Source: Records of the Massachusetts volunteer militia called out by the Governor of Massachusetts to suppress a threatened invasion during the war of 1812-14 (Boston, Mass.: Wright & Potter printing co., state printers, 1913).
Some forenames and surnames have been switched to facilitate searching. The format of the list has been altered.
[p. 150]Capt. L. Richmond's (Artillery) Company, Lieut. Col. W. Ryerson's Regiment.Rank and Name.
From Sept. 25 to Nov. 7, 1814. Raised at Turner and vicinity. Service at Portland.
Leonard Richmond, Captain
Henry Jones, Lieutenant
Hezekiah Bryant, Lieutenant
Dura Bradford, Sergeant
Israel Lasell, Sergeant
Nathaniel Brackett, Sergeant
Charles Staples, Sergeant
Benjamin Conant, Corporal
Ira Jones, Corporal
Caleb Snell, Corporal
Burt Townsend, Corporal
Galen Jones, Musician
Alfred Jones, Musician
Amos Shaw, Musician
Isaac Allen, 1st
Isaac Allen, 2d
John Allen
John Batten
Thomas Bean
Mial Berry
Thomas Berry
Ethelbert Bradford
Simeon Brett
Isaac Burgen
William Caswell
Philip Chamberlin
Seth Delano, Jr.
Cornelius Dillingham
Joseph Dow
Joel Fairbanks
Henry French
Samuel Gibson
Ebenezer Harlton
John Harris
Stephen Harvey
Billings Hood
Otis Houd
Libbeus Janes
Asa Johnson
Barnum Jonas
Albert Leavit
William Lumber
Calvin Merrill
William Poor
William Sheafe
John Sweat
Abner Thayer
Robert Thurlow
Solomon Townsend
Saul Tyler
Isaiah Warren
Josiah Webster
Samuel Whitman