Source: Charles J. House, compiler, Names of Soldiers of the American Revolution Who Applied for State Bounty under Resolves of March 17, 1835, March 24, 1836, and March 20, 1836, as Appears of Record in Land Office (Augusta, Me.: Burleigh & Flynt, 1893).
These Revolutionary War soldiers—or their widows and heirs—applied for grants of land in Eastern Maine under resolves passed by the Maine Legislature in 1835 and 1836 (see House's introduction for full details). Copies of these applications may be found in the records of the Maine Land Office, and are also available to FamilySearch.
Forenames and surnames have been switched to facilitate searching.
From the Introduction, page 10:[p. 14]John Abbot, e Woolwich, d Boothbay April 16, 1825, w Rachel, Bath.
John Abbot, North Berwick, e South Berwick.
Silas Accrow, e Plymouth, Mass., d Portland about 1816, w Sarah, Portland.
Jedediah Adams, e Lincoln county, d Bowdoinham July 17, 1833, w Rebecca, Bowdoinham.
Joseph Adams, Jay, e Concord, Mass.
Samuel Adams (surgeon), e Truro, Mass., d Bath March 6, 1819, w Abigail, Bath.
Samuel Adams, Bowdoin, e Harpswell.
Solomon Adams, Farmington, e Chelmsford, Mass., d Vienna November 4, 1833, w Hannah, Farmington.
Thomas Additon, Greene, e Duxbury, Mass.
Peter Adley, Hallowell, e. Soper, N. Y.
Samuel Akley, Rumford, e. Topsham.
Jonathan Albee, Lexington, e Wiscasset.
William Alld, e Waterboro, d New Brunswick in 1791, w Hannah, Hollis, m Joseph Clark.
Amos Allen, Dresden, e Dresden.
Daniel Allen, Bowdoin, e Topsham.
Daniel Allen, Bowdoin, Winthrop, e Winthrop.
Ebenezer Allen, Hampden, e Rochester, N. H.
Hezekiah P. Allen, e Dedham, Mass., d Bowdoinham January 31, 1826, w Susannah, Bowdoinham.
Isaac Allen, Minot, e New Gloucester.
Jacob Allen, Scarboro, e Portland.
Job Allen, Pownal, e New Gloucester.
John Allen, e Portland, d Thomaston February 27, 1832, w Eunice, Thomaston.
Joseph Allen, Gray, e Falmouth.
William Allen, e Topsham, d China April 3, 1834, w Jane, China.
[p. 15]Wright Allen, e Cape Elizabeth, d Denmark April 7, 1832, w Ruth, Denmark.
Ephraim Alley, Boothbay, e Boothbay.
Samuel Ames, alias Samuel Buck, Norway, e Haverhill, Mass.
John Andrews, e Raynham, Mass., d Minot February 6, 1829, w Betsey, Minot.
Samuel E. Andrews, e Hillsborough, N. H., d Lovell January 1, 1822, w Hannah, Lovell.
John Arno, e Bath, d Leeds March 30, 1831, w Mariam, Leeds.
Robert Arnold, Starks, e Middlesex County, Mass., or Kittery.
Joel Atherton, Waterford, e Harvard, Mass.
William Atkinson, Lewiston, e North Yarmouth.
Benjamin Austin, e York, d York April 9, 1826, w Abigail, York.
David Austin, e Berwick, d Dresden March 18, 1833, w Judith, Alna.
Jonah Austin, e Falmouth, d Windham September 27, 1833, w Sarah, Windham.
Ezekiel Averill, Wiscasset, e Alna.
Benjamin Ayer, Winthrop, e Buxton.
Peter Babb, Buxton, e Scarboro.
Courtney Babbidge, e Deer Isle, d Vinalhaven October 9, 1834, w Catherine, Vinalhaven.
Timothy Bacon, Gorham, e Gorham.
*Daniel Bailey, e Woolwich, d Woolwich March 13, 1817, w Susannah, Woolwich.
Hudson Bailey, of Portland, e Portland, d at sea, w Sarah, Portland.
Israel Bailey, e Bridgewater, Mass., d Buckfield May 20, 1830, w Lucy, Minot.
John Bailey, e Bridgewater, Mass., d Turner July 19, 1833, w Lucy B., Turner.
John Bailey, e Portland, d Portland August 13, 1822, w Abigail, Vassalboro.
*Joshua Bailey, e Woolwich, d Woolwich December 24, 1827, w Sarah, Woolwich.
*Josiah Bailey, e Woolwich, d Woolwich February 5, 1836, w Mary, Woolwich.
Prince Bailey, Leeds, e Hanover, Mass.
Samuel Bailey, e Rowley, Mass., d Milford (Sunkhase) May 14, 1830, w Elenor, Lincoln.
*Sometimes spelled Bayley
[p. 16]Amos Baker, Skowhegan, e New Ipswich, N. H., d Buffalo, N. Y., October 7, 1814, w Elizabeth, China.
Samuel Baker, e North Yarmouth, d North Yarmouth August 3, 1826, w Mary, North Yarmouth.
Silas Baker, Freeman, e Marlborough, Mass.
John Ball, e Whitefield, d Concord September 3, 1823, w Rachel, Concord.
Jonathan Ballard, e Andover, Mass., d Temple October 31, 1830, w Betty, Temple.
Uriah Ballard, Fryeburg, e Wilton, N. H.
Joshua Bangs, e Falmouth, d Auburn April 23, 1823, w Anna, Auburn, m Woodbury.
Daniel Barker, e Stow, Mass., d Waterford February, 1824, w Rachel, Bethel.
James Barker, Westbrook, e Stow, Mass.
Joseph Barnes, e Harpswell, d Lubec May 28, 1838, w Lydia, Lubec.
Nathaniel Barrett, Fairfield, e Chelmsford, Mass.
Jonathan Barron, e Mass., d Minot March 21, 1815, w Mehitable, Topsham.
Abraham Barrous, alias Barnes, e Sanford, d Cornish October 24, 1819, w Margaret, Cornish.
Peter Barrows, e Attleborough, Mass., d Camden May 12, 1841, w Elizabeth, Camden.
Benjamin Barstow, e Newcastle, d Nobleboro August 10, 1824, w Susannah, Nobleboro.
Joseph Bartlett, e Whitefield, d Montville June 2, 1826, w Hannah, Whitefield.
Ebenezer Barton, e Windham, d Windham April 15, 1785, w Dorothy, Windham.
John Barton, e Falmouth, d Salem May 10, 1834, w Abigail, Salem.
Samuel Bates, e Wareham, Mass., d Fairfield October 18, 1817, w Susanna, Fairfield.
Daniel Beckler, e Waldoboro, d Greenwood March 25, 1830, w Elizabeth, Greenwood.
Thaddeus Bemis, Fryeburg, e Waltham, Mass.
John Benjamin, e Needham, Mass., d Whitefield December 2, 1814, w Betsey, Freedom, m John Decker.
Christopher Benner, Dennysville, e Abington, Mass.
Andrew Bennett, Troy, e Mt. Desert.
George Berry, Greene, e Scarboro.
Joseph Berry, York, e York.
[p. 17]Nathaniel Berry, Gardiner, e Gardiner.
Pelatiah Berry, e Scarboro, d Gray December 20, 1827, w Louisa, third wife, Gray.
Samuel Berry, e Gardiner, d Auburn August 6, 1816, w Ruth, Auburn.
Timothy Berry, Cornish, e Scarboro.
Elisha Bisbee, e Pembroke, Mass., d Sumner December 4, 1826, w Chloe, Hartford, m Stetson.
Henry Black, Kittery, e Kittery.
Josiah Black, Limington, e Gorham.
James Blackington, e Rehoboth, Mass., d Thomaston October 25, 1835, w Elizabeth, Thomaston.
James Blair, Woolwich, e Woolwich.
Daniel Blaisdell, e Brunswick, w Elizabeth, Brunswick, m Coffin.
Benjamin Blake, Brownfield, e Gorham.
John Blake (lieutenant), Brewer, e Wrentham, Mass.
John Blake, e Harpswell, drowned in Harpswell bay July 14, 1806, w Jane, Brunswick.
John Blake, e Gorham, d Gorham March 26, 1826, w Deborah, Gorham.
Joseph Blake, Gorham, e Gorham.
Willing Blake, Warren, e Wrentham, Mass.
Pero Blakely, e Bridgewater, Mass., d China December 15, 1814, w Dina, China.
Increase Blithen, Phillips, e Durham.
James Boaz, Portland, e Plymouth, Mass.
Samuel Bogs, e Warren, d Warren October 1, 1834, w Susanna, Warren.
John Boies, of Madison, e N. H., d March 16, 1833, w Mary, Skowhegan.
David Bolton, e Frankfort, d Augusta February 4, 1833, w Hannah, Augusta.
Jonas Bond, Dennysville, e Lincoln, Mass.
Isaiah Booker, e Harpswell, d Canaan February 23, 1823, w Sarah, Bowdoinham.
William Boothby, e Scarboro, d Limerick September 2, 1828, w Elizabeth, Limerick.
Thomas Boston, Kennebunkport, e Wells.
[p. 18]Daniel Bosworth, Dennysville, e Petersham, Mass.
Amos Bowden, e York, d Castine December 20, 1820, w Lucy, Castine.
Theodore Bowden, Penobscot, e York.
Levi Bowker, Machias, e Scituate, Mass.
Ralph H. Bowler, late of Machias (adjutant), e Massachusetts, w Hannah, Brooklyn, N. Y.
John Brackett, Harrison, e Falmouth.
James Bracy, York, e York.
Peabody Bradford, Minot, e Duxbury, Mass.
Aaron Bragdon, Corinth, e York.
John Bragdon, Kennebunk, e Berwick.
John Bragdon, New Gloucester, e Scarboro.
Joab Bragg, e Vassalboro, d Vassalboro April 9, 1832, w Lydia, Vassalboro.
Joseph Bray, Anson, e New Gloucester.
Daniel Bridges, York, e York, temporarily in Wolfboro, N. H.
Edmund Bridges, Castine, e York.
Adin Briggs, e Stoughton, Mass., d Anson February 26, 1828, w Abigail, Starks, m Seavey.
Jesse Briggs, e Taunton, Mass., d Paris February 18, 1833, w Naomi, Paris.
Jonathan Britton, Otisfield, e Pittsfield, Mass.
Samuel Brooks, e Buxton, d Porter April 14, 1825, w Lucy, Porter.
Amos Brown, late of Limerick, e Saco, d Cornish December 1, 1829, w Hannah, Limerick.
Andrew Brown, Litchfield, e Kennebunk.
David Brown, Boothbay, e Warren.
Enoch Brown, Sebec, e Arrowsic.
Jacob Brown, e Waterboro, d Hiram December 1831, w Rhoda, Hiram.
Jacob Brown (ensign,) e North Yarmouth, d North Yarmouth February 28, 1813, w Judith, Windham.
James Brown, Parsonsfield, e Virginia.
James Brown, e Newcastle, d Palermo May 28, 1827, w Asenath, Palermo.
Jesse Brown, e Gorham, d Raymond December 10, 1831, w Elee or Ela, Raymond.
Moody Brown, Cornish, e Waterboro.
Samuel Brown, Oxford, e Milford, Mass.
[p. 19]Daniel Bryant, Saco, e Saco.
Moses Buck, e New Gloucester, d Sumner, August 24, 1826, w Hannah, Sumner.
Shubal Bumpus, Montville, e Wareham, Mass.
Eleazer Burbank, Belgrade, e Scarboro.
David Burgess, e Wareham, Mass., d Fairfield Oct. 11, 1832, w Sylvia, Fairfield.
Joseph Burnham, e Kennebunkport, d at sea about 1793, w Susanna, Kennebunkport, m Proctor, then m. Dudley Stone.
Daniel Burr, e Oxford, Mass., d Mercer March 13, 1834, w Susanna, Mercer.
Benoni Burrill, e Abington, Mass., d Clinton April 8, 1814, w Lydia, Fairfield.
Humphrey Burrill, Skowhegan, e Abington, Mass.
Jonathan Burrows, e Lebanon, d Lebanon January 1, 1817, w Elizabeth, Lebanon.
Isaac Bussell, Columbia, e Bangor.
Jonathan Butler, e Georgetown, d Turner January 21, 1827, w Dolly, Turner.
Phineas Butler, Thomaston, e Union.
Alexander Campbell, e Massachusetts, d Minot February 15, 1827, w Mary, Minot.
James Campbell, Monmouth, e Boxford, Mass.
John Carl, e Lyman, d Unity October 17, 1832, w Lois, Unity.
Ezra Carlton, Letter E Plantation, e Nottingham, N. H.
John Carlton, Frankfort, e Thomaston.
Hubbard Carter, e Warner, N. H., d Fryeburg September 1803, w Abigail, Lovell, m Abraham Andrews.
Henry Carvill, e Cape Elizabeth, d Lewiston July 12, 1823, w Mercy, Lewiston.
Luther Cary, Turner, e Bridgewater, Mass.
John Cash, Raymond, e Cape Elizabeth.
Levi Chadbourn, Parsonsfield. (See Introduction, page 10.*)
Silas Chadbourn (quarter master), e Gorham, d Gorham June 13, 1823, w Lucy, Gorham, m. Edwards.
Jeremiah Chamberlain, e Pepperell, Mass., d Nobleboro October 24, 1831, w Sarah, Nobleboro.
Moses Chamberlain, e Pepperell, Mass., d Moscow December 9, 1833, w Anne, Norridgewock.
Silas Chamberlain, e Dracut, Mass., d Minot October 30, 1812, w Susanna, Minot.
[p. 20]Joel Chandler, e Winthrop, d Winthrop April 19, 1794, w Deborah, Winthrop, m. Glidden.
Moses Chandler, e Concord, N. H., d Fryeburg September 10, 1822, w Mary, Fryeburg.
Nathaniel Chapman, e Lunenburg or Ipswich, Mass., d Kingfield January 2, 1819, w Sally, Starks.
Ezekiel Chase, Sebec, e Hallowell.
Jonas Child, e Watertown, Mass., d Hallowell February 14, 1815, w Anna, Hallowell.
Amos Childs, Vassalboro, e Watertown, Mass.
William Chipman, Oxford, e New Gloucester.
Ebenezer Choate, Bridgton, e Ipswich, Mass.
Charles Church, Phillips, e Pembroke, Mass.
Jabesh Churchill, Buckfield, e Bridgewater, Mass.
Josiah Chute, e Windham, d Windham October 3, 1834, w Mary, Windham.
John Clark, e Wiscasset, d Whitefield November 9, 1810, w Lydia, Whitefield.
Joseph Clark, Wiscasset, e Alna.
William Cleaves, Cumberland, e Kennebunk.
Benjamin Clough, Monmouth, e Winthrop.
Roland Cobb, Union, e Plympton, Mass.
Moses Coburn, Newry, e Dunstable, Mass.
John Cochran, e Newcastle, d Newcastle March 11, 1793, w Agnes, Edgecomb.
Nicholas Coffin, Lincoln, e Conway, N. H.
Daniel Colbrough, e Scarboro, d Denmark November 13, 1833, w Elizabeth, Hartford.
Samuel Colby, Portland, e Bradford, Mass.
Barnet Cole, Windsor, e Sutton, Mass.
Eli Cole, e Kittery, d Buxton December 16, 1832, w Olive, Buxton.
Isaiah Cole, Waldoboro, e Waldoboro.
John Cole, e Waterville, d Albion January 11, 1824, w Polly, Albion.
Samuel Cole, Lewiston, e North Yarmouth.
Benjamin Collins, St. Albans, e Salisbury, Mass.
Lemuel Collins, Industry, e Cape Ann, Mass.
David Colson, e Bath, d Thomaston March 17, 1834, w Mary, Bath.
Elijah Cone, e Connecticut, d Lovell, w Judith, Lovell.
[p. 21]Samuel Cone, Hampden, e Saybrook, Conn.
Jonathan Conn, Bethel, e Northboro, Mass.
Abram Cook, e Lebanon, d in U. S. service July 15, 1813, w Sarah, Lebanon.
John Cool, Waterville, e Winslow.
Silas Coolidge, e Weston, Mass., d Trenton May 13, 1834, w Elizabeth, Trenton.
Joseph S. Coombs, d Brunswick April 24, 1835, heirs, Lucy Coombs and Thankful Given.
Samuel C. Coombs, e Lincoln county, d Bowdoinham October 31, 1826, w Rachel, Bowdoinham.
John Cornish, Brunswick, e Brunswick.
George Couch, e Dresden, d Hallowell June 1787, w Ann, Readfield, m Constant Norton.
John Couch, e Hallowell, d Hallowell March 14, 1830, w Jane, Hallowell.
Samuel Cousins, e Sedgwick, d Sedgwick August 6, 1835, w Pamelia, Sedgwick.
Abijah Crane, Fayette, e Dedham, Mass.
William Crawford, Gardiner, e Bath.
Abner Crediford, e Kennebunkport, d Kennebunkport September, 1793, w Ruth, Kennebunkport.
Asa Cree, e Massachusetts, d Waterville October 19, 1833, w Love, Canaan.
Richard Creech, e Sandwich, Mass., d Leeds June 13, 1819, w Elizabeth, Leeds.
Benjamin Cresey, Falmouth, e Falmouth.
Samuel Crockett, Cape Elizabeth, e Cape Elizabeth.
Charles Crosby, e Smithfield, R. I., d Garland December 17, 1835, w Mary, Garland.
John Croxford, e Cumberland county, d Newburg December 26, 1820, w Wilmot, Newburg.
Thomas F. Cummings (lieutenant), e Needham, Mass., d Prospect October 24, 1825, w Mary, Cutler, later of Castine.
Samuel Cunningham, e Jefferson, d Brunswick September, 1803, w Sarah, Newcastle.
Andrew Cushman, Leeds, e Plympton, Mass.
Joshua Cushman, e Bridgewater, Mass., d Augusta January 26, 1834, w Lucy, Winslow.
[p. 22]John Dain, Lisbon, e Cumberland county.
John Daisey, e North Yarmouth, d Poland 1831, w Mehitable, Poland.
Abijah Damans, e Abington, Mass., d Charlotte April 9, 1836, w Lucretia, Charlotte.
Abner Danforth, Litchfield, e Brunswick.
Philip Davenport, e Hallowell, d Hallowell April, 1830, w Jerusha, Augusta.
Aaron Davis, Warren, e Wrentham, Mass.
Allen Davis, Minot, e Gloucester, Mass.
Benjamin Davis, Belfast, e Gloucester, Mass.
Elijah Davis, e Gorham, d Gorham October 5, 1783, w Phebe, Bridgton, m Whitney.
Ezra Davis, e Gardiner, d Pittston September, 1823, w Abigail, Ellsworth.
John Davis, e New York or New Jersey, d Cutler April 27, 1836, w Eliza, Cutler.
John Davis, e Scarboro, d St. George May, 1792, w Eunice, Thomaston.
John Davis, Waterville, e Saco.
Joshua Davis, Canton, e Gorham.
Micah Davis, e Middlesex county, Mass., d Fairfield January 7, 1832, w Lydia, Gardiner.
Nicholas Davis, e Saco, d Hollis January 14, 1832, w Abigail, Hollis.
Philip Davis, Fayette, e Windham.
Samuel Davis, Standish, e Gorham.
William Davis, Eddington, e Maine.
William Davis, e Long Island, N. Y., d Fairfield November 29, 1836, w Jane, Sidney.
William Davis, Whitefield, e Berwick.
Alexander Davison, Edgecomb, e Tewksbury, Mass.
Nathaniel Day, Lovell, e Fryeburg.
Ebenezer Dean, Madison, e Skowhegan.
Edmund Dean, Paris, e Taunton, Mass.
Simon Dearborn, Monmouth, e Epping, N. H.
Alpheus Delano, e Friendship, d Friendship March 9, 1826, w Margaret, Friendship.
Jabez Delano, Livermore, e Winthrop.
Jonathan Delano, e Duxbury, Mass., d. Woolwich September 16, 1833, w Ruth, Woolwich.
[p. 23]Seth Delano, Phillips, e Winthrop.
David Dennison, Freeport, e Freeport.
James Deshon, Waterboro, e Waterboro.
Eleazer Dickey, Monroe, e Vassalboro.
Benjamin Didson, Starks, e Dunstable, now Tyngsborough, Mass.
Levi Dingley, Harpswell, e Duxbury, Mass.
William Dix, e Dunstable, Mass., d Prospect November 16, 1828, w Abigail, Newburg.
Amos Doane, Hampden, e Eastham, Mass.
Nicholas Dodge, e Dunbarton, N. H., d Burnham December 10, 1827, w Elizabeth, Burnham.
Benjamin Dolbear, Freeman, e Needham, Mass.
Amos Dole, e Groton, Mass., d Orrington July 20, 1832, w Matilda, Orrington.
John Dorman, e Kennebunkport, d Kennebunkport July 26, 1828, w Hannah, Kennebunkport.
Ichabod Doughty, Brunswick, e Kennebec.
James Doughty, Harpswell, e Brunswick.
John Doughty, e Freeport, d Portland October 5, 1827, w Dorcas, Freeport.
Nathaniel Doughty, Portland, e Freeport.
John Douglass, Denmark, e Scarboro.
Joseph Dow, e Portland, d Standish October 31, 1805, w Lucy, Standish.
John Downing, Minot, e Andover, Mass.
Samuel Downing, Minot, e Andover, Mass.
Jonathan Doyle, e Harpswell, d Harpswell 1789, w Huldah, Bowdoin.
Jonathan Dresser, e Fryeburg, d Fryeburg May, 1814, w Elizabeth, Denmark.
Richard Dresser, Hollis, e Scarboro.
Stephen Drown, Kennebunkport, e Wells.
Nathan Dudley, Hebron, e East Sudbury, Mass.
David Dunbar, Penobscot, e Scituate, Mass.
Ammi Dunham, Freeport, e Freeport.
Moses Dunham, Hartford, e Plympton, Mass.
Christopher Dunn, Belgrade, e Gorham.
Joshua Dunn, Dixfield, e Durham.
William Duron, e Edgecomb, d Edgecomb October 21, 1832, w Ruth, Boothbay.
Allen Dwelley, Springfield, e Pembroke, Mass.
[p. 24]Benjamin Dyer, Cape Elizabeth, e Cape Elizabeth, d at sea June, 1795, w Hannah, Lisbon.
Bickford Dyer, e Scarboro, d Baldwin May 5, 1828, w Dolly, Baldwin.
Ephraim Dyer, e Cape Elizabeth, d Sullivan August 26, 1834, w Hannah, Sullivan.
Isaac Dyer, Limington, e Cape Elizabeth.
Edmund Eastman, e Boscawen, N. H., d Limerick December 19, 1812, w Hannah, Limerick.
Jacob Eastman, Bangor, e Tamworth, N. H.
Jacob Eastman, Parsonsfield, e Salisbury, Mass.
Zachariah Eastman, Scarboro, e Cape Ann, Mass.
Eliab Eaton, Strong, e Reading, Mass.
William Eaton, Wells, e Wells.
Noah Edmester or Edminster, Newburg, e Berkley, Mass.
Nathaniel Edwards, Parsonsfield, e Wells.
Thomas Edwards (adjutant), e Boston, Mass., d Boston August 4, 1806, w Mary, Portland.
Daniel Eldridge, e Gorham, d Buxton, June 10, 1832, w Phebe, Turner.
Atkins Ellis, e Harwich, Mass., d St. Albans October 18, 1833, w Elizabeth, St. Albans.
Samuel Ellis, e Sandwich, Mass., d East Machias January 27, 1834, w Mary, East Machias.
David Emery, e Fairfield, d Fairfield November 18, 1830, w Abigail, Fairfield.
Jesse Emery, e Boxford, Mass., d Londonderry, N. H., March 27, 1812, w Ruth, Newry.
John Emery, Skowhegan, e Chelmsford, Mass.
Nathaniel Emery, e Fairfield, d Starks May 1823, w Patence [sic], Anson.
Samuel Emery, Ripley, e Concord, Mass.
Alexander Erskine, e Bristol, d Bristol February 20, 1826, w Mary, Bristol.
George Erskine, Portland, e East Bridgewater, Mass., lost at sea on privateer Dart October, 1812, w Huldah, Portland.
Zephaniah Everton, Thomaston, e Roxbury, Mass.
Jonathan Ewer, e Barnstable, Mass., d Vassalboro January 29, 1829, w Betsey, Vassalboro.
[p. 25]John Fairfield, e Kennebunkport, d Kennebunkport June 10, 1834, w Hannah, Kennebunkport.
William Fairfield, e Kennebunkport, d Kennebunkport March 14, 1827, w Mary, Kennebunkport.
George Fall, Lebanon, e Lebanon.
Jonathan Farnham, e Duxbury, Mass., d Boothbay May 29, 1822, w Dorcas, Boothbay.
John Farrin, Bath, e Brunswick.
Abner Farrington, Warren, e Dedham, Mass.
John Fenderson, Parsonsfield, e Scarboro.
Peletiah Fenderson, Scarboro, e Scarboro.
Nathaniel Fickett, e Cape Elizabeth, d Cape Elizabeth May 3, 1832, w Abigail, Cape Elizabeth.
Vinson Fickett, Lewiston, e Cape Elizabeth.
Daniel Field, e Buxton, d Hollis June 19, 1798, w Rachel, Greenwood.
John Fifield, Fryeburg, e Fryeburg.
Thomas Fillebrown, Winthrop, e Massachusetts.
Adam Fish (captain), e Duxbury, Mass., d Duxbury, Mass., September 26, 1815, w Jane, Bristol.
Ebenezer Fisher, e Wrentham, Mass., d Brewer March 28, 1835, w Sarah, Brewer.
Elijah Fisher, Livermore, e Attleboro, Mass.
Jacob Fisher, Kennebunk, e Wrentham, Mass.
Samuel A. Flagg, Nobleboro, e Boston, Mass.
John Fletcher, e Acton, Mass., d Sumner March 12, 1835, w Elizabeth, Sumner.
Henry Flood, e Falmouth, d Buxton October 13, 1834, w Jemima, Buxton.
James Flood, e Falmouth, w Susanna, Waterboro, m Brown.
Charles Fogg, Brownfield, e Scarboro.
George Fogg, Wales, e Scarboro.
Miles Ford, e Berwick, d Clinton July, 1831, w Susannah, Clinton.
Elias Foss, Limington, e Scarboro.
Joseph Foss, Buckfield, e Scarboro.
Zachariah Foss, Scarboro, e Scarboro.
Benner Foster, Portland, e Machias.
Parker Foster, Eliot, e Eliot.
Matthew Fowler, Unity, e Bridgewater, Mass.
Thomas Frank, e Falmouth, d Gray October 11, 1831, w Hannah, Gray.
[p. 26]Samuel Freeman, e Duxbury, Mass., d Minot December 10, 1786, w Hannah, Minot, m Bradford.
Joseph Freethy, Sedgwick, e Sedgwick.
John Freeze, e Harpswell, drowned in Penobscot river, w Sarah, Bowdoin, m. Card.
Jacob French, e Salisbury, Mass., d Jay April 5, 1819, w Mary, Jay.
Elliot Frost, Eliot, e Kittery.
Mark Frost, e Berwick or Lebanon, d Belgrade October 5, 1835, w Hannah, Belgrade.
Nathaniel Frost, e Kittery, d Eliot February 17, 1829, w Sarah, Eliot.
Samuel Frost, e Massachusetts, d Wayne October 27, 1823, w Patience, Wayne, m Billington.
Simon Frost, e Kittery, d Kittery October 1, 1803, w Jane, Cornville, m Morrill.
Stephen Frost, e Berwick, d Berwick October 8, 1824, w Sarah, Berwick.
Andrew Fuller, e Middleboro, Mass., d Warren January 31, 1820, w Hannah, Warren.
Barzilla Fuller, e Kingston, Mass., d Hebron August 8, 1833, w Polly, Hebron.
George Fulmer, e Bangor, d Sacketts Harbour, N. Y., February 11, 1815, w Nancy, Bangor.
Nathaniel Frye (paymaster), e Fryeburg, d Fryeburg April 17, 1833, w Dolly, Fryeburg.
William Gaitskill, e Weymouth, Mass., d Winthrop 1820, w Dorcas, Sidney.
Joshua Gammon, Cape Elizabeth, e Falmouth.
Moses Gammon, Oxford, e Gorham.
Elijah Gardiner, Dennysville, e Hingham, Mass.
John Gardner, Oxford, e Plymouth, Mass.
Francis George, Leeds, e Taunton, Mass.
Thomas George, Newport, e Dunbarton, N. H.
Zachariah Getchell, Wells, e Wells, d at sea autumn of 1792, w Mary, Wells, m Zachariah Goodale.
Joseph Gilpatrick, Kennebunk, e Wells.
John Givens, Brunswick, e Brunswick.
Consider Glass, Guilford, e Duxbury, Mass.
John Glass, Gardiner, e Berwick.
Arnold Glidden, Chester, e Whitefield.
[p. 27]William Goff, e New Gloucester, d in service, w Anna, Sumner, m. Tucker.
Timothy Goldthwait, Augusta, e Stoughton, Mass.
Zachariah Goodale, e Wells, d Wells September 2, 1825, w Mary, Wells.
George Goodwin, Avon, e Durham.
Reuben Goodwin, Lebanon, e Berwick.
Reuben Goodwin, Jr., e Berwick, d Lebanon February 14, 1827, w Ruth, Lebanon.
Simeon Goodwin, e Berwick, d Lebanon April 21, 1836, w Mary, Lebanon.
Benjamin Gordon, Belmont, e Topsham.
Caleb Gordon, e Pittsfield, Mass., d Augusta July 8, 1833, w Mariam, Augusta.
Joseph Gordon, Belfast.
William Gordon, e Andover, Mass., d Fryeburg March 28, 1784, w Bethiah, Portland, m Aaron Chamberlain.
Jacob Gove, e Saco, d Lubec April 9, 1823, w Martha, Lubec.
John Gove, e Waterboro, d Limington July 22, 1818, w Lois, Limington.
John Gower, e Wells, d Wells June 28, 1810, w Mary, Wells.
Elisha Grant, e Woolwich, d in service August 6, 1777, w Lydia, Wiscasset, m Hilton.
Joshua Grant, e York, d York June, 1825, w Abigail, York.
Daniel Green, Readfield, e Durham.
John Green, e Gorham, d Scarboro October 25, 1809, w Elizabeth, Scarboro.
Jonathan Green, e Gorham, d Jackson May 26, 1834, w Rebecca, Jackson.
Enoch Greenleaf, Westport, e Woolwich.
John Greenlow, Brownfield, e Westbrook.
John Griffith, e at or near Plympton, Mass., d Livermore February 8, 1840, w Mary, Livermore.
John Guilford, Hollis, e Scarboro.
Simeon Haines, Swanville, e New Hampshire.
Benjamin Hale, Waterford, e Harvard, Mass.
Israel Hale, Waterford, e Harvard, Mass.
Charles Hall, Standish, e Standish.
Enoch Hall, e Windham, d Buckfield December 10, 1835, w Mariam, Buckfield.
Jabez Hall, Readfield, e Pembroke, Mass.
[p. 28]John Hall, w Judith, Lyman, m Shackley.
Levi Hall, Bangor, e Newcastle.
Luther Hall, e Bowdoinham, w Betsey, Brunswick.
William Halloway, e Bridgewater, Mass., d Windsor April 16, 1821, w Mary, Windsor.
John Ham, Monmouth, e Newington, N. H.
Joseph Ham, e Kennebunkport, d Kennebunkport June 3, 1800, w Margaret, Kennebunkport, m Andrew Staples.
Prince Hamblen, e Gorham, d Gorham April 17, 1836, w Bethiah, Gorham.
Jonathan Hamilton, Sanford, e Berwick.
Richard Hamilton, e Berwick, d Searsmont June, 1834, w Mary, Linneus.
William Hamilton, North Yarmouth, e North Yarmouth.
Africa Hamlin, e Pembroke, Mass., d Waterford January 20, 1807, w Susanna, Waterford.
Paulipus Hammond, Peru.
William Hancock, Buxton, e Buxton.
James Hans, e Portland, d Portland October 6, 1825, w Hannah, Portland.
William Hans, e Portland, d Portland September 8, 1830, w Thankful, Portland.
Gideon Hanscom, late of Lyman, w Mehitable, Kennebunkport.
John Hanscom, e Kittery, d Litchfield April 27, 1827, w Catherine, Litchfield.
Nathaniel Hanscom, e Eliot, d Eliot April, 1830, w Lucy, Eliot.
Reuben Hanscomb, e Kittery, d North Berwick March 2, 1831, w Elice or Alice, North Berwick.
William Hardy, Wilton, e Windham.
Josiah Harlow, e Plymouth, Mass., d Waldo August 29, 1825, w Olive, Monroe.
Abner Harmon, Buxton, e Scarboro.
Josiah Harmon, Thorndike, e Scarboro.
Samuel Harmon, Dixmont, e Sanford.
Thomas Harmon, e Scarboro, d Buxton January 15, 1834, w Mary, Buxton.
William Harmon, Standish, e Scarboro.
Simon Harriman, e New Hampshire, d Bangor July 29, 1837, w Elizabeth, Bangor.
John Harris, Litchfield, e Bellingham, Mass.
Oliver Hartwell, Stetson, e Groton, Mass.
[p. 29]John Adams Harvest, e Waldoboro, d Waldo June 17, 1835, w Anna, Waldo.
William Harvey, South Berwick, e Kittery.
John Haskell, e Gorham, d Knox September 22, 1819, w Mary, Knox.
Josiah Haskell, Thomaston, e Portland.
Stephen Haskell, e Westbrook, d Levant December 3, 1830, w Rebecca, Topsham.
William Haskell, e Barnstable, Mass., d China September 15, 1827, w Rhoda, China.
Asa Hatch, e Gorham, d Gorham December 25, 1798, w Jane, Westbrook.
Simeon Hatch, e Falmouth, d Dresden October 5, 1802, w Jemima, Dresden.
Joseph Hawes, Minot, e Needham, Mass.
Ephraim Haynes, Eden, e Harpswell.
Jacob Hazen, Bridgton, e Boxford, Mass.
Oliver Heald, Madison, e Westford, Mass.
William Heath, e N. H., d Mt. Desert September 6, 1840, w Hannah, Mt. Desert.
Charles Heavner, Waldoboro, e Maine.
Samuel Hicks, e Falmouth, d Westbrook August 20, 1834, w Clarissa, Portland.
Daniel Hill, e Biddeford, d Buxton March 10, 1855, w Phebe, Buxton.
David Hill, e Greenland, N. H., d Waterboro November 27, 1838, w Parnel, Waterboro.
Thomas Hill, e Falmouth, d North Yarmouth January 5, 1809, w Ruth, Cumberland, m Stubbs.
Edward Hilton, e Wells, d Wells April 26, 1833, w Mary, Wells.
Moral Hilton, Wiscasset, e Pownalboro.
William Hilton, Solon, e Wiscasset.
Seth Hinckley, e Harwich, Mass., d Eden January 23, 1792, w Genett, Fairfield, m Joseph Mayo.
Benjamin Hinds, Madison, e Shrewsbury, Mass.
Samuel Hinds, St. George, e Boston, Mass.
Richard Hine, e Gorham, d Turner July 26, 1834, w Abiah, Hartford.
Nehemiah Hinkley, Bluehill, e Brunswick.
Josiah Hobbs, Falmouth, e Falmouth.
[p. 30]Jeremiah Hodgdon, e Gorham, d Hebron August 24, 1823, w Thankful, Hebron.
Ezra Hodges, Hallowell, e Norton, Mass.
John Hodgman, e Concord, Mass., d Wales February 24, 1834, w Mehitable, Plymouth.
Samuel Hodsdon, e South Berwick, d South Berwick August 2, 1825, w Ann, South Berwick.
Stephen Hodsdon, Rumford, e Berwick.
John M. Hoit, e Portland, d Standish February 6, 1824, w Catherine, Standish.
Daniel Holden, Sweden, e Stoneham, Mass.
Samuel Holden, Charleston, e Mendon, Mass.
Park Holland (lieutenant), Orono, e Petersham, Mass.
Stephen Hollis, e Braintree, Mass., d New Sharon February 7, 1821, w Abigail, New Sharon.
Gershom Holmes, Minot, e Taunton, Mass.
Jonathan Holmes, e Plymouth, Mass., d Hartford October 16, 1836, w Mercy, Hartford.
Darius Holt, Norway, e Andover, Mass.
John Holt, e Andover, Mass., d Bethel July 16, 1830, w Lydia, Bethel.
William Holt, e Andover, Mass., d Fryeburg May 4, 1827, w Esther, Fryeburg.
David Horsum, Berwick, e Berwick.
John Houston, Sanford, e Wells.
Samuel Houston, e Belfast, d Belfast January 9, 1835, w Sarah, Belfast.
Joseph Howard, Brownfield, e Brownfield.
Jacob Howe, e Rowley, Mass., d Paris January 30, 1830, w Betsey, Sumner.
Timothy Hudson, e Winslow, d Clinton April 4, 1834, w Jane, Clinton.
Daniel Huff, Edgecomb, e Edgecomb.
Moses Huff, Edgecomb, e Kennebunkport.
Thomas Hunnewell, e Pownalboro, w Elizabeth, Embden, m Colby.
Ichabod Hunt, e Gorham, d Unity April 30, 1822, w Eunice, Unity.
Jonathan Hunton, e Newcastle, d Wiscasset October 16, 1833, w Hannah, Wiscasset.
John Huston, Sanford, e Wells.
[p. 31]Benjamin Hutchins, e Westbrook, e Minot September 4, 1810, w Nancy, Minot.
Eastman Hutchins, e Kennebunkport, d Alfred May 8, 1826, w Betsey, Alfred.
Joseph Hutchins, Hartford, e Falmouth.
Levi Hutchins, Alfred, e Alfred.
Simeon Hutchins, Kennebunk, e Kennebunkport.
Thomas Hutchins, e Waterboro, June 14, 1803 [sic], w Abigail, Waterboro.
Israel Hutchinson, Hallowell, e Lyndeboro, N. H.
Phineas Ingalls, Bridgton, e Andover, Mass.
Richard Jackman, Wayne, e Ipswich.
Henry Jackson, e Raymond, d Raymond March 23, 1807, w Sarah, Raymond.
Nathaniel Jackson, e Newton, Mass., d Jay November 30, 1830, w Roxanna, Jay.
George Jacobs (lieutenant), e Wells, d Sanford June 1, 1831, w Hepshibeth, Sanford.
John Jacobs, Mt. Vernon, e Wells.
Lemuel Jenkins, Bowdoin, e Kittery.
Samuel Jenkins, e Gorham, d Buckfield November 15, 1832, w Thankful, Buckfield.
Eliphalet Jennings, Farmington, e Dunstable, Mass.
Jonathan Jewett, e Rowley, Mass., d Pittston November 19, 1806, w Hannah, Bath, m William S. Crooker.
Andrew Johnson, Stow, e Durham, N. H.
Dennis Johnson, Waterboro, e Kittery.
James Johnson, late of Frankfort, d New York, w Hannah, Augusta.
Jasper Johnson, d North Yarmouth April 1795, w Rebecca, Pownal, m David Johnson.
Nathan Johnson, e Deer Isle, d North Yarmouth October 30, 1830, w Mary, Cumberland.
Joshua Jones, Durham, e Durham.
Lazarus Jones, Bridgton, e Wells.
Thomas Jones, e Boston, Mass., d Hope February 6, 1835, w Mary, Hope.
Abner Jordan, e Limington, d Lisbon September 26, 1819, w Hannah, Auburn.
[p. 32]Abraham Jordan, e Cape Elizabeth, d Durham April 18, 1835, w Lydia, Durham.
David Jordan, Albany, e Gray.
Hezekiah Jordan, e Raymond, d Raymond May 16, 1828, w Eunice, Raymond.
Humphrey Jordan, e Cape Elizabeth, d Auburn October 13, 1833, w Johannah, Auburn.
James Jordan, e Windham, d Monroe March 31, 1813, w Hannah, Monroe.
Solomon Jordan, e Cape Elizabeth, d Cape Elizabeth April 15, 1819, w Sarah, Cape Elizabeth.
Daniel Jumper, Harrison, e Cape Ann, Mass.
Isaac Keen, Clinton, e Kittery.
David Keezer, Calais, e Haverhill, Mass.
Cornelius Keith, e Bath, d Bath January, 1831, w Lydia, Bath.
David Kellock, Warren, e Cushing.
Elijah Kellogg, Portland, e South Hadley, Mass.
William Kendall, e Clinton, d Fairfield August 11, 1827, w Abigail, Fairfield.
John Kenerson, e Lebanon, d Denmark October 29, 1833, w Betsey, Denmark.
Benjamin Kenney, e Wiscasset, d Eastport April, 1815, w Elizabeth, Freedom.
Thomas Kenney, e Hallowell, d Hallowell April 11, 1825, w Hannah, Pittston.
John Kenniston, late of Hawke (now Danville), N. H., e Hawke, N. H., d Albany, N. Y., November 28, 1784, w Betsey, Cornville, m Bean.
Ebenezer Keyes, Jay, e Shrewsbury, Mass.
James Kilgore, Lovell, e Fryeburg.
John Kilgore, Newry, e Fryeburg.
James Killsa, e Bristol, d Thomaston June 25, 1792, w Lydia, Thomaston.
David Kimball, Harmony, e Wells.
Joseph Kimball, Bridgton, e Waterboro.
Nathan Kimball, e Wells, d York October 15, 1827, w Lydia, South Berwick.
Rufus Kimball, e Scarboro, d Hollis January 27, 1813, w Lucy, Hollis.
Moses King, e Methuen, Mass., d Hallowell August 10, 1804, w Mary, Pittston, m Brainard.
[p. 33]Daniel Kinsley, Minot, e Bridgewater, Mass.
Daniel Knight, Norway, e Gray.
John Knight, Windham, e Gorham.
Jonathan Knight, Waterboro, e South Berwick.
Jonathan Knight, Windham, e Falmouth.
Joseph Knight, Alfred, e Berwick.
William Knight, e Nottingham, N. H., d Poland April 11, 1831, w Phebe, Poland.
John Knowlton, e Ipswich, Mass., d Kittery October 18, 1798, w Dorcas, Eliot.
Jonathan Knox, Berwick, e Berwick.
William Lampson, e Edgecomb, d Edgecomb October 15, 1823, w Martha, Edgecomb.
Joseph Lancaster, Richmond, e Woolwich.
Daniel Landerkin, Boothbay, e Boothbay.
John Lane, e Buxton, drowned Whitefield November 1, 1809, w Betsey, Buxton.
James Lara, Turner, e Falmouth.
Asa Lasdell, Burnham, e Alfred.
Caleb Lassell, Waterboro, e Kennebunkport.
John Lawrence, North Yarmouth, e North Yarmouth.
William Leavitt, e Exeter, N. H., d Alfred October 22, 1837, w Betsey, Alfred.
James Lebroke, w Sarah, Greenwood.
Peter Leher, e Waldoboro, d Washington November 3, 1822, w Catherine, Washington.
Ebenezer Leland, e Sherburne, Mass., d Deer Isle 1808, w Mary, Brooksville.
Henry Leland, e Sherburne, Mass., d Sangerville June 26, 1835, w Sarah, Sangerville.
Thomas Lemont, e Georgetown, d in service October, 1777, w Lucy, Wales, m John Mallett.
Abijah Lewis, e Buxton, d Hiram December 17, 1830, w Elizabeth, Hiram.
Joseph Lewis, e York, d Waterboro, December 9, 1834, w Mehitable, Waterboro.
Allison Libby, e Scarboro, d Gorham May 14, 1816, w Sarah, Limington, m Small.
Benjamin Libby, e Scarboro, d Whitefield, August 10, 1833, w Hannah, Whitefield.
[p. 34]Edward Libby, Gorham, e Scarboro.
Francis Libby, Buxton, e Scarboro.
Harvey Libby, Limington, e Scarboro.
James Libby, e Deering, d Auburn May 15, 1828, w Sally, Poland.
Jonathan Libby (captain), e Scarboro, d Scarboro March 22, 1805, w Abigail, Scarboro.
Luke Libby, e Scarboro, d in service, w Dolly, Auburn.
Nathaniel Libby, Limerick, e Kittery.
Simeon Libby, e Scarboro, d Gorham March 11, 1830, w Ann, Gorham.
Solomon Libby, e Scarboro, d Saco March 1, 1832, w Sally, Saco.
Thomas Libby, e Scarboro, d Scarboro March 27, 1827, w Mary, Gorham.
Theodore Linscot, Sanford, e York.
Abraham Littlefield, e Wells, d York July 20, 1831, w Susanna, York.
John Littlefield (ensign), e Wells, d Wells March 11, 1790, w Mariam, Wells.
Moses Littlefield, Frankfort, e Randolph, Mass.
Caleb Lombard, e Gorham, d Turner April 19, 1833, w Hannah, Turner.
Jedediah Lombard, Standish, e Gorham.
Nathaniel Lombard, Cornville, e Gorham.
Asa Longley, St. Albans, e Groton, Mass.
Zachariah Longley, e Groton, Mass., d Dover June 28, 1825, w Betsey, Dover.
Roger Loomis, e Massachusetts, drowned October 16, 1821, w Isabella, Westport.
Adam Lord, e Waterboro, d in service 1782, w Olive, Limington, m Stone.
Daniel Lord, e Berwick, d Limerick December 15, 1833, w Hannah, Limerick.
Elias Lord, e Berwick, d Lyman February 22, 1833, w Elizabeth, Lyman.
Nathan Lord, e Berwick, d Lebanon November 26, 1833, w Sarah, Lebanon.
Richard Lord, e South Berwick, d South Berwick, w Mary, South Berwick.
Simeon Lord (captain), e Berwick, d South Berwick October 28, 1815, w Polly, North Berwick.
[p. 35]Beniah Lord, of Portland, e Portland, d at sea November 20, 1791, w Elizabeth, Standish, m Lowell.
Jacob Low, of Bath (captain), e Ipswich, Mass., d in New Jersey in fall of 1803, w Mary, Bath.
Benjamin Lowell, e Massachusetts, d Bucksport March 10, 1835, w Lydia, Bucksport.
Paul Lowell, Turner, e Georgetown.
Thomas Lowell, Dixmont, e Baldwin.
Amos Lunt, Brunswick, e Falmouth.
Daniel Lunt (captain), e Westbrook, d Westbrook November 29, 1823, w Eunice, Westbrook.
Robey Lydson, e Kittery, d Kittery May 27, 1809, w Olive, Kittery.
John Madden, Waldo, e Cushing.
Samuel Maddocks, Ellsworth, e Kennebunk.
Jonathan Margery, e Boston, Mass., d Scarboro November 16, 1820, w Sarah, Scarboro.
Noah Marsh, e Exeter, N. H., d Cornville October 25, 1830, w Hannah, Cornville.
Nathaniel Marston, born in Newmarket, N. H., d Gardiner September, 1823, w Jane, Gardiner.
David Martin, Bridgton, e Buxton.
John Martin, e Scarboro, d Monmouth May 26, 1830, w Lydia, Monmouth.
Joseph P. Martin, Prospect, e Becket, Mass.
Robert Martin, Sebago, e Saco.
George Mason, e Dresden, d Windsor April 21, 1817, w Susanna, Windsor, m Hilton.
John Mason, e North Yarmouth, d Falmouth October 22, 1824, w Lucy, Falmouth.
John May, e New Gloucester, d Raymond December 8, 1813, w Hepsebah, Poland.
William Mayberry, Raymond, e Windham.
James Mayhew, Hermon, e Hanson, Mass.
Henry McCausland, e Gardiner, d Augusta August 12, 1829, w Abiah, Gardiner.
James McCausland, e Gardiner, d Gardiner March 14, 1826, w Mary, Gardiner.
John McClellan, Glenburn, e Chester, N. Y.
James McDaniel, e York, d York August 1821, w Susanna, York.
[p. 36]Abner McDonald, e Buxton, d Portland, April 29, 1801, w Polly, Windham, m Johnson.
Pelatiah McDonald, Standish, e Gorham.
Elijah McFarland, e Plympton, Mass., d Fairfield November 7, 1827, w Sarah, Fairfield.
Solomon McFarland, e Middleborough, Mass., d Fairfield June 3, 1827, w Deborah, Fairfield, m Scribner.
Neil McGee, e Bradford, Mass., d Brooksville September 2, 1824, w Susannah, Brooksville.
William McGill, e Brunswick, d Brunswick September 9, 1828, w Martha, Brunswick.
John McIntosh, Durham, e Harpswell.
Abner McKenney, e Scarboro, d Scarboro December 25, 1830, w Sarah, Saco.
Joseph McKenney, Greene, e Scarboro.
William McKenney (lieutenant), e Scarboro, d Auburn February 7, 1833, w Mariam, Auburn.
Jeremy McKenney, Saco, e Saco, drowned in Buxton August 14, 1793, w Anna, Saco.
John McLucas, e Saco, d Hiram March 27, 1813, w Margaret, Waterboro.
John McMannus, Brunswick, e Brunswick.
Dugal McPherson, e Boxborough, Mass., d Madison June 11, 1815, w Mary, Madison.
Daniel McQuigg, e Newcastle, d Newcastle June 5, 1816, w Phebe, Newcastle.
Thomas Means, e Freeport, d Freeport December 16, 1827, w Eleanor, Freeport.
Amaziah Mero, Union, e Stoughton, Mass.
John Merrick, e Weston, Mass., d Skowhegan June 15, 1835, w Mary, Burnham.
Daniel Merrill (captain), e Kennebunkport, d Kennebunkport September 6, 1808, w Sarah, Kennebunkport.
John Merrill, Lewiston, e Falmouth.
Moses Merrill, e Portland, d Portland October 18, 1833, w Elizabeth, Portland.
Daniel Merritt, e Columbia, d Addison January, 1808, w Hannah, Addison, m William Merritt.
William Merritt, Addison, e Addison.
William Merrow, e Biddeford, d Standish March 12, 1836, w Margaret, Standish.
[p. 37]Moses Mighel, e Exeter, N. H., d Parsonsfield July 23, 1833, w Elizabeth, Parsonsfield.
Lemuel Miller (lieutenant), Kennebunkport, e Kennebunkport.
Joel Milliken, Scarboro, e Scarboro.
Josiah Milliken, e Scarboro, d Limington January 13, 1833, w Sarah, Limington.
John Mills, e Lebanon, d Belgrade December 21, 1810, w Mary, Belgrade.
John Mitchell, Harrington, e North Yarmouth.
Joshua Mitchell, e Bath, d Bath November 1826, w Tamesin, Bath.
Robert Mitchell, e Cape Elizabeth, d Portland February 3, 1820, w Mary, Portland.
Samuel Mitchell, Bowdoin, e Wells.
Daniel Moody, e Scarboro, d Auburn April 23, 1811, w Lucy, Minot.
George Moody, Limington, e Saco.
Joshua Moody, e Gorham, d Baldwin December 29, 1829, w Rebecca, Baldwin.
Joshua Moore, Vienna, e York.
Jacob Morrill, d Greenbush December 15, 1831, w Olive, Greenbush.
Moses Morrison, Phippsburg, e Bath.
Anthony Morse, e Brunswick, w Susa, Brunswick.
Levi Morse, Gray, e Gray.
Seth Morse, Paris, e Hopkinton, Mass.
David Morton, e Gorham, d Gorham June 22, 1827, w Mary, Gorham.
Thomas Morton, Gorham, e Gorham.
Simeon Moulton, e Exeter, N. H., d Newfield April 10, 1834, w Sally, Newfield.
John Mugford, Windham, e Windham.
Hugh Munroe, e Rehoboth, Mass., d Thomaston June 22, 1832, w Naomi, Thomaston.
Matthias Murch, Gorham, e Gorham.
Samuel Neal, e Kittery, d York December 8, 1816, w Mary, Portsmouth, N. H.
George Newbegin, Parsonsfield, e Scarboro.
Bela Nichols, e Cohasset, Mass., d Prospect November 18, 1831, w Dorcas, Prospect.
[p. 38]Nathaniel Nichols, e Rehoboth, Mass., d Augusta May 28, 1836, w Mehitable, Augusta.
Reuben Nickerson, e Eastham, Mass., d Frankfort August 17, 1831, w Lois, Frankfort.
John Norman, late of Kennebunk, e Wells, w Sally, Kennebunk.
Nathaniel Norton, e Sanford, d Limington November 22, 1831, w Hannah, Limington.
Zachariah Nowell, Portland, e Portland.
Bela Noyes, e Bridgewater, Mass., d Norway August 24, 1833, w Elizabeth, Greenwood.
Abel Nutting, e Groton, Mass., d Lisbon January 18, 1827, w Rhoda, Lisbon, m Green.
Thomas Nutting, Wilton, e Littleton, Mass.
Jonathan Nye, Fairfield, e Sandwich, Mass.
John Oakes, Exeter, e Canaan.
John O'Brien, Cornish, e Kittery.
Alexander Orr (lieutenant), e Boston, Mass., left Boston 1783 never heard from, w Deborah, Camden, m Ames.
Hugh Osborn, Rome, e Pembroke, Mass.
James Osborn, Kennebunk, e Woburn, Mass.
Michael Osborn, e Pembroke, Mass., d Wiscasset December 4, 1834, w Judith, Augusta.
Asa Osgood, e Andover, Mass., d Hiram August 10, 1833, w Hannah, Hiram.
Philip Owen, Brunswick, e Topsham.
James Packard, Norway, e Bridgewater, Mass.
Nehemiah Packard, Minot, e Bridgewater, Mass.
Abraham Page, born Kensington, N. H., w Dorothy, Belgrade.
Chase Page, e Deerfield, N. H., d Corinth May 4, 1825, w Lydia, Levant.
Daniel Page, Fairfield, e Haverhill, Mass.
Thomas Paine, Pownal, e Portland.
Simon Palmer, Windsor, e Warner, N. H.
Edmund Parker, e Pepperell, Mass., d Norridgewock, son and heir, Edmund, Norridgewock.
John Parker, e Westbrook, d Westbrook 1788, w Anne, Westbrook.
Josiah Parker, New Portland, e Fairfield.
Nathan Parkhurst, e New Hampshire, d Unity May 17, 1815, w Sarah, Unity.
[p. 39]Nathan Parsons (adjutant), e Massachusetts, d Bangor October 11, 1822, w Susan, Bangor.
David Partridge, e Falmouth, d Poland March 22, 1834, w Mary, Poland.
George Patch, e Kittery, d Kittery February 17, 1816, w Sally or Sarah, Kittery.
Nathaniel Patten, Penobscot, e Westminster, Mass.
James Patterson, e Saco, d Hollis April 1, 1816, w Lucretia, Saco.
David Paul, Lewiston, e New Gloucester.
William Payne, Anson, e Woolwich.
Stephen Peary, Denmark, e Wells.
Joshua Peck, e Rehoboth, Mass., d Clinton April 16, 1833, w Diadema S., Clinton.
Paul Pendexter, Cornish, e Biddeford.
Abraham Penney, Smithfield, e Wells.
George Penney, e Wells, d Belgrade March 27, 1814, w Abigail, Wells.
Salathiel Penney, Waterville, e Wells.
Samuel Perkins, e Newton, Mass., d Paris January 8, 1809, w Mehitable, Paris.
Jesse Perry, e Rehoboth, Mass., d Steuben December 18, 1832, w Mary, Steuben.
Oliver Pettee, e Walpole, Mass., d Gouldsboro August 3, 1831, w Abigail, Gouldsboro.
David Philbrook, e Hallowell, d Hallowell, February 17, 1831, w Catherine, Hallowell.
Ichabod Phillips, e Turner, d Leeds October 13, 1830, w Elizabeth, Canton, m. Ames.
Jairus Phillips, e Pembroke, Mass., d Turner June 3, 1828, w Silence, Turner.
John Phinney, Gorham, e Gorham.
William Picket, New Gloucester, e New Gloucester.
Nathan Pillsbury, e Kittery, d Thomaston May 23, 1826, w Lucy, Thomaston.
John Plaisted, e Scarboro, d Standish January 26, 1834, w Lydia, Standish.
Edward Plummer, Albion, e Scarboro.
Isaac Plummer, e Scarboro, d Gorham July 12, 1811, w Esther, Gorham.
John Plummer, Freedom, e Scarboro.
William Plummer, Auburn, e Scarboro.
[p. 40]Joseph Poland, e Beverly, Mass., d in service at Washington, D. C., 1813, w Hannah, Cumberland.
Barton Pollard, e Raymond, N. H., d Albion September 10, 1828, w Mary, Albion.
Job Poole, Falmouth, e Falmouth.
Thomas Poole, e Falmouth, d Brunswick April 19, 1824, w Rebecca, Brunswick.
Benjamin J. Porter (surgeon's mate), Camden, had lived in Topsham.
Elam Pratt, e Abington, Mass., d Skowhegan April 18, 1836, w Lydia, Skowhegan.
George Pratt, Salem, e Middleborough, Mass.
Samuel Proctor, e Falmouth, d Durham March 12, 1795, w Joanna, Wayne, m Thompson.
John Pullen, e Attleboro, Mass., d Waterville March 29, 1810, w Amy, Waterville.
Oliver Pullen, Palermo, e Attleboro, Mass.
Bennett Pumpilly, e Pembroke, Mass., d Turner December 5, 1834, w Elizabeth, Turner.
James Ramsdell, e Lynn, Mass., d Lubec June 2, 1829, w Juda, Lubec, m Robinson.
James Randall, e Berwick, d Limington May 15, 1821, w Mary, Limington.
Stephen Randall, e Berwick, d Limerick September 18, 1837, w Elizabeth, Limerick.
James Rankins, e Lebanon, d Rome November 22, 1799, w Sarah, Lebanon.
Asa Redington, Waterville, e Wilton, N. H.
Amaziah Reed, e North Yarmouth, d Weld March 18, 1833, w Jediah, Weld.
Ward Reed, Dixmont, e Woburn, Mass.
Daniel Reynolds, e Middleborough, Mass., d Burnham May 13, 1832, w Thankful, Burnham.
David Reynolds, d Dennysville March 31, 1832, w Rebecca, Dennysville.
Eliphalet Reynolds, Addison, e New London, Conn.
Newport Rhode Island, e Newbury, Mass., w Phillis, Deer Isle.
Jacob Rhodes, Lyman, e Kennebunkport.
Moses Rhodes, Waterboro, e Kennebunkport.
Joseph Riant, Farmington, e Thornton, N. H.
Joseph Richards, Saco, e Scarboro.
[p. 41]Joel Richardson, e Topsham, d Durham February 20, 1827, w Lydia, Guilford.
Simeon Ricker, Lisbon, e Berwick.
Abraham Rideout, Kennebunkport, e Brunswick.
William Rideout, e Falmouth, d Cumberland January 23, 1831, w Ruth, Cumberland.
David Ridley, Windsor, e Gorham.
George Ridley, e Harpswell, d Bowdoin October 31, 1818, w Mary, Bowdoin, m Rogers.
John Roach, e "Little Winzor," N. H., d Wilton August 22, 1828, w Abigail, Wilton.
Daniel Robbins, Leeds, e Augusta.
Eliphalet Robbins, Norridgewock, e Douglas, Mass.
Otis Robbins, Thomaston, e Thomaston.
George Robinson, e Cape Elizabeth, d Hollis March, 1819, w Isabella, Hollis.
John Robinson, e Scarboro, d Limington February 14, 1826, w Deborah, Limington.
John Robinson, e Watertown, Mass., d Sebago February 20, 1827, w Phebe, Sebago.
Samuel Robinson, late of Portland, e Cape Elizabeth, d at sea August 21, 1806, w Betsey, Portland.
William Robinson, e York, d in service 1782, w Sarah, York.
John Rogers, St. Albans.
Jeremiah Rolf, Abbot, e Buxton.
Eliphalet Rollins, Hallowell, e Newcastle.
Benjamin Rose, Hartland, e Bangor.
Martin Rourk, e Massachusetts, d Durham June 1, 1807, w Elizabeth, Durham.
Webber Rowe, Baldwin, e Standish.
Dominicus Rumery, e Kittery, d Lubec October 27, 1835, w Pamelia, Lubec.
John Runnells, e Scarboro, d Saco July 7, 1816, w Rhoda, Portland.
Thomas Runnells, Portland, e Queenstown, Md.
Andrew Russell, Madison, e Townsend, Mass.
Calvin Russell, Moscow, e Groton, Mass.
[p. 42]Simeon Sanborn, e Standish, d Bethel October 28, 1832, w Hannah, Greenwood.
Joseph Sanders, e Wareham, Mass., d Farmington September 12, 1831, w Lucy, Farmington.
John Sanford, Cape Elizabeth, e Cape Elizabeth.
Charles Sargent, South Berwick, e York temporarily in Portsmouth, N. H.
John Sargent, e York, d Frankfort November 23, 1801, w Lydia, Frankfort.
Paul Dudley Sargent (colonel), e Amherst, N. H., d Sullivan September 15, 1827, w Lucy, Sullivan.
Josiah Sawyer, Steuben, e Cape Elizabeth.
Eliakim Seavey, York, e York.
Caleb Severance, Brewer, e Newburyport, Mass.
Ephraim Severance, e Kingston, N. H., d Belmont March 6, 1826, w Ruth, Knox.
Henry Sewall (captain), Augusta, e York.
Joseph Shackley, Lyman, e Wells.
Richard Shane, e Berwick, d Raymond March 31, 1828, w Susannah, Raymond.
Abraham Shaw, York, e York.
Ephraim Shaw, e Middleborough, Mass., d Sidney January 27, 1835, w Rebecca, New Vineyard.
John Shaw, Woolwich, e Woolwich.
Nathaniel Shaw, e Portland, d Portland August 16, 1831, w Polly, Portland.
Nathaniel Shaw, Turner, e Abington, Mass.
Amos Shed, e Groton, Mass., d Norridgewock July 11, 1800, w Lucy, Norridgewock, m Crosby.
Lemuel Shed, e Leominster, Mass., d Norway June 1818, w Ruth, Norway.
William Sheldon, e Woolwich, d Newcastle December 26, 1831, w Sarah, Newcastle.
James Shepherd, e Jefferson, d Jefferson July 24, 1818, w Mary, Jefferson.
Lewis Shepherd, e Scarboro, d Portland November 20, 1832, w Elizabeth, Portland.
William Shepherd, e Jefferson, d Jefferson March 17, 1832, w Lucy, Jefferson.
James Sherman, e Freeport, d Freeport 1789, w Margaret, Freeport.
[p. 43]Benjamin Silley, Brooks, e Gorham.
Joel Simmons, e New Gloucester, d Harrison February 24, 1815, w Artemisa, Minot, m Packard.
Walter Simonton, e Cape Elizabeth, d Cape Elizabeth May 28, 1826, w Lucy, Cape Elizabeth.
Simeon Simpson, Winslow, e Winslow.
Joseph Sinclair, Bangor, e Barnstead, N. H.
John Skinner, Lewiston, e Cape Elizabeth.
Thomas Skriggins, Eliot, e Eliot.
Daniel Small, Limington, e Scarboro.
Daniel Small, Raymond, e Cape Elizabeth.
Henry Small, e Scarboro, d Limington November 9, 1826, w Elizabeth, Limington.
James Small, Scarboro, e Scarboro.
Jeremiah Small, Westbrook, e Windham.
Charles Smith, Belfast, e Woolwich.
Ebenezer Smith (captain), e Woolwich, d Woolwich September 24, 1824, w Jennet, Richmond.
Jesse Smith, e Milton, Mass., d Bangor November 21, 1829, w Lucy, Bangor.
John Smith, e Gloucester, Mass., d Islesboro May 15, 1824, w Lydia, Belfast, m Covel.
John Smith, 4th, e Boston, Mass., d Mt. Desert June 7, 1828, w Anna, Mt. Desert.
John Kilby Smith (captain), Portland, e Boston, Mass.
Moses Smith, Prospect, e Sturbridge, Mass.
Noah Smith, e Biddeford, d Hollis October 15, 1830, w Comfort, Hollis.
Peleg Smith, e Woolwich, d Hope June 12, 1832, w Lucy Ann, Hope.
Roland Smith, Augusta, e Middleborough, Mass.
Samuel Smith, Monroe, e Buxton.
Stephen Smith, Freedom, e Bristol.
Thomas Smith, Litchfield, e Georgetown.
Paul M. Snow, late of Portland, e Wells, d at sea October 23, 1815, w Mary, Saco.
Asa Soule, Montville, e Halifax, Mass.
Constant Southard, e Duxbury, Mass., d Corinna November 19, 1826, w Lucy B., Corinna.
Samuel Spaulding, Frankfort, e Chelmsford, Mass.
John Spearing, e Clinton, d Hartland November 9, 1831, w Mary, Frankfort.
[p. 44]Solomon Spencer, Hartland, e Winslow.
Thomas Spencer, Limington, e Berwick.
William Spencer, e South Berwick, d Baldwin May 29, 1835, w Eleanor, Baldwin.
Josiah Spring, Brownfield, e Brownfield.
Enoch Spurr, Otisfield, e Wrentham, Mass.
John Stanford, Bath, e Ipswich, Mass.
Adin Stanley, Winthrop, e Attleborough, Mass.
Joseph Staples, e Biddeford, d Biddeford January 21, 1832, w Louisa, Biddeford.
Stephen Staples, e Topsham, d Lisbon May 18, 1814, w Charity, Lisbon.
William Staples, e Sanford, d Bethel February 15, 1832, w Joan, Bethel.
Samuel Starbird, Lisbon, e Brunswick.
Hezekiah Stetson, e Plympton, Mass., d Sumner March 3, 1833, w Chloe, Hartford.
Daniel Stevens, e Thomaston, d Thomaston April, 1796, w Jerusha, Hallowell, m Davenport.
Jonas Stevens, e Gray, d Norway February 9, 1833, w Mary, Norway.
Samuel Stevens, e Townsend, Mass., d Mercer September 14, 1833, w Amy, Mercer.
Thomas Stevens, Brooksville, e Groton, Mass.
Amasa Steward, Skowhegan, e Lunenburg, Mass.
Benjamin Steward, e Lunenburg, Mass., d Skowhegan February 7, 1820, w Sally, Newport.
Samuel Stinson, Deer Isle, e Deer Isle.
William Stinson, e Woolwich, d Richmond March 9, 1823, w Abiah, Litchfield.
Nathaniel Stoddard, e Hingham, Mass., d Perry October 20, 1828, w Hannah, Perry.
George Stone, Limington, e Scarboro.
John Stone, Parsonsfield, e Scarboro.
Jonathan Stone, e Cape Elizabeth, d Gorham, April 19, 1834, w Damaris, Gorham.
Ebenezer Storer (paymaster), Gorham, e Wells.
Joseph Storer, e Westbrook, d in service October, 1777, w Joanna, Portland.
William Storer, e Maine, d Hiram, April 13, 1826, w Sarah, Hiram.
[p. 45]Christopher Stover, e Harpswell, d Appleton September 8, 1828, w Catherine, Appleton.
Isaac Strout, e Cape Elizabeth, d Limington, March 3, 1818, w Mary, Limington.
Asa Sturtevant, Dover, e Middleborough, Mass.
Francis Sturtevant, e Plympton, Mass., d Paris May 6, 1833, w Mary, Paris.
Joseph Sturtevant, e Wareham, Mass., d Hebron March 20, 1835, w Sarah, Paris.
Lot Sturtevant, Waterville, e Wareham, Mass.
Seth Sturtevant, Sumner, e Halifax, Mass.
John Sutton, e York, d Limington November 18, 1819, w Lois, Limington.
Israel Swett, Cape Elizabeth, e Falmouth.
John Swett, Windham, e Windham.
Joshua Swett, Gorham, e Portland.
Michael Tappan, born in Manchester, Mass., d Gardiner August 5, 1831, w Hannah, Gardiner.
Joseph Tarbell, e Pepperell, Mass., d Norridgewock August 20, 1826, w Mariam, Norridgewock.
Ephraim Taylor, Newcastle, e Newcastle.
Noah Taylor, Sanford, e Wells.
Peter Thayer, e Plympton, Mass., d Hebron February 2, 1788, w Ruth, Oxford.
W. Thomes (see Introduction, page 10.*)
Alexander Thompson, e Kennebunkport, d Topsham February 23, 1820, w Lydia, Topsham.
Benjamin Thompson (lieutenant), e Brunswick, d Topsham February 9, 1793, w Rhoda, Topsham, m Isaac Johnson.
Ephraim Thompson, Lyman, e Kennebunkport.
James Thompson, e Derryfield, N. H., d at sea October 19, 1805, w Hannah, Calais.
James Thompson, Kennebunkport, e Kennebunkport.
Joseph Thompson, e Falmouth, d Lewiston May 26, 1827, w Happy, Bangor.
Joseph Thompson, York, e York.
Richard Thompson, e Brunswick, d Wales September 23, 1831, w Bathsheba, Wales.
William Thompson, e Falmouth, d Wayne November 28, 1833, w Joanna, Wayne.
[p. 46]Jacob Thurston, e Wrentham, Mass., d Otisfield 1821, w Ann B., Otisfield, m John Piper.
Giles Tibbetts, e Boothbay, d Boothbay July 9, 1832, w Susan, Boothbay.
Stephen Tibbetts, Bristol, e Bristol.
Samuel Tobin, e Windham, d Buckfield December 29, 1834, w Margaret, Buckfield.
John Toby, e Portland, d Portland November 12, 1834, w Margaret, Portland.
Seth Toothaker, Harpswell, e Harpswell.
Abraham Tourtelott, e Massachusetts, d Orono December 7, 1820, w Leah, Howland.
Joseph Town, Kennebunk, e Bowdoin.
Daniel Townsend, e Vassalboro, d in service 1778, w Sarah, Sidney, m Sawtelle.
Robert Tripp, Sanford, e Sanford.
Obediah True, Denmark, e Sanford.
Zebulon True, e North Yarmouth, d Temple February 4, 1830, w Martha, Temple.
David Turner, New Vineyard, e Middleborough, Mass.
Isaac Turner, Durham, e North Yarmouth.
Robert Turner, e Bristol, d Belmont November 29, 1836, w Elizabeth, Belmont.
Starbird Turner, Rome, e Freeport.
Samuel Tuttle (lieutenant), Portland, e Lynn, Mass.
Abraham Tyler, Saco, e Scarboro.
Andrew Tyler, Frankfort, e Scarboro.
Daniel Tyler, Brownfield, e Haverhill, Mass.
George Ulmer, Hope, e Waldoboro.
James Uran, e Saco, d Waterboro February 11, 1824, w Anna, Waterboro.
Samuel Varrel, Minot, e Gloucester, Mass.
William Vance, Readfield, e Boston, Mass.
John Vining, e Durham, d Durham October 27, 1837, w Mary, Durham.
James Wagg, Durham, e Cape Elizabeth.
Joshua Waistcoat, e Cape Elizabeth, d Buckfield February 6, 1826, w Deborah, Hartford.
Gibbons Wakefield, e Kennebunk, d Westbrook March 14, 1807, w Nancy, Westbrook.
[p. 47]Edward Walker, e Berwick, d Waterboro November 5, 1832, w Susan, Waterboro.
John Walker, e Woolwich, d Anson March 22, 1831, w Nancy, Anson.
John Walker, e Hopkinton, Mass., d Livermore May 7, 1809, w Mary, Livermore.
Benjamin Walton, Chester, e Brunswick.
Thomas Warden, e Marblehead, Mass., d Wells February 15, 1827, w Ednar, Wells.
Joseph Wardwell, Rumford, e Andover, Mass.
Abijah Warren, Paris, e Worcester, Mass.
Daniel Warren, Limerick, e Hollis.
Nathaniel Warren, e Scarboro, d Hiram August 4, 1819, w Margaret, Hiram.
Pelatiah Warren, Monmouth, e Durham.
Davis Wasgatt, Mt. Desert, e Monson, Mass.
John Wasson, Brooksville, e Shirley, Mass.
Thomas Wasson, Brooksville, e Shirley, Mass.
Joseph Waterhouse, Standish, e Scarboro.
Joseph Waterman, Knox, e Halifax, Mass.
Malachi Waterman, e Gorham, d Baldwin February 12, 1824, w Mary, Baldwin.
John Watson, e Taunton, Mass., d Bowdoinham May 2, 1823, w Eunice, Richmond.
Edward Webb, Gorham, e Windham
Nathaniel Webb, e Woolwich, d Newcastle December 25, 1832, w Lydia, Newcastle.
George Webber, Richmond, e Kennebunk.
John Webber, e Wells, d Industry, October 13, 1808, w Eunice, Litchfield, m Stevens.
Jonathan Webber, Kennebunk, e Wells.
Joseph Webber, e Cape Elizabeth, d at sea March 1, 1785, w Elizabeth, Portland, m Woodbury.
James Welch, Gray, e York.
Lemuel Welch, Durham, e Durham.
Paul Welch, e York, d York, w Mary, York.
Benjamin Weld (commissary in the hospital department), Brunswick, e Boston, Mass.
James Wells, e Raymond, N. H., d Vienna December 11, 1818, w Mary, Rome.
[p. 48]John Wentworth, e Ellsworth, d Belmont September 27, 1827, w Lydia, Ellsworth.
Lemuel Wentworth, Hope, e Stoughton, Mass.
Paul Wentworth, of Knox, e Berwick, d on a visit in Prospect September 4, 1833, w Mary, Knox.
Isaac Wescott, Gorham, e Scarboro.
Samuel Wescott, e Cape Elizabeth, d Cape Elizabeth November 15, 1799, w Nancy, Portland.
Isaac West, Jay, e Bridgewater or Newton, Mass.
Joseph Weston, Otisfield, e Gorham.
James Whidden, born in Penobscot, d Canaan March 29, 1828, w Sally, Canaan.
Solomon Whidden, Skowhegan, e Dresden.
Joshua White, e Leominster, Mass., d Fairfield April 21, 1828, w Margaret, Fairfield.
Sampson Whiting, Denmark, e Andover, Mass.
Isaac Whitney, Lisbon, e Georgetown.
Jesse Whitney, e Gorham, d Saco January 17, 1831, w Charity, Saco.
John Whitten, e Topsham, d Topsham November 1, 1826, w Jane, Topsham.
Richard Whitten, Troy, e Scarboro.
John Wilcox, Monmouth, e Tiverton, R. I.
Ephraim Wiley, St. George, e St. George.
Edward Wilkins, late of Charleston, e East Sudbury, Mass., d from home in Enfield March 9, 1831, w Bridget, Exeter.
John Williams, Wiscasset, e Taunton, Mass.
Lemuel Williams (lieutenant), e Woolwich, d Anson September 22, 1820, w Anna, Anson.
James Willis, e Bridgewater, Mass., d Minot July 18, 1830, w Sally, Minot.
Thomas Willis, e Topsfield, Mass., d St. George January 9, 1795, w Joanna, St. George.
James Wills, Belgrade, e Boston, Mass.
Charles Wilson, e Raymond, d in service 1778, w Achsah, Raymond, m Jordan.
Edward Wilson, Cumberland, e Gorham.
Mark Wilson, e Falmouth, d Jay August 23, 1804, w Olive, Canton.
Samuel Wilson, e Conway, N. H., d Conway, December 10, 1787, w Ruth, Orono, m Samuel Sterling.
Nathan Wing, e Gorham, d Abbot April 10, 1836, w Love, Abbot.
[p. 49]Samuel Winn (lieutenant), e Wells, d Wells January 28, 1818, w Lois, Kennebunk.
Abraham Winslow, e Freeport, d Freeport February 6, 1806, w Elizabeth, Freeport.
Ezekiel Winslow, e Newcastle, d Waldoboro June 13, 1835, w Sedonah, Waldoboro.
John Winslow, e Petersham, Mass., d Minot July 14, 1834, w Mary, Minot.
Joseph Winter, e Newburyport, Mass., d Carthage June 13, 1832, w Betsy, Jay, m Morse.
Caleb Witham, e Georgetown, d Woolwich August 5, 1823, w Lucretia, Woolwich.
James Witham, e Kittery, d Kittery December 2, 1833, w Olive, Kittery.
Jedediah Witham, e Kittery, killed at Monmouth battle June 28, 1778, w Hannah, Eliot, m John Tuttle, then m Timothy Spinney.
Uzziel Withee, Hartland, e Massachusetts.
Zoe Withee, Industry, e Haverhill, Mass.
Robert Withington, e Wrentham, Mass., d Monmouth August 19, 1823, w Abigail, Monmouth, daughter and only heir, Sarah Richardson.
Jesse Wood (alias Atwood), Wilton, e Monson, Mass.
Josiah Wood, Porter, e Dracut, Mass.
Thomas Wood, e Middleborough, Mass., d Hebron September 28, 1824, w Lois, Hebron.
Christopher Woodbridge (captain), e Newcastle, d Newcastle May 19, 1825, w Sarah, Hallowell.
Ephraim Woodman, e Buxton, d Buxton March 23, 1828, w Elizabeth, Buxton.
James Woodward, e Bridgewater, Mass., d Bowdoinham February 12, 1830, w Ruth, Bowdoinham.
Thomas Worster, e Berwick, d Sanford March, 1822, w Susan, Sanford.
John Wright, Bluehill, e Andover, Mass.
Joseph Wright, Raymond, e Wrentham, Mass.
Henry Wyman, Madison, e Petersham, Mass.
Reuben Wyman, Fairfield, e Worcester, Mass.
[p. 50]William Yeulin, Skowhegan, e New Gloucester.
Abraham Young, e Gray, d Gray January, 1829, w Rebecca, Paris, m Washburn.
James Young, e Woolwich or Wiscasset, d at sea 1796, w Abigail, Readfield, m Elliot.
John Young, e York, d York 1798, w Hannah, York.
Joseph Young, e Wells, w Martha, Kennebunk.
Nathaniel Young, Greenwood, e Gray.
There was more or less special legislation under all these resolves, but only two names appear therein which are not found on the files of the Land Office, viz:
February 24, 1838, Levi Chadbourn of Parsonsfield was granted $50.
March 8, 1838, W. Thomes was granted $50.
These two soldiers probably made applications to the Land Office, and had their papers taken off the files to go before a legislative committee. There is no book record to be found of the applicants for money, and several numbered papers are missing.