Source: Everett S. Stackpole, Old Kittery and Her Families (Lewiston, Me.: Press of the Lewiston Journal, 1903).
[p. 153]A tax list delivered to Jonathan Hammond in 1751 gives the following names of persons residing from Great Cove to Sturgeon Creek. They have here been arranged alphabetically for more convenient reference.
John Allen, John Allen, Jr., John Brawn, Daniel Brown, Joshua Brooks, John Cole, John Crocker, Abraham Cross, Roger Deering, Ebenezer Dennett, Jr., Peter Dixon, Michael Devaughn (called Michael Vaughan in a subequent list), Joseph Field, Stephen Field, Stephen Field, Jr., Abraham Fernald, Dennis Fernald, Joseph Fernald, Moses Fernald, Thomas Fernald, William Fernald, James Fogg, Parker Foster, John Frye, Andrew Green, Aaron Hanscom, Daniel Hanscom, James Hanscom, John Hanscom, Moses Hanscom, Thomas Hanscom, Thomas Hanscom, Jr., Timothy Hanscom, Samuel Hanscom, Uriah Hanscom, Joseph Hill, Samuel Hill, Jr., John Hickey, Joseph Hammond, Esq., Joseph Hammond, Jr., John Hammond, George Hammond, Daniel Knight, Gideon Knight, Thomas Knight, Edward Kennard, Michael Kennard, Samuel Kennard, Michael Kennard, Jr., Richard King, John Leighton, William Leighton, Ephraim[p. 154]Libby, Matthew Libby, Samuel Libby, Solomon Libby, Daniel Lydstone, Robey Lydston, Waymouth Lydston, Benjamin March, Samuel Moore, Amos Paul, Stephen Paul, John Peters, Enoch Remick, John Remick,
Joshua Remick, Nathaniel Remick, Isaac Remick, William Remick, George Rogers, John Rogers, Nathaniel Rogers, Widow Abigail Spinney, John Spinney, Nathaniel Spinney, Thomas Spinney, William Spinney, John Skriggens, Paul Skriggens, Miles Staple, Nathaniel Staple, Hezekiah Staple, Hezekiah Staple, Jr., James Staple, Joseph Staple, Joseph Staple, Jr., Joshua Staple, Capt. Peter Staple, Peter Staple, Jr., Solomon Staple, William Staple, William Staple, Jr., Mark Staple, John Seavey, Capt. John Shapleigh, Madam Martha Shapleigh and sons, Alexander Shapleigh, Humphrey Scammon, William Stacey, John Tetherly, Widow Mercy Tetherly, William Tetherly, William Tetherly, Jr., Widow Eliza Thompson, John Tobey, Stephen Tobey, Thomas Wittum, Edmund Welch, Samuel Welch, and Downing Woodman.
The tax list of 1756 for the same district adds the following names. David Boyce, John Deering, Edmund Coffin, John Foster, John Gowell, Jonathan Hammond, Jacob Garland, Widow Susanna Knight, Widow Martha Libby and son Reuben, Ephraim Libby, Jr., William Mallaley, Jonathan Moore, Edward Preble, John Pettegrow, Samuel Pettegrow, Timothy Richardson, Ichabod Remick, Tobias Shapleigh, Constable, Noah Staple, Robert Tripe and Thomas Tripe.
The list of 1758 adds the following names. James Fogg, Jr., Samuel Hanscom, Jr., Isaac Hill, Widow Sarah Lydston, Widow Hannah King, Ebenezer son of George Hammond, Jonathan Moore, Widow Patience Moore, Jeremiah Paul, Joseph Paul, Isaac Reed, Isaac Reed, Jr., Joseph Remick, John Spinney, Jr., Edmund Spinney, David Staple, Robert Staple, Solomon Staple, Jr., Ephraim Tobey, Jr., John Tobey, Jr., Samuel Tobey, Daniel Toward, John Scriggins, Jr., and Robert Young.
Among the papers left by Hon. Mark Dennett is a "Rate or Tax made on Tools and Estates Rateable in the Middle Parish in Kittery for paying ye minister's Salary and Other Parish Charges arising within the same at four Shillings on Each Tool and Two Pence on ye Pound for Estates." It is dated 30 Sept. 1763. The sum total of the tax was sixty-five pounds, seventeen[p. 155]shillings and eight pence. the names of the taxpayers are here arranged alphabetically.
John Adams, John Adams, Jr., John Alles (Ellis?), Henry Benson, Henry Benson, Jr., Richard Carter, Abner Cole, Ezra Cole, Robert Cole, Timothy Cole, Joseph Curtis, Widow Anne Cottel, Edward Cutt, Esq., Robert Cutt, Dr. Thomas Cutt and son Thomas, John Dennett and son William, John Dennett, 3d, Nathaniel Dennet, Dr. Benjamin Fernald for the Estate of James Fernald deceased, Arkles (Hercules?) Fernald, Dennis Fernald, Ebenezer Fernald, Elijah Fernald, John Fernald, 3d, James Fernald and son John, Widow Mary Fernald, Nathaniel Fernald and son Timothy, Nathaniel Fernald's Estate, Tobias Fernald, William Fernald, Jr., Benjamin Fitts, Samuel Fitts, Elijah Green, John Godsoe, Capt. John Gowell, John Gowell, Richard Gowell, Benjamin Hammons, Edmund Hammons, Joel Haley, Josiah Haley, John Haley, Pelatiah Haley, Samuel Haley, Moses Hanscom, Timothy Hanscom, Benjamin Hutchins, Enoch Hutchins, John Hutchins, Thomas Hutchins, Capt. Richard Keating, Ephraim Keen, Isaac Keen, John Keen, Joseph Keen, Simeon Keen, James Johnson, Widow Elizabeth Johnson, Benjamin Jenkins, Andrew Lewis, Peter Lewis, Jr., Thomas Lewis and son Thomas, Ebenezer Leach, Joseph Manson, Samuel Manson, John Marr, David Mendum of Portsmouth, John Mendum, Joshua Mendum, Widow Rachel Mendum, Robert Moore, James Pickernail, Samuel Pickernail, Dr. Daniel Pierce, John Peters, Widow Mary Pettegrow and son William, John Pokesfield, Richard Pope and son David, John Rogers, Thomas Rogers, William Rogers, Benjamin Remick, Samuel Rice, Hezekiah Staple, Ebenezer Spinney, Jonathan Spinney, Mark Spinney, Nicholas Spinney, Mark Shepard, Mehetabel Shepard, John Shapleigh, Jr., Charles Smith, William Smith, John Tapley, Daniel Toward, Capt. John Wentmouth, Capt. William Wentworth, John Waymouth, Benjamin Wilson, Joseph Wilson, Benjamin Wittum, Joseph Weeks and son Samuel, Nicholas Weeks, Jr., Widow Judah (Judith?) Wilson, William Wilson and William Wilson, Jr.
Of the names found on the foregoing tax list the following are omitted in 1765: Henry Benson, Jr., Widow Anne Cottel, Capt. John Gowell, Ebenezer Fernald, Benjamin Fitts, Pelatiah Haley, Moses Hanscom, Ephraim Keen, Andrew Lewis, William[p. 156]Smith, Mary Spinney, Widow Mary Pettegrow, Daniel Toward, John Weymouth and Benjamin Wittum.
The following are added in 1765: Joseph Adams, John Allen, Jr., Zaccheus Beal, John Cole, Abraham Crocker, Thomas Cutt, Jr., John Dennet, Jr., Nathaniel Fernald, 3d, John Godsoe, Jr., William Haley, Thomas Jackson, Dennis Jenkins, Samuel Manson, Jr., Wiliam Mendum, William Pickernail, Edmund Wilson, and Gowen Wilson.
The following names are omitted in the tax list of 1767: Dr. Benjamin Fernald, Dennis Fernald, Elijah Green, Enoch Hutchings, Widow Elizabeth Johnson, Samuel Manson, John Pokesfield, John Rogers, John Peters, Charles Smith, William Smith, Mehitabel Shepard, Mark Spinney, Hezekiah Staple, John Tapley, John Weymouth and Edmund Wilson.
The following names are added in the tax list of 1767: Joseph Adams, Thomas Adams, Broadstreet Chase, Thomas Clark, Mark Dennet, Widow Jane Fernald, Benjamin Fernald, Jr., Nathaniel Fernald, 3d, Tobias Fernald, Jr., Joel Fernald, Ephraim Fitts, Widow Elizabeth Hutchins, Stephen Hutchins, Enoch Hutchings, Edmund Ingraham, John James, Ichabod Jenkins, Benjamin Jenkins, Josiah Jenkins, Samuel Johnson, Thomas Hutchins Lewis, Samuel Manson, Jr., Andrew Peters, Thomas Pettegrew, William Pickernail, John Rogers, Richard Rogers, Nicholas Spinney, Samuel Staples, Amos Wittum, Abner Wittum.