Source: Proceedings of the Maine Historical Society, Second Series, Vol. 6 (Portland, Me.: The Society, 1895).
[p. 178]PORTLAND PRIVATEERS IN THE WAR OF 1812.List of private armed vessels commissioned from the port of Portland, Province of Maine, from 1812 to 1815 inclusive, with names of owners, commanders and lieutenants:
Brig Rapid, 190 47-90 tons. Owners, James Jewett, Ebenezer Mayo, William Chadwick, Joseph L. Jewett, Ralph Cross, George Hill, John Alden, Joseph Cross jr., Daniel Manley, Reuben Morton, John Watson, William Cross, Josiah Paine, Nehemiah Cram, Thomas Robinson, Zachariah Marston, William Harper, Thomas Merritt jr., Henry Ilsley, William Evans, Lemuel Weeks jr., Robert Ilsley, William Crabtree, Thomas Roach and John Stockman, of Portland, Thomas G. Thornton of Saco, Frederick G. Bull of Boston, and Ruth Jewett of Portland, all in the state of Massachusetts. Commander, William Crabtree. Lieutenants, Joshua Knight, Joseph Weeks, Wm. Cammett. Date of commission, Aug. 1, 1812.
Schooner Partridge, 11 2-95 tons. Owner, Samuel M. Quincey of Portland, in the state of Massachusetts, trader. Commander, Barnabas Sawyer. Lieutenant, James Sawyer. Date of commission, Oct. 9, 1812.
Schooner Rover, 18 23-95 tons. Owners, Samuel M. Quincey, trader, and Moses S. Herrick, blacksmith, both of Portland, in the state of Massachusetts. Commander, James Sawyer. Lieutenant, Joshua Raynolds. Date of commission, Nov. 23, 1812.
Schooner Parrot, 28 25-95 tons. Owners, James Wylie jr., James P. Stetson and Nathaniel Springer, all of Portland, in the state of Massachusetts. Commander, John Webster. Lieutenant, James Wylie jr. Date of commission, Dec. 2, 1812.[p. 179]Schooner Mary, 22 11-95 tons. Owners, Joseph Sturdivant of North Yarmouth, and William R. York of Falmouth, in the state of Massachusetts, mariners. Commander, Joseph Sturdivant. Lieutenant, Reuben G. York. Date of commission, July 7, 1812.
Schooner Thistle, 155 tons. Owners, Isaac Barr jr., Jasper Ward, Abraham Ricker, William H. Ireland, William Majastre, John G. Tardy, Lewis Webb and Joseph Webb, of the city of New York. Commander, Zadoc Crowell. Lieutenant, John Deweese. Date of commission, Feb. 12, 1813.
Schooner Reaper, 206 76-95 tons. Owners, Isaac Sturdivant, Solomon L. Blanchard and Greeley Sturdivant, of North Yarmouth, in the state of Massachusetts, mariners. Commander, Ephraim Sturdivant. Lieutenant, Andrew Blanchard. Date of commission, April 20, 1813.
Boat Razor, 3 tons. Owner, Joseph Sturdivant of North Yarmouth, in the state of Massachusetts, mariner. Commander, Joseph Sturdivant. Lieutenant, James Poland. Date of commission, April 20, 1813.
Schooner Pilot of North Yarmouth, 19 53-95 tons. Owner, Joseph Sturdivant of North Yarmouth, in the state of Massachusetts, mariner. Commander, John Pritchard. Lieutenants, Richard Sutton and Samuel Coombs. Date of commission, Aug. 27, 1813.
Brig Dash of Portland, 220 tons. Owner[s], Seward Porter, merchant, and William Porter, mariner, both of Portland, and Samuel Porter of Freeport, merchant, all of the state of Massachusetts. Commander, Edward Killeran. Lieutenant, Henry Cobb. Date of commission, Aug. 30, 1813.
Sloop Revenge, 18 54-95 tons. Owner, Theophilus Stover of Portland, in the state of Massachusetts, mariner. Commander, Robert Stover. Lieutenants, Cornelius Stackpole, 1st; Robert Lowther, 2d. Date of commission, Sept. 7, 1813.
Schooner Orange, 11 42-95 tons. Owners, Robert Hathrens and Ambrose Elliot of Portland, in the state of Massachusetts,[p. 180]mariners. Commander, Robert Hathrens. Lieutenant, Ambrose Elliot. Date of commission, Sept. 10, 1813.
Schooner Superb, 23 23-95 tons. Owner, William Patterson of Portland, in the state of Massachusetts, mariner. Commander, William Patterson. Lieutenant, Lemuel Weeks jr. Date of commission, Sept. 11, 1813.
Boat Mary, 17 15-95 tons. Owners, William Titcomb and William Titcomb jr., of Falmouth, in the state of Massachusetts. Commander, George Titcomb. Lieutenant, William Titcomb jr. Date of commission, Sept. 20, 1813.
Schooner Washington, 24 30-95 tons. Owners, William Cammet, William Malcolm, Henry Cumpston, Stephen Tukey jr., Edward Ingraham, Benjamin Tukey and Charles S. Motley, of Portland, and Nathaniel Lincoln and Andrew Scott of Freeport, in the state of Massachusetts, mariners. Commander, William Malcolm. Lieutenant, Henry Cumpston. Date of commission, Oct. 21, 1813.
Schooner Viper, 13 46-95 tons. Owners, Butter Fogerty, Nathan P. Hood, Samuel B. Graves, William Benson, Samuel Leach jr., Joseph Mogridge and William Fabans, all of Salem in the state of Massachusetts. Commander, Samuel Leach, jr. Lieutenant, David Preston. Date of commission, Aug. 5, 1814.
Brid Dash, 222 24-95 tons. Owners, Seward Porter of Portland, Samuel Porter of Freeport, and William Porter of Boston, in the state of Massachusetts, and John H. Howland and Joseph Grinnell of New York, in the state of New York. Commander, George Bacon. Lieutenant, James Ross. Date of commission, Sept. 13, 1814.
Schooner "Thinks I to Myself," 44 41-95 tons. Owner, Seward Porter of Portland, in the state of Massachusetts, merchant. Commander, Smith N. Cobb, jr. Lieutenant, Richard Berry. Date of commission, Nov. 1, 1814.
Schooner Fly of Portland, 39 38-95 tons. Owner, Richard Sutton of Portland, in the state of Massachusetts, mariner. Commander, Joseph Swett. Lieutenant, Benjamin Rolfe. Date of commission, Nov. 12, 1814.
Schooner Cumberland, 111 20-95 tons. Owner, Robert Ilsley[p. 181]of Portland, in the state of Massachusetts, merchant. Commander, Edward Killeran. Lieutenant, Wm. C. Gardner. Date of commission, Nov. 25, 1814.
Schooner Armistice, 143 tons. Owners, Thomas H. Smith and Horton & Woodbull, of New York. Commander, John R. Stanhope. Lieutenant, Anthony Post. Date of commission, Nov. 28, 1814.
Schooner Lucy, 25 tons. Owner, John Babson of North Yarmouth, in the state of Massachusetts, mariner. Commander, John Babson. Lieutenant, Percy Drinkwater. Date of commission, Dec. 22, 1814.
Schooner Fly of Portland, 39 28-95 tons. Owner, Richard Sutton of Portland, in the state of Massachusetts, merchant. Commander, William Thomas. Lieutenant, Atwood Marwick. Date of commission, Jan. 14, 1815.
Schooner Cumberland, 111 20-95 tons. Owner, Robert Ilsley of Portland, in the state of Massachusetts, merchant. Commander, Wm. C. Gardner. Lieutenant, Eleazer Crabtree. Date of commission, Feb. 9, 1815.
Schooner Union, 35 37-95 tons. Owner, Gamaliel H. Ward of Portland, in the state of Massachusetts, merchant. Commander, Gamaliel H. Ward. Lieutenant, Jacob Barnes.
Brig Champlain, 234 4-95 tons. Owners, George Long, Benning Morrill, Langley Boardman and Charles Blunt, merchants, and Henry Sutter, mariner, all of Portsmouth, in the state of New Hampshire. Commander, Henry Sutter. Lieutenant, James Orn, jr. Date of commission, Jan. 4, 1815.
Schooner Mars, 25 73-95 tons. Owners, Charles Fox, John Fox, Robert Ilsley, Asa Clapp, Joseph Cross Jr., Thomas Robinson, William Cross and Edward H. Cobb, all of Portland, in the state of Massachusetts, merchants. Commander, James Brooks. Lieutenant, Francis Colby. Date of commission, July 7, 1812.
Brig Lawrence, 259 tons. (Copy of commission, issued at Baltimore, and surrendered at Portland.) Owners, Richard P. Douglass, James Bosby, George P. Stevenson, Joel Vickars, John P. Hollins, Charles Givin, Wm. T. Graham, Justus Hoppe and Wm. Smith, of the city of Baltimore, in the state of Maryland. Commander, Edward Veazey. Lieutenant, John Cook. Date of commission, Feb. 26, 1814.[p. 182]List of private armed vessels belonging to Portland from 1812 to 1815, inclusive, with names of commanders and lieutenants:
Schooner St. Michael, tonnage 54 41-95, No. of guns, 3, No. of men, 30. Commander, James D. Edgar. Lieutenant, Joshua Cousins. Date of commission, July 9, 1812.
Schooner Mary, tonnage 22 11-95, No. of guns, 2, No. of men, 14. Commander, Joseph Sturdivant. Lieutenant, Reuben G. York. Date of commission, July 7, 1812.
Brig Rapid, tonnage, 190 47-95, No. of guns, 15, No. of men, 100. Commander, William Crabtree, Joshua Knight, 1st, Joseph Weeks, 2d, and William Cammett, 3d Lieutenant. Date of commission, Aug. 1, 1812.
Schooner Partridge, tonnage 11 25-95, No. of guns, 3, No. of men, 11. Commander, Barnabas Sawyer. Lieutenant, James Sawyer. Date of commission, Oct. 9, 1812.
Schooner Rover, 18 23-95, 8, 25. James Sawyer, Joshua Reynolds. Nov. 23, 1812.
Schooner Parrot, 28 25-95, 2, 20. John Webster, James Wylie. Dec. 2, 1812.
Schooner Mars, 27 73-95, 1, 20. James Brooks, Francis Colby. July 7, 1812.
Brig Dash, 220, 3, 40. Edward Killeran, Henry Cobb. Aug. 30, 1813.
Schooner Ilsley, 143 67-95, 6, 75. Ephraim Sturdivant, Andrew Blanchard. April 20, 1813.
Boat Razor, 3, 1, 6. Joseph Sturdivant, James Poland. April 20, 1813.
Schooner Pilot, 19 53-95, 2, 8. Joseph Sturdivant, John Underwood. July 9, 1813.
Schooner Mary, 15 77-95, 1, 15. John Prichard, Richard Sutton, 1st, and Samuel Coombs, 2d, lieutenants. August 27, 1813.
Sloop Revenge, 18 54-95, small arms, No. of men, 7. Commander, Robert Stover. Lieutenant, Cornelius Stackpole. Sept. 7, 1813.
Schooner Superb, 23 23-95, 1, 6. William Patterson, Lemuel Weeks jr. Sept. 18, 1813.[p. 183]Boat Mary, 17 15-95, 1, 15. George Titcomb, William Titcomb, jr. Sept. 20, 1813.
Schooner Orange, 11 42-95, 2, 10. Robert Hathrens, Ambrose Elliott. Sept. 10, 1813.
Schooner Washington, 24 30-95, 1, 15. William Malcolm, Henry Cumpston. Oct. 21, 1813.
Schooner Armistice, 143, 3, 25. John R. Stanhope, Anthony Post. Nov. 28, 1814.
Schooner Cumberland, 111 20-95, 3, 27. Edward Killeran, William C. Gardner. Nov. 25, 1814.
Schooner Fly, 39 38-95, 2, 25. Joseph Swett, Benjamin Rolfe. Nov. 12, 1814.
Schooner Thistle, 155, 1, 12. Zadock Crowell, John Deweeze. Feb. 12, 1813.
Schooner Union, 35 37-95, 20, muskets 20 [probably error for 20 muskets, 20 men]. Gamaliel H. Ward, Jacob Barns. Jan. 11, 1815.
Brig Dash, 222 24-95, 3, 35. George Bacon, James Ross. Sept. 13, 1814.
Schooner Lucy, 25, 1, 26. John Babson, Percy Drinkwater. Dec. 22, 1814.
Schooner "Thinks I to Myself," 44 41-95, 1, 49. Smith N. Cobb, jr., Richard Berry. Nov. 1, 1814.
Schooner Reaper, 206 76-95, 6, 75. Ephraim Sturdivant, Andrew Blanchard. April 17, 1813.REMARKS.The commissions herein referred to are preserved in the custom-house at Portland, Me. They are signed by James Madison, President, and James Munroe, Secretary of State.