Source: "Maine passports, 1828-1851," images, FamilySearch; citing Maine Secretary of State, Maine State Archives.
These 57 passports were issued by the state of Maine before the practice was abolished by Congress in 1856. Thereafter the U.S. Department of State had the sole authority to issue passports.
Jonathan Champney, of Portland, 23, watchmaker. Going to Havanna in the Island of Cuba. Passport issued 3 Jan. 1828.
Isaac Thomas Johnson, of Portland, 25, merchant. Going to Havanna, in the Island of Cuba. Passport issued 11 Jan. 1828.
Edward Deering Preble, of Portland, 21. Going to Liverpool, England. Passport issued 22 April 1828.
Louis Julius Crêny, 17. Going to Guadaloupe, W. Indies. Passport issued 7 May 1828.
Samuel Adams, of Castine, 25. Going to the Island of Madeira. Passport issued 24 Oct. 1828.
Francis Joseph Gracier, of Portland, 35. Going to Havana, in the Island of Cuba. Passport issued 8 Nov. 1828.
Philip A. Crêny, of Portland, 16. Going to Guadaloupe, W. Indies. Passport issued 21 Nov. 1828.
Samuel McLellan, of Bloomfield, 19. Going to New Orleans in the State of Louisiana. Passport issued 17 Sept. 1829.
Samuel Philbrooks, of Portland, 26. Going to Havana in the Island of Cuba. Passport issued 1 Oct. 1829.
Mary Mountfort, wife of Capt Daniel Mountfort, of Portland, 38. Going to Havana in the Island of Cuba. Passport issued 1 Oct. 1829.
Thomas Fitzgerald, of Portland, Cooper, 40. Going to Havana in the Island of Cuba. Passport issued 2 Oct. 1829.
John Holmes, of Newcastle, 39. Going to Havana in the Island of Cuba. Passport issued 22 Feb. 1830.
Harmon B. Quimby, of Portland, merchant, 25. Passport issued 19 April 1830.
Benjamin Thrasher, of Portland, baker, 37. Passport issued 22 June 1830.
Philip A Creny, 18. Going to Gaudaloupe [sic], Martinique and Trinidad. Passport issued 9 Sept. 1830.
Increase Pote, of Portland, turner, 27. Going to Havana, in the Island of Cuba. Passport issued 13 Nov. 1830.
James Leavitt, of Portland, house carpenter, 22. Going to Trinidad in the Island of Cuba. Passport issued 6 Dec. 1830.
Daniel W. Hillier, of Readfield, gentleman, 27. Going to New Orleans in the State of Louisiana. Passport issued 4 April 1831.
Francis O. J. Smith, Esquire, of Portland, counsellor at law, 26. Going to Quebec, Montreal, thence to Niagara Falls, by the way of Lake Ontario or Lake Champlain. Passport issued 9 July 1831.
Nathaniel Boynton, of Portland, cooper, 26, Going to Havana, in the Island of Cuba. Passport issued 26 Nov. 1831.
Elisha P. Barstow, of Augusta, gentleman, 35. Going to Quebec, in the Province of Lower Canada. Passport issued 15 Dec. 1832.
Manasseh Sevey, of Wiscasset, gentleman, 20. Going to Cincinnati in the State of Ohio, and from thence to New Orleans in the State of Louisiana. Passport issued 7 Sept. 1833.
Daniel R. Goodwin, A. M. Professor Elect of Modern Languages in Bowdoin College, 24. Going to Europe. Passport issued 17 Oct. 1835.
Henry B. Smith, of Portland, gentleman, 21. Going to France, Germany, Switzerland and England. Passport issued 10 Nov. 1837.
Joseph R. Nichols, Secretary of State, 41. Going to the Provinces of the Canadas. Passport issued 31 Dec. 1837.
Thomas Sherman, of Dresden, physician, 32. Going to the Isle of Cuba. Passport issued 27 Jan. 1838.
Charles H. Hamlin, of Augusta, 28. Going to the Cities of Montreal, Quebec and other places in her Britannic Majesty's Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada. Passport issued 12 July 1838.
Joseph S. Hamlen, of Augusta, 26. Going to the Cities of Montreal, Quebec and other places in Her Britannic Majesty's Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada. Passport issued 12 July 1838.
Charles G. Richards, of Augusta, 21. Going to the Cities of Montreal, Quebec and other places in Her Britanic Majesty's Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada. Passport issued 12 July 1838.
George Williams, of Augusta, 23. Going to the Cities of Montreal, Quebec and other places in Her Britanic Majesty's Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada. Passport issued 16 July 1838.
Henry R. Smith, of Augusta, 27. Going to the Cities of Montreal, Quebec and other places in Her Britanic Majesty's Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada. Passport issued 16 July 1838.
Thomas A. M. Norcross, of Clinton, 38. Going to Liverpool, England. Passport issued 25 Oct. 1838.
James H. Mitchell, of Bangor, 26. Going to Quebec and Montreal, in Canada. Passport issued 3 Jan. 1839.
Benjamin King, of Bangor, 42. Going to Quebec and Montreal, in Canada. Passport issued 3 Jan. 1839.
George C. Angier, of Bangor, 27. Going to Quebec and Montreal in Canada. Passport issued 3 Jan. 1839.
George C. Getchell, of Anson. Going to the Provinces of lower Canada. Passport issued 4 Jan. 1839.
Nathan D. Hyde, of Augusta, 35. Going to Quebec. Passport issued 5 Jan. 1839.
Hiram W. Patridge, of Jefferson, 32. Going to Montreal and Quebec, in the Provinces of the Canadas. Passport issued 31 Jan. 1839.
Henry P. Cotton, of Nobleborough, 28. Going to Montreal and Quebec, in the Provinces of the Canadas. Passport issued 31 Jan. 1839.
William B. Haseltine, of Hallowell, 23. Going to Texas. Passport issued 24 Oct. 1839.
John Warren, of Hallowell, 23. Going to Texas. Passport issued 26 Oct. 1839.
Reuben C. Johnson, of Augusta, 20. Passport issued 16 Nov. 1839.
Reuben Chandler Johnson, of Augusta, 21. Going to Europe. Passport issued 12 Oct. 1840.
John A. Chandler, Esq., of Augusta, 50. Going to the Island of Cuba and elsewhere, for the recovery of his health. Passport issued 26 Jan. 1841.
Louis J. de Crêny, of Portland, 30. Going to St. Pierres, in the Island of Martinique, and elsewhere. Passport issued 24 Sept. 1841.
Gilbert H. O'Reilly, of Augusta, 33. Going to Dublin, in Ireland, and elsewhere. Passport issued 20 Feb. 1843.
Dudley P. Bailey, of Augusta, 47. Going to Canada. Passport issued 9 June 1845.
George W. Snell, of Augusta, 21. Going to Brazil in South America. Passport issued 4 Dec. 1849.
Joseph E. Clark, of Hallowell, 20. Going to Brazil in South America. Passport issued 4 Dec. 1849.
C. M. N. Cooper, of Pittston, 21. Going to Veracruz, and from thence to Europe for Business and Travel. No date or signature.
David Thurston, of Winthrop, 71. Going to the Continent of Europe and Island of Great Britain. Passport issued 21 June 1850.
Guy C. Goss, of Bath, 27. Going to Upper California by way of the Isthmus of Panama. Passport issued 3 Aug. 1850.
Edward Springer, of Augusta, 26. Going to Upper California by way of the Isthmus of Panama. Passport issued 3 Aug. 1850.
Edwin Smith Jr, of Warren, 25. Going to England and the continent of Europe. Passport issued 16 July 1851.
George Baker, of Albion. Going to California. Passport issued 4 Sept. 1851.
Sumner C. Baker, of Albion, 20. Going to California. Passport issued 4 Sept. 1851.
William Cole Staple, of Industry, 39. Going to California. Passport issued 31 Oct. 1851.