman and Sarah Lincoln.
Feb. 28, 1769, Benjamin Smith and Abigail Thompson.
Apr. 22, 1766, Henry Fling and Hannah Clark.
May 18, 1769, Amos Pinkham and Mary Cornwall [?].
Sept. 22, 1769, Ephraim Martin and Elizabeth Mallet.
Nov. 9, 1769, *Thomas Gall and Ruth Mattackes.
Mar. 13, 1771, Peletiah Corthrell and Lucy Prouty.Married:Jan. 1, 1773, Ebenezer Davis of Medumcook and Elizabeth Starling.
Mar. 27, 1773, John Catland and Mary Goudy.
Oct. 12, 1773, Timothy Farrow and Ruth Gall.
Nov. 10, 1773, Daniel Palmer and Elizabeth Goudy.
____________ John Thurston and Anna Starboard.
Nov. 23, 1773, Nathan Foster and Anna Thomson.Married By Rev. A. McLean,Aug. 4, 1773, John Page and Rachel Dodge.Married:Mar. 4, 1774, Gershom Wentworth and Mary Richards.*Another copy of this record has the name James.[1:10]Apr. 14, 1774, Henry Fasset and Anna Clark, By Rev. A. McLean.
June 15, 1774, James McCobb and Hannah Miller.
July 20, 1774, James Stewart and Anne McCaffrey.
June 15, 1774. James McCobb of Georgetown and Hannah Miller published May 14, 1774, and married by John Stinson, Justice Peace.Married:Nov. 12, 1774, Nathaniel Pinkham of Boothbay and Martha Catland.
Aug. 16, 1775, Nathaniel Hooper and Susannah Loud of Muscongus Island.
Dec. 18, 1775, Thomas Thompson and Elizabeth Thompson.
Jan. 9, 1776, Thomas Stewart and Martha Winslow.
Dec. 9, 1775, Henry Little and Rosanna McMullin.
Dec. 1, 1775, William Page and Elizabeth Wylie.
June 15, 1776, Henry Williams and Susannah Singer of Boothbay.
May 15, 1777, Miles Thompson and Meriam Foster.
Apr. 15, 1777, Rodger Hanly and Margaret McMurphy.
May 1, 1777, Partrick Hanly and Nancy Askins.Marriages by Rev. A. McLean,Dec. 25, 1775, Ebenezer Cox and Sarah Dickey.
Dec. 27, 1775, Zenas Fuller and Rachyel Yates.Married:Jan. 25, 1776, Daniel Catland and Esther Wiley of Boothbay.
Feb. 23, 1776, John Wiley and Mary Lermond of St. George.
Nov. 14, 1776, Ephraim Bailey and Agnes Clark.
Dec. 25, 1776, John Beaty and Mary Kent.
Dec. 30, 1776, Richard Maigher and Lydia Yates.
Dec. 30, 1776, Lemuel Doe and Elizabeth Boyd.
Feb. 4, 1777, Arunah Weston and Sarah Martin.
Apr. 9, 1777, Wm. S. Loud and Hannah Carter.
Dec. 20, 1777, Wm. Morton and Priscilla Richards.[1:11]Jan. 15, 1778, Timothy Kimball and Eleanor Martin.
Apr. 15, 1778, Ezekiel Farrow and Meriam Hooper.
Aug. 4, 1778, Richard Martin and Sarah Balliston.
Oct. 13, 1778, Samuel Story and Olive Catland.
Dec. 15, 1778, Robert Thompson and Mary McMichael.
Jan. 1, 1779, Daniel Sally and Ruth McCordy.Married by Rev. A. McLean,Oct. 7, 1776, Rev. John Urquhart and Mary McIntyre, both of St. Georges.
Jan. 12, 1778, Caleb Turner and Margaret McKown.Married By Alexander Nickels, Justice Peace,Mar. 12, 1782, Jacob Fountain and Elizabeth Sproul.
Feb. 23, 1785, James Sproul Jr. and Mary Greenlaw.
June 15, 1785, Ephraim Snow and Jane McKown.
June 29, 1780, Robert Sproul, Jr. and Jean *
Mar. 3, 1785, Mark Welch and Lydia McFarland.
Dec. 23, 1784, Hugh Little and Hannah Hasey.
Nov. 26, 1786, Thomas Sitwell and Elizabeth Stone.
Oct. 14, 1776,[?] Solomon McFarland and Deborah McIntyre.
Nov. 14, 1785, Daniel Catland and Sarah P
Jan. 6, 1785, John McMichael and Elizabeth Hutchins.Married:June 5, 1785, John Boyd of B. and Mary Hodge of Newcastle.Married By Alexander Nickels Esq., 1788 :Oct. 6, 1788, Samuel Colbeth and Mary Crocket.
Nov. 2, 1788, Samuel Davis and E Davis of Medumcook.
Nov. 2, 1788, George Askins and Hannah Jones.
Dec. 4, 1788, Andrew McFarland and Sarah Robinson.
Dec. 8, 1788, Benj. Williams and Anna Otis.
Dec. 25, 1788, James Kelsey and Olive Colbeth.Marriages by Rev. A. McLean :May 21, 1789, Thomas Hutchins and Esther Goudy.*The record is blank. Robert Sproul Jr. married Jane Greenlaw.[1:12]July 21, 1789, Robert Thompson and Polly Richards.
Sept. 22, 1789, John Fitch and Sally Paterson.
Sept. 24, 1789, Andrew McFarland of Boothbay and Betsey McKown.
_____________ Samuel Davis of Medumcook and Mary Gardner of Georges Island.
Dec. 24, 1789, John Johnston and Polly Sproul.
Jan. 19, 1790, John Nickels and Betsey Given.
Apr. 3 1790, Nathan Foster and Widow Weston.
Apr. 5, 1790, Robert McClery and Polly Jones.
Feb. 15, 1786, Timothy Fitch and Abigail Webster of Edgecomb.Married by Thomas Johnston Justice Peace,July 30, 1789, Joseph Butler and Margaret Martin.
Nov. 8, 1789, Benjamin Condy and Ruth Thomas.
Nov. 10, 1789, William Martin and Deborah Crooker.
Nov. 26, 1789, F. Crooker and Anna Mattocks.
Apr. 21, 1790, William B. Skinner and Sarah Johnston.
Oct. 12, 1790, Zebadiah Pease and Sarah Miserve.
Jan. 26, 1791, Joshua Webber and Betsey Martin.
Mar. 31, 1791, William Groton and Mary Sprague.
June 6, 1791, Peter Collamore and Rachel Studley.
Sept. 27, 1791, Ephraim Rollins and Susannah Reed.
Nov. 14, 1791, Ephraim Hunt and Sophia Cushman.
Dec. 24, 1791, Benjamin Williams and Jane Burns.
Dec. 29, 1791, Joseph Palmer and Jane Rhodes.
Jan. 12, 1792, John Martin and Anna Bryant.
Feb. 14, 1792, John Farrow and Hannah Burns.
Mar. 22, 1792, John Bearce and Anna Elsworth.
Mar. 29, 1792, George Sproul and Nancy Goudy.
July 12, 1792, Elisha Hatch and Vishtea [?] Bearce.
Mar. 25, 1793, Abraham Hilton and Margaret Hilton.
Aug. 4, 1793, James Rhodes and Hannah Lincoln.
Dec. 3, 1793, Charles Martin and Lucy Martin.
Dec. 12, 1793, John Partridge and Margaret Bracket.
Dec. 30, 1793, John Eliot and Sebra Davis.
Jan. 9, 1794, John Meserve and Martha McLain.[1:13]June 20, 1794, Benjamin Smith and Hannah Bryant.
July 24, 1794, Moses Copeland and Margaret Delano.
Nov. 27, 1794, Isaac Freeze [?] and Jane Hussey.
May 17, 1795, Joseph T. Ferrell and Rachell Rhodes.
Aug. 30, 1795, Joseph Cudworth and Betsey Clark.
Sept. 22, 1795, William Jones and Jane Young.
Nov. 23, 1795, Thomas Leballister and Hannah Keen.
Dec. 17, 1795, Robert Lermond and Sarah Burns.
Dec. 31, 1795, Ichabod Partridge and Sarah Leballister.
Jan. 10, 1796, John Pain and Catherine Leissner.
Jan. 14, 1796, Robert Thompson and Betsey McMichael.
Jan. 20, 1796, Jesse Hodgden and Priscilla Chapman.
Feb. 25, 1796, Jacob Thompson and Martha Knowlton.
Mar. 31, 1796, Edward Lincoln and Peggy Miller.
May 12, 1796, James Hackelton and Jane Fassett.
May 25, 1796, Enos Baxter and Jane Elliot.
Sept. 4, 1796, Jacob Simmons and Anna Thompson.
Dec. 18, 1796, George Bryant and Lydia Cushman.
Feb. 19, 1797, Alexander McLain and Hannah Farrow.
Mar. 6, 1797, John McClintoch and Catherine Burns.
May 15, 1797, William Curtis and Rachel Humphries.
Nov. 30, 1797, Elijah Nash and Anna Burns.
Jan. 1, 1798, Jonathan Bryant and Jenny Fuller.
Feb. 8, 1798, William Chapman and Sarah Plumer.
May 24, 1798, Joseph Reed and Peggy Bracket.
June 30, 1798, Bradford Davis and Betsey Geyer.
Nov. 8, 1798, James C. Jones and Betsey Burns.
Nov. 8, 1798, Benjamin Woltz and Polly Ugley.
Dec. 20, 1798, Benjamin Richards and J. Woodbury.
Dec. 23, 1798, John Martin and Hannah Cudworth.
Dec. 27, 1798, William Meager and Nancy Rhodes.
Oct. 5, 1799, Robert Jones and Sally Richards.
Oct. 24, 1799, John Hall and Deborah Simmons.
Jan. 10, 1800, David Bryant and Hannah Leballester.
Apr. 12, 1800, Israel Woodbury and Sally Hilton.
Apr. 24, 1800, Ezekiel Collamore and Dolly Partridge.
May 6, 1800, Daniel Studley and Lydia Perkins.[1:14]May 6, 1800, Thomas Morten and Betsey Studley.
Sept. 23, 1800, Ichabod Rollins and Polly Perkins.
Nov. 3, 1800, Daniel Studley, Jr. and Hannah Perkins.
Dec. 25, 1800, Isaac Simmons and Elizabeth Thompson.
Jan. 1, 1801, Joseph Linscott and Susanna Hilton.
Apr. 26, 1801, Samuel Cunningham and Katty Wallak.
July 14, 1801, Oliver Nash and Agnes Kelsey.
Aug. 12, 1801, Thomas Calderwood and Naby Gray.
July 11, 1802, Josiah Louden and Catty Gorman.
July 18, 1802, Charles Welhs and Eleanor Cushman.
Sept. 9, 1802, Joseph Richard and Nancy Simmons.
Sept. 27, 1802, Thomas Burns, Jr. and Susan Bobey.
Sept. 30, 1802, Alexander Cox and Ruth Howland.
June , 1803, John McLain and Elizabeth Whitehouse.
Mar. 4, 1804, Benjamin Hilton and Lydia Hilton.
Mar. 15, 1804, Abel Nash and Mary Burns.
May 24, 1804, George Bryant and Mary Babby (or Balby).
July 19, 1804, Arthur Child and Nancy Clark.
Aug. 24, 1804, Robert Morton and Mary Studley.
Dec. 24, 1804, John Upham and Sally Weston.
Feb. 14, 1805, William Arnold and Mary Kelsy.
Feb. 28, 1805, Davis Collamore and Sally Morton.
Mar. 27, 1805, James M and Barbara Drusman ?
Apr. 21, 1805, Benjamin Woodbury and Naomi Farrow.
Oct. 31, 1805, Robert Larmond and Jane Burns.
Nov. 3, 1805, Geo. Phillips and Rachael Lincoln.
Nov. 7, 1805, David Pearce and Sally Osier.
Nov. 11, 1805, John Lynn and Nancy Hilton.
Feb. 13, 1805, John Brown and Abigail Burns.
Dec. 19, 1805, James Yates and Sally Dockendorff.
Dec. 24, 1805, William Yates and Jane McCobb.
Jan. 1, 1806, Archibald Stuart and Lydia Baily.Married by Rev. William Riddel,Sept. 26, 1796, Reuben Dyer and Katy Clark.
Nov. 3, 1796, David Hunter and Elenor Fossett.[1:15]Nov. 3, 1796, Jeremiah Heath of Boothbay to Sally Stuart.
Feb. 9, 1797, Ira Brewster of Thomaston to Patience Crooker.
May 14, 1797, Peter Berry and Sally Given both of Newcastle.
Aug. 20, 1797, Roger N and Hannah Sproul.
Oct. 30, 1797, Thomnas Johnston and Annah Clark.
Nov. 6, 1797, John Tedda and Patty Tucker.
Nov. 30, 1797, John Wentworth and Patty Williams.
July 19, 1798, William Nickels and Hannah Child.
July 31, 1798, Samuel Trask and Anna Fountain.
Oct. 23, 1798, Daniel Russ and Mary Yeaten.
Dec. 20, 1798, James Paul and Patty Hutchins of Edgecomb.
Jan. 24, 1799, James McNear and Lydia Askins.
Jan. 31, 1799, James Huston and Sally Starboard.
May 23, 1799, William Russell and Nancy Fossett.
June 6, 1799, David Otis and Jenny Boyd.
Jan. 9, 1800, Harvey Hall and Polly Hiscock.
Feb. 20, 1800, John Fossett and Polly Hanly.
Mar. 20, 1800, Henry Hunter and Ruth Robinson.
Sept. 2, 1800, Robert Huston and Ruth Fossett.
Oct. 21, 1800, Robert Askins and Peggy McGuire.
Dec. 11, 1800, William McClintoch and Fanny Young.
Dec. 18, 1800, Alexander Askins and Sally Saunders.
Dec. 24, 1800, William Huston and Betsey Huston.
Dec. 24, 1800, Samuel Wentworth and Sally Colbeth.
Jan. 8, 1801, James Morton and Susanna Stuart.
Feb. 12, 1801, Sullivan Hardy and Priscilla Weston.
Apr. 30, 1801, Doct. Marias Howe and Betsey Sproul.
Jan. 27, 1802, William McCobb of Boothbay and Mary Clark.
July 8, 1801, George Russell and Nancy Henly.
May 27, 1802, Robert Cox and Jane Thompson.
July 1, 1802, William Thompson and Hannah Carter.
July 8, 1802, Thomas Tibbets and Fanny Yeaten.
Sept. 26, 1802, Samuel Hubbard of Wiscasset and Phebe Hatch.
Sept. 30, 1802, Shadrack Jones and Betsey Calderwood.[1:16]Oct. 28, 1802, William Johnston and Olive Morton.
Nov. 9, 1802, Abner Keen of Waldoboro and Ann Yates.
Dec. 16, 1802, Samuel Woodward and Martha
Dec. 28, 1802, John Huston and Runlet
Dec. 30, 1803, B. Daggett of Union and Sally Campbell.
Oct. 6, 1803, Archibald Thompson and Nancy Poland.
Jan. 6, 1804, Levi Clark and Elenor Varnum.
Mar. 22, 1804, Alexander Fossett and Mary Russell.
Mar. 25, 1804, Mark Hatch and Hannah Laughton.
May 20, 1804, James Wentworth and Susanna Williams.
July 14, 1804, John Cox and Cynthia Church.
Nov. 5, 1804, Jas. Drummond and Margaret Dockendorff.Marriages by William McIntyre, Esq.,Dec. 9, 1799, James Nickels and Sebra Elliot.
Dec. 19, 1799, Ebenezer Grover and Esther Fossett.
Apr. 5, 1801, George Todd and Betsey McLean.
Jan. 9, 1801, William McFarland and Knabby Hobson.
Nov. 9, 1801, Jacob Partridge and Betsey Bracket.
Nov. 16, 1801, John McNear and Betsey Askins.
Dec. 22, 1801, Ebenezer Foster and Peggy Barton.
Dec. 24, 1801, William Thompson and Nancy Foster.
Jan. 18, 1802, Simon Elliot and Martha Stuart.
Feb. 4, 1802, Miles Thompson and Mary Poland.
July 29, 1802, John Thurston and Sally Foster.
Aug. 2, 1802, John Davis and Patience Otis.
Jan. 2, 1803, Philips Hatch, Jr. and Betsey McMurphy.
Jan. 30, 1803, Abner Hatch and Mary Hatch.
Aug. 18, 1803, Oliver Peaseley and Jenny Carter.
Sept. 8, 1803, Jesse Umphries and Mary Louden.
Oct. 23, 1803, Timothy Cunningham and Elizabeth Paterson.
Oct. 9, 1803, Joseph Huston and Mary Gall.
Oct. 15, 1803, John Lane (or Sane) and Margaret Foster.
Dec. 8, 1803, Jesse Bradley and Sally Nickels.
Dec. 15, 1803, Thomas Foster and Nancy Paul.
Dec. 21, 1803, Oliver Curtis and Juda Poland.
Apr. 5, 1804, Robert Thompson and Mary McFarland.[1:65]Aug. 23, 1804, William Glidden of Newcastle and Lydia Hatch.
Sept. 6, 1804, George Thompson and B. Green.
Sept. 20, 1804, William Morton and Elizabeth McMichael.
Oct. 23, 1804, John Fay and Rachel Jones.
Nov. 4, 1804, William Page and Huldah Richards.
Nov. 29, 1804, Robert Clark and Knabby Hatch.
Dec. 6, 1804, James Sproul 3rd and Susannah Foster.
Dec. 16, 1804, Rev. Daniel Baker and Hannah Hatch.
Dec. 20, 1804, Benjamin Jones of Newcastle and Rebecca Calderwood.
Dec. 21, 1804, John Eaton and Jenny Little.
Mar. 12, 1805, James Fails and Sarah Howland.
Mar. 14, 1805, William Wallis and Sarah Carter.Marriages by Robert Huston, Esq.,Apr. 28, 1808, William McIntyre, Esq. and Judith Davis.
Apr. 28, 1808, William Little and Nancy Kelsey.
June 16, 1808, Daniel McMichael and Betsey Page.
Oct. 9, 1808, Joel Howe of Nobleboro and Patty Sproul.
Dec. 15, 1808, Ebenezer Askins and Jean Saunders.
Feb. 2, 1809, Mark Feltis and Mary Askins.
Mar. 9, 1809, Israel Holton of Boothbay and Jane Robinson.
Mar. 26, 1809, Martin Burns and Patty Hawk [?] of Waldoboro.
Mar. 1, 1810, William Williams of Litchfield and Rachel Foye.
Apr. 19, 1810, Robert Huey and Polly Page.
June 20, 1811, John Calderwood and Lydia Morton.
Sept. 12, 1811, Robert Malcom of Georgetown and Hannah Jones.
May 17, 1812, Joshua Maxwell and Sally Sproul.
June 18, 1812, Jacob Perkins of Boothbay and Jane Blen.
July 5, 1812, John Chapman and Elizabeth Askins.
July 5, 1812, James Heath of Alna and Sarah Hatch.[1:66]July 5, 1812, James Sproul 4th and Jane Hutchins.
July 26, 1812, John Cox and Elizabeth Church.
Dec. 24, 1812, Thomas Foster and Jane Sproul.
Mar. 16, 1813, Alexander Cox and Margaret Howland.
May 6, 1813, Jeremiah Mears and Sarah Howland.
Mar. 26, 1813, James Askins and Margaret Jones.Marriages by Rev. Thomas Ames,Jan. 22, 1799, William Burns, Jr. and Lois Pendleton of Isleboro.Marriages by William McIntyre, Esq.,May 26, 1805, Samuel Porter and Mary Drummond.
June 11, 1805, Ezra Brown of Union and Betsey Askins.
Aug. 18, 1805, Jonathan Elsworth and Eunice Barton.
Sept. 11, 1805, Samuel Martin and Sarah Lawler.
Oct. 3, 1805, Nathan Foster and Betsey Hunt.
Oct. 10, 1805, Michael Robinson and Rachel Harrin.
Oct. 20, 1805, Moses McFarland and Patience Curtis.
Oct. 31, 1805, Peleg Lincoln and Betsey Twombley.
Nov. 10, 1805, George Howland and Sally McMichael.
Nov. 17, 1805, Joseph Elsworth and Margaret Barton.
Nov. 19, 1805, Samuel Gamage and Abigail S. Pool.
Dec. 4, 1805, Ebenezer C. Pool and Mina McFarland.
Dec. 5, 1805, Doughty Richards and Esther Stuart.
Dec. 24, 1805, Samuel Doe and Nancy Davis.
Dec. 29, 1805, John Wentworth and Hannah Little.
Feb. 9, 1806, Henry Fossett and Margaret Miller.
Feb. 27, 1806, Robert Day and Polly Sproul.
June 29, 1806, Christopher Askins of New Milford and Ruth Askins.
George Yates Jr. and Sally McCobb of Harbor Island.
July 6, 1806, Elijah Hatch of Balstown and Nancy Hatch.
Sept. 5, 1806, Moses Peasley of Balstown and Abigail Parsons of Edgecomb.
Sept. 21, 1806, James Jones and Lucy Hatch.
Sept. 25, 1806, John McLean and Martha Russell.
Oct. 2, 1806, John Askins and Margaret Bryant.[1:67]Oct. 12, 1806, Ebenezer Choat and Barbara Fountain.
Oct. 30, 1806, Alexander Foster and Betsey Thurston.
Nov. 18, 1806, William Bowley and Margaret Curtis.
Nov. 24, 1806, Henry Trefethering of Monhegan and Isabella McMurphy.
Nov. 27, 1806, William Day and Martha Hatch.
Jan. 25, 1807, Alexander Sproul and Hannah Miller.
Mar. 5, 1807, Benjamin Bowley and Jane Curtis.
Mar. 14, 1807, John Abraham and Phebe Sterling, both of Monhegan.
May 15, 1807, John Poland and Sally Curtis.
Nov. 15, 1807, Samuel Coombs and Hannah Sproul.
Dec. 27, 1807, Joseph Young and Ruth Weed of Thomaston.
Jan. 19, 1808, Bedfield Plummer and Betsey Fossett.Marriages by Rev. Jonathan Belden,Oct. 4, 1807, James Woodward and Lavina Wadsworth.
Dec. 27, 1807, Daniel Weston and Bethia Keen.
Feb. 14, 1808, Amos Goudy, Jr. and Rebecca Church.
Apr. 7, 1808, John Dodge, Jr. and Rachel House.
Apr. 19, 1808, James Blunt and Sally Clark.
June 1809, David Doane and Elizabeth Boyd.
Jan. 1810, John Stetson and Lucy Weston.
Oct. 30, 1808, Nathaniel Day and Jane Sproul.
Nov. 6, 1808, Moses Kelsey and Jane Church.
Nov. 9, 1808, Elisha Clark, Jr. and Betsey Sproul.
Jan. 27, 1809, Samuel Doe and Abigail Fitch.Marriages by William McIntyre, Esq.,Apr. 17, 1808, John Hodgekins and Peggy Rodgers.
Apr. 24, 1808, Ephraim Tibbet and Nancy Curtis.
Apr. 24, 1808, John Barton and Polly Elsworth.
Aug. 1, 1808, Joseph Hanaden and Priscilla Griffin.
Nov. 6, 1808, Henry Leeman and Mary Bryant.
Dec. 22, 1808, John Tomlinson and Fanny Hatch.Marriages by Sullivan Hardy, Esq.,1809, John Lawler and Patty Stuart.[1:68]1809, Timothy Kimball and Diana Keen.
Mar. 19, 1812, Taber Coggan and Betsey Bryant.
Jan. 21, 1813, Jonathan Morrison of Boothbay and Amy Thompson.
July 22, 1813, John Hornby and Abigail Osier.
May 1, 1814, John Calderwood and Betsey Stevens.
Oct. 9, 1814, Robert Huston 2nd, and Margaret Fletcher.
Nov. 10, 1814, Samuel Hussey of Waldoboro and Rebecca Osyer.
Oct. 15, 1815, Apollos Cushman and Abigail Partridge.
Apr. 28, 1816, Thomas Davis and Catherine Keen.By Rev. Enos Baxter,May 14, 1812, John Fountain and Nancy [Carter?] Fountain.
Dec. 23, 1812, Micah Poland and Isabella Poland.
Dec. 23, 1812, John Bryant and Sally Morton.
Feb. 14, 1813, John Leeman and Alice Osyer.
Mar. 30, 1813, John Russell and Jane Bryant.
1813, John Little and Martin.By Robert Huston, Esq.,May 6, 1813, Jeremah Mears and Sarah Howland.
May 16, 1813, Francis Shepherd and Eliza Jones.
June 13, 1813, Cuff Miller and Bowen
Sept. 16, 1813, Isaac Bearce and Eunice [Greely ?]
Oct. 10, 1813, Wm. Sproul, Jr. and Fanny Clark.
Oct. 21, 1813, James Jones and Hannah Askins.
Nov. 11, 1813, Reuben Dyer and Jane Cox.
Nov. 18, 1813, Thomas McGuire and Nancy Hanly.
Feb. 1, 1814, Nathaniel Church and Jerusha Bryant of Newcastle.
Feb. 10, 1814, John Foster, Jr. and Nancy Robinson.
Aug. 11, 1814, John Stevens and Mary Young.
Nov. 24, 1814, Jacob Little and Polly Hasey.
Mar. 2, 1815, Robert Bucklin of Camden and Betsey Porterfield.
Mar. 16, 1815, Michael Covell of St. George and Jane Askins.
Mar. 21, 1815, John Richards and Abigail Hasey.[1:69]Dec. 12, 1815, Hugh Little and Mary Richards.
Mar. 3, 1816, Thomas Pinkham and Jane Bearce.
Oct. 2, 1817, John Henly and Sally Henly.
Dec. 28, 1817, Job Hussey of Newcastle and Maria Church.
Mar. 18, 1818, Wm. Sproul and Nancy Nickels.
Apr. 9, 1818, Samuel Clark and Sally Boyd.
Feb. 8, 1820, Alexander Clark and Jerusha Hatch.By Francis Pearce, Esq.,Nov. 8, 1821, Alexander Cooper of Pittston and Betsey G. Nickels.
Nov. 29, 1821, George L. Mears and Abigail Wentworth.
Jan. 17, 1822, John Little, Jr. and Fanny Hasey.By Rev. Nathaniel Chapman,Dec. 29, 1824, Charles Leisner and Hannah Upham.
Dec. 30, 1824, Robert Moore of Pittston and Mary Jones.
Jan. 1825, James Hutchings and Susanna Hatch.
Feb. 1825, James Varney and Sarah Dodge.
Mar. 3, 1825, James Plummer and Mary Jane Jones.
June 1825, Joseph Wellman and Ann Oldham.
Sept. 1825, Charles Giles of Boothbay and Martha McFarland.
Nov. 1, 1825, Alfred Hutchings and Miriam Carlisle.
Dec. 8, 1825, Charles Hilton and Priscilla Knowlton.
Apr. 2, 1826, Francis S. Sproul and Nancy Bugbee.
June 7, 1826, Abel Perkins of Edgcomb and Mary How.
Sept. 27, 1826, Gideon Gletcher and Hannah Jones.
Nov. 30, 1826, Jeremiah Hatch and Betsey Carter.
Nov. 30, 1826, Thomas Woodward and Catherine Huston.
Dec. 1826, Robert Erskine and Agatha Hatch.By William McClintock, Esq.,Feb. 8, 1813, Charles Morton and Nancy Stuart.
Apr. 6, 1815, Elijah Hatch and Jane Jones, both of Nobleboro.
Nov. 2, 1815, Joshua Gamage and Mary Cross.
Nov. 23, 1815, Thomas Morton and Nancy Upham.
July 26, 1816, Joseph Lane and Betsey Flagg.
Mar. 25, 1817, James Johnston 2nd and Jane Greenlaw.[1:70]By Rev. Nathaniel Chapman,Jan. 18, 1827, Nathaniel Gamage and Mary Thompson.
Feb. 15, 1827, Samuel Miller and Jane Nickels.
Mar. 19, 1827, Thomas C. Greenlaw and Matilda Curtis.
Mar. 1, 1827, John McDowell and Harriet Elliot.
Feb. 27, 1833, Alexander Fossett and Sarah Ann Chamberlain.By Rev. Enos Baxter,1813, Thomas Nickels and Deborah Rodgers.
[Dec.] 1813, Nehemiah Poland and Ruth Greenlaw.
1813, John Barker and Ruth Lawler.
1812, John Little and Betsey Martin.
1814, John Knight of Boothbay and Mary Blen.
1814, Joseph Trefethen of Monhegan and Nancy Thompson of Cranberry Island.
1814, Josiah Wallis and Sarah Curtis.
1814, Artemas Sikes and Susan Stutson.
1814, Andrew Sproul and Betsey Little.
1815, Howland Keen and Fanny Soul.
1816, James Teel of St. George and Anna Bryant.
1816, Josiah Stirling of Monhegan and Hannah Thompson.
1816, Nathan Farrow and Selena Osier.
1816, Alexander Fuller and Margaret Fountain.
1816, Miles Thompson and Betsey Upham.*
1816, Henry Fossett and Mary Sproul.
1816, William McFadden of Waldorboro and Hannah Upham.
1816, William Sproul and Betsey Bugbee.
1816, Samuel Lewis of Boothbay and Martha Thompson.
1816, James Smith and Ruth Williams.*She was daughter of William and Elizabeth (Fosset) Greenlaw and widow of Ephraim Upham, son of Jabez and Hannah (Burgess) Upham of Athol, Mass., and Bristol, Me. Ephraim Upham died at Bristol, Feb. 26, 1796, aged 36 years. Her marriage with Upham is not recorded on Bristol records; the intention was published Aug. 19, 1789. [Editor.][1:71]1816, Samuel Curtis and Jane Poland.
1816, John Boyd and Louisa Elliot.
1816, Zenas Fuller and Betsey Fountain.
[No date] Enoch Hatch and Sarah Sproul.
[No date] William Erskine and Tamson Richards.
[No date] Daniel Richards and Nancy Erskine.
[No date] Thomas Gamage and Waty Thompson.
[No date] George McFarland and Hannah Gamage.
[No date] John Sidelinger and Mariam Thompson.
[No date] Henry R. Myers and Emily McMichael.
Feb. 19, 1819, Arthur Cox and Nancy Elliot.
Oct. 28, 1819, William Gamage and Abigail Thompson.
Nov. 7, 1819, John Martin 3rd and Salome Farrow.
Dec. 30, 1819, Henry Tibbet and Jane Gamage.
Dec. 30, 1819, Benjamin Thompson and Mary Gamage.
Dec. 30, 1819, Timothy Martin and Jane Morton.
Jan. 20, 1820, Parker Foster and Elizabeth Brow
Dec. 2, 1819, William Willey and Eliza Thompson.
May 11, 1820, James Hilton of Jefferson and Harriet Hilton.
May 18, 1820, James Sproul and Hannah Bugbee.
Oct. 5, 1820, Samuel Gamage and Deborah McFarland.
Nov. 16, 1820, James Thompson and Martha Gamage.
Dec. 25, 1820, Peter Richardson of Nobleboro and Margaret Richards.
1821, John E. Baxter and Betsey Smith.
1821, George Erskine and Sarah Perkins.
1821, Joshua Umphries and Sally Richards.
1821, John Hanly and Hannah Hilton.
1821, Robert Morton, Jr. and Ann Morton.
1821, Samuel McFarland and Elizabeth Joyce of Portland.
1821, Ebenezer Bearce and Margaret Elliot.
1821, Simon Elliot and Jane Cox.
1821, William Cox and Rachel Fuller.
1821, Edward Pope of Windsor and Hannah Tibbet.
May 12, 1822, Stephen Tarbox of Bucksport and Jane Lindsay Richards.[1:72]Aug. 30, 1822, True Page of Montville and Esther Adams of Union.
Oct. 6, 1822, James Farrow and Betsey Williams.
Nov. 3, 1822, Ira Jones and Margareet Perkins.
Nov. 22, 1822, Joseph Starling of Monhegan and Susan Welch of Gray.
Dec. 12, 1822, Samuel Leeman and Susan Butman.
Dec. 13, 1822, George Trefethring and Sally Thompson.
Jan. 14, 1823, Simeon Jones and Rachel Bryant.
Mar. 1, 1823, Samuel Bryant and Mehitable Williams.
Mar. 30, 1823, Joseph Crooker and T Millett.
Apr. 14, 1823, John Dyer and Anna Walker, both of Union.
Apr. 17, 1823, Luke Andrews and Hannah Gamage.
June 23, 1823, Robert McFarland and Betsey Plummer.
July 20, 1823, Samuel McCobb and Nancy Richards.
Dec. 25, 1823, Thomas Erskine of Whitefield and Barbara Richards.
Jan. 26, 1824, Peter Elliot and Nancy Fossett.By Sullivan Hardy, Esq.,May 25, 1817, Carpenter Winslow and Beulah Keen.
July 17, 1817, Jacob Genthner of Waldoboro and Patty Pollard of Marsh Island.
Sept. 7, 1817, Joshua Dillingham of Camden and Emma F. Palmer.
Aug. 17, 1817, Nathaniel Simmons and Sarah Hilton.
Mar. 21, 1818, James Warren and Nancy Yates.
Nov. 26, 1818, Thomas Laughton and Lydia Yates.
Dec. 10, 1818, John Marshall of Monhegan and Sally Williamson.
Dec. 27, Benjamin Webber and Margaret Farrow.
Mar. 14, 1819, Benj. Marshall 2nd of St. George and Hannah Williamson.
Sept. 16, 1819, Lewis Studley and Priscilla Prior.
Oct. 26, 1820, James Winslow and Betsey Miller.
Dec. 14, 1820, Jacob Willey and Nancy Osyer.[1:102]Dec. 28, 1820, Richard P. Heagan of Prospect and Abigail Richards.
Jan. 4, 1821, Isaac Simmons and Dolly Pinkham both of Monhegan.
Sept. 21, 1824, Jesse Marshall and Louisa Williamson.
Sept. 30, 1824, Job Tollman and Lucy Studley.
Oct. 18, 1825, Charles Meservey and Sallly Martin.
Feb. 8, 1827, Waterman F. Keen and Nancy Martin.By Rev. Jonathan Belden,1809, John Russell and Sally Fossett.
1810, John Clark of Newcastle and Polly Calderwood.
1810, John Stetson and Lucy Weston.
1810, David N. Oakes and Mary Coggan.
1810, James Little of Wiscasset and Nancy Boyd.
1810, John Goudy and Eliza Fitch.
1810, James Fossett and Mary Sproul.
1810, Samuel Knowlton of Nobleboro and Lucy Knowlton.
1811, David Patterson and Polly Fitch.
1811, John Hiscock and Nancy Clerk, both of Nobleboro.
1812, Wm. D. Gould and Martha Woodward.
1812, Henry Fossett and Betsey Sproul.
1812, James Hutchings and Anna Sullivan.
1812, Samuel Bearce and Betsey Humphries.
1813, Wm. Daggett of Union and Sylvia C. Weston.
1813, Eliphas Weston and Longfellow.[1:103]1813, Thomas Patrick of Putnam and Eliza Laughton.
1813, Rufus Curtis and Sally Bugbee.
1813, Henry Askins and Mary House.
1814, John Bearce and Margaret Huston.
1814, John Sproul and Sally Fassett.
1814, John Chapman 3rd of Nobleboro and Mary Bugbee.
1815, Alexander Wiley and Edna Nickels.
1815, William Miller and Nancy Blunt.
1815, Ezekiel Farrow of Putnam and Sarah Laughton.
1815, Robert H. McKown and Susan Boyd.
1816, John Woodward and Betsey Jones.
1816, Doctor Joseph Washburn and Mrs. Jane Dockendorf.
1816, Barry G. Pomeroy and Margaret Dockendorf.
1816, James Bryant of Castine and Sarah Little.
1816, George Sproul and Hannah Varney.
1816, Wm. Chamberlain 2nd and Hannah Huston.
1816, Amos Sproul and Fanny Sproul.
1817, Cipran Huston and Sarah Fletcher.
1817, Samuel Jackson of Nobleboro and Mrs. Mary Young.
1817, James Askins of Whitefield and Rhoda House.
1817, John Wardsworth and Woodward.
1817, John Hilton 2nd and Catharine Hilton.
1817, John McDowell of Putnam and Mary Dodge, Do.
1817, Samuel Daggett of Union and Priscilla Coggan.By Aaron Blaney, Esq.,Oct. 7, 1824, Christopher Hatch and Betsey Hutchings.
Oct. 26, 1824, James Page and Esther Hutchings.
Dec. 16, 1824, Elisha Tilton of Edgecomb and Miriam Hutchings.[1:104]Apr. 1825, Harrod Fitch and Sally McFarland.
Apr. 13, 1826, Thomas Hatch and Margaret Hasey.
Dec. 30, 1830, John Hanley 3rd and Mary Lawler.
Mar. 16, 1833, James C. Thompson of Waldo Plantation and Esther Farnum of Newcastle.By James Nickels, Esq.,May 30, 1816, Samuel Nickels and Rachel W. Child.By Joseph Washburn, Esq.,Dec. 23, 1819, Archibald Richards and Jane Baxter.
Feb. 3, 1820, Isaac Sproul and Lydia Montgomery.
Dec. 23, 1820, Joseph Barker and Nancy Hutchings.
Nov. 9, 1820, Alexander Huston, Esq., and Mary Ann Elliot.
Feb. 14, 1821, James Fossett and Mrs. Hannah (Varney) Sproul.
Nov. 13, 1823, Peter Hiscock and Betsey Knights.
Dec. 30, 1823, David Erskine, Jr. and Maria Trask.
Dec. 30, 1823, Enoch W. Carter and Rhoda Mason.
Sept. 14, 1825, Daniel Norwood of Cape Ann and Emily Tar.
Oct. 6, 1829, Benj. Tukey of Foxcroft and Jane W. Fossett.
Dec. 31, 1829, William Carter and Sarah Ann Hatch.
Sept. 16, 183_, Alexander Greenlaw 2nd and Nancy H. Fossett.By John F. Gardner, Esq.,Sept. 1, 1822, Thomas Sproul and Nancy Cavins.
Dec. 21, 1822, John Merrill and Nancy Holden.
Feb. 23, 1823, John Fitch and Hannah McFarland.
June 26, 1823, Jacob Hasey and Hannah Clark.By Richard Jennings, Esq.,July 10, 1825, John Erskine and Nancy Huston.
Aug. 11, 1828, David Covel and Jane Sproul.By Rev. Benaiah Pratt,Nov. 17, 1825, Thomas Thompson and Martha Gamage.
Dec. 22, 1825, John Stinson and Abigail Foster.By Rev. Amasa Smith,July 7, 1822, Prince Dinsmore and Betsey D. Elliott.[2:9]By Rev. Amasa Smith,Dec. 12, 1822, Robert Miller and Hannah Nickels.By Samuel Yeates, Esq.,Sept. 25, 1823, Peter Collamore and R. Richards.
Oct. 23, 1823, Thomas Collamore and Nancy Osyer.
Nov. 19, 1823, Thomas Crockett and Diana Kimball.
Nov. 20, 1823, Amos Richards and Sally Poland.
Nov. 25, 1823, James McCobb 2nd and Nancy Simmons.
Dec. 5, 1823, John L. Carter and Abigail Loud.By Rev. Enos Baxter,Apr. 4, 1824, Rowland Hatch of Nobleboro and Mary Bracket.
Aug. 17, 1824, Green Burns and Sarah Smith.
Nov. 18, 1824, Alexander Nickels and Hannah Miller.
Dec. 26, 1824, Anzel Farnum and Mira Gamage.
Feb. 27, 1825, James Worcester and Mrs. Prudence Foster of Charlestown, Mass.
June 21, 1825, William Tobey and Nancy Johnston.
Nov. 16, 1825, Robert Simmonds and Amelia Sterling of Monhegan.
Nov. 24, 1825, James Sproul 3rd and Sally Hackelton.
Dec. 4, 1825, Luther Sterling and Elizabeth Cudworth.
Dec. 29, 1825, James Morton and Jane Smith.
Feb. 5, 1825, John Flint and Elizabeth Jones.[2:10]Nov. 25, 1830, Elisha Hatch and Nancy Wellman.
Dec. 2, 1830, William R. McIntyre and Armitta Elliot.
Jan. 6, 1831, Simon Steward and Lucy Jones.
May 19, 1831, William Baker and Clarissa Erskine.By Rev. True Page,Mar. 29, 1829, Rev. Enos Baxter and Mary Elliot.By Rev. Josiah Louden,June 25, 1825, Solomon Brooks and Mary Collamore.By Thomas B. Seavy, Esq.,Nov. 13, 1825, John Curtis and Abigail Richardson.
Dec. 20, 1827, Alexander Churchill and Margaret Davis.
Mar. 8, 1828, Josiah Louden and Sarah Studley.By John McLean, Esq.,May 26, 1825, Samuel Burns and Huldah Nash of Waldoboro.By Rev. John Batcheller,1828, William Hatch and Nancy Laughton.
1828, William Erskine 2nd and Betsey Baker.By Roger Henly, Esq.,Sept. 26, 1830, Michael Ferrell and Sophia Keen of Nobleboro.
Jan. 31, 1821, William Bracket and Hannah Bowling.By Thomas McClure, Esq.,Sept. 11, 1831, Oliver A. Nichols and Emeline Tilton.
Feb. 16, 1832, Drummond Sproul and Mary Plummer.
Jan. 1, 1835, Samuel Wentworth and Hannah Kelsea.By Thomas McClure, Esq.,Jan. 29, 1835, Daniel Hiscock and Jane Miller.
Mar. 5, 1835, David Erving and Martha Mears.
Dec. 10, 1833, William Tilton and Eliza McMichael.
Aug. 27, 1835, Robert Hunter and Eliza Ann Tilton.
Nov. 18, 1835, Charles Brown and Harriet McMichael.
Mar. 3, 1836, Willard Richards and Mary Dyer.
Sept. 12, 1836, John Goudy, Jr. and Catharine Miller.[2:11]By Thomas Thompson, Esq.,July 6, 1836, Lewis Bailey of Poland and Clara Norwood.
Aug. 28, 1836, James Wentworth 2nd and Mary Little.
Aug. 8, 1839, Franklin Burnham and Angelina Gamage.
July 30, 1840, Reuben Pool and Thankful Tibbet.
Nov. 10, 1841, Thomas W. Gamage and Hannah T. Stinson of Deer Island.
Dec. 30, 1841, Michael Thompson and Eliza Gamage.
Mar. 24, 1842, John Wentworth and Betsey Kelsa.
Dec. 13, 1842, Sylvanus Gamage and Sally McFarland.
Jan. 12, 1843, Benjamin Jones and Levina Gray.
Sept. 5, 1843, Ambrose Otis and Emeline Pool.
Nov. 28, 1843, Tobias Nash and Elenor Gamage.
Dec. 3, 1843, Davis Gamage and Margaret Gamage.
May 1, 1844, George Deering of Boothbay and Deborah Foster.By Peaslee M. Wells,July 14, 1833, Theodore Jones and Martha H. Sproul.
Sept. 13, 1833, Samuel Richards and Hannah Merry, the latter of Edgecomb.
Dec. 23, 1834, William Morton, Jr. and Sally Foster.
Dec. 28, 1842, Alexander McClary and Sally Perkins.
Mar. 18, 1844, Benjamin Jones and Nancy McCobb.
Feb. 7, 1844, James Jones and Jane Huston.By Isaac Dunham,Dec. 14, 1837, Samuel Martin and Rachel Wallace.By James Caruthers,Apr. 16, 1837, John Chapman 2nd of Nobleboro and Hannah Pope.By Arnold Blaney, Esq.,July 23, 1835, William McFarland, Jr. and Caroline Foster.
Oct. 29, 1835, Thomas Decrow of Texas (Mexico) and Lucretia Morton.
Sept. 14, 1836, William Martin and Mrs. Deborah Tyne.
Nov. 10, 1836, Ebenezer Pool and Martha Plummer.
Mar. 21, 1839, Amos Goudy 2nd and Nancy Sproul.[2:12]Dec. 31, 1839, Manual S. Drummond of Winslow and Lucinda C. Chamberlain.
Jan. 2, 1840, Oliver Morse of Friendship and Mary McFarland.
Aug. 9, 1840, William M. Yates and Martha Maria Fossett.
May 26, 1840, Gilbert Curtis of Frankfort and Eliza J. Plummer.
July 21, 1842, John Pool and Caroline Hatch.
Sept. 1, 1842, Asa T. Lane and Jane C. Goudy.
Oct. 31, 1842, Simon Marden of Edgecomb and Belinda B. Foster.By Rev. Samuel Jewett,Oct. 23, 1834, Robert R. Tibbets and Selina Loud.
Nov. 6, 1834, Lemuel Richards and Margaret Sibley.
Nov. 6, 1834, Enos B. Richards and Sarah Sibley.
Feb. 17, 1835, Thomas J. Farrow and Miriam Farrow.
Mar. 15, 1835, Henry Erving, Jr. and Mary Hubert.
Oct. 18, 1835, Barker Loud and Hannah Pierce.
Nov. 5, 1835, Josiah Jones of Newcastle and Maria Crooker.
Nov. 19, 1835, James Plummer and Sebra Nickels.
Nov. 26, 1835, Edmund Mears and Eliza Jane Fountain.
Nov. 26, 1835, Alexander Thompson and Eliza Jane Leeman.
Dec. 17, 1835, Briggs Hatch and Eliza Neubert.
July 8, 1836, Joshua Bradford and Susan Sproul.
June 17, 1836, Rev. Alonzo Barnard and Sarah Erskine.By John Fossett, Esq.,Mar. 14, 1839, George Cox and Eliza Ann Fossett.
Sept. 7, 1841, Andrew Fuller and Arlitta Fossett.By Thomas Cox Greenlaw, Esq.,Dec. 22, 1835, Horatio N. Fossett and Emeline Coombs.
Dec. 1, 1836, Ambrose Poland and Lydia Poland.
Jan. 12, 1837, Hiram Robinson of Vassalboro and Mary Ann Fossett.
Nov. 30, 1837, John Barker and Livonia Fossett.
Mar. 26, 1838, Asa Richardson and Susan Wallace.
Oct. 12, 1838, Ephraim Thompson and Jane Bailey.[2:13]Apr. 24, 1839, Nathan Richards and Nancy McCobb.
June 27, 1839, Ebenezer Fernol and Ann Poland.
Sept. 11, 1839, Samuel Blaisdel and Caroline Thompson.
Sept. 26, 1839, Samuel Bryant and Mary Russell.
Dec. 12, 1839, Mathew Fossett and Sally Russel.
Dec. 15, 1839, Ezekiel Davis, Jr. and Susan Rackliff.
Dec. 31, 1839, Robert Martin and Elizabeth Plummer.
Jan. 23, 1840, Samuel Bailey and Margaret Little.
Feb. 6, 1840, Madison Yates and Margaret Hatch.
June 12, 1840, Theodore Pool and Maria Poland.
Oct. 22, 1840, Stephen Roundy of Clinton and Elizabeth Martin.
Dec. 6, 1840, Nelson Upham and Sally Martin.
July 4, 1842, Wilson Huey and Nancy Jane Cox.By Wait W. Keen, Esq.,Nov. 30, 1837, Elbridge Richards and Eliza W. Morton.
Mar. 17, 1842, Edmund Yates and Elcy Bryant.
Dec. 12, 1842, Samuel Morton and Abigail Yates.
Feb. 1, 1844, Robert Loud of Muscongus Island and Betsey Yates.By James Erskine, Esq.,June 1836, Thomas Hubert, Jr. and Maria Colonn
Aug. 1836, William Martin and Deborah Tyne.
Nov. 10, 1837, Dr. Albert S. Clark and Ann Herbert.
Dec. 5, 1841, Rufus King of Whitefield and Mary Richards.
Oct. 20, 1842, James W. Partridge and Sarah Erskine.
Jan. 25, 1843, Charles Jones and Mary Erskine.
Dec. 28, 1843, Horace Poland and Jane Mears.By Rev. Daniel Kendrick,Nov. 17, 1835, William Hackelton and Fanny Huston.
July 15, 1836, Leonard Chamberlain and Eliza Pool.
Oct. 15, 1836, Robert Hanly and Jane Huston.
Feb. 7, 1837, Josiah Huston and Rachel Huston.
Sept. 28, 1837, James G. Huston and Emeline Nickels.
Mar. 12, 1838, David Somes, Jr. and Calista Hyson.
Mar. 21, 1838, John Blunt of Wiscasset and Mary Sproul.[2:14]28, 1838, Frederic Bradford of Friendship and Harriet McFarland.By John Pierce, Esq.,Jan. 23, 1839, James Webber and Julia Perkins.
Dec. 23, 1839, Lot Barstow and Sarah Dunn.By Rev. Josiah Higgins,Nov. 28, 1841, John Hatch and Sally Murphy.
Dec. 22, 1841, John Murphy and Sarah A. Leeman.
Jan. 16, 1842, Edward Palmer and Mary Snell.
Jan. 30, 1842, John McFarland and Sarah A. Robbins.
May 8, 1842, George Fuller and Nancy Orne.By Rev. C. C. Cone,Jan. 4, 1842, James G. Farrow and Nancy W. Laughton.By Rev. Samuel L. Gould,Oct. 25, 1841, John P. Baker and Abby W. Ford.
Nov. 12, 1841, Samuel Lane and Rebecca Little.
Nov. 23, 1841, Wilson Jones and Rebecca Sproul.
Dec. 21, 1841, Carpenter Bearce and Lucy A. Perkins.
Dec. 29, 1841, Dec. 29, 1841, George Hunter of Strong and Eliza Chamberlain.
Jan. 6, 1842, Rev. David B. Sewall and Mary Drummond.
Mar. 3, 1843, William Sproul of Waldoboro and Joanna Sproul.
June 16, 1842, John Little and Lucy A. Chamberlain.
July 12, 1842, Andrew Huston and Harriet Huston.
Aug. 4, 1842, William Russell and Sarah C. Chapman.
Nov. 13, 1842, John Sproul and Emeline Goudy.
Dec. 7, 1842, David Huston and Mary A. Huston.
Dec. 28, 1842, Christopher T. Otis of Woolwich and Harriet Huston.
Dec. 29, 1842, William Lawler and Matilda T. Richards.By Rev. John Young,Nov. 17, 1842, Chandler Bearce and Nancy J. Clark.
Jan. 13, 1843, Samuel Kelsa and Mary Jane Foster.
June 6, 1843, Samuel Fossett of Strong and Nancy Cox.[2:15]Dec. 27, 1843, James O. Hall of Nobleboro and Elizabeth Little.By Thomas Cox Greenlaw, Esq.,July 23, 1843, Samuel Tibbets and Lucy Poland.
Jan. 15, 1844, Warren Weston of Frankfort and Cordelia Elliot.By J. W. Moore,Sept. 14, 1843, Edward Little and Margaret Huey.
Nov. 9, 1843, Wm. Blaisdell and Susan Bessey.
Aug. 8, 1844, Wilmeth Huey and Sally Fogler of Bremen.By Rev. S. L. Gould,May 30, 1844, George Lawler and Lois Burns.
Aug. 29, 1844, Lorenzo A. Chapin of Orrington and Maria Bearce.
Dec. 31, 1844, Joseph Ervin and Mary Myers.
Feb. 27, 1845, Ephraim Carlisle and Eliza Ann Huston.
Mar. 9, 1845, Wm. Carlisle and Esther Page.
MAr. 30, 1845, Wm. Cunningham of Newcastle and Charlotte Foster.By Thomas Thompson, Esq.,Nov. 13, 1845, Joseph W. Farrow and Nancy D. Thompson.
Dec. 14, 1845, Charles G. Perkins and Louisa G. Knight.
Dec. 15, 1845, Samuel Poland and Emeline Curtis.
Jan. 22, 1846, Jeremiah Clifford and Caroline Gamage.
May 1, 1844, George Deering of Boothbay and Deborah Foster.
Nov. 27, 1844, Wm. H. Gamage and Betsey Foster.
Dec. 12, 1844, Wm. P. Mears and Martha K. Martin.
Dec. 26, 1844, George McFarland and Waity Gamage.By Charles Bartlett,Nov. 7, 1844, James Cosdon (?) of Friendship and Hannah G. Oram.By James Erskine, Esq.,Dec. 8, 1843, Horace Poland and Jane Mears.
Dec. 23, 1844, Henry Knowlton and Mrs. Margaret Erskine.[2:16]By Wait W. Keen, Esq.,Dec. 19, 1844, James Smith and Catherine Richards.
Apr. 1, 1845, James Lawler and Roxana Morton.By Rev. Sullivan Bray,Apr. 1, 1845, John Laighton of Harmony and Susan Little.By James Erskine, Esq.,Feb. 14, 1847, William Wilson and Jane Porterfield.By Rev. S. A. Kingsbury,June 14, 1846, Thomas Morse of Friendship and Rebecca Young of Nobleboro.
Dec. 16, 1847, Willard Day of Nobleboro and Ann McClure.By P. M. Wells, Esq.,Feb. 25, 1846, Cyrus Bowman and Margaret Lewis.By Thomas Thompson, Esq.,May 28, 1846, Harvey Oliver and Irena McFarland.
Nov. 12, 1846, Washington Clifford and Harriet Gamage.
Dec. 10, 1846, Joshua Thompson and Sarah Gaul.
Jan. 28, 1847, Isaac Sparrow and Mary A. Martin.By Rev. D. P. Thompson,Sept. 6, 1846, Joseph P. Erskine and Tamson Erskine.
Dec. 7, 1846, Nathan H. Carter of Brighton, Mass. and Abigail McCobb.
Dec. 31, 1846, Benj. Smith of Bremen and Beulah Loud.
Mar. 18, 1847, Wm. H. Hopkins of Hallowell and Rhoda Fountain.By Samuel T. Hinds, Esq.,June 2, 1842, John Yates and Sophia Blunt.
Oct. 12, 1843, Samuel Yates and Lois Richards.
Dec. 29, 1843, Nelson Parks and Hannah Lane.
Feb. 1, 1844, Alfred Bradley and Lucinda Sproul.
June 2, 1844, James Mires and Sally Ervin.
July 21, 1844, Silas Carter and Eliza A. Poland.
Dec. 17, 1844, Thomas Nichols and Azuba Blake.
Jan. 28, 1845, Simon Elliot, Jr. and Rachel M. Carter.
Feb. 20, 1845, Isaac Yates and Ann Eliza Morton.