Source: New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. 63 (Boston, Mass.: The Society, April 1909).
The format of the entries has been altered somewhat.
[p. 167]YORK COUNTY MARRIAGE RETURNS, 1771-1794Record of Marriages Solemnized by Ministers &c in the County of York 1787 & 1788 as Returned by the Clerks of the Towns to the Clerk of the Court of General Sessions of the Peace for the county of York, & recorded herein [now in the office of the Clerk of the Courts, Alfred, Me.]
Communicated by George Walter Chamberlain, M. S. of Malden, Mass.
Libe 1.List of Marriages Solemnized by the Revd Isaac Hasey in the town of Lebanon of York (vizt)
1787 Janry 1 Mr Edmund Cowell to Mrs Comfort Courson,* both of Lebanon
[1787] Janry 2d Mr John Jones to Mrs Mary Hanson, both of Lebanon
[1787] April 1 Mr Samuel Cowell to Mrs Amey Kilgore, both of Lebanon
entered agreeable to a Certificate recd from James Witherell Town Clerk.
Recd April 10th 1788 Attt J. Hd. Bartlet Clerk
1787 Octr 3d Mr Jeremiah Hill to Mrs Abigail Stevens
[1787 Octr] 8th Mr John Witham to Mrs Mehitabel Courson
[1787 Octr] 14th Mr Daniel Courson to Mrs Shora Mills
[1787] Novr 7th Mr Joseph Farnham to Mrs Hannah Jones
[1787] Decr 24th Mr John Pray to Mrs Anne Austin
1788 March 20th Mr John Door to Mrs Lucy Whitehouse
[1788] Apl 14th Mr Reuben Hull Copps to Mrs Eleanor Rugg
All married by the Revd Isaac Hasey at Lebanon agreeable to the Certificate recd from James Witherell Town Clerk, recd June 24th, 1788
Attt J. Hd. Bartlet Clerk
A List of the return of Marriages Solemnized at Biddeford as made by Jeremiah Hill Esqr. Town Clerk recd. June 1788. vizt. that the Honle Rishworth Jordan & George Thatcher Esqrs & Benjamin Hooper Esqr. have not joined any persons in marriage the year past
that Jeremiah Hill Esqr. had on 6th March 1788, join'd in Marriage Mr John Sweet & Mrs Sarah Staple, both of Biddd
Revd. Nathl Webster made no return—
Entered agreeable to a Certificate Attt. J. Hd. Bartlet Clerk.
Marriages solemnized by the Persons followg viz. by the Revd. Alpheus Spring [pastor of the Second Parish of Kittery, now Eliot]
Janry 20th Nathl Low of Coxhall & Abigail Goold of Kittery
*Mrs. at this time was used to designate single as well as married women.[p. 168][1787] Febry 11th James Hill and Sally Hammond both of Kittery
[1787] April 16th Timothy Bredeen & Molly Fernald both of Kittery
[1787] May 3d. Timothy Paul & Elisabeth Tetherly both of Kittery
[1787 May] 17th Thomas Dixson & Sally Remick both of Kittery
[1787] June 10th Elijah Drew of Madbury N Hampshire & Abigl Clarage of Kittery
[1787] Augt 28th Willm. Garland & Olive Elwell both of Kittery
[1787] Septr 13th Saml Pettegrew Junr. & Anne Cottle both of Kittery
[1787] Novr 11th John Plummer & Lydia Neal both of Kittery
[1787 Novr] 22d. David Staple & Molly Staple both of Kittery
[1787 Novr] 27th Daniel Chickering & Abigail Hubbard both of Kittery
[1787] Decr. 16th Enoch Staple & Eleanor Staple both of Kittery
[1787 Decr.] 20th Joshua Small Junr of Limington & Mary Clerk of Kittery
[1787 Decr.] David Furbush & Elisabeth Libby both of Kittery
1788 Janry 10th Saml Jordan [of] Biddeford & Mary Frost of Kittery
March 15th by Joshua Hubbard Esqr. Meads Furbush & Mary Goold
both of Kittery
by Dl Pierce
1788. April 16th by Daniel Pierce Esqr. none
May 8th by John Hd Bartlet Esqr. none
Revd Doctr. Benja. Stevens & the Revd Joseph Litchfield made no return
Honle Edward Cutts & John Frost Esqrs & Richard Cutts Esqr made no return—Entered on Record agreeable to the return of Capt Dennis Fernald Clerk of the Town of Kittery
Attest J. Hd. Bartlett Clerk
Marriages solemnized by the following persons since Janry. 1787. by the Revd John Thompson of Berwick [now South Berwick]
Janry 2d Paul Farnham of Shapleigh with Meribah Lord [of] Berwick
[Janry] 15 Joshua Roberts of Somersworth with Tamson Smith [of] Berwick
[Janry] 25th Ichabad Huntress with Mary Wadling both of Berwick
March 20th Danl Nason with Abigail Lord both of Do
[March] 25th Nathl Gerrish with Alice Abbott both Do
[March] 26th Solomon Thompson with Lydia Edwards both Do
April 16th Capt Joseph Pray with Mrs Mary Hyght both Do
May 18th Andrew Stacpole of Somersworth with Betsy Abbot Do
June 7th Humphrey Chadbourn Jr. with Mrs. Mary Parsons both Do
[June] 24th Thos. Spencer with Olive Nason both Do
Octr 14th Richd Lord with Mary Gerrish both Do
Novr. 11 Benja Frost with Nancy Archibald both Do
Decr. 13th Jonathan Hamilton 3d with Lydia Thurrell both Do
[Decr.] 16th Moses Hearl with Sarah Wadling both Do
1788 Janry. Ebenr. Warren with Hannah Reed both Do
John Hill Esqr. certifies that he has joined none in wedlock since 1787.
By the Revd Matthew Miriam of Berwick
Janry 2d Elisha Lord 3d with Dorcas Goodwin both of Berwick
[Janry] 9th Isaac Stillings with Olive Libbey both Do
[p. 169][Janry] 25th Joseph Spencer of Somersworth with Nabby Scates of Berwick
March 25th Silas Hall of Falmouth with Hannah Neal of Do
[March] 21 Aaron Goodwin with Sally Hubbard both Do
April 5th Joshua Scates with Hannah Keay / both Do
Attested to by Naham Marshall Town Clerk
Recd. Sept. 29th 1788. & Recorded agreeable to the return of Nahum Marshall Clerk for the Town of BerwickAttest J. Hd. Bartlet Clerk
1787 By the Honle. David Sewall Esqr.
Decr 27th Isaac Chapman & Mary Trafton both of Sanford
Marriages Solemnized by Revd Saml Langton of York1787. Apl 15th Arthur Bragdon of Shapleigh & Eleanor Preble of York
May 17th Eleazer Beadle & Mercy Smith of York
June 21 Saml Allen & Dorcas Abbot of York
Novr. 7th Willm Tetherly of Kittery & Patience Grover of York
[Novr] 29th Willm Harvey [of] Portsmo & Sarah McIntire of York
Decr. 20th Ephraim Joy & Katharine Stevens of York
1788 Febry 11 Nichs. West of Wells & Kezia McIntire of York
[Febry] 21 John Haley Jr. & Sarah Garey of York
April 3d. Joseph Thompson & Olive Junkins of York
June 29th Danl. Garey & Eleanor Junkins of York
Novr 13th Willm Adams & Sally Hutchins of York
[Novr] 27th William Junkins & Eunice Lunt of York
[Novr 27th] Mark Green of Portsmo & Eunice Junkins of York
Decr 11 Elijah Blasdel Jr. & Polly Emery of York
1789 Febry 15th Daniel Knight of Sanford & Patience Garey of York
April 12th John Junkins & Hannah Langton
Recd. Apl. 1789 & Recorded agreeable to the returnAttt J. Hd. Bartlet Clerk
Marriages solemnized by the Revd. Mr. Isaac Lyman [of] York1787
Febry 8th David Littlefield & Hannah Moulton
[Febry] 10th Moses Sewall & Ruth Barrell
June 6th Samuel Moody & Meriam Sewall
July 29th Edward Cyer & Alice Leach
Augt 27 George Darror & Abigail Littlefield
Octr 9th William Moulton & Lucy Harris
[Octr] 14th Timothy Simpson & Deborah Harmon
[Octr] 17th Nichls West Jr & Mercy Phillips
[Octr] 31 Elias Main & Betsy Trafton
Novr 2d Jeremiah Hutchins & Sarah Littlefield
[Novr] 5th John Harmon Jr & Olive Harmon
[Novr] 8th Henry Andross & Sarah Philbrook
[Novr] 15th Elihu Bragdon & Abigail Bradbury &
[Novr 15th] Edward Cyer Jr & Nancy Parsons
[Novr] 22d Isaac Sheen & Mercy Main
[Novr] 27th Edward Emerson Jr & Abigail Lyman, also
[Novr 27th] Joshua More 3d & Penelope Philbrook
Janry 3d. Robert Tripe & Lydia Woodward
[p. 170][Janry] 17th Joseph Shaw Jr. & Betsy Allen
April 10th John Bradbury Jr & Priscilla Burbank
May 13th William Stover & Anne Clark
June 12th Abiel Pierson & Mary Adams
Augt 28th Jotham Allen & Tabitha Trafton
Sepr 24th Joseph Littlefield & Polly Perkins
Novr. 27th Ebenezr. Sayward & Tabitha Trafton
[Novr.] 30th Michael Bowden & Meriam Raynes
Decr 11th Saml Trafton & Katharine Carlile also
[Decr 11th] Saml Babb & Margery Davis
[Decr] 18th George Ham & Dorothy Trafton
[Decr] 25th Theodore Webber & Olive Leach
Decr. 29th Samuel Linscot & Lucy Beadle
1789 Janry. 8th John Leighton & Joanna Donnell also
[Janry. 8th] Henry Bridges & Martha Booden
[Janry.] 10th Moses Hodsdon & Mercy Young
[Janry.] 18th William Cutts & Betsy Caswell
Febry. 3 Nathanl Donnell & Tabitha Bragdon
[Febry.] 17th Norton Woodbridge & Betsy Moulton
Recd. Apl. 1789 & Recorded agreeable to the return of Joseph Simpson Esqr Town Clerk in YorkAttt J. Hd. Bartlet Clerk
Marriages Solemnized by the Revd Docr Benja Stevens of Kittery1788 Febry 19th Willm Tod Jr. & Elisabeth Parker Kittery
Apl 18th Richard Sayward & Sarah Dearing Do
Augt. 3d. Saml Brier & Margery Norton Do
Sepr 3d Thomas Brown & Eunice Fernald Do
1789 Janry 18th Noah Parker & Susanna Billings Do
Febry 19th Ebenezer Haley & Temperance Norton Do
Apl 6th James Mitchel & Margery Perkins Do
Recd May 1789 & recorded agreeable to the return from the Town Clerk of Kittery Capt. Andw P. FernaldAttt J. Hd. Bartlet Clerk
Marriages Solemnized by the Revd Mr Alpheus Spring [of what is now Eliot] 1788.April 21 Stephen Sewall of Bath & Abigail Bartlet of Kittery
June 15th John Heard Bartlet Esqr & Mrs. Elisabeth Atkinson [of] Kittery
June 15th James Floid of Portsmo & Elisa Remick of Kittery
Augt 6th George Spring & Anna Libby Kittery
Octr 5th Peter Staple Jr of Berwick & Nabby Hammond Kittery
[Octr 5th] Major Joseph Frost & Mary Shapleigh Kittery
Decr 23r Benja Gerrish Berwick & Miriam Fergerson Kittery
Janry 22ry Joseph Jordan Biddeford & Mary Leighton Kittery
[Janry] 26th Nathl Remick & Abigail Paul Kittery
[Janry] 30th Winthrop Scrigens/ & Hannah Mendum Kittery
Febry 8th Amos Pike of Berwick & Sally Stacy Kittery
& Return made that Danl Pierce Esqr has joined none in marriage and that Edward Cutts John Frost Richard Cutts & Joshua Hubbard Esquires and the Revd Joseph Litchfield have made no returns by May 28th 1789
[p. 171]Recd May 1789 & recorded agreeable to the return from Andw P Fernald Town Clerk of Kittery
Attt J. Hd Bartlet Clerk
None solemnized by J. Hd Bartlet Esqr.
Marriages Solemnized by Elder Tozer Lord since May 1788 in Shapleigh vizMr. Benja Bracket & Mrs Phebe Tibbets Decr 1788
Mr. Danl Bracket & Mrs Lydia Marrow Janry 1 1789
Mr. Isaac Corson & Mrs. Esther Nason March 9th 1789
Esqr William Rogers none & Elder Nehemiah Davis none
Attested by Josa Bracket Town ClerkRecd April 1789 & recorded agreeable to the Return
Attest J. Hd. Bartlet Clerk
Marriages solemnized by Revd Matthew Miriam after March 1788 & March 1789 viz1788 May 8th Thoms Butler Jr with Dorcas Ricker both of Berwick
July 10th Danl Downs Jr Tamsin Ricker Do
Augt 7th Jacob Remick with Abigail Bracket Do
[Augt] 17 James Goodwin 3d with Love Shearburn Do
[Augt] 21 Joshua Emery Jr with Hannah Goodwin Do
Septr 7th Benja Hodsdon Jr with Meribah Abbot Do
Octr 2d Willm Huntress with Betsy Warren Do
[Octr] 16th Moses Bracket with Sarah Heard Do
[Octr] 23d Benja Grant of Coxhall with Sarah Hambleton of Berwick
[Octr] 27th John Gowel with Elisa Libby both of Berwick
Nov 6th David Twomly of Rochester with Mary Hodsdon of Berwick
[Novr 6th] Ebenr Ricker with Mary Butler both of Berwick
[Novr] 13th Patrick Manning with Mary McIntire Do.
[Novr] 20th Joseph Nocks with Anna Downs Do
Decr 4th John Witherell of Rochester with Sarah Sanbourn of Berwick
[Decr] 7th David Downs with Lydia Lord Do
[Decr] 11th Stephen Shorey with Abigail Libby Do
[Decr 11th] Fortune Yeaton of Somerswrth & Jane Wise of Berwick
1789 Janry 6th Shipway Goodwin with Katharine Abbott Do
[Janry] 11th Nathan Murry with Olive Pike Do
[Janry] 15th Benja Hodsdon 3d with Kezia Goodwin Do
[Janry] 29th Gideon Dearing of Sanford with Mary Stanly of Berwick
Febry 13th Jona Hanson of Lebanon with Hannah Stanton of Berwick
[Febry] 26 Ephraim Butler with Lydia Libby both of Berwick
March 20th Gershom Hanson with Dorcas Lord Do
Attested by Nahum Marshall Town Clerk of BerwickRecd April 1789 & recorded agreeable to the return
Attest J. Hd. Bartlet Clerk
Marriages solemnized by the Revd Mr John Thompson [of what is now South Berwick].1788 Janry 8th John Goodwin with Elisa Hubbard both of Berwick
[Janry] 9 Thos Bragdon with Amy Lord Do
July 13th Edmund Haggins with Susanna Hamilton Do
[p. 172]Decr 5th Isaac Gerrish with Molly Butler Do
[Decr] 7th Fortune March with Violet Lord Do
1789 Janry 6th Willm Goodwin 3d with Olive Wadlin Do
Febry 9th Daniel Wilkinson with Phebe Spencer Do
[Febry] 26th Capt Nathl Nason with Miss Betsy Manning Do
1788 Honle Benja Chadbourn Esqr joined in marriage
Uriah Williams & Amy HallEbenr Sullivan Esqr none the year past
Attestt by Nahum MarshallRecd 1789 & recorded agreeable to the return
Clerk for the Town of Berwick
Attest J. Hd. Bartlett, Clerk
Marriages solemnized by Jeremiah Hill Esqr.May 28th 1789 James Adams Jr of Arundel & Elizabeth Tarbox of Biddeford
Octr 1789 James Raymond & Sarah Hill both of Coxhall
Attested to by Rishworth Jordan Jr Town Clerk of the Town of BiddefordAttt J. Hd. Bartlet Clerk
Marriages Solemnized in Shapleigh 1789Augt 20th Reuben Hussey & Lydia Row [by Elder Tozier Lord]
Apl 25th 1789 Edmund Marrow & Anne Coppe by Elder Tozier Lord
[Apl] 27th Grant Wentworth & Lydia Tibbetts [by Elder Tozier Lord]
Elder Nehemiah Davis has joined in marriage 1789
Janry 25th Bradbury Morison & Betty Emery
William Rogers Esqr none
Attestd by Joshua Bracket Tn ClerkBracket Do 8d
Attest J. Hd. Bartlett Clerk
Marriages Solemnized by the Revd Mr Matthew Miriam of Berwick1789 Apl 9th Ebenr Hodsdon wh Sarah Nock both of Berwick
May 5th James Horsum with Sally Grant Do
[May] 10th Nathl Barker of Francisboro wth Hannah Hodsdon Do
[May] 20th Saml Butler Junr wh Nancy Shorey both Do
[May] 14th Aaron Ricker wh Eliza Libby both Do
[May] 21st John Goodridge Jr with Betsy Wentworth Do
Augt 30th Peter Pray Jr with Polly Palmer Do
Septr 14th Benja Courson of Rochester with Betsey Smith Do
[Septr 14th] Chas G. Clark with Sarah Holmes Do
[Septr] 27th William Mather with Eliza Miriam Do
Octr 5th Winthrop Bm Norton with Dorothy Gowell Do
[Octr] 18 Timo Hubbard with Jane Pike Do
[Octr 18] Jona Stevens with Betsy Gray Do
Novr 20th Reuben Hamilton with Huldah Rendal Do
Decr 10th Saml Legrove [Legrow] of Lebanon wh Martha Appleby Do
1790 Janry 21 Ebenr Jones Jr of Lebanon & Molly Scates Do
Febry 18 Ephraim Ricker of Somersworth & Susanna Fall Do
[Febry] 25 John Fall wth Dorcas Wentworth Do
Attested by Nahum Marshall Tn Clerk[p. 173]Marriages Solemnized by Revd John Thompson of Berwick [South Berwick]1789 April 15th John Warren wh Mary Thompson Do
July 3d Reuben Abbot with Mercy Marrs Do
[July] 16 Moses Goodwin with Eunice Warren Do
Septd 1 James Wilson [of] Portsmo wh Sally Furnass of Berwick
[Septd] 3d James Frost with Mary Hill Do
Octd. 15th Moses Ricker with Sarah Hodsdon Do
Novd 12th Danl Emery Jr of Kittery wh Abigl Lord Do
Decr 6th Ichabod Marrs with Molly Nason Do
[Dec] 29 John Drew Jr of Somersworth Lydia Butler Do
1790 Febry 23d Joseph Hearl with Mary Abbot Do
Attestd by Nahum Marshall Tn Clerk
Attest J. Hd Bartlet Clerk
Marriages solemnized by the Revd. Docr Benjamin Stevens of Kittery1771 Novr 28 Benja Rendal of Newcastle & Joanna Bram of Kittery
1772 Febry 27 Reuben Brown of North Yarmouth & Lucy Mitchell [of] Kittery
Augt 21 William Stiles & Sarah Lance of Kittery
Octr 25 Elihu Gunnison Jr & Tabitha Mitchell of Kittery
Novr 23d Roger Mitchel & Abigail Gerrish Kittery
Decr 2d Benjamin Parker Esqr & Sarah Newmarch Kittery
1773 July 11 Boston Negro servt to Capt Underwood & Silpha servt to Lady Peppl [Pepperell]
Decr 7 Thos Mugridge & Rebecca Billings Kittery
[Decr] 7 Danl Davis & Sarah Welch of Kittery
1774 Febry 20th Richd Phoenix & Mary Leach Kittery
March 22d Nelson Pichnail & Anne Place Kittery
1775 Augt 31 Andrew Pepperrl & Mary Ann Turner of Portsmo by license from Governor
1776 Janry 1 Willm Mitchel Jr & Susanna Foy of Kittery
April 3d Nathl Gordon & Eliza Hutchins Do
[April] 28 Tobias Fernald & Eliza Mitchell Do
June 13 William Weeks & Alice Pray Do
July 1 Capt Jno Frazier & Mary Stevens of Portsmo by license
Octr 1 John Sevey & Jane Fernald Kittery
1777 Janry 27 John Cane & Joanna Dam Do
April 8 Moses Stevens & Katherine Leach
Novr 30 John Weeks Jr & Isabella Dealing of Kittery
1778 May 21 William Baston & Hannah Amazeen of Newcastle there being no Minister there
June 21 Wentworth Ricker & Eliza Furnald Kittery
[June] 22d Jotham Staple & Mary Stevens Do
July 2d Mark Kearswell & Mary Titcomb Do
Augt 26th John Dennet & Sarah Pray Do
1779 Mar 21 Saml Norton & Margery Norton Do
May 23d James Chambers & Anne Stacker Do
July 8th Edward Damasen & Betty Welch Do
Augt 10th David Welch Jr & Sarah Berry Do
Octt 28th John Matthews & Mary Shannon New Castle
[p. 174]Novr 30th William Thornton & Esther Leach Kittery
1780 March 12th Nathl Parsons [of] York & Sally Underwood Do
May 4th Willm Holbrook & Eliza Underwood Do
Septr 20th Edmund Hammons & Hannah Mugridge Do
Octr 21 Caleb Spinny & Margery Mendum Do
[Octr] 31 Thos Trafton [of] York & Mary Moore Do
Novr 12 John Haley & Martha Hutchins Do
[Novr] 16 William Dame [of] Portsmo & Eliza Underwood Do
1781 Janry 10 Willm Amazeen & Abigail Underwood New Castle
[Janry] 11 Josiah Gunnison & Mary Tucker Kittery
[Janry] 20 Thomas Horn & Mary Trefethern Do
[Janry] 25 Joseph Billings & Sarah Cocks Do
Febry 18th James Mullen & Abigail Jordan Newcastle
July 2d Joseph Foster & Hannah Gowell Kittery
Octr 18 William Mendum & Anna Welch Do
Decr 13 John Leavit [of] Stratham & Betty Bellamy Do
1781 Decr 20th George Phipps & Miriam Fernald Kittery
1782 Janry 3d Joseph Billings Junr & Mary Fernald Do
[Janry] 7 Mark Stanly & Mary Brown Do
[Janry] 25 Nichols Henderson & Mary Davis Do
Febry 7 William Lewis & Sarah Johnson Do
March 14 John Spinny & Abigail Dam Do
[March] 24th Revd Joseph Buckminster [of] Portsmo & Sarah Stevens Do
April 25th Ezekiel Roberts & Margaret Cressey New Castle
June 17 Saml Fletcher & Hannah Burr Kittery
July 17 John Stevens Jr & Jane Seavy Do
[July] 22 Clement Cocks & Nancy Shute Do
Octr 3 John Mugridge & Temperance Beal Do
1783 Decr 19 Edward Page & Miriam Burbanks Do
Janry 23d Nathl Amezeen & Sarah Jones New Castle
March 9 James Brown & Sarah Fernald Kittery
July 13 Richard Talton & Abigail Amazeen New Castle
Augt 26th Saml Odiorne & Temperance Underwood Kittery
Decr 7 Moses Brier & Mary Norton Do
1784 March 22d Hatevil Dam & Jerusha Witham Do
Augt 19 Saml Norton Jr & Eunice Gunnison Do
Novr 7 Gilbert Fernald of Portsmo & Phebe Pray Do
1785 Janry 25th Wm. Parker of Lynn & Mary Chandler Do
Febry 7 Benjamin Grace & Eunice Troy Do
May 1 James Hooper & Eunice Brown Do
June 11 Thomas Brown Jr & Hannah Perry Do
Septr 8 William Staples [&] Eady Stevens Do
Decr 11 Capt Saml Smallcorn & Jane Moore Do
[Decr] 26 John Shackford [of] Portsmo & Amelia Moore Do
1786 March 6th John Norton & Hannah Hutchins Kittery
Apl 13 John More & Sarah Chauncy Do
Augt 7 Henry Herbert & Katharine Stevens Do
[Augt] 20 Benjamin Dam & Eliza Mitchel Do
Septr 7 William Phoenix & Mercy Mitchel Do
Novr 29th Daniel Bartlet & Sarah Cutts Do
1787 Janry 18 Elihu Fernald & Hannah Chandler Do
[p. 175]Febry 13 Joseph Weeks Fernald & Katharine Chandler Do
July 3d Charles Belamy & Margaret Haley Do
[July] 15 Joseph Mitchel & Elizabeth Gerrish Do
Septr 13 Thos Dennet Fernald & Pamelia Jones Do
Octr 11 Thomas Appleby & Margery Gerrish Do
Novr 1 Joshua Moore & Nabby Beal now of Do
1788 Febry Willm Todd Jr & Eliza Parker Do
April 18 Richard Sayward & Sarah Dearing Do
Augt 3d Saml Brier & Margery Norton Do
Septr 3d Thomas Brown & Eunice Fernald Do
Janry 18. 1789 Noah Parker & Susanna Billings Do
Febry 19 Ebenr Haley & Temperance Norton Do
April 6th James Mitchel & Margery Perkins Do
[April] 17 Robert Darling & Dionisia Barns Do
[April] 28 John Todd and Sarah Webber Do
Augt 20 Saml Moore Jr [of] York & Margery Parker Do
Novr 15 John Stone [of] Limric & Betty Winkly Do
Decr 20th Jeremiah Clark [of] York & Eliza Hirst Chauncy Do
[Decr 20th] John Carter & Polly Mitchel
1790 March 24th SamlLamphear & Polly Allen Do
Attested by Andw Pepl Fernald Town ClerkAttest J. Hd. Bartlet Clerk
Marriages Solemnized by John HdBartlet Esqr1791 Sepr 14th Stephen Dow of Weare in the State of New Hampshire & Peace Neall of Kittery
Marriages solemnized by Elder Tozier Lord of Shapleigh viztApl 5 1791 Joseph Door & Sally Hussey of Shapleigh
Apl 1792 John Horsum & Alice Libby
Married by Nehemiah DavisJuly 4. 1791 John Stanly & Eliza Ross of Shapleigh
Septr 18 John Ham & Eliza Wilson of Shapleigh
Octr 16 James Patch & Hannah Goodwin of Do
Novr 17 Moses Pike of Waterboro & Polly Thyng of Shapleigh
[Novr] 20 Ichabod Horn & Anne York both of Shapleigh
Willm Rogers Esqr has not married any the year past
dated May 20, 1792 certified by Joshua Brackett Tn Clerk
Married by Revd Silas Moody Dr. 1/2 Arundell [Kennebunkport]July 8th 1792 Bracy Curtis & Hannah Walker
Augt 7 Willm Smith & Rachel Patten
[Augt] 16 Benja Stone & Betty Perkins & John Chatman & Lydia Miller
[Augt] 30 Ebenr Emmons & Mary Wildes
Octr 18 Waldo Hill [of] Biddeford & Kezia Durrell
[Octr] 25 Joseph Kingsbury & Hannah Miller
Novr 15 Moses Hutchins & Lydia Robenson
1793 Febry 12 Josiah Pain & Phebe Stone
March 28 Ephraim Abbot & Elizabeth Town
April 27th Eastman Hutchins of Sanford & Eliza Hutchins
1793 Apl 28 James Jefferds & Eleanor McCormack
[p. 176][May] 14, 1793 Thos Junkins of Pepplboro & Priscilla Dorman
Arundl May 20th 1793 certified Wm. Smith Town Clerk
Married by the Revd John Thompson (Pastor first Church in Berwick)1791 March 27 Jona Hubbard to Frances Parsons
Apl 11 Alexr McIntire to Sally Cotton
[Apl] 23d Ebenr Shorey & Patience Abbot
Augt 11 Joseph Lord Jr & Olive Hodsdon
Decr 4 Danl Cooper & Susanna Parsons
[Decr] 18 Henry Mellen Esqr & Eliza Hovey
1792 Febry 13 Jona Lord & Hannah Lord
[Febr] 26 Peter Clark & Betsey Hamilton
March 15 Joshua Horsum & Lydia Grant
[March] 26 Daniel Shackley & Peggy Lord
Apl 27 Jacob Goodwin & Eliza Cooper
[Apl] 23d Simeon Brock & Judith Roberts
Married by John Hill Esqr1791 Septr 26 James Thurrell & Hannah Hamilton
Novr 27 William Spencer & Sarah Patch
1792 March 7 George alius [?] Black & Charlotte Frost
Married by Dominicus Goodwin Esqr1792 March 15 Thomas Butler & Olive Abbott
Married by Revd Matthew Meriam Pastor 2d Church in BerwickA.D. 1791 Apl 3d Joseph Ricker & Dolly Varney of Berwick
June 9th James Hamilton & Mehitabel Brackett of Do
[June] 13 James Gray & Hannah Murrey Do
[June] 27 James Hanson & Eliza Chick Do
1791 July 31 Andrew Shepherd of Kittery & Eunice Goodwin of Berwick
Augt 18 Simeon Lord & Polly Frost Berwick
Septr 5 Simeon Andrews & Sarah Chick do
[Septr] 8 Benj Wentworth & Mercy Lord do
Octr 2d Willm Dearing of Sanford & Mary Welch do
[Octr 2] Saml Kendrick of Pepplboro & Ruth Warren do
[Octr 2] James Murry & Nabby Butler do
[Octr] 6 Joshua Staple with Eliza Staple do
[Octr] 23d Ebenr Walker & Lydia Knight do
Novr 10 William Keay & Betsy Wentworth do
Decr 22d Stephen Wentworth & Sally Nutter do
[Decr] 29th Isaac Merry of Somersworth & Hannah Smith of do
1792 Janry 5 Nathl Willey of Shapleigh & Sarah Worster of do
[Janry 5] Reuben Hayes & Eliza Ricker do
Febry 9th Jona Ricker & Hannah Spencer do
[Febry] 22d Aaron Abbott & Hannah Rollins do
[Febry] 27 Willm Staple & Sarah Hill do
March 1 William Lord Junr & Experience Wentworth do
[March] 6 John Brewster with Olive Prime do
[March] 8 William Smith & Polly Tucker do
[March 8] Reuben Rendal of Somersworth with Dorcas Holmes of Berwick
[p. 177][March] 29th Thomas Dennet of Kittery & Polly Pray of Berwick
Apl 27. Thomas Ranking & Sally Jellison do
Married by Benja Chadbourn Esqr.Janry 22d 1792 Saml. Gilman & Deborah Stevens
Married by Elder Nehemiah DavisDecr 6 1792 Timothy Emery & Polly Willson of Shapleigh
Janry 6 1793 Simeon Brackett & Hannah Goodwin of do
[Janry] 27th Caleb Nason & Polley day [?] do
March 31. Joseph Door & Hannah Brackett do
Married by Willm Rogers EsqrApl 30, 1793 William Jones Jr. Sarah Hanson [of] Lebanon
Married by Andw Burley EsqrNovr 29 1792 William Thompson of Shaplh & Mary Davis Sanford
May 15 1793 certifd by Josa Brackett Tn Clerk of Shapleigh
Marrages of the Friends Solemnized in Berwick [now North Berwick]Samuel Nichols and Dorcas Buffum of Berwick married 30th day of the 12th month 1790 Cornelius Douglass and Lydia Buffum of do 23th of 6 month 1790
Amos Hill and Mary Varney of do 30th of 12 month 1790
James Roberson and Sarah Green of do 29th of ye 9th month 1791
Christopher Cole and Hannah Hussey of do 3d of 11th month 1791
John Austin and Sarah Jenkins of do ye 31st of 1st month 1793
Joshua Jenkins and Miriam Hussey of do ye 28th of 2d month 1793
James Hussey and Temperance Buffum of Berwick 28th of 2d month 1793.
Jonathan Dow and Alexa Wintworth of do 22d of 1th month 1793
Ebenezar Hussey Junr and Marcy Austin of do 31th of 10th month 1793
Moses Huntington and Hannah Page of do 28th of llth month 1793
Daniel Plummer and Anna Morrel of do 26th of 12th month 1793
Ezekiel Varney and Marcy Varney of do 2d of 1th month 1793
Attest Paul Rogers Clerk
Marrages Solemnized by Richard Cutts EsqrAugust 12th 1793 William Pepperell Frost of Portland and Mary Cutts of Kittery
Benjamin Chadbourn Esqr certifies that he has not joined any in Marriage since Apl 1793—certified April 30, 1794John Hill Esqr certifies that he has joined in Marriage Elisha Bennet & Polly Warren both of Berwick Octr 14 1793 & no other
Marriages solemnized by Revd Matthew Miriam since Aprl 1793Elder Nehemiah Davis & Miss Phebe Door both of Shapleigh July 15, 1793.
Danl Wood Esqr Join[e]d in marriage Jethro Heard Jr & Miss Olive James both of Shapleigh Janry 6 1794
Elder Nehemiah Davis Joined in MarriageEdmund Coffin & Nancy Heard both of Shapleigh May 19th 1793
Richard Chick of Shapleigh & Sarah Mace of Berwick May 30th 1793
Saml Hooper & Polly Coffin both of Shapleigh Septr 16, 1793
Timo Pike of Waterboro & Sally Thing of Shapleigh March 20 1794
May 15 1794 certified by Joshua Bracket Town Clerk
Revd Mr Matthew Miriam Joind in Marriage the following persons viztJohn McCrelles Jr of Lebanon with Lydia Shorey of Berwick Apl 23 1793
[Apl] 29 Ichabod Libbey with Molly Keay of Berwick
[p. 178]May 23d Benja Frost with Abigail Lord of Berwick
June 16 Mark Prime with Sally Tibbetts of Do
July 4th Isaac Morrill with Hannah Stanley of Do
[July] 18th Job Wood with Jane Lord of Do
[July] 25th Aaron Chick Jr with Susanna Fogg of Do
[July] 29th Alexander Prime with Apphia Hamilton of Do
Augt 1 Danl McCrellis with Polly Ricker of Do
[Augt] 15 Ichabod Goodridge with Dorcas Gubtail of Do
[Augt] 15 Gershom Horn of Somersworth with Lydia Roberts of Berwick
Septr 5th Jedidiah Goodridge Jr with Sarah Gubtail of Berwick
[Septr] 12 James Kimbal of Rochester & Mary Gubtail of Berwick
Octr 3d Jacob Goodwin with Joanna Stanton of Berwick
[Octr 3d] Ithiel Scates of Rochester with Ruth Clark of Berwick
Novr 17th Charles Pray of Berwick with Sally Garvin of Somersworth
1794 Apl 10 Jonathan Nute of Dover with Abigail McCarrel of Berwick
[Apl 10] Moses Pray Jr of Lebanon with Rachel McCarrel of Berwick
[Apl] 13 John Grant with Elizabeth Clark both of Berwick
Attested by Revd Matthew Miriam Pastor of the Second Parish in the Berwick & certified by Ichabod Butler Town Clerk
Marriages Solemnized by Joshua Small Esqr in Limington &cShadrach W Rendal of Limerick & Polly Berry of Limington Octr 31, 1793
Elijah Gould of Limerick & Mary Bowe of Limington Novr 28 1793
Jacob Small Jr & Mary Black both of Limington Janry 2d 1794
certified by Abner Libby Town Clerk.