Source: The Bangor Historical Magazine, vol. 3 (Bangor, Me.: J. W. Porter, 1888).
[p. 153]ADMISSIONS TO CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH IN BREWER.Benjamin Snow, Jr., and wife Nancy; Deodat Brastow, Widow Mary Holbrook, of Calvin; Nancy, wife of Josiah Brewer; Alfred Skinner, removed to Garland; Sarah P. Williams, wife of Rev. Thomas.
1813.1814.James Campbell and wife Peggy, Daniel Robinson, Anna, wife of Wm. Rider; Anna Burr, from a Church in Hingham; William Rogers (joined Baptists 1819, returned 1821), Mrs. Olive, wife of Major Thomas George; Capt. Lot Rider, Mrs. Lydia, wife of Billings Brastow; Mrs. Nancy, wife of Nathan Clark.1816.Mrs. Mary, wife of Daniel Shed; Mr. Benjamin Winchester, Mr. Oliver Farrington, Mr. Lemuel Copeland, Mr. Elijah Jones, Mrs. Sarah Warren, wife of Capt. Warren, dismissed and recommended to Plymouth, Mass.; Mrs. Betsey Tozier, Mrs. Cynthia, wife of Abia Pond; Miss Anna Cushman, sister of Mrs. Thomas Williams.1817.
Lot Rider, Jr., Mrs. Winchester, wife of Benjamin; Miss Martha Lowder (Lowden), Miss Hannah Rider, Mrs. Leavens, wife of Elijah, residing at Jarvis Gore; Mrs. Achsah, wife of Lemuel Copeland, and Mr. Rufus Jones.1818.Mrs. Clarrissa, wife of Capt. Cobb; Miss Rebecca Whiting, Miss Hannah Fry, Mrs. Burr, wife of Alanson (Mrs. Burr and four children were all drowned on their passage to Boston in a vessel in November, 1818. The children were baptised Oct. 4, 1818).1820.Mrs. Martha, wife of Samuel Cobb, Mrs. Rice, wife of Charles.1821.Samuel Cobb, Mrs. Polly, wife of Newell Shepard; Mrs. Jane, wife of Calvin Green; Mrs. Mary, wife of Charles Blake; Mrs. Mercy, wife of Benj. Goodwin; Clarissa Rider, Sarah Newell Fisher, Mrs. Charlotte, wife of Daniel Farrington; Isaac Bates and wife Ursula, Sally Brastow, Cynthia Farrington, and Eliza Clark.1822.Silence Copeland, Sally Shed.1823.Sarah, wife of Doct. Elisha Skinner; Thomas Greenleaf and Daniel Shed, Jr.[p. 154]1825.Lovina, widow of Cyrus Brewer, Betsey Phillips (Phipps), by letter from Chatham Church, Mrs. Pope, of Orrington.1826.Mrs. Sally, wife of Levi Torrance.1828.Harrison Bates, Susan Brewer, Lucretia Brewer, Charles Blake, Eliza Blake, Elias Blake, Sophia Blake, Asa W. Brastow, Samuel E. Cobb, Sarah Cobb, Joseph Copeland, Betsey Copeland, Robert Clary, Ruth E. Clary, Harry D. Clark, Nancy Clark, Edward Holyoke, Mary Holyoke, Martha Holyoke, Jacob Hart, Jr., Samuel Hart, Sarah Hart, Russel Hart, Wealthy Hart, Catherine Hart, William G. Hart, Daniel Hodges, Charles Holyoke, Ruhama Hathorn, Naomi Harding, John Hayes, Levi Torrance, Elias Field, Peter Field, Alex. A. Fisher, Mary Fisher, Prudence Fisher, Lucretia Farrington, Louisa Farrington, Silas Farrington, Thomas Gregg, Olivia George, David Gilmore, Daniel Hodges, Mary Jones, Dorcas Kent, Lucy T. Lefavor, Louisa Rider, William Rider, Wm. Rogers, Jr., Mercy A. Rogers, Clarissa Rogers, Sarah Phillips, Samuel S. Pratt, George Sweet, Melinda Snow, Julia Ann Snow, Caroline Winchester, Eliza Winchester, Eliza Winchester, Jr., Mary Wiswell, Asenath Young.1829.Heman Smith, of Orrington, Hiram Gregg.1830.Joseph Robinson, Belinda Brettan.
Capt. William Kent and wife Phebe, Lydia, wife of Joseph Kent; Capt. John Phillips.1832.Widow Miriam Holyoke, Horatio N. Page, Priscilla Brastow, Sen.; Priscella Brastow, Jr., Phebe Rogers, Elisabeth Hoben.1834.John Rogers, Jeremiah Eldridge, Davis Green and wife Sophia, John K. Mayo and wife Cynthia, Eliza, wife of Abraham Hill, Charles Shed, Jeremiah Skinner, Benj. G. Snow, Mary, wife of Daniel Sargent; Romelia Goodwin, Charlotte Brewer, Caroline Snow, Jane Rider.NOTE. Aug. 29, 1829, Mrs. Ann Godfrey, wife of John Godfrey, was dismissed to church in Taunton, Mass. Previous to this Mr. Elijah Jones, Mrs. Bathsheba Jones and Mrs. Patience Jones were dismissed to church in Minot. Sarah, wife of Rev. Thomas Williams, to church in Foxcroft. Mrs. Lot Rider, Jr., to church in Monson. Mrs. Rice, wife of Charles; and Mrs. Cobb, wife of Henry, to church in Bangor.