Source: Joseph Williamson, History of the city of Belfast in the state of Maine. (Portland Me.: Loring, Short, and Harmon, 1877-1913), Vol. 2.
[p. 406][NECROLOGY]1881.
Jan. 2. Dorcas Hatch, 46, wife of Oliver Chase.
[Jan.] 3. John Kingsbury, 71, of Portland.
[Jan.] 4. Diantha Gurney, 64, wife of Charles Philbrick.
[Jan.] 7. Washington Patterson, 71.
[Jan.] 9. Jennie M. 30, wife of John B. Walton.
[Jan.] 11. John Sanborn, infant.
[Jan.] 11. In South Boston, Hattie H., wife of Joseph H. Clough, and daughter of the late George Ulmer Russ, of Belfast.
[Jan.] 12. In Rockland, Mrs. Hannah P. Richards, 74, formerly of Belfast.
[Jan.] 14. Katie L., 3, daughter of Martin C. Dilworth.
[Jan.] 15. Harriet, 78, widow of the late Robert Childs.
[Jan.] 18. John Stevens, 90.
[Jan.] 19. Oscar Shepherd, 70, formerly of Jefferson.
[Jan.] 20. In Newport, R. I., John E. Blake, 47, formerly of Belfast.
[Jan.] 23. Rebecca, 71, wife of Thomas Whitcomb.
[Jan.] 24. Edgar F. Weed, 21.
[Jan.] 26. In Rockland, Charles W. Shaw, 35, formerly of Belfast.
[Jan.] 28. Walter Forbes, 1.
[Jan.] 31. Eugene E. Aldus, 11.
Feb. 3. Infant child of Eslie Augustus Bowen.
[Feb.] 6. Richard McKenzie, 33.
[Feb.] 8. Nellie, 7, daughter of the late Charles D. Field.
[Feb.] 10. Maggie, 6, daughter of Martin C. Dilworth.
[Feb.] 11. In Worcester, Mass., Mrs. Jennie E. Ramsey, 45, formerly of Belfast.
[Feb.] 15. Miss Hannah Gillum, 78.
[Feb.] 15. Mrs. Sybil Parker, 80.
[Feb.] 19. William H. Dutton, 63, a native of Augusta.
[Feb.] 22. Oliver R. Crockett, 86.
[Feb.] 23. Josiah H. Banks, 35, son of Benjamin Banks.
[Feb.] 26. Hannah Perkins, 47, wife of John C. Condon.
[Feb.] 27. Thomas Haugh, 70, a native of Ireland.
[Feb.] 28. Lottie D., 15, daughter of the late Capt. Mark Welch.
[Feb.] 28. Caddie P., 14, daughter of Wilson P. Dyer.
[Feb.] 28. Cora, 34, wife of George E. Wing.
Mar. 4. In Naperville, Ill., Jeremiah Musselman, 32.
[Mar.] 4. In Hingham, Mass., Ralph N., 8, son of Capt. Nichols Pratt.
[Mar.] 4. Sarah J., 47, wife of James M. Clark.
[Mar.] 10. Miss Lennie Dyer, 29.
[Mar.] 12. Dorcas West, 70, wife of Joshua Towle.[p. 407]1881.
Mar. 13. Capt. Daniel W. Carter, 69, a native of Northport.
[Mar.] 13. In Caldelaria, Nev., James M. Craig, 57, formerly of Belfast.
[Mar.] 19. In Portland, Mrs. Fidelia Hinds, 43, wife of Ferdinand Dodge.
[Mar.] 21. In Dubuque, Ill., Ephraim Swett, a native of Standish, and a resident of Belfast from 1829 to 1864.
[Mar.] 21. Hon. William George Crosby, LL.D., 75. (See chapter xxi on Lawyers.)
[Mar.] 26. In Portland, Joseph Dummer, 42, son of the Hon. Hugh Johnston Anderson.
[Mar.] 30. Ernest P. Ryder, 2.
[Mar.] 31. Jeremy Dodge, 75.
[Mar.] 31. Noah Morrill Mathews, 57. He was a son of Morrill Mathews of Searsmont. He came to Belfast in 1844, and until his death was engaged in large and prosperous business matters. He was compassionate, kind, and benevolent.
[Mar.] __. In Unity, Abbie Thomas, widow of the late Rufus B. Carter, formerly a resident of Belfast.
Apr. 1. In Washington, D. C., Mary Eliza Monroe, 42, wife of John G. Cook, formerly of Belfast.
[Apr.] 1. In Houlton, Charles W. Dyer, about 50, formerly of Belfast.
[Apr.] 5. Mrs. Eliza Brier.
[Apr.] 8. Mrs. Eliza, 74, wife of David Gilmore.
[Apr.] 10. Lewis S. Nash, 2.
[Apr.] 12. In Meriden, Conn., John Warren Wight, 46, a native of Belfast.
[Apr.] 13. Abigail, 70, wife of Alfred Staples.
[Apr.] 19. Loron P., 3, son of George J. Grotton.
[Apr.] 27. Henry Everett Carter, 70, master ship-builder and native of Montville.
May 5. Mrs. Grace Pendleton, 81.
[May] __. Perkins (old age).
[May] 14. Mrs. Priscilla, 77, wife of Addison Brackett.
[May] 16. In Boston, Fred W., about 28, son of Capt. Isaac Clark.
[May] __. In Columbia, Cal., W. H. Ryan, formerly of Belfast.
[May] 19. Joseph Elms, 66.
[May] 21. Miss Nellie E. Jones, 23, of Boston, daughter of Israel Jones of Manapas, Va.
[May] 22. In Dover, N. H., Rev. Herbert Blodgett, 30, son of Samuel Augustus Blodgett. He early conceived a liking for the Catholic Church, vigorously studied for seven years in a Catholic college, and was ordained a priest in 1877. He was a true Christian gentleman, beloved by every sect in the communities where he labored.
[May] 27. I. W. Smalley, 57.
[May] 30. On Clark's Island, Elizabeth, 73, widow of the late William M. Johnson, formerly of Belfast.[p. 408]1881.
May 31. In Portland, Hon. Hugh Johnston Anderson, 80. A biographical sketch nd portrait of Governor Anderson may be found in the first volume of this History. His Washington residence continued until the spring of 1880, when he removed to Portland, relinquished the turmoil of political life for the companionship of his books and the congenial enjoyment of his family.
Governor Anderson was endowed with a superior intellect, which he strengthened by study and observation. He was a constant reader of English and French literature. His tastes inclined to history, and his knowledge of that subject was accurate and comprehensive. To his cultivated mind was added a refinement of manners and a cheerful disposition, which made him a most fascinating companion. These characteristics were adverted to soon after his death, in a Boston newspaper, as follows:—
"The writer remembers, many years ago, before the building of the Maine Central Railroad, travelling by stage with the late Mr. Anderson. He had just before been elected Governor for the third term. The journey was from his residence in Belfast to Augusta. It was winter. The snows of successive storms had filled the roads with vast drifts, through which the coach floundered, laden with a motley freight of passengers, who were forced from time to time to turn out and lend a hand to extricate the coach and horses from the treacherous gulfs into which they had sunk. The cold was intense, the journey most tedious, lasting from four in the morning of a January day till the same hour of the afternoon; but all the way the Governor was the charming companion which they who knew him well always found him to be, abounding in reminiscences drawn from a keen observation of character, coming rapidly to our rescue, in our weariness, with some well-told story of past or current events, given with such exceeding good nature, such good taste, and so much of a native grace withal,—and even a little stiffness and formality of speech,—that probably none of that tired company ever forgot the narrator, or ceased to recall him with feelings of grateful pleasure."
At that time he was in the prime of his life. He had been in Congress during two terms, had been Governor of his native State, and afterwards he performed many public duties of usefulness and importance; but wherever he went and whatever he did he carried with him the same completeness, conscientiousness, exactness, and urbanity which were fore-shadowed by his genial and high-toned address.
Mrs. Anderson, whose maiden name was Martha J. Dummer, and to whom he was married in 182, survived her hus-[p. 409]band only a few months. Two of their children, Thomas Davee and Joseph Dummer, died in Portland. The others, Gen. John F., Miss Hannah A., William, Henry, and Horace, are settled there. (Miss Hannah A., the last survivor of these, died in 1912.)
June 8. James B., 23, son of James E. Partridge.
[June] 10. Miss Georgie Keller, 23.
[June] 10. Miss Hattie Stephenson, 25.
[June] 12. Fred W. E., 4, son of Willis E. Wight.
[June] 13. In Cambridgeport, Mass., Leonora Marriner, 34, wife of William Ezra Bickford, formerly of Belfast.
[June] 13. Peter Winslow, 97. Born in Portland, Sept. 30, 1783. About 1812 he came to Belfast, and was always an active and honored citizen. He was a master house carpenter, and erected many of the earlier buildings in Belfast. He took an active interest in the Methodist denomination, and joined others in erecting the old chapel on Miller Street, in 1824.
[June] 16. In Santiago, Chili [sic], Miss Edith Collier, 25, missionary.
July 3. In Richmond, Daniel Sweeney, 29, of Belfast. He was killed in a railroad accident.
[July] 4. In Vinalhaven, Albion P. Coin, 40, recently of Belfast.
[July] 12. Emma M., 56, widow of the late Capt. Edward Williams, and daughter of the late Capt. William Barns.
[July] 15. In Knox, Charles Eliot, 73.
[July] 22. Ibrook Eddy Collins, 75.
[July] 26. In San Francisco, Mary C., 37, wife of Alfred H. Grant, and daughter of Henry Noyes, formerly of Belfast.
Aug. 3. Zoraida, 38, wife of Edmund Stevens.
[Aug.] 11. Lydia, 62, wife of Calvin Pitcher.
[Aug.] 18. Moses Wason Ferguson, 78. Born in Belfast, 7 January, 1803, he always resided within one mile of the spot of his birth. He was the son of Jonathan and Jean (Wason) Ferguson; his mother died in 1875, aged 99, being at that time the oldest person in Belfast. He married Lydia Brooks, of Princeton, Mass., in 1828. Mr. Ferguson was for twenty years in trade. He left an honorable record.
[Aug.] 22. Abigail Dorr, 81.
[Aug.] 24. Catherine Hopkins, 32.
[Aug.] 24. In Chelsea, Mass., Mrs. Elizabeth Noyes, 88, formerly of Belfast.
[Aug.] 26. In Portland, Martha Dummer, 74, widow of the late ex-Governor Hugh Johnston Anderson, and daughter of Joseph Dummer, of Haverhill.
[Aug.] 29. Miss Joanna, 62, daughter of late Capt. Nathan Swan.
Sept. 2. Maria Cottrell, 75.
[Sept.] 2. Alexander M. Graisbury, 24.[p. 410]1881.
Sept. 8. John A. Danforth, 23.
[Sept.] 10. Louise C., 10 months, daughter of Ami Cutter Sibley.
[Sept.] 15. Mrs. Ella F. Nash, 25.
[Sept.] 18. Edwin J. Ryan, 6.
[Sept.] 18. Flanders [sic].
[Sept.] 26. Isabella, 68, widow of the late Cornelius Cunningham.
[Sept.] 27. Willis W. Patterson, 21.
[Sept.] 27. William Osgood Poor, 1 72, a native of Andover, and son of the late William Poor. In 1829, he began business in Belfast as a druggist, which he continued until his death. He filled many places of trust, and although of tenacious opinions he is remembered as a charitable, enthusiastic, and public-spirited citizen. For thirty years he was prominent in the Masonic fraternity.
[Sept.] 30. Russell G., 34, son of the late Stephen S. Lewis.
[Sept.] 30. Andrew Bates, 86, a native of Ireland.
Oct. 2. Edwin T. Brier, 40.
[Oct.] 2. Alberta S. Bean, 4.
[Oct.] __. In Augusta, Doty Richards, 65, formerly a well-known stage-driver in Belfast.
[Oct.] 6. Frank E. Trundy, 24.
[Oct.] 13. Lucy, 71, widow of the late Capt. John Dyer, and daughter of the late Samuel Peck.
[Oct.] 15. Edwin F., 1, son of A. J. Condon.
[Oct.] 15. In Boston, Lydia P., 40, wife of Charles C. Gregg, formerly of Belfast.
[Oct.] 18. Jane C., 61, wife of Augustus Perry.
[Oct.] 21. Mercy Cochran, 76.
[Oct.] 27. Jessie E., 6, daughter of Edgar M. Cunningham.
Nov. 6. Drowned in San Francisco Bay, George W. Green, about 46, son of the late Capt. David Green of Belfast, and nephew of the late Nathaniel Wilson. He was sheriff of San Mateo County, Cal., and a man much respected.
[Nov.] 3. Mrs. Lydia Walton, 69.
[Nov.] 4. In Wilton, Conn., John C. Myers, theatrical manager, and for several years a resident of Belfast.
[Nov.] 7. Mrs. Mary McCarty, 75.1We were in error last week in stating that Mr. Beaman is the only survivor of the active business men of Belfast fifty years ago. H. H. Johnson began in the dry-goods trade in 1828, near the present location of his son and successor. William O. Poor in the same year, having been given his time by his father, commenced the apothecary business in the ell of the old Huse Tavern, now Howes & Co.'s store. The ell covered the present location of the Woodcock and Chase stores. Mr. Poor informs us that H. H. Hay, of whom he bought his first stock, is still in the wholesale drug business in Portland. Such stability in business and business relations is not often found.—Republican Journal, April 3, 1879.[p. 411]1881.
Nov. 8. Infant son of Alfred Allen Small.
[Nov.] 9. In Searsmont, Mrs. Olivia B. Littlefield, 75, formerly of Belfast.
[Nov.] 19. Lost at sea, William L. Pillsbury, about 45, son of Mrs. Catherine Pillsbury, of Belfast.
[Nov.] 20. Helen P., 38, wife of Capt. N. B. Foss.
[Nov.] 21. Julia A. Fletcher, 38.
Dec. 1. In Berwick, Rev. Thomas P. Tupper, Methodist pastor in Belfast, in 1862-63.
[Dec.] 7. Charles F. Hall, 38.
[Dec.] 11. Allura Mayhew, 82, widow of the late Capt. William R. Roix.
[Dec.] 15. George W. Buckmore, 74, native of Northport.
[Dec.] 19. Horace Knowlton, 1.
[Dec.] 25. Josiah Sanborn, 73, a native of Waldo.
[Dec.] 25. Adelphus Warren.
[Dec.] 27. Emma L. Marshall, 14.
[Dec.] 29. Laura E., 50, wife of Moses Thurston.
[Dec.] 30. Captain Charles Thomas Gilmore, 49. He was lost at sea.
Jan. 3. Gertrude M. Woodcock, 11, daughter of Marlboro Packard Woodcock.
[Jan.] 4. Mrs. Betsey Bicknell, 88, formerly of Belmont.
[Jan.] 10. Mary H. Cunningham, 23.
[Jan.] 16. Alice P. Stevens, infant.
[Jan.] 19. Lovina, 63, wife of Doane Patterson.
[Jan.] 19. James Scanlan, 68, a native of Ireland, and a soldier in the Civil War.
[Jan.] 24. Charles M. Littlefield, 44.
[Jan.] 24. In Boston, Mrs. Ann M., 70, widow of the late Gov. William George Crosby. She was a daughter of Capt. Robert Patterson, fourth son of one of the original settlers of Belfast, and a lady of rare accomplishments and great loveliness of character.
[Jan.] 27. Samuel B. Gillam, 57, a native of Allentown, N. J. He settled in Belfast in 1850.
[Jan.] 30. Miss Mary E. Nutt, 28, of Palermo.
[Jan.] 31. Mrs. Benjamin French, 70.
Feb. 6. Sarah J., 49, widow of the late Wellington Reed.
[Feb.] 6. James Dwinal, 53, of Portland.
[Feb.] 7. Mrs. Martha B. Staples, 66.
[Feb.] 7. Capt. Adelphus Bickford Mathews, 46, a native of Searsmont. He was a brave soldier in the War of the Rebellion, and had held various public offices.
[Feb.] 11. In Lowell, Mass., Miss Nellie, daughter of Sewall Patterson of Belfast.
[Feb.] 12. In Rockland, Jonathan White, 77, son of the late Jonathan White, of Belfast. He was wealthy and highly respected.[p. 412]1882.
Feb. 12. In South Framingham, Mass., Nathan Patterson, 35, late of Belfast.
[Feb.] 14. Susan McFarland, 42.
[Feb.] 15. In Rockland, John Porter, 75, one of the oldest printers in Maine, and at one time resident in Belfast.
[Feb.] 27. Drew Ellis Burgess, infant.
Mar. 13. Kate J., 38, wife of George Ulmer White.
[Mar.] 14. Moses Thurston, 48.
[Mar.] __. In Nehalem, Oregon, Charles A., son of John S. Patterson, of Belfast.
[Mar.] 23. Nellie M. Melcher, 21.
[Mar.] 26. Rebecca, 80, widow of the late Samuel Haynes, and daughter of the late Nathan B. Foster. She was born in Lexington, Mass., 14 Aug., 1801, and came to Belfast the next year.
[Mar.] 27. William O. Hall, 25.
[Mar.] 30. Sallie Dodge, 78.
[Mar.] 30. Samuel H. Walker, 58, a ship-carpenter. He was a native of Belmont.
[Mar.] 31. Lucy Z. Robinson, 33.
Apr. 15. Hiram Orlando Alden, 82. (See chap. xxi, and Portrait.)
[Apr.] 16. Sallie B. Reed, 79.
[Apr.] 17. Ada May Wellman, infant.
[Apr.] 17. Charles A. Emery, 18.
[Apr.] 19. In Augusta, John Dorr, 84, a printer and bookseller in Belfast from 1830 to 1839. He published the "Workingman's Advocate," and "Waldo Patriot."
[Apr.] 22. Mattie E. Linnekin, 4.
[Apr.] 26. Susan G., 77, widow of the late Capt. Josiah Simpson, and oldest daughter of the late Paul Giles. She was the mother of William Henry Simpson.
[Apr.] 28. Jesse Townsend, 75.
[Apr.] 30. Oren Cunningham, 69.
May 5. In Canton, Mass., Jacob Marriner, 80, formerly of Belfast.
[May] 7. Jesse O. Hadley, 3.
[May] 9. In Penobscot, S. Herrick Staples, about 35, formerly of Belfast.
[May] 9. In Bangor, McKenzie Pease, 96, formerly of Belfast.
[May] 10. Georgie A. McCarty, 36.
[May] 17. William M., 42, youngest son of the late Frye Hall. He was a natural artist, and won distinction as a fresco painter.
[May] 22. John G., 12, son of the late Judge Jonathan Garland Dickerson.
[May] __. In Castine, David W. Webster, 92, once a resident of Belfast.
June 4. Mary F. Kilgore, infant.
[June] 11. Georgie McFarland, 16.
[June] 11. Peter, 11, son of Thomas Leary. (See Accidents.)
[June] 16. Martin Casey, 22.[p. 413]1882.
June 17. Charles Levenseller, 55.
[June] 18. Flora A. Burgess, 25.
[June] 25. Elmira M., 42, wife of John W. Nash.
[June] 28. Andrew J. Dunton, 21.
[June] 28. In Winterport, Rev. George Pratt, a native of Industry, and a resident of Belfast from 1874 to 1876. He was repeatedly a presiding elder of the Methodist Church.
July 1. In Defiance, O., Francis H. Sleeper, 62, son of the late Manasseh Sleeper.
[June] 2. Charles A. Welch, 25.
[June] 2. Edward Kimball, infant.
[June] 5. Elizabeth L., 65, wife of Capt. John Moore.
[June] 5. In East Saginaw, Mich., Deacon J. S. Webber, 82, a native of Belfast.
[June] 6. Ralph Hopkins, 1.
[June] 9. Lemine Colley, 59.
[June] 9. Harry Shaw, 4.
[June] 10. Jane Shaw, 27.
[June] [__]. In Chelsea, Mass., Capt. John P. Morse. He lived in Belfast from boyhood, and commanded a number of vessels, the last one being the ship Wildcat. Jan. 7, 1857, he was in command of the new ship Hualco, which was built here, and was lost on a ledge near Saddleback, four hours after leaving port on her first voyage.
[June] 21. In Baltimore, Md., John Wesley Wright, 67.
[June] 30. Near Pass Christian, Miss., Edward Crosby, 68, son of the late Judge William Crosby.
[June] 30. Nancy J. Bruce, 50.
Aug. 2. In Cambridge, Mass., Martha P., wife of William W. West, formerly of Belfast.
[Aug.] 3. In Deering, Miss Fannie McDonald, 77, of Belfast.
[Aug.] 4. Mary A., 49, wife of George A. Beckett.
[Aug.] 5. Rev. Theodore Scott, 78, an old-time Methodist preacher, and a resident of Belfst since 1845. He was born in Machias.
[Aug.] 9. In Pawtucket, R. I., Emma S., 26, wife of V. W. Ames, formerly of Belfast.
[Aug.] 14. Margaret, 50, wife of Brian McCabe.
[Aug.] 15. In Hancock, Orville P. Hadley, 40, formerly of Belfast.
[Aug.] 20. Joshua Knowles, 81.
[Aug.] 20. Robert E. Whittier, infant.
[Aug.] 28. Capt. George T. Crabtree, 56, of Rockland, a brave and efficient officer in the Civil War.
[Aug.] 30. Daniel E. Pillsbury, 39.
Sept. 4. Ezra P. Gray, 76.
[Sept.] 4. Abner T. White, infant.
[Sept.] 7. In Rockland, A. S. Small, 59.
[Sept.] 12. At sea, George A. Murch, a former resident of Belfast.[p. 414]1882.
Sept. 12. In Searsmont, John Charles, 21, son of Calvin Hervey. (See Accidents.)
[Sept.] 25. Mrs. Abbie S. Dunton, 33.
[Sept.] 26. In Point Isabel, Texas, Col. George G. Davis, 42, son of Marshall Davis of Belfast. He was a brave officer in the Fourth Maine Regiment, and since 1868 was in government employ in Texas.
Oct. 1. Albion K. Jackson, 57.
[Oct.] 14. In Chelsea, Mass., Bertha R., 76, widow of the late Isaac C. Brown, formerly of Belfast.
[Oct.] 14. Sarah L. Robbins, infant.
[Oct.] 18. Edward R. Pillsbury, 13.
[Oct.] 18. Aaron Anquill, 32, of Nova Scotia.
[Oct.] 25. In Jackson, Mich., Francis W. Carr, 63, son of the late Thomas H. Carr, of Belfast.
[Oct.] 27. Etta E., 16, daughter of James Aldus.
[Oct.] 28. Robert Rowe, 78.
[Oct.] 29. Miles S. Staples, 62, a native of Swanville. He held various public positions in Swanville and in Belfast.
[Oct.] 29. In Portsmouth, Va., Eliza P., 87, widow of the late Frye Hall of Belfast.
[Oct.] 30. In Chelsea, Mass., Stephen W. Miller, 69, a native of Belfast, and son of the late Samuel W. Miller.
[Oct.] 30. Miss Mary Foster, 77, the last of the family of the late Nathan B. Foster.
Nov. 2. H. M. Cunningham, 49.
[Nov.] 3. William Henry Simpson, 57. (See chap. xviii on Newspapers, and Portrait.)
[Nov.] 5. Catherine Sweeney, 73.
[Nov.] 12. Carrie F. Aldus, 1.
[Nov.] 13. In Galeyville, Cal., George A. B. Berry, son of the late Col. Watson F. Berry, of Belfast.
[Nov.] 14. William H. Cunningham, 67.
[Nov.] 18. Deacon Ephraim K. Maddocks, 85, a native of Boothbay, and the last survivor of Belfast's first Board of Alderman.
[Nov.] 24. Blanche E., 4, daughter of Capt. George Pattershall. (See Accidents.)
Dec. 4. Luette, 27, wife of Herbert Gray.
[Dec.] 7. Sarah Miller, 61, wife of Josiah Mitchell. She was a native of Hampden.
[Dec.] 22. Carrie E. Cottrell, 23, wife of Oscar Luville Limeburner.
[Dec.] 23. Annie, 18, daughter of Jacob W. Eastman.
[Dec.] 23. Jeremiah Hart, 80.
Jan. 2. John Peirce, 71, son of the late David Peirce, and for many years a hardware dealer and ship-builder.[p. 415]1883.
Jan. 6. Rhoda A., 55, wife of Frank Banks, and daughter of Sullivan Hicks.
[Jan.] 10. In Portland, Charles, son of Noah Brunswick Harford.
[Jan.] 19. James A. G. Aldus, infant.
[Jan.] 20. In Chicago, Nancy M., 63, widow of the late Jabez Frederick, formerly of Belfast.
[Jan.] 20. In Chelsea, Mass., Mary C. Pottle, 78.
[Jan.] 21. In Brockton, Mass., Abbie B., 63, widow of the late Noah G. Clark, and daughter of the late Capt. James Douglas.
[Jan.] 21. In Searsport, Robert Steele, 84, of Belfast, grandson of Robert Steele, one of the first proprietors. About 1850, he went to California, and for many years was supposed to be dead. In 1869 he returned and found his wife had married again.
[Jan.] 24. Alvah M. Young, 51.
[Jan.] 26. In Lynn, Mass., Joseph G., 36, son of Jeremiah Jewett, of Belfast. His death was caused by a fall.
[Jan.] 26. Mary E., 62, wife of Nathaniel W. Holmes. Her maiden name was Reed, and she was born in Norridgewock.
[Jan.] 27. In Lynn, Mass., Samuel A. Howes, 61, a native of Strong, and for over thirty years a prominent and successful business man of Belfast.
[Jan.] 28. Nathaniel Carle, 87, a native of Limington.
Feb. 2. Joshua Eustis Partridge, 58, a ship-carpenter, and a native of Stockton Springs.
[Feb.] 4. Miss Isabelle M. West, 59.
[Feb.] 5. Albert F. Gilmore, 57. He was the son of Nathaniel Gilmore, and a quiet, unassuming citizen.
[Feb.] 6. Rev. Edward Crowningshield, 42, pastor of the Unitarian Church since 1879. (See chapter v.)
[Feb.] 9. Mrs. Nancy Ryan, 81. She died in the house where she was born, married, and always lived.
[Feb.] 10. In Bangor, Luella J., 30, wife of William R. Roix, Jr., of Belfast.
[Feb.] 12. In Frankfort, Melvin J. Patterson, 23.
[Feb.] 14. Addison Brackett, 79.
[Feb.] 15. Ezekiel Morey, 88, a native of Vinalhaven.
[Feb.] 20. Mrs. Martha Weeks Hall, 81.
[Feb.] 21. Edward Fuller, 21, son of the late Hon. Enoch K. Boyle.
Mar. 2. In Oakland, Rev. Theodore Hill, 76. He was minister of the Methodist Church in Belfast in 1843-44.
[Mar.] 8. Mrs. Etta A. Jordan, 27.
[Mar.] 8. Charles H. McCarty, 33.
[Mar.] 13. Edith L. Cook, 7.
[Mar.] 17. In Hingham, Mass., Edward, 22, son of Enoch Carter, of Belfast.
[Mar.] 18. Miss Agnes M. Tobey, 23, adopted daughter of J. C. Thompson.[p. 416]1883.
Mar. 18. Margaret Bullen, 84.
[Mar.] 20. John Stanwood Caldwell, 71, a native of Ipswich, Mass. He came here in 1837, and engaged in the book and stationery business which he continued in the same store until his death. He was City Treasurer 1854-57. He had the respect and confidence of the whole community.
[Mar.] 21. Mrs. Mary White, 78.
[Mar.] 21. James Young McClintock, 82. (See Lawyers.)
[Mar.] 22. Walter S., 19, son of Eli Cook.
[Mar.] 27. Joel Small, 68.
[Mar.] 30. A. C. Partridge, 35.
[Mar.] 31. Bertha A. Keller, 17.
[Mar.] __. In Calon, Cal., Emma A., 38, wife of Alonzo Dexter, and daughter of Henry Dunbar, of Belfast.
Apr. 10. In Orland, Ford Gay, 60. (See Accidents.)
[Apr.] 11. Anna Hartshorn, 74.
[Apr.] 13. Martha, 72, widow of the late Wiliam J. Aldus.
[Apr.] 15. Harriet N., 59, wife of Capt. Andrew Derby Bean.
[Apr.] 23. Nancy [sic], 81.
[Apr.] 25. Martha E. Perkins, 5.
[Apr.] 27. Ann W., 77, widow of the late Harvey Smith.
May 2. Sarah J. Alden, 70.
[May] 7. M. G. Maxy, 71.
[May] 10. In Dixmont, Hattie, 24, wife of Joseph Blake of Belfast.
[May] 13. Alice, infant daughter of Ernest Cottrell.
[May] 13. Salathiel Clarendon Nickerson, 68, son of the late Salathiel Nickerson. For many years he was engaged in trade and ship-building at the Upper Bridge. He was a Representative to the Legislature in 1855.
[May] 14. Mrs. Mary Smart, 79.
[May] 17. Flora J. Kimball, 46, of Chelsea, Mass.
[May] 20. Samuel Lear, 79, a native of Ossipee, N. H., and resident of Belfast, since 1825.
[May] 20. Alice C., 21, daughter of Capt. Lewis H. Ryan.
[May] 23. Eugene, 22, son of Frank Cobbett.
[May] 25. Miss Mehitable C. Morrill, 85, sister of the late Col. Philip Morrill.
[May] 29. In Factory Point, Vt., Mary S., 81, widow of the late Alexis Morrill, formerly of Belfast. She was daughter of Josiah Simpson, Sr., of Sullivan.
June 1. Georgie A. Knowlton, 33.
[June] 3. Ada M. Waterman, 25.
[June] 6. Olive Brier, 66, wife of James Havener.
[June] 17. Mrs. Caroline W., 70, widow of the late Hon. Nehemiah Abbott. She was born in Farmington, her maiden name being Belcher.[p. 417]1883.
June 18. Mary, 79, widow of Alfred Patterson, and daughter of the late Samuel Cunningham, who came to Belfast from Peterborough, N. H.
[June] 27. Sylvia, 79, wife of Sullivan Hicks, and daughter of the late Capt. Annas Campbell.
July 4. Joanna Woods, 47.
[July] 7. Lydia Abbott, 72.
[July] 20. Daniel Brier, 80.
[July] 21. Sarah C. Stover, 33.
[July] 28. Franklin A., 24, son of Isaac Jackson.
Aug. 1. Samuel L. Robbins, 45.
[Aug.] 1. At Boston Highlands, John Watson, 69, son of the late George Watson of Belfast.
[Aug.] 4. In Windsor, Wis., Olivia, 74, wife of David Grafton, and a native of Belfast.
[Aug.] 20. Llewellyn E. Dyer, infant.
[Aug.] 22. Mrs. Annie H. Triggs, 87.
[Aug.] 23. Miss Abigail, 80, daughter of the late Benjamin Hartshorn.
[Aug.] 23. Martha J., 71, wife of Capt. James Gilmore, and last of the family of Capt. John Shute.
[Aug.] 26. Charles H., 17 months, son of L. P. Walton.
Sept. 1. Leo F. Knowlton, infant.
[Sept.] 2. L. H. West, infant.
[Sept.] 2. Martin Worton, infant.
[Sept.] 2. Sarah A. Beston, 26.
[Sept.] 5. Avesta W. Meservey, 37.
[Sept.] 8. Gertrude, 1, daughter of Luette Gray.
[Sept.] 8. In Boston, Albert Currier Wiggin, 27, son of the late Nathaniel Wiggin, a journalist of much promise, and at the time of his death, night editor of the Boston "Post." He was a ready and versatile writer, and often a brilliant one.
[Sept.] 13. Rev. Gilbert Ellis, 87, a devoted Methodist preacher.
[Sept.] 13. Infant child of Charles A. Piper.
[Sept.] 14. In Oakland, Cal., Josephine S., 48, wife of Lyman P. Collins, formerly of Belfast.
[Sept.] __. A. A. Larrabee, 56.
[Sept.] 24. Anthony Andrews, 62, a native of Holland.
[Sept.] 26. Mrs. Abigail Goodell, 82.
[Sept.] 26. James Craig, 96, a native of Stone Haven, Scotland, and a resident of Belfast from 1834.
Oct. 1. Miles Staples, 79, a native of Swanville. He had resided in Belfast since 1878. In the former town he held several public offices, and for twelve years was Deputy Sheriff.
[Sept.] 3. Emery Sprague, 75.
[Sept.] 6. Mrs. Sylvia Hanson, 73.
[Sept.] 8. Charles G. Carter, infant.[p. 418]1883.
Oct. 20. Franklin Brier, 78, long a substantial and respected citizen at the Head of the Tide.
[Oct.] 20. Laura E., 27, wife of Eugene Ryder.
[Oct.] 31. Martha A., 68, wife of William E. Mitchell.
Nov. 1. in New York, Capt. Arphaxad Coombs, 57, formerly of Belfast.
[Nov.] 2. James Moorehead, 81.
[Nov.] 7. Maud Kimball, 5.
[Nov.] 8. Abby D., 63, wife of John Milliken.
[Nov.] 8. Daniel Faunce, 66. He was a native of Waterville, and in 1834 became established in trade in Belfast, in which he successfully continued for over thirty years. During his life he quietly administered to the wants of the unfortunate classes, and, as the dispenser of the Alfred Waldo Johnson fund for the worthy poor, acted with fidelity and discrimination.
[Nov.] 24. In Chicago, Almatia M., 74, wife of Gordon G. Clark, and daughter of the late Joseph P. Ladd, of Belfast.
[Nov.] 27. Caroline B. Abbott, 46, daughter of the late Hon. Nehemiah Abbott.
[Nov.] 28. Walter C. Barker, 27, son of David Barker, the well-known Maine poet.
[Nov.] 28. In Rockland, Thomas Kelloch, 80.
Dec. 7. In Willmore City, Cal., Jane G. V., 61, widow of the late Samuel L. Eames, and daughter of the late John Stevens, of Belfast.
[Dec.] 10. In Brooksville, his old home, Benjamin Walker, 81, of Belfast.
[Dec.] 11. John Robbins, 50.
[Dec.] 11. In Rockland, William L., 64, son of the late Elijah Torrey of Belfast. He went in the bark Suliote, in 1849, to California, where he held several public positions.
[Dec.] 17. In West Newton, Mrs. Mary P., 62, widow of the late James P. Furber, of Belfast, and daughter of the late Lewis Bean.
[Dec.] 17. In San Francisco, John Banks, 43, son of the late Sharon E. Banks of Belfast.
[Dec.] 24. Bridgett Ward, 85.
[Dec.] 28. In Malden, Mass., James A. Thomas, about 65, formerly a well-known architect and builder in Belfast.
Jan. 3. Sarah J., 74, widow of the late Capt. James Young, and daughter of the late James McCrillis of Belfast.
[Jan.] 3. Hannah J., 54, wife of Capt. George A. McDonald.
[Jan.] 7. In Malden, Mass., Phebe S. Kelloch, 74.
[Jan.] 8. John Hutchinson, 83.
[Jan.] 8. Charles A. Murch, 45, son of the late Lewis C. Murch (See Accidents.)
[Jan.] 8. In Augusta, Charles O. McKenney, 54, of Belfast. He was a[p. 419]native of Unity and came to Belfast when young. For several years he was City Marshal, and during the War, while attempting to arrest deserters, was severely wounded.
Jan. 11. Margaret H., 13, daughter of William W. and Ellen H. Castle.
[Jan.] 16. In Northport, Hon. James Lancaster, 76, formerly a resident of Belfast.
[Jan.] 23. Judith G. Hall, 69.
[Jan.] 24. Rev. Wooster Parker, 76. (See chapter vi and Portrait.)
[Jan.] 31. Sidney H., 85, widow of Capt. Solomon Wasson of Brooksville.
Feb. 4. Capt. Robert Limeburner, 61, a native of Brooksville.
[Feb.] 7. Susan, 86, widow of the late John Alexander, and native of Brooksville.
[Feb.] 9. Cora Hill, 13.
[Feb.] 10. In Stockton, Cal., Henry Dunbar, 79, formerly of Belfast.
[Feb.] 10. In Augusta, Dr. Henry S. Huntington, 60, formerly of Belfast.
[Feb.] 12. Eliza W., 82, wife of Capt. Robert Hodgdon.
[Feb.] 14. In Lincolnville, Hon. Joseph Miller, 83, Judge of Probate, 1847-54.
[Feb.] 21. Augustus M., 32., son of John C. Robbins, and a proprietor of the Phœnix House, Belfast.
[Feb.] 24. Alonzo J. Drinkwater, 48.
[Feb.] 25. In Augusta, Lewis R. Dodge, 39, of Belfast.
Mar. __. In Charlestown, Mass., Orsamus R. Patterson, 66, late of Belfast.
[Mar.] 13. Infant of C. H. Webber.
[Mar.] 15. Elizabeth, 66, wife of William Pottle.
[Mar.] 18. In Winterport, Capt. Calvin C. Babbidge, 42, of Belfast.
[Mar.] 21. Eddie L., 16, son of Sears Nickerson.
[Mar.] 24. Infant of J. C. Coombs.
[Mar.] 26. Infant of William Weeks.
[Mar.] 26. Fred A. Bishop, 36, a native of Walpole, Mass.
[Mar.] 27. Sullivan Hicks, 85. He came to Belfast from Leeds, in 1820.
[Mar.] 27. Mrs. A. M. Coombs, 25.
[Mar.] 27. In Augusta, Edward H. Hilton, 35, of Belfast.
Apr. 1. Isaac Allard, 62, a native of Northport, and a watchmaker in Belfast for forty-four years. He was a man of strict integrity, ingenious in his calling, and patented several inventions.
[Apr.] 11. Amasa T. Patterson, 71.
[Apr.] 21. Mary A., 75, wife of William Holt.
[Apr.] 23. Mrs. Margaret Haugh, 68.
[Apr.] 30. Capt. Darius D. Pinkham, 75, formerly deputy collector, and for many years an express agent. He came to Belfast from Jackson, N. H., in 1820.
May 5. In Portland, Deborah P., 73, widow of the late Edwin C. Kimball, formerly of Belfast.[p. 420]1884.
May 7. Mrs. Mercy Hall, 93, a native of Waldoboro, and a pensioner of the War of 1812.
[May] 7. Charles Reed, 55.
[May] 8. Benjamin Hartshorn, 83.
[May] 21. Joseph S. Morrow, 71, a native of England.
[May] 25. George H. Keller, 20.
[May] 27. Miss Emma, 29, daughter of George Dana McCrillis.
June 4. Eben I. Russell, 42. (See Accidents.)
[June] 5. S. E. Furbush, 50.
[June] 6. Rebecca A., 75, wife of William Augustus Swift.
[June] 6. At Tennants' Harbor, Samuel H. Jackson, 53, son of the late Samuel Jackson, Jr., of Belfast.
[June] 22. Prudence Clara Pierce, 42, wife of Warren E. Marsh.
[June] 27. Dora Taylor, 23, wife of the Rev. Thomas B. Gregory, pastor of the Universalist Church.
July 7. In Bangor, George Palmer, 80, son of the late Benjamin Palmer of Belfast.
[July] 8. Matilda Robbins, 82.
[July] 12. At South West Harbor, Capt. Hugh J. Anderson, 62, a native of Belfast, and for many years a ship-master and trader.
[July] 13. In East Rochester, N. H., Albert J. Meader, about 45, formerly of Belfast.
[July] 23. Sarah F. Curtis, 83.
Aug. 1. Sarah McCabe, 77.
[Aug.] 1. Jane P., 77, widow of the late Capt. Robert Coombs.
[Aug.] 5. In Danvers, Mass., Orris Gilman Hall, 50, of Belfast.
[Aug.] 8. Clara, 28, wife of Horatio Welch.
[Aug.] 18. In Chelsea, Mass., Ella Sarah, 40, wife of Tyler R. Wasgatt, daughter of Samuel F. Miller, and formerly a school-teacher in Belfast.
[Aug.] 23. Albion K. Wentworth, 58.
[Aug.] 23. Infant of Alfred Alden Small.
Sept. __. Sacramento, Cal., Ralph, about 24, son of Ralph Cross of Belfast.
[Aug.] 8. In Riverside, Cal., Edwin L. Segar, 38, late of Belfast.
[Aug.] 11. In Waltham, Mass., Avis, 64, widow of the late Ephraim Swett, formerly of Belfast.
[Aug.] 17. Daniel N. Peters, 35.
[Aug.] 20. C. W. E., 22, son of C. N. Fernald.
[Aug.] 25. John F. Morison, 57, a native of Boothbay.
[Aug.] 25. In Pawtucket, R. I., V. W. Ames, about 35, formerly of Belfast.
[Aug.] 28. Thomas J. Whitcomb, 84.
[Aug.] 29. George Hardy, 58.
Oct. 2. Dr. Richard Moody, 81. (See chapter xxii on Physicians.)
[Oct.] 3. Miss Frances B. Field, 30, a native of Farmington, and manager of the Western Union Telegraph Office in Belfast for three years.[p. 421]1884.
Oct. 3. Georgianna Marsh, 22.
[Oct.] 4. Jane K., 81, wife of Samuel Southworth.
[Oct.] 5. In Colusa, Cal., Lorenzo D. Cunningham, 25, formerly of Belfast.
[Oct.] 5. In Stockton Springs, Sullivan Patterson.
[Oct.] 8. William H. Burrill, Esq., 72. (See chap. xxi and Portrait.)
[Oct.] 8. Mrs. Annie G. West, 31, daughter of the late Hon. Nehemiah Abbott.
[Oct.] 10. Martha, 77, wife of Benjamin Banks.
[Oct.] 14. In Brockton, Mass., Nettie N., 36, wife of Rufus L. Thatcher, and daughter of Calvin Hervey, of Belfast.
[Oct.] 18. Lafayette Baker, 29.
[Oct.] 19. Samuel Otis, 79. He was a native of Wiscasset, and came to Belfast about 1825, establishing himself in trade at the Head of the Tide. Fifteen years later, he removed to Citypoint, where he conducted a large business. He was a man of sterling qualities: outspoken and resolute, charitable, and of a high sense of honor.
[Oct.] 21. Hattie F., 32, wife of S. Verrill Jones, Jr.
[Oct.] 23. In Freedom, Miss Edna Thurston, of Belfast.
[Oct.] 26. Dudley Leavitt, 67.
[Oct.] 27. John Kellar, 28.
[Oct.] 30. Hattie Ellis, 18.
Nov. 4. Infant of William B. Decrow.
[Nov.] 5. Ida V. Crockett, 30, of Rockland.
[Nov.] 11. In Boston, John Hitchcock, 63. He married Sarah L., daughter of the late ex-Gov. William George Crosby.
[Nov.] 11. William B. Stinson, 69.
[Nov.] 13. Susan, 71, wife of Isaac Sides.
[Nov.] 14. Jonathan Knowles, 80.
[Nov.] 17. Mrs. Lovina Saunders, 71.
[Nov.] 21. In Elk Creek, Cal., Martin P. Townsend, 62, formerly of Belfast.
[Nov.] 26. Capt. James Gammans, 89. He was a native of Lincolnville, and when young followed the sea. In 1826, he went into trade at Citypoint, where he continued for fity years. He was an upright citizen, and an enterprising business man.
[Nov.] 27. Lizzie A., 17, wife of J. E. Wing.
[Nov.] 28. Miss Nellie G. Hamilton, 17.
[Nov.] 28. Ann W., 68, wife of Samuel Greenleaf Thurlow. She was born in Readfield, her maiden name being Hutchinson.
[Nov.] __. Oliver Jackson, 74, of Northport, well known in Belfast.
Dec. 3. Harriet S., 73, wife of Edward Baker, formerly of Belfast.
[Dec.] 3. In Lynn, Mass., Minnie, 23, wife of Edmund Whitmore, of Belfast.
[Dec.] 5. In Augusta, George A., 44, son of George R. Sleeper.
[Dec.] 5. Infant of Eben McIntyre Sanborn.[p. 422]1884.
Dec. 10. In Augusta, Benjamin McDonald, 74, formerly of Belfast.
[Dec.] 11. In Boston, Harriet H., 73, widow of the late Paul Richard Hazeltine, and daughter of the late William Durkee Williamson, of Bangor.
[Dec.] 13. Daniel Getchell, 84.
[Dec.] 13. Ervin Patterson, 1.
[Dec.] 14. Sarah M. Collins, 64.
[Dec.] 14. Infant son of Henry Larrabee.
[Dec.] 14. Jane A. Stinson, 31.
[Dec.] 14. Nellie A. Sargent, 27.
[Dec.] 15. Mary Y., 73, widow of the late Daniel W. Carter.
[Dec.] 19. Charles Palmer, 84, son of the late Benjamin Palmer. He was born in Camden, and had resided in Belfast eighty years. A portion of his life was spent at sea. He was subsequently in trade. From 1846 to 1854 he was Register of Probate and for the following ten years cashier of the Bank of Commerce. He was scrupulously prompt and upright in every relation of life.
[Dec.] 24. Herbert P. Stimpson, 21.
[Dec.] 29. John Cochran, 83. He was son of John Cochran, a member of the Boston Tea Party, one of the original proprietors of Belfast.
[Dec.] 31. In Frankfort, Luther Perry, 78, late of Belfast, and a pensioner of the Mexican War.
Jan. 5. Thomas J. L. Farrow, 39, son of the late William Farrow.
[Jan.] 6. Samuel F. Stimpson, 55. (See Accidents.)
[Jan.] 6. Charles S. Kelley, 51. (See Accidents.)
[Jan.] 9. In Hope, Erastus Bennett, about 35, a native of Belfast.
[Jan.] 15. In Berryvale, Cal., David W. Griffin, 46, formerly of Belfast.
[Jan.] 15. Sophia H., 91, widow of the late Nathaniel H. Bradbury. She was a native of York, her maiden name being Moulton, and soon after her marriage, in 1820, became a resident of Belfast.
[Jan.] 18. In Ellsworth, Fannie P., daughter of Loring Emerson, formerly of Belfast.
[Jan.] 21. Augusta Aldus, 37.
[Jan.] 21. Hannah L. Webber, 53.
[Jan.] 25. Marshall Davis, 69, a native of Standish, Register of Deeds, 1863-73, and late Inspector of Customs.
[Jan.] 25. Capt. Charles E. Brier, 63.
[Jan.] 25. In Vinalhaven, Gould B. Thompson, late of Belfast.
[Jan.] 25. Isaac T. Bowen, 48, son of Tolman Bowen, of Morrill.
[Jan.] 31. William Houston, 83, son of Samuel Houston, Jr., an early settler of Belfast. He was the last survivor of that generation of his family excepting a sister, Mrs. Caroline Blanchard, of East Corinth.[p. 423]1885.
Feb. 9. Sarah E. Beckwith, 40.
[Feb.] 9. David Porter, about 44, son of David Gilmore.
[Feb.] 10. In Grand Falls, N. B., Ansel Lennan, a native of Searsmont, and Deputy Collector of Customs in Belfast, 1845-49.
[Feb.] 12. Wealthy R., 74, widow of the late Nathaniel M. Lowney, and daughter of the late Peter Rowe.
[Feb.] 13. George McDonald, 82, son of the late Simon D. McDonald. He was Alderman, in Belfast, 1864-66, and County Treasurer, 1868-70. All of his ten children, the oldest being 58, survived him.
[Feb.] 15. Annie, 3, daughter of Capt. James Henry Perkins.
[Feb.] 17. Capt. Isaac Clark, 67, son of the late Capt. Isaac Clark.
[Feb.] 18. Stephen Guptill, 73.
[Feb.] 19. Frank Darby, 30.
[Feb.] 23. Maggie M. Flemming, 2.
[Feb.] 27. Georgie A. Larrabee, 21.
[Feb.] 27. C. S. Gray, 19.
Mar. 2. Thomas M. Barstow, 53, recently of Damariscotta.
[Mar.] 3. Thomas Hershen, 65.
[Mar.] 7. Mary E. Blood, 13.
[Mar.] 16. In Sedgwick, Susan M., 86, widow of the late Col. Rowland Carlton, formerly of Belfast. She was a daughter of Rev. Daniel Merrill, D. D., of Sedgwick.
[Mar.] 17. In Boston, Frank, 22, son of Lewis Smith, formerly of Belfast.
[Mar.] 18. Josephine May, infant daughter of G. W. Pendleton.
[Mar.] 18. Ellen J. Simmons, 14.
[Mar.] 22. Patrick Hanley, about 65, a native of Ireland and for twenty-seven years in the employ of Charles Bellows Hazeltine, Esq., of Belfast; a loyal retainer and a man of pronounced and forceful characteristics.
[Mar.] 23. Richard Hopkins, 70.
[Mar.] 23. John H. Emery, 56, son of Dennis Emery.
[Mar.] 23. Capt. Henry S. Patterson, 65.
[Mar.] 26. In East Boston, Roscoe M. Chapman, 41.
[Mar.] 27. Hannah Philbrick, 74.
[Mar.] 29. Alvira Pinkham, 70.
[Mar.] 29. Morris, infant son of Charles Leavitt.
[Mar.] 30. Callie W., 43, wife of Capt. Daniel Magee.
[Mar.] 31. Hon. Horatio Huntington Johnson, 76; a cousin of the late Judge Alfred Johnson. He was born in Plainfield, Conn., son of Anson Johnson, and in 1827 commenced the dry-goods business in Belfast, which he continued for nearly fifty years. In 1853-54, he was State Councillor under Governor William George Crosby's administration, and subsequently Alderman. Jefferson Davis was his guest while visiting Belfast.
[Mar.] __. At sea, Melvin E. Wording, about 43, son of Capt. Charles H. Wording.[p. 424]1885.
Apr. 1. Eunice N., 63, wife of Isaac Whitaker.
[Apr.] 4. Hon. Albert G. Jewett, 82. (See chap. xxi and Portrait.)
[Apr.] 4. John C. Feldtman, 90, a native of Germany, and a soldier in the War of 1812.
[Apr.] 6. In Washington, D. C., Jean Antonin Gabriel, Vicomte de Sibour, 64, husband of Mary Louisa (Johnson), Vicomtesse de Sibour, late Vice-Consul of France at Richmond and Baltimore.
[Apr.] 10. Willie F., 3, son of Simon Jellison. (See Accidents.)
[Apr.] 10. In Boston, William Osgood, M.D., 62, formerly principal Belfast Academy.
[Apr.] 13. Alvah Burgin, 64.
[Apr.] 13. Rovena J. Clements, 29.
[Apr.] 17. In St. John, N. B., Mary A. Rogers, 67, wife of Hon. Axel Hayford, late of Belfast.
[Apr.] 19. Patience Brown, 94, widow of the late Joseph Miller.
[Apr.] 28. Thomas Condon, 75, a native of Penobscot.
[Apr.] 28. Infant of Nathaniel Sholes.
[Apr.] 28. Michael O'Connell, 36.
May 3. Capt. Exekiel Burgess, 88, son of John Burgess, who came to Belfast from Castine. He was born in Penobscot, 7 Jan., 1797.
[May] 3. Ann M. Ryder,52.
[May] 7. In Unity, Horace Hazeltine, 52. He came to Belfast from Bangor about 1870. He had a fine tenor voice, which might have yielded him fame and fortune.
[May] 7. Harry S., 17, son of Mrs. Bloomfield Davis.
[May] 9. In Thomaston, Edric, 10, son of the late Asa Southworth of Belfast.
[May] 10. Simon H. Larrabee, 65, a member of the Fourth Maine Regiment.
[May] 10. William E. Wood, 18.
[May] 10. In Augusta, Martha M., 28, wife of Joseph L. Rumrey, and daughter of Stillman Ellis, of Belfast.
[May] 11. In New London, Conn., John Edwards, 37, of Belfast.
[May] 15. In Milford, Mass., Emma F., 36, wife of Albert R. Cheney, and daughter of Oliver P. Chase of Belfast.
[May] 17. George R. Sleeper, 71, son of the late Manasseh Sleeper. For many years he was engaged in the dry-goods business. He was County Treasurer from 1881 to 1884.
[May] 20. Mary B. Bucklin, 8.
[May] 27. Veranus, 36, son of the late Thomas Condon.
[May] 30. Ellen F. Young, 38.
June 4. Lottie E. (Knowlton) Russ, 36, wife of Robert Fletcher Russ.
[June] 4. Mrs. Mahala Collier, 65. She came to Belfast from Appleton. Two of her children died while missionaries in South America.[p. 425]1885.
June 18. Lottie E. West, 11.
[June] 20. Elizabeth Stephenson, 51.
[June] 21. Caroline B. Vose, 78.
[June] 21. Ida E. Darby, 18.
[June] 26. In Montville, William Alexander, 85, a native of Belfast.
[June] 27. Henry H. Forbes, 62, a native of Brooks. He came to Belfast in 1839, and was in the show business for many years. He had been a member of the City Council, and was Alderman in 1870. From 1872 to 1874 he was County Treasurer.
[June] 30. John Meek, 60, for many years on the Boston police force.
July 2. Abner F. Sheldon, 36, a member of Company I, Fifteenth Maine Infantry. He was a brave soldier, and died from disease contracted in the service.
[July] 3. William Hall, 62.
[July] 10. Miss Charlotte, 87, daughter of the late Jonathan Basford, and early settler.
[July] 11. Elmer Wesley Twombly, 25. (See Accidents.)
[July] 11. John Casey, 24. (See Accidents.)
[July] 12. Dora E. Crosby, 24.
[July] 15. Capt. James Gilchrist, 76.
[July] 15. Jesse Robbins, 79, a native of Union.
[July] 28. Alice, 94, widow of the late William Mugridge. She was born in Monmouth, but came to Belfast when very young. Her first husband was Daniel Quimby, son of Daniel Quimby, of Belfast.
[July] 28. In New York, Gilson Carman, 53.
[July] 30. Gennie I. Grady, 2.
Aug. 1. In Warren, Miss Susan Catherine Starrett, a teacher in the Belfast High School for several years before her death. She took high rank as an educator, and was beloved by the entire community.
[Aug.] 2. Sally Farnham, 88.
[Aug.] 10. In Clifton, Ariz., Isaac James Stevens, 74, a native of Belfast.
[Aug.] 11. In Chicago, William E. Speed, 41, formerly of Belfast.
[Aug.] 12. Elvira Osgood, 68, widow of the late Charles D. Field, and a native of Palermo.
[Aug.] 21. E. G. Pendleton, 42.
[Aug.] 22. In Denver, Kansas, Mary A., 85, widow of the late Jacob Haskell, formerly of Belfast.
[Aug.] 24. Elizabeth Brier, 47.
[Aug.] 24. Ina Brown, 2.
[Aug.] 25. Mabel I. Ware, 1.
[Aug.] __. In Cambridgeport, Maria, 79, widow of the late William Clark, formerly of Belfast.
[Aug.] 26. In Dorchester, Ann, 89, wife of James Tucker. She was daughter of John Durham, and early settler, and first married Capt. William Avery, of Belfast.[p. 426]1885.
Aug. 29. Samuel D. Sargent, 31.
Sept. 3. Miss Eliza Jane, 64, youngest daughter of the late Hon. John Wilson.
[Sept.] 6. Kate K. (Hanson) 55, widow of the late Thomas B. Emery.
[Sept.] 6. Sarah A., 31, widow of the late John Leighton.
[Sept.] 8. Mary M. Cottrell, 25.
[Sept.] 12. In East Gloucester, George Franklin, 28, son of Leander Morse, formerly of Belfast.
[Sept.] 16. In Chelsea, Mass., Mrs. Benjamin Trundy, 25, daughter of Gen. F. S. Nickerson.
[Sept.] 17. Allura M. Jackson, infant.
[Sept.] 28. Graham Stinson, 74.
Oct. 7. George G., 35, son of Robert Patterson, of Poor's Mills.
[Oct.] 20. Laura E. Knight, 4.
[Oct.] 21. Samuel Moore, 75.
[Oct.] 25. Jane, 80, widow of the late Ross Warnock.
[Oct.] 28. In Kenduskeag, Mrs. D. L. Boyd, 48, formerly of Belfast, and daughter of the late John Shute.
[Oct.] 28. In Belmont, Oakes Hatch, 93, a native of Damariscotta.
[Oct.] 31. Margaret T. Walker, 54.
Nov. 7. In China, Mrs. Mary Thombs, 82, formerly of Belfast.
[Nov.] 12. Frank A. Hodgdon, 37.
[Nov.] 18. Gorham Lancaster, 81, a well-known house-joiner.
[Nov.] 18. In Boston, Capt. William B. Roix, 66, of Belfast, master of the steamer Penobscot, and for many years commander of steamers of the Boston and Bangor Steamship lines.
[Nov.] 24. In Apopka, Fla., Michael Fahy, 29, formerly of Belfast.
[Nov.] 28. Alice M. Walton, 29.
[Nov.] 30. In San Francisco, Nancy, 90, widow of the late Capt. David Green, late of Belfast, and last survivor of the children of the late Col. Jonathan Wilson.
Dec. 6. C. H. Davis, 1.
[Dec.] 9. Abbie Hayes.
[Dec.] 10. Julia Coombs, 24.
[Dec.] 11. In Clinton, Iowa, Cordelia, 69, wife of Ephraim C. Keen, formerly of Belfast.
[Dec.] 11. In Lawrence, Mass., Nellie, 44, wife of George Knowlton, and daughter of the late Capt. Willard Mathews, of Belfast.
[Dec.] 20. John Reeves, 53, of Northport.
[Dec.] 21. Jennie C. Hamilton, 27.
[Dec.] 21. John Collins, 67.
[Dec.] 23. Benjamin French, 76.
[Dec.] 23. In Henleyville, Cal., Aurelius, 43, son of Sullivan Patterson, formerly of Belfast.
[Dec.] 25. Mrs. Laurinda R. Cammett, 68.
[Dec.] 25. Annie V. Condon, 10.
[Dec.] 27. Daisy Small, infant.
