Source: Records of the Massachusetts volunteer militia called out by the Governor of Massachusetts to suppress a threatened invasion during the war of 1812-14 (Boston, Mass.: Wright & Potter printing co., state printers, 1913).
Some forenames and surnames have been switched to facilitate searching. The format of the list has been altered.
[p. 149]Capt. C. Barnes' Company, Lieut. Col. M. Nichols' Regiment.Rank and Name.
From Sept. 7 to Sept. 19, and Sept. 28 to Oct. 27, 1814. Raised at Portland. Service at Portland. Portland Artillery Company.
Cornelius Eames, Captain
Amos S. Webber, Lieutenant
George Hill, Ensign
David Brown, Sergeant
Aaron Stamford, Sergeant
James Crocker, Sergeant
Ephraim Wilbour, Sergeant
Samuel Chase, Sergeant
John Green, Jr., Corporal
Richard Mason, Corporal
John Baker, Corporal
Joshua F. Weeks, Corporal
Benjamin Green, Corporal
John Baker
Benjamin A. Barter
John Bridges
John Field
Henry Foye
Ebenezer Hall
Jonathan Merrill
Abijah Poole, Jr.
John Powell
Benjamin Rolfe
Richard Sutton
Samuel Todd
David Tucker
William Haskins
Thomas Johnson
Jonathan Whipple