Source: Resolves of the General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Passed at the Several Sessions of the General Court, Commencing May 31, 1815, and Ending February 20, 1819. (Boston, Mass.: Russell & Gardner, printers, 1819).
Massachusetts (of which Maine was then a part) was obliged to reimburse towns for the support of paupers who lacked "settlement" in the Commonwealth. These were often people born abroad or in other states. The Committee on Accounts reported in June 1818 that "there is now due to the Corporations and persons hereafter mentioned, the sums set to their names respectively; which, when allowed and paid, will be in full discharge of the said accounts, to the several dates therein mentioned."
[p. 639]Anson, for board and clothing sundry paupers, to 25th May 1818, 53 65[p. 640]Bath, for boarding, clothing, doctoring and nursing sundry paupers, to 27th May, 1818, 211 38Belfast, for support of Margaret James and three children, to 31st May, 1818, 117 00
Baldwin, for board and clothing Daniel Hickey, to 1st May, 1818, 37 96
Cushing, for board, clothing and nursing Mary Henderson, to 19th May, 1818, and Peggy Rowley, till her death, and funeral charges, 38 50
[p. 641]Camden, for board, clothing and nursing John Bloom, and house rent for Richard Conway's family, to 29th January, 1818, 114 45Durham, for board and clothing sundry paupers, to 1st June, 1818, 217 20
[p. 642]Gorham, for board and clothing Robert Gilfilling, to 31st May, 1818, 27 10Harlem, for board and clothing William Youling, to 10th May, 1818, 33 60
Hallowell, for board, clothing, doctoring and supplies, to sundry paupers, to 3d June, 1818, 295 74
Jay, for board and clothing Elizabeth Bell, to 18th May, 1818, 19 00
[p. 643]Leeds, for support and doctoring sundry paupers, to 24th May, 1818, 150 00Litchfield, for support of Jerusha Twambly, to 19th May, 1818, 15 50
Lubec, for board, nursing and doctoring Samuel Hudson till he left the state, 16 00
Monmouth, for board and clothing Peggy Magner, to 1st June, 1818, 18 00
[p. 644]New Castle, for board and doctoring sundry paupers, to 4th May, 1818, 91 08North Yarmouth, for board, clothing and doctoring George Young, to 2d June, 1818, 33 84
Poland, for board and clothing Bethany Wilson's five children, until they left the state, 6th April, 1817, 55 00
Portland, for board and clothing sundry paupers, to 1st June, 1818, 980 69
[p. 645]Readfield, for board and clothing Edward Burgess, and Collins Cameron, to 21st May, 1818, 114 00Saco, for support of Mrs. Donmore and children, to 25th May, 1818, 46 00
Scarborough, for support and doctoring John S. Moulton, to 23d April, 1818, and expense of removing, 69 30
South Berwick, for board and clothing Lemuel Woodworth, to 4th June, 1818, 33 00
[p. 646]Vassalborough, for board and clothing Abigail Fairbrother, to 1st June, 1818, 25 62Warren, for support of sundry paupers, to 27th May, 1818, 117 00
Waldoborough, for board and clothing Handle and Phebe Andrews, to 6th June 1818, 124 00
Westbrook, for board, clothing, doctoring and nursing John Burns, to 8th May, 1818, 81 70
[p. 647]York, for board, clothing, doctoring and nursing sundry paupers, to 30th May, 1818, 206 00