Source: Resolves of the General Court of Massachusetts, Passed at the Session Holden at Boston, on the Twenty-Third Day of January, in the Year of Our Lord, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Eleven. (Boston, Mass.: Dams, Rhoades & Co., printers, 1811).
Massachusetts (of which Maine was then a part) was obliged to reimburse towns for the support of paupers who lacked "settlement" in the Commonwealth. These were often people born abroad or in other states. The Committee on Accounts reported in February 1811 that "there are due to the corporations and persons hereafter mentioned, the sums set to their names respectively; which, when allowed and paid, will be in full discharge of the said accounts to the several dates therein mentioned."
[p. 147]Adams Samuel, for doctoring sundry state paupers in Wiscasset Gaol to February 1, 1811, $55 2Bowdoin, for clothing, nursing, and doctoring Eleanor Whitcomb and child to the time she left the town, 21
Buckstown, for boarding, clothing, and doctoring George Clarkson, until he left the Commonwealth, 39 57
Baldwin, for boarding Daniel Hickey to 1st January, 1811, 36 30
[p. 148]Bristol, for boarding and doctoring Joa Lewis to the time of his death, including funeral charges, $10 66Cape Elizabeth, for boarding Abraham Bricks and James Ramsbottom to 8th January, 1811, 90 75
[p. 149]Cushing, for boarding and clothing James Walker to 2d February, 1811, $9 90[p. 150]Eastport, for boarding and doctoring Robert Hopkins and Elisha Nevers to the time they left the Commonwealth, $88 16Edgcomb, for boarding and doctoring Archibald Campbell to the time he left the Commonwealth, 33
Fayette, for boarding, clothing, and doctoring William G. Martin to 1st January, 1811, 62 57
Falmouth, in the county of Cumberland, for boarding, clothing, and doctoring John Goodale and Felix Sang to 1st January, 1811, 200 8
Gorham, for boarding and clothing Robert Gelfilling to 1st February, 1811, 78
[p. 151]Hallowell, for boarding, clothing, and doctoring Rachel Cummings, Lois and Almira Powers, James Caruth, Judith Davis and three children, to 16th January, 1811, and Rachel Powers to the time of her death, including funeral charges, 423 80Kittery, for boarding and clothing Sarah Perkins, Deborah Perkins and child, to 1st Janu[a]ry, 1811, 117
[p. 152]Lincolnville, for boarding and clothing Timothy Cox and Alexander White to 10th January, 1811, $110 80Limington, for boarding and clothing John Orian to 1st January, 1811, 67 60
Litchfield, for boarding and clothing Daniel Howard and wife, and Frederick Howard, to 1st February, 1811, 104 50
Mount Vernon, for boarding and clothing David Basford to 11th January, 1811, 96 98
Machias, for boarding, clothing, and doctoring John Gardner to 25th December, 1810, and Owen Clancey to the time he left said town, 257 93
[p. 153]North Yarmouth, for boarding, clothing, and doctoring William Elwell and William Campbell to 1st January, 1811, $114 82New Gloucester, for boarding and clothing Joseph Gregory and John May to 11th February, 1811, 96 54
Peru, for supporting and doctoring James Robbins and family to 16th January, 1811, 107 60
Penobscot, for boarding and clothing Thomas Slack to 22d December, 1810, 31 66
Portland, for boarding, clothing, and doctoring sundry paupers, to 1st January, 1811, 1414 41
[p. 154]Saco, for boarding and doctoring John Dunham to 22d January, 1811, and James Bonnit and George Dolby to the time of their death, including funeral charges, $62 63[p. 155]Sidney, for boarding and clothing Henry Lyons to 2d January, 1811, $26 8Standish, for boarding and clothing Ellis Noble to 6th January, 1811, 68 25
St. George, for boarding and clothing Robert Hawes, Eleanor Matthews, and William Benson, to 3d February, 1811, 85 75
Topsham, for boarding, clothing, and doctoring William Proctor to 28th January, 1811, 62 75
Vassalborough, for boarding, clothing, and doctoring
[p. 156]James Leister and Abigail Fairbrother to 31st January, 1811, $103 32Winthrop, for boarding, clothing, and doctoring Olive Howard and William Gaskell to 4th January, 1811, 123 75
Warren, for supporting William Moorman to 4th January, 1811, 52
[p. 157]York, for boarding, clothing, and doctoring sundry paupers to 8th February, 1811, $764 35