Source: The Bangor Historical Magazine, vol. 3 (Bangor, Me.: J. W. Porter, 1888); The Bangor Historical Magazine, vol. 4 (Bangor, Me.: J. W. Porter, 1889).
(Communicated by Joseph Williamson. Transcribed from the Town Records.)By William Moody, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1814. May 23, Zebulon R. Davis and Margaret Patterson, both of Belfast.
[1814.] Oct. 13, Richard Holt and Betsey Patterson, both of Belfast.By Robert Houston, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1814. Dec. 1, Josiah Towle with Jane Lair, both of Frankfort.
1815. Jan. 5, Peter Perkins with Jane Ames, both of Prospect.By George Watson, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1814. Nov. 6, Jonathan Brown with Patty Patterson, both of Belfast.
[1814.] Dec. 1, Parker Brown with Elizabeth Merrithew, both of Belfast.
[1814.] Dec. 28, Benjamin Davis with Jane Stephenson, both of Belfast.
1815. Jan. 24, Harvey Morse, of Kingville, with Sarah Gilmore, of Belfast.
[1815.] April 23, John Sanborn with Sally Madden, both of an unincorporated Plantation called Three Mile Square, and adjoining Belfast.By James Bicknell, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1815. Feb. 26, Samuel Fletcher with Miss Sally Walton, both of Belfast.By William Moody, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1815. Nov. 12, Ephraim McFarland and Susan Stevens, both of Belfast.
[1815.] Dec. 13, Lemuel R. Gilbert and Olive Huse, both of Belfast.By Asa Edmunds, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1816. July 14, Enoch Leathers, of Washington Plantation, to Miss Anna Simpson, of Swan Plantation.
[1816.] July 21, Samuel Bird, of Belfast, to Miss Lucy Elwell, of Northport.
1816. Aug. 16, Joshua Howard to Mrs. Nancy Williams, both of Lincolnville.
[1816.] Nov. 1, William Roix to Miss Allvria Mayhew, both of the Plantation called Three Mile Square.By Manassah Sleeper, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1816. Nov. 24, Benjamin T. Campbell to Miss Lydia Smith, both of Belfast.By John Merriam, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1816. Nov. 7, Josiah Twitchell and Miss Comfort Peirce.
1817. Feb. 17, Silas Neal, of Belmont, and Miss Elizabeth Annis, of Unity.By Manassah Sleeper, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1817. Aug. 31, Jesse Whittier to Miss Sally Prescott, both of Searsmont.[3:112]By Asa Edmunds, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1817. Sept. 28, John Wentworth, of Belfast, to Miss Diantha French, of the plantation called Three Mile Square.
1817. Sept. 28, Ira Whitcomb, of Hope, to Miss Sally Gurney, of Three Mile Square.By Rev. Benjamin Jones.1818. Jan. 15, Job Chase Jr., and Miss Nancy McClure, both of Belfast.By John Merriam, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1818. Sept. 28, John M'Keen and Elsay Gilbreth, both of Belfast.
[1818.] Nov. 7, George Sidensberger, of Warren, and Patience Pierce, of Belfast.
[1818.] Dec. 7, Charles Bran and Helpy Thurston, both of Belfast.
[1818.] Dec. 29, Thomas Clark, of Belfast, and Sally Clark, of Northport.By Benjamin Whittier, Justice of the Peace.[1818.] Jan. 22, William G. Ordway, of Newport, to Miss Sophia Smith, of Belfast.By Rev. John Wagg.1818. April 9, Levi Wyman and Miss Paulina Bean.
[1818.] Sept. 24, Danforth Hall and Miss Betsey Hatch.By Manasseh Sleeper, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1818. May 30, David Sanborn to Miss Patience Getchell, of Waldo Plantation, or Three Mile Square.
[1818.] Dec. 27, Daniel Whittier to Miss Betsey Weeks, of Belfast.By Asa Edmunds, Esq., Justice of the Peaer.1818. May 7, John B. Durham and Miss Keziah Hall, both of Belfast.
[1818.] June 21, Joseph Havner, of Brooks, and Miss Mary Ann Brier.
[1818.] July 5, John K. Gilman and Miss Polly Cresty Merrithew, both of Belfast.
[1818.] July 20, Simon Madden, of the Three Mile Square, and Miss Abigail Cunningham, of Belfast.
[1818.] Dec. 10, Jesse Hussy and Miss Jane French, both of Belfast.
[1818.] Dec. 15, Joel Adams and Miss Amy Burgess, both of Belfast.
[1818.] Dec. 29, Asa West, of the Three Mile Square, and Miss Nancy Piper, of Swanville.
1819. Jan. 3, Scotland Chalmore, of Fairfax, and Miss Juda Niles French, of the Three Mile Square.
[1819.] June 3, Joseph Smith, of Knox, and Miss Deborah Stevens, of Belfast.
[1819.] July 18, William Arnold, of Palermo, and Miss Mary Taylor, of Belfast.
[1819.] Dec. 14, Christopher Harvest and Miss Joanna Hill, both of Belmont.By Manasseh Sleeper, Esq., Justice of the Peace.[1819.] Jan. 16, Benjamin Poor to Miss Lydia Swan, both of Belfast.
[1819.] April 19, John Edwards, of Palermo, to Miss Sabrina Basford, of Belfast.
1820. Feb. 24, David Knowles to Miss Sally Pitcher, of Northport.[3:113]1820. Oct. 20, John Jones, of Searsmont, to Miss Catherine Newbit, of Belfast.By Asa Edmunds, Justice of the Peace.1820. Feb. 8, George W. Warren and Miss Fanny Parker, both of Searsmont.
[1820.] June 20, Nathaniel Holden and Mrs. Elizabeth Brown, of Belfast.
[1820.] Aug. 3, Dennison W. Ryan and Miss Mina Elwell, both of the Plantation called Three Mile Square.
[1820.] Sept. 10, William Johnson and Sophia Freeman, both of Northport.By John Merriam, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1819. Dec 8, Alexander Wilson and Miss Lavina French, both of Belfast.
1820. March 9, John Sargent and Miss Charity Low, both of Belfast.By Benjamin Whittier, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1819. June 22, William Blake and Miss Hannah Merrithew, both of Belfast.
1820. March 12. Capt. Robert Emery and Miss Patty Hopkins, both of Belfast.By Dudley Stickney, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1819. May 9, Robert Fletcher to Lucy Paterson.By Rev. William Frothingham.1819. Oct. 29, Hutson Bishop and Jane Cunningham.
[1819.] Nov. 26, William Crosby and Elizabeth Brown.
[1819.] Dec. 1, Samuel Bullen and Margaret West.
[1819.] Dec. 9, Joseph Miller and Patience Brown.By Bohan P. Field, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1819. Jan. 17, John Palmer to Susan N. Poor, both of Belfast.By William White, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1817. June 10, Philip Morrill and Nancy Head, both of Belfast.By Rev. Joshua Ball.1819. Dec, John Sanborn, of Monroe, to Miss Sally Sargent, of Belfast.By Benjamin Whittier, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1820. Oct. 8, Ebenezer Burgess and Lydia Hopkins, both of Belfast.
[1820.] Oct. 25, George Weymouth, of Belmont, and Polly Johnson, of Belfast.By Rev. William Frothingham.1820. Feb. 17, Joseph Thompson and Mary Durham.
[1820.] May 7, John Hoxy and Sally Kenniston.
[1820.] May 21, James Enwright and Miss Hannah Hopkins.
[1820.] June 4, Capt. William Avery and Miss Ann Durham.
[1820.] July 9, Samuel Cunningham and Miss Eliza Dummer.
[1820.] July 13, John Shute and Miss Sally Reed.
[1820.] July 23, Thomas Dunham, Esq., and Miss Paulina Hodgdon.[3:114]1820. Nov. 26, Capt. Benjamin Hazeltine and Miss Margaret Patterson.
[1820.] Nov. 30, Oshea Page and Miss Susan Osborn.
[1820.] Dec. 24, Oliver Crary and Miss Elizabeth Houston.
1821. Jan. 1, John B. White and Miss Mercy Sears, both of Knox.
[1821.] Jan. 7, Joseph Williamson, Esq., and Miss Mary Huse.
[1821.] Jan. 25, Dr. Andrew Wiggin and Miss Olive H. Gilbert.
[1821.] Jan. 28, Thomas Marshall and Miss Susan Colburn.
[1821.] Feb. 15, Cornelius Lane and Miss Almira Smith.
[1821.] May 13, Benjamin Hall and Miss Eliza Eldridge.
[1821.] May 24, Alexander Clark and Miss Ann Cain.
[1821.] May 24, Libbeus Packard and Miss Ann Gilmore.
[1821.] July 4, Liberty B. Wetherbee and Miss Charity Wadlin.
[1821.] Dec. 16, Capt. David Peirce and Miss Rachel Simpson.
[1821.] Dec. 30, John McHassel and Miss Betsey Peirce.By Manasseh Sleeper, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1821. Oct. 20, Jonathan Thurston to Mrs. Hannah M. McIntosh.
1821. Nov. 25, John Green to Miss Sally Kimball, of Belmont.
[1821.] Nov. 29, Nathan Packard, of Searsmont, to Miss Polly Batchelder, of Belmont.
[1821.] Dec. 27, Michael Gordon to Miss Relief White, of Belmont.By Rev. Thomas Merrill.1821. Dec. 13, Jonathan Dow, of Prospect, with Miss Charlotte S. True, of Belfast.(Name of minister or magistrate not given.)1821. May 7, Swanzey Wilson to Miss Sally French, both of Belfast.
[1821.] May 18, John Roberts to Miss Christiana Dodge, both of Belfast.
[1821.] May 27, James Harmon, of Raymond, to Miss Polly Campbell.
[1821.] Oct. 16, Josiah Twitchell to Miss Mary Newcomb, both of Belfast.
[1821.] Feb. 24, Abner Weed, of Knox to Miss Sally Ryan, of Belfast.
[1821.] Mar. 17, Nathaniel French to Miss Mary Thomas, both of Belfast.By John Clark, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1821. June 3, John Haskell to Miss Jane Patterson, both of Belfast.
[1821.] June 17, James Doyle to Miss Amelia Braun, both of Northport.
[1821.] July 1, Elisha Patterson to Miss Anna Thompson, both of Belfast.
[1821.] Oct. 21, John Robinson to Miss Lucy Hinds, both of Belfast.
1822. April 28, John Banks to Miss Relief Campbell, both of Belfast.By Samuel Gordon, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1821. Jan 11, Nathaniel Merchant to Raphannah Smith, both of Waldo.
1822. Dec. 15, Elisha Nickerson, of Swanville, to Lucy Royal, of Monroe.By Rev. John Wagg.1822. Jan. 16, William Horn, of Vassalboro', to Miss Betsey Davis, of Belfast.[3:115]By Rev. Joshua Eveleth.1822. April 4, Louis Krous to Mrs. Ann Blackstone, both of Belfast.
[1822.] May 19, Maj. William Cunningham to Mrs. Elizabeth Huff, both of Belfast.
[1822.] Oct. 31, Joseph Mathews 2d, of Prospect, to Miss Margaret Durham, of Belfast.By Seth W. Eells, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1822. July 4, Joseph Perkins, of Belfast, with Miss Cyrene French, of Waldo.By Manasseh Sleeper, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1822. Dec. 24, Samuel Coombs to Miss Sally Mayhew, of Waldo.By Rev. William Frothingham.1822. Feb. 3, Dudley Griffin and Miss Abigail Osborn.
[1822.] Feb. 21, Charles Clark and Miss Jane Patterson.
[1822.] April 9, John Simpson and Miss Jane McKeen.
[1822.] April 30, Rufus Berry and Miss Clarissa Stanley.
[1822.] June 5, Charles K. Tilden to Miss Mary Read.
[1822.] Nov. 7, Lemuel Curtis to Miss Mercy Knowlton.
[1822.] Dec. 3, William White 2d to Miss Mary Hall.
1823. Feb. 2, Job White to Miss Betsey Quimby.
[1823.] March 8, John Clark to Miss Nancy Ward.
[1823.] March 26, Capt. John Cotterill to Miss Ruth Whittier.
[1823.] May 22, Daniel F. Croxford to Miss Sophronia Stanley.
[1823.] June 20, Samuel Tripp to Miss Lucy Bean.
[1823.] Sept. 4, Winthrop Sargent to Miss Lydia Patterson.
[1823.] Oct. 26, Thomas Maddocks to Miss Margaret Monroe.
[1823.] Nov. 9, George V. Russ to Miss Emily Huse.
[1823.] Nov. 20, Martin Gilmore to Miss Lydia Lancaster.
[1823.] Nov. 30, Thomas McLure to Miss Betsey Armor.
[1823.] Dec. 4, Henry Peaks to Miss Sophia S. Wiggin.By Joseph Eayrs, Justice of the Peace.1823. Aug. 17, Jeremiah Goodwin and Miss Miriam P. Ellis, both of Belfast.By Manasseh Sleeper, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1823. Jan. 10, John Dempsey to Miss Amelia D. Rhoades, of Northport.
[1823.] July 28, Nicholas Jefferds to Miss Susan Piper, of Swanville.
[1823.] Dec. 11, Vinal Mayhew to Miss Lydia Day, of Waldo Plantation.
[1823.] Dec. 27, Job Pitcher, of Northport, to Miss Mary Patterson, of Belfast.By John Clark, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1823. June 21, William Bicknell to Miss Christiana Hayford, both of Belfast.
[1823.] June 23, Robert Smart, of Vassalboro, to Miss Sally Hinds, of Belfast.
[1823.] July 3, William Holt to Miss Hannah Shute, both of Belfast.[3:116]By Asa Edmunds, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1823. April 29, John L. Cummings, of Unity, and Miss Ruth Peaslee, of Belfast.
1824. March 18, Joshua Moor and Miss Polly Stevens, of Belfast.By Samuel Gordon, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1823. April 3, James Gordon and Elizabeth West, both of Waldo Plantation.By Rev. William Frothingham.1824. Feb. 1, Jonathan T. Quimby to Miss Abigail Burkmar.By James McCrillis, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1824. Jan. 16, Michael Caton and Dorothy White, both of Belfast.By John Clark, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1824. May 16, Samuel Wight, of Penobscot, to Miss Hannah Wight, of Belfast.
[1824.] June 6, Joseph Bray, of Boston, to Miss Rosilla Patterson, of Belfast.
[1824.] Sept. 12, Israel Dresser, of Belmont, to Miss Betsey Banks, of Belfast.By John Merriam, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1824. Sept. 10, Enoch Folsom and Miss Margaret Watson, both of Belmont.
[1824.] Nov. 8, William Davis and Miss Eliza Cobbett, both of Belfast.By Manasseh Sleeper, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1824. March 1, David Varnum to Miss Hannah Simmons, both of Bristol.
[1824.] March 1, James Davis to Miss Ann Hopkins, of Belfast.
[1824.] May, Melzer Thomas to Miss Sarah Greer, of Belmont.[3:130]By Rev. Charles Soule.1824. Nov. 7, Josiah Simpson Jr., to Miss Susan Giles, both of Belfast.
1825. March 6, Elder Daniel Bartlett, of Sangerville, to Miss Mary T. Eells, of Belfast.
[1825.] July 21, George M. Ferguson to Miss Mary Aspinwall, both of Belfast.
[1825.] Dec. 13, John Gilmore to Mrs. Mary Brown, both of Belfast.By Asa Edmunds, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1825. June 9, Ebenezer G. Burkman, of Northport, and Miss Sally Bird, of Belfast.By Alfred Johnson Jr., Esq., Justice of the Peace.1825. Sept. 20, Dr. Jonathan P. Alden and Miss Esther C. Alden, both of Belfast.By Samuel Gordon, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1825. Nov. 10, Thomas Jefferson Piper, of Waldo, to Almira Jeffords, of Belfast.
1826. Jan. 19, Thomas McCorrison to Azubah Knight, both of Waldo.[3:131]By Manasseh Sleeper, Esq., Justice of the Peace1825. June —, Erastus Freeman to Miss Sally Smart, of Belfast.
1825. Oct. 12, William Blackstone to Miss Sarah Booz, of Belfast.By Rev. William Frothingham.1825. May 19, Otis Cushman and Miss Nancy Bicknell, both of Belmont.
[1825.] June 26, Martin P. White and Miss Abigail Towle.
[1825.] Aug. 28, Thomas Mayo and Miss Harriet D. Gordon.
[1825.] Sept. 11, Horatio N. Hatch and Miss Dorcas Twitchell.
[1825.] Sept. 11, Hiram Holmes and Miss Sally McKeen.
[1825.] Sept. 18, Samuel B. Hanson and Miss Lucy M. McKeen.
[1825.] Oct. 2, Capt. James Holmes and Miss Persis Merriam.
[1825.] Oct. 12, Daniel Quimby and Miss Alice Towle.
[1825.] Dec. 4, James W. Brown and Miss Susan H. Libby.
[1825.] Dec. 11, Ziba Hall and Miss Susan Wiggin.
[1825.] Dec. 14, William Stevens, Esq., and Miss Eliza L. Watson.
1825. Dec. 21, Ephraim T. Morrill and Miss Caroline Frothingham.
[1825.] Dec. 29, George W. Reed and Miss Sally B. Ellis.
[1825.] Dec. 29, Joseph McKeen and Miss Eliza Holmes.By John Clark, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1825. March 24, Proctor S. Walker to Miss Sophia Wentworth, both of Knox.
[1825.] Oct. 2, John Hawkins to Luceba Greer, both of Belfast.
1826. Nov. 8, Nathan Cole to Miss Eleanor Davis, both of Belfast.By William A. Drew, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1826. April 23, Sullivan Hicks and Miss Sylvia Campbell, both of Belfast.By Patrick Mahony, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1826. Dec. 25, Addison Brackett to Miss Priscilla Shibles, both of Belfast.By Joseph Eayrs, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1826. July 4, Eliphalet French with Miss Thankful Howard, both of Belfast.
[1826.] Oct. 25, Seth Robbins, of Belfast, and Miss Alice Seekins, of Swanville.
1827. March 4, Clinton Nash with Miss Lucinda Harvey, both of Swanville.By James Poor, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1826. Nov. 21, Nathaniel Marston, of Knox, to Miss Frances Kay, of Belfast.
[1826.] Dec. 10, John W. Sheppard to Miss Elizabeth M. Kay, both of Belfast.By Manasseh Sleeper, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1826. Feb. —, Ephraim Dunlap, of Camden, to Miss Mary A. Lord, of Belfast.
[1826.] July 9, Zebedee Kendall Jr. to Miss Celia Curtis, of Belfast.
[1826.] Aug. 20, Stephen Murch to Miss Lydia Smith, of Belfast.[3:132]By Rev. William Frothingham.1826. May 31, Hezekiah Williams, Esq., of Castine, to Miss Eliza Patterson, of Belfast.
[1826.] Sept. 17, Benjamin Hartshorn to Miss Anna Stevens, both of Belfast.
[1826.] Sept. 28, James W. Webster to Miss Mary E. Moody, both of Belfast.
[1826.] Nov. 19, Abiel Ordway to Miss Mary M. Kelsey, both of Belfast.
1826. Nov. 30, Ephraim Fellows to Miss Mary Tolman, both of Belfast.
[1826.] Dec. 31, Capt. Paul R. Hazeltine to Miss Caroline Longfellow, both of Belfast.
1827. March 8, Thomas Piper, of Newburg, to Miss Lucy Gilmore, of Belfast.
[1827.] March 22, Timothy Mayo, of Monroe, to Miss Louisa Houston, of Belfast.
[1827.] June 27, Thomas B. Brooks, of Portland, and Miss Elizabeth A. Gordon, of Belfast.
[1827.] Sept. 2, Nathaniel M. Lowney and Miss Frances Bowe, both of Belfast.
[1827.] Dec. 16, Capt. David Patterson and Miss Rhoda N. Holmes, both of Belfast.
[1827.] Dec. 23, Phineas P. Quimby and Miss Susannah B. Harnden, both of Belfast.
[1827.] Dec. 25, Capt. Thomas Tilden and Miss Mary Ann Osborn, both of Belfast.By Samuel Gordon, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1827. Jan. 18, Thomas Day, of Plantation No. 5, and Diana Mayhew, of Belfast.
[1827.] Feb. 17, Samuel Payson and Rebecca Maddon, both of Waldo Plantation.By Rev. Gershom F. Cox.1827. April 3, G. W. Burkman and Miss Almira Bassford.By Joseph Eayrs, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1827. Dec. 19, David Gilmore to Miss Eliza McKeen, both of Belfast.By Manasseh Sleeper, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1827. Sept. 3, Rev. David Richards, of Lincolnville, to Miss Susan Genn, of Belfast.
[1827.] Oct. 4, John M. Gould, of Lincolnville, to Miss Abigail Knowles, of Belfast.
1828. July 20, Lewis Bean 2d to Miss Nancy Shute, of Belfast.
[1828.] Aug. 3, Edward Edmunds to Miss Harriet Ordway, of Belfast.
[1828.] Aug. 24, John Cummings, of Belmont, to Miss Jane Prescott, of Northport.
1828. Dec. 7, Daniel S. Gibson to Miss Eunice Billings, of Belfast.By John S. Ayer, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1828. April 1, William H. Goddard and Miss Esther Edwards.[3:133]By Rev. Nathaniel Wales.1828. April 27, Alexis Morrill to Miss Mary S. Simpson.By Rev. William Frothingham.1828. Jan. 18, Ephraim Sheldon, of Camden, and Miss Mary Ann Smith, of Belfast.
[1828.] Jan. 30, John Greely, of Palermo, and Miss Lavinia Brown, of Belfast.
[1828.] Feb. 3, Capt. Benjamin Young Jr. and Miss Ruth Eells, of Belfast.
[1828.] April 20, John Hamilton and Miss Mary Gilbreth, both of Belfast.
[1828.] May 5, Hon. John S. Kimball to Miss Isabella Gordon, both of Belfast.
[1828.] Sept. 16, Dr. Daniel Cass to Miss Mary Pierce, both of Belfast.
[1828.] Sept. 25, Thomas Pickard to Mrs. Mary Ann Hoit, both of Belfast.
[1828.] Oct. 9, Stephen B. Bond to Miss Eliza Lawson, both of Belfast.
[1828.] Oct. 12, Perley Morse, of Lowell, to Miss Lucy C. Alden, of Belfast.
[1828.] Oct. 20, Seth W. Eells, Esq., to Miss Patience Merriam, both of Belfast.
[1828.] Nov. 6, Joseph Houston, Jr., to Miss Susan Foster, both of Belfast.
[1828.] Nov. 13, Caleb B. Burnap to Miss Amelia Phillips, both of Belfast.
[1828.] Dec. 18, Nathaniel Wildes, of Monroe, to Miss Ann York, of Belfast.By Seth W. Eells, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1828. Sept. 7, Timothy Phinney and Miss Adeline Walton, both of Belfast.By John S. Ayer, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1828. May 18, Luther Coombs, of Islesboro, and Diana Basford, of Belfast.
[1828.] Dec. 3, John Thomas and Mary Lane, both of Belfast.
[1828.] Dec. 25, Luther Sylvester and Martha Cables, both of Belfast.By Joseph Eayrs, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1829. May 29, William Cunningham with Miss Diana Nickerson, both of Swanville.
[1829.] June 8, Oliver Whitcomb with Miss Thankful Ellis, both of Belfast.
[1829.] June 12, Jonathan Nickerson with Miss Martha Seekins, both of Swanville.
[1829.] Feb. 7, Ebenezer Cox and Miss Clarissa Perry, both of Belfast.By Henry W. Cunningham, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1829. Feb. 8, William Wood and Lucinda Caton, both of Belfast.
[1829.] Feb. 19, Benjamin Bachelder and Eunice W. Curtis, both of Swanville.
[1829.] Sept. 17, Hiram Howe and Charlotte French, both of Belfast.[3:134]By James Poor, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1827. Sept. 19, Isaac Eldridge, of Bucksport, and Miss Clarissa Warren, of Belfast.
[1827.] Nov. 2, Isaac Cochran Brown to Miss Bertha Reed, both of Belfast.
1829. Jan. 14, Walter Philbrick, Jr., of Hope, to Miss Rachel Walton, of Belfast.By E. K. Smart, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1829. Nov. 26, Thompson Blethen, of Thorndike, and Miss Jane Shirley, of Belfast.By Manasseh Sleeper, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1829. Aug. 27, William Prescott to Miss Hope Miller, of Northport.
[1829.] Oct. 1, Joseph Crosby, Jr., to Miss Loiza Curtis, of Swanville.
[1829.] Oct. 1, Bancroft Wyman to Miss Sybel McDonald, of Belfast.By Rev. William Frothingham.1829. Jan. 22, Abraham Libby to Mrs. Betsey Whittier, both of Belfast.
[1829.] April 2, Henry Field, of Prospect, to Miss Jane Wagg, of Belfast.By Rev. Ebenezer Allen.1829. Dec. 6, John Morse to Miss Mary Jane Grimes, both of Belfast.
1830. Feb. 18, William Mayhew, Jr., to Miss Almatia West.By John S. Ayer, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1829. July 16, William P. Burrill and Miss Mary H. West.
[1829.] Sept. 3, William R. Lowney, Esq., of Sebec, and Mrs. Christiana Bicknell, of Belfast.
[1829.] Nov. 12, David Sands and Rebecca Eaton.
1830. Feb. 18, Capt. James Miller and Miss Sophia Miller.By John Merriam, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1828. Nov. 5, Enoch Rowe and Miss Mary Pierce, both of Belfast.
1829. Nov. 8, Patrick Woods and Miss Clarissa Wadlin, both of Belfast.By Seth W. Eells, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1829. June 15, Leonard B. Cobbett and Miss Adaline W. Brier, both of Belfast.
[1829.] Dec. 10, Daniel Brier and Miss Eliza A. Padershall, both of Belfast.By Rev. William Frothingham.1829. July 26, William P. Wood and Miss Esther Thomas, both of Belfast.
[1829.] Sept. 9, Oliver Woodbridge and Miss Mary Gritfin, both of Belfast.
[1829.] Oct. 22, William W. Chase, of Ellsworth, and Miss Ann D. Simpson, of Belfast.
[1829.] Oct. 29, John H. Lane and Miss Jane Kellam, both of Belfast.
[1829.] Dec. 31, Isaac Hinkley and Miss Mary T. Gilmore, both of Belfast.[3:135]1830. Jan. 14, Alfred Patterson and Miss Mary Cunningham, both of Belfast.
[1830.] April 20, Joshua Towle and Miss Dorcas West, both of Belfast.
[1830.] May 11, Gardiner Brooks, of Bangor, and Miss Catherine Dow, of Belfast.
[1830.] May 10, Albert G. Jewett, of Bangor, and Miss Hannah Jewett, of Belfast.
[1830.] May 25, Capt. Samuel Haynes and Miss Rebecca Foster, both of Belfast.
[1830.] June 13, Asa Beckett and Miss Sarah Webber, both of Belfast.
[1830.] July 7, John B. Houston, of Swanville, and Miss Ruth Brown, of Belfast.
[1830.] Sept. 23, Thomas Houston and Miss Sarah Gordon, both of Belfast.
[1830.] Nov. 21, William Greely and Miss Harriet White, both of Belfast.
[1830.] Nov. 22, Albert Bingham, Esq., and Miss Harriet Lane, both of Belfast.
[1830.] Nov. 30, Samuel Fuller, of Belmont, and Miss Oliva Kenniston, of Appleton.
[1830.] Dec. 2, Isaiah C. Neal, of Belmont, and Miss Aramy C. Sherman, of Belfast.
[1830.] Dec. 26, Samuel S. Bird and Mrs. Susan H. Brown, both of Belfast.By Samuel Gordon, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1828. June 17, Vinal Mayhew to Martha Coles.
[1828.] Aug. 3, Barak Payson, of Waldo Plantation, to Huldah Bradford, of Knox.
1829. Dec. 29, Gillett Emerson to Jane Clements, both of Prospect.
1830. May 31, Josiah Smith, of Knox, to Rachel Clements, of Waldo Plantation.
[1830.] Dec. 2, Abner Sheldon to Ruth Smith, both of Waldo Plantation.
[1830.] Dec. 26, James Clements to Lydia Stephenson, both of Waldo Plantation.By John S. Ayer, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1830. Sept. 2, Samuel Gardiner, of Northport, and Miss Sara Dickey, of Lincolnville.By Joseph Eayres, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1830. Sept. 16, Charles Bragdon and Miss Mary Seekins, both of Swanville.By Manasseh Sleeper, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1830. May 27, John Lynch to Mrs. Deborah Emery, both of Belfast.
[1830.] Aug. 14, Naaman H. Price to Miss Eliza Cole, both of Belfast.
[1830.] Nov. 15, Charles Rhoades, of Northport, to Miss Sabrina Brackett, of Belfast.[4:179]MARRIAGES IN BELFAST, FROM 1831 TO 1840, INCLUSIVE.
(continued From Vol. 3, Page 116.)
Communicated by Joseph Williamson, Belfast.By James Poor, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1831, March 10, Silas Whitney, of Hope, to Miss Lydia Staples, of Belmont.
[1831.] March 27, James H. Woodbury, of Waldo, to Miss Eunice Cross, of Belmont.By John S. Ayer, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1831, June 2, Joseph White and Miss Eliza Clark, both of Belfast.
[1831.] June 23, Samuel Gardiner, of Northport, and Miss Miriam Preble, of Montville.By Alfred Johnson, Jr., Esq., Justice of the Peace.1831, May 19, Job White with Miss Grace Ulmer, both of Belfast.By Rev. William Frothingham.1831, Jan. 7, Abel Barnes, Jr, and Miss Nancy Smith, both of Camden.
[1831.] Jan. 16, George U. Wilson and Miss Mary Crosby, both of Belfast.
[1831.] Feb. 3, Capt. Freeman Tufts and Miss Harriet J. Hartshorn, both of Belfast.
[1831.] June 12, Henry W. Cunningham, Esq., of Swanville, and Sarah Holmes, of Belfast.
[1831.] June 12, Charles Cunningham, of Belfast, and Nancy Perkins, of Prospect.
[1831.] June 19, Ruel Swallow and Phebe S. Grinnell, both of Belfast.
[1831.] Oct. 2, William G. Crosby, Esq., and Miss Ann Maria Patterson, both of Belfast.
[1831.] Oct. 11, Galen Hamblet, of Dracut, Mass., and Sarah C. Ames, of Belfast.
[1831.] Oct. 30, Robert W. Quimby and Hannah Giles, both of Belfast.
[1831.] Dec. 18, James Lord, of Frankfort, and Lydia Mason, of Prospect.By John S. Ayer, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1831, Sept. 15, Capt. Isaac Clark and Miss Jennett Morille, both of Belfast.[4:180]1831, Dec. 27, William Durham and Miss Emily Whittier, both of Belfast.By Jonas Emery, Esq., Justice of the Peace,1831. Jan. 23, John Wilson, Jr., and Miss Eliza Ann Hiscock, both of Belfast.
[1831.] July 24, Walter Coffin, of Belfast, and Miss Nancy Clark, of Northport.By Nathaniel M. Lowney, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1831, Sept. 11, Webber Banks, of Belfast and Miss Eliza J. Wadlin, of Northport.
[1831.] Oct. 6, Alexander Young, of Thomaston, and Miss Angeline Blackington, of Belfast.By Manasseh Sleeper, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1831, June 4, Jame Bonney to Miss Bhenany Thompson, of Belfast.
[1831.] June 14, Jonathan Basford to Miss Hannah French, of Belfast.
[1831.] June 13. Thomas McDonald to Miss Polly Laten, of Belfast.
[1831.] Aug. 20, Charles Mills to Miss Mary N. Walls, of Belfast.
[1831.] Sept. 9, Robert Miller to Miss Margaret James, of Belfast.
[1831.] Sept. 24, Capt. Sam'l Whitney, of Northport, to Miss Mary Eaton, of Belfast.
[1831.] Oct. 7, Capt. Robert White Jr., of Belfast, to Miss Lois Lothrop, of Searsmont.By Nathaniel M. Lowney, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1832, April 15, James Holmes and Miss Hannah Ward, both of Belmont.By John S. Ayer, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1832, Aug. 23, Barnes Putnam, of Dunstable, N. H., and Miss Sarah E. Dean, of Belfast.
[1832.] Sept. 5, Joel Harriman and Miss Susanna Beckett, both of Belfast.By Rev. William Frothingham.1832, Jan. 15, William Walker, of Montville and Persis Holmes, of Belfast.
[1832.] Jan. 22, David W. Lathrop and Miss Mary Jane White, both of Belfast.
[1832.] Jan. 31, Nicholas C. Brown, of Bangor, and Jane Stephenson, of Belfast.
[1832.] Feb. 12, George Watson and Margaret Davis, both of Belfast.
[1832.] Feb. 16, John Doyle and Charlotte Woodworth, both of Northport.
[1832.] Mar. 4, Hugh J. Anderson, Esq., and Miss Martha Dummer, both of Belfast.[4:181]1832, July 4, George Holmes and Miss Sally Carter, both of Prospect.
[1832.] Aug. 12, William Whittier and Miss Mary E. Patterson, both of Belfast.
[1832.] Sept. 2, Capt. Bernice S. Hale, of Lowell, Mass., and Miss Susan McFarland, of Belfast.
[1832.] Sept. 3, John F. H. Angier and Miss Jane Crosby, both of Belfast.
[1832.] Sept. 6, Aaron Nickerson, of Swanville, and Miss Margaret P. White, of Belfast.
[1832.] Oct. 17, John C. Winslow and Miss Almira Campbell, both of Belfast.
[1832.] Oct. 18, Capt. William Flowers and Miss Asenath West, both of Belfast.
[1832.] Nov. 11, Giles White and Miss Annette Prescott, both of Northport.
[1832.] Nov. 18, Capt. Nath'l Woodman and Miss Eliza Ann Kellam, both of Belfast.
[1832.] Dec. 5, Mr. Luther Calderwood, of Vinalhaven, and Miss Esther Burden, of Belfast.
[1832.] Dec. 27, Samuel Otis and Miss Eliza M. Nickerson, both of Belfast.By Jonas Emery, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1833, April 28, William K. Worthen and Martha G. Martin, both of Palermo.
[1833.] Oct. 17, Joseph Clark and Miss Melinda Jackson, both of Northport.
[1833.] Nov. 3, John Worthing and Miss Eliza Peirce, both of Belfast.By Joseph Eayrs, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1832, May 1, Stephen Stickney with Eliza Allen, both of Swanville.
[1832.] Nov. 22, Pearl Richards, of Belfast, with Miss Hannah Nickerson, of Swanville.
1833, March 14, George Richards with Eliza Richards, both of Searsmont.By Samuel Gordon, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1832, July 23, Michael Tyghe and Abigail Patterson, both of Belfast.
[1832.] May 2, Elijah West and Charlotte Foss.By John S. Ayer, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1833, Oct. 30, John Hatch, of Washington, and Katherine Gordon, of Northport.By Manasseh Sleeper, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1833, Mar. 21, Alexander Cunningham to Miss Mary Spaulding, of Sebasticook Gore.
[1833.] Nov. 29, John McKeen, of Belfast, to Miss Sabra Gooding, of Waldo Plantation.[4:182]1833, Dec. 28, Austin Buck to Miss Ann Drew, of Belfast.By Rev. William Frothingham.1833, Capt. John Flowers and Miss Mary McCorrison, both of Belfast.
[1833.] Jan. 20, James H. Mitchell, of Apalachicola, W. Florida, to Miss Harriet L. Angier, of Belfast.
[1833.] July 1, James B. Norris and Miss Charlotte A. Cunningham, both of Belfast.
[1833.] Aug. 25, Samuel F. Tuttle, of Portland, and Miss Cordelia S. Holland, of Belfast.
[1833.] Sept. 18, Charles C. Cushman, Esq., of Bangor, and Miss Hannah W. Sleeper, of Belfast.
[1833.] Oct. 19, John C. Ross and Miss Sally R. Kidder, both of Prospect.
[1833.] Dec. 19, Gorham Lancaster and Miss Esther C. Holbrook, both of Northport.
[1833.] Dec. 24, Jonathan McFadding, of Bristol, and Miss Margaret McClintock, of Belfast.By Jonas Emery, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1834, Jan. 1, Joshua Trussell and Miss Nancy Lawrence, both of Belfast.
[1834.] Jan. 16, Caleb E. Frost and Miss Abigail Pillsbury, both of Belmont.By Manasseh Sleeper, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1834, Jan. 12, Sherburn Batchelder to Miss Harriet Kimball, of Belmont.
[1834.] Feb. 12, Jacob Cunningham to Miss Emily Ryan, of Belfast.
[1834.] June 1, Enoch Flanders, of Waldoboro', and Miss Lucy Rolerson, of Waldo Plantation.By Noah Prescott, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1834, Oct. 26, Robert Pote and Miss Mary E. Pitcher, both of Belfast.By Rev. William Frothingham.1834, Jan. 13, Charles H. Thompson, of Frankfort, and Miss Abigail Davis, of Brooks.
[1834.] June 16, Israel Bloodgood, of Belfast, and Miss Margaret Smith, of Bangor.
[1834.] Sept. 1, Yorick F. Cunningham, of Waldo, to Miss Mary R. Wilson, of Belfast.
[1834.] Sept. 1, Roderick R. Pishon, of Thorndike, to Miss Ann Philbrook, of Belfast.
[1834.] Sept. 22, George U. Russ to Miss Almatia M. Ladd, both of Belfast.
[1834.] Oct. 26, Josiah Curtis, of Swanville, to Miss Betsey C. McKeen, of Belfast.[4:183]1835, Jan. 19, Edward Fenno, of Augusta, to Miss Elizabeth Frothingham, of Belfast.
[1834.] Feb. 8, John Bird and Miss Mary Ann Smith, both of Belfast.
[1834.] Apr. 29, Benjamin Wiggin, Jr., of Bangor, to Miss Sarah A. Crosby, of Belfast.
[1834.] May 5, Mark Ginn, of Prospect, to Miss Susan C. Ross, of Belfast.
[1834.] May 24, David Peirce, Jr., and Miss Helen A. Morrill, both of Belfast.
[1834.] Sept. 8, Oliver H. Gordon, of Canton, China, to Miss Eliza Ann Kimball, of Belfast.
[1834.] Oct. 21, John A. Rollins, of Vassalboro', to Miss Aurelia F. Ladd, of Belfast.
[1834.] Nov. 29, Milton Patterson, to Miss Eunice Hatch, both of Belfast.
[1834.] Dec. 3, Washington Patterson to Miss Sarah G. Pomroy, both of Belfast.
[1834.] Dec. 3, Darius D. Pinkham to Miss Clarissa H. Libby, both of Belfast.
[1834.] Dec. 20, Andrew N. Patterson to Miss Ann Stephenson, both of Belfast.
[1834.] Dec. 20, William T. Colburn to Miss Olive Giles, both of Belfast.
[1834.] Dec. 29, James H. McCrillis to Miss Phebe G. Rogers, both of Belfast.
[1834.] Dec. 30, Capt. Elias Libby to Miss Nancy Paterson, both of Belfast.
[1834.] Dec. 31, William A. Swift to Miss Rebecca J. Ross, both of Belfast.
[1834.] Dec. 31, Samuel R. Libby to Miss Mary E. Greely, both of Belfast.By Rev. Amariah Kalloch.1835, Sept. 13, Henry E. Carter and Miss Elizabeth Peck, both of Belfast.By Isaac Mason, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1835, Sept. 10, Joshua Stephenson and Salome Penney.By Arvida Hayford, Jr., Esq., Justice of the Peace.1835, Sept. 13, David Gay, Jr., of Thomaston, and Miss Ann Davis, of Belmont.By Manasseh Sleeper, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1835, Jan. 1, David Clark to Miss Sally Flagg, of Northport.
[1835.] Mar. 7, Andrew Etheridge to Miss Ann B. Mayo, of Belfast.
[1835.] May 29, Grancello Thurston to Miss Mary Spaulding of Belfast.
[1835.] Aug. 2, William B. Richardson to Miss Lydia S. Burgin, of Belfast.
[1835.] Sept. 2, John Batchelder to Miss Nealy Pendleton, of Belfast.
[1835.] Sept. 10, Joseph I. Rinds to Miss Keziah Harding, of Belfast.[4:180]By John F. H. Angier, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1836, Feb. 14, Joab Herrick and Susan W. Gray.By Rev. William Frothingham,1836, Jan. 17, Capt. Simon G. Cottrill to Miss Sarah P. Rogers, both of Belfast.
[1836.] Mar. 16, Joseph D. Hinds, of Belfast, to Miss Phebe H. Gardner. of Northport.
[1836.] Mar. 23, Albert Pilsbury, Esq., of Calais, to Miss Abby C. Porter, of Belfast.
[1836.] Mar. 24, Robert M. Griffin, of Pittsburg, to Miss Sarah Miller, of Northport.
[1836.] May 14, Isaac Sanborn, of Orono, to Miss Lucy Mahoney, of Northport.
[1836.] June 2, Daniel Haraden to Miss Lucy Ann Bartlett, both of Belfast.
[1836.] June 6, John H. Stephenson and Miss Harriet E. Stephenson, both of Belfast.
[1836.] June 7, John H. Converse, Esq., of Waldoboro', and Miss Mary Ann Conner, of Belfast.
[1836.] June 15, John F. Holbrook and Miss Lucy Ann Lancaster, of Northport.
[1836.] June 23, James Todd to Miss Margaret E. Ames, both of Belfast.
[1836.] July 3, Capt. Joshua Cottrill to Mrs. Priscilla Alden, both of Belfast.
[1836.] July 23, Joseph Brown to Miss Wealthy Jane Dodge, both of Belfast.
[1836.] Aug. 2, John T. Gleason, of Thomaston, to Miss Waty Ann Sleeper, of Belfast.
[1836.] Sept. 22, Erastus Hartshorn, of Swanville, to Miss Harriet York, of Belfast.
[1836.] Oct. 2, Calvin Batchelder, of Belmont, to Miss Rachel Patterson, of Belfast.
[1836.] Dec. 27, Daniel Putnam to Miss Marcia Hatch, both of Belfast.By Bohan P. Field, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1836, Dec. 1, Jesse Priest and Elizabeth Beeden.By Manasseh Sleeper, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1836, April 6, Joseph P. Brainard to Miss Elcy W. Wadlin, of Prospect.
[1836.] Aug. 2, James Reed, of Belfast, to Miss Hannah Cartland.
[1836.] Nov. 13, Sharon E. Banks to Miss Fanny E. Pote, of Belfast.
[1836.] Nov. 19, Michael Riley to Miss Eunice Hassen of Belfast.By Samuel Fletcher, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1837, Feb. 14, Richard Pendleton and Miss Nancy Watson, of Belfast.[4:185]By Rev. William Frothingham.1837, Jan. 14, Capt. Philip Eastman to Miss Charlotte Campbell, both of Belfast.
[1837.] Jan. 29, Joshua Black, of Prospect, to Miss Elenor M. Houston.
[1837.] Feb. 15, Henry Carleton to Miss Hepsebeth Eames, both of Bangor.
[1837.] Feb. 23, Martin Cross, of Knox, to Miss Dulcinea Cunningham, of Belfast.
[1837.] Feb. 26, Fisher Johnson, of China, to Miss Phebe P. Winslow, of Belfast.
[1837.] Mar. 23, Winslow Ellis to Miss Sarah Cunningham, both of Belfast.
[1837.] Mar. 23, Simon Cross, of Orono, to Miss Harriet Durham, of Belfast.
[1837.] April 26, Humphrey N. Lancaster to Miss Mary A. Torrey, both of Belfast.
[1837.] May 7, James Bicknell, Jr., and Miss Hannah P. McKeen, both of Belfast.
[1837.] June 1, Andrew J. Ross, of Belfast, to Miss Martha J. Fowler, of Prospect.
[1837.] Sept. 29, Warren Stephenson and Miss Louisa Bean, both of Belfast.
[1837.] Dec. 21, Capt. William McClintock, of Belfast, and Miss Hannah Staples, of Swanville.By George U. Russ, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1837, Dec. 3, Capt. Shuball W. Cottrill to Miss Eliza Ann Whitmore, both of Belfast.
1838, Jan. 28, Calvin Emerson to Miss Sarah Woods, both of Belfast.By Moses Woods, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1837, June 8, Hiram Mixer to Miss Sarah Clements, both of Waldo Plantation.
[1837.] Aug. 30, Thomas A. Beckwith to Miss Hannah E. Patterson, both of Belfast.
[1837.] Oct. 29, John M. Shuman to Miss Sally M. Jackson, both of Belfast.By Manasseh Sleeper, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1837, June 15, Josiah Wood to Miss Susan Grinnell, both of Belfast.
[1837.] Aug. 28, Thomas Keating to Miss Anna Harvest, of Belfast.
[1837.] Nov. 2, Stephen Dutch to Miss Sally Wood, of Belfast.By Jonas Emery, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1834, Nov. 16, Jedediah Briggs to Miss Joanna Brackett, both of Northport.
1836, Mar. 14, Benjamin Thomas to Miss Susan Brackett, both of Belfast.[4:186]1837, July 20, John Wight and Caroline Paul, both of Belfast.
[1837.] Nov. 8, Josiah Flagg, of Northport, to Nancy Emery, of Belfast.
[1837.] Apr. 3, John Brackett to Fidelia Shibles, both of Belfast.
[1837.] June 4, Joseph Trafton to Lois Sprague, both of Belfast.
[1837.] Aug. 6, Hiram Peirce to Deborah K. Watson, both of Belfast.
1838, Jan. 11, James Moore to Miss Jane Flagg, both of Belfast.By Rev. William Frothingham.1838, Jan. 23, James M. Neal, of Belmont, and Miss Harriet Pitcher, of Belfast,
[1838.] Feb. -, Andrew J. Jones and Miss Harriet Pitcher, of Belfast.
[1838.] Apr. 22, George W. Bean, Esq., and Miss Eunice Stephenson, both of Belfast.
[1838.] June 3, John Chandler to Miss Mahala Rowe, both of Belfast.
[1838.] June 28, Thomas S. Scribner, of Brooks, to Miss Hannah H. Nickerson, of Swanville.
[1838.] July 19, Benjamin McDonald to Miss Dolly E. Greely, both of Belfast.
[1838.] Oct. 7, Henry E. Burkmar to Miss Emily H. Thomas, both of Lincolnville.
[1838.] Oct. 8, Asa Faunce to Miss Sarah A. Haraden, both of Belfast.
[1838.] Oct. 17, John Watson, of Belfast, to Miss Sarah M. Bicknell, of Belmont.
[1838.] Nov. 20, William Holt, 2d, to Mrs. Mary Libbey, both of Belfast.
[1838.] Dec. 2, George Woods to Miss Sarah M. Eells, both of Belfast.
[1838.] Dec. 13, Erastus B. Stephenson, of Belfast, to Miss Sarah Jane Morse, of Troy.
[1838.] Dec. 20, Capt. Henry E. Brown, of Northport, to Miss Sarah W. Carter, of Belfast.By Moses Woods, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1838, June 3, Samuel Paul to Miss Eliza Boggs, both of Waldo Plantation.
[1838.] Oct. 21, Benjamin Rowe to Miss Deborah H. Jones, both of Belfast.By Manasseh Sleeper, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1838, June 26, Michael Keating to Miss Rebecca Eldridge, of Belfast.
[1838.] July 1, Isaac Wood to Miss Betsey Dunbar, of Belfast.
[1838.] July 25, Robert C. Thompson to Miss Sarah Ann Childs, of Belfast.
[1838.] Aug. 31, George W. Warren to Miss Abigail Chase, of Belfast.
[1838.] Dec. 4, Capt. John Douglass to Miss Harriet Cousins, of Belfast.By Joseph Eayrs, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1838, Dec. 4, Amasa Knowlton, of Swanville, and Miss Olive Howard, of Belfast.
1839, Jan. 6, Moses Grover and Miss Betsey Davis, both of Swanville.[4:187]1839, Sept. 8, Aaron Knowlton, of Swanville, to Miss Mary Curtis, of Monroe.
[1839.] Sept. 23, Ephraim Knowlton, Jr., to Miss Sally Allen, both of Swanville.
[1839.] Oct. 17, Moses Curtis to Miss Lucy Seekins, both of Swanville.
[1839.] Nov. 14, Jilford Davis to Miss Elizabeth Rankin, both of Swanville.By Rev. William Frothingham.1839, Jan. 16, Luther A. Pitcher to Mrs. Almira Winslow, both of Belfast.
[1839.] Feb. 10, George W. Maker to Miss Mary T. Whitney, both of Belfast.
[1839.] Apr. 18, Horatio N. Palmer to Miss Adeline Smith, both of Belfast.
[1839.] Apr. 22, George R. Sleeper to Miss Mary L. Barnes, both of Belfast.By Rev. Richard Woodhull.1839. Nov. 10, Joseph M. Waterman and Miss Rachel P. Cunningham, both of Belfast.By Manasseh Sleeper, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1839, July 21, Mr. Henry G. Warren, of Belfast, to Miss Lois Pearsons, of Belmont.By Isaac Mason, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1839, Oct. 23, Joshua Thomas to Miss Mary Dockham, both of Frankfort.By Benjamin Brown, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1839, June 19, Asa M. Haycock, of Belfast, and Miss Lucretia Haswell of Monroe.
[1839.] Dec. 26, Samuel Robbins and Miss Persis Amanda Rice, both of Belfast.
1840, May, William Cree and Mrs. Elizabeth Parker, both of Belfast.By Rev. Calvin Gardner.1840, Jan. 31, Charles C. Edmunds, of Belfast, and Miss Marianna Newell, of Winslow.By Rev. Bernaiah Pratt.1840, May 15, Enoch Gilman, of Jackson, to Mrs. Sarah Cunningham, of Belfast.By John F. H. Angier, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1840, Nov. 15, John H. Gray to Mrs. Susan B. Harlow, both of Belfast.By Tolman Bowen, Esq., Justice of the Peace.1840, Sept. 30, James Vickery and Miss Catherine B. Sanborn, both of Belfast.[4:188]As the record of marriages for 1839 and 1840 is deficient, the following list of intentions recorded during those years where the marriages do not appear, takes its place:RECORDED INTENTIONS OF MARRIAGE, 1839, 1840.1839, Jan. 6, Doctor Daniel Sylvester and Miss Jane Patterson, both of Belfast.
[1839.] Jan. 6, Amos Grandy and Miss Margaret Frisbie, both of Belfast.
[1839.] Jan. 13, George W. Maker and Miss Mary Jane Whitney, both of Belfast.
[1839.] Jan. 29, James Aborn, Jr., of Knox, and Miss Charlotte M. Brown, of Belfast.
[1839.] March 3, James Smith, of Belfast, and Miss Harriet Horton, of Unity.
[1839.] March 10, George W. Patterson and Miss Hannah Jane Bagley, both of Belfast.
[1839.] March 10, Thomas Kellar and Miss Joann Greely, both of Belfast.
[1839.] March 24, John West, of Belfast, and Miss Harriet Hartshorn, of Reading, Mass.
[1839.] March 31, George Hemenway, of Searsmont, and Miss Hannah Ferguson, of Belfast.
[1839.] April 7, James Crosby and Miss Mary Burk, both of Belfast.
[1839.] April 7, Capt. Samuel Howard, of Belfast, and Miss Cynthia V. Frohock, of Searsmont.
[1839.] April 14, Luther Gannett, Jr., of Belfast, and Miss Martha J. Eames, of Jackson.
[1839.] April 31, Charles W. Milliken, of Belfast, and Miss Eleanor Thomas, of Lincolnville.
[1839.] May 5, Capt. Salathiel C. Nickerson, of Belfast, and Miss Abigail W. Carr, of East Thomaston.
[1839.] May 5, William McCabe, of Belfast, and Miss Nancy Flanders, of Belfast.
[1839.] May 5, John Warren White and Miss Charlotte W. Spring, both of Belfast.
[1839.] May 12, John D. Cochran, Jr., of New Boston, N. H., and Miss Margaret Ann Todd, of Belfast.
[1839.] May 19, Capt. John Dyer of New York, and Miss Lucy W. Peck, of Belfast.
[1839.] May 26, Abner T. Walton, of Bangor, and Miss Julia Ann Frost, of Waldo Plantation.
[1839.] June 9, Reuben Sibley, of Belfast, and Miss Hannah C. Cutter, of Portland.
[1839.] June 30, Edward M. Cates, of Belfast, and Miss Mary Jane Mason, of Monroe.
[1839.] July 21, Edwin Ellis and Miss Mary Elizabeth Anderson, both of Belfast.
[1839.] Aug. 7, William Henry Bean, of Belfast, and Miss Abigail Ann Ferguson, of Dixmont.[4:189][1839.] Aug. 18, Capt. John Pace and Miss Abigail B. Snell, both of Belfast.
[1839.] Aug. 25, John Carr, of Prospect, and Miss Jane Staples, of Belfast.
[1839.] Sept. 8, John Sweeney, and Miss Bridget Grady, both of Belfast.
[1839.] Sept. 22, Isaac Barker and Miss Mary Melron, both of Belfast.
[1839.] Sept. 22, William H. Connor and Miss Caroline R. Porter, both of Belfast.
[1839.] Oct. 6, Paul P. Wakefield, of Belfast, and Miss Jane Trickey, of Saco.
[1839.] Oct. 6, Davis McDonald, of Belfast, and Miss Lucy Ann Kendall, of Waldo Plantation.
[1839.] Oct. 7, Col. William Ellingwood, of Frankfort, and Miss Sophia Ann Bradman, of Belfast.
[1839.] Oct. 13, Willard P. Harriman, Esq., of Belfast, and Miss Mary Ann Ellis, of Brooks.
[1839.] Oct. 20, Charles B. White, of Jackson, and Miss Thankful Ellis, of Belfast.
[1839.] Oct. 20, David W. Dyer, and Miss Sarah A. Shute, both of Belfast.
[1839.] Oct. 27, William Cunningham and Miss Mary Ann Brawn, both of Belfast.
[1839.] Nov. 3, W. H. H. Treadwell, of Belfast, and Miss Martha Jane Brackett, of Newmarket, N. H.
[1839.] Nov. 3, Capt. Thomas Cottrill, of Northport, and Miss Ann Emery, of Belfast.
[1839.] Nov. 10, Samuel L. Sweetser and Miss Susannah H. Stephenson, both of Belfast.
[1839.] Nov. 10, Hon. Ralph C. Johnson, of Belfast, and Miss Sarah W. Cushing, of Camden.
[1839.] Nov. 24, Elisha Parsons 2d, and Miss Hannah Smart, both of Belfast.
[1839.] Dec. 8, Edward D. Kimball, of Salem, Mass., and Miss Susan S. Kimball, of Belfast.
[1839.] Dec. 15, Elijah Morrill, Jr., and Miss Lois Stephenson, both of Belfast.
[1839.] Dec. 15, Isaac Watson, and Miss Lucinda Peirce, both of Belfast.
1840, Jan. 12, George W. Burgess, of Belfast, and Miss Harriet Fletcher, of Lincolnville.
[1840.] Jan. 12, Attilius A. Ladd, and Miss Jane A. Russ, both of Belfast.
[1840.] Jan. 19, John Cochran, and Miss Eunice Morse, both of Belfast.
[1840.] Feb. 11, Richard Lear, Jr., and Miss Susan Dunbar, both of Belfast.
[1840.] Feb. 16, William Swett, of Knox, and Miss Mary Beckett, of Belfast.
[1840.] Mar. 1, John H. Clifford and Miss Helen M. Smith, both of Belfast.
[1840.] Mar. 15, Reuben Dyer, Jr., and Miss Ruth Colson, both of Belfast.[4:190][1840.] Mar. 23, Rufus B. Carter, and Miss Abigail Thomas, both of Belfast.
[1840.] Apr. 5, Ezra Bickford, and Miss Lydia T. Swan, both of Belfast.
[1840.] Apr. 5, John Neal, and Mrs. Mary Wilson, both of Belfast.
[1840.] Apr. 12, William H. Brown, and Miss Cordelia H. Drinkwater, both of Belfast.
[1840.] Apr. 12, Jonah J. Holt, and Miss Elizabeth H. Crosby, both of Belfast.
[1840.] May 10, George A. Miller, of Belfast, and Miss Susan L. Kelloch, of Knox.
[1840.] May 10, Daniel Howard, and Miss Mary Crosby, both of Belfast.
[1840.] May 31, Robert P. Pote, and Miss Ellen N. Jones, both of Belfast.
[1840.] June 7, Francis A. Patterson, and Miss Sarah Ann Patterson, both of Belfast.
[1840.] June 11, John Roberson, Jr., and Miss Sylvina Huckins, both of Belfast.
[1840.] June 21, Joseph B. Frye, and Miss Betsey C. Emery, both of Belfast.
[1840.] June 28, Rev. Benj. F. Sprague, of Belfast, and Miss Comfort Cates, of Thorndike.
[1840.] July 19, William Patterson, of Belfast, and Miss Clarissa Mudgett, of Northport.
[1840.] Aug. 2, Nathaniel Lunt, of Monroe, and Miss Louis L. Whittier of Belfast.
[1840.] Aug. 9, Alpheus C. Tibbetts, of Thomaston, and Miss Elizabeth F. Farrow, of Belfast.
[1840.] Aug. 16, Silas D. Brown, of Belfast, and Miss Jane C. Brown, of Jackson.
[1840.] Aug. 30, Samuel Kingsbury, of Boston, and Miss Cynthia Bassett, of Belfast.
[1840.] Sept. 6, Joshua T. Gilmore, of Belfast, and Miss Adaline H. Wyman of Sidney.
[1840.] Sept. 13, John C. Jones, of Belfast, and Miss Eliza A. Robinson, of Litchfield.
[1840.] Sept. 19, Rufus B. Allyn, Esq., of Belfast, and Miss Rebecca P. Upton, of Washington City.
[1840.] Oct. 4, Columbia P. Carter, of Belfast, and Miss Fidelia A. Frye, of Montville.
[1840.] Oct. 16, Capt. Joshua Cotterell, Jr., and Miss Mary Ann Rogers, both of Belfast.
[1840.] Oct. 23, George W. Lindsey, and Miss Frances L. Dunton, both of Belfast.
[1840.] Oct. 25, Joseph Hutchins, of Belfast, and Miss Mary Ann Mansfield, of Portland.
[1840.] Nov. 1, Amos R. Boynton, and Miss Sarah Maria W. Frye, of Belfast.[4:191][1840.] Nov. 8, Capt. John Blake, of Brooksville, and Mrs. Martha Sylvester, of Belfast.
[1840.] Nov. 22, Simeon Staples, and Miss Eliza Ann Dver, both of Belfast.
[1840.] Nov. 22, Ebenezer Burgess, and Miss Margaret Frisby, both of Belfast.
[1840.] Nov. 22, Jonathan Fisk and Miss Rebecca Cochran, both of Belfast.
[1840.] Nov. 29, Capt. Thomas S. Patterson, and Miss Martha Stephenson, both of Belfast.
[1840.] Nov. 29, Henry S. Patterson, of Belfast, and Miss Susan Bagley, of Thorndike.
[1840.] Dec. 12, Jacob E. Starford, and Mrs. Joanna Elizabeth French, both of Belfast.
[1840.] Dec. 20, John Wales, Jr., of Freedom, and Miss Lucy Davis, of Belfast.
[1840.] Dec. 23, Samuel C. Chamberlain, of Belfast, and Miss Abigail S. Arnold, of Searsmont.
[1840.] Dec. 27, David Rider, Jr., and Miss Sophronia Smith, both of Belfast.