Source: The Bangor Historical Magazine, vol. 4 (Bangor, Me.: J.W. Porter, 1889).
[p. 177]PAROLE SIGNED BY INHABITANTS OF BANGOR DURING THE WAR OF 1812We, the undersigned, being now prisoners of war to the British advanced Military and Naval forces in the Penobscot, do engage, on our words of honor, not to take up arms against Great Britain or her allies during the continuance of the present hostilities, unless regularly exchanged; and to this agreement we pledge our words of honor and affix our several signatures :
Charles Hammond,
Thomas Bartlett,
Joseph Carr,
John LeGro,
Joseph Leavitt,
Oliver Frye,
George Logan,
Jacob Chick,
Zebulon Smith,
John Balch,
Francis Carr,
John Ham,
Abner Tayor,
Elisha Crane,
James Drummond,
John Pearson,
Isaac Hatch,
Nathaniel C. Little,
Ebenezer Weston,
Mathew M. Burns,
Nathaniel Harlow,
James Carr, Jr.,
Jacob Dennett,
J. C. Liscomb,
Frederick Knight,
Daniel Emerson,
Joseph Knapp,
Lynde Valentine,
Zadock Davis,
William Gregory,
Daniel Webster,
Nathaniel Bussell,
John Williams,
Edward D. Jarvis,
William Randall,
Simon B. Harriman,
Timothy W. Barns,
Moses Patten,A. Patten,
Allen Gilman,
James B. Fiske,
John LeGro, Jr.,
Thomas A. Hill,
H. Gould,
James Bartlett,
Philip Coombs,
George Barker,
Hosea Rich,
S. E. Dutton,
Asa Flagg, Jr.,
Robert Lapish,
John Harlow,
Robert Salmond, Jr.,
Richard McGrath,
John Allen,
Edmund Dole,
Jona Holt,
John Blake,*
Joseph W. Boynton,
Barney Hollis,
Gillman Hook,
Nathaniel Harlow, Jr.,
Stephen S. Crosby,
Joseph Perry,
Joseph Carnes,
Moses Basford,
James Dudley,
David J. Bent,
Elijah Webster,
Robert Boyd,
James Tilton,
Amos Emerson,
Daniel Dennis,
Sarson Weston,
Henry George,
Isaac Watson,Thomas Bradbury,
William Emerson,
William Robinson,
Theodore Trafton,
Peter Burgess,
Joseph Kendrick,
Nathaniel Boynton,
William Bruce,
James Poor,
William Thompson,
David Hill,
Green Sanborn,
Jona Webster,
Benjamin Garland,
Oliver Frost,
Newell Bean,
Wiggins Hill,
John Barker,
Alexander Savage,
William Dole,
Eliashib Adams,
Benoni Hunt,
Asa Davis,
Samuel Salmond,
Elisha Skinner, Jr.,*
Samuel S. Fields,
Silas Hatch,
Robert Boynton,
Wm. D. Williamson,
William Rice,
B. Harrod,
John Webster,
Joshua Jordan,
David Randall,
Samuel G. Adams,
David Howard,
Michael Sargent,
Elijah P. Goodrich,*Of Brewer.[p. 178]
Joseph Lambert,
Peter Perkins,
Jackson Davis,
John Oakes,
John Oakes, Jr.,
Isaac Lincoln,
John Howard,
Simeon Everton,
Edward Kelly,
Joshua Treat,
George W. Brown,
Harvey Jameson,
Daniel Lambert,
Silas Harthorn,
Timothy Crosby,
David G. Parsons,
John Howard,
Archibald McPhetres,
Ashbel Harthorn,
Benjamin Clark,
Joseph Harthorn,
Daniel Clapp,
Sylvanus Rich,
John Miller,
William Little,
Isaac Spencer,Caleb C. Billings,
John Boynton,
Thomas Mann,
William Boyd,
Asa Flagg,
Allen Clark,
John Treat,
John Hook,
Robert Treat,
Joseph Whipple,
John Kenny,
John Garman,
Daniel Dresser,
Sherlock Parsons,
Timothy Crosby, Jr.,
Abel Morrill,
Moses Brown,
David Harthorn,
Joseph Harthorn,
Samuel Sherburne,
Robert McPhetres,
Timothy Miller,
Joel Fisher,
Levi Leathers,
John Blasdell,
William Hasey,Joseph Potter,
John Sargent,
George Savage,
Simon Harriman,
Edward Sargent,
Samuel Smith,
Jacob Hart,*
Jacob McGaw,*
William Forbes,
Elisha Hammond,
Tilly Brown,
Plyn Clark,
Nathan Parsons,
Josiah Stone,
William Lowder,
John Lafavor,
John Clark,
David Harthorn, 2d,
Andrew Hasey,
Joseph Clark,
Richard Garcelon,
Daniel Kimball,
Lemuel Smith,
Arnold Murray,
Gideon Dutton,
Joseph Mansell.
We do hereby certify that the persons named in the foregoing list, beginning with the name of Charles Hammond and ending with the name of Joseph Mansel (one hundred and ninety-one) are by us this day admitted to their Parole of honor, not to serve against Great Britain or her allies, unless regularly, and that, if demanded by us or the British Government, they be forthcoming.
Given under our hands in Bangor this 3d day of September, 1814.Robert Barrie,Senior Officer in Command of the Advanced
Naval Forces in Penobscot.H'y JohnLieutenant-Colonel 7th Batt., Sixtieth Regiment, Com-manding Advance British Light Troops.George Pedlar,Sen'r Lt. H. M. S. Dragon.
(John E. Godfrey's Papers.)*Of Brewer.