Source: Grace Limeburner, Angie R. Baldwin, Abbie L. Tapley, et al., Traditions and Records of Brooksville, Maine ([Auburn, Me., Printed by Merrill & Webber Company, 1936).
[p. 141]List of Brooksville People who are living in town and who have passed their seventieth birthdayG. A. Pierce: Born in Sedgwick, Sept. 25, 1855. Mr. Pierce has been in charge of building the State roads for fifteen years.
Nellie Pierce: Born in Surry, Jan. 4, 1864, wife of G. A. Pierce. Maiden name Carter.
Mrs. Narcissus Douglass: Born Nov. 9, 1855, daughter of William and Rebecca (Orcutt) Grindle. Mrs. Douglass has had the experience of living with six generations—in childhood she spent much time with her grandmother, she lived in the home of her parents, and with her brothers and sisters, her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.
Brooks W. Grindle: Born Aug. 9, 1856, son of Bentley and Hannah (Gale) Grindle, has taught school for more than thirty years.
Mrs. Ada Grindle: Born Dec. 18, 1853, daughter of Daniel and Mary (Buker) Blodgett, wife of Capt. Brooks Grindle who was lost at sea many years ago, mother of four children all of whom are now dead.
Charles Blodgett: Born Sept. 15, 1858, son of Daniel and Mary (Buker) Blodgett, a marriner [sic] and farmer, his wife Elsie Tapley, daughter of Capt. Jerome Tapley. She died several years ago.
Mrs. Mary L. Prim: Born Sept. 18, 1857, daughter of Rufus and Margaret (Parker) Walker. Mrs. Prim has been a very
[p. 142]active woman, with her husband she spent many years in the West, Mexico and Alaska.
Mrs. Georgianna Bakeman: Born Feb. 14, 1856, daughter of Samuel and Belinda (Grindle) Condon, widow of John Bakeman, lives alone and does her own housework, her son Keith and wife are her nearest neighbors.
Mrs. Mary (Bates) Blake: Born July 11, 1852, daughter of Luther and Louise Bates, widow of Capt. Wellington Blake, now residing at her home at Cape Rosier.
Capt. Elmer Orcutt: Born April 4, 1861, son of Capt. Charles and Edna (Grindle) Orcutt.
Mrs. Lucy Cousins: Born Oct. 13, 1861, daughter of Oliver and Betsey Bakeman.
David Alvin Condon: Born April 21, 1857.
Benj. Franklin Condon: Born April 2, 1859.
Loring Coombs: Born April 30, 1861, son of Samuel and Lucy (Bates) Coombs, was Post-master at South Brooksville for many years.
Mrs. Louisa Howard: Born May 19, 1866, daughter of John and Mary (Blodgett) Wessel, now living with her son Frederick at North Brooksville.
Mrs. Angie Baldwin: Born June 21, 1861, daughter of Robert J. and Jane (Grindle) Blodgett, has been the Post-master at North Brooksville since 1906.
Rev. Frank Baldwin: Born in Prentiss, Maine, March 25, 1861, son of George and Frances Baldwin, graduate of Chamberlain Institute of Randolph, N. Y., also two years in the University of Chicago, and two years in Garrett Biblical Institute at Evanston, Ill.
Harry Perkins: Born Oct. 1865, son of Isaac and Alice (Grindle) Perkins.
Frank L. Seger: Born in Ellsworth, Mar. 8, 1864.
[p. 143]Mrs. Bertha Vague: Born Nov. 16, 1860, daughter of Decatur and Martha Gray, in early life Mrs. Vague was a school teacher, she usually spends the winters in Massachusetts with a son.
Silas Austin: Born Feb. 26, 1865, son of John and (Eliza Benson) [sic] Austin.
Mrs. Cynthia F. Huntington: Born in 1845, lives with her daughter.
Mrs. Gertrude Mason: Born Nov. 15, 1857, daughter of Charles and Jane (Staple) Howard.
Jesse Bakeman: Born Aug. 30, 1859.
Alden Barker Blodgett: Born April 22, 1866. Farmer and Dairyman. Son of Seth and Abigail (Wasson) Blodgett of West Brooksville.
Wales Howard of Cape Rosier was 75 years old on November 20, 1935. He is the Postmaster at Cape Rosier, which position he has held for over thirty years. His parents were Isaac and Margaret Howard.
Orlando Howard: Born April 8, 1859, son of Isaac and Margaret Howard.
Mrs. Mabel Bakeman: Born in September, 1864, wife of Jesse Bakeman, and daughter of Leonard and Hannah Gray.