Source: ______, Historical researches of Gouldsboro, Maine (Gouldsboro, Me.: Daughters of Liberty, c1904).
Punctuation has in some places been standardized.
[p. 106]The Gouldsboro Volunteers who served in the Civil War were;
Co. 1. 2nd Regiment Infantry: Harris Whitten, Gouldsboro; Eli H. Young, West Gouldsboro.
Co. G. 6th Regiment: David L. Weare, West Gouldsboro, died Oct. 31, 1861.
Co. G. 8th Regiment: William P. Whitten, Gouldsboro; Willard R. Young, Gouldsboro, killed in action; *Augustus A. Hoyt, Gouldsboro, Captain; Emerson G. Guptill, Gouldsboro, Sergeant; Richard F. Taft, West Gouldsboro, Sergeant, died in South Carolina; *George F. Taft, West Gouldsboro, Corporal.
Co. C. 11th Regiment: Melville Cole, Prospect Harbor; James W. Cole, Prospect Harbor; *Allen M. Cole, Prospect Harbor, wounded, arm amputated; *Adolphus L. Cole, Prospect Harbor, discharged at Yorktown; John A. Hammond, West Gouldsboro, wounded, leg amputated: Alfred Tracy, West Gouldsboro; *Edward Noyes, West Gouldsboro, arm amputated; *Reuben C. Bunker, West Gouldsboro; Edward S. Bunker, West Gouldsboro; Charles E. Urann, West Gouldsboro, killed in action; *Alexander M. Young, Corea; *David N. Young, Corea.*Deceased.[p. 107]Co. G. 11th Regiment: *John F. Moore, Prospect Harbor, killed in action; *Daniel Hurd, West Gouldsboro, killed in action; *David Weare, West Gouldsboro; Asa B. Young, West Gouldsboro; Weldena F. Peters, Prospect.
Co. A. 13th Regiment: *Preston L. Guptill, Gouldsboro; *Abijah C. Moore, Gouldsboro, killed in action; *Daniel C. Moore, Gouldsboro, died in service; Brewer Spurling, Gouldsboro; Phineas Tracy, Gouldsboro, died in service.
Co. A., 13th Regiment: Leonard P. Guptill, Gouldsboro, corporal, died in service; Wesley A. Howe, Gouldsboro.
Co. l., 13th, Regiment: Joel S. Pray, Bunker's Harbor.
14th Regiment: *Timothy Danton, Winter Harbor.
15th Me. Battalion: Horace Weston, Winter Harbor.
Co. E., 26th Regiment: *Mahlon C. Witham, West Gouldsboro, discharged, Jan. 2; *Nathan Shaw, Jr., West Gouldsboro, promoted 2nd lieutenant; *George W. Wood, West Gouldsboro, Sergeant; Elisha C. Ash, West Gouldsboro, died of disease, March 9; Amos E. Guptill, Gouldsboro, musician, wounded, Apr. 14, '62; Charles E. Bunker, Gouldsboro; James H. Handy, Gouldsboro, died of disease Jan. 19, '63; *Freeland R. Rosebrook, West Gouldsboro; Henry C. Rosebrook, Gouldsboro, died of disease April 2d, '63; Epps H. Sargent, Gouldsboro; Sherman T. Spurling, Gouldsboro; Christopher Tracy, Gouldsboro, died of disease March 18, '63; James B. Wright, Gouldsboro; *Everett H. Young, Gouldsboro, promoted Sergeant; *Bethuel S. Young, Winter Harbor; *Bedford Young, Winter Harbor; Alfred Young, Gouldsboro; Roscoe G. Young, Gouldsboro.
31st Regiment: J. J. Roberts, Winter Harbor.
Navy: S. O. Moore, Prospect Harbor; *Reuben Hammond, South Gouldsboro; *G. E. Brown, Prospect*Deceased.[p. 108]Harbor; B. Bickford, Winter Harbor; *G. Jones, Birch Harbor; *Z. Joy, Winter Harbor; *Montgomery Hammond, Winter Harbor.
Volunteers whose regiment was not learned: *C. E. Cole, Prospect Harbor; Byron Moore, Prospect Harbor, died in service; Alfred Hamilton, Prospect Harbor; Ezra Over, Prospect Harbor; William Over, Prospect Harbor; Jonas Crane, Birch Harbor; James Stevens, Winter Harbor; George Matthews, Winter Harbor; *Edward Sargent, South Gouldsboro; Martin Myrick, South Gouldsboro; *Roderick Rolfe, West Gouldsboro; Hudson Young, West Gouldsboro; *Eli Bunker, West Gouldsboro; Handy Bunker, West Gouldsboro; *Samuel Spurling, Gouldsboro; *Eben M. Sowle, Gouldsboro; *Hermon Parrott, Gouldsboro; Leonard Wakefield, Alfred Moore, Gouldsboro; *Charles Moore, Gouldsboro; *Alexander Chipman, Corea.*Deceased.