Source: New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. 7 (April 1853).
[p. 133]INSCRIPTIONS FROM THE OLD GRAVEYARD IN WELLS, MAINEHere lyes Interred the Body of the Honorable John Wheelwright, Esq., who departed this Life August ye 13th, 1745, aged 81 years.
[By John S. H. Fogg, M. D., South Boston, Mass.]
Samuel Wheelwright, Esq. aged 65 years. Died ye 13 day of May, 1700.
Hannah daur to Mr Nathaniel & Mrs Abigail Wheelwright, aged 3 years 4 months. Decd June ye 2d 1736.
Nathaniel son to Mr Nathaniel & Mrs Abigail Wheelwright aged 3 months Died April 18 1737.
In memory of Dr John Gates, who died June 6 1796 æt. 33, who was respectable in his Profession.
In memory of the Revd Moses Hemmenway D. D. Pastor of the First Church in Wells who died much lamented April 18 1811 in the 76 year of his age & 52 year of his Ministry.
Here lyes Interred ye Remains of ye Revd Mr Gideon Richardson, Son of Major Josiah Richardson of Sudbury, who died much lamented March 17 1758 in ye 28 years of his age He took his 1st Degree at Harvard College 1749, was solemnly seperated to the work of ye Ministry and ordained Pastor of the 1st Church at Wells Feb 27 1754. In that station He continued 4 years during which time, thro ye grace of God, he approved himself a good Minister of Jesus Christ & a faithful shepherd to his Flock. The memory of the just is blessed.
Here lyes buried the body of Joseph Hill Esq. aged 73 years 3 mo & 7 ds who died July ye 12 1743.
Here lyes buried the body of Mrs Hannah Hill wife to Joseph Hill Esq died Octr ye 10th 1738 in ye 64th year of her age. Also at her feet lyes 3 children Joseph Benj & Hannah with 3 grandchildren.
In memory of Mrs. Eunice Gilman eldest daur of Joseph Sayer, Esq relict of Mr Bartholomew Gilman of Exeter who departed this Life, April 25 1775 with a lively hope of a glorious immortality. Aged 31.
In memory of Mr Ebenezer Gilman Son of Mr Bartholomew Gilman who deceased after a short confinement May 16 1795 aged 23.
In memory of Tristram Gilman Esq who died March 25th 1828 aged 48 years. A pious man of distinguished talents.
In memory of Sally Gilman the amiable and affectionate consort of Tristram Gilman Esq who died Sept. 4, 1810, aged 32 years.
In memory of Susanna Littlefield wife of Samuel B. Littlefield, died May 3d 1806 Æ. 24.
In memory of Mrs Hannah Gilman the virtuous consort of Dr Joseph Gilman died Augt 20 1801. Aged 32.
In memory of Samuel Morrill son of Nahum & Sarah Morrill died April 21st 1795 aged 3 years & 27 days.
Here lies ye body of Mr William Sawyer aged abot 62 years. Died June ye 7th 1718.
Here Lyes Buried ye Body of Mrs Sarah Sayer Relict of Mr. Wm Sayer who died Jan'y 1734 in ye 85 year of Her Age.[p. 134]Here lyes ye Body of Joseph Sayer son of Joseph Sayer & Mrs Marsha his wife, who died Octob 28th 1735 Aged 2 years.
In memory of Mrs Mehitable Sayer wife of Joseph Sayer Esq who departed this Life Octobr 23d 1750 ætat 27.
In memory of the Honble Joseph Sayer who after a painful sickness of nearly 5 years departed this life March 2d 1774 committing himself to the God of his salvation, aged 68.
In memory of Colol Ebenezer Sayer only son of Joseph Sayer Esq who deceased March 30 1778. Ætat 28.