Source: Maine Historical Magazine, vol. 9 (Bangor, Me.: J. W. Porter, 1895).
[p. 166]A RECORD OF PUBLISHMENTS AND MARRIAGES IN THE TOWN OF PROSPECT, 1789 TO 1832.Those records were contained in a small quarto volume 7½ inches long by 6 inches wide and having 39 and 141 pages. The existence of the book was unknown or forgotten until a recent search discovered it at the bottom of an old chest.
Prospect was formerly a part of the plantation of Frankfort. It was incorporated as a town February 24, 1794, and then comprised its present territory and the territory of Stockton Springs, and what is now Searsport as far west as Half-way Creek, which then formed the dividing line between Frankfort and Belfast.(From pages 1-39.)May ye 1789. Benjamin Rooks of No. 2 Plantation and Hannah Hilton.
MARRIED.By Benjamin Shute, Esqr.
July ye 8th, 1789. Joseph Viles and Sarah Hancock, of Plantation No. 2.By Benjamin Shute, Esqr.
July ye 16. John Clifford and Elizabeth Clewly of Frankfort.By Benjamin Shute, Esqr.
Nov'r ye 4th. John Dwelly and Deborah Ellis, of Frankfort.By Benjamin Shute, Esqr.
Decmr. ye 10th. Nathan Griffin and Elizabeth Treat of Frankfort.By Benjamin Shute, Esqr.
July 23d. Henry Black of Frankfort and Ann Brown of Belfast.By Benjamin Shute, Esqr.
Dec. ye 16th, 1789. Ebenezer Harden to Hannah Bakeman, of Penobscot.By Benjamin Shute, Esqr.
Feb'r 4th, 1790. Eliphalet Perkins and Susanna Walker of Orphan Island.By Benjamin Shute, Esqr.
No. 2 Plantation, April the 19th, 1790. This may certify that Mr. John Grose and Mrs. Katherine Grose, both of No. 2 Plantation have been Lawfully Published for marriage and objection has been offered.Samuel Keys, Town Clark.
May ye 27th, 1790. This day the above named John Grose and Katherine Grose ware married byBenjamin Shute, Justice of peace.
Penobscot river No. 1 township. 8th June, 1790. This may Certify that Mr. Silvanus Carr and Mrs. Rachel Snow both of this town have Been Lawfully Published.Jon'a Buck Ju'r, T. Clark.[p. 167]June 14th 1790 this day the above named Silvanus Carr and Rachel Snow ware marriedBenjamin Shute Justice of peace.
Frankfort Mar. 26th 1790 this is to Certify that Mr. Isaac Clark and Mrs. Sussanna Downs both of this Town are Lawfully Published and Now Stand Bound for marriage.Ephraim Grant, Clerk.
June 16th 1790 this day the above named Isaac Clark and Susanna Down ware married by me.Benjamin Shute, Justice of peace.
No 2 June the 29th 1790 this may Certify that the purposes of marriage Between Mr. Jesse Davis and Mrs. Sally Lawrence both of No 2 Township have been Lawfully Published and No Objection has Ever Been Offered.Samuel Keys, town Clark.
July 1st 1790 this day the above named Jesse Davis and Sally Lawrence ware married byBenjamin Shute Justice of peace.
Frankfort April 24th 1790 this is to Certify that Mr. Grant Winworth and Mrs. Lucca Woodman Both of this town are Lawfully Published and Now Stand Bound for marriage.Ephraim Grant Clark
July 11th 1790 this day the above named Grant Winworth and Lucca Woodman ware married byBenjamin Shute Justice of Peace
Isleborough July 24th 1790 this may Certify that Mr. Robert Combes and Lucy Thomas Both of this Town are Lawfully Entered and Published.Fields Combes, Town Clark.
July 27th 1790 this day the above named Robert Combes and Lucy Thomas ware married byBenjamin Shute, Justice of peace.
Frankfort Sept the 24th 1790 this may Certify that the intention of marriage between Mr. Obediah Tibbetts of Frankfort and Mrs. Jerusha Boyenton of No. 2 have been Entered with me and Published as the Law directs and No Objection has been ofered.Benjamin Shute Town Clark.
October 15th 1790 This day the above named Obediah Tibbetts and Jerusha Boyenton ware married byBenjamin Shute Justice of the peace.
Penobscot river No. 1 Township 27th April 1790 this may Certify that Mr. James Colson and Mrs. Sally Lowel Both of this place have been Lawfully Published.Jon'a Buck Town Clark
Sept the 10th 1790 this day the above named James Colson and Sally Lowell ware married byBenjamin Shute Justice of peace
Belfast the 15th Nov'r 1790 this may Certify that Mr Caleb Stephenson and Mrs Jenney Brown have been Published according to Costom PrSamuel Houston Town Clark
Nov'r the 18th 1790 this day the above named Caleb Stephenson and Jenney Brown ware married byBenjamin Shute Justice of peace
No 2, dec'r 1st 1790 these may Certify that the Purpose of marriage Between Mr Joshua Grose and Mrs. Mary Rookex of No. 2 plantation have been Lawfully Published and no objection has ever been offeredSamuel Keys. T. Clark.[p. 168]Dec the 2d 1790 this day the above named Joshua Grose and Mary Rookex ware married byBenjamin Shute Justice of peace
Frankfort Nov the 25th 1790 this may Certify that the intention of Marriage between Mr Andrew Grant and Mrs. Zebeah Walker both of this town have been entered with me and Published as the Law directs and no objections have been offeredBenjamin Shute town clark
Dec 26th 1790 this day the above named Andrew Grant and Zibeah Walker were married byBenjamin Shute Justice of the peace
Frankfort July 1st 1791 this may Certify that the intention of marriage between Mr John Black and Miss Rebeckah Stimpson both of this town have been entered with me and published as the Law Directs and no objection has been offeredBenjamin Shute Town clark
July 12th 1791 this day the above named John Black and Rebeckah Stimpson were married byBenjamin Shute justice of the peace
Frankfort July 12th 1791 this may Certify that the intention of marriage between Mr Jacob Eustice and Miss Phebe Pierce both of this town have been entered with me and Published as the Law directs and no objection has been offeredBenjamin Shute town clark
July 21st 1791 this day the above named Jacob Eustice and Phebe Pierce were married byBenjamin Shute Justice of the peace
Frankfort July 16th 1791 this may Certify that the intention of marriage between Mr Isaac Hopkins and Mrs Rhoda Rawlings both of this town have been Entered with me and Published as the Law directs and no objection has been oferedBenjamin Shute town clark
July 24th 1791 this day Mr Isaac Hopkins and Mrs Rhoda Rawlings were married byBenjamin Shute Justice of peace
Frankfort May 31st 1791 this may Certify that the intention of marriage between Mr Samuel Young and Miss Mary Clewly both of this town have been entered with me and Published as the Law directs and no objection has been oferedBenjamin Shute town Clark
July 28th 1791 this day the above named Samuel Young and Mary Clewly were married byBenjamin Shute justice of peace
Frankfort Decem'r 6th 1791 this may Certify that the intention of marriage Between Mr Miles Staples Jun'r and Miss Jenny Nickerson Both of this town have been entered with me and published as the Law directs and no objection has been oferedBenjamin Shute town Clark
Decem'r 19th 1791 this day the above named Miles Staples Jun'r and Jenney Nickerson were married byBenjamin Shute Justice of peace
No one township 8th dec 1791 this may Certify Mr William Russell and Miss Susanna Herriman of No. 1 Township have been lawfully publishedJon'a Buck town Clark
Decem'r 21st 1791 this day the within named William Russell and Susanna Herriman ware married byBenjamin Shute Justice of peace[p. 169]Frankfort August 18th 1791 this may Certify that the intention of marriage between Mr Richard Mitchel and Mrs Phebe Cole both of this town have been entered with me and published as the Law directsBenj'a Shute town Clark
August 22d 1791 this day the above named Richard Mitchell and Phebe Cole were married by meBenjamin Shute justice of peace
Frankfort August the 15th 1791 this may Certify that the intention of marriage between Mr Jonathan Gillpatrick and Miss Prudence Hancock both of No. two have been Entered with me and published and no objection has been oferedBenja Shute town Clark
August the 15th 1791 this day the above named Jonathan Gillpatrick and Prudence Hancock ware married by meBenjamin Shute Justice of peace
Frankfort Dec 19th 1791 this may Certify that the intention of marriage between Mr Joshua Winworth and Miss Bettsy Woodman both of this town have been entered with me and published as the Law directs and no objection has been oferedBenjamin Shute town clark
Dec 25th 1791 this day the above named Joshua Winworth and Bettsy Woodman ware married by meBenjamin Shute justice of peace
Frankfort October the 18th 1791 this may certify that the intention of marriage between Mr Paul Tibbets and Mrs Lois Boynton Both of this town have been Entered with me and published as the Law directs and no objection has been oferedBenjamin Shute town clark
Frankfort April the 12th 1791 [sic] this may certify that the intention of marriage between Mr William James Treat and Miss Huldah Stimpson both of this town have been entered with me and published as the Law directs and no objections has been oferedBenjamin Shute town clark
April 24th 1792 [sic] this day the above named William James Treat and Hulday Stimpson ware married by meBenjamin Shute justice of the peace
Plantation No 2 Aug't 14 1792 this may certify that Mr John Simson Jur [bride's name not given] hath been published in said plantation according to Lawattest Jacob Sharbourne Clark
August 19 1792 this day the above named John Stimpson Ju'n and Ruth Snow ware married by meBenj'a Shute justice of the peace
Belfast August ye 20th 1792 this may certify that Mr William Huston and Miss Peggy Brown was Lawfully Published for the purpose of marriage byElx'r Clark town clark
Sept 6th 1792 this day the above named William Huston and Peggy Brown Ware married by meBenja Shute justice of peace
Belfast Septem'r 24th 1792 This may certify that Mr Robert Patterson Jun'r and Miss Jean Tufts was Lawfully Published for the purpose of marriage byAlexr. Clark town Clark[p. 170]Novem'r 13th 1792 this day the above named Robert Patterson Jun'r and Jean Tufts were married by meBenjamin Shute justice of peace
Belfast October the 6th 1792 This may Certify that Mr William Cutting and Miss Abigail Crooks both of this town was Lawfully Published for the Purpose of marriage byAlex. R. Clark town clark
Dec the 4th 1792 this day the above named William Cutting and Abigail Crooks ware married byBenjamin Shute justice of peace
Frankfort Dec 1st 1792 this may Certify that Mr Nathaniel Clifford and Miss Elizabeth Black both of this town was Lawfully Published for the Purpose of marriage byBenja Shute town Clark
Decem'r 13th 1792 this day the above named Nathaniel Clifford and Elizabeth Black ware married byBenjamin Shute justice of peace
Frankfort Nov the 5th 1792 This may Certify that the intention of marriage between Mr Richard Stimson Jr and Miss Anne Ellis of this town have been Entered with me and Published as the Law directs and no objection has been oferedBenja Shute town clark
Novem'r 6th 1792 this day the above named Richard Stimson and Anne Ellis ware married byBenjamin Shute Justice of peace
Frankfort March 8th 1793 this may Certify that Mr Samuel Grant [sic] and Miss Abigail Blasdell Both of this town have Been Entered with me and published as the Law directs and no objection has been offeredBenjamin Shute town clark
March 17th 1793 this day the above named Samuel Clark [sic] and Abagail Blasdell ware married by meBenjamin Shute justice of peace
August the 3d 1793 This may Certify that the intention of marriage between Mr Thomas Smith and Miss Catherine Staples both of this town have been published as the Law directsBenja Shute town clark
August the 4th 1793 this day the above named Thomas Smith and Catherine Staples ware married by meBenja Shute justice of peace
December 6th 1793 Frankfort This may Certify that the intention of marriage Between Mr Joshua Treat and Mrs Polly Lankster have been Entered with me and Published as the Law DirectsBenja Shute town clark
December 25th 1793 this day the above named Joshua Treat and Polly Lankster were married by meBenjamin Shute Justice of the peace
Belfast December ye 30th 1793 This may certify that Mr James Black of Frankfort and Miss Rebecca Brown of this town has been Lawfully published for the purpose of marriage byAlex. Clarc town clerk
December ye 31st 1793 then the above named James Black and Rebecca Brown ware married by meBenjamin Shute justice of peace[p. 171]Belfast December 20th 1793 this may certify that Mr Jonathan White and Miss Jenney Patterson of this town has been Lawfully Published for the purpose of Mariage byAlex. Clark town Clerk
Decem'r 31st 1793 then the above named Jonathan White and Jenney Patterson ware maried by meBenja Shute justice of peace
Frankfort August ye 1st 1793 this may certify that the intention of mariage between Mr Aaron Walker and Miss Bettsy Noles Both of this town have been Entered with me and Published as the Law Directs.Benja Shute town Clark
Septem'r 12th 1793 then the above named Aaron Walker and Bettsy Noles ware married by the Rev. N't Mr. Seth Noble.
(Feb. 24, 1794 Prospect Incorporated.)
Prospect April the 5 1794 this may Certify that the intention of marriage between Mr Jeremiah Sweetser and Miss Catherine Pierce Both of this town have been Entered with me and published as the Law directsBenja Shute town clerk
December 25th 1794 then the above named Jeremiah Sweetser and Catherine Pierce ware married By meBenj Shute justice of peace
Prospect May 11, 1794 this may Certify that Mr Joseph P Martin and Miss Lucy Clewly has been Legally published Both of this Town byJoseph Crary town clerk
May the 22 1794 this Day the above Named Joseph P Martin and Lucy Clewly ware married by meBenja Shute justice of the peace
Belfast October the 6 1794 this may Certify that Mr Daniel Nickels Marriner and Miss Nancy Harley, Both of this Town have been Lawfully published for the purpose of marriageAlex'r Clark Town clerk
Belfast Nov 11th 1794 this day the above named Daniel Nickels and Nancy Harley ware married by meBenj Shute. Justice of the peace
Belfast October the 6th 1794 this may Certify that C'pt Ephraim McFarland Marriner of Boothbay and Miss Elizabath Mitchell of this town has been Lawfully Published for the purpose of marriage byAlex'r Clark town Clerk
November Belfast the 20th 1794 this Day the above named Ephraim McFarland and Elizabeth Mitchel ware married By meBenjamin Shute justice of the peace
Islesborough Nov the 10 1794 this may Certify that Cpt Joseph Pendleton and Miss Welthy Thomas Both of this Town is Lawfully Published for the purpose of marriage byFields Coombes Town Clerk
Nov the 16 1794 this Day the above named Joseph Pendleton and Welthy Thomas ware Married By meBenja Shute Justice of the peace.
Prospect January the 8 1795 this may Certify that Mr. Thomas Pendleton and Miss Luciuda [sic] Carver both of this Town ware Leagley published for the purpose of marriageJoseph Crary town Clerk[p. 172]January the 8th 1795 this Day the above named Thomas Pendleton and Lucinda Carver ware married By meBenja Shute Justice of the peace
Prospect Jan the 28th 1795 this may Certify that Mr Ebenezer Griffing and Miss Lydia Pendleton ware Leagley Published for purpes of marriage Both of this townJoseph Crary town clerk
January the 28th 1795 this Day the above named Ebenezer Griffing and Lydia Pendleton ware married by meBenja Shute justice of the peace
Prospect Novem'r the 9 1795 this may Certify that Mr Joseph Clewley and Miss Jenney Dickey, Both of this town has Been Lawfully published for purpos of marriageZetham French town Clerk
Novem'r the 29 1795 this Day the above named Joseph Clewly and Jenney Dickey ware married By meJoshua Hall Elder in the Methodist Ep'l Church Massachusetts
Prospect May 12th 1796 this may Certify that the Intention of marriage Between Mr Reuben Nickerson Juner and Miss Sloma Eldred Both of this town have Been Entered with me and published as the Law DirectsZetham French town Clerk
June 27 1796 this day the above named Reuben Nickerson Juner and Sloma Eldred ware marride By meBenjamin Shute Justice of the Peace
Prospect July 11th 1796 this may Certify that Mr Edward Brown and Miss Nabay Tower Both of this town have been Lawfully published for the purpos of marrageZetham French town clerk
July 14 1796 this Day then the within named Edward Brown and Nabay Tower ware married By meBenjamin Shute Justice of the peace
Prospect September 15 1796 this may Certify that Mr Jonathan Dowe and Miss Polly Black Both of this town have been Lawfully published for the purpose of marrageZetham French town clerk
September 15 1796 this Day the above named Jonathan Dowe and Polly Black ware marriade By meBenjamin Shute Justice of the peas
Prospect September 19 1796 this may Certify that Mr Alexander Nickels and Miss Prudence Pendleton Both of this town have been Lawfully published for the purpose of marriageZetham French town Clerk
October 2th [sic] 1796 this day the above named Alexander Nickels and Prudence Pendleton ware marriade By meBenjamin Shute justice of the peas
Prospect January 9 1797 this may Certify that Cpt Benjamin Young of Warren and Miss Dinah Nickels of Prospect have been Lawfully published for the purpose of marriageZetham French town Clerk[p. 173]January 9 1797 this Day the above named Benjamin Young and Dinah Nickels ware marriade by meBenjamin Shute Justice of the peas
Prospect 25 January 1797 this may Certify that Mr James Feilds and Miss Jane Black Both of this town have Been Lawfully published for the purpose of marriageZetham French town clerk
January 26, 1797 this Day the above named James Feilds and Jane Black ware marriade Be meBenjamin Shute Justice of the peas
Prospect Novem'r 26 1795 this may Certify that the Intention of marriage between Mr Alexander Commings and Miss Bettsy Cousins Both of this town have Ben Entered with me and published as the Law DirectsZetham French town Clerk
November 26 1795 this Day the above named Alexander Commings and Betsy Cousens ware marriade By meBenjamin Shute Justice of the peas
Prospect April 10 1797 this may Certify that Mr Isaac Carver and Miss Hanah Nickels Both of this town have Been Lawfully published for the purpose of marriageZetham French town Clerk
April 10 1797 this Day the above named Isaac Carver and Hannah Nickels ware marriade By meEbenezer Price minster of the Gospel*
Prospect May 2 1797 this may Certify that Mr Green Pendleton and Miss Nancy Parks Both of this town have Been Lawfully published for the purpose of marriageZetham French town Clerk
May 2 1797 This Day the above named Green Pendleton and Nancy Parks ware marriade By meEbenezer Price Minister of the Gospel
1798 (no date) then Intention of marrage between Mr John Clarke and Miss Mercy Beal both of Prospect were this day Entered with me and published as the Law DirectsJoseph Crary T Clerk
November ye 6 1798 This may Certify that Mr William Cordwell of Boston & Miss Hannah Hitchborn of Prospect have been lawfully Published for the purpose of MarriageJoseph Crary T Clerk
Nov'r ye 6 1798 This day the above Named William Cordwell & Miss Hannah Hitchborn were joined together in Marriage by meEbenezer Price Minister of the Gospel
Prospect December 26th 1797 this May Certify that Mr Andrew Dickey and Miss Betsy Lancester Both of this town have Ben Entered with me published as the Law DirectsZetham French T. Clerk
December the 26th 1797 this Day the above named Andrew Dickey and Betsy Lancaster ware married By meEbenezer price Minister of Gospel*The orthography of all these certificates is entirely that of the recording officer, and not of the clergymen or magistrates who solemnized the marriages.[p. 174]July 1st 1797 this may Certify that Mr John Pierce Jr and Miss Peggy Boyd Both of this town have Been Entered with me and published as the Law directsZetham French town Clerk
Prospect July 4th, 1797 this Day the above named John Pierce Jr and Peggy Boyd ware married by meBenjamin Shute Justice of peace
Prospect July the 3 This may Certify that Mr John Davis and Miss Hannah Abbet of Orphan Island have Been Entered with me & published as the Law DirectsZetham French T. Clerk
July 3 1797 this Day the above named John Davis and Hannah Abbet ware marriade By meBenjamin Shute Justice of the peace
Prospect July 6 1797 this may certify that Mr James Nickels Jr & Miss Nancy Fowler Both of this town have Been Entered with me & published as the Law DirectsZetham French T. Clerk
July 6 1797 this Day the above named James Nickels Jr and Nancy Fowler ware marriade By meBenjamin Shute Justice the peace
Prospect June 27th 1799 this may Certify that Mr Joseph Mathews & Miss Betsy Clifford Both of this town have Been Entered with me & published as the Law DirectsZetham French T. Clerk
June 27th 1799 this Day the above named Joseph Mathews & Betsy Clifford ware marriade By meBenjamin Shute Justice of peace
Return of Marriages solominized Before Simeon Fowler Esqr' from April 1798 to April 1799 "to wit" Mr John Clark and Miss Mary Beals Both of Prospect ware marriade July the 5th 1798 By meSimeon Fowler Justice of the peace
Prospect October 19 : 1799 this may Certify that Mr John Mason of Prospect and Miss Jemina Nickerson of a plantation near Prospect have Been Entered with me and published as the Law DirectsZetham French T. Clerk
October 19 : 1799 this Day the above named John Mason & Jemima Nickerson ware marriade By meEbenezer Price Minister of the Gospel
Prospect Nov'r 16 : 1799 this may Certify that Mr John Grant of Prospect & Miss Phebe Curtis of Frankfort have Been Entered with me & published as the Law directsZetham French T. Clerk
Novem'r 17 1788 [sic] this Day the above named John Grant & Phebe Curtis ware marriad by meBenjamin Shute Justice of the peace
Prospect December 1 : 1796 [sic] this may Certify that Mr Charles Kempton of Frankfort & Miss Lucy Turner of this town have Been Entered with me and published as the Law directsJoseph Crary Town Clerk
December the 1 : 1798 [sic] this Day the above named Kempton & Lucy Turner ware marriad By meBenjamin Shute Justice of peace
Prospect February 27 1800 this may Certify that Mr Isaac Grifin and Miss Olive Benson Both of this town have Been Entered with me & published as the Law DirectsZetham French T. Clerk[p. 189]February 27 1800 this Day the above named Mr Isaac Griffin & Miss Olive Benson ware marriad By meBenjamin Shute Justice of peace
Prospect January 13 : 1801 this may Certify that Mr. John Park Junior & Miss Polly Nickels Both of this town have Been Entered with me & published as the Law DirectsZetham French town Clerk
January 14 1801 this Day the above Named John Park & Polly Nickels ware married By meBenjamin Shute Justice of peace
Prospect November 12th 1801 this may Certify that Mr Winthrop Sargeant and Miss Sarah Clewley Both of this town have Been Entered with me & published as the Law DirectsZetham French town clerck
Prospect December 16 1801 this Day the above Named Winthrop Sargeant and Sarah Clewley ware marriade by meEbenezer Price Minister of the Gospel
Prospect August 23 1801 this may Certify that Mr William Clewley and Miss Jenne Porter both of this town have Been Entered with me and published as the Law DirectsZetham French town clerk
Prospect December the 4 1801 this Day the above Named William Clewley and Jenne Porter ware marriade By meEbenezer Price Minister of the Gospel
Prospect May 18th 1801 this may Certify that the intention of marriag between Mr Peleg Gardner of Castin and Miss Polly Staples of Prospect have Been Entered with me and published as the Law DirectsZetham French town Clerk
Prospect July 6 1801 this day the above named Peleg Gardner and Polly Staples war marriad By meBenjimen Shute Justice of the peace
Prospect August 17th 1801 this may Certify that Mr John Fletcher and Miss Nancy Philips Both of this town have Been Entered with me and published as the Law DirectsZetham French town Clerk
October 15th 1801 this day the above named John Fletcher and Nancy Philips ware marriad by MeBenjamin Shute Justice of the peas
Prospect November 12 : 1801 this may certify that Mr Robert Treat and Miss Mary Ridley both of this town have Been Entered with me and published as the Law DirectsZetham French town clerk
November 12 1801 this Day the above named Robert Treat and Mary Ridley ware marriaed By meBenjamin Shute Justice of the peace[p. 190]Prospect January the 6 : 1802 this may Certify that Mr John Treat and Miss Sally Sweetser Both of this town have Been Entered with me & published as the Law DirectsZetham French Town Clerk
Prospect January the 7 : 1802 this Day the above Named John Treat and Sally Sweetser ware marriade By meBenjamin Shute Justice of peace
Prospect March 17 1802 this may certify that Mr Peter Abbet and Miss Ammey Pumroye Both of Orphan Island have Ben Entered with me and Published as the Law DirectsZetham French town Clerk
March 18 : 1802 this Day the above Named Peter Abbet and Ammey Pomroy ware married By meBenjamin Shute Justice of the peace
Prospect September 18 : 1802 this may Certify that Mr Elisha Grant and Miss Polly Mudget Both of this town have Been Entered with me and published as the Law DirectsZetham French town Clerk
September the 19 : 1802 this Day the above Named Elisha Grant and Polly Mudgett ware marriade By meBenjamin Shute Justice of the peace
Prospect October the 7 : 1802 this may Certify that Mr Jotham Staples 3rd and MIss Hannah Staples Both of this town have Been Entered with me and published as the Law DirectsZetham French town Clerk
October the 7th : 1802 this Day the above Named Jotham Staples 3rd and Hannah Staples ware marriade By meBenjamin Shute Justice of the peace
Prospect January 3 : 1803 this may Certify that Mr John Cordwell and Miss Deborah Hichborn Both of this town have Been Entered with me and published as the Law DirectsZetham French town Clerk
January 3 : 1803 this Day the above Named John Cordwell and Deborah Hichborn ware marriade By meEbenezer Price Minster of the Gospel at Belfast
August 25 1802 this may Certify that Mr Augustus Lanphear and Miss Eunice Colcord Both of this town have Been Entered with me and published as the Law DirectsZetham French town Clerk
August 26 1802 this day the above named Augustes Lanphear and Eunice Colcord ware marriade By meNathiel Kidder Justice of the peace
February 3rd 1803 this may Certify that Mr Charles Fulker and Miss Charity Rogers Both of this town have Been entered with me and published as the Law DirectsZetham French town Clerk
February 3rd 1803 this Day the above named Charles Fulker and Charity Rogers ware marriade By meNathaniel Kidder Justice of the peace
November the 5 : 1803 this may Certify that Mr Ephraim Grant and Miss Polly Stewart Both of Prospect have Been Entered with me and published as the Law DirectsZetham French town Clerk[p. 191]November the 6 1803 this Day the above named Ephraim Grant and Polly Stewart Married By meBenjamin Shute Justice of the peace
Prospect May 22 1804 this may Certify that Mr John Shute and Miss Lydia Lancaster Both of this town have Been Entered with me and published as the Law DirectsZetham French town Clerk
May 22 1804 this Day the above named John Shute and Lydia Lancaster ware marriade By meBenjamin Shute Justice of the peace
Prospect Nov. 26 : 1804 this may Certify that the Intention of marriage Between Cpt Samuel Richards and Miss Peggy Pickare transient people but now are Resident in this town have been Entered with me and published as the Law DirectsZetham French town Clerk
November the 26 : 1804 this day the above named Samuel Richard and Peggy Pickare ware marriade By meBenjamin Shute Justice of the peace
Prospect August the 29 : 1803 this may Certify that Mr Henry C. Fletcher and Miss Nabey Robens Both of this town have Been Entered with me and published as the Law DirectsZetham French town Clerk
August the 29 : 1803 this Day the above named Henry C. Fletcher and Nabey Robens ware marriade By meNathaniel Kidder Justice of the peace
Prospect December the 30 : 1804 this may certify that Mr Ebenezer Berry and Miss Lydia Hayse Both of this town have Been Entered with me and published as the Law DirectsZetham French Town Clerk
December the 30 : 1804 this Day the above named Ebenezer Berry and Lydia Hayes ware marriade By meJohn Whitney Minister of the Gospel ordained at large
Prospect March 29 1805 this may Certify that Mr Benjamin Cole of Prospect and Miss Maria Burnum of Buckstown have Been Entered with me and published as the Law DirectsZetham French town Clerk
March 29 1805 this Day the above named Benjamin Cole and Maria Burnum ware marriade By meMighill Blood Minister of the Gospel at Buckstown
Prospect February 18 1806 this may certify that Mr Joseph Sandborn of Frankfort and Miss Catey Odam of Prospect have Been Entered with me and published as the Law DirectsZetham French town Clerk
January 19 1806 this Day the above named Joseph Sandborn and Catey Odam ware marriade By meJoshua Hall Minister of the Gospel ordained at large[p. 192]Prospect September 27 : 1804 this may Certify that Mr Charles Cole and Miss Mary Brown ware Joined in Marriage on the 27th of September 1807 ByMighill Blood Pastor of the Catholic Church and Congregation in Buckstown their being no settled ordained Minister in said town of Prospect.
Zetham French town Clerk
Prospect July the 6th 1808 this may certify that Mr James Hagan and Miss Lucy Staple Both of this town have Been Entered with me and published as the Law DirectsZetham French town Clerk
July the 6 1808 this Day the above Named James Hagan and Lucy Staple ware married By meJoshua Hall Minister of the Gospel ordained at Large.
December 15 1808 this may certify that Mr Abraham Mudget and Miss Judah Grant Both of this town have Been Entered with me and published as the Law DirectsZetham French town Clerk
December the 15 : 1808 this day the above Named Abraham Mudget and Judah Grant ware mariaed By me.Joshua Hall minister of the Gospel ordained at large
January 25 : 1810 this Day O the subscriber joined together in Holy Wedlock Mr Robert Thompson and Miss Theodoisa Staples of this town of ProspectJoshua Hall minister of the Gospel Ordained at Large
August 10 : 1811 this may certify that Mr James Staples and Miss anne Riddle both of this town have Been Entered with me and published in the town of Prospect as the Law DirectsZetham French town Clerk
August 10 : 1811 this Day the above Named James Staples and Anna Riddle ware married By meJoshua Hall minister of the Gospel ordained at Larg.
February the 18th 1813 this may certify that Mr William P. Mudget and Miss Comfort Marston Both of this town have Been Entered with me and published in the town of Prospect as the Law DirectsZetham French town Clerk
February 18 1813 this Day the above Named William P. Mudgett and Comfort Marston ware Married By meJoshua Hall Minister of the Gospel ordained at Large
July the 20th 1812 this may certify that Mr James Porter of Prospect and Miss Mary Turner of Orland have Been Entered with me and published in the town of Prospect as the Law DirectsZetham French town Clerk
July the 20 1812 this Day the above Named James Porter and Mary Turner ware marriade By meJoseph P. Martin Esqr. Justice of the peace[p. 193]Prospect Novem the 19 : 1812 this may certify that Mr Nathan Lancaster of Prospect and Miss Betsy Medler of Vinal haven have been Entered with me and Published In the town of Prospect as the Law DirectsZetham French town Clerk
Prospect Nover the 19 : 1812 this Day the above Named Nathan Lancaster and Betsy Medler ware marriad By meJoseph P. Martin, Esqr justice of the peace
Prospect May 7 1812 this may certify that Mr Elisha Smith of Buckstown and Miss Polly Colson of Prospect have Been Entered with me and published in the town of Prospect as the Law DirectsZetham French town Clerk
Prospect May 7 1812 this Day the above Named Elisha Smith and Polly Colson ware Marriad by meHenry Black esq Justice of the Peace
Prospect May 14 1812 this may certify that Mr Miles Staples and Miss Pepinah Elles Both of this town have Been Entered with me and published for the town of Prospect as the Law DirectsZetham French town Clerk
May the 15 1812 this Day the above named Miles Staples and Pepinah Elles ware marriad By meHenry Black Justice of the peace
Prospect July 23 1812 this may certify that Mr Jese Webber of Castin and Miss Edey Staples of Prospect have Been Entered with me and published in the town of Prospect as the Law DirectsZetham French town Clerk
July the 23 1812 this Day the above Named Jese Webber and Edey Staples ware marriade By meHenry Black Justice of the Peace
August 20 : 1812 this may certify that Mr John Phenney and Miss Anna Ellis Both of this town have been Entered with me and published in the town of Prospect as the Law DirectsZetham French town Clerk
Prospect August 20 : 1812 this Day the above Named John Phenne and Anna Ellis ware married By meHenry Black Justice of the peace
February 11 1813 this may certify that Mr Nemiah Smart and Miss Sarah Lewis both of Goos pond settlement ware published in the town of Belfast as the Law Directs and marriad By meHenry Black Justice of the peace
Prospect February 28 : 1813 this may certify that Mr George Brown and Miss Elizabeth Amsbey both of Buckstown ware published In the town of Bucksport and marriade By meHenry Black Justice of the peace
Prospect May 13 1813 this may certify that Mr Simeon Lackey and Miss Dolly Staples both of this town have been entered with me and published in the town of Prospect as to Law DirectsZetham French town Clerk
May 13 1813 this day the above named Simeon Lackey and Dolly Staples ware marriade by meHenry Black Justice of the peace[p. 194]Prospect August 19 : 1813 This may certify that Mr Elisha Patterson and Miss Betsey Shute of Prospect have been entered with me and published in the town of Prospect as the law directsZetham French town Clerk
August 19 1813 this Day the above Named Elisha Patterson and Betsey Shute ware mariad By meHenry Black Justis of the peace
Prospect September 19 : 1813 this may certify that Mr Joel French and Miss Jane Black Both of this town have Been Entered with me and published In the town of Prospect as the Law directs
September 19 1813 this day the above named Joel French and Jane Black ware marriade By meHenry Black Justice of the Peace
Prospect May the 15 1813 this may certify that Mr Winthrop Ellis and Miss Eunice Munsey Both of this town have been Entered with me and published In the town of Prospect as the Law DirectsZetham French town Clerk
[no date given] this Day the above Named Winthrop Ellis and Eunice Munsey ware marriade By meJoseph P. Martin Justice of the peace
Prospect Sept'm the 9 1813 this may certify that Mr Simeon Fletcher and Miss Isabel Staples Both of this town have been Entered with me and published In the town of Prospect as the Law DirectsZetham French town Clerk
[no date given] this Day the above Named Simeon Fletcher and Isabel Staples ware marriade By meJoseph P. Martin Justice of the peace
Prospect November the 25 : 1813 this may certify that Mr James Rendel 2d. and Miss Lydia Staples Both of this town have Been Entered with me and published In the town of Prospect as the Law DirectsZetham French town Clerk
[no date given] this day the above named James Rendel 2d and Lydia Staples ware Marriade By meJoseph P. Martin Justice of the peace
Prospect December the 2 : 1813 this may certify that Mr Thomas Runnels and Miss Elizabeth Young both of this town have Been Entered with me and published In the town of Prospect as the Law DirectsZetham French town Clerk
[no date given] This Day the above Named Thomas Runnels and Elizabeth Young ware marriade By meJoseph P. Martin Justice of the peace
Prospect October the 14 1813 this May certify that Mr James Staples 2d and Miss Jane Clefford Both of this town have Been Entered with me and published In the town of Prospect as the Law DirectsZetham French town Clerk
[no date given] this day the above named James Staples 2d and Jane Clefford ware Marriade By MeHenry Black Justice of the peace
Prospect December the 21 : 1813 this May certify that Mr Daniel H. Harriman and Miss Polly Partridge Both of this town Have Been Entered with me and published in the town of Prospect as the Law DirectsZetham French town Clerk
[no date given] this day the above Named Daniel H. Harriman and Polly Partridge ware marriade By meHenry Black justice of the peace[p. 195]Prospect January the 2 : 1814 this may certify that Mr John Black and Miss Mary Riddel Both of this town have been Entered with me and published in the town of Prospect as the Law DirectsZetham French town Clerk
[no date given] this day the above Named John Black and Mary Riddel ware Marriade by meHenry Black Justice of the peace
Prospect February the 3 : 1814 this may certify that Mr James Witherington and Miss Martha Sweetzer Both of this town have Been Entered with me and published In the town of Prospect as the Law DirectsZetham French town Clerk
[no date given] this Day the above Named James Witherington and Martha Sweetzer ware Marriad By meHenry Black Justice of the peace
Prospect May the 29th 1814 this May certify that Mr Smith Hopkins and Miss Susannah Dwelley Both of this town have been Entered with me and published In the town of Prospect as the Law DirectsZetham French town Clerk
[no date given] this Day the above named Smith Hopkins and Susannah Dwelley ware Marriade By meHenry Black justice of the peace
Prospect November the 3 : 1814 this May certify that Mr Samuel Grant and Miss Betsey Staples Both of this town have been Entered with me and published In the town of Prospect as the Law DirectsZetham French town Clerk
[no date given] this Day the above named Samuel Grant and Betsey Staples ware marriade By meHenry Black justice of the peace
Prospect April 5 1814 this May certify that Mr Peter Musheree and Miss Abagail Berry both of this town have Been Entered with me and published In the town of Prospect as the Law DirectsZetham French town Clerk
[no date given] this Day the above named Peter Musheree and Abagail Berry ware Marriade By meEbenezer Williams Justice of the peace
December 22 : 1814 Prospect this may certify that Mr Robert Paterson of Belfast and Miss Polly Shute of Prospect have been Entered with me and published In the town of Prospect as the Law DirectsZetham French town Clerk
[no date given] this Day the above named Robert Paterson and Polley Shute ware Marriade By meHenry Black justice of the peace
[no date given] this may certify that Mr Samuel Stowers 2d of Prospect and Miss Experene Borden of Salem have been entered with me and Published In the town of Prospect as the Law DirectsZetham French town Clerk
Prospect March the 12 1815 this Day the above named Samuel Stowers 2d and Experene Boden [sic] ware Married By meHenry Black justice of the Peace
[no date given] this may certify that Mr Josiah Grant of Penobscot and Miss Elizabeth Staples of Prospect have been Entered with me and Published In the town of Prospect as the Law DirectsZetham French town Clerk[p. 196]Prospect April 30th 1815 this Day the above Named Josiah Grant and Elizabeth Staple ware Marriad By meJoseph P. Martin Justice of the peace
[no date given] this may certify that Mr. Stephen George and Miss Rebecca Colson Both of this town have been Entered with me and Published In the town of Prospect as the Law DirectsZetham French town Clerk
Prospect August the 24 1815 this Day the above Named Stephen George and Rebecca Colson ware marriade By meThomas Merrill Preacher of the Gospel and Pastor of the Baptist Church Society In Prospect and Swan Plantation
[no date given] this may certify that Mr Asa Carter and Miss Jemima Ellis Both of this town have Been Entered with me and published In the town of Prospect as the Law DirectsZetham French town clerk
Prospect November the 5 1815 this Day the above Named Asa Carter and Jemima Ellis ware Married By meJoseph P. Martin Justice of the peace
[no date given] this may certify that Mr Joseph Ewell and Miss Rutha Fowler both of this town have Been Entered with me and published in the Town of Prospect as the Law DirectsZetham French town clerk
Prospect June the 6 1815 this Day the above named Joseph Ewell and Ruth Fowler ware Marriade By meThomas Merrill Pastor of the First Baptist Society in Prospect and Swan's Plantation.
[no date given] this may certify that Mr Simeon Pendleton of Islesborough and Miss Polly Fowler of Prospect have Been Entered with me and published In the town of Prospect as the Law DirectsZetham French town clerk
Prospect December 26 1816 this Day the above Named Simeon Pendleton and Polly Fowler ware Marriade By meThomas Merrill Pastor of the First Baptist Society in Prospect and Swan's Plantation.
[no date given] this may certify that Mr Isaac Closson of Deer Isle and Miss Polly Randell of Prospect have Been Entered with me and published In the Town of Prospect as the Law DirectsZetham French town clerk
Prospect March 11 1817 this may certify that Mr David Colcord Jr and Miss Rebecca Harriman Both of this town have Been Entered with me and published In the town of Prospect as the Law directsZetham French town clerk
Prospect January 4 1818 this Day the above named David Colcord Jr and Rebecca Harriman ware marriade By meEbenezer Williams Justice of the peace.
[no date given] this may Certify that Mr Luther Pendleton of Islesboro and Miss Nancy Nickels of Prospect have Been Entered with me and published In the town of Prospect as the Law directsZetham French town clerk[p. 197]Prospect February 8th 1818 this Day the above Named Luther Pendleton and Nancy Nickels ware marriade By meEbenezer Williams Justice of the peace
July 22d 1807 this Day Mr Thomas Crockett and Miss Rebecca Berry both of Prospect, were joined in wedlock by Rev'd Mr Mighill Blood Pastor of the Congregational Society in Buckstown.
[The foregoing comprises a record of publishments and marriages contained on pages 1 to 39 inclusive, of the record book first mentioned.]