Source: Petition from the Citizens of Farmington, Maine to Congress, 05/26/1862. National Archives, Records of the U.S. House of Representatives, 1789 - 2006.
Petition of Ebenezer Childs and 38 other Citizens of Farmington Me. asking repeal of the fugitive slave law and the confiscation of the property & liberation of the slaves of Rebels. Presented by Mr. Rice of Maine June 10, 1862. To the Hon. Senate and House of Representatives of the United States, in Congress Assembled: The undersigned, citizens of Farmington Maine, respectfully but earnestly request that you will immediately repeal the Fugitive Slave Law, or so modify it as to secure to the alleged fugitive in all cases, a trial by jury, & confiscate the property of Rebels against the Government, and declare their slaves forever free.May 26, 1862
Ebenezer Childs
S. H. Lowell
G. W. Whitney
Wm. N. Niles
A. H. Bonney
John L. Blake
John Allen
W. Wyman
Jos Dyar
R. S. Rice
James U. Childs
S. P. Morrill
Ezra Staples
P. M. Garcelon
Leonard Keith
Otis B. Butler
H. M. Howes
Chas Greenwood
A. A. Laughton
W. H. Hutchinson
C. AlexanderA. G. Wheeler
J. Bailey
A. Vaughan
James Stanley
Charles M. Holley
Jesse Wentworth
Moses Butterfield
A. Bangs
Hannibal Belcher
Daniel Gordon
S. S. Hersey
R. F. Davis
S. Marvell
Lafayette Perkins
Josiah Prescott
S. R. Norton
H. D. Gage
Jonas Burnham