Source: The Maine Historical Magazine, vol. 9 (Bangor, Me.: J. W. Porter, 1895).
CONTRIBUTED BY WILLIAM D. PATTERSON OF WISCASSET.By Aaron Hinkley, Justice pacis.1759, May 6, Nathaniel Purenton to Priscilla Woodberey, both of Georgetown.
1760, April 15, Jonathan Norcross to Martha Springer.
1761, July 7, Israel Crocker to Hannah McKenney.
[1761,] Sept. 15, Shubel Hinkley Junior of Georgetown to Mary Selve of Brunswick.
[1761,] Nov. 21, James Lamont of Georgetown to Mary Hunter of Topsham.
[1761,] Dec. 8, Thomas Hinkley to Elizabeth Mitchel, both of Georgetown.
1762, Jan'y 14, Abiezer Holbrook of Georgetown to Elizabeth Snow of Brunswick.
[1762,] Jan'y 26, Able Eaton of Georgetown to Sarah Brown of Easthom.
[1762,] Feb'y 17, Samuel Colamar to Eunice Dean, both of Georgetown.
[1762,] May 3, Joshua Purenton to Martha Harden, both of Georgetown.
[1762,] April 22, James Purenton to Priscilla Harden, both of Georgetown.
[1762,] Nov. 29, Jesse Holbrook to Ruth Dyer, both of Georgetown.
[1762,] Dec. 28, James Robertson to Alice Brown, both of Georgetown.
1764, May 7, Timothy Blake to Prudence Webster, both of Georgetown.
[1764, May] 25, John Campble to Sarah Ring, both of Georgetown.
[1764,] June 20, John Foot to Anne Chapman, both of Georgetown.
[1764,] July 12, Fredrick Bath to Mary Gould, both of Georgetown.
[1764,] Aug't 21, Samuel Colamar to Sarah Lamont, both of Georgetown.
[All the above were returned from Georgetown.]By William Cushing, Justice of the Peace.1760, Dec. 4, Richard Hiscock of a place called Walpole and Jane McFadden of Georgetown.
[1760,] Dec 4, James Springer Jun'r & Rachel Chapman, both of Georgetown.
[1760,] Dec. 11, John Dunton of Jerrymesquam Island, and Abigail Walker of Woolwich.
[1760,] Dec. 18, John Carlton and Jane Gilmore, both of Woolwich.By John Stinson, Justice of the Peace.1760, Dec. 23, Nathaniel Gou and Hannah Trask of Pownalborough.
1761, Nov. 3, William Silvester and Mary Low, both of Georgetown.
1762, Aug't 4, John Gray and Betty Boyinton, both of Pownalborough.
[1762,] Nov. 4, John Decker and Anna Bradbury, both of Pownalborough.
1763, March 18, John Swet and Jane Stinson, both of Georgetown.
[1763,] May 12, Jonathan Jones and Jenney Notir at Newcastle.
1764, Feb'y 1, Charles Stockbridge Brooks of Georgetown and Hannah Rowel of Woolwich.[p. 136]1765, Jan'y 1, Benjamin Sargant and Mary Sewel, both of Georgetown.
[No date given] Ebenezer Pattee and Mary Stinson, both of Georgetown.
1766, Aug't 1, John Hall and Susanna Lunt, both of Georgetown.By William Lithgow, Justice of the Peace.1761, August 20, Michael Maharn of Fort Halifax and Unis Tarr of Georgetown.By Jonathan Bowman, Justo. ad pacem etc.1762, Dec. 18, Nicolas Kennedy to Catern Pearl, both of Townsend.By Joseph Patten, Justice of the Peace.1761, June 23, Josiah Clark and Sarah Winslow.
[1761,] Sept. 18, At Newcastle, Jacob Greeley and Mary Laiten.
[1761,] Nov. 17, Samuel Winslow of Harrington and Sarah Richards of Townsend.
[No date given] Caleb Maddock and Martha Tibbetts.
[1761,] Oct. 16, Thomas Tobin and Susanna Hooper, both of Pemmaquid.
1762, Feb'y 4, Thomas Ring of New Castle and Eunice Martin.
[1762,] March 15, James Wayland and Dorcas Blagdon.
[1762,] April 7, James Sproul and Mary Young.By Patrick Drummond, Just. Peace.1761, Feb'y 19, Patrick Work of Georgetown and Juda Ciff of Harpswell.
[1761,] Nov. 9, William Gatchel of Brunswick and Zeruiah Rideout of Georgetown.
[1761,] Dec. 3, Samuell Denny, Esq'r, and Caterrin Linsey, both of Georgetown.
[1761,] Dec. 8, Nicolas Rideout, Jun'r, and Sarah Oliver, both of Georgetown.
[1761,] Dec. 25, Benjamin Gatchel and Mary Day, both of Georgetown.
[1761,] Dec. 25, Stephen Chase and Hannah Blifith, both of Georgetown.By Samuell Denny, Justice Peace.1761, March 12, Jacob Parker and Isabellah McCobb, both of Georgetown.
[1761,] April 2, John Heal and Rachel Brooks, both of Georgetown.
[1761,] August _, Abraham Nason and Anna Errils, both of Pownalborough.
[1761,] June 18, Elathan Ramant and Dorothy Talaser, both of a place called Abedegosit near Georgetown.
[1761,] July 16, Joseph Burns of Broad Bay so called, and Mary Bogs of Pemmaquid so called.
[1761,] Nov. 19, Samuel Parsons of Gasper and Isabella Rodgers of Georgetown.
1762, Jan'y 5, James Drummond, Jun'r, and Hannah Snipe, both of Georgetown.[p. 137]1762, Feb'y 11, Alexander Drummond and Jane Drummond, both of Georgetown.
[1762,] Feb'y 15, Samuel Hall and Grace Oliver, both of Georgetown.
[1762,] April 15, Nicholas Rideout and Sarah Wallis, both of Georgetown.
[1762,] Nov. 23. John Wheeler of Gloster and Elizabeth Knights of Damariscove.
[1762,] Dec. 24, John Hasey from Great Britain and Mehetable Tral of Georgetown.
1763, Jan'y 21, David Curtis of Harpswell and Hannah Blethen of Georgetown.
[1762,] March 2, William Sprage and Meriam Blethen, both of Georgetown.
[1762,] March 10, Nathaniel Springer and Sarah Hodgkins, both of Georgetown.
[1762,] March 18, John Swet and Jane Stinson, both of Georgetown.
[1762,] May 12, William Marshal and Eleanor Trafton, both of Georgetown.
[1762,] May 24, Robert Poor, Jun'r, and Abagail Grant, both of Georgetown.
[1762,] July 11, John Briant and Hannah Hilton, both of Pownalborough.
[1762,] July 21, David Leason and Abagail Springer, both of Georgetown.
1764, Feb'y 31, Henry Sowell and Mary Stinson, both of Georgetown.
[1764,] April 17, Doneld McDoneld, a residenter in Georgetown, and Bety Tarr of said town.
[1764,] May 10, Solomon Bran and Hannah Whittum of a place called Jerremysquam near to Georgetown.
[1764,] June 1, Shemuel Hodgkins and Elizabeth Goodell, both of Georgetown.
[1764,] June 27, Richard Greeno and Mary Grover, both of Georgetown.
[1764,] July 12, Jacob Day and Bethana Blifith, both of Georgetown.
[1764,] Aug. 29, John Mathes and Jane Bareto, both of Townsend.
[1764,] Sept. 20, Michael McMahurne and Thankful Horton, both of Georgetown.
[1764,] Oct. 31, Benjamin Pattee and Elizabeth Linsey, both of Georgetown.
[1764,] Nov. 28, Patrick Work and Mary Leneken, both of a place called Townsend.
1765, Jan'y 4, James Clark of a place called Harrington and Mary Moulton, a residenter in Georgetown.
[1765,] Jan'y 17, Brooks McKenney and Abagail Heal, both of Georgetown.
[1765,] Jan'y 24, Nathaniel Wyman and Martha Campbell, both of Georgetown.
[1765,] June 13, Jordan Parker and Mary Rodgers, both of Georgetown.
1765, July _, Benjamin Whittum and Patience Whittum, both of Jerrymesquam.
1767, April 21, John Coudan and Catherine Roak, both of Georgetown.[p. 138]By John Kingsbury, Just, of ye Peace.1763, Oct. 25, John Hues and Elizabeth Kingsbury, both of Pownalborough.
[1763,] Dec. 8, Thomas Jackson and Elizabeth Kincade, both of Pownalborough.
[1763,] Dec. 8, Israel Averell of Pownalborough and Mary Hilton of a place called Broad Cove.
1764, Jan'y 4, James Carter and Lydia Day. (Newcastle.)
[1763, Jany'] 12, Benjamin Averell and Mary Hunter, both of Pownalborough.
[1763, Jany'] 16, Alexander Gray and Abithal Young, both of Pownalborough.
[1763, Jany'] 19, John Honewell and Jane Jeleson, both of Pownalborough.
[1763,] March 8, Stephen Whitehouse and Sarah Jones. (Newcastle.)By Thomas Rice, Justo. ad pacem etc.1764, Nov. 29, James Cromet and Abagail Pinkham, both of a place called Townsend.
1765, Feb'y 15, Thos. Kelley and Abagail Cromet, both of a place called Townsend.
[1765,] March 27, William Kelsey and Abagail Wentworth, both of a place called Walpole.
[1765,] April 10, Paul Twamley and Mercy Goudy, both of a place called Harrington.
[1765,] April 11, Amos Goudey and Sarah Clark, both of a place called Harrington.
[1765,] May 16, Benjamin Laiten and Jane Webber, both of a place called Freetown.
[1765,] May 27, Ebenezer Morton, Jun'r, and Rachel Bradford, both of a place called Medumcook.
[1765,] July 26, Thos. Johnson of a place called Broad Cove and Ann Sproul of a place called Harrington.
1766, March 4, Ichabod Pinkham and Mary Catlin, both of Boothbay.
[1766,] May 22, Henry Colby of a place called Freetown and Mary Heriden of Jerymesquam Island.
[1766,] July 9, John Ally, Jun'r, and Chana Repley, both of Boothbay.
1767, July 30, Joseph Crommett of Boothbay and Mary Rines of Jerrymesquam Island.By the Rev'd Mr. Ezekiel Emerson.1765, Aug't 12, Robert Hood of Georgetown and Sarah Williamson Rowel of Pownalborough.
[1765,] Nov. 1, James Jewel and Susannah Bracket, both of Georgetown.
[1765,] Dec. 17, James Coliard and Mary Morel, both of Georgetown.
1766, Jan'y 8, Timothy Batcheldor and Mary Hinkley, both of Georgetown.
[1766,] March 5, William Shanan and Mary Ren, both of Georgetown.
[1766,] June 10, David Pattee and Lucy Colins, both of Georgetown.[p. 139]1766, Aug't 14, John Todd and Mary Campbell, both of Georgetown.
[1766,] Sept. 25, Benjamin Oliver and Catherine Crateley, both of Georgetown.
[1766,] Dec. 25, David Ring and Kitte Patrage, both of Georgetown.
[1766, Dec.] 4, Robert White of Woolwich and Susannah Sewel of Georgetown.
1767, Jan'y 22, John Putman and Elizabeth Grover, both of Georgetown.By David Fales, Just. pacis.1767, July 14, William Bogs and Mary Wiley, both of a place called St. Georges.
[1767,] Sept. 14, John Lindsey and Susannah Robinson, both of a place called the Fox Islands.
[1767,] Nov. 3, William Robinson and Rebecca Minott, both of a place called St. Georges.
[1767,] Dec. 10, Charles Greenlaw of a place called Deer Island and Mercy Jameson of a place called St. Georges.
[1767,] Dec. 10, Elijah Cook and Ruby Adams, both of a place called Medumcook.
[1767,] Dec. 17, John Peirce and Mary James, both of a place called Penobscot.
[1767,] Dec. 29, Amos Clark and Anna Moore, both of a place called St. Georges.
1768, Jan'y 5, Waldo Henderson and Margaret Carney, both of a place called St. Georges.
[1768,] Jan'y 28, David Patterson and Anna James, both of a place called St. Georges.
[1768,] Jan'y 29, Joseph Copeland and Sarah Melony, both of a place called St. Georges.
[1768,] Sept. 20, Jacob Rominger and Barbara Seidlinger, both of a place called Broad Bay.
[1768,] Oct. 27, Thomas Rivers and Sarah Forgerty, both of a place called St. Georges.
[1768,] Nov. 3, James Baker of Duxborough and Sela Adams of a place called Medumcook.
1769, Jan'y 12, Andrew King Johnson and Margaret Johnson, both of a place called Medumcook.
[1769,] Feb'y 9, Robert Jameson and Deborah Morton, both of a place called Medumcook.
[1769,] April 6, John Pell and Sarah Crocket, both of a place called St. Georges.
[1769,] Aug't 17, William James, jun'r, of St. Georges and Sarah Jameson of Medumcook.
[1769,] Aug't 31, Richard Young and Jane McCarter, both Of a place called St. Georges.
[1769,] Nov. 21, Reuben Hall and Margaret Patterson, both of St. Georges.
[1769,] Dec. 15, John Kelsey and Abagail Crockit, both of a place called the Fox Islands.[p. 140]1769, Dec. 19, David Creighton and Mary Gamble, both of St. Georges.
[1769,] Dec. 28, Nathan Johnson and Mary Condon, both of a place called Medumcook.
1770, March 1, Thomas Sally and Lucy Breeding, both of St. Georges.
[1770,] Sept. 4, Nathan Bucklin and Margaret Gamble, both of St. Georges.
[1770,] Octo. 25, Alexander Lermond and Elizabeth Piercy, both of St. Georges.
1771, Jan'y 24, Joshua Morton and Mercy Howard, both of a place called Meduncook.
[1771,] April 29, Dennis Forgerty and Mary River, both of St. Georges.
[1771,] July 8, John Lermond and Elizabeth Lamb, both of St. Georges.
[1771,] July 16, Hugh Kelsey of a place called the Fox Islands and Lois Robins of St. George.
[1771,] Aug't 30, Thomas Keff of a place called Misqueter harbour and Abigail Alley of Boothbay.
[1771,] Octo. 30, James Fales and Sybel Robins, both of St. Georges.
1772, May 27, John McKellar and Martha McCarter, both of St. Georges.
[1772,] June 4, John Brison and Ruth Spafford, both of St. Georges.
[1772,] Aug't 4, John Bowler and Anna Clark, both of St. Georges.
[1772,] Sept. 22, Gilbert Hall and Martha Hathorne, both of St. Georges.
[1772,] Octo. 7, Justus Eames and Judeth Arey, both of a place called the Fox Islands.
[1772,] Dec. 9, Zebulon Howland and Margaret Crocket, both of a place called the Fox Islands.
[1772,] Dec. 9, William Heard and Abagail Kelsey, both of a place called the Fox Islands.
[1772,] Dec. 10, Anthony Dyer and Susannah Kent, both of a place called the Fox Islands.
[No date given] Stephen Carver and Deborah Kent, both of a place called the Fox Islands.
[1772,] Dec. 22, Samuel Watt and Mary Robinson, both of St. Georges.
1773, March 18, John Cox and Catharine Jameson, both of St. Georges.
[1773,] April 7, George Miner and Anna Chesebrough, both of a place called Long Island.
[1773,] April 10, Richard Webber and Mary Wescott, both of a place called Cambden.
[1773,] April 19, Jonathan Lamson and Mary Groos, both of a place called Cambden.
[1773,] April 26, Joshua Bradford and Martha Jameson, both of a place called Medumcook.
[1773,] July 2, Jonathan Pendleton of a place called Long Island and Jane McIntyre of St. Georges.
[1773,] Sept. 14, Benjamin Dyer and Ruth Eames, both of a place called the Fox Islands.
[1773,] Nov. 24, Joseph York of Falmouth and Jane Gilchrist of St. Georges.
[1773,] Dec. 31, William Montgomery and Abigail Crane, both of St. Georges.[p. 141]1774, Jan'y 3, John Demorss, jun., and Hepzibah Gay, both of a place called Medumcook.
[1774,] Jan'y 6, John Bridges and Sarah Eastman, both of St. Georges.
[1774,] Jan'y 20, Joseph Bradford and Abigail Sterling, both of a place called Medumcook.
[1774,] May 6, Isaiah Tolman, jun., of St. Georges and Elizabeth Gregory of a place called Camden.
[1774,] May 31, Stephen Peabody and Margaret Locke, both of St. Georges.By the Rev'd Josiah Winship.1765, Aug't 26, Abraham Preble and Elizabeth Welch, both of Bowdoinham.
1767, Feb'y 5, Andrew McFaden of Georgetown Jun'r [sic], and Lucy Thomas of Jerrymesquam.
1776, July 16, Elisha Grant and Lydia Gould.
[1776,] Aug't 15, Ebenezer Preble and Martha Smith.
[1776,] Sept. 5, Timo. Dunton, jun., and Nancy Smith.
[1776,] Nov. 7, John Gould and Beal Gray.
[1776,] Nov. 13, Jona. Eames, jun'r, and Thankful Young.
Last five returned from Woolwich.By Jno. Murray, V. D. M..1767, June 2, John Blake and Anna Robinson.
[1767,] July 23, William Burns and Elizabeth Young.
[1767,] Aug't 18, Eleazer Sharman and Lydia Kelley.
[1767,] Sept. 7, Noah Cross and Abagail Hammock.
[1767,] Octo. 1, Samuel Pease and Elizabeth Thompson.
1768, Jan'y 21, Patrick McKown and Margaret Fullerton.
[1768,] April 8, Faithful Singer and Susannah Knights.By Abraham Preble, Justice of ye Peace.1769, June 15, Benjamin Tibbetts of Bowdoinham to Hannah Stockman of Topsham.
1770, Jan'y 18, Robert Clerk to Eleanor Ingram, both of Topsham.
[1770,] Jan'y 25, Joseph Foster to Jane Reed.
1771, Jan'y 17, Robert Gower to Mary Henry.
[1771,] July 29, John Rogers to Jane Potter.
[1771,] Aug't 8, John Given to Mary Winchell.
[1771,] Octo. 21, Samuel Dean of Woolwich to Sarah Branch of Bowdoinham.
[1771,] Nov. 19, George White to Lucy Thorne.
1772, June 9, Jacob Fought of Vassalborough to Hannah Sedgley of Bowdoinham.
[1772,] Sept. 5, Jonathan Bryant to Marthy Goodwin, both of Bowdoinham.
1773, March 20, Joseph Golusha to Phebe Jelison, both of Bowdoinham.
[1773,] May 27, Zebulon Preble to Lois Temple, both of Bowdoinham.
[1773,] Nov. 18, John Small of Topsham to Hannah Preble of Bowdoinham.[p. 142]1774, Feb'y 23, At Gardiners-town, Capt. Samuel Oakman, Residenter at a Place called Gardiners-town, but without the bounds of any Town, to Hannah Agray of the same Place.
1775, Feb'y 16, at Topsham, Arthur Hunter to Sarah Winchel, both of Topsham.
[1775,] June 12, Capt'n Thomas Harwood of Brunswick to Hannah Patten of Bowdoinham.
[1775,] Aug't 24, Daniel Sergent of Bowdoinham to Sarah Perkins of Brunswick.
[1775,] Sept. 14, Elisha Prat of Kenebeck River, but without the Bounds of any Town, to Esther Jelison of Bowdoinham.
1776, Feb'y 15, James Henry to Mercy Bevrige.
[1776,] June 18, John Sanford to Mary Wilson.By James Howard, Esq..1771, May 29, Reuben Fairfield and Abagail Tozar, both of Winslow.
[1771,] Aug't 29, Timothy Foster and Abagail Allen, both of Winthrop.
[1771,] Sept. 18, Mr. McCarty and Mrs. Dailey, both of Gardinerstown.
[1771,] Octo. 10, Samuel Gatchel and Ruth Reed, both of Vassalboro'.
[1771,] Nov. 21, David Wall and Hannah Turner, both of Hallowell.
[No date given] George Fitzgerald and Eleanor Chase, both of Hallowell.
1772, Jan'y 9, Collings Moore of Vassalborough and Sarah Tozer of Winslow.
[1772,] May 11, Seth Greele and Mary Wright.
[1772,] June 13, Philip Snow and Abagail Townsend.
[1772,] Nov. 12, Charles Stewart and Abagail Fairfield.
[1772,] Nov. 26, Moses Hastings and Hannah Marsh.
[1772,] Dec. 8, Jabez Lewis and Elizabeth Gatchel.
[No date given] Nathan'l Spencer and Bridget Simson.
[1772,] Dec. 9, James Withrow and Mary Bennet.
1773, Jan'y 26, John Gray and Sarah Blanchard.
[1773,] Feb'y 15, David Clark and Sarah Taylor.
[1773,] Feb'y 26, Ephraim Wilson and Eunice Spencer.
[1773,] March 9, Nath'l Evings and Hannah Hastings.
[1773,] March 10, Joseph Stevens and Abagail Blanchard.
[1773,] May 23, Benj'n Dayer and Jemima Blake.By Mr. Francis Winter, Minister.1771, Jan'y 24, John Robinson and Hannah Lemont.
[1771,] Feb'y 4, John Berry and Rhodias Mitchell.
[1771,] Sept. 26, Edw'd Morss and Sarah Combs.
[1771,] Oct'r 3, William Swanton and Eliz'th Donell.
[1771,] April 11, John Woodard and Mary Hodgkins.
1772, April 21, John Foot and Martha Purington.
[1772,] May 17, James Owings and Lowes Page.
[1772,] July 3, Ralph Cheney and Lydea Grover.
[1772,] Nov. 1, John Andros and Deborah Sargent.
[1772,] Dec. 30, Ephraim Fitts and Sally Lowall.[p. 143]1773, Jan'y 20, Lemuel Standish and Rachel Jackson.
[1772,] June 10, James Crawford and Huldah Thompson.
[1772,] Aug't 26, Eben'r Combes and Abigail Thompson.
[1772,] Sept. 1, Stephen Morss and Abigail Donnell.
[1772,] Nov. 23, Sam'l Berry and Ruth Lambard.
[1772,] Dec. 2, Thos. Lemont and Lucy Mitchell.
[No date given] Benj'n Donnel jun'r and Eliz'th Todd.
[1772,] Dec. 16, Francis Burnham and Eliz'th Ring.
[1772,] Dec. 30, John Donnell and Sarah Philbrook.
1774, Jan'y 3, Rich'd Keaton and Meriam Bridges.
[1774,] March 3, Nath'l Donnell and Susannah Sargent.
The last twenty-one were returned from Georgetown.Marriages Solemnized by Ezekiel Pattee, Esq., in Winslow..1773, Nov. 2, Laurence Costagan to Elizabeth Lowe.
[1773,] Nov. 13, Oliver Wilson to Sarah Haywood.
1774, Jan'y 19, John Fergusson to Mary Philbrook.
[1774,] May 15, Amanuel Smith to Sarah Raymond.
[1774,] June 2, Sampson Doe to Sarah Reed.
[1774,] July 24, Jonathan Priest to Joanna Couch.
[1774,] Octo. 5, James Wargh to Bathsheba Fairfield.
[1774,] Octo. 14, Morris Fling to Esther Parker.
[1774,] Nov. 9, Nathaniel Doe to Molly Fairfield.
[No date given] Thomas Pilsbury to Elizabeth Doe.
[1774,] Nov. 27, Joshua Davis to Betty Parker.
1775, Aug't 24, Edward Blanchard to Elizabeth Smith.
[1775,] Sept. 19, Ebenezer Moores to Sarah Moores.
1776, Jan'y 18, Thomas Gulliver to Patience Tozer.
[1776, Jan'y] 20, William Huston to Sybil Heald.By Obed Hussey, Esq..1773, Aug't 15, Oliver Allen and Levina Hopkins.By James McCobb, J's Peace.1773, April 14, Sam'l Todd and Mary Porterfield, both of Georgetown.By Nath'l Thwing, Esq'r.1777, May 15, James Perry and Susannah Gorham (Woolwich).
