Source: Collections and proceedings of the Maine Historical Society, Second Series, Vol. X (Portland, Me.: Maine Historical Society, 1899).
Fornames and surnames have been switched to facilitate searching.
[p. 211]YORK NECROLOGY.Copied from "A Book of Mortality" in possession of Mr. J. H. Moody, parish clerk, York, Me., consisting of four sheets of letter paper inscribed as above. The paper is yellow with age, and the name of the writer is not given, although after the name of Mr. Abram Lunt are the words "my ho. father," (a subsequent entry) and a later death is recorded as "my hon'd mother." The fourteen inside pages are closely written and the deaths are numbered in chronological order, commencing with number 82 in 1775 and closing with number 494 in 1804. On the outside pages are recorded the deaths of nine persons in 1806 and 1807, also the deaths of five negroes, between 1789 and 1807. For convenience of reference this copy is arranged alphabetically.Marquis F. King
Abigail Adams, April 7, 1798, an aged maiden.
Abram Adams, November 12, 1801, at West Indies.
Miss Hannah Adams, January 29, 1800.[p. 212]Mr. Nathaniel Adams, Oct. 15, 1799.
Mr. Thomas Adams, January, 1799.
[T]he wife of Benjamin Austin, August 26, 1794.
Mrs. Ichabod Austin, October 26, 1803, suddenly.
Mr. Joseph Austin, March 4, 1779.
Joseph Austin, April 12, 1785.
Mr. Mathew Austin, October 21, 1776.
[W]idow Mercy Austin, January 15, 1802.
[W]idow Olive Austin, January 16, 1791.
Tabitha Austin, July 14, 1783.
Mr. William Babb, January 14, 1800.
Mr. Itachar Baker, December 2, 1804, age 93.
Mr. Joseph Baker, November 1, 1793, age 80.
Stephen Baker, December 3, 1776, drowned off the bridge.
Miss Tabitha Baker, November 11, 1801.
Mr. Thomas Baker, November 5, 1801.
[W]idow Baker, June 29, 1794.
[W]idow Abigail Bane, September 6, 1778.
Mr. Ebenezer Bane, April 6, 1803, consumption.
Mr. Daniel Bane, December 14, 1794.
Capt. Jonathan Bane, December 6, 1777.
Mr. Lewis Bane, May 30, 1776.
[W]idow Mary Bane, May 25, 1795, consumption.
[W]idow Mary Bane, January 21, 1794, small-pox.
Betty Banks, October 3, 1782.
[T]he wife of John Banks, January, 1781.
John Banks, February 5, 1788, coming from West Indies.
John Banks, son of Pet, June 1799.
[W]idow Banks, April 3, 1785.
[W]idow Banks, January 11, 1791, age 94.
Jenny Beal, January 4, 1788.
Mr. John Beal, June 24, 1800.
Mr. Richard Beal, May 29, 1804.
Mr. M. Warren Beal, November 20, 1781.
[W]idow Beal, February 15, 1803, suddenly.
[W]ife of the aged Mr. Samuel Beal, January 6, 1789.
[T]he aged Mr. Samuel Beal, March 9, 1789.[p. 213]William Bicham, October 8, 1782, drowned.
[W]idow Bicham, November 21, 1793.
[T]he wife of Ithamore Beedle, February 7, 1798.
Mr. Ithamore Beedle, March 7, 1803, of palsy, aged 84.
Mr. John Bell, April 18, 1801, at sea.
Mr. James Berry, October 13, 1783.
[W]idow Berry, November 19, 1789.
[W]idow Black, April 18, 1780.
[D]eacon Blaisdell, May 22, 1799.
[T]he aged widow Blaisdell, August 1, 1804.
[W]idow Booker, April, 1783.
[T]he wife of Jacob Booker, September 24, 1797.
[T]he aged widow Booker, February 13, 1801.
Mr. Joseph Bracy, November 27, 1776.
Mr. William Bracy, June 26, 1800.
[T]he wife of Cotton Bradbury, April 27, 1798.
Hon. John Bradbury, December 3, 1778.
[T]he wife of Hon. John Bradbury, September 28, 1787.
[W]idow of Charles D. Bragdon, October 7, 1792.
Capt. Daniel Bragdon, March 6, 1791, aged 86.
Henry Bragdon, son of Capt. T., December 24, 1804.
[W]idow Mary Bragdon, July 7, 1791.
[T]he aged widow Mercy Bragdon, September 1, 1797.
Mary Bragdon, widow of Thomas, January 3, 1785.
Miss Mercy Bragdon, November 19, 1803.
[T]he wife of Thomas Bragdon, March 22, 1787.
William Bragdon, son of Samuel, May 19, 1793.
[T]he wife of Benjamin Bridge, December 27, 1790.
Mr. Benjamin Bridge, December 17, 1795.
Mr. Edmund Bridges, November 28, 1794, age 86.
[W]idow Bridges, December 22, 1800.
Abram Bowden, December 23, 1786.
[W]idow Mary Bowden, April 21, 1790.
Humility Burrell, January 28, 1776.
[T]he wife of Samuel Came, July 8, 1778.
William Card, December 25, 1776.
Mr. Alexander Carlile, April 13, 1792.[p. 214]George Carlile, April 15, 1795, consumption.
Mr. John Carlile, October 10, 1779.
[T]he wife of Mr. John Carlile, July 18, 1797.
[W]idow Margery Carlile, December 28, 1793.
[W]idow Mary Carlile, September 11, 1784.
Shasper Carrol, October 11, 1803, negro.
Mary Castle, April 20, 1783.
Mr. William Caswell, January 22, 1802, aged 90.
[T]he wife of William Caswell, January 25, 1802, aged 90.
Ceaser, negro, October 27, 1800, drowned himself.
Edward Chase, third son of Josiah, February 26, 1793, occasioned by a stick of wood falling upon his head.
[T]he aged widow Chase, Oct. 23, 1799, at her son's.
[W]idow Chatman, May 3, 1802, at I. Ingersol's.
[W]idow Dorothy Clark, February, 1780.
Mr. Daniel Clark, August 15, 1795, of fever.
Samuel Clark, September 17, 1778.
Samuel Clark, October 19, 1786.
[W]idow Sarah Clements, May 16, 1785.
2nd wife of Dr. Oliver Caning, December 31, 1806.
[T]he wife of Edward Coyer, April 19, 1786.
Mr. Edward Coyer and his son Edward were drowned coming into the harbor from the Shoals, Sunday, February 25, 1788.
Mr. Stephen Crosby, July 19, 1780, coming from the West Indies.
Ebenezer Darby, March 11, 1781.
Mr. Silas Darby, December 23, 1782.
James Demsey, February 28, 1785.
[W]idow Demsey, February 20, 1789.
Capt. James Donnell, July 31, 1784.
Mrs. Jemima Donnell, April 27, 1786.
Mr. Jeremiah Donnell, August 29, 1804, of consumption.
Mr. Jonathan Donnell, October 27, 1898 [sic].
[W]idow Mary Donnell, January 27, 1789.
Nathaniel Donnell, Esq., February 9, 1780.
Mr. Nathaniel Donnell, October 28, 1783.
[T]he wife of Samuel Donnell, September 13, 1788.[p. 215]Mr. Samuel Donnell, May 27, 1799, age 82.
Mr. Timothy Donnell, July 28, 1802, dropsy.
Joseph Downs, son of S., April 1, 1789.
[T]he aged widow Downs, November 14, 1791.
Mr. William Dunning, June 13, 1783.
[W]idow Elingwood, November 28, 1788.
[T]he wife of Edward Emerson, May 14, 1793.
[T]he wife of Edward Emerson, February 28, 1799.
Edward Emerson, Jr., Esq., October 13, 1803, shot himself.
Ruthy Emerson of Newburyport, died at York, September 27, 1782.
Mr. Jonathan Farnham, December 18, 1800.
Mr. John Fletcher, August 23, 1793.
[W]idow Foster, June 14, 1776.
Mr. Samuel Freethy, June 2, 1800.
Timothy Frost, Esq., September 26, 1783.
Mrs. Lucy Furlong, daughter of Mr. Grant, December 6, 1804.
[W]idow Gilman, January 8, 1780.
[T]he wife of Ameziah Goodwin, March 2, 1778.
[T]he aged widow Goodwin, April 24, 1797, aged 98.
[T]he wife of Daniel Grant, July 21, 1779.
Daniel Grant, April 4, 1784.
Mr. Joseph Grant, September, 1778.
[T]he wife of Mr. Joseph Grant, November 4, 1792, soon after child birth.
[A] son of Joseph Grant, August 17, 1798.
[W]idow Mary Grant, April 12, 1784.
[W]idow Mercy Grant, May 1, 1793.
Olive Grant, July 14, 1787.
Mr. Peter Grant, May 15, 1780.
[T]he wife of Stephen Grant, November 28, 1802, of consumption.
Col. Edward Grow, May 5, 1785.
Capt. William Grow, February 2, 1796.
Capt. William Grow, November 3, 1797.
[T]he wife of John Harmon, jr., August 20, 1795.
[T]he wife of Capt. John Harmon, May 9, 1802.
Mr. Nathaniel Harmon, January 7, 1797.[p. 216]Capt. Thomas Harmon, June 11, 1800.
Theodore Harmon, October 4, 1801.
Mr. Zebulon Harmon, jr., September 14, 1798.
[T]he wife of Zebulon Harmon, December 4, 1804.
Joannah Harris, July 10, 1797, of fever.
Capt. Samuel Harris, November 22, 1793, age 72, found dead in the pasture, supposed to have died in a fit.
[T]he wife of Thomas Hains, May 28, 1801.
[W]idow Mehitable Haynes, April 13, 1786.
[W]idow Hayse, November 6, 1789, age 84.
[W]idow Hicks, March 28, 1801.
[T]he wife of James Hill, February 5, 1778.
Nathaniel Hill, March 10, 1797.
[W]idow Rebecca Hill, February 6, 1800.
[W]idow Hill, April 4, 1779.
William Hill, January 15, 1778.
[A] daughter of Eliakim Hilton, December 22, 1793.
Mr. Eliakim Hilton, July 26, 1799.
Joseph Holt, jr., August 5, 1783.
Capt. Joseph Holt, May 9, 1784.
[W]idow Jerusha Holt, September 6, 1802.
[W]idow Horn, February 12, 1782.
Arthur Howell, May 26, 1779, of small-pox.
Mr. William Hunt, May 4, 1801.
[T]he wife of George Ingersol, September 15, 1793.
[T]he wife of George Ingersol, April 25, 1802.
Mr. Edward Ingraham, at Kittery, March 6, 1807.
Woodman Jacobs, May 8, 1781, of small-pox.
[T]he wife of Benjamin Johnson, March 4, 1799.
[T]he wife of Daniel Johnson, July 7, 1804.
Alexander Junkins, October 5, 1782.
Mr. Daniel Junkins, May 13, 1792.
Capt. John Junkins, March 3, 1783.
Mr. Samuel Junkins, February 7, 1791, of cancer.
Richard Keeting, July 10, 1783.[p. 217][T]he wife of William Kerswell, late Abigail Varrell, August 3, 1795, of fits.
Mrs. Abigail Kimball, November 27, 1802, of consumption.
Mary King, June 22, 1799.
General Knox at Thomaston, October 26, 1806, age 57, occasioned by his swallowing a chicken bone.
[T]he wife of Rev. Samuel Langdon, May 4, 1776.
Rev. Samuel Langdon, December 19, 1794.
[W]idow Langdon, December 21, 1802, age 82.
[W]idow Larrabee, May 13, 1790, at J. Main's.
[T]he wife of Dea. Jer'y. Leavitt, January 2, 1793.
Lydia Lewis, June 13, 1797.
Mr. Nathaniel Lewis, December, 1781.
Capt. John Lindsey, November 12, 1801, at West Indies.
[W]idow Lindsey, November 10, 1776.
Polly Lindsey, November 6, 1791, of consumption.
Mr. Jeremy Linscott, December 22, 1798.
Mr. Samuel Linscott, September 19, 1802.
Josiah and Levi Littlefield, jr., May 16, 1807, drowned attempting to land at Ogunquit.
Mr. Jeremiah Lord, December 11, 1801, drowned at Cape Nedick.
Mr. Joseph Low, jr., August 17, 1806, at Mr. Thomas Louis'.
Timothy Low, son of T., May 18, 1804.
William Low, November 3, 1799.
[W]idow Lovell, May 25, 1784.
Mr. Abram Lunt, January 9, 1783, my ho. father. My honored mother, January 17, 1796, aged 83.
Abraham Lunt, November 12, 1801, at West Indies.
[T]he wife of Henry Lunt, August 4, 1788.
Dick Lyman, April 12, 1807.
Dr. Job Lyman, March 29, 1791.
Ruth Lyman, June, 1785.
[T]he wife of Thomas Mahone, November 26, 1778.
Mr. John Main, May 26, 1802.
[W]idow of Joseph Main, December 9, 1797, age 89.
Capt. Alexander McIntire, May 9, 1786.[p. 218]Mr. Alexander McIntire, July 20, 1804.
Mr. Daniel McIntire, December 23, 1787.
Mr. Ebenezer McIntire, April 4, 1796.
Capt. Jno. McIntire, February 19, 1785.
[T]he wife of Samuel McIntire, January 9, 1799.
Samuel McIntire, July 24, 1801, of cancer.
Tobias McIntire, April 12, 1797, of small-pox.
Elder Milbery, September 26, 1777.
George Milbery, son of Capt. Samuel, October 16, 1788.
Capt. Samuel Milbery, November 12, 1795.
[W]idow Millins, December 27, 1801, suddenly.
Elizabeth Morse, wife of Humphrey, at Newbury, November 2, 1806, my sister.
[T]he wife of Elias Moody, May 23, 1802.
[T]he wife of Joseph Moody, September 23, 1797.
[T]he wife of Samuel Moody, June 5, 1788.
Mr. Samuel Moody, December 17, 1795, at Exeter.
[T]he wife of Thomas Moody, jr., March 31, 1802.
Mrs. Sarah Moore, at J. Grant, December 20, 1804.
Mr. Thomas Moore, February 21, 1804, age 84.
Mr. William Moore, December 25, 1781.
[T]he wife of William Moore, January 12, 1782.
William Moore, son of John, December 25, 1807, drowned going to the West Indies.
Capt. Abel Moulton, March 4, 1784.
[T]he wife of Daniel Moulton, Esq., June 22, 1796.
Capt. Daniel Moulton, October 29, 1798.
[W]idow of Capt. Daniel Moulton, November 23, 1798.
Dorcas Moulton, September 16, 1777.
[T]he wife of Ebenezer Moulton, February 4, 1777.
[W]idow Elizabeth Moulton, May 17, 1801, age 91.
George Moulton, October 3 or 4, 1787, drowned on his way from St. Peters.
Jemima Moulton, August 10, 1777.
Col. Jeremy Moulton, January 9, 1786.
Capt. Jonathan Moulton, at Newburyport, February 24, 1807.[p. 219]Mr. John Moulton, April 28, 1803, of consumption.
[T]he wife of John Moulton, October 4, 1800.
[T]he wife of Col. Johnson Moulton, August 4, 1782.
Col. Johnson Moulton, June 13, 1793.
[W]idow of Col. Johnson Moulton, December 23, 1794.
Jotham Moulton, Esq., May 12, 1777.
[W]idow Judith Moulton, December 30, 1794.
Lydia Moulton, daughter of John, May 6, 1802.
[T]he wife of Thomas Moulton, February 26, 1803.
[T]he wife of Samuel Moulton, January 3, 1789.
Capt. Samuel Moulton, September 11 or 12, 1803, on his passage from the West Indies.
[T]he wife of William Moulton, September 6, 1786.
[T]he wife of Jefry Muchmore, December 27, 1782.
Elizabeth Muchmore, widow of Jacob, March 25, 1797.
Mr. John Norman, March 18, 1793, of palsy.
Mr. Abram Nowell, December 24, 1790, of cancer.
Joel Nowell, son of Joseph, July 22, 1802.
Col. John Nowell, October 12, 1791.
John Nowell, 3d son of Thomas, January 19, 1793.
[T]he aged widow Mary Nowell, August 6, 1802.
Mr. Thomas Nowell, December 8, 1801.
Mr. James O'Neal, June 7, 1802.
Mr. Daniel Paine, May 25, 1803.
Mr. Elisha Parsons, July 26, 1799.
Dea. John Parsons, February 14, 1778.
Mr. Joseph Parsons, December 4, 1781.
[W]idow Miriam Parsons, February 11, 1791.
Mr. Jeremy Paul, October, 1779.
[T]he wife of Jeremiah Paul, July 29, 1800.
Capt. Samuel Paul, December 17, 1793.
[W]idow Paul, Mr. H. Sargent's mother, May 6, 1795.
[T]he wife of Samuel Perkins, March 7, 1782.
Samuel Perkins, July 13, 1788.
William Perkins, died of his wound, being shot November 2, 1781.
Mr. John Philbrook, February 9, 1777.[p. 220][T]he aged widow Philbrook, February 12, 1796.
[T]he aged Mr. Henry Phillips, January 24, 1801.
Joseph Plaisted, November 2, 1781, being wounded by a gun.
Mr. Christopher Pottle, December 25, 1781.
Mr. Caleb Preble, April 12, 1791, age 62.
Mr. David Preble, February 21, 1802.
Mr. Ebenezer Preble, February 18, 1777, of small-pox.
Mrs. Hannah Preble, December 17, 1793.
[W]idow Hepsabeth Preble, September 17, 1785.
Mr. Joseph Preble, December 8, 1791.
Mrs. Lydia Preble, December 7, 1792.
Paul Preble, February 11, 1779.
Mr. Peter Preble, May 29, 1790.
[T]he wife of Samuel Preble, January 13, 1801.
[W]idow Prentice, November 13, 1790.
Darby Quin, January 24, 1797.
Daniel Ramsdell, February 4, 1796.
[T]he wife of Nathaniel Ramsdell, Sen., May 4, 1790.
Mr. Nathaniel Ramsdell, March 2, 1800.
Benjamin Raynes, son of Robert, November 19, 1791, drowned in the eddy.
[W]idow Raynes, February 17, 1788, age 99.
[T]he wife of Deacon Raynes, March 12, 1798.
[T]he wife of Nathaniel Raynes, June 26, 1795, of cancer.
Mr. Nathaniel Raynes, September 19, 1802, of lockjaw.
[W]idow of Nathaniel Raynes, May 22, 1797.
Capt. Robert Raynes, November 5, 1793.
Sally Raynes, May 19, 1799, of cancer.
[T]he wife of Matthew Ritchie, November 8, 1779.
[T]he wife of Moses Safford, June 30, 1776.
Andrew Sargent, November 4, 1795, age about 20.
Daniel Sargent, November 9, 1799.
[T]he wife of John Savage, January 9, 1792.
Mr. John Savage, October 28, 1798.
Rachel Savage, December 20, 1790.
Sally Savage, August 27, 1791.
[T]he wife of Ebenezer Sayward, January 14, 1781.[p. 221]Mr. Ebenezer Sayward, April 8, 1783.
[W]idow Elizabeth Sayward, August 27, 1791.
Daniel Sayward, March 3, 1803, consumption.
Mr. Henry Sayward, November 20, 1788.
[T]he wife of Jonathan Sayward, Esq., September 12, 1775.
Elder J. Sayward, May 8, 1797, age 84.
Mary Sayward, daughter of Capt. William, October 9, 1803.
Prince Sayward, negro, February 3, 1789.
Sarah Sayward, daughter of Bethular, August 15, 1790.
William Sayward, jr., May 10, 1801.
Ebenezer Sellers, October 3 or 4, 1787, drowned on the way from St. Peters.
Martha Sellers, April 26, 1804.
[T]he wife of William Sellers, January 6, 1795.
[T]he wife of Hon. David Sewall, May 28, 1788.
[W]idow Hannah Sewall, July 6, 1799, age 86.
Mr. Henry Sewall, November 2, 1792.
[T]he aged widow of Henry Sewall, July 27, 1797.
Mr. Joseph Sewall, December 12, 1782, of cancer.
Joanna Sewall, October 4, 1775.
King Sewall, negro, June 8, 1794.
Lucy Sewall, daughter of Capt. S. S., September 3, 1802.
[T]he aged widow Sarah Sewall, February 3, 1790.
[T]he wife of Storer Sewall, January 14, 1800.
Mr. Joseph Shaw, December 30, 1802.
George Perkins Sholes, November 22, 1781.
Abigail Simpson, December 21, 1776.
[T]he wife of Capt. Ebenezer Simpson, October 15, 1804.
[T]he widow Eliza Simpson, December 22, 1799.
[T]he widow of Henry Simpson, September 22, 1778.
[T]he widow of Henry Simpson, September 22, 1784.
[T]he widow of Joseph Simpson, July 14, 1781.
[T]he wife of Capt. Joseph Simpson, December 10, 1786.
Elder Joseph Simpson, November 24, 1798, age 86.
Capt. Joshua Simpson, June 9, 1801.
[W]idow Simpson, December 13, 1802, age 96,
Mary Simpson, July 18, 1777.[p. 222][T]he wife of Capt. Timothy Simpson, October 5, 1799.
Miss Olive Simpson, January 24, 1800.
William Simpson, December 25, 1777.
[T]he wife of Capt. Edward Smith, December 21, 1804.
Lydia Smith, March 13, 1797.
[W]idow Sarah Smith, December 8, 1787.
[W]idow Abigail Stone, August 30, 1784.
[T]he wife of Josiah Stone, October 27, 1797.
Mr. Josiah Stone, October 23, 1804.
Mr. Isaac Stover, August 3, 1788.
Mr. John Stover, January 24, 1796, suddenly.
Richard Stover, son of Joseph and Huldy, October 14, 1788.
John Swett, Esq., June 18, 1790.
Capt. John Swett, April 17, 1797, fever.
Mr. Joseph Swett, August 29, 1776.
Mr. Nathaniel Swett, March 19, 1792.
Sarah Swett, an idiot, July 16, 1787.
[T]he wife of Richard Talpey, Esq., September 27, 1778.
Richard Talpey, Esq., May 19, 1793.
Mr. Daniel Thompson, May 19, 1800.
Dodivah Curtis Thompson, May 22, 1807.
Abram Tilton, December 25, 1786.
[W]idow Toppan, July 18, 1783.
Mr. Joseph Trafton, May 15, 1790.
Mr. Jotham Trafton, November 13, 1804.
[W]idow Lydia Trafton, December 30, 1784.
Capt. Richard Trivett, July 12, 1793.
Joseph Tucker, Esq., September 8, 1804.
[T]he wife of Mark Walton, April 11, 1785.
[T]he wife of Mark Walton, March 4, 1790.
Mr. Elias Weare, June 29, 1790.
[T]he wife of Mr. Joseph Weare, September, 1778, of small-pox.
[T]he wife of Jeremiah Weare, May 14, 1801.
Mr. Joseph Weare, October 18, 1791.
[T]he wife of Joseph Weare, December 19, 1804.
Gershon Webber, May 4, 1797.
[T]he wife of Nathaniel Webber, October 6, 1782.[p. 223][W]ife of Nathaniel Webber, September 26, 1789.
Mr. Nathaniel Webber, June 11, 1791.
Mr. Josiah Weeks, January 19, 1801.
Mr. Benjamin Welch, February 17, 1804.
Miss Mary Welch, found dead December 12, 1801.
[W]idow Welch, April, 1782.
[T]he wife of William Welch, June 9, 1791.
Mr. George Whitefield, preached at York, September 27, 1770, and died at Newbury, September 30, Sunday morning.
[T]he aged widow Whitney, January 15, 1795.
[W]idow Anna Whittum, May 5, 1793.
Hannah Whittum, November 12, 1802.
Peter Whittum, November 17, 1786.
[T]he wife of Reuben Whittum, January 30, 1800.
Mr. Joseph Wilson, April 1, 1803.
Dea. Michael Wilson, April 26, 1785.
[W]idow Wilson, February 10, 1790.
[T]he wife of Theodore Wise, September 15, 1786.
[______] Witham, February 23, 1785.
Elizabeth Wood, May 7, 1801.
[W]idow Ann Woodbridge, December 12, 1783.
Margaret Woodward, March 4, 1801.
[W]idow Abigail Young, March 23, 1790.
Mr. Beniah Young, February 2, 1779.
Elizabeth Young, September, 1778.
[T]he wife of Jabez Young, April 15, 1804.
Mr. John Young, January 11, 1803, age 83.
Mr. John Young, jr., March 21, 1797, in consequence of his swallowing a number of pills, as was supposed, and laid out all night.
[T]he wife of Jonathan Young, June 26, 1800.
Mr. Joshua Young, October 14, 1803.
Mrs. Mary Young, May 21, 1804.
Mr. Masterson Young, June 16, 1795.
Mr. Roland Young, February 9, 1782.
Mr. Roland Young, December 7, 1800.
[T]he wife of Samuel Young, Jr., January 22, 1802.
Mrs. Sarah Young, August 21, 1797, of cancer.