Source: The Maine Historical Magazine, vol. 9 (Bangor, Me.: J. W. Porter, 1895).
[p. 40]FIRST MEETING HOUSE IN PERRY.A petition to Robinson Palmer, Esq., a Justice of the Peace, dated March 29th, 1828, requesting him to grant a warrant for the petitioners to meet and incorporate themselves as The Proprietors of the First Parish Meeting House in Perry, for the purpose of erecting a meeting house in said town, was signed by James Stickney, Peter Goulding, Solomon Potter, James Potter, and Robinson Palmer. A warrant was issued to James Stickney to notify and warn the male Proprietors of the First Parish Meeting House in Perry to assemble at the school-house in District number two, on Monday the seventh day of April, 1828, at one o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of incorporating themselves into a society. The meeting was held and Peter Goulding chosen Moderator, and Robinson Palmer, Clerk; Robinson Palmer, Peter Goulding and Thompson Lincoln, Assessors; Otis Lincoln, Treasurer; Solomon Potter, Peter Goulding, Thompson Lincoln, John Gleason and Nathaniel Stoddard were chosen a committee to superintend the building of a meeting house; Peter Loring, Jr., John Dudley and James Stickney were chosen Auditors.
built in 1829
The following persons were voted in as members of the parish:
John Dudley,
Isaac Loring,
Peter Loring, Jr.,
Jethro Brown,
Samuel Cook,
Nathaniel Stoddard,
Eliphalet Olmstead,
John Trott,
John Lake,
James Nutt,
Charles Stoddard,
Elijah Loring,
William Reed,
James Trott,
Benjamin Trott,
John Carew,
William Nutt,
Benjamin Kendall,
Sylvanus Leland,
Leslie Coulter,
Edward Hearty,
Mark P. Bulmer,
John Moore,
Samuel Norwood,
John Curtis,
Thomas Hibbard,Simon Potter,
William Bugbee,
Bela Loring,
David Pottle,
John Pottle,
Peter Loring,
Benajah Lesure,
Josiah Trott,
Ephraim C. Trott,
Josiah H. Trott,
William Bugbee, Jr.,
Levi Goulding,
Aaron Frost,
Benjamin Frost, Jr.,
Thomas Frost,
Jotham Ripley,
Thomas Hibbard, Jr.,
John Hibbard,
John Trott, Jr.,
John P. Mahar,
Moses Lincoln,
Thomas Trickey,
Samuel Stoddard,
Stephen Stoddard,
Solomon Lincoln,
John Loring,[p. 41]
Ichabod Stoddard,
Benjamin Frost,
William Frost,
Samuel Trott,
Samuel Frost, 2d,
William Wentworth.
Mark Leighton,
Richard Crowny,
Charles Frost,
Robert Patterson,Edward Bugbee,
Samuel Trott, 2d,
Otis Lincoln, Jr.,
Robinson Lincoln,
Benjamen Frost,
Jerome Loring,
Edward Searles,
Erastus Stanhope,
William D. Dana,
John Cox.—Eastport Sentinel