Source: Eastern State Normal and Training School, Castine, Maine: Catalogue and Circular for the Year Ending June 8, 1909 (Waterville, Me.: Sentinel Publishing Co., 1909).
[p. 5]Eastern State Normal SchoolFall Term, 1908NAMES, P. O. ADDRESS.
Mary M. Ball, Rockland.
Mary F. Bennett, Brewer.
Iva P. Conner, North Castine.
Lena E. Cousins, Naskeag.
Josephine F. Dunbar, Castine.
Ruby M. Emmons, Belfast.
Lena H. Foss, East Holden.
Alice E. Howe, Camden.
Ida M. Kelley, Tremont.
Hittie B. McIntyre, Bluehill.
Carrie B. Sargent, Bluehill.
Carrie M. Seeley, Searsport.
Idylene M. Shute, Ellsworth.
Ruth E. Staples, Atlantic.
Ethel H. Thurlow, Stonington.
Harriette G. Trask, McKinley—16.
C CLASS.Gladys O. Redman, Penobscot.
Elizabeth M. Weeks, Castine.
Rachel Payson, Belfast—3.
D CLASS.Florence N. Brawn, Lubec
Margie R. Colby, Bucksport.
Amy B. Kenney, Brewer.
Alice M. Mack, Rockland.
Nellie F. J. Marr, Belfast.
Margaret E. McCurda, North Whitefield.
Gladys D. Skidmore, Liberty.
Velma M. Stanley, Cranberry Isles.
Grace M. Thompson, Winterport—9.
Florence H. Ames, Bucksport.
Jennie G. Clifford, Sandy Point.
Myra J. Curtis, Dennysville.
Idella F. Gray, South Brewer.
Nettie M. Gray, Vinalhaven.
Louise A. Kingsbury, Monroe.
Hazel D. Stockbridge, Atlantic.
Mary E. Wood, Stonington—8.
F CLASS.Ethel H. Adams, Stonington.
Carrie R. Ames, Vinalhaven.
Katie C. Blackwell, East Corinth.
Bertha M. Blanchard, South Brewer.
Jessie F. Boynton, West Lubec.
Gladys C. Bridges, Brooklin.
Margaret A. Buttomer, Rockland.
Harvey L. Caler, Columbia Falls.
Arthur W. Davis, Cooper's Mills.
Evelyn G. DeWitt, Ellsworth.
Bertha M. Dorr, East Orland.
Hope F. Dresser, Milbridge.
Ethel N. Eldridge, Franklin.
Evelyn M. Gould, West Rockport.
Evelyn Gray, Sargentville.
Ethel C. Hill, Rockland.
Ruby E. Howes, Liberty.
Minnie E. MacDougal, South Lincoln.
Hazel MacGown, Ellsworth.
Lena E. Maddocks, Bucksport.
Sadie A. McFarland, Salisbury Cove.
Mary E. Mills, Brooksville.
Mary E. Nash, Addison.
Dencie L. Peasley, Jonesport.
Frances B. Piper, Franklin.
Flora M. Seeley, Searsport.
Mabelle G. Smallidge, Castine.
Hazel V. Stinson, Stonington.
Leroy E. Sweeney, Nicolin.
Ethel C. Warden, Frankfort.
Rachel T. Cole, Brooklin—31.
Total, fall term, 67.
[p. 7]Winter Term, 1908-09NAMES, P. O. ADDRESS.
Vera M. Berry, Lamoine.
Katherine T. Carr, Frankfort.
C. Mary Curtis, Bluehill.
Clara A. Delano, Abbot.
Mary A. Dougherty, Milford.
Edna B. Ferren, Levant.
Grace M. Gray, South Brooksville.
Jennie A. Miller, Old Town.
Ida E. Morse, Bluehill.
Helen W. Nash, Harrington.
Allie F. Osgood, Bluehill.
Edna L. Osgood, Palermo.
Eva E. Perkins, Belfast.
Angie F. Richardson, Burlington.
Ida S. Rock, Claremont, N. H.
Carrie M. Seeley, Searsport.
Minnie G. Thurlow, Stonington.
Gertrude D. Trask, Springfield.
Dorothy E. True, Springfield.
Mary E. Wallace, Milbridge.
Mildred S. Wasgatt, Northeast Harbor.
Georgia M. Webb, Harrington.
Elizabeth M. Weeks, Castine—23.
C CLASS.Mary F. Bennett, Brewer.
Lena R. Bird, Lincolnville.
Florence N. Brawn, Lubec.
Elizabeth E. Coombs, Belfast.
Josephine F. Dunbar, Castine.
Ruby M. Emmons, Belfast.
Lena H. Foss, East Holden.
Blanche E. Howes, Union.
Ida M. Kelley, Tremont.
Lena King, Lamoine.
Rachel Payson, Belfast.
Carrie B. Sargent, Bluehill.
[p. 8]C CLASS—Concluded.NAMES. P. O. ADDRESS.
Gladys D. Skidmore, Liberty.
Velma M. Stanley, Cranberry Isles.
Flora A. Stratton, Lamoine.
Ethel H. Thurlow, Stonington.
Hittie B. McIntyre, Bluehill.
Grace M. Thompson, Winterport—18.
D CLASS.Lois B. Butler, Bluehill.
Ethel M. Crook, Brewer.
Ermina A. Gushee, Appleton.
Martha A. Harmon, Castine.
Amy B. Hatch, North Penobscot.
Abbie A. Maffitt, Unity.
Louise M. Miller, Lincolnville.
Maude H. Morse, West Franklin.
Mial L. Perkins, Castine.
Ella M. Priest, Northport.
Georgia A. Robertson, Logan.
Elvira M. Smith, Lamoine.
Elizabeth E. Snow, North Castine.
Lennie M. Stanley, Center—14.
E CLASS.Carrie R. Ames, Vinalhaven.
Lulie A. Ames, Appleton.
Bernice Ashley, Seal Cove.
Mildred L. Ayer, Liberty.
Everett L. Bird, Lincolnville.
Crystle N. Bowers, Burlington.
Jessie F. Boynton, West Lubec.
Gladys C. Bridges, Brooklin.
Jennie M. Chadwick, Palermo.
Rachel T. Cole, Brooklin.
Ethel P. Comstock, Argyle.
Arthur W. Davis, Cooper's Mills.
Linnie E. Delano, Bucksport.
Myra A. Fitch, Rockland.
Adelbert H. Gott, Castine.
Evelyn Gray, Sargentville.
Olive A. Gushee, Appleton.
Katherine B. Haley, Prospect.
Gladys A. Higgins, Indian Point.
[p. 9]E CLASS—Concluded.NAMES, P. O. ADDRESS.
Lena E. Maddocks, Bucksport.
Emma A. Matthews, Grand Lake Stream.
Sadie A. McFarland, Salisbury Cove.
Mary E. Mills, West Brooksville.
Georgia S. Morse, West Franklin.
Frances B. Piper, Franklin.
Sylvia E. Richardson, Burlington.
Mabelle G. Smallidge, Castine.
Mildred E. Smith, Liberty.
Leroy E. Sweeney, Nicolin.
Charlotte C. Thompson, Winterport.
Ethel C. Warden, Frankfort.
Lila J. White, Burlington.
Laura A. Whitmore, Bucksport—33.
F CLASS.Alvah E. Ames, Appleton.
Ada H. Bailey, Brooks.
Josephine S. Conner, North Castine.
Vernie O. Dawe, Brookton.
Beulah R. Eaton, South Bluehill.
Gertrude B. Elsemore, Grand Lake Stream.
Elizabeth Farnsworth, Cherryfield.
Lucy M. Freeman, Milbridge.
Agnes M. French, Eastbrook.
Georgie H. French, East Eddington.
William B. French, Eastbrook.
Evelyn M. Gould, West Rockport.
Mattie L. Grindle, Surry.
Madeleine A. Harvey, South Brooksville.
Harry B. Hopkins, East Holden.
Ethel M. Jones, Palermo.
Verna C. Lawrie, Franklin.
Lottie A. Lufkin, Stonington.
Myrtress I. Nason, Lagrange.
Ralph Norton, Castine.
Andrew J. Patterson, Castine.
Carl V. Perkins, Penobscot.
Lillian M. Rich, Tremont.
Amy A. Stone, South Lincoln.
Clara F. Webster, Vinalhaven.
Marcia C. Weeks, Patten.
Lizzie M. White, Danforth.
Effie E. Young, North Brooksville—28.
Total, winter term, 116.
[p. 10]Spring Term, 1909NAMES, P. O. ADDRESS, WEEKS TAUGHT.
Mary M. Ball, Rockland, 31
Mary F. Bennett, Brewer, 58
Vera W. Berry, Lamoine, 90
Katherine T. Carr, Frankfort, 100
Edna A. Colman, Lincolnville, 97
Lena E. Cousins, Naskeag, 120
Elizabeth A. Cunningham, Belfast, 76
C. Mary Curtis, Bluehill, 62
Clara A. Delano, Abbot, 120
M. Abbie Dougherty, Milford, 102
Josephine F. Dunbar, North Castine, 250
Ruby M. Emmons, Belfast, 35
Edna Ferren, Levant, 60
Lena H. Foss, East Holden, 90
Alice E. Howe, Camden, 18
Hittie B. McIntyre, Bluehill, 60
Jennie A. Miller, Old Town, 140
Julia P. Miller, Brewer, 60
Ida E. Morse, Bluehill, 58
Helen W. Nash, Harrington, 25
Allie F. Osgood, Bluehill, 63
Edna F. Osgood, Palermo, 39
Eva E. Perkins, Belfast, 23
Angie F. Richardson, Burlington, 70
Ida S. Rock, Claremont, N. H., 10
Carrie B. Sargent, Bluehill, 60
Idylene M. Shute, Ellsworth, 230
Ethel H. Thurlow, Stonington 130
Minnie G. Thurlow, Stonington
Gertrude D. Trask, Springfield, 106
Harriette G. Trask, McKinley, 88
Dorothy E. True, Springfield 108
Mabel Turner, Palermo
Mary E. Wallace, Milbridge, 13
Georgia M. Webb, Harrington, 19
Elizabeth M. Weeks, Castine, 55
Average number of weeks taught by the class 74.
Sadie F. Burgess, Union.
Ethel M. Crook, Brewer.
Leone F. Dunham, North Penobscot.
Myra A. Fitch, Rockland.
Martha C. Harmon, Castine.
Amy B. Hatch, North Penobscot.
Amy B. Kenney, Brewer.
Gladys B. Kenniston, Amherst.
Beulah S. Leach, North Penobscot.
Eva F. Leighton, Milbridge.
Alice M. Mack, Rockland.
Abbie A. Maffitt, Unity.
Nellie F. J. Marr, Swanville.
Emeline M. McFarland, Bar Harbor.
Louise M. Miller, Lincolnville.
Maude H. Morse, West Franklin.
Mial L. Perkins, Castine.
Ella M. Priest, Northport.
Georgie A. Robertson, Logan.
Carrie M. Seeley, Searsport.
Elizabeth E. Snow, North Castine.
Ada M. Winchenbaugh, Waldoboro—22.
D CLASS.Carrie R. Ames, Vinalhaven.
Mildred L. Ayer, Liberty.
S. Irene Billings, Bluehill.
Everett L. Bird, Lincolnville.
Annie E. F. Bodge, Garland.
Gladys C. Bridges, Brooklin.
Margie K. Burr, Olamon.
Ida F. Burrill, Burnham.
Jennie M. Chadwick, Palermo.
Jennie G. Clifford, Sandy Point.
Harold D. Dowe, Jefferson.
Adelbert H. Gott, Castine.
Idella F. Gray, South Brewer.
Olive A. Gushee, Appleton.
Katherine B. Haley, Stockton.
Winnie B. Hall, Jefferson.
Helen N. Jewett, Amherst.
Orendie L. Mason, Bluehill.
Mary E. Mills, West Brooksville.
[p. 12]D CLASS—Concluded.NAMES, P. O. ADDRESS.
Georgia S. Morse, West Franklin.
Florence Nash, Waldoboro.
Sadie M. Nickerson, Swanville.
Caddie B. Silsby, Amherst.
Lila J. White, Burlington—24.
E CLASS.Alvah E. Ames, Appleton.
Katie L. Blackwell, East Corinth.
Inez E. Bowden, South Brewer.
Harvey L. Caler, Centerville.
Everett A. Conner, Castine.
Evelyn G. DeWitt, Ellsworth.
Lucy M. Elliott, Kenduskeag.
Lucy M. Freeman, Milbridge.
Harry B. Hodgkins, East Holden.
Ethel M. Jones, Palermo.
Hazel MacGown, Ellsworth.
Edna L. McGraw, South Brewer.
Ralph Norton, Castine.
Flora M. Seeley, Searsport.
Clara F. Webster, Vinalhaven.
Marcia C. Weeks, Patten.
Effie E. Young, North Brookville—17.
F CLASS.Ethel L. Brown, Milo.
Josephine S. Conner, North Castine.
Merle H. Conner, Penobscot.
Mildred A. Crafts, Foxcroft.
Jennie A. Hatch, North Penobscot.
Susie M. Lenfest, Selden.
Lottie A. Lufkin, Stonington.
Gladys L. Moore, Millvale.
Augusta E. Nickerson, Swanville.
Roscoe E. Patten, Orland.
Ormand H. Wardwell, Castine—11.
Total, Spring term, 110.
