Source: Harry Edward Mitchell, et al., comp., The Madison register, 1903 (Kent's Hill, Me.: H.E. Mitchell Pub., 1903).
[p. 21]In this contest these two towns met their responsibility locally. We have thought it well to give herewith a list of the names of men from the town of Madison and Anson Lower Village, and corrected as carefully as circumstances will permit, we give it below:
C. D. Morrill, M. S. Perkins, S. Watson, G. Beal, H. G. Fuller, J. W. McKenney, A. R. Jones, A. H. West, Cyrus Rogers, George F. Newell, G. C. Rounds, E. D. S. York, H. H. Steward, Alonzo Smith, N. H. Withee, D. S. Bennett, Luke Emery, Elden C. Parlin, Cyrus Parlin, O. E. Tozier, M. W. Frederick, B. W. Greenleaf, James D. Emerson, James B. Wilson, Samuel C. Rand, T. F. Gammon, Osborne W. Fish, William D. Blagden, John Morrow, John Renier, James M. Stevens, Nathan W. Fish, Benj. B. Rose, G. A. Taylor, Elijah D. Johnson, Samuel Vose, Charles N. Withee, Silas B. Wood, Peter Huntoon, Alonzo Bosworth, Amasa Gregory, Michael LeClair, Rufus Dawes, E. H. Davis, Wesley Gray, Clark G. Bovee, Simeon Stone, Frederick M. Messer, Charles C. Ellis, John Gray, Charles C. Hartwell, J. C. Frazier, James Hogan, James A. Preble, Alden Getchell, George S. Groves, Jason Hanks, James O'Brien, William Ryan, Leavitt Strout, John Shay, Lucius W. Hall, John H.[p. 22]Frain, Darius Sawyer, John H. Fenderson, Edward J. Matchett, William Rand, Heman Hunnewell, Andrew Quint, William Quint, Roscoe Quint, Robert Savage, Ezra Talcott, Nathan A. Weston, Henry Caldwell, John Waterman, J. F. Waterman, Daniel Washburn, Leonard Washburn, Allen Washburn, David Tarr, David Tarr, Jr., B. F. Lancaster, Nelson Gage, D. Fish, Oliver Waite, Harrison Waite, James Spaulding, Isaac H. Thompson, John B. Frazier, Alvah Withee, Javan Dawes.