Source: Harry Edward Mitchell, et al., comp., The Windham Register, 1904 (Kent's Hill, Me.: H.E. Mitchell, 1904).
[p. 19]The number of men credited to the town of Windham who served in the Union forces, according to the Maine adjutant general's report, was 302; these were among the bravest and noblest forces in the field, gaining for themselves well-won honors, and for their country victory in a righteous cause. The following list:WINDHAM MEN IN THE UNION ARMYFirst Regiment, Maine Volunteers: Albert Lowell, Isaac Whitney, Benjamin F. Whitney, William H. Brown, Amos H. Hanson, Mark S. Varney.
Third Regiment: John Pettingill, James Murphy, Leon Doplais, Walter Wells.
Fourth Regiment: Seth C. Hunkins, George Johnson, George F. Johnson, Antonio Lopes.
Fifth Regiment: Daniel M. Wescott, Francis A. Cloudman, Joseph M. Doughty, Luther W. Wiswell, Osgood W. Rogers, Clinton B. Hooper, John Rogers, Almon Shaw, Charles H. Wheeler, John G. Anthoine, Ambrose Anthoine, Benjamin C. Watson, Elisha W. Wallace, William K. Austin, Samuel Y. Shaw.
Seventh Regiment: Eben M. Fields, Joseph A. Graffam, William P. Knight, Albert L. Matthews, Charles A. Dalton, William P. Nason, Robert H. Jackson.[p. 20]Eighth Regiment: Nelson Mabury.
Ninth Regiment: Sargent S. Freeman, Amos H. Hanson, Robert Graffam, Albert Graffam, Warren Howe, Stephen Libby, Elbridge Libby, Joseph K. Manchester, Frank Morton, Charles E. Morton, Nathan A. Strout, James L. Small, Estes Strout, Geo. H. Nason, Michael McGrath, Lewis D. Knight, Mark D. Swett, Adrial Leighton, Augustus Ardman, Gustus Herrick, George F. Hawkes.
Tenth Regiment: Benjamin F. Whitney, William R. Mabury, Amos K. Hodsdon, Moses Little, Frank Payne, Alonzo H. Quimby, Jeremiah P. W. Roach, William Bodge, Solomon Mains, Charles H. Wentworth, Francis G. Boody, Leonard G. Boody.
Eleventh Regiment: James W. Little, Albert Maxfield, John Jones, Michael Ryan, John Brown.
Twelfth Regiment: Hamilton S. Lowell, John W. Lombard, Charles M. Akers, Edwin W. Thompson.
Thirteenth Regiment: Moses Hunt.
Fifteenth Regiment: John C. Cobb, Elvin J. Maxwell, Jason Hanson, Lyman W. Hanson, Ephraim Legrow, John Meara, James L. Mabury, Daniel Tyler, Albert Authenrieth.
Sixteenth Regiment: Oliver H. Lowell, Isaac R. Whitney, Lorenzo D. Libby, Albert Powers, Edward L. Varney.
Seventeenth Regiment: Stephen T. Morton, George R. Cobb, Joseph Wescott, Joseph G. Elder, Oliver R. Gallison, William S. Hanscomb, Meshac P. Lary, Elias H. Libby, Paul E. Little, George W. Rackliff, Royal Rand, Emanuel Thomas, Renselear Morton, Daniel Cobb, Richard L. Libby, Charles J. Bond, Thomas H. Jordan, Uriah Cobb.[p. 21]Twentieth Regiment: Randall B. Morton, Andrew B. Mabury, Eben F. Manchester, James R. Cash, George T. Bacon, Harrison Brazier, John A. Knight, Nathan Mason, George Brickett.
Twenty-Fifth Regiment: Samuel T. Johnson, Charles Jones, J. Doughty, Webb Hall, Charles B. Hooper, Peter Stuart, Sumner C. Bolton, Charles L. Cobb, Franklin Hanson, Charles E. Emery, Henry W. Allen, Alvin Allen, George W. Anderson, Thomas Anderson, George C. Andrews, James W. Anthoine, Joseph H. Anthoine, Cotton M. Bradbury, Isaac Cobb, Charles A. Cobb, Charles H. Dial, Daniel H. Dole, Nathaniel D. Dolley, Stephen W. Elder, Robert Estes, Willard A. Fairbanks, Ezra D. Felker, William A. Field, John N. Graffam, Jason Nason, Warren Hanson, Samuel V. Haskell, David A. Hatch, William H. Hawkes, Joseph Hill, William H. Irish, Bela P. Libby, Joseph Libby, Charles Lombard, Samuel Mabury, Nathan G. Nash, Charles Nash, Jason N. Pride, Alonzo Smith, Josiah W. Smith, David Stevens, Richard Sylvester, Daniel R. Tukey, Edwin H. Walker, David H. Watson, George Wheeler.
Twenty-Ninth Regiment: Greenleaf H. Manchester, Isaac Cobb, Daniel Libby, William Bodge, Jesse Bishop, Orchard N. Crummett, Charles L. Adams, Francis E. Butters, Samuel Hasselton, Henry Hill, Gorham M. McAllister, Warren M. McAllister, Benjamin H. McAllister, Sewell W. Mason, Myrick F. Palmer, Andrew Hill.
Thirtieth Regiment: James Lary, Josiah B. Ward, John G. Shaw, William S. Bessey, Edwin Legrow, George D. Hodsdon, Asa C. Cross, Robert A. Littlefield, Charles H.[p. 22]Dial, Samuel F. Simpson, Roswell P. Greely, Joseph P. Tripp, James F. Tenney, John T. Brackett, Luther Wiswell Jr., Emery O. Walker.
Thirty-Second Regiment: Howard F. Robinson, Reuben Robinson, George W. Cobb, Joseph A. Graffam, James M. Cook.
First Regiment Veteran Infantry: William A. Boyd, Ambrose Anthoine, William P. Nason, William P. Knight.
First Regiment Maine Cavalry: Joseph Small, Wendell T. Smith, Albert Lowell.
Second Regiment Maine Cavalry: Solomon H. C. Bailey, Levi Bragdon, Christopher C. Hunt, William R. Mabury, John C. Stevens, Daniel M. Wescott, Samuel K. Doe, William F. Hoyt, George C. Hoyt, O. F. Jenkins, Jerome S. DeWitt.
First Regiment D. C. Cavalry: Nathan D. Dolly.
First Battery Mounted Artillery: Edward Manchester, George C. Andrews.
Second Battery Mounted Artillery: Cyrus T. Parker.
Fourth Battery Mounted Artillery: David Martin, John M. Hawkes.
Seventh Battery Mounted Artillery: Benjamin R. Legrow, Joseph H. Anthoine, Ashley C. Rice.
Recruits for Windham, not native citizens: Henry Johnson, John Robinson, John Boyd, M. W. Lenehan, B. Mooney, Edward Pryor and Andrew Shannon. These men served in the navy.
Forty-six of Windham's citizens furnished substitutes who were not residents of this town.[p. 23]The following recruits were mustered in by Provost Marshall:
Chas. M. Akers, Jos. H. Anthoine, Geo. C. Andrews, Levi Bragdon, Harrison Brazier, Geo. Brickett, Chas. E. Bangs, James R. Cash, W. F. Clement, Geo. C. Davis, O. R. Gallison, Jason Hanson, C. C. Hunt, Oliver Hanson, Amos H. Hodgdon, Moses M. Hawkes, John A. Knight, Sargent Knight, John Lakin, S. B. Lamb, Edward Manchester, Nathan Mason, Wm. R. Maybury, James Nason, W. S. Parker, A. C. Rice, John C. Stevens and Daniel Wescott.
Windham Men Killed In Action, Died of Wounds and Disease Contracted in the Service: Solomon Maines, Amos H. Hanson, Paul E. Little, Royal Rand, Stephen T. Morton, Frank Morton, Alonzo Smith, Albert Lowell, Andrew D. Mabury, Joseph K. Manchester, Elias H. Libby, Stephen Libby, Arthur Libby, Almon Shaw, Sargent S. Freeman, George H. Nason, Samuel Y. Shaw, Charles H. Bodge, Oliver H. Lowell, Hamilton S. Lowell, Howard F. Robinson, Meshack P. Larry, James Larry, Wendell T. Smith, Joseph Wescott, James R. Cash, James M. Cook, Nathan D. Dolley, Charles H. Wentworth, William P. Knight, Harrison Brazier, Greenleaf H. Manchester, Ambrose Anthoine, Josiah B. Ward, Eben M. Fields, John Y. Shaw, George D. Hodsdon, George F. Johnson, Elisha W. Wallace, Charles Nash, Randall B. Morton, William S. Bessey, Edwin Legrow, Edward L. Varney.