Source: Harry Edward Mitchell, and B. V. Davis, comp., 1906 Town Register: Greenwood, Albany, Waterford, and East Stoneham (Brunswick, Me.: H. E. Mitchell Co., 1906).
[p. 46]The following list we have compiled from the Maine Adjutant General's reports. We have endeavored to include all that were credited to the town of Albany, and if any omissions are found in the list they are unintentional.
Justis Aspenwall, Edgar D. Andrews, John L. Beckla, Andrew J. Bean, Edward Burk, Ephraim K. Buxton, Sergt. Thos. J. Bennett, Jos. H. Briggs, Parker V. Brown, Geo. H. Brown, Jas. Brown, Frank Burnham, Walter Bisbee,[p. 47]Ephraim K. Baston, John Cowie, Wm. Coffron, Ruel Cofran, Corp. Lorenzo N. Cole, Lewis F. Cummings, Danl. Cummings, Granville W. Drew, Osgood Drew, Thos. Dalton, Osias B. Edgecomb, John Flint, Jacob F. French, Geo. W. Fernald, Chas. W. Farnum, Sergt. Wm. H. Foster, Capt. Abernethy Grover, Corp. Wm. H. Henry, Chas. P. Jordan, David A. Jordan, Saml. E. Kenniston, Watson Kenniston, Geo. W. Kimball, Moses E. Kimball, Edw. R. Kneeland, Alonzo Littlefeld, Vincent Mason, David Mitchell, Corp. Cyrus B. Morse, John Marshall, Bravity Marston, Thos. G. Morrill, Wm. H. Pingree, Solomon S. Pingree, Asa B. Pingree, Ai E. Seavey, Seth E. Seavey, Henry C. Scribner, Oscar D. Wilber, Henry Wilber, Benj. Wilbur, Oscar D. Wilbur, Sergt. Gilbert Wardwell, Isaac W. Wardwell, Elbridge P. Wardwell, Nathan M. York, John York, Jr.